2 minute read
Events open to the community at Temple Shalom
By Jeanette Fischer, Temple Shalom Director of Communications
The following Temple Shalom events are open to everyone.
High Holy Days at Temple Shalom
For the remaining schedule of High Holy Days services, programs and events, please visit our website at www.naplestemple. org. Tickets are required for High Holy Days services. To inquire about purchasing these tickets, please call the Temple Shalom office at 239-455-3030.
Shabbat ShaPlay
Join Rabbi Boxman at 10 a.m. on Oct. 8 for Shabbat ShaPlay! We will meet at a park and enjoy a fun morning of song, dance and play! All families are welcome. Each family will receive a bag with snacks, drinks, musical instruments and a picnic blanket. Please register at https://tinyurl.com/ShaPlay.
Torah Talk
Join this lay-led discussion of the week’s Torah portion every Saturday morning at 8:30 a.m. via Zoom. Please contact the Temple Shalom office at info@naplestemple.org for the Zoom link.
Workforce affordable housing forum
On Wednesday, Oct. 12 at 1:30 p.m., the Tikkun Olam Volunteers of Temple Shalom will present the first of two hybrid Zoom and in-person programs on the issue of affordable workforce housing in Southwest Florida. Please contact info@naplestemple.org for the Zoom link or to RSVP for this program. Part 2 will take place on Wednesday, Nov. 9 at 1:30 p.m.
Jewish yoga
Join yoga teacher, Missy Balsam, via Zoom as she guides you through an all-levels gentle yoga stretch session interwoven with Jewish spiritual teachings. Designed to relieve stress and calm the mind, this class will be practiced lying down and seated on the floor. Open to all, no experience necessary. The cost is $54 for an 8-week session. Mondays at 10:30 a.m. Call the Temple Shalom office to register and receive the Zoom information.