11 minute read
Cousin Belles Pickled Herring in Sour Cream
ByPaula Klausner,Beth El - The Beaches Synagogue
My cousin was not one to share recipes though I had asked for many years. Finally, in 1995 during Rosh Hashanah, she gave me the recipe on a card. She said, "I know you always wanted to get this and you thought I would just die and not give it to you, but I love you and want to share it with you in person while I still can." Shortly after, she went into hospice. So, this is a very special recipe for me, with many wonderful memories!
1 Jar of Herring Fillets in Wine Sauce
1 Small Bunch of Raw Carrots
1 Sweet Onion or Vidalia Onion
2 TBSP. of Mayonnaise
1 Pint of Sour Cream
1 Package of Rye Rounds or Crackers
1. Drain jar of herring fi llets and wash all of the liquid off .
2. Discard the onions in jar and dry the herring on paper towels.
3. Shave raw carrots and thinly slice fresh onions.
4. Mix onions and carrots with herring.
5. In seperate bowl, mix mayonnaise with sour cream.
6. Mix ingredients together and marinate for several hours or overnight.
7. Serve on rye rounds or crackers.

By Mitzi Saul, Jewish Federation & Foundation of Northeast Florida

Steve Cantor, of blessed memory, had a passion for all animals and animals naturally gravitated to Steve. All animals loved him. Known to his family as the dog whisperer, Steve would easily make friends with pets who weren’t necessarily comfortable around humans. So, it was no surprise to his family and friends that after working part-time for a pet store, he and his father, Robert, would open Fresh Prints Pet Lodge & Day Resort in 1997. At that time, there weren’t a lot of places that off ered boarding services in a loving and caring atmosphere versus having one's pet pent up in a cage many hours of the day at a local veterinarian or dog boarding facility.
Their family business was diff erent. Steve knew dogs needed to be socialized and knew that pets needed to get out every two hours. He also knew that dogs like to play in the grass and cool off in their baby pools after their daily activities. His philosophy—at Fresh Prints, every pet is treated as part of the family.
The fi rst year, they were in a small building off Southside Boulevard where they off ered dog boarding and a little bit of grooming. Business quickly boomed and soon they were putting clients on a waiting list. After quickly outgrowing their space, they moved down the street to Beach Boulevard and Peach Drive, one block behind the Beach Boulevard T-Rex. They continued to grow and in 2017, they opened Fresh Prints Pet Spa in St. Johns on Everest Lane and Race Track Road. They off er full bathing and grooming services and spa packages including blueberry facials, medicated shampoo baths, fl ea baths, teeth brushing, coconut paw massages, and more.
Then the pandemic happened, and sadly on July 9, 2020, Steve lost his battle with cancer. No one was traveling or boarding their animals. People were working from home with their pets at their side so there was no need for boarding services.
There were a few silver linings. The grooming side of the business fl ourished and kept the business afl oat during most of 2020. And Steve’s family—Dad, Mom and brother Billy—wanted to honor him by keeping the business going. Co-owner Billy said,
“Steve’s dream wasn’t going to die when he did. I think it made my brother happy and gave him some peace knowing that the business would go forward.”
Now that people are back to traveling, Fresh Prints is doing great. They’re booking people two to three weeks out and sometimes must turn people away for boarding.
The Cantors are a strong, philanthropic family with a strong work ethic. Jewish values that run throughout Fresh Prints. Along with running a successful business, they volunteer for two childhood cancer foundations, donate auction items to nonprofi ts, and provide drop-off locations for holiday drives. As Billy says, “It’s important to support the Jewish community and keep traditions going so it doesn’t fade out. It was important to Steve and it’s important to us.”
Fresh Prints Pet Lodge & Day Resort has a 5-Star Google rating for pet grooming and pet boarding services. Go to www. freshprintspetresort.com to learn more and make a reservation.

Jacksonville Jewish Center Shabbat Morning Services & Kiddush September 4, 11, 18, 25 and October 2
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Shabbat Morning Services (In-person & virtual) RSVP ONLY Live Stream: https://www. jaxjewishcenter.org/shabbat-serviceslive-stream/
Jacksonville Jewish Center Evening Minyan (Virtual Only) September 4 & 11
6:30 - 7:30 PM
Morning Service (Virtual) Jacksonville Jewish Center September 5, 12, 19, 26
8:30 - 9:15 AM
Jacksonville Jewish Center Evening Services (In-person & Virtual) September 5, 12
6:15 PM
JFCS Recovery Mondays September 6, 13, 20, 27
4:00 - 6:00 PM For those seeking personal recovery from addiction for themselves. This is a safe, confi dential Zoom meeting. Contact Jodi at (904) 254-2322.
Jacksonville Jewish Center Evening Services (In-person & Virtual) September 6 & 13
6: 15 PM Jacksonville Jewish Center evening services
Rosh Hashanah Dinner in the Tent Chabad at the Beaches September 6
7:00 Services 8:00 Dinner Tent outside Chabad at the Beaches 521 A1A N Ponte Vedra Enjoy a delicious 5 course Rosh Hashanah Dinner with all the traditional foods. Dinner will be held in an outdoor tent. RSVP at chabadbeaches.com/Hholidays or call Dafne 904-770-0502
Jacksonville Jewish Center Evening Services (In-person & Virtual) September 7 & 14
6: 15 PM
Chapter Endnotes Book Club September 7
7:00 - 9:00 PM Online book club discussion: September 10, 2021 @ 11AM Sign up today: https://www. chapterendnotes.com/rsvp
Jacksonville Jewish Center Evening Services (In-person & Virtual) September 8
Jacksonville Jewish Center evening services
Your Coff ee, Our Torah September 9, 16, 23, 30
12:30 p.m.-1:30 p.m. Jacksonville Jewish Center
Coping with Loss (Virtual & Inperson) September 15 & 29
2:00 - 3:00 PM Jacksonville Jewish Center
Break the Fast with YPF September 16
7:30 PM RSVP to https://events.idonate.com/ breakthefast
Kabbalat Shabbat Underground Services September 17, 24 & October 1
6:00 - 7:00 PM Jacksonville Jewish Center
JCA Sukkot Celebration September 19
4:30 - 6:00 PM Let’s come together as a JCA family to celebrate Sukkot! Join in the traditions of shaking the lulav, holding the etrog, crafts and songs. A festive family-style meal of pizza will be served. Register at (904) 730-2100 ext 228. Registration is required by Sept. 9.
Sukkot Under the Stars September 20
Following 7:00 PM Services Chabad at the Beaches Join us for a Festive Sukkot Dinner in the Beaches largest Sukkah. 521 A1A N Ponte Vedra. RSVP: chabadbeaches. com or Dafne (904) 770-0502
Glamour & Shakes in the Sukkah September 23
7:00 PM Chabad at the Beaches Enjoy a fun girls night out! Featuring Shakes & Glamour in the Sukkah. RSVP: chabadbeaches.com or Dafne (904) 770-0502 521 A1A N
StandWithUs Israeli Rally September 26
1:30 - 3:30 PM Contact Isabel Balotin at isabelbalotin@yahoo.com or (904) 472-8350
JCA Jewish Kayaking Journey September 26
2:00 - 4:30 PM Join Justin Sakofs on a kayaking journey with an infusion of Jewish spirituality. Rebbe Nachman of Bretslov wrote about fi nding God in nature, so you’ll take that journey to the water. At Big Pottsburg Creekkayak rental available on-site at All
Wet Sports. Advance registration is required. Call (904) 730-2100 ext. 228.
Scotch & Cigars in the Sukkah September 26
7:00 PM Chabad at the Beaches Enjoy a Men’s Scotch & Cigar Night. Network, socialize & enjoy light refreshments in the Sukkah. Fee: $25 per person. RSVP: chabadbeaches.com or Dafne (904) 770-0502 Chabad Sukkah 521 A1A N Ponte Vedra
JCA Abstract Class; In the Style of Gustav Klimt September 29
2:00 - 5:00 PM This acrylic painting workshop is an experience in letting go through art! Without the pressure of realistic expectations, all levels of skill can create through guided use of color, texture, shine and the core elements of art. A diff erent abstract inspiration and technique is featured in each class.
Caregiver Support Group - Teleconference September 30
1:00 - 2:00 PM Jacksonville Jewish Center
JCA Wine Down with Boutique Blooms September 30
6:30 - 8:30 PM Join us for a blooming evening of fl ower arranging and wine! Learn simple steps to create beautiful arrangements with fl owers from any market, anytime. Grab your bestie and gather to create with us. For more details, call Heather at (904) 730-2100 ext. 265. Registration is required by Sep 27. Please register at https://bit.ly/ JCARegistrationLink or call (904) 730-2100 ext. 228.
Dr. David Bortnick & the Jewish Historical Society Gathering October 12
2:30 PM Dr. David Bortnick will explore the role of Florida's Jews in the U.S. Civil War at a gathering of the St. Augustine Jewish Historical Society, St. Johns County Library Main Branch, 1960 N. Ponce De Leon Blvd. St. Augustine.

River Garden is the go-to resource for high-quality adult care in Jacksonville. Honoring our Jewish traditions, the dedicated sta , leadership and volunteers are all committed to a best-in-class experience.
Whether it is for you, your spouse, parents or friend, be sure to request River Garden.
Admissions (904) 886-8420 Adult Day (904) 288-7858 Home Health Care (904) 288-7851 Outpatient Rehab (904) 886-8454 The Coves (904) 292-2683 Volunteers (904) 886-8429 Foundation (904) 886-8430 MAIN (904) 260-1818

PJ Library, the award-winning free program for books and music is open to all families with Jewish children in Jacksonville. If your children are between the ages of six months and eight years, they are eligible. Please sign up now by going to pjlibrary.org/ communities/jacksonville or calling Melissa Willams at (904) 394-5724.
JFCS, in partnership with Margo's Catering, is pleased to bring you our meal program Meals4You. Meals are delicious, nutritious, convenient and delivered right to your door. Jewish dietary laws are observed. Call Nicole Andrews at (904) 394-5810 for more information.
Searching for identity hosts writing workshops for second and third generation holocaust survivors. Meet monthly in a confi dential and judgement-free setting, in-person/ online, to explore experiences, capture important stories and explore identity. RSVP at www. searchingforidentity.org/writingworkshops. 46 TORAH ACADEMY
Every Tuesday from 3:15 to 4:15, Torah Academy hosts a free kosher food program sponsored by the USDA for children under 18. The program helps provide food during these trying times. For more info, contact shorowitz@torah-academy.com.
Become a Jewish Healing Network volunteer at JFCS. We need volunteers to make weekly visits or phone calls to a senior or deliver food to those who cannot get out. For more information, call Hilary Rotenberg at (904) 3945722

JFCS Recovery Mondays meets weekly at 4 p.m. for those seeking personal recovery from addiction for themselves. This is a safe, confi dential Zoom meeting hosted by Jodi S through JFCS. If interested please contact Jodi S: (904) 2542322 or email info@jfcsjax.org. Through a partnership with GO GO Grandparent and a grant from the Community Foundation for Northeast Florida, JFCS is now o ering immediate rides through our Call2Go program. Riders will no longer have to call to book transportation. They will now be able to use an "on demand" service available at their fi ngertips! GO GO Grandparent will have booking agents available 24/7. When a client calls, the agent will book, monitor and stay available to the client until the ride is complete. Riders MUST pre-register with Nicole Brown at (904) 394-5724 and have a cell phone (texting is not necessary) to use this service. Call2Go is available to those in need of transportation to attend synagogue, medical appointments and other important outings. A sliding fee scale is available. Don't be deceived by the name...you don't have to be a grandparent to use the program. Call Nicole today!