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Celebrate a decade of MCA events this season
By Jeff Margolis
If you are just returning to the Greater Naples area, welcome back. If you are new to the area, welcome. While many MCA activities have continued throughout the summer months, the fall brings a resurgence of activities and events as we approach what is known as “season” here in Naples.
The following events will be presented in Zoom format with the hope that we will be able to return to inperson programming in the near future. Members can register for these events by going to our website, www.mca naples.org, or by scanning this QR code.

On Monday, Oct. 10 at 10 a.m., the Israel Discussion Group will hold its monthly get-together. Led by Harvey Cohen and Colin Lewis, the group examines current events and issues in Israel.
Jim Sernovitz continues his globetrotting adventures on Tuesday, Oct. 11 at 2:30 p.m. with a visit to Bhutan and Sri Lanka. Tour the happiest country in the world, high in the Himalayas, as well as the tropical jungles and beaches of Sri Lanka. Please note, you only have to register once for all of these travelogues. Members will receive reminder emails along with the Zoom link prior to the event.
The MCA Book Discussion group will review “Hearts Touched by Fire: How Great Leaders are Made” by David Gergen on Thursday, October 13 at 2:30 p.m.. A former White House insider to four U.S. presidents, Gergen uncovers the qualities of effective leadership. For more information, contact group leader Stan Farb at stan4mignon@ earthlink.net.
The MCA Current Issues Discussion Group will meet on Thursday, Oct. 20 at 1 p.m. All are welcome to join. For more information, contact discussion group leader Ron Mutchnik at mutchtennis@comcast.net.
Outdoor activities, including kayaking, biking, birding, pickleball and bocce, are also continuing as we enter season. Please look on the MCA website for contact information needed to sign up for these programs.
Looking ahead
The Brazina Documentary Film Series kicks off its new season with the screening of the film “The Levy’s of Monticello,” on Tuesday, Nov. 1 at Temple Shalom in Naples. This film, produced by Menemsha Films, shares the little-known story of the Levy family, who purchased and carefully preserved Thomas Jefferson’s estate for nearly a century. Reservations are required. The documentary film series has been named in memory of its founder and chair, the late Steve Brazina.
MCA’s season kickoff luncheon will take place on Thursday, Nov. 10, 11:30 a.m. at Audubon Country Club. Our featured speaker will be fellow MCA member, Mel Zahn, who will present “Why Me, the Incredible story surrounding Zahn’s kidnapping.” Be sure to register for this welcome-back event.
It’s time to renew your MCA membership. MCA dues are $90 per year and include membership in Jewish Federation of Greater Naples. All members of MCA are eligible to participate in any program. It is necessary, however, to register for each program. Many groups and activities are limited with regard to the number of participants in order to allow each member the best possible experience.
MCA actively seeks and welcomes new members, and it encourages their input in organizing new activities and participating in our many exciting programs. For more information about MCA and its activities and programs, please contact MCA president, Michael Sobol, at president@mcanaples.org.