9 minute read
By Mitzi Saul, Jewish Federation & Foundation of Northeast Florida
“Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.” ― Henry David Thoreau
Daniel Miller is the epitome of young leadership. He is a former board member of the JCA, Congregation Ahavath Chesed, former chair of the Young Professionals & Families division, former VP on the executive board of the Jewish Federation & Foundation, and member of Leadership Jax class of 2020. In 2014, he was honored to be the recipient of the Ilene Sari Selevan Young Leadership Award. Daniel is a board member of the Jewish Federation & Foundation and is stepping up to lead the Genesis Society, a newly formed group of philanthropists for 2022. Daniel states, “Community is part of my ethos. I’m committed to helping make an impact specifi cally in the Jewish community.”
To understand Daniel’s success in philanthropy and in business, one only has to look back at his education, activities, and circuitous career path. A Jacksonville native, Daniel attended Wolfson High School and Florida State University where he received degrees in International Business and Political Science. He spent a summer on Kibbutz Yahel in the Negev in Israel and was director of the Jewish Student Union while at FSU. He moved to Sydney, Australia two weeks after graduating and later lived in London and New York City where he was a fundraiser for the United Way. It was at that job where he developed skills in federated giving that he applies in his volunteer leadership with the Jewish Federation & Foundation today.
In 2006, Daniel moved back to Jacksonville to join his brothers’ David and Michael Miller’s insurance business. Starting on the ground fl oor, he quickly learned the various aspects of the business and saw the potential of running his own agency. More importantly, Daniel had a desire to help others, his community, and wanted to build a small business. In 2007, he opened Brightway Insurance-Riverside, an independent insurance brokerage fi rm.
His agency of six employees provides personalized insurance for people in diff erent life stages and specializes in homeowners, auto insurance, and small business coverage. According to Daniel, “We’re not a typical insurance agency. We off er expert advice, more choice of insurance companies, and can leverage technology more than we ever have before. For instance, we can shop 50 diff erent carriers at one time to save our clients’ money and customize policies to provide the coverage they need at the price they want.”
Daniel coaches his sales staff to say to themselves, “How can we make this the best call of the day?” This sets the tone for the buying experience that doesn’t end after the policy is sold. They guide clients throughout the insurance lifecycle from helping clients cancel old policies to helping people when they need it most. Daniel asks clients to store his cell number on their phones for emergencies. “I’ve had clients call me at 2 a.m. to say their house is on fi re. I genuinely care. They’re my clients, my friends, my family, and everyone’s treated the same. We give our clients the best advice for the current conditions.”
Daniel’s married to Lior Spring, Director of Impact for the Miller Families, and they have two sons, Jacob (six years old) who attends Martin J. Gottlieb Day School and Ezra (three years old) who attends the Michele Block Gan Yeladim Preschool at the JCA. “I want my kids to know we’re all on this life journey together. We should make every day count and continue to help our community.” There’s no doubt that Daniel’s making every day count both personally and professionally and also making an impact in his Jewish community.
Looking for insurance? Contact Daniel Miller at (904) �54-4555 or daniel. miller@brightway.com. Offi ces are located at 2104 Park Street in Riverside.
Watercolor Cards Dec. 1 JCA 2:00 - 5:00 PM
Create a set of watercolor cards to give to loved ones. $20 for members, $30 for others. Register at https://bit.ly/ JCARegistrationLink or call (904) 730-2100 ext. 228.
Hanukkah Icemen Game Dec. 1 Veterans Memorial Arena 7:00 - 9:30 PM
Come celebrate the 4th night of Hanukkah with the Jacksonville Icemen! $18 per person. Buy tickets at Jaxiceman.com/jhn.
Ladies Chanukah White Elephant Gift Swap Dec. 2 Starbucks at Jax Beach 7:00 PM
Meet friends & enjoy a fun girls night! Bring a wrapped gift with a value of $10. Menorah Lighting and Chanukah inspiration followed by gift swap. RSVP at www.chabadbeaches.com or at (904) 770-0502
Chanukah Shabbat Dec. 3 Congregation Ahavath Chesed Dinner 5:45 and Service 6:45 PM
$5 per person, children under 5 are free. Bring your chanukiah to light! RSVP at https://bit.ly/chanukahshabbat
Visiting Rabbi Program Dec. 4, 10, 11, 17, 24, 25 First Congregation Sons of Israel St. Augustine
We are pleased to welcome Rabbi Joel Fox and Rabbi Mona Decker to our Visiting Rabbi Program. For info and times, contact fcsi1924@gmail.com or (904) 829-9532
Parent-and-Me Playdate! Dec. 5 & 12 Congregation Ahavath Chesed 9:00 - 9:30 Free Breakfast 9:30 - 11:00 Parent-and-Me Program
RSVP to garad@thetemplejax.org
Let’s Have a Chanukah Fun Day! Dec. 5 Congregation Ahavath Chesed 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
Chanukah Fun Day is open to all. We will feature Chanukah bingo, carnival games, food, drinks and more! RSVP at https://tinyurl.com/29z9b5ps or call at (904) 733-7078
Beth El The Beaches Community Hanukkah Celebration & Dinner Dec. 5 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
Join us for our annual Hanukkah celebration and dinner with music, dreidels and more! RSVP https://conta.cc/30wSMN5 by Dec. 1.
Hadassah's All in this Together Hanukkah Party Dec. 5 Solano Grove Clubhouse, 9252 San Jose Blvd. 3:00 PM
RSVP to Ilana Manasse (904) 56363000, Ina Taffett (904) 737-7848, or Marlene Sussman (904) 732-9990
Menorah Lighting at the World Golf Hall of Fame Dec. 5 Tropy Tower, 1 World Golf Place, St. Augustine, FL 32092 6:30 PM
Families are invited to a giant menorah lighting, dancing, latkas and more. Free and open to the public!
Jax Top-to-Bottom Walking Tour and Lunch Dec. 7 JCA 9:15 AM - 12:15 PM
Join Gary Sass for an updated historical walking tour of Jacksonville’s secret underground tunnels wonders. Transportation from the JCA is included. Lunch at your own expense. Register at https://bit.ly/JCARegistrationLink or call (904) 730-2100 ext. 228.
Virtually Limitless: Shared Shelf (virtual) Dec. 8 12:30 PM
Register at: http://jfedsorgNWPsharedshelf
PJ Library Mom’s Night Out Dec. 9 7:00 - 9:00 PM
Welcome all PJ moms! Join us for a “Mom’s Night Out” and enjoy good food and cocktails. RSVP to mgwilliams@jfcsjax.org.
Latkes & Vodkas - 5th Year Dec. 11 Jacksonville Jewish Center 8:00 - 11:30 PM
Register at bit.ly/2021latkesandvodkas $36 for Adults, $25 for Young Professionals (21-30), $50 at the door
Civic Orchestra Dec. 12 Jacksonville Jewish Center 2:30 - 5:00 PM
Hadassah Invites you to Cook Israeli Brunch with Stav! Dec. 14 JCA or virtual 11:30 AM
Join Stav Brener, Israel Shaliach at the Jewish Federation & Foundation, as he demonstrates cooking his brunch favorites. RSVP at jacksonvillehadassah@ gmail.com
Floral Bouquet Still Life Dec. 15 JCA 2:00 - 5:00 PM
Paint a bouquet of flowers from life. This oil painting class is great for all. JCA members $20, $30 for others. Register at https://bit.ly/JCARegistrationLink or call (904) 730-2100 ext. 228.
Discover Israel Film Series: The Band Dec. 15 JCA 6:30 - 8:30 PM
Join us to watch this iconic Israeli movie! For more info email
Cafe Israeli with Shaliach Stav Brener Dec. 16 JCA 6:00 - 7:00 PM
Gather together, to enjoy Israeli snacks, coffee and to talk about anything connected to Israel! For more info, email jaxshlichut@jewishjacksonville.org
Tuesdays Together with Federation & Foundation January 4 First Watch, 9271 Baymeadows Rd 10:00 AM
New to Northeast Florida? Join us for coffee and conversation. Register at: https://events.idonate.com/ welcomeoctober2021
Women’s Philanthropy Champagne Brunch January 23 Jacksonville Jewish Center 10:00 AM
RSVP at https://events.idonate.com/ champagnebrunch2022
River Garden is the go-to resource for high-quality adult care in Jacksonville. Honoring our Jewish traditions, the dedicated staff , leadership and volunteers are all committed to a best-in-class experience.
Whether it is for you, your spouse, parents or friend, be sure to request River Garden.
Admissions (904) 886-8420 Adult Day (904) 288-7858 Home Health Care (904) 288-7851 Outpatient Rehab (904) 886-8454 The Coves (904) 292-2683 Volunteers (904) 886-8429 Foundation (904) 886-8430 MAIN (904) 260-1818
PJ Library, the award-winning free program for books and music is open to all families with Jewish children in Jacksonville. If your children are between the ages of six months and eight years, they are eligible. Please sign up now by going to pjlibrary.org/communities/ jacksonville or calling Melissa Willams at (904) 394-5724.
JFCS, in partnership with Margo's Catering, is pleased to bring you our meal program Meals4You. Meals are delicious, nutritious, convenient and delivered right to your door. Jewish dietary laws are observed. Call Nicole Andrews at (904) 394-5810 for more information. Through a partnership with GO GO Grandparent and a grant from the Community Foundation for Northeast Florida, JFCS is now off ering immediate rides through our Call2Go program. Riders will no longer have to call to book transportation. They will now be able to use an "on demand" service available at their fi ngertips! GO GO Grandparent will have booking agents available 24/7. When a client calls, the agent will book, monitor and stay available to the client until the ride is complete. Riders MUST pre-register with Nicole Brown at (904) 394-5724 and have a cell phone (texting is not necessary) to use this service.
Call2Go is available to those in need of transportation to attend synagogue, medical appointments and other important outings. A sliding fee scale is available. Don't be deceived by the name...you don't have to be a grandparent to use the program. Call Nicole today!TORAH ACADEMY
Every Tuesday from 3:15 to 4:15, Torah Academy hosts a free kosher food program sponsored by the USDA for children under 18. The program helps provide food during these trying times. For more info, contact shorowitz@torah-academy.com. Searching for identity hosts writing workshops for second and third generation holocaust survivors. Meet monthly in a confi dential and judgement-free setting, in-person/ online, to explore experiences, capture important stories and explore identity. RSVP at www.searchingforidentity.org/ writing-workshops.
8505 San Jose Blvd Jacksonville, FL 32217