4 minute read
Most bittersweet year
Marina Berkovich, JHSSWF President
I begin with the most heartfelt wishes for a safe and abundant Rosh Hashanah 5785. May it bring sweetness to all Jewish households and to the homes of our friends, who unwaveringly stand by us in our time of need.
The year 5784 was a trying and often bitter year for all those who value human life and abhor religious/ethnic persecution, especially of the kind we all had to witness on Oct. 7, 2023. What made it even more bitter was that the atrocities perpetrated by Hamas on the population of the Gaza Strip were then cheered by the pro-Palestinian (aka anti-Jewish, antiIsrael) movement of the world.
Up until last year, I held the year 1979, the year of my own exodus from the U.S.S.R., as the most bittersweet year in my memory. Normal, everyday antisemitism I had to endure from the Soviet Ukrainian population escalated to something from the early WWII era; the sort I never, ever fathomed I would be subjected to. But last year topped it!
The Holocaust itself now pales in comparison to the atrocities committed by the bloodthirsty terrorists of Oct. 7 and the world that rose up against Jews under the leadership of 21st century heads of state.
Historical evidence of similar events teaches us that in the face of clear and present danger, when terrorists themselves submit recordings of their intentions and methods to "The Associated Press," "Reuters," United Nations and other various media/world organizations, the majority of world populous cowers and bows in fear.
Instead, all decent people should be gathering as one to bravely stand up to the oppressors. Power is in unity, yet, so many individuals and organizations opt for regurgitated wordy mandates and orations, instead of definitive actions that could swiftly put an end to further abuse, terror and atrocities.
I’m grimly reminded of a fable I heard in my long ago, far away childhood about a man who loved his dog so much that he chopped off his tail bit by bit to “lessen the dog’s pain.” To continue to have illogical expectation of one’s inept leaders is analogous of being the dog of this fable and still licking the boots of the man, who actually either has no clue of the prolonged pain his torturous action has on the dog or is a sadist (terrorist) at heart and enjoys the torture he inflicts.
Historically, the only success is to resist early on. Before they command you to surrender, they always destabilize your entire world and the way you’ve enjoyed living in it, including how they educate children and what they teach. I’ve written of Gaza and West Bank math textbooks before. Next, they refuse to service you. Two Orthodox Jews last week were refused gas service in New Jersey, where self-service is not an option. Jews on social media were advising these men to take off their yarmolkas — not historically winning advice. Resist! The next step is always disarming, and then, a new Holocaust. If we are not there yet!
We hope to see you at all JHSSWF events during this season. The Naples Jewish History Film Festival starts Oct. 30 at the Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center. More information is available at JHSSWF.org
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