4 minute read
Stay true to who you are
Rabbi Howard S. Herman DD
We live our lives surrounded by a cacophony of noise. I am not just referring to the audio of things like jet engines, buses and dump trucks, explosions, jackhammers and construction sites. This class of decibel is annoying and can be destructive to our physical anatomy, but the noise I am referencing here is more pernicious and emanates from our becoming distracted.
How often do we get distracted from our set individual goals, or our motivated directions, or our morality, or our knowledge of what is the “right” thing to do and the “right way to go?” We become distracted for a whole host of reasons.
There are alluring voices all around — metaphorical and real — telling us what we should do and why we should do it. What we should want and why we should want it. What we should go after and how to go after it. What would be in our best interest and why that is so.
There is the press and the media, where opinions are never in short supply. There are the politicians who lay out a roadmap of the future for us and then they pontificate what we should want and need. There are clergy, of all stripes, who also attempt to guide us in a direction, not always with the best of intentions in mind.
So, I guess what I am alluding to is that there is a hurricane of voices out there all attempting to lead us in a given, self-serving direction. This is especially acute now, as we meander into the American political election season.
Uniqueness, in the Jewish tradition, teaches that God created each person to be unique and that everyone has a unique contribution to make to the world.
Judaism teaches us that the direction we need to follow is one of living a good life based on good actions, with elements like walking in God’s ways and keeping commandments. It also emphasizes the importance of acting in everyday life, rather than just having beliefs. I would like to suggest some Jewish values that can guide us in keeping our eyes on the prize. By the way, if you haven’t already figured it out, the prize is being able to continue to live in a free democracy where our values are cherished, our beliefs are consequential, our freedom is celebrated and not simply kicked to the curb like yesterday’s trash.
Justice, also known as Tzedek , is a value that includes insuring everyone, no matter who they are, where they are from, or what their personal preferences are for themselves, is treated with dignity and respect based upon a foundation of truth.
Repairing the world, also known as Tikun Olam, is the value which includes charitable works, such as the giving of loving kindness, truth and integrity. Living a life guided by truth and integrity helps create communities based on trust, cooperation and mutuality.
Sanctity of human life is a value that includes the concept of p’kuach nefesh, or “saving a life.” The Torah teaches that every person is created in the likeness of God, making each life sacred.
Uniqueness, in the Jewish tradition, teaches that God created each person to be unique and that everyone has a unique contribution to make to the world.
What I am suggesting here is simply a snapshot of some of the values and ideals our Jewish tradition celebrates in encouraging us to move forward through life in a direction where these things will not only be adhered to but will also be used as a solid foundation to grow the next generation of humanity.
If we can keep these cherished ideas in the forefront of our minds during this upcoming election season, when we are consistently bombarded with rhetoric from all fronts, it will help us not only “keep our eye on the prize” but will also aid us in blocking out the things that chip away at these sacred and invaluable directions to guide our lives. Use your heritage as a compass. Let your ancient traditions be your GPS. These are the things which will quiet the turbulence in your soul. They have never let us down before, nor will they now.
Shalom Uvracha.
Rabbi Howard S. Herman DD serves at Naples Jewish Congregation.