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Garden 77th Anniversary Day
In late March, River Garden hosted its 77th Anniversary Day. Nearly 600 guests joined the festivities.
1. Board Member, Michael Lissner, is ready to enjoy some delicious food, thanks to our grill masters and MMI, our Dining Services team || 2. Special thanks to Nathan Goldman for serving as Chair of the Day || 3. During the Annual Meeting, River Garden Hebrew Home President Larry Goldberg was presented with the tenth Gold Seal award from Kim Smoak, Deputy Secretary of Health Quality Assurance at the Agency for Health Care Administration || 4. Leslie Held (center left) receives a service award || 5. Auxiliary members Fran Liebowitz and Rachel Brodsky host the favorite Tombola drawing || 6. Volunteers make the event extra special. Thank you for your help!
The Interfaith Center of Northeast Florida and the Jacksonville Jewish Center hosted their 7th annual joint program where Jewish, Muslim, Christian, and interfaith communities joined together for a discussion embracing various religious holidays, rituals, and traditions. This year was the first-ever Kosher-for-Passover Iftar dinner. Thank you to all our volunteers from both organizations! || 1. Rabbi Jonathan Lubliner and community leaders discussing thoughts on the afterlife || 2. Community members sharing food, faith, and friendship || 3. Volunteers working together to prepare the meal ||
4. Garry Andriesse chopping peppers in preparation for the dinner