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Israel Advocacy Committee plans upcoming season
By Jeff Margolis, IAC Committee Member
The Israel Advocacy Committee (IAC) of The Jewish Federation of Greater Naples is pleased to announce its preliminary programming for the upcoming season.
On Monday, Sept. 20 at noon, the lead-off program will present Mark Werner, President of Volunteers for Israel, aka Sar-El, the organization that enables Werner and thousands of Americans to have served as civilian volunteers on IDF bases in Israel. Werner will speak about his latest book, “A Passion for Israel: Adventures of a Sar-El Volunteer,” describing his 14 volunteer experiences on IDF bases. Please register for this free Zoom program.
The second program, Monday, Oct. 25 at 10:30 a.m., will feature Dina Kraft. Journalist, editor and educator, Kraft is host of the Hadassah Hospital-sponsored podcast, which delves deeply into the personal lives of Israelis and Arabs as they live in conflict and in community. This Zoom program is presented in conjunction with Collier/Lee Hadassah, and is open to the entire community. The cost is $18 per household. Tickets can be purchased via www.jewishnaples.org.

Dina Kraft
On Sunday, Dec. 5, Beth Tikvah and IAC present Andrew Warren in person. Florida State Attorney for Hillsborough County, Warren speaks passionately about the disturbing and increasing trend in anti-Israel and antisemitism attitudes. He is a rising star in Florida government. Registration information for this program to come.
On Wednesday, March 23, at 7 p.m., Middle East security expert Avi Melamed will join us at Beth Tikvah for a live presentation. Melamed was stationed in numerous Arab nations and brings a critically informative perspective on the complexity of security for Israel and her neighborhood. A patron dinner prior to the program is planned. Please let us know if you want to have dinner with Avi at 5:30 p.m. Registration information coming soon.
For information about all IAC events or to suggest future topics for programs, please contact Harvey Cohen, chair of the Israel Advocacy Committee of The Jewish Federation of Greater Naples at hwcohen@gmail.com.
The committee wishes everyone a L’Shana Tovah and a peaceful and healthy New Year.