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WRJ/Temple Sisterhood Plans Women's Seder

By Fradell Serpe, Congregation Ahavath Chesed

Please join us in celebrating our freedom and helping us to fulfi ll the imperative that no one is free until all of us are free. The Women of Reform Judaism (WRJ), and Congregation Ahavath Chesed (The Temple) Sisterhood celebrates women at this year’s annual Julie R. Spitzer Memorial Women’s Seder on Sunday, April 10 via Zoom at 2:00 P.M.


Rabbi Julie Spitzer, who attended The Temple Religious School through Confi rmation, was a woman of action. She wrote the defi nitive book, "When Love is not Enough: Spousal Abuse in Rabbinic and Contemporary Judaism," which was published in 1995. Through her actions, Rabbi Spitzer exposed domestic violence within the Jewish community empowering women to overcome abuse and rebuild their lives. The WRJ/Temple Sisterhood supports the eff ort to end domestic violence by contributing the proceeds of the Women’s Seder to Hubbard House, a comprehensive shelter for victims of domestic violence in Jacksonville. Over the years, WRJ/Temple Sisterhood has donated more than $70,000 to Hubbard House.

Using a Haggadah, beautifully compiled by Cantor Carrie Barry, WRJ/Temple Sisterhood celebrates the actions of courageous Jewish women throughout history. The Haggadah will be screen shared with all participants. We will be honoring past Sisterhood presidents.

Women’s Seder Co-Chairpersons are Fradell Serpe and Marcia Weinstock.

Each participating household will be able to pick up a Seder plate prepared by Sisterhood with the ritual Seder plate items prior to our Zoom. All women who attend, indeed continue the tradition of action and service to the community. All donations go directly to Hubbard House. We look forward to celebrating with you at the Seder on Sunday, April 10.

If you would like to attend via Zoom, contact Fradell Serpe at sedercelebrationofwomen@gmail.com or (516) �0�-3362. RSVPs are required by March 27. Our organization and The Temple express great thanks for the Jewish Federation & Foundation of Northeast Florida for its continuous support.

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