Leaving a
Securing tomorrow for Jewish Northeast Florida By Kellie Smith, MS/MA, Jewish Federation & Foundation of Northeast Florida
ave you ever thought “What will they say about me when I’m gone?” Being remembered is something we all want when we are no longer here. As Jews, I believe we give with intention. It is taught throughout our lives and is a reflection of our values. It’s something we sit down and think about. In this booklet we will look back at inspired giving in our Foundation’s infancy to today as it tells a story of each individual and their family’s legacy in our Jewish community. Everyone who has ever partnered with the Jewish Federation & Foundation is part of a larger legacy of giving, for which we should all be proud. Every gift of time, talent and treasure is a gift that ensures the betterment of our Jewish community. These efforts are what legacies are built upon, they spark hope and set tzedakah in motion. We are embarking upon a
Letter from the Foundation Director multi-phase endowment campaign to create permanent financial stability for the greater Northeast Florida Jewish community with short, mid and longterm measurable goals. This community-wide project will engage every Jewish organization and every Jewish community member. The time is now to secure our Jewish future. Philanthropy is critically important to Jewish communities everywhere. The first lesson I’d like to share is that philanthropy comes in all shapes and sizes. But there’s another lesson that’s just as important — and it speaks to the stark reality facing many of our organizations today. There are those organizations that have done careful financial projections and planning, and therefore have the wherewithal to ride out the current COVID storm; and then there are those who have not. The biggest difference comes down to a single word: Endowment. The pandemic has ripped the thin financial veneer from Jewish groups all over America and across the globe — and revealed who was ready, and who was living, too often, from one dues or donation to the next. Organizations that have subsisted from one donation to the next are
now struggling with an existential crisis. Those that have developed endowments and cash reserves, those with visionary boards and professional expertise, will keep themselves afloat in the present maelstrom, and will continue to provide their vital services to the Jewish community. Long-term, sustainable
“Since our merger in 2018, the Jewish Foundation has grown to over $34 million in assets under management and has disbursed over $4.3 million to nonprofits through family Legacy Funds, Donor Advised Funds, B’nai Tzedek programming and Jewish grant making.”
and permanent funding is a critical part of the need. With a community-wide endowment, we can ensure funds are available to preserve Jewish life in Northeast Florida. Led by our Jewish values, our philanthropy inspires action, change, and a greater sense of community. We remain committed to helping perpetuate a living legacy of caring that will last long beyond one’s lifetime and continue to inspire from generation to generation. It is because of your extraordinary generosity and long-term commitment that we can make Jewish Northeast Florida stronger and more
sustainable. We have an impressive capacity to grow, to care, to teach and to serve. I am in awe of each of our inspiring nonprofit agencies, first-rate schools and a warm family of synagogues that are doing this valuable work. People want to leave a legacy because they want to feel that their life mattered. Once you know what you want your legacy to be, you can start building it. You can start living in the way you want to be remembered. It will allow you to start doing what matters, now. Philanthropy much like creating legacy isn’t just for the rich. Even if you can’t write a check with lots of zeroes, you can still be a philanthropist and create a legacy that tells your story. This is an exciting time for our Jewish community. Join us to create a lasting legacy. I look forward to working with you as we continue to build upon our commitment to ensure excellence for future generations. With our collective power, what we envision for our Jewish community is within reach. Start the conversation today by contacting me at KellieK@JewishJacksonville.org or 904.513.3796.
Morton Robert Hirschberg, a legacy of kindness and generosity
people even know about no ecently when the Jewish Federation & less support. They included, Foundation became one of the beneficiaries of of course, his congregation, the Morton R. Hirschberg Trust, we wanted to learn more about Morton who had passed away every conceivable local need of the Jewish community, in 1978 with no living heirs. With little knowledge of his and, in many cases, life, his engagement in our Jewish community and his substantial assistance to legacy, we turned to the archives of Congregation Ahavath individuals whose names Chesed - The Temple to discover his family history and only Morton will ever know. what he wanted for the future of our Jewish community. Morton was, in many What we found was quite remarkable! Morton was the ways, the embodiment of direct descendant of the Dzialynski family, one of the first stability and rootedness in a very Helena Dzialynski Jewish families in Florida. Morton’s great-uncle, Philip WIlliams Dzialynski, was the first permanent Jewish resident to settle unstable and uprooted world. His family was native to Jacksonville for in Jacksonville. In 1881, Philip’s more than 70 years. Morton was one of the first brother Morris was elected the first, presidents of the Jewish Community Council, and still only, Jewish mayor of (predecessor organization to Jewish Federation) Jacksonville, and in 1882, Morris and the Jewish Family and Children’s Service. He helped organize Florida’s second was a life-long member of Elks Lodge, and congregation — Ahavath Chesed perhaps his most special affection he reserved for — and was elected its first president. B’nai Brith. The finest accolade we can direct to Morton’s grandmother, Helena Morton is that their respect and admiration for Dzialynski lived in Tallahassee and him were no less than his were for them. He family legend is that when Union found it difficult to talk much about himself, and troops came to their home during the when he did, it was almost always to impress his Civil War, Helena said, “Take listener, not with himself, but with the high anything you want, just don’t take my premium he placed on community, traditional schmaltz!” Helena’s daughter values, and a (Morton’s mother), Wilhamena reverence for the Morton Robert Hirschberg "Mena" Williams, already a thirdlasting contributions generation Floridian Jew, was the first of the past. He helped us to Miss Florida in 1885. keep one foot in yesterday Knowing a little bit about Morton’s family lineage, we before we rushed too quickly wanted to learn more about the full life he led and why he into tomorrow. was so generous to his Jewish community. From his eulogy Creating a legacy is about found in the archives, Morton was a generous, kind man your values and passions in who led an exceptional life. Following are some excerpts: life, reflecting back into the Anyone who knew Morton Hirshberg will agree that he was truly one of the most unforgettable personalities they have ever known. As quiet and modest as he appeared, he was often the host and companion of world-famous people. He provided hospitality for the late Charlie Chaplin, he was a dinner guest of Queen Elizabeth and even the late Winston Churchill. And even when Morton told you these things himself, you found it difficult to believe, because he was such a living contrast to all the glamour and spectacle of the celebrity world. Morton was a man of many interests and many endowments, and he was exceedingly proud of them all. He contributed to more charitable causes than most ordinary
community forever. Morton Hirschberg’s passion and commitment to supporting the Jewish community lives on through his legacy fund, which supports Federation Annual Campaigns, Temple and JFCS. May we celebrate and honor him, as he would have honored and remembered those that came before him.
Mena Hirschberg
The Setzer Family Endowment to support the entire Jewish community
t was nearly a year ago that we had the opportunity to meet with the Setzer family — Leonard and Debra, Benjamin and Melanie, Michael and Lauren, and Faye and Ari — to begin the conversation around endowed annual giving and the importance of supporting the whole Jewish community. With a legacy of giving and volunteer leadership throughout their community, the Setzer family has seen firsthand the impact of federated giving. They believe the
Jewish Federation & Foundation has a critical mission in fostering Jewish giving and strongly advocates for the local Jewish agencies. We are grateful to the Setzers for their commitment and generosity to the work of our Jewish Federation & Foundation. The Setzer Family Endowment will support the entire Jewish community and ensure that our organization remains vital, trusted, and most important, permanent.
Compassion. Strength. Leadership. A deep commitment to the Jewish community. You are a woman who embodies all of these values. You are a Lion of Judah. Your work helps support, sustain and build Jewish life — across the street and around the world. Why did I become a Forever Lion?
Debbie Gottlieb “This picture says it all. It is very simple; I want our grandchildren to know our Jewish heritage.” Allison Jacobs “In 2019, my husband Ken, gave me a wonderful gift for our 25th wedding anniversary. He endowed my gift making me a Forever Lion. We wanted to help make sure our Jewish Community would be strong and proud in the future for our children and for generations to come!”
Barbara Jaffe “When I was in elementary school, we visited the Bok Tower in Lake Wales where I read the words of Edward Bok. His words were life inspiring and they have always stayed with me. ‘Wherever your lives may be cast, make the world a bit better or more beautiful because you have lived in it." Hopefully, I have helped the world be a bit better because of my presence in it." Iris Kraemer “The Forever Lion flame reflects my commitment to shaping the future of Jewish life here and around the world. I am intentionally ensuring that my gift provides ongoing support to all who are in need well into the future. As Golda Meir said, ‘Nothing in life just happens. It is not enough to believe in something…’ It is up to us to act now to secure our Jewish future.” Dr. Ilene Levenson “I became a Forever Lion to support the work of Federation, locally, nationally, and internationally.”
Joan Levin "One of the most important aspects of Jewish identity is the connection to the people and the State of Israel. With The Joan Levin Gift of Israel, every local Bar and Bar Mitzvah will have assistance from the Federation to spend time on a trip to Israel. I'm happy to help provide the opportunity for young people to experience the land, people, history and rich culture of Israel." Sue Levine “It was important for me to become a Forever Lion to make sure our incredible Jewish community in Jacksonville, overseas, and in Israel continues to have my everlasting support. It is my way to continue giving back long after I am gone.”
Debbie Parker “I care deeply for our local agencies and Israel. I am grateful there is a program that will continue to provide resources to support these agencies and Israel well into the future for generations to come. My desire is that my children and my children’s children will also follow with service to the community and tzedakah and keep the flame of giving alive.” Brenda Wolchok “I am grateful that I have had the opportunity and privilege, through my gifts to Federation, to help meet the needs of our entire Jewish community locally as well as in Israel and all over the world. More importantly, as a Forever Lion, I am ensuring that not only future needs will be met, but also that my children and grandchildren will know how important such giving is to me.”
Jennifer Plotkin “I became a Forever Lion because I wanted to contribute to our community in a way that will sustain its viability even after I am gone. I strongly agree with the Nelson Henderson quote, ‘The true meaning of life is to plant trees under whose shade you do not plan to sit.’ Endowing my Lion allows me to do just that.”
Dr. Emily Rostholder “Our Jewish community is a special place. For me, it is not only important to support our entire Jewish community today, but also to ensure that our support continues after I’m gone.”
Diane Rothstein “By endowing my Lion, I ensure that my life’s purpose will be fulfilled beyond my life here on earth. I want my children and my Jewish community to know I cared about them and made the world better for them and for any Jewish person or community in need. My Lion gift ensures I will continue to do so after I'm gone.” Debra Setzer “I am fortunate that my parents taught me the value of giving. The Forever Lion allows me to secure my gift to both the present and the future. With my commitment, I hope to inspire others and enable our wonderful Jewish way of life to flourish.” Judy Silverman “I am very fortunate that both of my daughters-in-law are Lions in the cities they reside. But my death would still create a financial hardship to Jacksonville where I was born and have lived all my life. My endowment will ensure that the organizations I treasure will not be harmed and can continue their invaluable work.”
Kimberly Sisisky “Giving was instilled in me by my parents and grandparents and it makes me feel good to know that I have helped someone. I hope that my endowed Lion gift will continue to keep the flame burning in the hearts of my children and grandchildren so that they will create their own legacy…L’Dor V’ Dor.”
Kellie Smith “Our entire Jewish community depends on the support of the annual funds it receives from Federation. By endowing my Lion I am ensuring Jewish tomorrows and leaving a legacy that will remind my heirs of the importance of preserving Jewish life.” Haley Trager “Through my involvement in Jacksonville, as well as with National Young Leadership Cabinet, I’ve had the opportunity to see so much of the good work of the Federation. Because of this, as well as a desire to honor my daughter’s birth and do my part to help secure a Jewish future for generations, becoming a Forever Lion was an easy decision for me. I believe in the power of the collective and know my gift will help ensure the impact we make now will continue for years to come.”
Eunice Zisser “The knowledge that those who preceded me enabled my generation to have sufficient resources to continue to benefit those in need in the Jewish community was my inspiration to carry on this endeavor and become a Forever Lion L’Dor V’Dor.”
Neil Presser, of blessed memory, created a legacy that inspired his daughters
By Jeri and Pam Presser Neil Presser’s daughters
orn in New York City to Mac & Lillian Presser, Dad and his older brother, Edwin, moved to Jacksonville when he was three years old. He was a graduate of the Bolles School, attended the University of Florida where he completed a degree in accounting, and served as an officer in the U.S. Navy. Raised in a conservative Jewish home, the importance of family, Judaism, and giving back to the community were instilled at a very early age. Those values were evidenced throughout his life. Dad didn’t need to tell us about the importance of giving, he led by example. He practiced the mitzvah of tzedakah in all aspects of his life. He was always available to help family, friends, neighbors, colleagues, the Jewish community, and anyone who was in need. He intertwined the entities he so fervently supported by making them part of our daily lives - most of the time without us ever realizing it. We spent weekends with our grandparents, visited family and friends at River Garden, attended Shabbat service,
High Holidays, and Hebrew school at the Jewish Center, and enjoyed camp, tennis and social events at the JCA, where he was a founding member. He left an indelible mark professionally as well. He co-founded the accounting firm Davis, Presser and LaFaye in1963. Twenty years later, he and two partners founded Presser, Lahnen and Edelman. After more than 40 years as a public accountant, he retired in 2007. He volunteered, served on boards, and was an active committee member of numerous professional, civic, and nonprofit organizations. He was a founding member of the Jewish Community Federation, serving as the treasurer, a board member and a member of the Finance Audit Committee. He was also a founding member of the JCA, serving its board and committees; a lifetime member of the Jacksonville Jewish Center; and an active
board & committee member at River Garden. Dad derived immense joy and personal satisfaction serving his community and helping others. He knew it was the right thing to do. It was in his DNA and steeped in our family tradition. It wasn't just what he did that made such a big impact on us, but how he did it — discreetly, never looking for acknowledgement. It was something he did for himself “Dad inspired us to be more aware, to be more involved, to find ways to give back, big or small.”
and for others selflessly. He wanted to give back to the community; he cared about people, and he knew how important it was to provide support by giving of his time, insight, and heart. And it wasn’t until the end of his life that we truly understood the depth by which he gave of himself.
Dad established the Neil Presser Endowment Fund driven by family tradition to leave something impactful behind. It represents much more than a monetary gift. It is his legacy. It is his personal commitment to making the Jacksonville Jewish community stronger now and for the future. And it is yet another vital lesson he wanted to impart to us without ever uttering a word. Dad is our role model. He has inspired us to be more aware, to be more involved, to find ways to give back, big or small. Whether it’s our time, resources, or compassion, he taught us to always help others, be a mentor, and do these things with passion and enthusiasm. He has strengthened our commitment to support the community where we were raised and carry on the family tradition instilled in us. Dad has built the foundation, and we aspire to nurture his lifelong work. Although we no longer live in Jacksonville, we’ve always felt a strong desire to stay connected and be involved with the Jewish community where we grew up. To carry on his legacy and honor him is the best gift he could have left us.
His legacy was his way of saying ‘Thank you’ to his Jewish community
Deeply committed to his profession as a Jacksonville psychiatrist for Baptist Health, and to the community that inspired him, Dr. Michael L. Solloway of blessed memory, left a legacy in our community and a special place in our hearts forever. The first time we sat down to talk about our Foundation, Dr. Solloway asked how he could help Foundation Director Kellie Smith be successful. He followed with, “What can I do?” In the short time she spent getting to know him, Kellie was inspired by his humble and comforting nature. The conversation was about retirement and IRA giving so when she asked him when he would retire, he replied, “When people stop needing me to come to work. I suppose I’ll know then.” Reading reviews from his patients, one can understand why Dr. Solloway hadn’t yet retired and why he was truly needed at work. He expressed genuine interest and intrigue in the work of our Jewish Foundation, wanting to help but uncertain of where he could have the most impact. Dr. Solloway was impressed with how many individuals in the Jacksonville Jewish
community level of care were was invested in impeccable, Jewish and he giving. shared how Having grateful he served on was for local boards being at her for side when some 30 she passed. years, he He also was expressed the Dr. Michael L. Solloway knowledgeable sincerest (1939-2021) when it came gratitude and to the missions and goals appreciation for Jewish of so many organizations. Family & Community He was genuinely Services’ commitment to impressed with how caring for many of his accessible the most patients who could not generous philanthropists otherwise afford the care are in our community and they needed. offered to support our His father died exactly work in any way he could. one year after he arrived in He was inspired by the Jacksonville and it was at time and money donated Etz Chaim where he went every evening to say “Legacy is a way of kaddish. He was warmly saying ‘thank you,’ to this welcomed even though his fine community. Knowing membership was with The that my legacy will be there Temple. Regarding the to add my small voice to Jewish Community the great work being done Alliance, he said, “The JCA every day by our Jewish provides the glue by agencies and the support bringing our community that will always be there for Israel leaves me with a together in so many ways feeling of contentment and both spiritually and physically.” His joy.“— Dr. Michael L. commitment and Solloway” appreciation for our community knew no by others, so he committed bounds. himself to serving the Having traveled to Israel Jewish community, too. on several Federation Dr. Solloway’s mother missions, Dr. Solloway spent her last moments in became very close with River Garden where the Alan Margolies, executive
director of the Jewish Federation & Foundation. “Alan has no mercy when it comes to leisure time on mission trips but that, in the end, is how I learned so much about our Jewish homeland and why it is so important to ensure that it continues and thrives.” Alan, a close personal friend, fondly remembers his time with him in board meetings, allocations, and overseas. “Mike’s passing leaves a deep void in our Jewish community. The Endowment he established is a wonderful example as to how one person can leave a legacy to forever benefit our Jewish community. Many of us loved Mike and the legacy fund he created is one way he reflects his love for our Jewish community and for Israel." In 2019 Dr. Solloway opened The Michael L. Solloway, M.D. Endowment Fund in appreciation of how each of the four organizations — JCA, JFCS, River Garden and Jewish Federation — have shaped and positively affected his life. The Michael L. Solloway, M.D. Endowment Fund of the Jewish Federation & Foundation of Northeast Florida will benefit the entire Jewish community.
B'NAI TZEDEK Next Gen Fundholders As of Jan 1, 2021
Jacob Abraham Ben Finck Madison Abraham Joshua Fleet Rachael Abram Ariella Fleet Ariela Allen Talia Fleet Jordan Allerding Adam Friedman Harrison Andrew Remy Frohman Nicole Ansbacher Dante Gaviglio Michael Appel Austin Gartner Michael Appelbaum Jennifer Gartner Eliza Aretz Delta Gatewood Benjamin Arnold Hannah Gendzier Richard Bailys Alyson Giambalvo Nicole Bailys Gabriella Glassman Shylie Bannon Jacob Glassman Avigail Barak Jacob Glassman Geoffrey Berlin Julian Glassman Samuel Bernard Mathew Glassman Susan Bernhardt Sienna Glassman Arielle Bernhardt Jennifer Goetz Grace Beyer Andrew Goldman Jamie Bielski Elizabeth Goldman Allie Bielski Brad Goldring Elizabeth Bistrong Jeffrey Goldring Alexandra Block Aliza Goldstein Noah Borrousch-Rosin Max Goldstein Zach Borrousch-Rosin Ilan Goldstein Cory Brenenson Scott Goldstein Louisa Brinn Barbie Goldstein Ashton Brodsky Amanda Gomer Rebecca Brown Jerry Gomer Rachel Buff Edyn Gottlieb Jacob Campbell Alyse Granat Alex Caplan Brooke Gridley Benjamin Chafetz Eva Gridley Danielle Cheiken Sydney Gross Gabrielle Cohen Madison Grosse Martin Cohen Matthew Harris Benjamin Davis Benjamin Hecht Lily Davis Jacob Hecht Julia DeBardeleben Stephanie Hecht Joshua DeBardeleben Faye Hedrick Alyssa DeCrispino Lily Hernandez Rachel Dranetz Craig Herring Dalia Dryden Sophia Hilbert Sophie DuBow Max Horovitz Charlie DuBow Sarah Hunter Shira DuBow Ayden Israel Allison Duncan Brett Jackrel Rebecca Duncan Emily Jackson Zachary Edelman Sarah Jacobs Jonathan Edelman Joshua Jacobs Lauren Edwards Maiah Jaffa David Edwards Ava Jaffa Haley Falick Kyra Jaffa Joshua Feig Garrett Jaffe Shira Ferman Joshua Jolles Talia Fetner Sarah Joseph
Jack Joseph Eli Mizrahi Caroline Joseph Ryan Mizrahi Maggie Joseph Max Mizrahi Seth Karstaedt Evelyn Mizrahi Shaina Katz Zach Mizrahi Rebecca Katz Jacob Morgenthal Erica Katzin Vivien Moritz David Kaunitz Zachary Morris Gabriel Kaye Maci Morse Sage Kaye Trudy Morse Jillian Kight Rebecca Nathans Lindsey Kight Arin Nathans Matthew Kingson Sarah Neadle Sarah Kirkwood Erin Nicholson Jonah Kitay Eddie Norton Shira Kitay Britney Norton Jessica Kopp Jacob Orender Elissa Kraemer Zachary Orender Jason Krantz Danielle Palombo Shelby Krantz Amy Perlman Benjamin Lantinberg Ariella Phillips Hannah Leach Harrison Phillips Shimrit Lee Jacqueline Phillips Tal Lee Montgomery Phillips Annie Levenson Max Pittman Eric Levenson Laura Platzer Brian Levenson Sara Plotkin Noah Levin Shaina Plotkin Victoria Levine Jereme Pozin Ellis Levine Zachary Pozin Shoshana Levy Noah Pozin Rachel Levy Charlie Raitt Evan Levy Ashley Reiter Micah Lewis Aaron Resnick Danielle Lewis Louis Richman Itamar Lubliner Sara Richman Elior Lubliner Jennifer Richter Gabrielle Magid Lawrence Richter Sabrina Mail Matthew Rickoff Jasmine Mail Luria Rittenberg Faye Maiman Shira Rittenberg Neil Maiman David Rivera-Clapp Elana Maiman Leah Robbins Lauren Margol Laura Rogovin Ali Margolies Jessica Rogozinski Carolyn Margulies Laura Rogozinski Benjamin Mamelstein Dana Rogozinski Daniel Marmelstein Jonathan Rogozinski Ben Marsh Zachary Rogozinski Charles Milian Max Rogozinski Sophia Milian Danielle Rogozinski Sarah Miller Abigail Rotenberg Joshua Miller Jillian Rosenberg Madelyn Millrood Gabe Rosner Jonathan Mizrahi Adam Rothstein Debra Mizrahi Nina Rothstein Hannah Mizrahi Sophie Rothstein
Jacob Rubens Rachel Stark Avi Rubin Talor Stayer Micah Rubin Robert Stern Brandon Ruckh Logan Stern Molly Rudowitz Joshua Stevens Sydni Rudowitz Carly Stevens Elizabeth Rutansky Hannah Stone Jake Rutansky Lauren Tavar Josie Sagasser Sydney Teitelbaum Jonathan Sandler Emily Teitelbaum Paul Sandler Mason Teitelbaum Ethan Sandler Ariella Tesler Laura Sandler Elliana Tesler Ari Sandler Alec Tompkins Zach Sandler Brandon Trager Sarit Sandler Eden Trager Elan Sandler Elli Trager Dustin Sandler Brooke Trager Brooke Saye Jacob Unger Rachel Schemer Andrew Vining Zachary Schemer Kyle Vining Leslie Schemer Noah Wasserman Sarah Schemer Sara Wasserman Eva Schildhause Arielle Wajsman Matthew Schimmel Alexander Wajsman Jodi Beth Schneider David Walker Samuel Schwartz Rachael Warfield Harris Lee Schwartz Erin Weintraub David Selber Rachael Weston Jackie Selevan Zach Whiteley Alexandra Selevan Sam Whitman George Setzer Sarah Wilde Joshua Shapiro Parker Wilf Jessica Shapiro David Wilf Rachel Shapiro Jonah Willens Zev Shapiro Gabriel Willens Jennifer Shorstein Shea Beth Williams Mathew Shorstein David Williams Benjamin Shorstein Michael Wohl Benay Shorstein Mitchell Wohl Arnie Silverberg Rachel Wolf Alexandra Silverberg Jacob Wolfson Joel Silverstein Alex Wolfson Matthew Silverstein Jared Wolfson Zach Silverstein Allison Wolfson Hannah Silverstein Andrew Wolpoff Justin Simmons Evan Wolpoff Connor Simmons Joseph Yarish Lawrence Sims Samuel Yarish Logan Sims Tania Yegelwel Caroline Snowden Scott Youker Kyle Solloway Steven Youker Rachel Solomon Reesa Zaifert Samuel Sommers Jeremy Zaifert Cameron Spiritas Brooke Zimmerman Jason Smith Leah Zimmerman Aaron Stark Samantha Zimmerman
Creating a legacy by investing in the Next Generation
Mel & Debbie Gottlieb, December 2018
As Jews, we value our heritage as people committed to making the world a better place. One of the principles we pass from generation to generation (L’dor V’dor) is the value of charitable giving. The Jewish Federation & Foundation B’nai Tzedek
program was created to grow the next generation of Jewish philanthropists by developing young leaders and empowering our next generation to view themselves, even in their youth, as strategic donors. Through Mel and Debbie Gottlieb’s leadership and generosity, the B’nai Tzedek program started in 1999. B’nai Tzedek redefines Jewish philanthropy by showing young adults that they, too, can change the world through a personal and engaged relationship to lifelong giving. Participants learn about modern philanthropy and apply their knowledge by making heartfelt grants to the
organizations and causes they care about within the Jewish community. The Next Gen Philanthropy Program helps young people learn about leadership, service, financial literacy, and long-term investing to use their tzedakah for good — now and in the future. Every three years, B’nai Tzedek fundholders vote on local Jewish programs that need funding. Together, fundholders make a significant impact on the community and become part of the strong Jewish tradition of giving back. Mel and Debbie addressed fundholders in 2018 as they embarked upon the Next Gen Grantmaking initiative to
Laying the Foundation...
Elliot and Roslyn Horovitz Elliot was the first executive director of the Jewish Foundation in 1995 One of Elliott Horovitz’ favorite nuggets of advice was to say, “The toughest thing for a business to overcome is inertia.” Over the course of his life, Elliott overcame a lot of inertia, starting businesses from scratch and constantly thinking outside of the box. Those attributes were on full display when Elliott was named the first executive
director of the Jacksonville Jewish Foundation 25 years ago. Along with community leaders like Michael Donziger, Richard Sisisky, Mel Gottlieb, Alan Margolies and others, Elliott played a key role in the Foundation’s formation. During his brief tenure as executive director, Elliott helped to grow the Foundation to nearly $20 million in assets and promises for the future. His work helped secure endowment gifts that will benefit our Jewish community for years to come. He quickly established his own Donor Advised Fund with the Foundation as well as a Charitable Remainder Trust, which converted to an endowment fund following his death and that of his wife, Roslyn Platock
Horovitz. The Roslyn and Elliot Horovitz Fund will forever provide for the community the Horovitz' were so committed to. His work in helping establish the Jacksonville Jewish Foundation was nothing new for Elliott. In addition to his many entrepreneurial successes, Elliott spent a lifetime supporting Jewish causes. He always attributed his love for Judaism and his involvement in the Jewish community to his grandparents and parents who impressed upon him the importance of living a Jewish life and remembering that to be charitable is part of being Jewish. As a member of the “Greatest Generation” Elliott was a highly decorated bombardier in World War II,
award $45,000 in grants to three local partner agencies. During the event Mel said, “Today’s young people stand to inherit an incredible history of success and tzedakah. This program was created to give young people an opportunity to build on that success and put their passion into action. Our Jewish community’s future is bright but the need for strong leaders and engaged donors will remain. Being philanthropic means that you leave the world somehow better and this is what B’nai Tzedek is about.”
where he flew 19 missions over Germany on the B17 flying fortress. During Israel’s War of Independence, Elliott assisted the Haganah in recruiting fighter pilots. While president and chairperson of the California Orange County Jewish Foundation he participated in a Prime Minister’s Mission to Israel and created a UJA golf day that continues to provide funding every year. Elliott considered his greatest legacy to be his children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren all of whom he encouraged to live an active Jewish life. As a result, his family now includes four generations of fundholders at the Foundation. L’Dor V’Dor from generation to generation.
2021 Foundation Funds
The Jewish Foundation continues the great work of nurturing relationships with our fundholders, donors and our Northeast Florida area synagogues and Jewish agencies. It exists to provide charitable gift planning services to our partners and interested members of our community. Above all, it protects the financial interests of our partners and strives to ensure that the intent of all donors who wish to support Jewish organizations is always honored. Helping to craft each family’s vision for a Jewish tomorrow is a joy, and we remain committed to helping you perpetuate a living legacy of caring that will last long beyond your lifetime and continue to inspire from generation to generation. Thank you to our partners and our fundholders for their continued investment in our nonprofit community.
ADVISED FUNDS The Block Family Donor Advised Fund The Laverne & Andrew Cantor Donor Advised Fund The Helen & Michael DuBow Donor Advised Fund The Eaglstein Donor Advised Fund The Matthew & Susan Edelman Donor Advised Fund The Helene S Edwards Donor Advised Fund The Jeff & Mary Edwards Donor Advised Fund The Len & Judy Elikan Donor Advised Fund The Melvyn & Beverly Fruit Donor Advised Fund The Jeff & Doris Goldstein Donor Advised Fund The Gottlieb Family Donor Advised Fund The Mark & Nancy Green Donor Advised Fund The Nancy R Rushing Donor Advised Fund The Bruce & Edith Horovitz Donor Advised Fund The Sylvia & Andrew Jaffa Donor Advised Fund The Pepi Kahn Donor Advised Fund The Lawrence & Kathy Kanter Philanthropic Fund of the JCF The Morton & Delores Kesler Donor Advised Fund The Kitay Family Fund The Iris and Mark Kraemer Family Donor Advised Fund The Levine Family Donor Advised Fund The Peter Ben Levy & Kim Glasgal Donor Advised Fund The Marc & Sheri Litt Donor Advised Fund The Harry & Sylvia Livingston Donor Advised Fund The Leonardo & Lynn Maiman Donor Advised Fund The Dr. Ed & Judy Mizrahi Donor Advised Fund The Nussbaum Family Donor Advised Fund The Rein Family Donor Advised Fund The Rickoff Family Donor Advised Fund The Alan & Ellen Rosner Donor Advised Fund The Rostholder Family Donor Advised Fund The Selevan Family Donor Advised Fund The Sherman Family Donor Advised Fund The Silverman Family Donor Advised Fund The Mark & Beth Shorstein Donor Advised Fund The Kimberly & Richard Sisisky Family Foundation The Dr. Roy & Irene Sloat Donor Advised Fund The Kelleher Smith Family Donor Advised Fund The David A. Stein Family Foundation Donor Advised Fund The Seeman Zimmerman Donor Advised Fund The Barry & Eunice Zisser Donor Advised Fund
The Isabel Balotin Endowment Fund The Ronald Cohen Endowment Fund The Coplan & Goldman Families JCA Camp Scholarship Endowment Fund The Matthew Edelman Endowment Fund The Walter Field Endowment Fund The Myron Flagler Israel Learning Seminar Endowment Fund The Sol & Hilda Goldman Early Childhood Scholarship Endowment Fund The Heroes Among Us Endowment Fund The Horovitz Family Endowment Fund The Roslyn and Elliott Horovitz Endowment Fund The Jaffa Family Endowment Fund The Meta Grace Keebler Memorial Endowment Fund The David A. Kossak & R. Courtney Gullet Endowment Fund The Lessons of the Holocaust Endowment Fund The Susan and Mitchell Levine Endowment Fund for Jewish Education The Levine Family Endowment Fund The Michael & Deanna Lissner Endowment Fund The Beverly Marcuse & Loris Katten Levy Memorial Endowment Fund The Joseph Mizrahi Memorial Endowment Fund The Drs. Michael & Sue Weinstein-Nussbaum JCF Endowment Fund The Neil Presser Endowment Fund The Leon and Lois Robins Endowment Fund The Rostholder Family Endowment Fund The Joe P. Safer Endowment Fund The Leonard Setzer Endowment Fund The Setzer Family Endowment Fund The Stephen & Judith Silverman Endowment Fund The Slutsk Jewish Community Reclamation Endowment Fund The Michael L. Solloway, M.D. Endowment Fund The National Council of Jewish Women Endowment Fund
CHARITABLE REMAINDER TRUST The Abramson Charitable Remainder Trust
2021 Foundation Funds POINT OF INTEREST FUNDS The Michael Donziger Legacy Leader Award Fund The DuBow Preschool Education Fund The Martin J. Gottlieb School Education Fund The Jewish Grantmaking Fund
The Beth El-The Beaches Synagogue Endowment Fund The Etz Chaim Endowment Fund The Hirschberg Trust Fund for Temple The Jacksonville Jewish Center Endowment Fund The Jewish Community Alliance Endowment Fund The Jewish Federation of Jacksonville Investment Endowment Fund The JFCS Charities Endowment Fund The River Garden Hebrew Home Endowment Fund The Temple Endowment Fund The Temple Capital Campaign Endowment Fund The Temple Cemetery Endowment Fund The Temple Galinsky Endowment Fund The Temple Korman Youth Endowment Fund The Temple Life Membership Endowment Fund The Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Endowment Fund
FOREVER LIONS Sue Eaglstein Debbie Gottlieb Allison Jacobs Irene Jaffa Barbara G. Jaffe Iris Kraemer Ilene Levenson Joan Levin Susan Levine Debbie Parker Jennifer Plotkin Barbara Resnick Kim Robbins Emily Rostholder Diane Rothstein Debra Setzer Judy Silverman Kimberly Sisisky Kellie Smith Haley Trager Phyllis Vandroff Stacie Wilf Brenda Wolchok Eunice Zisser
g e L
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A love for children led to transformational legacy gift
that some of us need that one helping hand to assist us. Hilda and I feel that the greatest contributions we can make to Judaism and to mankind is offering educational opportunities to children and young adults and caring about and providing for the sick and the needy. We are pleased and thankful to be able to help those in need.”
The Sol and Hilda Goldman Early Childhood and Summer Camp Scholarship Fund provides scholarships to children in need regardless of race or religion who seek access to the highly recognized preschool and summer camp programs of the Jewish Community Alliance. We are grateful for Sol’s generosity and commitment to our community and are honored he trusted us with his bequest.
English. They worked hard were members. to provide for our family, I spent some time in the my brothers Maurice and Navy and Joe was in the Joseph and me. My mother Army Air Corp and flew 25 was my greatest inspiration. missions over Germany. She was an Orthodox Jew When we returned from often overheard speaking service, Joe and I started a Yiddish at home. We didn’t small slaughterhouse that have other local Jewish later became Gold Merit relatives except for our Packing Company. Later as uncle, our mother’s brother. volume grew, Winn-Dixie In spite of the challenges became one of our best and facing a Jewish immigrant most helpful customers. Sol and Hilda Goldman family in Jacksonville, Therefore, I will always have ol Goldman was a Florida, in the early 1900s, a warm spot in my heart for Jacksonville native mother kept a kosher Jewish the Winn-Dixie Company. I and the son of home and insisted that all of learned early in life how immigrant parents. us receive a Jewish education important it is to try and get He and his brother grew up including a Bar Mitzvah, and along with everyone. “poor as dirt” on the city’s that we all graduate from Although we have no Westside — their father a high children, Hilda, “The Sol and Hilda Goldman butcher and their mother a school. a nurse by Scholarship fund ensures support is homemaker. After serving in Born in training from available to every child that relies World War II, Sol worked 1920 and Florida State on the JCA for services. We’re and saved to establish the raised nursing school, proud to be able to help unite our Gold Merit Meat Packing during the had a very busy community during difficult times Plant, which would become depression, life. She was and are grateful for those who one of only three meat I recall always active at continue to donate to our distributors in Florida. Sol’s how so the Center in scholarship fund to help make this company was a blue-ribbon many lived many volunteer possible.”—Rochelle Stoddard, JCA vendor for Winn-Dixie. in severe positions. She board president. poverty. has volunteered Upon Sol’s death in 2016 Although with many at age 96, the Jewish bread was only a nickel, no Jewish organizations and Foundation established its one had the nickel. My was president of the largest single endowment brother Joe and I got our National Council of Jewish gift to date with the “Sol experience in the meat Women from 1963 to 1965. and Hilda Goldman Early business early in life from Because of our love for Childhood Education and our father who worked a children and young adults Summer Camp Scholarship kosher butcher shop. While and our belief in helping Fund.” we were in Robert E. Lee those in need, Hilda and I In 2003, Sol recorded his High School, we worked for have established many funds reasons for giving in the local meat packers. Even to benefit Jewish and Foundation’s Book of Life: after graduation and until non-Jewish causes. “When my parents Louis World War II we still stayed I believe in respecting and Gertie Goldman, of in the meat product area. I everyone’s personal situation blessed memory, immigrated celebrated my Bar Mitzvah and in treating them as I to the United States from at the Third and Silver Street would like to be treated. Russia, they couldn’t speak, location of the Jacksonville When I look back upon my read or write a word of Jewish Center where we childhood, I sincerely believe
Jewish Foundation Impact Report $33.4 Million in Assets Under Management 104 Managed Funds
$11.3 Million in fund contributions since merger*
339 Next Gen Funds
$4.3 Million in grants distributed since merger*
Total Grants Awarded by Type since Merger*
$1.5 Million in grants distributed during 2020
Assets Under Management
$964,092 $279,997
Grow with us...
$1,172,473 Partner Agencies 44% Synagogues 27%
Other Charities 22% National & Global Jewish 7%
*Represents 36 months: 1/1/2018-12/31/2020
Dollars Granted
Number of Grants 28%
22% 78%
Jewish: $3,342,641 Non-Jewish: $964,092
Distributions by Fund Type 39%
Jewish: 624
DAF Grants: $2,619,288
Non-Jewish: 246
Endowment Funds: $1,687,445
Thank you to our fundholders
Helping to craft your vision for a Jewish tomorrow is a joy and we remain committed to helping you realize a living legacy of caring that will last long beyond your lifetime and continue to inspire from generation to generation.
Thank you to our partners
We continue the great work of nurturing partnerships between our Northeast Florida area synagogues and Jewish agencies. We exist to provide charitable gift planning services to our partners and interested members of our community. Above all, we protect the financial interests of our partners and ensure that the intent of all donors is always honored.
“Everyone has the ability to create a legacy gift. These gifts enable our Jewish organizations to achieve long-term financial stability and sustainability. By planning your legacy, you can express your values, honor your heritage and provide something lasting and significant for the future. It is our task to secure thriving Jewish life for generations to come by committing to tomorrow, today.”
Kellie Smith, Foundation Director Kelliek@jewishjacksonville.org 904.512.3796