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L’Shanah Tovah from MCA

By Jeff Margolis

The board members of MCA would like to wish all their members and families a healthy and peaceful New Year. After a very challenging year, we look forward to resuming in-person events this fall.

MCA is pleased to announce that we will be returning to in-person luncheons at the Audubon Country Club beginning in November. The cost of the luncheon will be $32. Program chair Steve Brazina has been busy all summer lining up an enlightening and thought-provoking slate of speakers. Brazina has also led the documentary film screening committee in reviewing engaging films for the upcoming season. They include “A Crime in the Bayou,” “Determined” and “The Windemere Children.” Film screenings will return to Temple Shalom, subject to COVID and synagogue protocols.

Upcoming programs

Travelogue guru Jim Sernovitz continues his world tour on Thursday, Sept. 2 at 2 p.m. with a program titled “Turkish Delight.” This program will be offered via Zoom. Reservations can be made through the Wild Apricot link on the e-blast site.

The MCA Book Discussion group will be reviewing Steven Johnson’s book, “The Extra Life: A Short History of Living Longer” on Thursday, Sept. 9. Contact chair Stan Farb at stan4mignon@earthlink.net.

The Jewish Genealogy program, chaired by Arthur Sissman, will take place on Tuesday, Sept. 14 at 10 a.m. via Zoom. Come and trace your family history and perhaps discover new relatives. For registration and additional information, contact Arthur at genresearch13@yahoo.com.

Ongoing weekly programs

The below listed programs have been running throughout the summer and will continue through the fall.

Tuesdays at 8:30 a.m. – Breakfast at the Patio Café

Wednesdays at 9 a.m. – Bocce Wednesdays at noon – ROMEO (retired old men eating out)

Thursdays at 9:30 a.m. – walking group

Stay tuned to the MCA e-blasts and Federation Star articles for new activities and events being planned for the upcoming season.

Just a reminder that MCA dues are now due. The membership cost of $90 includes membership in the Jewish Federation of Greater Naples. We actively seek and welcome new members and encourage their input in organizing new activities. For more information, please contact Les Nizin, MCA president, at mcanaplespresident2021@gmail.com.

Please see MCA President Les Nizin’s special message in the next two columns.

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