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Honoring the memory of deceased veterans
Harve Sturm, Commander JWV Post #202
Martin Cohn, Vice Commander JWV Post #202
The Post has been minimally active during the hot summer months.
We have continued to participate with the Veterans of Foreign Wars as part of its Ceremonial Honor Guard to honor the memory of each deceased veteran’s service to the United States. The Honor Guard recently received recognition and the distinction of First Place in honor guard service across the United States.
Nov. 11 is Veterans Day. There will be recognition ceremonies throughout Collier County. Our Post will be participating as will many of the local veterans groups.
Become a member
We stand for equality and diversity, no matter race, gender, age or religion. It is our duty to advocate for our members and veterans. We owe this to every man and woman who dedicated their lives to defending our great nation.
We welcome those who have served in the U.S. military, combat not required. Nonveterans and friends who are patriotic and dedicated to our values are invited to join us as guests and patron members. Contact us at jwvpost202@ gmail.com or 239-261-3270 (Harve Sturm, Commander).