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Don’t miss the return of human rights films and Zoom panelists
“Movies that Matter”
By Jeff Margolis
Mark your calendars for the sixth annual Southwest Florida human rights film series, Movies That Matter (MTM), the Steve Brazina Memorial Film Series. October 18, 25 and Nov. 1 are the dates of the panel discussions, but registrants will receive a link a week prior so that they can view the film at home or with friends. These films are carefully selected by committee members who want to focus on extremely important contemporary human rights issues as well as issues that individuals in our community can find ways they can make a difference.
People are still speaking about how impacted they were by last year’s films and this year’s will be equally impactful. These films will give you more than facts. They will open your eyes and your heart.
Certainly, people know that there is poverty in the richest country in the world, but the film “Poor Kids” explores what poverty means to children in America. The children tell their stories and are revisited half a decade later. Theexpert panel will discuss this film on Oct. 18 at 4 p.m.
On Oct. 25 at 4 p.m., a panel will discuss more than what you saw on the news about the deadly attack in a synagogue in Pittsburgh. “Repairing the World: Stories from the Tree of Life,” a Not In Our Town film, documents Pittsburgh’s powerful community response to hate and antisemitism in the aftermath of the murder of 11 people in the Tree of Life Synagogue. “Through the voices of survivors and family members as well as diverse Pittsburgh residents and leaders, the film shows unity in a moment of crisis, the residents of a vibrant city and a community working together to understand what it meant to be ‘stronger than hate.’”
Speakers scheduled will give us great insight into important things happening in our community to bring people together and combat hate.
The final discussion for this year’s “Movies That Matter” presentation is set for Nov. 1 at 4 p.m. “The Invisible Class” explores what it truly means to be homeless in America, challenging the stereotypes and examining the systemic causes of mass homelessness across America. So that viewers do not think that there is nothing that can be done, in addition to the expert panel, the committee suggested also viewing “Beyond Homelessness: Finding Hope,” for which a link will also be provided.
There is no cost this year, but sponsorships are available, and donations are always appreciated.
To make sure that you are part of the only human rights film series in Southwest Florida, simply visit www. HHMCEC.org and go to Events. A reservation at the above website will ensure that you receive the link to the films and panel discussions. This is also the site that will allow you to make donations or become a sponsor.
“Movies That Matter: The Steve Brazina Memorial Film Series” is a collaborative effort of the Holocaust Museum & Cohen Education Center, GenShoah of SWFL, Temple Shalom, Jewish Federation of Greater Naples, Federation’s Jewish Community Relations Council, the Interfaith Alliance of SWFL, BRIDGES and Naples United Church of Christ.