1 minute read
Yiddish words for the High Holy Days
By Sol Awend, GenShoah SWFL
Pronunciation: en TOY ven
Meaning: The High Holy Days
In a sentence: Vee geist dee off dee Entoyven? (Where are you going for the High Holidays?)
Pronunciation: TZIM ess
Meaning: A carrot and sweet potato dish served for dinner during the High Holy Days
In a sentence: Ich hob zayeh leeb mah mameh’s Tzimess! (I really like my mom’s Tzimess!)
Ah Geh brooteneh kaatchkeh
Pronunciation: Ahh geh BROOten eh kaatch key
Meaning: A roasted duck
Pronunciation: ROZH ink ess
Meaning: Raisins
In a sentence: Off Dee Entoyven Essen mir challah mit Rozhinkess. (On the High Holidays, we eat challah with raisins.)
Pronunciation: RIN idk
Meaning: Round
In a sentence: Fah Voos is deh challah rindik? (Why is the challah round?)