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JN Junior The big question
by Jewish News

What kinds of everyday connections are important to you?
Genius Jake says: Happy World Book Day, readers! March is full of special days. On 6 March it’s Purim, when we celebrate the Jewish people living in Persia being saved from extermination by a young Jewish woman called Esther. In shul, we read the Book of Esther (known as the Megillah) and it is customary to hold carnival-like celebrations and dress up. And then there is British Science Week, a 10-day celebration of science, technology, engineering and maths, taking place from 11 to 20 March. This year’s theme is ‘Connections’. Nearly all innovations in science, technology, engineering and maths are built on connections between people and there are examples all around us. Think about the connections between humans and the climate, using technology to connect with our family and friends, the connections between our brain and different body parts that enable us to move, and between different scientists to create medical breakthroughs like the discovery or creation of antibiotics, medicines and vaccines.
Olivia Murciano, age seven, Hampstead Garden Suburb

I have many types of connections in my life. The most important to me are the connections with my brothers, my sister, my family and my friends. By spending time playing with my siblings and my friends, we make our connections stronger by making new memories together every day. I use technology to connect with my family in different countries. This allows me to see their lives and my cousins growing up, when I can`t be with them. Lastly I connect with myself every day when I play netball, tennis or gymnastics and teach my body new skills to play better.
Rafael Murciano, age seven, Hampstead Garden Suburb

Everyday connections that are important to me include those made with technology, sport, and with my family and friends. I use technology every day: I use an iPad in school to help me learn, I play on my Nintendo, I learn robotics and I use video calling to connect with my family in France every day. When playing football, I connect with my team, working together trying to win a match. Most important for me are the connections I make every day with my family and friends, spending time with them and making new friends and connections.