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Program information even easier to access
Reneé Bialek, Program Director
It’s easy to quickly find information about programs being offered by Jewish Federation of Greater Naples. Just use the QR code that accompanies this article to access everything you might want to know about programs being offered at the Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center, such as: the We Remember Community Memorial, oil on canvas art classes, the “Is Happiness OverRated?” discussion, the “Masters of Betrayal” book discussion, Beading for Betterment, the “Jewish Identity, Race, & Antisemitism in U.S. Pop Culture” presentation, and the “Growing Up Socialist” discussion just to name a few. We have the Israel Speaker Series and the Jewish Book Festival starting soon too!
This QR code will take you directly to the ‘programs & events’ webpage. All you need to do is open your camera app, point directly at the QR code and click on the ‘qrco.de’ button. Once you are on the landing page, you will see three featured events, followed by series of events (like the Elliott Katz Lectures, Jewish Book Festival, Sell your Gold, Women Self Defense classes, and more), as well as a few more upcoming events listed by dates.

Save these communitywide program dates
• Monday, Oct. 7, We Remember at 7 p.m.
• Sunday, Nov. 17, Kristallnacht Commemoration program at 2:30 p.m.
• Thursday, Dec. 26, Chanukah Celebration at Mercato from 5 to 6 p.m.
Please make sure to read our weekly Monday e-blast to view new programs and click on the registration links for all the above programs and for all the new programs that are being added.
Please register for all events at www.jewishnaples.org.
Dates and times of upcoming events are announced on our website homepage. If you aren’t receiving our weekly Monday e-blast, please email me at rbialek@jewishnaples.org.