10 minute read
FRIDAY | December 4
“RITUAL TEXTILES FOR JEWISH LIFE CYCLE”—In another session examining UC Berkeley’s Magnes Collection, curators Francesco Spagnolo and Shir Kochavi talk about an artistic 19th-century German wimpel, a Torah binder made from circumcision cloth. 12-12:30 p.m. Free, with registration. tinyurl. com/ritual-textiles FRIDAY | December 11
“THE SHAPE OF HANUKKAH LAMPS”—Magnes Collection curators Francesco Spagnolo and Shir Kochavi talk about an 18th-century Italian menorah and what we can learn from how menorahs are shaped. 12-12:30 p.m. Free, with registration. tinyurl.com/Hanukkah-Lamps FRIDAY | December 18
“HANUKKAH AND SURVIVAL”— Magnes Collection curators Francesco Spagnolo and Shir Kochavi present a 1940s menorah in a talk subtitled “A Workshop for ‘Displaced Persons’ in Germany, 1945.” 12-12:30 p.m. Free, with registration. tinyurl.com/Magnes-Collection ONGOING
736 Mission St., S.F.
“Levi Strauss: A History of American Style”—Story and impact of the Jewish merchant who helped invent blue jeans. Through Jan. 10, 2021. “Threads of Jewish Life”—S.F. Jewish community of 100-150 years ago shown via clothing and ritual textile items from Magnes Collection. Through Feb. 28, 2021. “Zohar Studios, The Lost Years”—30 images depicting N.Y. Jewish life by 19th-century immigrant photographer Shimmel Zohar. Through Feb. 28, 2021. Covid-19 health protocols in place. Reserve admission time in advance. thecjm.org/exhibitions
SUNDAY | December 6
B’NAI SHALOM GALA—Walnut Creek synagogue presents online gala, with live and silent auctions, honoring Howard and Susan Geifman. Optional dinner from Oakland Kosher, for a charge, delivered to your home with RSVP by Nov. 24. 5 p.m. Free, donations encouraged, with registration. bshalom.org/ gala MONDAY | December 14
“AJC: DIPLOMACY AT 75”—S.F. chapter of American Jewish Committee celebrates the 75th anniversaries of both itself and the United Nations, honoring U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein and Poland’s honorary consul Tad Taube. With a Hanukkah candlelighting and invited Bay Area leaders. 6-7 p.m. Free, with suggested donation, with registration. tinyurl.com/ Diplomacy-75 WEDNESDAY | December 2
“COOKING DEMO WITH MICHAEL SOLMONOV”—The famous chef shares Hanukkah recipes for apple shrub, latkes, artichokes, poached salmon, and sfenj with cinnamon and sugar. For novices and experienced cooks. Presented by S.F.-based Jewish Community Federation and other Federations. 5-6:30 p.m. Free, with registration. tinyurl.com/federation-cook SUNDAY | December 6
“SUNDAY STORIES: THE ROCK ’N’ ROLL MENORAH”—Contemporary Jewish Museum presents a talk about the first large-scale public menorah lighting in the U.S., in 1975 in San Francisco spearheaded by rock promoter Bill Graham. 10-10:30 a.m. Free. thecjm.org/ programs/802 THURSDAY | December 10
“BEE BRIGHT: HANUKKAH CANDLE MAKING”—Herbalist Chelsea Taxman leads a workshop on honeybee hives, pollinators and how to make your own Hanukkah candles. Presented by Urban Adamah. 11 a.m.-12 p.m. Free, with registration. tinyurl.com/bee-bright “MAKE LATKES!”—Lifestyle/food bloggers Gabi Moskowitz and Kristin Posner share new twists on potato pancakes, including Japanese latkes. Have on hand: potatoes, onions and a grater. Presented by the Contemporary Jewish Museum. 4:30-5:30 p.m. Free, advance registration required. tinyurl.com/ Virtual-Latkes FRIDAY | December 11
TRI-VALLEY CULTURAL JEWS HANUKKAH—Humanistic Jewish community based in Pleasanton presents a secular lighting, naming ceremony and virtual dreidel games. Have your own menorah, candles and dreidel on hand. 7-8 p.m. $10 suggested for nonmember adults, with registration. tinyurl.com/cultural-hanukkah SUNDAY | December 13
“HANUKKAH MEDITATION RETREAT”—Urban Adamah and the Jewish meditation center Makor Or present a day of Hanukkah-themed meditation, practice and prayer. With candlelighting and singing. Led by Jewish meditation icon Norman Fischer and Rabbi Dorothy Richman. 10 a.m.5 p.m. $36-$72, with registration. tinyurl.com/Meditation-Hanukkah “DIZZY DREIDEL COOKIE WORKSHOP”—Cooks from Culinary Artistas lead a cookie-baking class for all ages. Parental supervision requested for younger bakers. Presented by the JCCSF and Ghirardelli Square. 10-11:30 a.m. Free, advance registration required. tinyurl.com/dreidel-cookie “THE MYSTERIES OF HANUKKAH”— Congregation Ner Shalom in Cotati presents a synagogue benefit, an online mini-retreat with text study, contemplation, movement, music and mysticism. Led by Reb Irwin Keller. Have Hanukkah candles on hand for night session. 12-3 p.m., 6:30-7:30 p.m. $118, with registration. tinyurl.com/Mysteries-Hanukkah “THE KVETCH WHO STOLE HANUKKAH”—Chochmat HaLev in Berkeley presents dramatic readings of that story and “I Know an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Dreidel.” With a Hanukkah haiku and limerick contest, music and dancing. 5-6 p.m. $5, free for members, with registration. tinyurl.com/Stole-Hanukkah WEDNESDAY | December 2
CHEF INA GARTEN—The Barefoot Contessa talks about her book “Modern Comfort Food” in conversation with comedian-author Michael Ian Black. Part of “JCC Book Fest in Your Living Room” series. Presented by JCC Literary Consortium and JCCs across the nation. 4:30 p.m. $45 includes book. Registration required. tinyurl.com/book-jcc WEDNESDAY | December 9
“A TREASURY OF YIDDISH CHILDREN’S LITERATURE”—Editor-translator Miriam Udel talks about “Honey on the Page,” her anthology of nearly lost, early 20th-century Yiddish children’s literature she collected from around the world. Jewish LearningWorks event for 11 and up. 6:30-7:30 p.m. Free, with registration. tinyurl. com/Yiddish-Literature THURSDAY | December 3
“NOT NORMAL”—LABA East Bay’s cultural lab presents a dance, poetry and ancient text teaching on the themes of standing out or fitting in. Led by LABA East Bay fellows choreographer Marika Brussel and poet Caroline Kessler, and a guest teacher from LABA New York. 7:30 p.m. Sliding scale, with registration. tinyurl.com/ cultural-lab SUNDAY | December 6
WORKER’S CIRCLE/ARBETER RING ANNIVERSARY—Celebration of 120 years nationally and 72 years in Northern California. Featuring three musical works in progress by klezmer trio Baymele, klezmer accordionist Jeanette Lewicki and Cantor Sharon Bernstein. 4-5:15 p.m. Free, with registration. tinyurl.com/workers-circle
SUNDAY | December 6
WORNICK HANUKKAH PARTY—For ages 3 to 5 and their families, presented by Wornick Jewish Day School. With activities and music by songleader Isaac Zones. Bag pickup 4-5 p.m. Dec. 3, along Balclutha Drive near the school in Foster City. 10-10:45 a.m. Free, advance registration required. tinyurl.com/wornick-party SUNDAY | December 13
“ARTBASH LIVE: HANUKKAH”— Contemporary Jewish Museum conducts an online, hands-on art project for families. Pick up free supply kits at CJM, Beth Sholom (S.F.), Netivot Shalom (Berkeley), Contra Costa Jewish Day School (Lafayette) and Marin JCC (San Rafael) 2-5 p.m. Dec. 11, and Peninsula JCC (Foster City) 3-6 p.m. Dec. 10. Zoom class 4:30-5:30 p.m. Dec. 13. Free, with registration. thecjm.org/programs/801
Note to readers: All events virtual unless otherwise indicated.
Calendar November 27–December 17
For more listings see jweekly.com/calendar
Hanukkah scavenger hunt
Uncover the message of Hanukkah! Embark on a journey to spread light around town! Build your own dreidel sculpture! An in-person scavenger hunt, with appropriate health protocols, gets kids ages 8-12 out of the house for one brief hour of fun.
Includes lunch.
At Chabad of Contra Costa, 1671 Newell Ave. 12:301:45 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 6. $10 per child, $25 per family, with registration. tinyurl.com/chabad-hunt
Candlelighting Nov. 27 | Kislev 11, 5781
Dec. 4 | Kislev 18, 5781
Dec. 10 | Kislev 24, 5781
First night of Hanukkah Light candles after nightfall
Dec. 11 | Kislev 25, 5781
Light menorah 18 minutes before sunset Light Shabbat candles at 4:33 p.m. Shabbat ends at 5:34 p.m.
TUESDAY | December 1
“AMERICAN JEWS AND THE CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT”—SFSU Jewish studies professor Marc Dollinger talks about a new understanding of American Jewish participation in racial justice work. Co-presented by S.F. Jewish Community Library. 5-6:15 p.m. Free with registration. tinyurl.com/dollinger-marc FRIDAY | December 4
“THE NEW SACRED”—Poet-educator Jake Marmer and musician-teacher Alicia Jo Rabins lead a text study on the theme of invocations and how to personally create new Jewish sacred texts. Presented by Oshman Family JCC. 11-11:45 a.m. Free, with registration. tinyurl.com/new-sacred SUNDAY | December 6
“COMBATING RACISM + ANTI-SEMITISM”—Four panelists will be in discussion about their experiences as Jews of color, sharing strategies to combat prejudice and how to move from being welcomed to belonging. Presented by Oshman Family JCC. 9:30-10:30 a.m. $12-18, with registration. tinyurl.com/ combating-antisemitism “THE GREAT KOSHER MEAT WAR OF 1902”—Author Scott Seligman talks about his soon-to-be-published book, subtitled “Immigrant Housewives and the Riots That Shook New York City.” Presented by Jewish Community Library. 2-3 p.m. Free, with registration. tinyurl.com/Kosher-War WEDNESDAY | December 9
“A MAP TO REGENERATIVE LIVING”— Urban Adamah fellowship director Rachel Binstock leads a workshop about the Israeli farm sabbatical shmita and the deep ecology in Judaism that involves text exploration and art-making. 6-7:30 p.m. Sliding scale, with registration. tinyurl.com/regen-living THURSDAY | December 10
“Z3”—Oshman Family JCC in Palo Alto presents its reimagined conference on Israel-related issues over the eight days of Hanukkah, online this year. With video panels, talks and interviews with leaders from across the Jewish world. Through Dec. 17. $18-$36, with registration. z3project.virtualjcc.com SUNDAY | December 13
“CONCEPTS AND MISCONCEPTIONS ABOUT ISRAEL, ZIONISM AND JEWS”—A talk by StandWithUs’ Charlotte Korchak, who teaches students about Israel and how to be effective activists. Sponsored by Beth Ami, StandWithUs, ClubZ and Sonoma County Israel Committee. 10 a.m. Free, with registration. tinyurl.com/Israel- Misconceptions THURSDAY | December 17
“YIDDISH POETRY OF STRUGGLE”—UC San Diego professor Amelia Glaser talks about her book “Songs in Dark Times,” about Jewish leftist poets who wrote about other oppressed peoples, such as Palestinian Arabs, African Americans and Spanish Republicans. Co-presented by Jewish Community Library and KlezCalifornia. 7-8 p.m. Free, with registration. tinyurl. com/Yiddish-Poetry TUESDAY | December 1

“ANITA”— East Bay Int’l Jewish Film Festival presents 2011 drama about an Argentinian woman with Down syndrome who is left alone after Buenos Aires’ Jewish community center is bombed. Streaming online Dec. 1-6. In Spanish with English subtitles. 12 p.m. Free, with registration. tinyurl. com/anita-ebijff WEDNESDAY | December 2
“ARGENTINA AND THE JEWS”—Historian Fred Rosenbaum talks about the history of Argentina’s Jewish community and provides context for the film “Anita” (see previous listing). 7 p.m. Free, with registration. tinyurl.com/argentina-fred THURSDAY | December 10
“JFI HANUKKAH FESTIVAL OPENING NIGHT”—S.F.-based Jewish Film Institute presents an eight-night version of the S.F. Jewish Film Festival, in honor of SFJFF’s 40th anniversary. In-person opening film is 2020 documentary “Howie Mandel: But Enough About Me,” a U.S. premiere. At Fort Mason DriveIn, 2 Marina Blvd., S.F. 6 p.m. $50$55 per vehicle, with registration. The festival continues with online film screenings through Dec. 17, including online talks. $10-$15 per film, $60-$90 pass for all online films, with registration. Some events are free. jfi.org/jfi40
SATURDAY | December 5
SAN FRANCISCO YIDDISH COMBO— Streaming concert by a group that blends klezmer, jazz, blues, folk and hip-hop. 7 p.m. Free, donations encouraged, with registration. tinyurl.com/combo-yiddish
Get your Hanukkah laughs on with this stand-up show featuring comedians Wendy Liebman, Jeff Applebaum and
Mark Maier. This year, it’s “MYOL” (make your own latkes), but the jokes will, of course, be provided. Presented by Temple
Emanu-El in San Jose.
Virtual lobby opens at 5:30 p.m., show from 6 to 7 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 13. $18-54, with registration. tinyurl.com/Laughs-Latkes
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THE JEWISH NEWS of Northern California