24 minute read
DuBow Preschool 3662 Crown Point Road Jacksonville, FL 32257 (904) 268-1241 www.dubowgottlieb.org Contact:info@dubowgottlieb.org We are an inclusive and diverse school that believes in the importance of growth through play. Each child benefits from an integrated curriculum enhanced by Art, Gardening, Music, and Learning Lab. Here, children begin to form their Jewish identity to become part of the community. We strive to make each child feel safe, cared for, and valued, so they truly flourish. Our school provides parents a window into their children’s learning through daily digital reports including photographs and videos. A direct line of communication is always available through our dedicated office staff. Ganeinu - Early Childhood Development Center 11271 Alumni Way Jacksonville, FL 32246 (904) 646-4434 www.ganeinu.com Contact: chabadecdc@gmail.com At Ganeinu Early Childhood Development Center, our children are viewed as collaborators. We build on the strengths and interests of each child with new activities and environments in which they can thrive. We help build a solid foundation where children can develop their futures with an underscore of Judaism.
Michele Block Gan Yeladim Preschool & Kindergarten 8505 San Jose Blvd Jacksonville, FL 32217 (904) 730-2100 ext. 242 jcajax.org/ece Contact: Natalia Fisher, Early Childhood Education Director, natalia.fisher@jcajax.org The JCA strives to nurture and facilitate learning experiences for children through play, exploration, and creativity at the Michele Block Gan Yeladim Preschool & Kindergarten. Our school is NAEYC accredited and specializes in the Regio Approach to learning. In our school, children are guided as they explore, learn, and document; they are seen as constructivist learners where learning is experiential and specifically created for them.
JDS - Jewish Day School (Chabad of Southside) 11271 Alumni Way Jacksonville, FL 32246 (904) 646-4434 www.southsidechabad.com Contact: rabbi@southsidechabad.com In 2011, The Day School was founded as a private school recognized by the Florida Department of Education. The Day School is a beneficiary of the Step Up For Students Prgram offering major tuition subsidies to students from lower income families.
Martin J. Gottlieb Day School 3662 Crown Point Road Jacksonville, FL 32257 (904) 268-4200 www.dubowgottlieb.org Contact: info@dubowgottlieb.org Our unique K-8 private school provides a rigorous secular and Judaic program that supports the whole student. Self-confidence grows as each individual develops higher-level critical thinking, problem-solving, and creative skills required for academic excellence. We support students as they develop age appropriate social and emotional skills, self-confidence and empathy. Our mission is to instill a strong Jewish identity, pride in community, and enable our students to reach their full potential. We welcome students of all Jewish religious affiliations. Torah Academy of Jacksonville 10167 San Jose Blvd Jacksonville, FL 32257 (904) 268-7719 www.torah-academy.com Contact: Shalom Horowitz, shorowitz@torah-academy.com Breindy Lazor, blazor@torah-academy.com At Torah Academy, we shine a spotlight on the needs of the individual child while simultaneously providing rigorous academic study and planting seeds that will create a life-long learner and an integral community member. We provide our Nursery-12th grade students with a nurturing atmosphere, and a love for Torah and the land of Israel, as we carefully guide them on the road to becoming well-rounded and productive members of our Jewish community and beyond.
Torah Academy High School students pose with Mr. Morris Bendit after interviewing him for the Names, Not Numbers Holocaust Project
BSA-Scouts Pack 14 at the Center 3662 Crown Point Rd Jacksonville, FL 32257 (904) 292-1000 www.jaxjewishcenter.org Contact: Allan Andrew, info@jaxjewishcenter.org Scouting is in its 104th year at the Jacksonville Jewish Center with an active Cub Scout Pack 14. Boys and girls from Kindergarten through 5th grade participate in a variety of activities including nature walks, kayaking, making Chanukah candles, pinewood derby and more. Pack activities follow laws of kashrut and events are chosen around the observance of Shabbat.
Hike and Clean Up at UNF
Cleaning up at UNF
EMTZA 10167 San Jose Blvd Jacksonville, FL 32257 (305) 764-7212 JAX.NCSY.org Contact: Joey Hamaoui, HamaouiJ@NCSY.org EMTZA NCSY and JSU bring the amazing programs of Jewish Student Union and NCSY to the middle school level. With programs designed with middle schoolers in mind NCSY inspires, connects, and empowers Jewish middle schoolers to have positive Jewish identities and be prepared to become leaders in high school. NCSY JAX 10167 San Jose Blvd Jacksonville, FL 32257 (305) 764-7212 JAX.NCSY.org Contact: Joey Hamaoui, HamaouiJ@NCSY.org NCSY JAX connects Jewish Teens in 9th-12th grade through innovative, social, and recreational programs to develop a positive Jewish identity. NCSY JAX inspires teens and their connection to Israel through informal Jewish education, retreats and summer programs.
Jewish Scouts Troop 12 at the Temple 8727 San Jose Boulevard Jacksonville, FL 32217 (904) 476-7000 www.jaxtroop12.com Contact: Michelle DeDeo, jaxtroop12@gmail.com Jewish Scouting has been in Jacksonville since 1916 and Troop 12 is recruiting! Troop 12 offers a personalized boy-led scouting program guided by experienced leaders from the Center and the Temple. Whether Scouts want to earn their Eagle or just have fun camping, Troop 12 offers it all! If you have finished the 5th grade, come and see what we’re about! Boys of all faiths are welcome, so bring a friend.
Summer at Camp Daniel Boone, NC
Camping & Kayaking at Otter Springs Beautiful Campout Breakfast at O’leno State Park
Youth Services at the JCA 8505 San Jose Blvd Jacksonville, FL 32217 (904) 730-2100 ext. 245 jcajax.org/youth Contact: Amanda Collins Hall, Youth Services Director amanda.collins@jcajax.org Even when children are not in school it is important to continue developing social, emotional, cognitive, and physical skills that are known to promote character building. Youth programs like J-CAtion Days, After School and Study Central at the JCA provide social and educational components to give children a place to learn and grow after their school day is finished. JCA youth enrichment programs include cooking, science, music, and art, and are available for children grades K - 8 throughout the school year.
Cteen @ the Beaches 521 A1A N Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082 (904) 543-9301 ChabadBeaches.com/Cteen Contact: Nochum Kurinsky, rabbi@chabadbeaches.com CTeen @ theBeaches is an exclusive club for Teens Grades 8 & up. CTeen is the fastest growing Jewish teen network, with over 250 chapters around the world. Cteen at the Beaches meets monthly. These meetings are dynamic and exciting social events, trips, Shabbatons, classes, community service opportunities, and more. 40 Teens will learn about their Jewish heritage, gain leadership skills, socialize with other Jewish teens and give back to the community, all within a warm Jewish atmosphere. Cteen provides a nurturing environment where teens can learn about themselves through giving to others, identify with individuals who share the same faith.
Jewish Student Union 10167 San Jose Blvd Jacksonville, FL 32257 (305) 764-7212 JSU.org Contact: Joey Hamaoui, HamaouiJ@DoJSU.org Jewish Student Union – JSU facilitates regular club meetings in public schools that meet before or after school, providing food for the body and soul. Programs include speakers from a variety of Jewish organizations, holocaust education, discussions on timely topics of interest to the participants, and interactive activities. Kosher pizza, holiday foods, or other snacks are always served. In addition to the regularly scheduled school club meetings, JSU sponsors activities outside of school including Retreats, Citywide holiday parties, community service projects, ski trips, Friday night dinners, and other exciting events.
NCSY JAX 10167 San Jose Blvd Jacksonville, FL 32257 (305) 764-7212 JAX.NCSY.org Contact: Joey Hamaoui, HamaouiJ@NCSY.org NCSY JAX connects Jewish Teens in 9th-12th grade through innovative, social, and recreational programs to develop a positive Jewish identity. NCSY JAX inspires teens and their connection to Israel through informal Jewish education, retreats, and summer programs.
Camp Gan Israel (904) 701-4422 www.jewishstjohnscounty.com Camp Gan Israel is a 2 week Jewish specialty camp for children ages 3 through 12. When children connect to their Jewishness while having an awesome time with their friends, they create happy, healthy Jewish memories that will last a lifetime.
JCA Summer Camp 8505 San Jose Blvd Jacksonville, FL 32217 (904) 730-2100 www.jcajax.org/camp We off er children an enriching summer experience with access to pools, tennis courts, a gymnasium, an indoor track, an art studio, a theatre auditorium, dance and aerobic studios, and 100,000 square feet of indoor space. A second JCA campsite is located at the Jacksonville Jewish Center, 3662 Crown Point Road. JCA Summer Camp off ers children, ages 2 - 16, eight camps including dozens of unique programs designed to engage your children all summer. Children can choose from specialties like horseback riding, fashion designing, cooking, sports, theatre, music, and more!
Chabad at UNF 12471 Alumni Way Jacksonville, FL 32246 (904) 646-4434 www.chabadunf.com Chabad at UNF brings together Jewish Students from across Jacksonville by promoting Judaism and a place where every student feels at home. Through our wide array of unique and innovative programming, we provide a vibrant community for hundreds of students with diverse and dynamic opportunities.
UNF Jewish Student Union 1 UNF Dr Jacksonville, FL Contact: jsu.unf@gmail.com Jewish Student Union is a Registered Student Organization (RSO) that seeks to serve the Jewish students at the University of North Florida while also providing an inclusive environment for ALL students to learn about and explore the cultural experiences of Judaism!
Adult Education @ Chabad Beaches 521 A1A N Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082 (904) 543-9301 ChabadBeaches.com Contact: Nochum Kurinsky, rabbi@chabadbeaches.com No matter your background of affiliation, if you’re curious about observing more mitzvot or simply seeking a better understanding of Jewish culture and tradition, we have the place for you. Created for the needs of the Beaches Jewish community, our programs meet all levels. All classes are presented at a comfortable pace. You’ll find expert and dynamic instructors along with an engaging intellectual climate for dialogue and critical thinking. Weekly classes for women, Jewish mysticism, as well as JLI courses, offering three accredited courses per year on an array of topics including Jewish ethics, philosophy, history, and Jewish belief and practice.
Chabad of St. Johns Hebrew School for GrownUps 1571 Lemonwood Road Jacksonville, FL 32259 (904) 701-4422 www.jewishstjohnscounty.com Contact: info@jewishstjohnscounty.com A place to refresh your knowledge of Judaism! Even if you’ve never had any Hebrew School experience and feel kind of lost, you’ll fit right in. We’ll take a fresh look at a variety of Jewish topics and get real about the important things in Judaism.
Chabad at Southside Adult Education 11271 Alumni Way Jacksonville, FL 32246 (904) 646-4434 www.southsidechabad.com Contact: rabbi@southsidechabad.com From reading the Aleph-Bet to Jewish Mysticism and everywhere in between, Chabad is proud to offer a variety of Jewish learning opportunities to our community. No specific background is ever needed and all classes are free and open to the public. 42 Congregation Ahavath Chesed Adult Education 8727 San Jose Blvd Jacksonville, FL 32217 (904) 733-7078 www.thetemplejacksonville.org Torah Study, weekly discussions, guest speakers, lively breakfasts and festive dinners. Our program provides new topics and concepts to ponder and discuss through a Jewish lens, while also connecting learners to Jewish tradition, values, and one another in sacred community.
Etz Chaim Adult Education 10167 San Jose Blvd. Jacksonville, FL 32257 (913) 230-6448 Etz Chaim Synagogue provides learning opportunities for individuals on all knowledge levels. From lunch and learns to Monday night mini-series on Jewish topics, to prayer 101 on Shabbat during services, Etz Chaim is open to all and welcomes all new learners.
Morgan Stanley is proud to congratulate Sanford Zimmerman CFP,® and Bradley Zimmerman
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Being named to Forbes’ 2022 Best-In-State Wealth Advisors list, is a testament to your experience, professionalism and dedication to your clients. Thank you for the work you do each day and for carrying forward the culture of excellence at our firm.
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CFP Board owns the marks CFP®, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™, and CFP® (with plaque design) in the U.S. Source: Forbes.com (April, 2022) Forbes' Best-in-State Wealth Advisors ranking was developed by SHOOK Research and is based on in-person and telephone due diligence meetings to evaluate each advisor qualitatively, a major component of a ranking algorithm that includes: client retention, industry experience, review of compliance records, firm nominations; and quantitative criteria, including: assets under management and revenue generated for their firms. Investment performance is not a criterion. Rankings are based on the opinions of SHOOK Research, LLC and not indicative of future performance or representative of any one client’s experience. Neither Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC nor its Financial Advisors or Private Wealth Advisors pay a fee to Forbes or SHOOK Research in exchange for the ranking. For more information: www.SHOOKresearch.com. © 2022 Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC. Member SIPC. CRC 4875070 07/22 CS 377273-2494206 07/22
J Institute 8505 San Jose Blvd Jacksonville, FL 32217 (904) 730-2100 ext. 265 jcajax.org/j-institute Contact: Heather Terrill, J Institute Program Manager, heather.terrill@jcajax.org J Institute provides the unique opportunity for adult members and the community to develop new skills, explore the world, improve personal wellness, and socialize with others of varying interests. We off er an ever-changing array of innovative classes, programs, and events to inspire and educate. With cultural arts off erings, enrichment opportunities, inspirational speakers, and exceptional entertainment, there’s something for everyone. Jacksonville Community Kollel 3651 Crown Point Rd Jacksonville, FL 32257 (904) 686-8812 www.JacksonvilleKollel.com offi ce@jacksonvillekollel.com Contact: Joey Hamaoui, JoeyHamaoui@JacksonvilleKollel.com Rabbi Menashe Uhr, RabbiUhr@JacksonvilleKollel.com Rabbi Yosef Chaim Cohen, RabbiCohen@JacksonvilleKollel.com The Jacksonville Community Kollel is the hub of Jewish learning in NE Florida. Through our vast array of classes, programs and social events we enable Jews of any background or affi liation to learn more about their heritage. We cater to all ages and boast men, women, and children’s programming. Learn more by visiting our website at www.JacksonvilleKollel.com Contact: (904) 686-8812 or offi ce@jacksonvillekollel.com.
Jacksonville Jewish Center - Adult Education 3662 Crown Point Road Jacksonville, FL 32257 (904) 292-1000 www.jaxjewishcenter.org info@jaxjewishcenter.org The Jacksonville Jewish Center has coff ee & Torah learning sessions with Rabbi Lubliner on Thursdays to study the week’s Torah portion (Parasha HaShavuah). We have seudah shelishith on Saturday afternoons at which we enjoy a light dairy meal, study Torah, and sing. Foundations of Judaism weekly class is held from August through May to learn more about Judaism. To date, we have hosted various programs, including the annual Safer Shabbaton and the Shorstein Memorial Lecture.
SAVE THE DATE : National Women’s Philanthropy Our Shared Shelf Book & Author Series Season 3
Shanda: A Memoir of Shame and Secrecy by Letty Cottin Pogrebin | September 21, 2022 | 8:00pm Mas-ter of the Game: Hen-ry Kissinger and the Art of Mid-dle East Diplomacy by Martin Indyk | October 26, 2022 | 8:00pm The Most Likely Club by Elyssa Friedland | November 16, 2022 | 8:00pm The Last Rose of Shanghai by Weina Dai Randel | December 21, 2022 | 8:00pm Satisfaction Guaranteed: How Zingerman’s Built a Corner Deli into a Global Food Community by Micheline Maynard | January 24, 2023 | 8:00pm Hap-pi-ness is your Respon-si-bil-i-ty: Peg-gys Playbook of Moti-va-tion-al Moments by Peggy Kahn-Sullivan | February 15, 2023 | 8:00pm And How Are the Children: Timeless Lessons from the Frontlines of Motherhood by Marjorie Margolies | March 29, 2023 | 8:00pm Deliberately Divided: Inside the Controversial Study of Twins and Triplets Adopted Apart by Nancy Segal | May 17, 2023 | 8:00pm
Beaches Hebrew School 521 A1A N Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082 (904) 543-9301 ChabadBeaches.com/HebrewSchool Chabad at the Beaches’s Hebrew School The Chabad Beaches Hebrew School is now welcoming new students; no synagogue membership is necessary to enroll. Children will be instilled with feelings of pride and aff ection for their heritage and the land of Israel with an innovative and stimulating hands-on program. It’s a Hebrew school where kids experience Judaism in a creative and fun atmosphere! Chabad Hebrew School features a challenging, fun, and innovative curriculum. Highly qualifi ed educators help Judaism comes alive for our students through active learning and hands-on activities. Special events include Shabbatons and Parent-Child Learning Days.
Bernard & Alice Selevan Religious School 3662 Crown Point Road Jacksonville, FL 32257 (904) 292-1000 www.jaxjewishcenter.org Contact: Rabbi Shira Rosenblum, srosenblum@jaxjewishcenter.org The Bernard & Alice Selevan Religious School at the Jacksonville Jewish Center provides Jewish education for students in grades K-7. We build community through Hebrew, tefillot, and commitment to the inclusive, traditional, progressive ideals of Conservative Judaism. We strive to make learning fun, build Jewish identity, and enable our learners to experience Judaism by living the holidays throughout the year. Our rich curriculum delves into Jewish values, mitzvot, history, and traditions. Beth El the Beaches Religious School 288 North Roscoe Blvd. Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082 (904) 273-9100 www.bethelbeaches.org Contact: Vickie Kennedy, Vickie@bethelbeaches.org Beth El Religious School implements a spiraling hands-on curriculum which creates a meaningful and learning environment. The goal for the students of Religious School is to develop a love of Judaism through story, art, and celebration! Knowledge and appreciation of our faith is gained through creativity, discussion, and experiences.
Chabad of Clay County Hebrew School 1760 Eagle Crest Dr. Fleming Island, FL 32003 (904) 290-1017 www.jewishclaycounty.com Contact: shaina@jewishclaycounty.com
Chabad of Southside Hebrew School SR-A1A N Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082 (904) 504-0451 Contact: lkurinsky@gmail.com Our educational focus is creating an interactive and learning environment. Every effort is made to ensure that the learning experience is positive, stimulating, and exciting. We go out of our way to ensure that every child is motivated and engaged.
Congregation Ahavath Chesed Temple Institute of Religion (TIR) 8727 San Jose Boulevard Jacksonville, FL 32217 (904) 733-7078 www.thetemplejacksonville.org/ temple-institute-of-religion Contact: info@thetemplejacksonville.org TIR creates a positive Jewish identity and community through relevant Jewish experiences for children, teens, and families.
Temple Bet Yam Religious School 2055 Wildwood Dr. St. Augustine, FL 32086 (904) 819-1875 www.templebetyam.org Contact: Jacqueline Witte, TempleBetYam@gmail.com Temple Bet Yam was founded in 1993, with a current membership of 110 families from traditional and interfaith backgrounds. The congregation is diverse, open and caring, offering a dynamic religious school and opportunities to become active. Services are held twice a month, along with holiday observances and life cycle events.
Achievers For Life (AFL) 8540 Baycenter Road Jacksonville, FL 32256 (904) 487-8502 www.jfcsjax.org/services/achievers-for-life Contact: Chris Atkins, Director, catkins@jfcsjax.org Achievers For Life is a dropout prevention initiative funded by the United Way, in partnership with communities in schools and The LJD Jewish Family & Community Services. The program serves 6th-8th grade students exhibiting risk factors of dropping out of school and provides students with family support, mentors, and tutoring. Services continue throughout middle school and has a 96% success rate.
Chabad at the Beaches Bagel Babies (904) 543-9301 Contact: Chabad@chabadbeaches.com
Chabad at the Beaches Junior Congregation - C Kids (904) 543-9301 Contact: Chabad@chabadbeaches.com
Chabad at the Beaches Mommy & Me (904) 543-9301 Contact: Chabad@chabadbeaches.com Chabad of Northeast Florida Mommy & Me (904) 262-6641 www.chabadjacksonville.org
Chabad of St. Johns GROW After - School Enrichment Program 1571 Lemonwood Road St. Johns, FL 32259 (904) 701-4422
Chalutzim & Kadima - Setzer Youth Education at the Center 3662 Crown Point Rd Jacksonville, FL 32257 (904) 292-1000 www.jaxjewishcenter.org Contact: Michelle Penson, mpenson@jaxjewishcenter.org The Center’s Youth Groups, Chalutzim (grades 3-5) & Kadima (grades 6-8), are the place to make friends, have a blast, and learn the importance of building community in a Jewish setting. Events are held at the Jacksonville Jewish Center twice a month. Additionally, we attend field trips around town, celebrate holidays together, and take advantage of our 35-acre campus. Our youth groups are open to all Jewish youth in Jacksonville.
Chalutzim making hanukkiahs and reciting the blessings together
With Rabbi Rosenblum’s coaching, Kadima shoots archery at an event. Kadima “throws down” for Chopped - Hanukkah edition
Co-Parenting Class, JFCS 8540 Baycenter Road Jacksonville, FL 32256 (904) 394-5706 www.jfcsjax.org/coparenting Contact: Lorna Wittenrich, Director of Clinical Services, dfortney@jfcsjax.org When facing a divorce, courts require parents to attend a co-parenting class designed to assist them in understanding the importance of shared parenting. JFCS’s co-parenting class assists clients in gaining communication strategies with ex-partners and their children through education.
E.P.I.C. 8540 Baycenter Road Jacksonville, FL 32256 (904) 448-1933 www.jfcsjax.org/services/epic Contact: nrunion@jfcsjax.org JFCS’ E.P.I.C. program offers families the opportunity to receive support services for students at the Martin J. Gottlieb Day School and Torah Academy. This program provides Education. Partnership. Inclusion. Counseling.
Holocaust Education 8540 Baycenter Road Jacksonville, FL 32256 (904) 448-1933 jacksonvilleholocaustmemorial.com Contact: Melissa Williams, Holocaust Education Coordinator, mgwilliams@jfcsjax.org JFCS’s Holocaust Education program provides training, resources, and support for educators teaching the Holocaust. Available resources include teaching trunks, a speakers bureau made up of first and second generation Holocaust survivors, in-person and virtual gallery tours, and assisting with any specific needs that arise. Jewish Education 8505 San Jose Blvd Jacksonville, FL 32217 (904) 730-2100 ext. 271 jcajax.org/jewish/ Contact: Rachel Sandler, Jewish Educator rachel.sandler@jcajax.org Jewish Education programs at the JCA are open to our entire community. We offer a variety of programs with speakers and classes associated with Jewish education. The JCA also offers programs in collaboration with our community Shlicha (Tal Mola) who brings education about Israel to our community.
Jewish Teen Leadership Initiative - Setzer Youth Education at the Center 3662 Crown Point Rd Jacksonville, FL 32257 (904) 292-1000 www.jaxjewishcenter.org Contact: Michelle Penson, mpenson@jaxjewishcenter.org Jewish Teen Leadership Initiative (JTLI - grades 8-11) is a comprehensive post b’nai mitzvah learning opportunity incorporating tikkun olam, educational sessions, and skill building. Teens in the upper grades will attend a trip to extend their learning. Siyyum (grade 12) is the culmination of years of learning. Please reach out to Michelle Penson to learn about upcoming units of learning and social action projects.
Visiting with residents of the Coves at our favorite Annual Ugly Hanukkah Sweater Party
Never too old to bake and enjoy Hamantaschen
Smiles and icees after delivering chesed meals cooked and packed by JTLI
Parent & Me Classes - Family and Early Childhood Learning at the JCA 8505 San Jose Blvd Jacksonville, FL 32217 (904) 730-2100 ext. 242 jcajax.org/ece Contact: Natalia Fisher, Early Childhood Education Director, natalia.fisher@jcajax.org As part of the JCA and Michele Block Gan Yeladim Preschool & Kindergarten’s ongoing efforts to promote parent and family involvement, we offer free Parent & Me classes which are open to our entire community. These unique family-oriented classes are designed to help new parents bond with their children while they meet other young families. Parent & Me classes are offered from August-May. The Parent & Me class schedule is published in every JCA Program Guide and via jcajax.org.
PJ Library & PJ Our Way 8540 Baycenter Road Jacksonville, FL 32256 (904) 448-1933 www.jfcsjax.org/services/pj-library Contact: Melissa Williams, PJ Library Coordinator mgwilliams@jfcsjax.org PJ Library is a program that sends free, award-winning books that celebrate Jewish values and culture to families with children 6 months through 8-years old. PJ Our Way is for ages 9-12. PJ Library Jacksonville provides over 600 families living in the Jacksonville Jewish community with programming that enhances family engagement and improves the quality of life in their homes by enriching their Jewish experiences. USY - Setzer Youth Education at the Center 3662 Crown Point Rd Jacksonville, FL 32257 (904) 292-1000 www.jaxjewishcenter.org Contact: Michelle Penson, mpenson@jaxjewishcenter.org USY (grades 9-12) focuses on creating fun and friendship while building leadership and social skills. Teens create, plan, and implement their own events with support from advisors, help lead Mini and Mighty Minyan during Shabbat and meet monthly for Shabbat dinners or Havdalah. Teens establish relationships with other USYers throughout the SouthEast, attending conventions and other regional events. USY is open to all Jewish teens in Jacksonville.
Yeehaw and congratulations to the incoming USY Board
USY posing during mini golf sub-regional Mercaz event
Traveling to Atlanta for USY HaNegev Spring Convention
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