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Family Rosh Hashanah dinner returns … and more
Rabbi Fishel Zaklos
Shul refresh! We have been bustling with activity on our campus as we installed brand-new carpet to enhance the beauty of our sanctuary just in time for the High Holy Days! We also installed new floors to enhance the beauty of our Chabad and preschool building. We continue to enhance and invest in our spaces to ensure that our community can enjoy fresh and updated facilities.
Yom Kippur
The inspiring, soul-stirring and insightful service will include a special children’s program, so feel free to bring your children or grandchildren along for this fun program, which will also include entertainment. To register or fi nd out more information, visit www.chabad naples.com, call 239-262-4474 or e-mail office@chabadnaples.com.
You are invited Oct. 10 and 11 for Sukkot under our beautiful Sukkah with a delicious lunch. Services at 10 a.m., Torah reading at 11 a.m. and lunch at noon. We will have a lulav and etrog for anyone who would like to swing by. Finally, we will once again have our mobile Sukkah that will be driving around town … watch for it!
Simchat Torah
Our popular Simchat Torah party with songs, dance, the Torah and delicious dinner will be at 7 p.m. Oct. 17.
Adult education
We have a fascinating 6-week course starting in November called Defining the Divine “My G-d.” Nothing is off limits as this refreshingly open course asks piercing questions about G-d and delivers profound, insightful answers. This is an enlightening study into G-d’s nature, G-d’s goal for creation, human experiences of G-d, the role of religion, and the function of miracles and prayer. To register or find out more details, call the office.
Hebrew School
Chabad Hebrew School is currently enrolling students for the 2022-2023 Hebrew School year. Lessons are engaging and exciting with lots of projects, activities and discussions that provide meaningful insight into contemporary Jewish life. Hebrew School is held on Wednesdays from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. To enroll your child, please call 239-262-2620 or visit www.chabadnaples.com.

The big build has begun
Chabad of Naples and Preschool of the Arts has launched a capital campaign to extend the campus, thus increasing facilities to enable much-needed additional classrooms, expanded summer camp and new spaces for community events.
“The Big Build” is a $6 million community-inspired and community-funded effort. Jay and Patty Baker lead the way with a $2 million challenge grant. We need your help to unlock it: when we raise $2 million from caring members like you, the Bakers will match it! Please visit www.NaplesBigBuild.com for more information or reach out!
Shabbat & Kiddush
Shabbat services at Chabad Naples are very popular. One highlight has always been the Kiddush luncheon, sponsored every week by a family wishing to honor the memory of a loved one, celebrate a simcha or sponsor the happiness of being with family and friends. The Torah service begins at 11 a.m. and includes the rabbi’s contemporary, meaningful and relevant insights.
The flying challah and meals from the heart
Each week, we send out smiles with an uplifting message in the form of tasty fresh challah. Nominate a recipient by sending us an email.
If you know someone who would appreciate a kosher meal, please let us know. We will be happy to arrange to have one sent to those who are without means to obtain help.
If you have a yahrzeit or need to say Kaddish, we are here to help make a minyan during the week. We are grateful to those who help us with this service. It is amazing to see the community come together for each other.