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What a year it will be!

Don’t miss out . . .

By Susan Pittelman, WCA Publicity Coordinator

The leaves on the trees up north are starting to take on hues of bright orange, red and yellow; children have settled into their back-to-school routines; and many of our snowbirds are beginning to think about their return to sunny Southwest Florida.

WCA’s new program year began in September, and the offi cial start of “season” is approaching. WCA has been moving full speed ahead to prepare an activity-packed schedule for its members. What is especially exciting is that this year, most events can be in person!

Each season, members look forward to WCA’s very special, “special events.” We are delighted that, after a two-year hiatus, hardworking volunteers are once again planning events you won’t want to miss. Of course, a woman must be a member of WCA to participate in any of WCA’s activities.

WCA Speaker Series Chair Susan Koeppel planned an outstanding lineup for the 2022-23 season.

Welcome Back Luncheon

First and foremost, is our annual Welcome Back Luncheon, which will take place Nov. 9 at One Arthrex in North Naples. The theme of this year’s luncheon is “Hearts and Flowers,” with a special presentation by Donna McGinnis, President and CEO of the Naples Botanical Garden. WCA members should receive their email invitation near the end of September.

Chanukah Dinner Dance

We are delighted that our very popular and much-missed Chanukah Dinner Dance will happen this year! It will be at The Quarry on Dec. 22.

Cards and games

Our game-loving members can look forward to the return of Couples Canasta Night and the annual Mah Jongg Day, both in January, and our annual Canasta Day in March.

Style Show and Potluck

New this year, is a WCA Style Show on Jan. 16 at Vasari. We are working on scheduling the International Potluck as well as other special events.

Women and Wealth, and more

Our popular Women and Wealth series returns in January. We will be holding New Member coffees, Koffee Klatches, Couples events, art tours and workshops, and much more to look forward to. WCA North and WCA South are planning programs, which are open to all WCA members as well. WCA Younger Division, for women under 60 years of age, also has some exciting events planned.

Day trips

Returning this season are the very popular day trips (by air-conditioned motorcoach). These trips offer an enjoyable way to visit interesting places in Florida and share the experience with friends. WCA will return to the WICK Theater and Costume Museum in Boca Raton in April for the classic, “Damn Yankees.” This trip is always a WCA member favorite. We are scheduling other fun outings as well, including some “local” trips to The Conservancy, Matlacha, the Holocaust Museum, Shy Wolf Sanctuary, the Revs Institute, walking tours of Naples and Ft. Myers, and a ride on the Naples Princess. Watch the weekly WCA newsletter for registration information about these and additional day trips and local outings.

Speaker Series

One of WCA’s signature programs, the Speaker Series, will again provide members with a wide variety of outstanding speakers. Chair Susan Koeppel has done a “yo-woman’s” job of scheduling presenters for this season. While most speakers will be in person on Thursday mornings, some will address us via Zoom. Included in the speaker lineup are several authors, an art historian and an Israeli artist as well as speakers on a variety of topics such as the American Department Store, the Childhoods of Successful Women, WGCU Public Media, a Holocaust Hero, and much more, including a two-part presentation on “Art with a Jewish Heart.” Even with this full complement of speakers, Koeppel is always looking for additional presenters, so please let her know if you have suggestions.

Interest groups

This season, more than 50 WCA interest groups will be meeting, mostly in person, but with a few through Zoom. Whether you are interested in food, reading, games, physical activities (including golf, yoga, biking, walking and pickleball), writing (and our new literary journal, WCA WORDS), films, knitting, languages, or even Couples Social Bridge, there is a group for you! A complete list of interest groups is on our website, wcanaples. org. If you have a particular interest or want to start a new group, let Program Director Elaine Soffer know. WCA continually looks for new groups to offer to our members.

Attending WCA programs and interest groups this year will be even more exciting because, beginning in January, many of our programs will be held in our new home — the Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center. WCA is proud to be a contributor to this important community-wide project. We are all looking forward to moving into our new home, which will have multiple meeting spaces and even a WCA office!

A key to the success of WCA is our wonderful volunteers. Thank you to the WCA Board and to the many other dedicated WCA members who plan programs or serve as liaisons for our interest groups. We couldn’t do it without you!

Thank you to Patti Boochever, Elaine Soffer, Linda Simon and Susan Koeppel for contributing to this article.

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