7 minute read
ElderGrow at River Garden
By Faye Hedrick,Jewish Federation & Foundation of Northeast Florida
The time for leadership and commitment is now. Sophie Rothstein and Sarah Schwartz, class of 2021 BRIDGES graduates, are joining this year’s National Young Leadership Cabinet of JFNA. NYLC is the premier young leadership development program, educating and connecting the next generation of global Jewish leaders and philanthropists. Since its founding in 1963, NYLC has attracted individuals who lead at the highest levels of Jewish communal life.
Cabinet’s focus is to provide tools for participants to better themselves through continued learning, refl ection, and action. Members participate in a fi veyear curriculum that builds on a series of Jewish values: Hineni (Call to Leadership), Achrayut (Responsibility), Kehilah Kedosha (Sacred Community), Klal Yisrael (Jewish Peoplehood), and Hazon (Vision). Members are able to enrich and strengthen their development on a global level through travel experiences with service opportunities, meeting with local and national leaders, and engaging with those impacted by federated giving.
Members often lead at local levels, national levels, and throughout the Jewish world. Before this year’s NYLC retreat held in San Diego, current NYLC member Haley Trager will join Sarah and Sophie to kickoff their upcoming engagement. Haley will share her Cabinet experience to date, tell them what they can expect out of this amazing experience, and hear what Sophie and Sarah hope to learn over the next several years to bring back to our community. We are proud of these women for taking the next step in their commitment to leadership and service, and we thank you, Sophie and Sarah!
During the month of Elul, we listen to the sound of the shofar to wake us up for the Jewish New Year on the horizon. We invite you to join us throughout the greater Jacksonville area to listen to the sounds of the Shofar as we gather at various locations throughout town. From the Center to the JCA, from Gili’s to Veterans Park, from Nocatee to Jax Beach, join Center clergy, staff , lay leaders and friends for opportunities throughout the month of August to both hear the wonderful sounds and blow your shofar around town. Go to www.jaxjewishcenter.org for specifi c dates and times. ByTracy Hilbert,Jacksonville Jewish Center

ByAllison & Ken Jacobs,River Garden
River Garden has a long and storied history as a not-forprofi t mission driven community agency at the heart of which is the 5th Commandment, “Honor thy father and thy mother so that thy days might be long upon the earth which I the Lord give thee.” River Garden fulfi lls this commitment by providing exceptional care for all seniors they serve with dignity and compassion.
When we were asked if we would chair the River Garden Foundation Gala again, following the 2020 “No Go Gala,” little did we know that there would still be challenges from the pandemic that would impede hosting another in-person Gala in 2021. Just as there have been some silver linings as a result of the pandemic, we are thrilled to share a special initiative – 75 Acts of Caring - that honors River Garden’s 75th anniversary and highlights the miracles that our residents and staff experience daily. Acts of caring make the diff erence in transforming our agency into a home and a family. This is what makes River Garden so special!
In the coming weeks, you will learn more about the 75 Acts of Caring fundraising initiative. There will be opportunities to sponsor a variety of caring acts and even the chance to participate in some hands-on acts of caring. We hope you will join us in ensuring River Garden’s legacy as a special place where people come together to experience the care, respect and love they so richly deserve.
For more information, please contact Christina Levine at (904) ���-�430 or clevine@rivergarden.org.

ByEsther Hamford,Chabad of St. Johns County

Chabad of St. John’s GROW After School Enrichment Program is ready for another fabulous school year!
The GROW After School Enrichment Program is where kids dive deep into their Jewishness, get creative and discover their Jewish pride. The workshops are specially designed to foster positive character development, social competence and emotional awareness.
GROW is about how much kids love their Jewish holidays and learn about their strong heritage using STEM skills, art mediums and Kosher cooking all in a Jewish context.
GROW is where kids enthusiastically fl y through their Aleph Champ colors, using the exclusive and highly motivational Aleph Champ Hebrew reading program that will have your child anticipating each week with enthusiasm.
“Our goal for Grow,” said Mrs. Dini Sharfstein, Youth Director at Chabad of St. Johns, “is that kids should be excited about being Jewish. They should be proud and love it.”
It’s not just about keeping your kids busy after school. It’s Jewish enrichment right in your backyard, conveniently located in TWO locations in St. Johns and in Nocatee.
This year at GROW, Jewish children will be joining from many diff erent schools. GROW caters to Elementary and Middle school aged children.
You send your kids to soccer, piano lessons, gymnastics and ballet. Are you ready to give them a fun, meaningful Jewish experience that will last a lifetime?
Registration is now open for the 2021-22 School Year. To sign up or fi nd out more visit www. JewishSJohnsCounty/GROW or Email Dini@ JewishSJohnsCounty.com or call (904) 701-4422

ByKari Bell,River Garden
Eldergrow was born out of the desire to bring Mother Nature indoors. As a part of a grant through LeadingAge Florida, River Garden received three Eldergrow carts in June, and the therapeutic horticulture program has begun. "We are always looking for new and innovative ways to engage our residents. With these indoor gardening carts, the residents have become enthusiastic about nurturing plants. The gardens are beautiful and they bring a whole new dimension of
wellness to our Home. We are already enjoying an enormous benefi t," says Lisa Poremba, Director of Life Enrichment. In addition to daily maintenance, residents will enjoy bi-monthly classes with Eldergrow Mr. Long helps fi ll the educators. These garden with plants. programs are comprised of a diverse curriculum that includes horticulture, culinary, educational and garden art classes. Each class targets specifi c therapeutic goals.
Trina Hofreiter, Eldergrow educator

ByLiat Walker,Director of Jewish Education, Martin J. Gottlieb Day School
The Martin J. Gottlieb Day School continues to break boundaries with its innovative STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) program. Imagine students designing and constructing their own school Beit Tefi llah (youth prayer space) or fabricating solutions to help make everyday tasks easier for seniors living at The Coves at River Garden.
The Teacher Tech Institute at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) selected teams of educators from the United States and Israel to participate in a year-long PBL (Project Based Learning) professional development course. The Martin J. Gottlieb Day School team includes Liat Walker, Director of Jewish Education; Karianne Jaff a, STEAM specialist; Shana Gutterman, art educator, and David Solkowitz, Jewish Studies teacher. The MIT year-long project is being led by Rabbi Tzvi Pittinsky, director of educational technology at The Frisch School in Paramus, New Jersey (@TechRav).
The team’s training began this summer and will continue throughout the 2021-22 school year. In conjunction with MIT, they developed a crosscurricular PBL project for their students that combined Jewish studies, engineering, technology, science, language arts, math and the visual arts.
Project-based learning is a student-centered approach to teaching in which students actively explore real-world challenges that are personally meaningful to them, thereby achieving a deeper knowledge of the content.
Students will create, collaborate, prototype, test and implement their PBL project throughout the 2021-22 school year. The project will culminate with a showcase event for students, parents and our incredible community.

ByKari Bell,River Garden
Welcome, Erica Hickey, the new program manager for the Adult Day Program (ADP) at River Garden. Erica has worked with the City of Jacksonville Senior Services Division for the past four years.
The ADP reopened on July 19, 2021. The program provides a safe, secure and social environment for adult clients needing oversight and support throughout the day, oftentimes enabling a caregiver time to work or manage other tasks. Breakfast, lunch and snacks are included in the day with attention to special diets when needed. For more information about the ADP, please call or email Erica: (904) 2��-7�5� or ehickey@rivergarden.org