2 minute read
The heart of Hadassah
Joyce Toub, Collier/Lee Hadassah President
Two days ago, I flew from Fort Myers to Albany, New York, my northern home that I hadn’t been back to since October 2020 because of COVID conditions and a family emergency. Storm conditions delayed the flight. Instead of coming home at 5 p.m., it would be 6 p.m. … no big deal. I alerted friends who were picking me up of the delay, but little did I know that the plane would be diverted to Richmond, Virginia, where we stayed for the next six hours! The crew had timed out and different pilots were flown in from Atlanta to take us the rest of the way! My dear friends drove me home from the airport at 2 a.m.!
Walking into my entryway, I saw beautiful plants and thought my driving friends had done this. But no, my New York Hadassah group, unbeknownst to me, had done it! My table was all set up, with chocolate babka cake as a centerpiece. My refrigerator was stocked full of my favorite foods! I am shocked. My Hadassah New York friends were going to surprise me with a welcome home party at around 5 p.m. and waited three hours until they heard the most recent accounting of my flight. I was so surprised, thankful, grateful, totally taken aback — and sorry to disappoint them all because they hadn’t seen my reaction.
Why am I telling you all this? What does Hadassah mean to us in America and globally? The desire to help others to do good, to befriend those who are needy — physically, mentally and emotionally. To be a small part of a very large picture.
As a member of this group for 40 years, most of us are/were professionals and desired the close friendships that this organization provided outside of our workplaces. We worked together for a common cause. We raised our children together, went to services together, learned together and helped each other out as needed. I belong to other organizations as well, but none with the tremendous heart that Hadassah has!
My Collier/Lee Hadassah Board is as wonderful — many dedicated women bent on getting the job done, creating new activities, helping each other out, anytime, anywhere. Check our upcoming programs in the months to come. Of course, they will be Zoomed according to guidelines from National Hadassah.
Besides our Expanding Horizons programs, we have a joint program with the Jewish Federation of Greater Naples in October, a speaker on Hadassah International from National Hadassah in November and a Symposium on Women’s Health and Wellness on Dec. 1. I look forward to you all tuning in!
Hadassah members will get more details in their Hadassah Happenings. If you are not a member and want more information, please contact me!
As the High Holidays are approaching, I want to wish all of you and your families a wonderful New Year, 5782! May you and your loved ones be inscribed for a year filled with joy, health and peace!
L’ Shana Tova.