2 minute read
Around the world
By Rabbi Ariel Boxman, Director of Lifelong Learning
At Temple Shalom Preschool, we spend a lot of time learning about other cultures, religions and practices. In the month of January, we will dedicate an entire week to learning about other countries and their cultural customs and traditions. During this week, each class is assigned a specifi c country on which to focus. The students read books about the country, try the cuisine, make costumes and learn cultural songs and dances. At the end of the week, students participate in an Around the World parade, in which parents are invited to watch each class parade in front of the school in their costumes.

This week is one of my absolute favorites. Both students and teachers have the opportunity to learn something new and increase their appreciation for different customs and traditions from around the world. This year, students have chosen to learn about England, Israel, Italy, Ecuador and Columbia.

We invite you to join us for the Around the World parade on Friday, Jan. 28 at 1:30 p.m. We will enjoy music, food and, of course, watching the cutest kiddos in the world parading in costume!
