2 minute read
Meet the Gabay/ McCandless family
PJ family spotlight
By Alicia Feldman, PJ Library Coordinator
Q: Tell me about the Gabay/ McCandless family members?
A: There is me, Rebecca Gabay (mom), and my two boys, Brody (age 6) and Kai (age 3).
Q: What do you like about PJ Library books?
A: The boys are always excited to receive their PJ books on the day they arrive. The books provide an excellent resource to bring continual questions for positive reinforcement of Judaism in the house.
Q: A lot of parents say they feel PJ books help them raise good kids. Do you feel that way?
A: Yes, I agree. The books bring morals into the home to help raise good kids.
Q: How do PJ Library books play a role in your bedtime routine?
A: The boys’ bedtime routine consists of showers, brushing teeth, reading a book (often a PJ book), then discussing our day together while relaxing as a family.
Q: Do the boys have a favorite PJ Library book?
A: So far, the boys love the “Even Higher!: A Rosh Hashanah Story” PJ Library book. We read it year-round!
If you, or someone you know, is interested in becoming a PJ Library Spotlight family, please let us know! Email Alicia Feldman at programs@ jewishnaples.org.
Also, follow us on Facebook @PJLibraryNaplesFL!