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News from Chabad
Rabbi Fishel Zaklos
As we approach the new year, we look forward to offering our High Holiday services with Rabbi Fishel, filled with enlightening commentary both in English and in Hebrew and a great program for the children as well. Inspiring, family-friendly, soul stirring, uplifting and insightful.
We will be accompanied by Cantor Rabbi Choni, known for his beautiful voice, then, as families, we can enjoy a pleasant social time with delicious lunches following services.
All are welcome. For further information and reservations, call our office or visit our website at Chabadnapleshighholidays.com.
We will hold a special dinner, by reservation only, on Rosh Hashanah eve, Sept. 15 at 8 p.m. Come join us!
If you are aware of anyone who needs some love or assistance before the holiday, please let us know. We are here to help.
Shofar blowing on the beach and Tashlich
On Sept. 17 from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m., we will hold a special shofar blowing and Tashlich service on the beach for the whole family with high holiday treats. Put this one on your calendars.
Shofar Factory
Don't forget our exciting Shofar Factory will be 'in production' on Wednesday, Sept. 20 at 5 p.m. Make your very own Shofar. Saw it, drill it, carve it, sand it and take it home! Beautifully crafted from genuine ram's horn. Come and see how it's done!
Shabbat and Kiddush luncheon
Join us weekly for uplifting Shabbat services with meaning, melody and humor. All are welcome to our warm, friendly community with a relaxed, nonjudgmental atmosphere and Hebrew/ English prayer books. One of the weekly highlights has always been the Kiddush luncheon, sponsored every week by a family wishing to honor the memory of a loved one, celebrate a simcha or just sponsor the happiness and appreciation of being with family and friends.
The Torah service begins at 11 a.m. and includes the rabbi’s insights during the Torah reading, which always have a contemporary, meaningful and relevant message. Kiddush luncheon at 12:15 p.m.!
Hebrew School 2023-2024
Chabad Hebrew School is currently enrolling students for its 2023-2024 Hebrew School year. Our curriculum includes Hebrew reading (using the Aleph Champ reading program); Jewish history; miztvot and Jewish practice; and tefillah. Lessons are engaging and exciting, with lots of projects, activities and discussions that provide meaningful insight into contemporary Jewish life. Our mission is to make the richness of our Jewish heritage accessible to every Jewish child regardless of his or her background or education. Hebrew School is held on Wednesdays from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. To enroll your child, please call 239-262-2620 or visit www.chabadnaples.com.
The Big Build has begun!
Thanks to those who have already participated! Chabad of Naples and Preschool of the Arts has launched a capital campaign to extend the campus, thus increasing facilities to enable much needed additional preschool and Hebrew school classrooms, expand summer camp and provide new spaces for community events.
"The Big Build" is a communityinspired and community-funded effort. Help us make this a reality! Please visit www.NaplesBigBuild.com for more information or reach out!
The flying challah and kosher meals from the heart
Know someone in need of just a little extra love right now? All you have to do is nominate a recipient by sending us an email and we will have it delivered. We will be happy to arrange to have one sent.
Adult education
We have a fascinating course called “Kabalah's best-kept secrets” starting in November for six weeks. To register and to find out more details about the course, call the office. Sign up at chabadnaples. com/adulteducation.
All of us at Chabad wish you a very special Shana Tova.