Jewish News issue 978

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23 Cheshvan 5777


X Factor star Honey G hits back at her critics and reveals her next rap could be in Yiddish! Exclusive interview, Pages 22-23

ISRAEL GUIDE DOGS Don’t miss our fourpage feature inside

Fears grow of an extremist frenzy in Trump’s America Jewish leaders warn of ‘chilling upsurge’ in neo-Nazi rhetoric since US election Extreme Nazi rhetoric emanating from the United States in the wake of Donald Trump’s election win is “dangerous and intimidating”, leading figures in the Jewish community and Holocaust educators warned this week, writes Stephen Oryszczuk. In the run-up to Holocaust Memorial Day, the world is witnessing a “chilling upsurge” in racism and hatred from white supremacist groups buoyed by Trump’s win. Olivia Marks-Woldman, chief executive of the Holocaust Memorial Day Trust, denounced the threatening language being used in the run-up to the day of national commemoration in January. She said: “We are gravely worried about the recent Nazi rhetoric made by white supremacists in America. Such language is dangerous and intimidating, and has no place in civilised society.” The focus for Holocaust Memorial Day 2017 “confronts the difficulties in rebuilding post-Holocaust and post-genocide while ideologies such as these persist,”

Sick sign: Donald Trump supporters sieg heiling

she said, adding: “HMD brings people together, it doesn’t pull them apart. Participants reflect on the past, they don’t trivialise or deny it.” Laura Janner-Klausner, Senior Rabbi to Reform Judaism, said: “Many of us are anxious at what we see unfolding in the aftermath of Trump’s victory. Our response should be to do the things that we do best as Jews: Act according to central Jewish values. We should commit to calling out every single abhorrent incident, acting to stamp out normalisation of this immoral, repugnant, fascist, and anti-Semitic behaviour.” Karen Pollock, chief executive of the Holocaust Educational Trust, said: “Footage of people doing sieg heils at a political gathering are chilling and worrying, and must be outrightly condemned. The Nazis were responsible for the murder of six million Jewish people. Invoking and even lauding this appalling legacy is a disgrace.” Colleagues at the US Holocaust Memorial Museum struck a similar note, expressing “deep alarm” at the resurgence of white nationalists making “several direct and indirect references to Jews and other minorities, often alluding to Nazism”. The museum added: “The Holocaust did not begin with killing. It began with words.” The Community Security Trust’s Mark Gardner echoed these sentiments, saying: “It is deeply concerning to see these extremists believing that things are now turning in their favour. What matters next is the extent to which they are shown to be right or wrong in their assumption.” Board of Deputies’ president Jonathan Arkush said: “We are seeing a chilling upsurge of hatred directed Continued on page 10

President-elect Donald Trump is accused of courting ‘alt-right’ voters

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Jewish News 24 November 2016

News / Balfour Declaration / LFI in Washington

Middle East minister is ‘proud’ of Britain’s role in Israel’s birth Auction of antiques, fine art & collectables including jewellery, gold, silver, clocks, watches, glass, porcelain, coins, wines, furniture, mirrors, lighting, carpets Thurs. 1st December at 1pm Viewing: Wed. 30th Nov. 4pm - 8pm Thurs. 1st Dec from 10am Venue: Bushey Golf and Country Club High Street, Bushey WD23 1TT phone: 020 8386 2552 mobile: 07504 201202 email: website: next valuation days: Mondays 5th and 12th December at our Bushey storeroom contact us to make an appointment or a home visit on any other day

Britain’s Minister for the Middle East has said the country is “very proud” of the role it played in the establishment of a “Jewish homeland”. The comments, made by Tobias Ellwood MP, are a perceived shift from his statements earlier this year, in which he said he would not “celebrate” next year’s centenary of the 1917 Balfour Declaration. At a Conservative Friends of Israel event on Tuesday, Ellwood said: “Britain is very proud of our role, in the part we played, in establishing a Jewish homeland”. Asked about the government’s preparations to mark the date, at an event featuring 15 MPs and 50 diplomats, Ellwood said: “Number 10 is making those arrangements and I think that’s very, very important”. He also spoke about the security threats facing Israel, adding: “We shouldn’t forget what Israel is living and breathing every day.” In parliament earlier this month, Ellwood addressed the centenary of the Balfour Declaration, when the then


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Foreign Secretary Lord Balfour wrote to Lord Rothschild expressing the government’s support for a Jewish homeland in Palestine. During a debate to mark the centenary, Ellwood said the UK would “neither celebrate nor apologise” for the Balfour Declaration, which “had its flaws”. But he argued: “It is part of our history that some celebrate and some condemn… It did not create the state of Israel, but it was a stepping stone along the way.” He added: “We will not apologise. The UK is a diverse country in which the historical show of support for the world’s Jewish community means a great deal to many people. “We continue to support the principle of a Jewish homeland and the modern state of Israel, just as we support the critical objective of a Palestinian homeland.” He also said next year marked 50 years of Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territories, saying the situation was “unacceptable and unsustainable”.

Middle East Minister Tobias Ellwood

LFI chair in Washington Labour MP Joan Ryan was in Washington DC this week, arguing for American money towards peace-building initiatives in Israel and the Palestinian territories, with the aim of spending $200million per year. Ryan, chair of Labour Friends of Israel (LFI), met US politicians and advisers to press the case for the International Fund for Israeli-Palestinian Peace, which is modelled on the fund created in Northern Ireland to help the transition into power-sharing. The British delegation met Republican Congressman Jeff Fortenberry, who is co-sponsoring a bill to authorise US cash for the fund, which would

support “joint economic and civil society projects” and “promote coexistence”. Ryan said the fund was “an idea whose time has come,” adding that the International Fund for Ireland “did so much to underpin the Good Fri-

Joan Ryan in Washington DC

Tory MP: ‘Hebron is like apartheid’ Former International Development Minister Sir Desmond Swayne has been accused of making disgraceful comments after comparing Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territories to apartheid South Africa. Sir Desmond said Palestinians were being barred from walking certain streets in the city of Hebron, where tensions and violence have flared up over the past year. Around 1,000 Jewish settlers live in heavily fortified parts of the city and the Israeli

day Agreement by building strong popular constituencies for peace”. She added: “US/ leadership plays an essential role, and I was delighted that, at the outset of our campaign, I was able to visit Washington to help drive home this message.” LFI said Britain’s international development spending on coexistence was “pitiful”, so the parliamentary lobby group is campaigning to increase it to £1.35m. This would be part of a $50m contribution from Europe, with the rest coming from the US, the rest of the international community – including the Arab world – and private foundations and individuals.

wgovernment has announced plans to expand the settlements. Speaking during Foreign Office Questions in the Commons, Sir Desmond asked Middle East Minister Tobias Ellwood: “Has he walked the streets of Hebron, which Palestinians may not use? We used to call that apartheid.” Labour MP Ian Austin said his comparison was “an insult” to Israel and the black South Africans who suffered under apartheid and were not allowed to vote. “In Israel there is freedom of movement, assembly and speech, all governmental institutions are integrated, all citizens can vote. So is it not a complete disgrace to hear Israel described as apartheid, as we heard a former minister do?”

24 November 2016 Jewish News


Teenager’s operation / Partnership minyans / News

Teen’s urgent op appeal The family of a teenage girl with a degenerative spine condition has launched an urgent appeal to raise £175,000 for a lifechanging operation. Lucy-Mae Beacock was born with spina bifida and has been under the care of Great Ormond Street Hospital ever since. Last year doctors confirmed that the 14-year-old, from Barnet, had stopped growing at 4ft 7” and developed scoliosis, a curvature of the spine which, without correction, will progressively worsen. She requires a new procedure called vertebral body tethering (VBT), currently unavailable in the UK. The procedure involves screws being inserted into each vertebra, tethered with a cord and pulled taut to straighten the spine. Without this treatment, Lucy-Mae’s curve, currently at 55 degrees, will increase and stiffen. This will leave her bent over to one side. She must therefore travel to America for the VBT treatment. However the cost, estimated at between £150,000 and £175,000, is the key hurdle and the family cannot afford it. Lucy-Mae’s mother Debbie said: “LucyMae has been heroic in terms of what she has had to go through already, but if we can’t correct this curvature of the spine it could prevent her from doing what she loves – acting, dancing and performing on

Lucy-Mae Beacock has spina bifida and needs an operation to straighten her spine

stage. Aged seven, she joined Chickenshed Theatre and, after playing a lead character at age eight, she declared that she wanted to be on the West End stage. “With typical determination, at nine she auditioned and won the lead role in the RSC’s production of Matilda the Musical. She took to the stage for her first performance as Matilda in London’s West End when she was only 10 and played the role for eight months.” Debbie added: “I have been amazed by how generous the Jewish community

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has been. Lucy-Mae’s school, JCoSS, has been unbelievably supportive and has offered to hold fundraising events. “Our wonderful rabbi, Miriam Berger at Finchley Reform Synagogue, helped organise the fundraising appeal and spread the word. I have also written to a number of Jewish charities to ask if they would be happy to help.”  Can you help Lucy-Mae? Visit:

PARTNERSHIP MINYANS PLEA The Chief Rabbi says he wants to “move beyond the damaging and often inaccurate conjecture” surrounding partnership minyans, one week after a leading community rabbi ruled such services were “a breach of Jewish law”. In a letter addressed to United Synagogue rabbis and rebbetzen, Ephraim Mirvis reiterated his position that partnership minyans – traditional services where women take some prayers – are “not halachically sound” and should not take place under the auspices of the US. He also affirmed it was up to the leading rabbinic authority in each community to take the decision on such matters. Last week, Rabbi Chaim Kanterovitz of Borehamwood and Elstree Synagogue, wrote a letter to con-

gregants saying that anyone who leads these services could not lead prayers in the synagogue over the High Holy Days. However, Mirvis maintained he has “every respect for participants of such services, who are cherished members of our communities”. He also outlined the many advances the US has made in involving more women, as trustees of the US and chairs of congregations, as well as being encouraged to deliver divrei Torah at synagogues and recite Kaddish. “It is inevitable that some will feel we are going too far, while others will be of the view we are not going far enough,” he wrote, adding that such disagreement “should not distract us from the progress we are making”.

08/11/2016 10:58


Jewish News 24 November 2016

Hero teacher / Health warning / Anne Frank poem / News

Hero teacher honoured for saving student’s life A teacher who saved a pupil’s life by giving him CPR for 15 minutes was given a national award this week, as the school’s headteacher labelled him “heroic” for his quick thinking. Ashley White, who teaches physical education at JCoSS in Barnet, said he was “humbled” by the SADS UK Lifesaver Award, after he saved Year 11 student Noah Baron Cohen in April, when the youngster’s heart stopped following a difficult run. “Noah made a phenomenal recovery and was home within two weeks,” said JCoSS headteacher Patrick Moriarty. “Everyone agrees that it was Ashley’s swift and professional action that saved Noah’s life. “He gave CPR for about 15 minutes on the pitch until the emergency services arrived, taking instruction from the 999 operator down the phone. He was totally

SADS UK patron Dr Hilary Jones, JCoss School pupil Noah Baron Cohen, PE teacher Ashley White and Anne Jolly, founder of the cardiac charity SADS UK

calm and heroic throughout.” Noah was taken to Great Ormond Street Hospital, where he was placed in a medically-induced coma. His mother Angelique said the teacher’s actions “not only saved Noah’s life, it ensured he had oxygen which prevented any damage to his

brain”. She added: “Without Mr White being at the school that day, we would not have our son here.” White said: “I am humbled and thrilled to accept this award. I am so pleased that my actions helped contribute to Noah’s survival.”




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Dysentry warning for Barnet Jewish schools A government health body has warned parents and teachers about an outbreak of dysentery at Jewish schools in Barnet, and urged them to exercise caution. Public Health England (PHE) said there had been a “cluster” of cases “confined to one area” in the borough, but would not confirm locations or the numbers affected. The testing of clinical samples confirmed the outbreak of dysentery, an intestinal infection that causes severe diarrhoea, with other symptoms including painful stomach cramps, nausea or vomiting, and a high temperature. Dr Tania Misra, a communicable disease control consultant, advised the Jewish community to be careful in a letter last week. “The bacteria can cause large outbreaks of diarrhoea, particularly among young children,” she said. “The illness is usually spread from person to person when hands and food are contaminated

with faeces from an infected person, facilitated by large social and/or religious gatherings and travel.” Misra added that children should not attend school “until they have been symptomfree for 48 hours,” and urged adherence to hygiene standards in food preparation and personal care. “In addition to ritual hand washing, it is important that hands are washed thoroughly with soap and warm water after using the toilet, after changing children’s nappies and before preparing or eating food,” she said. A PHE spokeswoman said it was “important to send out preventative messages to families and schools, to help stop further spread of infection and occurrence of further cases”. Any outbreaks of diarrhoea should be reported to the North East and North Central London Health Protection Team on 020 3837 7084 or


AISH UK RAISES £1M IN JUST 24 HOURS Aish UK has succeeded in its ambitious attempt to raise £1 million in 24 hours. Every £1 donated was matched by a £4 donation from three separate donors. The total amount raised was an impressive £1,115,450. The appeal ran from 3pm on Monday to 3pm on Tuesday. Aish said: “Your amazing contributions to the cause will help us to keep on filling the pages of your #aishstory and creating incredible experiences for young Jews.”

COX MURDERER ADMIRED NAZIS The man who murdered MP Jo Cox and who had a Third Reich Eagle ornament on his bookshelf was given a whole-life sentence yesterday. Thomas Mair, 53, was convicted of shooting and stabbing the 41-year-old Remain campaigner a week before the EU referendum vote. Police looking into his use of library computers exposed his interest in anti-Semitic politics in the US and abroad.

POEM BY ANNE FRANK SELLS FOR £120,000 A poem handwritten by Anne Frank for a friend’s sister was sold at auction yesterday for £120,000, more than four times its reserve price. The eight-line poem [pictured, right], sold by Dutch auction house Bubb Kuyper, was written by the teenage Holocaust diarist in Dutch in black ink on white paper that has yellowed with age. It is dedicated to “Cri-cri,” the sister of Anne Frank’s primary school friend Jacqueline van Maarsen and is advice from one girl to another. It is dated 28 March, 1942, three months before

the family went into hiding from the Nazis in an Amsterdam attic when Anne was 12. Christiane ‘Cri-cri’ Van Maarsen died 10 years ago. Jacqueline van Maarsen reportedly also has a poem dedicated to her by her friend in a friendship book, but does not wish to sell it. Letters written by Anne and her sister Margot with American penpals sold for £132,000 in 1988.

New JFS deputies Camp Simcha drive JFS has appointed two new deputy headteachers. Daniel Marcus and David Wragg will start in January following an expansion of the school’s senior leadership team under new executive head Deborah Lipkin. Marcus will hold responsibility for Jewish life and learning, joining the school after being a founding member of staff at Yavneh College in Borehamwood. Wragg will be deputy head for teaching and learning. He joins from Hertfordshire-based Sela School. Chair of governors Ruth Renton said: “We welcome Mr Marcus and Mr Wragg to our excellent team, enabling further improvements to continue, preparing the school and its students for the future.”

A Jewish charity supporting seriously ill children has had a boost from the business sector ahead of its annual Toy Drive, which aims to collect new presents to give as Chanukah gifts. Camp Simcha’s latest sponsor is SpineLab, a team of chiropractors, osteopaths, physiotherapists and massage therapists, which has offered redeemable vouchers to every client who brings in a present between 12 and 23 December. The Toy Drive involves around 40 Jewish primary schools, chederim and nurseries, and aims to deliver thousands of toys to children in hospitals and hospices. Volunteers pick up toys from schools and bring them to the charity’s Hendon depot for Packing Night, where dozens help to pack the gifts.

24 November 2016 Jewish News


AJEX annual parade / Shul behaviour / News

Veterans honour the fallen

Jewish service veterans were joined by Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis, inset, at the Cenotaph

More than 1,000 Jewish service veterans, many of whom had seen service during the Second World War, braved a cold Sunday afternoon to pay tribute to those who had fallen in battle. The Association of Jewish Ex-Servicemen and Women’s annual Commemoration of Remembrance and Parade also attracted members of the JLGB, friends and families, civic, synagogue and school and youth groups who swelled the numbers marching down Whitehall to the Cenotaph, led by the Band of the Coldstream Guards. An emotive service was conducted by Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis, Senior Jewish Chaplain to HM Forces Rabbi Reuben Liv-

ingstone, and Rabbi Harry Jacobi, remembering the fallen of all conflicts. The parade was drawn to attention by the parade commander, Lt Col Simon Soskin of the Grenadier Guards. A moving wreath-laying ceremony was led by the Reviewing Officer, Air Chief Marshal Sir Andrew Pulford, Other wreaths were laid commemorating the centenary of the battles of Jutland, Verdun and the Somme and the Jewish Brigade and by representatives of the Armed Forces, Cadet Forces, SSAFA, and by the JLGB and youth organisations. A very special addition was a wreath laid by Barbara Winton and Lord Dubs in memory of her father, Sir Nicholas Winton. The parade marched past the reviewing officer before adjourning for a tea, where Sir Andrew Pulford spoke warmly about the Jewish community’s contribution to the defence of this country. He said: “This tradition continues today as we’ve seen by all those in uniform on parade today, still serving.” The event closed with addresses by AJEX president, Hon Vice Admiral the Lord Sterling and national chairman Brian Bloom. Both paid tribute to those veterans who had travelled from as far as Israel, Gibraltar and France to attend the parade as well as the serving personnel, JLGB and St John Ambulance who helped with the event’s organisation.  Editorial comment, page 12

Hasmo schools to share one site Hasmonean girls will study on the same site as the boys if the Jewish high schools’ plans get the go-ahead from Barnet Council. Currently spread over two sites, both the boys’ Hendon campus and girls’ Mill Hill school need urgent work. The boys’ Holders Hill Road base is particularly stretched, as it houses almost twice as many students for which it was designed, so school bosses have said they want to move the boys to the girls’ Page Street hub and expand it. “At present, the two sites mean that our

school is splitting our teachers across two locations and many parents are picking up and dropping off siblings at each location,” said headteacher Andrew McClusky. “We are delighted to have submitted our plans.” Those plans include provision for additional sporting facilities, which Hasmonean parents have long acknowledged is needed. This includes four tennis courts, a sports pitch suitable for year-round use, and a games area, which would be made available for local community use.


She added: “Nothing was broken, but it hurt for several days. I reported it to the shul board, suggesting that parents supervise the behaviour of their children, but judging by the vociferous response to Mr Pomerance’s complaints, that is not an option. How dare he suggest their innocent darlings behave so outrageously!” Jacobson backed Pomerance on his stance, saying that “while not all youngsters are noisy hooligans, a number are, and should be reprimanded accordingly,” adding that more work needs doing to “combat boredom and disinterest in youth services”. She added: “Antisocial behaviour must be given zero tolerance and shul members must be empowered to protest against it, and any rudeness or righteous indignation they may encounter in doing so.” Mill Hill synagogue chair Lucy Jackson said: “We are fortunate to have a large number of children who regularly attend our shul. Generally speaking they are well behaved and we organise programmes and events to keep them engaged. We regret the incident that caused Mrs Jacobson’s injury and we will be writing to her to ensure she is ok.”

A member of Mill Hill United Synagogue has sympathised with those tackling disruptive children in shul, recalling how she was knocked and hurt by a “rampaging horde” while climbing the stairs earlier this month. It follows last week’s reports of a clash between Alex Pomerance, the chairman of Radlett United, and outraged parents of children accused of disruptive behaviour, after he was seen to criticise four girls for causing £850 worth of damage to the shul toilets. Ruth Jacobson, from Mill Hill said: “I was climbing the stairs to the ladies’ gallery, when a horde of young boys came belting down. One collided with me, hitting me in the thigh and throwing me aside. Someone yelled back: ‘Are you OK?’ But they didn’t stop to find out – they just carried on their rampage.”

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Jewish News 24 November 2016

News / Mitzvah Day / Interfaith project NEWS IN BRIEF

KUTCHER CAUGHT IN AIRBNB PROTEST Actor Ashton Kutcher has defended the home-sharing site Airbnb after he was confronted on stage by a protester. The Hollywood star, who is an investor in the company, was speaking at an event in Los Angeles when he was interrupted by a woman holding a sign which read “Airbnb out of settlements”. The protester, Ariel Gold, said she wanted Kutcher to “use his power and influence” to remove Airbnb’s listings in Israeli territories in the West Bank.

BORDER BOOST FOR ISRAELI REGULARS Israelis who hate queuing and who regularly visit the UK had good news this week, when the government expanded a fast-track service allowing them to fly through border control on arrival. Frequent flyers who have a visa or who have visited the UK four times in the last two years can now apply for membership of the Regular Traveller Service, which costs £70. The scheme offers speedier entry into the country via Eurostar and airports.

PM’s Mitzvah Day praise

Interfaith project will help refugees

Theresa May, Jeremy Corbyn and Scotland First Minister Nicola Sturgeon are among those supporting this weekend’s Mitzvah Day. The UK’s biggest faith-based day of social action takes place this year on and around Sunday 27 November with 40,000 volunteers from all faiths, led by the Jewish community, giving their time to projects including collectathons, cooking, present wrapping, tea parties and other innovative schemes. These projects will support refugees and asylum seekers, as well as the homeless, disabled people, older people and the most vulnerable. Prime Minister Theresa May said said the event offers a “chance to see what makes our Jewish communities so special, as thousands of volunteers lead projects bringing together people of other faiths and those of none”. She added: “Working sideby-side, these volunteers build bridges, challenge stereotypes and make a real difference to the communities around them. I wish everyone taking part in the UK and around the world a very happy and successful Mitzvah Day.” Sturgeon said: “The Jewish

An interfaith scheme has been launched to help refugees coming to the UK learn about British culture and laws and assist their integration. The initiative, launched as part of Inter Faith Week , was announced by The Joseph Interfaith Foundation and is aimed at 16-to-26-year-olds from countries including Syria, Iraq, Somalia and Afghanistan. It will offer three educational modules on British social culture, domestic abuse and women’s rights, and the healthcare system. Foundation chief executive Mehri Niknam said: “Many of our young refugees come from war-torn countries where either they have witnessed horrific violence or have been personally affected by it. When they arrive in this country, many don’t have the necessary language skills or knowledge of our laws and social mores. “The major aims of this project are to inform young refugees and offer them support from various professional, voluntary and religious bodies; to assist them to build resilience against being misled through misunderstanding and help them to integrate more easily into the society. “It is also the best way to demonstrate to them the significance of good interfaith relations here.” Rabbi Ivan Binstock, a member of the foundation’s National Council of Imams and Rabbis, said: “I am delighted the foundation has undertaken this initiative to introduce refugees to the social culture of Britain and, speaking on behalf of the Chief Rabbi as well, we look forward to giving this project our full support.”

Facebook staff worked for Camden Food Bank during last year’s event

values of tikkun olam (world repair) gemilut hasadim (the giving of loving-kindness) and tzedek (charity) are evident when faith groups work together with one voice to show support during humanitarian crises across the world. “Our ongoing engagement with faith groups, including the Jewish community, is vital in building a safer, stronger and more equal Scotland where our diverse communities flourish and their contributions are celebrated. “Mitzvah Day is an example of how people from all walks of life

come together and show how easy it is to put Jewish values into action for the benefit of all.” Communities Minister Lord Bourne, government spokesman on homelessness in the Lords, marked Mitzvah Day by visiting St Mungo’s project in the City of London, which provides support for older people with a history of sleeping rough. He said: “The day continues to inspire people of all ages, faiths, and backgrounds to give something back to their communities. It means thousands of people will set aside this one day to help others.”

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24 November 2016 Jewish News


Holocaust memorial /Educator award / News

Ten teams shortlisted for Shoah memorial design Ten teams are competing to design the new National Holocaust Memorial outside Parliament, after a panel decided on a short-list from almost 100 entries. Jewish designers such as Sir Anish Kapoor and Israeli Ron Arad are among the teams, which are being judged by a jury comprising the Chief Rabbi, communities secretary Sajid Javid, London mayor Sadiq Khan, journalist Lord Daniel Finkelstein and TV newsreader and broadcaster Natasha Kaplinsky. Other contenders have previous experience of recognising the Shoah, including Rachel Whiteread, who designed the Judenplatz Holocaust Memorial in Vienna, and Israeli artist Michal Rovner, who designed a video wall for Yad Vashem. “These teams are challenged with creating a vision for the memorial which sensitively reflects the loss of life and humanity during the Holocaust,” said jury chair Sir Peter Bazelgette, who also chairs the UK Holocaust Memorial Foundation. “It must speak to everyone, with an unwavering commitment against all hatred and intolerance, and it must inspire people of all ages and backgrounds to commemorate and learn.” An exhibition of the finalists’ designs will be held in London and around the country from January, with the winner chosen in the spring “after a period of public consultation, seeking

Sir Peter Bazalgette, Sajid Javid and survivors at the site of the new memorial

views from all communities”. This week, Javid paid tribute to “an impressive line-up” of architectural talent, while Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis said the memorial would be “an enduring symbol of the UK’s absolute commitment to Holocaust education and to challenge hatred”. He added: “The quality of the design teams leaves me in no doubt that the winner will rise to the responsibility of appropriately capturing these commitments.” Organisers hope the memorial will provide a place for quiet reflection and a focal point for national commemorations.

Shoah educator receives award Holocaust survivor Iby Knill has been awarded an honorary doctorate by the University of Huddersfield for helping to educate more than 50,000 schoolchildren. Iby, 93, was too ill to attend the ceremony, so her grand-daughter Julia received the award and delivered an address written by Iby, saying: “I consider this award not just a personal honour, but an honour to all the others who stand as witnesses to how far human cruelty can go.” Iby, who lives in Leeds, survived Auschwitz, married a British officer and came to England in 1947. It was half a century before she felt able to speak about her experiences in the camps.

KHAN CONCERN OVER HATE RISE London’s mayor has spoken of his concern following a report into the number of “antiSemitic” incidents directed at London’s strictly-Orthodox community in areas such as Stamford Hill. Sadiq Khan, who has made zero-tolerance on hate crime a priority, made the comments in response to London Assembly members’ questions, after it emerged that 32 incidents had been recorded by volunteer security group Shomrim in just one month.

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At the time of the report, which was made in partnership with the Campaign Against AntiSemitism (CAA), it was described as the “tip of the iceberg” by the president of Stamford Hill Shomrim, Rabbi Herschel Gluck. Khan said: “That number of reports in a single month is of concern to me. Hate crime is under-reported and this is particularly true with regard to hate crime affecting London’s Orthodox Jewish communities.” The mayor described Shomrim as “instrumental in providing third-party reporting from a traditionally hard-to-reach community,” adding that the Metropolitan Police had “reached out” to Charedi leaders “to raise awareness and confidence”.


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In her address to graduating students, she empathised with the problems facing millions of refugees today, explaining the difficulties she had in making a life for herself in a new country. “It took Award: Iby Knill people like me five years to acquire the language, create relationships, establish new homes and find work,” she said. “Our task was massive. “ She also hit out at the “us-and-them syndrome that allows us to fear anyone who is different, seeing them as the enemy,” adding: “We forget that difference is valuable, and makes us all interesting.”

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Jewish News 24 November 2016

News / Tech innovation / Righteous honour /Google link

Israel’s got techs appeal A post-Brexit Britain is, perhaps paradoxically, an even more attractive proposition for Israeli business people and investors — as more than 200 Israeli representatives made clear in a unique three-day London conference this week, writes Jenni Frazer. Mind The Tech, an opportunity for British and Israeli companies to meet, greet and brainstorm, was first staged with great success in San Francisco. The accountancy conglomerate KPMG, which hosted the opening reception of the event, said London was the natural next step. The main sponsors were Bank Leumi and Calcalist. Britain’s ambassador to Israel, David Quarrey, told Jewish News the conference was “extremely well-timed”, adding: “For all that we’ve been doing well in our relationship in the past five or so years, both sides feel that we’re only scratching the surface in terms of the potential between the two countries. Brexit has made some people ask questions about what the future holds.” Polling at the end of last year indicated that, for Israeli tech executives, Britain was “number three in global tech destinations, after the US and China — and that’s a pretty good place to be. We want to keep building on that — and I want Brexit to be seen as an opportunity between Britain and Israel”. The ambassador said two things would certainly stay the same, no matter what happened with Brexit: “The appetite by the British government to do business with Israel, and the desire of the UK business community to do more”. Quarrey said a senior team from Royal Bank of Scotland were currently in Israel and that Barclays had opened its Rise Accelerator in Tel Aviv — a finance support for start-up tech companies. Other big UK companies such as HSBC,

BT and GlaxoSmithKline were also working in Israel. Britain, he said, was attractive to Israelis on its own account, not just as a conduit into Europe. “We have global connectivity, people like the business environment here, the predictability of regulation, the way the legal system works, the strength of the financial system, the English language, the way the time zones work for them, the strength of the R&D base here, our universities — all these things make Britain an attractive platform into the world,” he explained. Israeli tech creativity — driven by the UK Israel Tech Hub, which has just celebrated its fifth anniversary — was very attractive to British investors, the ambassador said. Perhaps surprisingly, the ambassador noted an upturn in an appetite for “premium” or luxury British products in Israel. “Israel is now the tenth largest destination for UK car exports, according to the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, and is now the biggest market in the Middle East for British cars,” he said. “British car companies are doing really good business in Israel now, and that will really surprise people.” High-end marques such as Aston Martin and Jaguar Land Rover, luxury watch companies such as Committi, and even luxe food products such as malt whiskies and Bendicks chocolate, which has just started to export to Israel, were all finding a new and enthusiastic market, Quarrey said. At the conference, the message was certainly that Britain is open for business. The government’s National Tech Adviser, Liam Maxwell, attended the conference, aware, perhaps, that there are currently an estimated 450 cybersecurity companies in Israel, many of which have

grown out of cyber-intelligence developed within the IDF. Dan Reinhold, head of business development at KPMG, said “the joke now is that young people aren’t being encouraged to be lawyers or accountants, but take them out of their suits and ties and put them in hi-tech start-ups and they will be successful. And in London, there are a disproportionately high number of Israelis and young Jewish South Africans getting involved in these start-ups”. His opposite number in Tel Aviv, Jonathan Lavender, said: “Cyber-security is rising up the business agenda and we know that many British

companies are keen to tap in to Israeli expertise”. As the Brits and Israelis got to know each other during the conference, one person watching with enthusiasm was Dylan Richts, the tech apecialist and business development manager of London and Partners, the official promotional company for London, working with the Mayor’s office. Richts, who is due to visit Israel again in January and who was involved in Boris Johnson’s visit last year when he was London Mayor, summed up the spirit in the room. “The Israelis are very passionate,” he said. “When they say they are going to do something, they do it. And it works.”

Pole gets Righteous honour

REUNION FOR SHOAH HEROINE Relatives of a Scot honoured for giving her life to help protect Jewish schoolgirls during the Holocaust have attended a special reunion to view her handwritten will. Jane Haining’s last will and testament was found as part of a “priceless” church archive in Edinburgh earlier this year. The Church of Scotland said the document – along with recently-discovered photographs, a ring and other letters – provides insight into the life of the Christian. Miss Haining, of Dunscore in Dumfriesshire, died at Auschwitz Birkenau, the notorious former Nazi concentration and extermination camp, in 1944 at the age of 47 after refusing to leave the Jewish girls she was protecting at a church-run school in Budapest, Hungary. Her will was found at the Church of Scotland World Mission Council’s archive, news of which emerged in September. The Moderator of the General Assembly, Right Rev Dr Russell Barr, hosted a reception in the Scottish capital at which 14 relatives of the remarkable woman – some of whom had never met – were brought together. For Joyce Greenlees, it was the first time she

Britain’s ambassador to Israel David Quarrey with some of the country’s tech innovators

Robert O’Brien (second left), Joyce Greenlees, and moderator. Right: Rev Russell Barr

had met the children and grandchildren of the missionary’s late half-sister Agnes O’Brien. The 59-year-old, from Cumbernauld, whose grandfather Harold Haining was Miss Haining’s cousin, only learned she had family links in Northern Ireland, Belgium and England after reading about the discovery of the will. She said: “Jane Haining was a very brave lady who was totally selfless, and it is very important that everyone knows her story because we can learn lessons from the fact she deeply cared about all people, regardless of religious belief.” Miss Haining was the matron at the Scottish Mission school in Budapest from 1932-44. She was repeatedly ordered by church officials to return to Scotland, but refused, writing: “If these children need me in days of sunshine, how much more do they need me in days of darkness.”

A Polish council worker who provided the Jewish underground with fake identity documents, information on Nazi activities and a list of hiding locations has been honoured as Righteous Among the Nations. The ceremony in London saw Israeli Ambassador Mark Regev and Sir Eric Pickles MP meet the family of Josef Pluskowski, a socialist party member regarded as a public figure, social activist, scholar and publicist. During the war he worked for Warsaw City Council, but outside his employment he served as the liaison between the Polish resistance movement and the Jewish resistance in

Warsaw. His wife Irena helped him, carrying weapons to the ghetto and arming the resistance. Pluskowski died in 1950. Pickles said: “This is an extraordinary story of heroism, where Pluskowski and his wife decided that they were not going to be downtrodden by the Nazis, but were going to rescue people, some people they knew, some people they never met. It’s an act of goodness and kindness. They are true heroes.” Regev had earlier travelled to Jersey to honour Dorothea Weber, who was named a Righteous Among the Nations for saving the life of her Jewish friend on the island.

Work Avenue’s Google link-up

Advisers and representatives from Barclays and Work Avenue were also on hand to offer their advice to the budding entrepreneurs. Chief executive Shraga Zaltzman said: “One of the biggest challenges our clients face in building their businesses is knowing what they don’t know. “Being able to offer direct access to Google’s expertise has been a fabulous way for us to help our clients learn more about building an effective online presence and taking them one step closer to building sustainable businesses to support them and their families.”

Community business hub Work Avenue has teamed up with Google to create Start-Up Central to help entrepreneurs, freelancers and growing businesses. Supported by Barnet Council and Barclays Bank, the event brought more than 200 delegates together to learn how to reach more customers online, network and grow their businesses.

24 November 2016 Jewish News

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Jewish News 24 November 2016

News / Rabbi’s outburst / Russia warning / UJS election

Top rabbi: Reform ‘wicked’ and gays an ‘abomination’ Jewish leaders in Britain have accused Jerusalem’s Sephardi Chief Rabbi of “crude bigotry” and called for his resignation, after he called Reform Jews “wicked” and gay Jews a “cult of abomination”. In an interview with Israel Hayom, Chief Rabbi Shlomo Amar said homosexuality was a choice and LGBT Jews must “repair their evil ways,” saying: “A person can overcome it if he wants, as with any kind of lust.” He added: “It is a cult of

abomination. It is clear that it is abomination. The Torah punishes it with death.” Amar, 68, also accused the LGBT community of “using” the death of Shira Banki at a Jerusalem Gay Pride March “to increase their power” and Reform Jews of “incitement” at the Western Wall. His attack on Reform Jews comes after Israel’s government approved an egalitarian prayer space at the Kotel, which has upset Jerusalem’s Orthodox hierarchy.

Senior Reform Rabbi Laura Janner-Klausner said Amar’s words were a “Chillul haShem”, a desecration of God’s name, and called for his resignation. “Reform Judaism has a commitment to equality and we know that this is the view of the majority of Jews who will share my revulsion,” she added. Board of Deputies’ senior vice president Richard Verber said Amar’s remarks were “disgusting” and “put a bitter taste into so many mouths”.


Your weekly digest of stories from the international press BRAZIL

More than 700 Brazilians made aliyah last year, according to the Jewish Agency, a 45-year high and almost four times the annual average. Christian leaders, who have been urging eligible Brazilians to emigrate. Chief Rabbi Shlomo Amar

He added: “This kind of crude bigotry brings dishonour and shame on his office and undermines the humane values it should espouse. Our community should be welcoming.”

New warning over Russian actions A senior Israeli politician has warned that Israel should be concerned about Russia’s intentions in the Middle East and the gap between the two countries is “disturbing”. Foreign Affairs and Defence Committee chairman Avi Dichter said the Russians saw Iran and its proxy Hezbollah as stabilising forces and underestimated the threat they posed to regional security.

“They view Hezbollah positively, they are backing the Shi’ite militia activity in Iraq and Syria,” he said. “Russia does not view Iran and its proxies according to the level of threat they pose or broadcast towards Israel.” Dichter’s comments signal unease in Jerusalem, with analyst Amos Harel saying Russia’s involvement in Syria is

now “Israel’s most pressing strategic question”. The two states have kept cordial relations and, on a military level, have an open channel of communication. Israel is known to operate over Syrian airspace, where the Russian military is currently engaged in action against insurgents, fighting alongside the Hezbollah militia whose fighters are on the ground.


The wife of Israel’s ambassador to Chile has been excluded from a charity event for diplomats’ partners, because it was held at Club Palestino, which caters for the 300,000-strong Palestinian community. The ambassador said the snub would have ‘negative consequences’.


Ukrainian MPs have called on Israel to join the list of countries recognising the 1930s man-made famine ‘Holodomor’ as a genocide. Stalin starved millions of Ukrainians in order to quash a push for independence.


Police say they disrupted a planned attack by Islamic State against the Israeli football team. Organisers were tipped off and changed the venue of the match between Israel and Albania. A total of 25 people were arrested in three countries.

Reuven Rivlin and his wife light a candle at Chabad House Mumbai in memory of Rabbi Gavriel Holtzberg and his wife Rivka, who were murdered there in 2008.

CONCERN OVER TRUMP SUPPORT Continued from page 1 against minorities in the US, including Jews.” A restaurant in Washington DC apologised this week after it hosted white supremacists who praised Hitler and did Sieg Heil salutes, while on Monday the leader of a white nationalist think tank was said to have addressed a conference in German, quoting Nazi propaganda and implying the media was protecting Jewish interests. Jews on both sides of the Atlantic have argued the far-right’s renewed vigour stems from Trump’s campaign comments on minorities. “Rhetorical violence is a precursor to actual violence,” said professor Jon Silverman, an expert in nationalism and xenophobia at Bedfordshire University. “When Trump castigated

Hillary Clinton for being part of a liberal elite, supported by the media and the big financial institutions, the subtext seemed uncomfortably close to the ‘Jewish conspiracy’ tropes peddled by the far-right down the ages,” he said. “Now, post-election, the xenophobes are emerging from the woodwork and although they remain a vocal minority, they can do great damage in a divided society. This is why Trump’s Cabinet appointments – especially in the field of justice – are of enormous significance in setting the tone for the next four years, perhaps longer.” Senior Masorti Rabbi Jonathan Wittenberg agreed, saying: “The way we speak leads to how we act. Hate speech must not be condoned as part of public, political, or any other rhetoric.”

Racist set to launch Three students vye ‘fascist tour’ for film to be UJS president

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Holocaust educators have asked people to watch a film about a legal case lost by Holocaust denier David Irving, rather than hear him speak on a planned “fascist tour” ahead of the film’s release. The movie, called Denial, is released in January, and stars Rachel Weisz, who plays US academic Deborah Lipstadt, who Irving sued 16 years ago. He lost the $2million libel case and his reputation was shredded by the judge, who labelled him a racist and anti-Semite. This week, Holocaust Educational Trust chief executive Karen Pollock said: “Rather than giving David Irving the publicity he craves, people should go and see this film and learn more about the court case he definitively lost.” Irving is to host a series of secret events during the month before the film’s release.

An activist who supports Israel Apartheid Week and the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement is running to be Union of Jewish Students president, alongside two other contenders. Eran Cohen of York University is one of three candidates vying for the top student position, with some complaining he is ‘unfit’ for the role owing to his pro-Palestine views. Alongside him are Joshua Holt of Nottingham University and Adam Schapira of University College London. UJS is encouraging Jewish students to participate in the election, with the first hustings taking place at its annual summit on 26 November, after which point the candidates can start campaigning. During the campaign, Jewish News will speak to all candidates for our dedicated student channel sponsored by the UJS.

24 November 2016 Jewish News



Jewish News 24 November 2016

Editorial comment and letters ISSUE NO.



Supreme sacrifice It is easy to forget that Jews from as far afield as Ireland, France, Gibraltar and Israel attend the Association of Jewish Ex-Servicemen and Women (AJEX) annual Commemoration of Remembrance and Parade. It is easy to forget that many of the 1,000 people marching along Whitehall to the Cenotaph are young people who, in trying to understand what these brave men and women died fighting for, look around them to see who else in the community cares about it. And it is easy to forget that Jews sacrificed their lives in order that the isles we call home be free from fascism, just as it is easy to forget how hard-fought those freedoms are, how precious they remain, and how quickly populist nationalism and casual racism can erode them.

FEAR AND LOATHING Talking of which, US president-elect Donald Trump continued building his national security team this week, picking hawkish neoconservatives to run the government’s most powerful intelligence agencies and advise him on policy, both at home and abroad. Despite the flurry of staunchly pro-Trump readers’ letters we’ve published on these pages in recent weeks and once again today, we stand by our view that Trump is bad news for Jews and liberal values. But while many in the American and British Jewish community share our view, they have also come to accept the election result, and the thought of a Trump White House. The bright side for some, if there is one, is that the new president will at least be a welcome roleholder as far as Israel’s right-wing is concerned.


Send your comments to PO Box 43296, London NW5 1YW |

THE HOPE BEHIND TRUMP ELECTION I recoiled in horror at the toxic headline in the 10 November edition of Jewish News. “Heaven help US” the headline screamed. What on earth had happened? Had Iran suddenly declared war on Israel? Had Jeremy Corbyn been elected prime minister? No, it turned out millions of Americans had elected Donald Trump as the 45th president of the United States. Community leader Jonathan

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Arkush was castigated for sending his congratulations. Labour MP Wes Streeting declared: “It is frightening for us who care about Palestine.” Masorti Rabbi Jonathan Wittenberg lamented that it was an “American tragedy”. What? Trump is 70 years old. He didn’t have to do this. He had a wonderful life, a marvellous family, riches beyond compare. He did it for love of country. It proved that after eight years of the disastrous leadership of Barack Hussein Obama, millions upon millions of Americans voted for someone who will hopefully make America great again.

Judith Roth By email



I can’t come to terms with the negativity displayed towards Donald Trump’s election victory. At last we now have one of the most pro-Jewish leaders ever. The reaction of liberal Jews in the UK and US, celebrities and, most surprisingly, the Chief Rabbi, is shocking. Coming from a secular background, I seem to be in the minority of western Jews who see Mr Trump as a breath of fresh air.

Reading Rabbi Danny Rich’s comments on the akedah (binding) of Isaac, I ask: “Whose side is he on?” It was once man’s enemy disguised as a serpent who encouraged disobedience to God, and what a mess that got us in. Saying no to God has no place in Judaism or Christianity, which acknowledges Abraham had such faith he believed God would raise Isaac from death. However, the mention of the testing of Isaac was interesting – a young man on his way to be sacrificed voluntarily, foreshadowing another occasion when a life was voluntarily laid down in obedience to God.

Stephen H Conrad Edgware

Clarifications:  Last week’s letter about the US “How can she eat those nasty things? Anyway, enjoy your stuffed intestine (kishke), chicken fat (schmaltz) and cow’s tongue kids!”

election, headlined ‘Buffoon was the least bad’, was written by Martin D. Stern, not Roslyn Pine. The letter ‘Jews’ views on Israeli government’ was written by J D Milaric, not Martin Saffer. We apologise for both errors.

Michael Harris Epping

24 November 2016 Jewish News


Editorial comment and letters

Alternative to Zac in Richmond is Lib Dems I read with interest Alex Brummer’s recent article in your paper (Jewish News, 10 November) about the Richmond Park Parliamentary by-election coming up on 1 December. Brummer’s contention is that only Zac Goldsmith can be trusted with the Jewish communities’ vote. How wrong he is. Sarah Olney, the Liberal Democrat and the only candidate who can beat Goldsmith supports a two-state solution in the Middle East, comes from the mainstream of our party and would make an excellent MP. Not just that, but she is proremaining in the EU (Goldsmith is a passionate Brexiteer) which, by extension, is good for Israel and her relationship with the UK in

terms of trade and diplomacy. Alex Brummer talks of previous Lib Dem MPs for Richmond Park and somehow infers that means all future contenders are not fit for office, but conveniently forgets to mention that before Zac Goldsmith arrived in Richmond Park, the area was represented by Susan Kramer, a Jewish, pro-Israel/protwo state Liberal Democrat MP. The only way to hold this government to account on Heathrow and Brexit, as well as to give that local area an MP friendly to Israel and the Jewish community, is to vote Liberal Democrat on 1 December.

Joseph Cohen (Letters, 10 November) confuses criticism with subversion. I have never said one may criticise Israel only if one lives there. Yachad, by contrast, seeks to subvert the democratic process from afar by organising petitions to British MPs to exert pressure on Israel to reverse decisions it doesn’t agree with, as in the case of the high court’s ruling in the Susiya case. And Cohen is on weak ground for blaming “Israel’s actions” for anti-Semitism, a condition present for 2,000 years.

Roslyn Pine N3

Gavin Stollar Chairman, Liberal Democrat Friends of Israel

ARKUSH WAS SIMPLY DOING THE RIGHT THING I refer to the angry letter by young British Jews to Board of Deputies president Jonathan Arkush expressing concern at the congratulatory message to US president-elect Trump (Jewish News, 10 November). Surely it is correct and rightfully expected of one representing the best interests of British Jewry to do so! Arkush’s sentiments that he hoped after a divisive campaign Trump would build bridges and ensure America’s standing as a beacon of progress, tolerance and freethinking remains strong, if nothing


else, are urging Trump to rethink any untoward behaviour regarding home and international policy. As a proud deputy for British Emunah, which cares for, supports and protects vulnerable children and families in Israel, I attest that Jonathan Arkush is a staunch and outspoken defender of Israel, with her interests and safety his main concern. He would not tolerate or overlook any racist or fascist remarks.

Flora Frank Edgware

UNI IN A NUTSHELL: DO NOT JOIN ANY UNIONS Each week it seems we hear about problems with students, universities and campuses. In America, according to the media, it is even worse than here. Most families now include young people who are either at uni, or on their way. Often they are drowning under waves of advice coming at them from all directions. Here’s my two-pennies’ worth. Remember you are there mostly because taxpayers over the decades have made it possible. You are there for educational purposes and to attain levels of knowledge and understanding to qualify you to follow a career. You should also be able to improve your ability and add to your experience in sports, performing arts, other interests, by taking advantage of the unique opportunities offered by your university. Avoid joining any unions or organisations, never attend any political “debates” or so-called “discussions”, do not make “demands“, nor become involved in “demonstrations”. Remember you are young and, at this stage of your life, forming opinions and views, even ideals, which may change, or strengthen, as you grow older and find other people entering your life. As for being Jewish, be proud that it is your religion and, as always, never allow anybody to undermine it. The rest is nonsense.

Harry Levy Pinner

CERTAIN CRITICS NEED TO GROW UP Why the protests about Board of Deputies president Jonathan Arkush’s carefullyworded diplomatic words congratulating Donald Trump? What was he supposed to say? Something like: “You are a nasty man and I hate you; I’m never going to talk to you”? Some of us need to grow up.

THANKS FOR SHARING! WE PLUNGE INTO THE CESSPOOL OF ONLINE ANTI-ZIONISM & ANTISEMITISM.. Andrew Santillan [Facebook message to Jewish News] hitler is my hero he did what he had to do r.i.p. anne frank she got caught in da act oi vey. @KaiStwosz I admire Hitler. He was flawed,

John de Lange By email

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tragic but an inspiring visionary. I don’t believe in the Holocaust. @sedition48 To all the Jews(including rabis) And blacks who voted for TRUMP be ready for the gas chamber and sitting in the back of the bus BIG MISTAKE. @ROCKLMAO Trump needs to gas all the jews. I’m sick of these kikes.


Jewish News 24 November 2016


After Brexit and Trump, brace yourself for Le Pen NICK FERRARI



ou would have needed to live on a different planet not to have picked up on the sea change that is happening in global politics. Frustrated with years of being ignored or, even more frustratingly being talked down to by generations of politicians, voters have risen up and executed a brutal but bloodless revolution through the ballot box. Many suggest this started with Brexit, but they’re wrong. The seeds of this truly remarkable uprising were clearly starting to be sown as far back as 2010 when the Five Star Movement in Italy enjoyed moderate success in regional elections. Meanwhile, in the same year in Hungary, Viktor Orban stormed to electoral success. Very much from the right wing of politics, Orban is ultra-conservative and has been hailed as the “talisman of Europe’s mainstream right.” Back to Italy and in 2013 the party headed by comedian turned activist turne

mainstream politician Beppe Grillo won over 25 percent of the vote in that year’s general election. This Euro round up hasn’t even touched on the Netherlands yet, where far-right Geert Wilders has lead his ultra-right party for almost a decade. He is a successful politician who can pursue policies as confrontational as comparing the Koran to Mein Kampf and advocating banning the book in the Netherlands. There’s also the Freedom Party in Austria and Belgium’s Flemish Interest that neatly fit this blueprint. What unites all the above parties is a common hatred of the ghastly European elite and an avowed opposition to much of the liberal policies they have foisted on the continent. Many openly campaign to bring the whole European Union dream to a speedy and grisly halt. And this is what swung it for the Brexiteers here in the UK. Again, it was a heartfelt revolt against the free movement of people and the open borders policy that was criminally ushered in under Tony Blair’s Labour government that hugely influenced, if not downright won it, for Vote Leave. Across the world liberalism is on the back

foot and while that is to be celebrated, as with most things in life, it comes with a risk. The millions who turned out earlier this month to put a man with zero political experience but with an untold amount of baggage, into the most powerful job on the planet as President of the United States did so because they were repulsed by another four years of a Clinton White House. These are people who have, for almost the last three decades, watched a brace of


Bushs, two terms of a Clinton and two terms of Obama do absolutely nothing to improve their lives. They’re through with the promises. They simply don’t believe the peddled hype, and good luck to them. But, here’s the real concern for a community such as Jewish people living in any of the countries I’ve mentioned. While it is uplifting to see liberalism crash on the rocks of sanity, what must never be allowed to flounder is tolerance. A firm government seeking to look after its own ahead of anyone else is to be applauded, so long as tolerance of all faiths is a fundamental tenet. The biggest test, and threat for Jewish people, is only months away. The world will be watching as France goes to the polls next April. Marine Le Pen is the daughter of convicted Holocaust denier Jean-Marie Le Pen. While she has distanced herself from his lunatic views, just seeing the name Le Pen in connection with the leadership of a nation built on liberty, fraternity and equality initially defies belief. However, be aware. Stranger things have happened.

Chief’s recent interventions have been wide of the mark ALEX BRUMMER CITY EDITOR, DAILY MAIL


hen grandees of the United Synagogue lighted upon Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis as their choice as successor to Lord Sacks in 2013 they were looking for something different. Sacks was the public intellectual who inspired not just the Jewish community but the whole nation. Mirvis was the scion of generations of rabbis and a learned orator who had demonstrated his strong ability to build communities at Kinloss in London and elsewhere. Emphasising his community credentials he chose to make his official home in the north London strongholds rather than in the more West End-accessible environs of St Johns Wood. Mirvis’s community work has been selfless. He has sought to mend those synagogues disrupted and disappointed by rabbinical departures and assisted them in finding appropriate replacements. In the provinces he


has sought to promote mergers and improved relationships among shuls at odds with each other. He has used his north London location as base from which he can reach many different communities over Shabbat. He has turned Shabbat UK into a thing of joy, marked by synagogues the length and depth of the country each sharing prayers and thoughts. It has not been all roses. In the more public sphere his judgement has been questioned.

There has been some very effective work such as when he travelled to join World Jewish Relief bringing assistance to the refugees arriving from Syria and North Africa in Greece. The pictures of the Chief, sleeves rolled up, greeting refugees of all nations and religions were extraordinarily effective. Other interventions have been more questionable. He suggested that Jewish students and young people were ‘living in a bubble’ and could play a bigger role in causes such as alleviating poverty in India. Senior people within the leadership of British Jewry felt that his comments were ill-advised and he might better have addressed refugee poverty in Tel Aviv and the hardships of impoverished Jews in the Ukraine. Chief Rabbi Mirvis’s condemnation of Donald Trump as ‘racist’ also looks poorly judged. The undertakings made during the course of the election campaign promise to move the US embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem and outlaw Israel boycott campaigns on campuses can hardly be regarded

as racist or anti-Semitic. There is no point in British Jewry raising doubts about the most powerful elected official in the world. Better to turn its guns on the right-wing movements closer to home in France, Hungary, Italy and elsewhere where open anti-Semitism and antiMuslim behaviour and views are spreading. Rabbi Mirvis also is subject of criticism at the community level. A young, strictly-Orthodox friend of mine complained to me that he has been ostracised by his United Synagogue shul for taking part in a ‘partnership’ minyan where women are given a prominent role. In the period since the arrangements became known he has not been called to the law or asked to assist in the leading of services, something he has regularly been done in the past. Effort to frustrate initiatives, such as the partnership minyan, which seek to give US women a more participatory role, have shaken my friend’s loyalty to the US but not his faith. The Chief Rabbi may have some healing to do if he is not to alienate immensely supportive traditional young activists.

24 November 2016 Jewish News

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Jewish News 24 November 2016


Help us break down the invisible wall on Sunday ONJALI RAUF



his is a surreal moment in our collective world histories. Not only do I, a Britishborn Muslim, find myself sitting in a time and place where my beloved United Kingdom has shattered its own illusion of being a part of a wider global community, but one where, in a twist even the most outrageous Hollywood mockumentary could not have conjured up ( barring The Simpsons of course), Donald Trump will be America’s next president. Brexit and Trump… two words and two cataclysmic reasons to go and bury one’s head in the sand with wails of “I give up” and “Will we never learn?” But as the shock and trauma of these results subside, we must all wake up to a fact few of us dared believe just a few short months ago: that a rhetoric comprised solely of division, of unabashed racism, of callous fearmongering and of calls for building more

walls rather than demolishing them, has somehow succeeded in shattering the quieter voices of reason and unity in our modern era. Understandably, for anyone who belongs to one of the target communities held up as an example by far-right theorists of all that is wrong with their lives, the safety and security we have enjoyed living in the free world feels unimaginably precarious. But there is another truth – a far deeper, hidden truth, and one that is slowly but surely rising up against the broken face of disunity. Across the Atlantic, the American Jewish Committee and the Islamic Society of North America have announced they are joining forces to forge a brand new Muslim-Jewish Advisory Council. And here in the UK, this weekend sees Mitzvah Day, Britain’s biggest faith-based day of social action, where volunteers will come together to help refugees, the homeless, the elderly and the most vulnerable in society. It is an occasion when Jews, Muslims, Christians and those of all faiths, and none, will work side by side to create a

better society and community – both in the UK, and also 20 other countries around the world. Last year, I had the enormous privilege of being invited to participate in Mitzvah Day, which was something that until then I knew little about. What at first seemed an invitation simply to come and volunteer on a farm for a few hours suddenly morphed from one small act to an act that made up one giant message: “We are more united than you think.” Such simple acts, in this case of coming together with a group of strangers to do a single simple job, are most often the greatest stones with which invisible walls are broken down. Strangers in the course of a day shift into friends. Friendships lead to conver-

sations; conversations to greater understanding, and understanding to respect and love. It is an experience that is blessed, enriching and truly ground-breaking because it is borne of a shared experience and a coming together that all religions and none can relate to: of “simply” wanting to do something to benefit those who need our help, together. Working as I have done for the past two decades of my life in the women’s humanrights sector, I often find that the best and most beautiful sides of our human race are not be found on our television screens, in overblown speeches or newspaper headlines, but in the quietest corners of our local towns and cities. This Sunday, on Mitzvah Day, that will be more important than ever.


We’re securing our future, one good deed at a time HAZEL KAYE



ur community is rightly proud of its charitable acts and the support it gives the less fortunate. This is a lifeline for many Jewish charities, particularly those that do not receive any government backing or have seen funding cut in recent times. However, we cannot and should not take this giving for granted as something that will continue automatically from generation to generation without having a helping hand along the way. Indeed, recent studies and anecdotal evidence both indicate younger generations are currently less likely to give to charity and, when they do, are more likely to donate to non-Jewish causes. If that trend were to continue, it would

leave many of our community’s most important charities facing a very bleak future. That’s why, in order to secure a better future, I truly believe that it is incumbent on us, the leaders of these charities, to involve and inspire future generations of supporters. Equally important is that we cannot start this work too early. The quote “give me a child until he is seven and I will show you the man” is attributed to many people, from Aristotle to St Francis Xavier. It is none the less true for that. By firing the enthusiasm of children from the youngest age, we can develop a generation that will be as committed to supporting Jewish causes in the future as their grandparents were in the past. Clearly, these programmes need to be tailored to the age groups at which they are targeted in order to make ‘charitable work’ fun and relevant, and that is why, at Jewish Blind & Disabled, we have developed an interactive presentation for schools which is loved by children from year one upwards.

These children enjoy learning, without even realising that is what they are doing, not only what it is like to live with a disability but also what they can do to support a charity dedicated to making life better for people in this position. As a result of these presentations, children from the age of five have come into our buildings to entertain our tenants while others have undertaken a variety of tasks such as bake-sales or sponsored skipping on their own initiative to raise money for us. As an added bonus, their families also become more aware through the enthusiastic support of their children of us and the work that we do. To complement this programme, we

recently launched our Super Heroes initiative, rewarding children who think about how they can help others – from doing a ‘good deed’ such as tidying their rooms, to a ‘great deed’ such as visiting a poorly or elderly relative and ultimately a ‘super deed’ such as charity work. It is our hope that these two programmes will help parents and teachers to educate their children about the importance of being involved in helping others, both through their actions and through the giving of tzedakah. In this way, we can make our children the generation that not only continues the charitable traditions of our past but actively builds on them, securing all our futures.


24 November 2016 Jewish News


In association with

1 ANGELS’ SUPPORT A record £24,500 was raised for Jewish Care at the recent Local Angels lunch. Nearly 200 women attended a musical themed lunch at the Waltham Abbey Marriott Hotel, where professional singers from VOX Entertainment performed songs from West End musicals. Jewish Care’s Gayle Klein, said: “The money we raise makes a real difference to the lives of the most vulnerable members of our community.” It will support Jewish Care services in Redbridge.

And be seen! The latest news, pictures and social events from across the community


Year 6 children at Moriah School presented the Shabbat Musaf Amidah, with explanations for their Chagigat Siddurim. Each child received the Chief Rabbi’s adult Siddur and stood next to their parents as they said the Amidah together. The ceremony was part of a new initiative to provide children with the skills they need to feel comfortable in Jewish community life outside of school.

Three Year 8 Yavneh College students – Malakai Shaffer, Jonah Horne and Abe Yantin – commemorated their barmitzvahs by climbing Mount Snowdon. Taking on the challenge alongside their fathers, they reached the summit in three and a half hours, raising more than £7,000 for neonatal deaths and stillbirth charity SANDS.

Photo by



4 LITERARY LUNCH Supporters raised more than £124,000 for Nightingale Hammerson at a literary lunch held at Claridge’s. More than 230 guests at the event, organised by the literary lunch committee and chair Linda Payman, heard from guest speaker Linda Grant, who promoted her new book, The Dark Circle. The charity’s CEO Helen Simmons said: “I find your commitment inspirational.”


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Jewish News 24 November 2016

Scene & Be Seen / Community / In association with




More than 65 people came together for Tikva’s annual Patrons Evening and were entertained by musician and composer Evelina De Lain and her team. Also in attendance was photographer and artist Lorenzo Agius, who exhibited some of his prints featuring the likes of Madonna, Angelina Jolie and Ewan McGregor, and spoke of his experience of visiting Tikva’s children’s homes in Odessa.





B’nai Brith UK’s Bureau of International Affairs hosted Israeli Ambassador Mark Regev at the offices of London law firm Nabarro. The Ambassador spoke about Israel and the region before answering questions from the audience.



League of Jewish Women members were instrumental in the completion of the University College Hospital’s “Twiddle Muff 100 Challenge.” Given to patients with dementia, twiddle muffs are knitted in bright colours and have bows, buttons, ribbons and pompoms sewn on them. Members provided around 70 of the 100 needed by the ward. Matron Josie Gladney said: “We give them to patients who are a bit fidgety or restless; we find they can calm patients down.”

JNF UK held its fifth annual Kosher Komedy event at the Gatehouse Theatre in Highgate. A sell-out audience enjoyed acts from Jewish comediennes, with the money raised going to the Bikurim Performing Arts School in the Eshkol region of the Negev. Event chair Tracy Lee said: “It was wonderful to see everyone laughing all together all for a good cause.” JNF UK CEO Alan Aziz said: “The money raised will go a long way to funding the vital work we’re doing in Israel.”


Students from UCL’S Jewish and Israeli societies and King’s College’s Israel Society united at a ‘Shots not Shame’ evening, to “dance, drink and celebrate the Israel we defend on campus”. Co-sponsored by University Jewish Chaplaincy, UJS, the Israeli Embassy, and the Pinsker Centre, Jewish chaplain Rabbi Gavin Broder said: “It was uplifting to see so many students celebrating being proudly Jewish on campus.”


The 55 participants on Norwood’s Israel Cycle Ride raised £200,000, on a seven-day trip that took in the sights of Israel’s historic Holy Land.

Your simcha announcements Jake Lanzkon celebrated his barmitzvah at Ner Yisrael Synagogue.

Louise Cohen and Sam Shuck were married at Shendish Manor.

Photo by Lara Minsky Photography

Photo by Paul Lang Photography

Photo by Lara Minsky Photography

Photo by Contributor

Yardena Jackson celebrated her batmitzvah at Borehamwood and Elstree Synagogue.

Lesley Shaw and Godfrey Marcus were married at Stanmore Synagogue.

Photo by Paul Lang Photography

Katie Denby celebrated her batmitzvah at Bushey Country Club.

24 November 2016 Jewish News


Community/ Scene & Be Scene

Langdon held its fifth and most successful annual business breakfast, as 250 guests raised more than £80,000 to support the expansion of its New Chapters employment scheme. Chairman Jonathan Joseph said: “Engaging the business world is crucial in terms of creating more opportunities for people with learning disabilities to be accepted, valued and utilised fully in the world of work.”

Photos by Blake Ezra Photography

250 early risers raise £80,000 for Langdon

Nicki’s Smile marks fifth anniversary Nicki’s Smile marked its fifth anniversary with a gala dinner which raised more than £100,000. The charity was established as a fund of Pancreatic Cancer UK in memory of Nicki Blake, who died from the disease, aged 33. More than 200 people at Sopwell House were entertained by broadcaster Nicholas Owen and Britain’s Got Talent winner Richard Jones. Nicki’s husband Dan said: “The night was a phenomenal success.”

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Jewish News 24 November 2016

Life Lifestyle / Amy Winehouse in pictures

IN THIS SECTION: Travel 24/ Hungry Housewife 25/ Competition 35

Unseen Amy Photographers Darren and Elliott Bloom tell Francine Wolfisz about their new book, which shows the late Amy Winehouse in a new light


elebrity photographer Darren Bloom was driving along one night, when the car ahead carrying music legend Amy Winehouse suddenly halted. The Jewish singing sensation, who rocketed to fame in 2006 with her critically-acclaimed album, Back To Black, tentatively stepped outside and knocked on Darren’s window. “Can you get out your car and take some pictures of me – I didn’t look at myself in the mirror before I went out?” she cheekily asked with a smile. Darren, now 33, happily obliged and when he showed the images back to her, she nodded with approval. “I look really good tonight, don’t I?”

In the five years since Amy tragically passed away from alcohol poisoning, aged just 27, that memory remains one of Darren’s fondest encounters with the multi-award-winning star. Alongside his brother Elliott, 37, (pictured above) Darren had followed Amy’s career from the moment she exploded onto the music scene and, by 2009, her label had asked them to become Amy’s “official” paparazzi, giving them exclusive access beyond that of their colleagues. They were there to capture Amy at the height of her career, as well as through her turbulent relationship with Blake Fielder-

Mitch Winehouse performing with daughter Amy in 2010 to promote his new album

Civil, her battle with drugs and alcohol and her impromptu, late-night walkabouts. But they were also there to capture the more intimate moments and private performances, to which only the Blooms were given access. Sifting through their remarkable collection of some 30,000 images taken between 2005 and 2011, the Borehamwood-based siblings have now collated their favourite shots in their new book, Amy: A Life

Through The Lens. The brothers first came to know about Amy through a family connection: Their aunt, Helen, was friendly with Amy’s grandmother, Cynthia, while their dad Eddie had grown up with Mitch Winehouse in the same block of flats in the East End. Over the years they spent with Amy, they not only followed her movements, but came to know her on a personal level.

24 November 2016 Jewish News


Photos by Darren and Elliott Bloom

Amy Winehouse in pictures / Lifestyle

Amy’s relationship with Blake Fielder-Civil was at times loving, but also turbulent (left)

❝ Darren recalls: “We could even tell if she was in a good mood – because she would draw fake freckles around her nose. It was something we used to pick up on. We noticed little things like that.” Elliott adds: “She was a really nice girl. I suppose it was difficult for her to cavort with us in front of everyone because she was a big superstar, but behind closed doors, one-onone with her, she was amazing. It was an honour to be able to take her pictures. She was brilliant.” While they witnessed the low points, by 2010 the star had divorced Blake and was beginning the slow return to health, helped by a blossoming relationship with her new boyfriend, Reg Traviss. “She’d really cleaned herself up a lot and the pictures from then on were amazing,”


remembers Elliott. “She always had a glow. She looked straight down the barrel of the camera with her cheeky little smile.” The Blooms decided not to continue their careers as celebrity photographers, following Amy’s shocking death in 2011. “It was a very painful time,” admits Elliott. “We could have cashed in and sold our pictures, but we felt it wasn’t right to put it out there. Now five years on, we wanted the world to see these beautiful images of Amy.” For Elliott, his favourite image of the songstress was an exclusive taken in 2009 with god-daughter Dionne Bromfield at her side. He tells me: “I took some beautiful pictures of them and thought I would frame one, sign it and give it to her. So we did and I handed it over to the security guy.” To his surprise, Elliott heard nothing further and came to believe that Amy had not liked the photograph – but the exact opposite was true. Earlier this year, he received a phone call from Dionne saying she had just found the framed photograph tucked away in Amy’s storage. “She told me Amy had hung it above her bed in one of her properties,” explains Elliott. “The picture was like a prized possession and she had really loved it. It was so nice to know how much she had treasured it.”  Amy: A Life Through The Lens by Darren and Elliott Bloom with Matt Trollope, is published by Omnibus Press, priced £20 (hardback) and available now. For more details, visit

Girl on the town: Amy was frequently spotted out at parties (above, below left and centre)

Happier times: Amy was on a slow return to health when she met new beau Reg Traviss


Jewish News 24 November 2016

Lifestyle / Jewish News meets: Honey G

‘Some people are just

HATERS!’ Ivor Baddiel speaks to controversial X Factor contestant Anna Georgette Gilford – AKA Honey G – about anti-Semitism, Yiddish rap and life on the mean streets of North Wheezy


t’s been a while since a Jew won The X Factor, [Steve Brookstein was victorious in the very first series, and mystery still surrounds his kosher roots]. But this year it could happen thanks to Honey G. Or, for the purposes of this article, Honey Jew. In case you’ve recently been living in a cave, Honey G, or Anna Georgette Gilford as she is on her birth certificate, is a rap artist from North Harrow (North Wheezy in her street terminology, or ‘Striddish’ as I like to call it) who has made it all the way through to

Unmasked: Anna Georgette Gilford. Right: Striking a pose as Honey G on the show

the final five acts on the show. And yes, she’s Jewish. Very Jewish, in fact. “My mother is Sephardi,” she tells me. “She comes from a French speaking family, and my father is Ashkenazi. His family is from London and Wales. When I was 16 I went on Israel tour with Hanoar and I remember thinking how amazing it was. I also played tennis at the Maccabiah Games. I was a flag holder at the North American games and the Amsterdam European Games where I was a tennis quarter finalist.” So far, so fairly typically north London Jewish. But then there’s the rap music, which doesn’t quite fit the picture. “I’ve been into rap music since I was young. I used to rap along to Snoop Dog albums, Ice Cube, you know. Bone Thugs N Harmony, Salt n’ Pepa, loads of groups that I grew up with.” Now I’ll be honest, I’d never heard of Bone Thugs N Harmony, and, I ventured, neither have many other north London Jewish girls of Anna’s generation. Nor, I further dared to suggest, were many of them in to rap in general. It seems I was wrong. “Well, I know quite a few north-west London Jewish women who really love urban music and really love rap music, so I don’t know which north-west London Jews you’re referring to.” I am slightly taken aback by Anna’s answer, partly because I don’t know many of the Jews she’s referring to, but mainly

because of the somewhat strident tone in which she says it. But that seems to be part of her character, or possibly, an affectation that’s come about due to the vicious media attacks she’s suffered. In the press and, inevitably on Twitter, she’s faced criticism ranging from being nothing more than a spoof act used to boost TV ratings to accusations of cultural appropriation and “raping” black culture. It’s a tricky one to be fair, akin to a non-Jew performing a klezmer act. But then if it’s being done because the person genuinely loves the music and not to mock or stereotype, regardless of how good they are, it would seem to be fair enough.

And, as well as loving rap since an early age, the 35-year-old has a degree in music technology and production and says she’s been involved with the UK’s biggest black music station, Radio 1Xtra, since it was founded. Needless to say then, her reaction to the naysayers is similarly bullish. “Yeah, I’ve read all of that crap. And as I said, I’ve been involved in urban music all my life. I’m a producer and natural born performer, so for people to say to me that I’m raping black culture actually feels like it’s them discriminating. They’ve got a problem with a white person rapping. The people who’ve come out and insulted me are not exactly spokespeople for the black commu-

24 November 2016 Jewish News


Jewish News meets: Honey G / Lifestyle nity. No one’s said, ‘I’m speaking on behalf of the black community.’ These people are just haters, they’re never going to get anywhere by preaching hate. It’s literally ridiculous – the most ridiculous thing I’ve heard in my entire life.” Clearly a chord has been struck. But perhaps some of Anna’s anger and indignation can be put down to her experience of anti-Semitism. “I’ve had it the whole of my life. When I was growing up people used to make fun of me, referring to me as a ‘Jewish princess’ or talking to me about me looking Jewish, having a Jewish nose, you know. It’s quite insulting.” All of which would seem to be great fodder for rap. After all, many rap songs deal with difficult issues and have a powerful message. For Anna, though, it’s a delicate subject and one that isn’t commercial enough to market. The message aside though, I’m sure the ‘Jewish community massive,’ as she fabulously refers to them, would love to hear her rap in Hebrew or perhaps Yiddish. “I know one Yiddish phrase which my grandpa taught me: ‘Gai shlog dein kup en vant,’ which is, ‘Go bang your head against the wall’. But as for rapping in Yiddish or Hebrew, I could always have a crack at it, but it’s not really on the top of my to-do list at the moment.”

 Watch The X Factor on ITV1 on

Saturdays and Sundays. Jewish News Honey G Watch: See page 27 x 128.qxp_Layout 1 15/11/2016 16:02 Page 1 Limmud Conference 2016 Jewish News 165

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Jewish News 24 November 2016

Lifestyle / Travel

Park yourself here! Sharon Feinstein explores the outstanding beauty of Yosemite National Park, in California’s Sierra Nevada mountains


hey call it God’s living room, and even as a global traveller I was struck with awe, wonder, and heart-stirring joy at seeing such beauty. Yosemite National Park is a landscape of extraordinary glacier-sculpted mountains, miles of glistening tree-covered slopes and is home to black bears, Sierra Nevada red foxes, and mule deer. The range is 1,200 square miles and some of the giant sequoia trees are more than 3,000-years-old, sprouting from the ground before Columbus sailed for the Americas. Jews came to Yosemite in the mid-1800s Gold Rush as prospectors and to provide goods and services for the miners. There is even a Jewish summer camp, Tawonga, held just outside the park for nearly a century. Obama chose Yosemite as the backdrop for his speech calling for action on climate change, standing in front of one of the most breathtaking backgrounds during his time in office. “There’s something sacred about this place,” he said, “and I suppose that’s why the walls of this valley were referred to as cathedral walls, because here at Yosemite we connect not just with our own spirit, but with something greater. It’s almost like the spirit of

Jet skiing at Bass Lake at Miller’s Landing


America itself is right here.” My daughter Lara and I stayed at Tenaya Lodge on the outskirts of the park, perfectly situated for hikes as well as for unwinding after all the exertion and exhilaration. So many families come from the other side of the world to stay here and visit the park, which draws four million travellers a year. Tenaya is a self-contained world of slick organisation, outdoor terraces, plunge pools and secret places to rest and be cared for. Hugely welcoming, staff park your car and will help organise every step of the way. We had a top-class dinner at its Sierra restaurant on the patio under the warm ruby sky, before joining the torchlight hike into the gloaming. Looking up at that glittering, silent landscape, the air pungent with leaves and earth, we saw stars as they really are away from the cities, a vast canopy of twinkling silver and white ribbons dominating the night sky. The drive through Yosemite meanders past a choice of more than 100 hikes. We stopped randomly to do the Mist trail to Vernal and Nevada Falls. I’ll never forget it, the growing scope of the views, thundering water cascading down the smooth granite, rainbows arched over pools, and the exhilarating, steep, but deeply satisfying climb. It lifts you out of yourself into a magic

sense of well-being. You feel reconnected with some primeval sense of how the continent was a long time ago. From the towering rock face of El Capitan and Glacier Point, to the rushing waters of the Merced River, Yosemite embodies everything that is free and inspiring about the American West. We drove to nearby Miller’s Landing on Bass Lake – five miles long and surrounded by colourful clapboard houses with their private decks and boats. The restaurant and general store was playing country music, offering the biggest burgers and salad imaginable, boat rental and fishing tackle. It’s the real outback with a John Wayne feel. With that in mind, Lara and I hopped on a jet ski, helped by real-life Wayne in a cowboy hat with the whitest teeth (I kid you not). We sped around the lake keeping 100 yards away from swimmers, and later canoed among the reeds and swam in the incredibly clear, clean water. There is even a touch of high glamour in this extraordinary part of the world, Erna’s Elderberry House attached to a European-style small, chic hotel, Chateau du Sureau. It was almost surreal to eat there, on the outskirts of the small, remote mountain town of Oakhurst with its wide streets and country people. After a tough day hiking, it’s the other extreme, looking out to the illuminated fountains, manicured lawns, while choosing from the extensive wine list and five-course tasting menu.

Sharon and Lara at Yosemite National Park

Bond baddie, Christopher Waltz, who plays Blofeld, was there, and celebs regularly hide away among the opulence. Yosemite, 200 miles east of San Francisco, rates as one of my wonders of the world. We went in summer, but there is also the allure of the bizarre, unique, natural Firefall, an amazing spectacle which only happens mid-February. It’s described as one of those electric moments when the setting sun hits Horsetail Fall at just the right angle, and sets ablaze the upper reaches of the waterfall. For those who have witnessed it, the sun shines a stunning array of red and orange, dripping like phosphorescent molten lava down the rock face.


Sharon and her daughter stayed at Tenaya Lodge, Yosemite National Park. For the latest deals and rates, visit Sharon also enjoyed water sports at Miller’s Landing, Bass Lake, and dined at Erna’s Elderberry House Restaurant,

24 November 2016 Jewish News

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Jewish News 24 November 2016

Lifestyle / Food and drink



On the side

FLIPPING GREAT Flipside (Kosher) has brought its fabulous burgers

Ivy Café, St John’s Wood

to Golders Green, opening up in the heart of the burgeoning kosher restaurant scene there. It’s large, it’s modern and it’s seriously good! Managing director Natan Alex Levinson says: “We are so pleased to have opened our long-awaited second Flipside in Golders Green. Our objective is to bring a new feeling to kosher cuisine in a friendly atmosphere.” 020 8731 8928

GETTING AHEAD Headroom (Kosher) is a great new ‘social enterprise’ initiative by Jami, the mental health service for the Jewish community. On the site of the charity’s old shop in Golders Green, Headroom comprises a café and shop where the community can “sip, shop and share”. • Restaurants not kosher unless stated

Ivy Café aficionados will know that attentive service, attractive décor and appealing menu options are to be expected at each outpost of this premium brand. The new St John’s Wood branch steps up to the mark. A gloriously lavish interior – deceptively spacious with two large dining areas and a semi-private one – allows for 120 covers. It’s all shiny new, with a stunning bar that just cries out, “Sit here and look sophisticated!”

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She knows her place – and itʼs NOT in the kitchen

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Burnt orange leather banquettes add a fabulous splash of colour, as do the huge paintings of flamingoes and other animals, which have been chosen to reflect the restaurant’s proximity to London Zoo. The clientele is very St John’s Wood – a smartly dressed, mature crowd mingling with trendy, beautiful younger people. The Ivy Café offers an all-day menu, so you can drop in for breakfast, mid-morning snacks, lunch, afternoon tea, cocktails with nibbles, dinner and weekend brunch. The two of us shared a dish of truffle arancini (pictured) and a tuna carpaccio with crushed avocado, jalapeno, coriander and lime dressing to start. We followed with the legendary shepherd’s pie, which is made with slow-roasted lamb shoulder and beef, and the chicken Milanese – brioche-crumbed with a fried hen’s egg and black truffle, and ordered a side portion of the best zucchini in London. The apple tart with a hint of

Calvados and vanilla ice-cream is a must, and who could say no to truffles with a liquid salted caramel centre? A visit to the Ivy Café is a treat, and having a branch this side of the Marylebone Road is an added bonus. IVY CAFÉ 120 St John’s Wood High Street, London NW8 7SG T: 020 3096 9444 W:

New Place in Town Cha Chaan Teng

Newly-opened Cha Chaan Teng in Holborn is an Asian restaurant with a twist. Based on the cha chaan teng cafés that spread across Hong Kong in the 1950s and 60s, the restaurant merges eastern inspiration with western flavours. Following the Second World War, these cafés were created by the wealthy to enable the lower middle class to experience western dishes, and now it’s our turn to find out just what the craze was all about. The menu is trendy and vibrant, boasting numerous different subsections, including baos, crusty rolls and macaroni soups. Often it seems we need not differentiate between starters, mains and desserts; peanut butter French

toast with condensed milk can be found in the starters section (although they are open to you ordering it as a dessert), while the mains are also full of sweet flavours. I’d suggest ordering many dishes to share: the combination of a crispy fried rosti with a soft, light bun made the sweet potato rosti bao a favourite appetiser of mine, and the popcorn chilli beef, although spicy, was tastefully presented with a caramelised almond crumb and a black vinegar sweet and sour dipping sauce. The crispy duck leg French toast could almost have passed as a dessert, but it definitely worked as a main, and the whole crispy sea bream was a definite favourite – presented

as a whole fish, with every piece flawlessly smooth and falling aimlessly off the bone with a delicious crunchy skin. The décor is just as vibrant as the food – the floor suggests western diner, while the teal tables and seats lend an eastern feel to the room. The cocktails are decently-priced, the bar is buzzy, and the staff are welcoming, helpful and courteous. An unusual dining experience, and one that I’d highly recommend. Georgia Walters

CHA CHAAN TENG 38 Kingsway, London WC2B 6EY T: 020 3876 4001 W:

24 November 2016 Jewish News

The latest buzz about HONEY G!


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We catch up on what the Jewish answer to Snoop Dogg and Kanye West – real name Anna Georgette Gilford – has been up to on the latest X Factor show!

THE THEME: In week seven of the ITV talent show, the contestants got all cinematic for Movie Week. THE SONG:The Jewish rapper performed an energetic mash-up of Run DMC’s It’s Like That and Will Smith’s Gettin’ Jiggy With It (which feature in films Keith Lemon: The Film and The Last Days of Disco. THE LOOK: A blue satin tracksuit with a chrome snap back and heavy silver chain. THE RAZZMATAZZ: Honey came onto the stage via a Tube carriage, thanks to some cool visual effects, and began punching the air with her streetwise backing dancers. WHAT DID THE JUDGES THINK? Usually profuse with sweet nothings for Honey G, Nicole hinted the love affair was perhaps ending. “I began to think am I seeing the same thing week after week?” she asked. But it seems Simon is falling ever deeper for the North Weezy rapper, saying: “I love you! I don’t know why. You are infectious.”

THE EDGE: Is the Honey G effect wearing off? Last week she topped the viewer’s vote, but she is now fighting for survival, having landed in the bottom two. But her rendition of Missy Elliot’s Get Ur Freak On and Work It was enough to impress Louis, Simon and mentor Sharon, to keep her in the competition for another week. THE VERDICT: The angry viewers were out in force. “I refuse to tweet her name. She doesn’t deserve the publicity. What an absolute farce. #XFactor,” wrote one. But her fans refuse to be beaten down. @ArsenalAnyDay wrote: “@The_Honey_G You showed pure strength and determination in that sing off – what a fighter! #HoneyGToWin.” Even former X Factor judge Cheryl wrote: “I want @The_Honey_G to win!” WHAT’S NEXT: It’s Louis Loves (whatever that means). We’re thinking Bewitched, Westlife, Boyzone, perhaps even some Abba thrown in. It’s hard to know how any of this will fit into Honey G’s trademark rap style, but we can’t wait to find out!





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Jewish News 24 November 2016

Lifestyle / Health

Ask Dr Ellie Our resident GP Ellie Cannon answers your questions...

Q Should I take antidepres-

sants? I know I have depression and my GP has suggested it, but don't they have sideeffects?

Starting any medication is a big step and you should always consider the bad as well as the good effects: no medicines, even a simple paracetamol, come without side-effects. Anti-depressants are very effective at treating depression. The first few weeks on them can be hard, as often your mood may dip before it gets better. After that, side-effects may include appetite changes, tiredness or nausea as well as changes in weight. These effects very much depend on which one you try. You have to look at

mental-health issues the same way you would a physical-health issue: it needs appropriate treatment and the benefits of that have to be weighed up with known side-effects. Depression is a debilitating illness affecting quality of life, work, relationships and families, so if medicine can help you, it's worth considering. Sadly, mental health is stigmatised within families, the community and the wider population. This makes accepting treatment and asking for help very difficult for sufferers. There is also plenty of help other than medications. Therapy – usually cognitive behavioral therapy – is available on the NHS. Or consider accessing it privately if you can, to avoid a long wait. Charities and support groups may offer you help in terms of coping with your illness, finding treatment and talking to family. Contact JAMI on 020 8458 2223.

Q Should I vaccinate my

child against chickenpox? I know it isn’t standard, but many people seem to be doing it.

Chickenpox is not a standard vaccination in this country. There are a number of reasons for this, but it boils down to cost-effectiveness and severity of illness. For most children, chickenpox is a mild illness – spots, itchiness, a fever and some tiredness. I say most because there have been cases of chickenpox that are very severe where children can get seriously ill with, for example, pneumonia or sepsis (blood poisoning). In recent months, mother Sarah Allen highlighted her son’s case in the media,

calling for a vaccination because he had chickenpox so severely and ended up in intensive care. But as the medical profession pointed out at the time, the reason the case was so newsworthy was that it was so unusual. Most cases are just not that bad. So we are not dealing with a serious illness. Compare that to some very serious illnesses we do vaccinate against, like meningitis B, which has a death rate of 10 per cent, and you can see the vaccination is not really justified in terms of spending the money. But whether you opt into paying for the vaccine yourself is another matter. My one concern is that with the vaccination, the immunity can wear off as children go into adulthood: and adult chickenpox or, even worse, chickenpox when pregnant, can be very severe, so an adult booster would be a good idea.

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Q Should I have a PSA test?

I am a 50-year-old with no symptoms that I know of, but I know this test is common in other countries. PSA is a blood test to detect something called prostate-specific-antigen – a chemical marker that rises in prostate cancer. It can be used theoretically to detect prostate cancer earlier than symptoms would allow. But the issue is that prostate cancer is not the only condition in which PSA can rise: it rises in a lot of benign conditions. So if you are widely screening men with no symptoms, not only will you detect cancer, you will also detect a lot of non-cancer as cancer – something we

call false positives. False positives in prostate screening mean a man can be subjected to biopsies, treatment and the nasty side effects of those, which might be totally unnecessary and can go on to affect quality of life. So PSA is a poor screening tool. It is useful in men with a strong family history or their own personal history of prostate disease, but not as a population screening test. It is far better to be aware of the risk factors and potential symptoms of prostate cancer. You are more likely to get prostate cancer with a family history of the disease, if you are over 65, or if your family carries the BRCA breast cancer genes. Symptoms include changes to the flow of urine, blood in the urine or semen, needing to pass urine frequently and needing to go to the toilet overnight.

 Ellie Cannon’s book, Keep Calm: The New Mum's Manual, is available now

24 November 2016 Jewish News


Sedra: Chayei Sara, New A-Gender / Orthodox Judaism

New A-Gender

SEDRA Chayei Sara


BY RABBI BORUCH BOUDILOVSKY In a beautiful Midrash, the gift of Shabbat is traced back to the home of Sarah, and is continued in the home of Rebecca. “And Isaac brought [Rebecca] into the tent [of] Sarah his mother; he married Rebecca, and he loved her; and thus was Isaac consoled after his mother. (Genesis 24:67)” The 11th century biblical commentator Rashi quotes a Midrashic source: “For all the time Sarah was alive, a lamp would be alight continuously from Sabbath eve to Sabbath eve, and a blessing would be found in the dough, and a cloud would be stationed over the tent. But once Sarah died, they stopped. And when Rebecca came they returned. (Rashi Genesis 24)” Rebecca’s home, our sages teach, is a duplicate of Sarah’s, meaning her legacy lived on. The tent of Sarah was blessed with miraculous light, dough and a cloud. Similarly, the western flame of the Menorah in the tabernacle never went out. Additionally, the Show-bread (bread of surfaces) on the shulchan (table) of the tabernacle remained fresh all week. Finally, the cloud which signified the dwelling of the divine presence of God, rested above the tabernacle. The Jewish tabernacle, become a symbolic embodiment of Sarah’s sacred dwelling. Just as Sarah’s tent was a source of generosity and kindness, our communal home – the tabernacle – was created only by generous voluntary contributions of time, talent, and wealth. Every Shabbat table brightly lit by Shabbat candles, adorned by challah, and basked in divinity, is a home that pays tribute to the legacy of Sarah in her never-ending story.

 Boruch is rabbi of Borehamwood and Elstree United Synagogue

BY DINA BRAWER I’m on a train at a platform. As it prepares to depart, the conductor asks anyone not planning to travel to disembark. The announcement reminds me of a shiva I recently attended. I found myself in a house packed with men and women gathered to comfort the mourner. As it was time to begin the service, the rabbi made an announcement, not unlike the train conductor, requesting all women to step out of the room so services could begin. While the rabbi’s announcement was polite and well-intended, it nonetheless inadvertently made many women feel excluded from being part of the service.


This is a scene that plays out frequently at home services for an Orthodox shiva. While there is no halachic requirement for a mechitza at an ad hoc prayer service, it is common practice for women and men to stand at opposite sides of the room or, if that’s not possible, in different rooms. This can become awkward and offputting when there are women among the mourners and female relatives, such as daughters-in-law or granddaughters, who may not be halachically counted as mourners, but are mourning nonetheless. Separation of the genders can be strictly adhered to while still inviting women to be part of the service. This can be done with careful use of both language and space. The language we use shapes the reality we create. As soon as we ask women to leave, we are establishing that room as the “sacred space” where the prayers will be recited and implicitly conveying that women need to step out of this. A possible alternative would be to

ask men and women to move to their allocated side of the room, or if sharing a room is not possible, consider occasionally asking the men to move to an adjacent room. The way we arrange the space sends another powerful message. The mourners, rabbi and prayer leader become the focal point. If at the room’s centre, they will be surrounded by men, leaving women behind them, often unable to hear or see. This is particularly awkward when it leaves female mourners unable to follow the service and co-ordinate their kaddish recitation. This can be resolved by positioning the mourners in between the men and the women’s spaces, in the doorway between the two rooms if necessary, so that the sacred space now includes both genders. Women regularly attend Orthodox shivas, so let’s do our best to welcome them on this Jewish journey rather than ask them to disembark.

 Dina is founder of JOFA UK

Partnered Content

Drink to your health! I magine a drink that not only quenches your thirst, but helps to maintain healthy hair, skin and nails. What started as a concept is now a reality, thanks to the launch of Prir, a delicious soft drink, which is vegan-approved, free from artificial colours, sweeteners and preservatives and contains 30 calories or less per 100ml. Best of all, beauty really can now come from within, as the drink contains 50 percent of the reference intake of a selection of key vitamins and minerals, including B2, B3 and Biotin, which help leave your skin glowing, as well as selenium and zinc, which are brilliant boosters for healthy skin and nails. “I love the product, because it’s one that I would want to drink,” explains Prir CEO Danielle Phillips. “Before this, I had coffee all day. I can’t just drink water, because it’s boring, flat and it doesn’t quench my thirst. “But other alternatives available are loaded with sugar. Prir is made from natural ingredients and has all these vitamins and minerals, which is also a bonus.” With more than 30 years’ experience in retail, the Radlett businesswoman specialises in bringing products to market and was looking for a new project when

she was introduced to Prir’s creator, Anthony Salway. “He came up with the idea of drinking a supplement, rather than having pills.” Working with a food technologist, the pair came up with three, vibrantly-coloured flavours: Orange and passion fruit, blackcurrant and apricot and elderflower. As for the name, Prir, the dynamic mum-of-two explains: “We actually made the word up! I reasoned that Nike wasn’t recognised before it became famous, so we decided on a new name that we would make well-known in its own unique way.” Earlier this year, Boots UK obtained exclusive rights to sell Prir nationally in the self-service sector and as part of its meal deal, launching in more than 300 stores, including Brent Cross. Since September, the drink has also been sold at 27 independent venues, including Yummies in Mill Hill and The Radlett Centre. The 54-year-old, who is a member of Borehamwood and Elstree United Synagogue, tells me: “We’ve been very happy with sales. In our best week, we sold 4,000 bottles, but even now we are averaging between 3,000 to 4,000 every week, which

Danielle Phillips, CEO of Prir, talks to Francine Wolfisz about the health and beauty benefits of a new soft drink

Danielle Phillips, CEO of Prir (inset), has helped launch a new drink into the UK market

has been lovely.” There have also been a few celebrity endorsements. The drink was a hit with models at London Fashion Week, while former The Only Way Is Essex star Mark Wright took to twitter to tell fans about Prir. Looking to the future, Phillips is hoping to expand through crowd-funding and is keen to take the drink into bars and clubs as a viable option to alcohol-free alternatives.

“We are a small company with big aspirations,” she adds. “We want to change the way people take supplements and we want it to be a normal part of the daily routine without it having to be a chore. “Prir is a healthy alternative to most of the drinks on the shelves today.”  For more information about Prir, visit


Jewish News 24 November 2016

Progressive Judaism / The Bible Says What?! / Progressively Speaking

The Bible Says What?!

Progressively Speaking

Rabbi Leah Jordan on how the Torah deals with the issue of homosexuality… “And with a man, you shall not lie the lyings of a woman; it is an abomination.” (Leviticus 18:22) This verse – along with ways Jewish tradition has interpreted it – has often been a major point of contention in Jewish and LGBTQI+ communities. Many Jewish interpretations, including the Orthodox movements, have seen it as a comprehensive ban on all male homosexual acts. Meanwhile, in Orthodox tradition, sexual acts between women are not even considered to exist – misogyny at its worst. How did Liberal Judaism become at the forefront of the two-decade long fight that culminated in the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act of 2013, and indeed continues to speak Jewishly within the LGBTQI+ activist sphere? First, Liberal Judaism views the Torah as a divinely-inspired human document subject to the blindnesses of the time, in which case that verse can be deconstructed to say it was never really about same-sex sexual activity per se, but other concerns. It could be about the desire for people to have children, the danger of

Are Meghan Markle and Prince Harry entitled to privacy from the media? BY RABBI DEBBIE YOUNG-SOMERS

cultic practices or, most persuasively to me, the fear in a patriarchal society that all sex was the act of a dominant party on a submissive one. So the prohibition is against males dominating other males through the sex act. If the deconstructionist model isn’t for you, and you’re waiting for halacha to back you up, my mentor Rabbi Ethan Tucker argues the verse might be understood in a similar way to lefthandedness in the Jewish world. Rituals like tefilin and lulav/etrog were initially assumed to be done right-handed, but the halacha quickly corrected this to take account that not everyone is. Halacha recognises that humanity is not uniform. Thus if you are LGBTQI+, be LGBTQI+; if you are heterosexual, be heterosexual.

 Leah Jordan is rabbi at Norwich Liberal Jewish Community

Jews love a gossip – which is probably why so many texts deal with lashon ha’ra, or evil speech. We aren’t very good at getting it right and need constant reminding. And that’s just concerning the lady who lives opposite and the man who sits to the left of the bimah in those shoes! With celebrities and royalty, whose lives are so far removed from ours, and so much more interesting, what harm could it possibly do? I do believe that Prince Harry and his girlfriend Meghan Markle are entitled to privacy, and having public roles to fulfil shouldn’t mean they don’t need time and space to develop

a healthy relationship (and regardless of who she is dating, Meghan certainly has the right to live without racist and sexist comment). We usually begin a service in synagogue with Ma Tovu Ohalecha Ya’acov (“How good are your tents Jacob?”). The Midrash asks why this particular blessing was offered to the Israelite encampment. The answer is about how the Hebrews camped, managing to erect their tents so no entrance faced another. This meant they were blessed, because despite the mass of people and shared experiences as a community, each family unit was able to preserve as much


privacy as possible. The Mishnah continues this line of thought, insisting this is also how we should construct our permanent homes (Bava Batra 3:7). Today, “right to privacy” seems to be balanced increasingly against ‘‘the public’s right to know”. Halachically, there are occasions where one may divulge information about another to protect someone, but I’m sure this doesn’t apply to Harry and Meghan. Sharing other people’s secrets is definitely a no-no (Proverbs describes someone who does so as “base”), but even divulging a conversation without permission is ruled out (Yoma 4b). Perhaps we can say Judaism doesn’t value just privacy, but the social cohesion it affords. It’s about the kind of society we wish to form and be part of. How we talk about one another is an important part of that.  Rabbi Debbie Young-Somers is Reform Judaism’s community educator

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24 November 2016 Jewish News


Expert professional advice / Ask our experts

Ask our

Registered Charity No. 259480

Leave the legacy of independence to people like Hayley.

Our trusty team of advisers answer your questions about everything from law and finance to dating and dentistry. This week: Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis, renovating a four-bedroom house and understanding childhood obesity CAROLYN COHEN CHANA See full profile on pages 32-33

Dear Carolyn My husband Sam and I were eagerly anticipating our baby’s arrival, but when we went for a routine 20-week scan, we learnt that our baby had serious medical issues with a 95 percent chance of dying during the pregnancy or within the first few hours of birth. Sadly, he did not survive. Genetic testing revealed that we are carriers of an autosomal recessive gene disorder and we were told that, to avoid passing this disorder on to another child, we must have pre-implantation genetic diagnosis. Is there any chance of us having a healthy baby? Kim For organisational and cost purposes, should I bring in separate specialist trades or one company that can look after everything and do it all? Vanessa


Dear Vanessa In my experience, unless See full profile on pages 32-33 you have the knowledge to project-manage a refurbishment of this size, you are Dear Howard best to bring in one company We’ve just exchanged on to do it all. Working with a four-bedroom house that separate electricians, needs everything doing to plumbers, plasterers, kitchen it – moving walls, electrics, fitters etc, who will all be plumbing, paper stripping, working on their own sepaplastering, new floors, rate projects, and co-ordikitchen, two bathrooms, nating their timings to be garden and front drive. in-line with the next trade The size of this project is required can be challenging daunting and I’ve heard and often frustrating. horror stories, which is Working with one why I’m contacting you. contractor means that

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Dear Kim I am very sorry for your loss. Our support workers and medical panel are here to help you at this very difficult time. They will give you both emotional and practical medical help and prepare you for the pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) process, which includes completing an IVF treatment. A probe, especially prepared for your individual genetic makeups, will be used to select embryos and ensure that the implanted embryo does not carry the faulty gene. You can contact Chana through our website,, or our helpline on 020 8201 5574. We wish you much emotional strength. company will projectmanage the whole scheme and ensure all the different skills are on-site exactly when required and materials are purchased and delivered on time, which will help in bringing in your refurbishment on time and on budget. If architects, structural engineers and building control are involved, and obtaining completion certificates, gas safe and electrical certificates is required, then dealing with one company makes the whole process easier and far more efficient. If you decide to choose one contractor to do it all, check out the website and previous testimonials, speak to previous clients and check out professional associations the company is allied with.

DR PIYUSHA KAPILA See full profile on page 32-33

Dear Dr Piyusha I’m concerned about the rate at which my son is gaining weight and am are not sure if he is overweight. How can I clarify this? John Dear John Unlike adults, children grow and should be gaining weight but at a rate proportional to increase in height manner. School nurses, health visitors

and GPs can monitor your child’s weight and height gain by comparison with those of a similar age using growth (centile) charts. These have been derived using data obtained in the early 90s from Caucasian children in Britain. If this relationship is disproportionate, the child will become either over or underweight. To define overweight, several methods can be used – simple weight for height, waist circumference, skinfold thickness. Of all these, using a calculation based on weight and height is the easiest and most reproducible. Body mass index (BMI) is calculated by dividing the weight by the height squared (kg/m2). This however does not take into account lean body mass (muscle).

The World Health Organisation has defined a BMI of great than 25 as overweight, and 30 as obese. In children, there are centile charts for determining if the BMI is appropriate, and 1 SD (standard deviation) above the mean for age and sex is overweight, while 2 SDs is obese. Becoming overweight or obese is a gradual process, often starting in infancy when babies are overfed and cannot regulate their intake. The rapidity in which the body gains weight varies according to the family genes. Your baby’s red book contains centile charts that can be filled in by health visitors. Most people have to maintain a balance between food consumption and exercise. Overweight due to genetic mutations only is very rare.


Jewish News 24 November 2016

Ask our experts / Professional advice

Our Experts Do you have a question for a member of our team? Email: CHARITY EXECUTIVE

ESTATE AGENT STEVE WAYNE Qualifications: • Owner of Benjamin Stevens established in 2004 with offices in Edgware and Bushey and dealing with all surrounding areas. • Specialist in buy 2 let investments and managing lettings portfolios. • Dealing with residential Sales locally and an expert on all things property in North West London.

CAROLYN COHEN Qualifications: • Supports couples dealing with infertility and reproductive health. • Strictly confidential helpline. • Specialist medical support and information. • Counselling for individuals and couples and educational events. • Expert medical advisory panel.


CHANA 020 8203 8455 Helpline: 020 8201 5774 / 020 8800 0018


ELAINE KERR Qualifications: • Able to draw on the expertise of Norwood’s professional staff team, including social workers, educational psychologists, drug and alcohol specialists, speech & language and occupational therapists, teachers, psychologists, benefit advisers. • Expertise in services available for children and their families and young people with special educational needs, and adults with learning disabilities.

JUNE MORTON Qualifications: • Experienced housing professional, BA (Hons), PG Dip Housing, PG Dip Leadership. • CE of jLiving, Jewish Community Housing Association Ltd; a long established and respected provider of sheltered and supported accommodation, wprimarily for the Jewish community. • jLiving has sheltered housing properties London and beyond.

NORWOOD 020 8809 8809

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TELECOMS SPECIALIST MAXI ROSE Qualifications: • MD at RCUK since 1999. Grown the business into three substantial UK branches serving clients worldwide – USA, Europe & Middle East. • Telecoms specialist in business & consumer mobile solutions, landline and broadband services and Ofcom Telecoms registered reseller.

RCUK 020 8815 4115

LANDLORDS & LETTINGS SPECIALIST EDDIE HOOKER Qualifications: • CEO of mydeposits, a government authorised scheme that enables landlords and letting agents comply with their legal obligations. • mydeposits launched in 2007 and has protected over 1.6 million tenant’s deposits. • Over 150,000 landlords and 3500 agents use us, including some of the largest nationwide chains.

MYDEPOSITS 0333 321 9401



CONSULTANT PAEDIATRICIAN DR PIYUSHA KAPILA Qualifications: • MB ChB (Man) MD (Lon) FRCPCH; trained in the Childrens’ Hospitals in Manchester, Leeds, Birmingham and London. • Looks after children and newborns with all sorts of general problems. • Specialises in endocrinology and diabetes in children. • Works at N Middlesex University NHS Hospital; private sessions at the Wellington Centres and Hsopital of St John and St Elizabeth.


TRAVEL AGENT DAVID SEGEL Qualifications: • Managing director of West End Travel, established in 1972. • Leading UK El Al agent with branches in Swiss Cottage and Edgware. • Specialist in Israel travel, cruises and kosher holidays. • Leading business travel company, ranked in top 50 UK agents. • Frequent travel broadcaster on radio and TV.

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ACUPUNCTURE EXPERT AMANDA SHAYLE Qualifications: • MAcS MPCHM CertNatSci(Open). CNHC Registered. •Founder of Acuregen Ltd, Intl. • Lecturer in cosmetic acupuncture and skincare. • Vice chair of The Acupuncture Society. • Backed by experienced team specialising in unisex health and beauty.

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CHARITY EXECUTIVE SUE CIPIN Qualifications: • 18 years’ hands-on experience, leading JDA in significant growth and development. • Deep understanding of the impact of deafness on people at all stages of life, and their families. • Practical and emotional support for families of deaf children. • Extensive services for people affected by hearing loss/tinnitus.


SOLICITOR ADVOCATE CARL WOOLF Qualifications: • 20+ years experience as a criminal defence solicitor and higher court advocate. • Specialising in all aspects of criminal law including murder, drug offences, fraud and money laundering, offences of violence, sexual offences and all aspects of road traffic law. • Visiting associate professor at Brunel University.

NOBLE SOLICITORS 01582 544 370


CAROLYN ADDLEMAN Qualifications: Lawyer with more than 15 years’ experience in will drafting and trust and estate administration, eight years at KKL Executor and Trustee Company. Keeps in close contact with clients to ensure all legal and pastoral needs are cared for. Member of Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners.

ANTON HALPERN Qualifications: • Professionally designed and built e-commerce and brochure websites for the professional, retail and voluntary sectors. • Specialist departments for financial services, property agents and charities. • Services include graphic design, software development, website support/hosting for both new and existing websites.

LOUISE LEACH Qualifications: • Professional choreographer qualified in dance, drama and Zumba (ZIN, ISTD & LAMDA), gaining an honours degree at Birmingham University. • Former contestant on ITV’s Popstars, reaching bootcamp with Myleene Klass, Suzanne Shaw and Kym Marsh. • Set up Dancing with Louise 10 years ago.


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24 November 2016 Jewish News


Professional advice / Ask our experts




MELVYN SOBELL Qualifications: • Chartered accountant FCA. • Accounting, taxation and business advisory services. • Specialises in forensic accounting. • CEDR accredited mediator. • Expert witness advice for all financial matters.

JAMIE GORAL Qualifications: • 2015 UK fastest growing ActionCOACH (1st out of 108 coaches) • Business growth rates enjoyed by CEO’s/business owners I work with include:Digital marketing business – £6m loss to £1.5m profit in 6 years. Web design agency – 100% in 2 months. Health clinic – 50% in three months. Manufacturing business – 50% in 9 months. Decorating firm – 189% in 1 year.

IAN GREEN Qualifications: • Launched Man on a Bike IT consultancy 11 years ago to provide computer support for the home and small businesses. • Clients range from legal firms in the City to families, small business owners and synagogues. • More than 15 years’ experience.

SOBELL RHODES 020 8429 8800

ACTIONCOACH 020 7993 2420

MAN ON A BIKE 020 8731 6171

ALIYAH ADVISER DOV NEWMARK Qualifications: • Director of UK Aliyah for Nefesh B’Nefesh, an organisation that helps facilitate aliyah from the UK. • Conducts monthly seminars and personal aliyah meetings in London. • An expert in working together with clients to help plan a successful aliyah.

NEFESH B’NEFESH 0800 075 7200

CHARITY EXECUTIVE BAYLA PERRIN Qualifications: • Free professional service delivering immediate practical help with domestic administrative matters, assisting those alone and in crisis. • Providing workable solutions for debt management, budgeting, bills, utilities, insurance, welfare & benefits, form filling, financial correspondence, bureaucracy and divorce procedures. • Cross communal and throughout London.




BUILDING CONTRACTOR HOWARD GOLD Qualifications: • Member of the Federation of Master Builders. • Member of the Consumer Protection Association offering an underwritten insurance backed guarantee of 5 years on all projects. • Providing a tailored end-to-end property service for residential property clients in north and north-west London. Focusing on a quality service.

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Jewish News 24 November 2016

Business profile / Meet Israel’s property guru

‘Now’s a great time to invest in Israel’ Alex Davis speaks to Dror Nagel, the CEO of residential developer Azorim


ror Nagel feels at ease in the City of London. The multimillionaire CEO of Azorim, one of Israel’s largest residential developers, has more than 25 years of experience in real estate and finance. Just before speaking to me, he delivers the keynote speech at a packed stakeholder briefing, where the attendees all represent wealthy individuals thinking about investing in Israel. “This is a great time to invest in Israel,” he remarks confidently in unbroken English. His voice is soft but authoritative and it’s clear he knows the Israeli market inside out. “When you decide to invest in real estate, diversification is one of your first priorities. You have to decide whether you want to put your money in a developing country or a developed country. In a developing country,

the risk is higher, so for a good investment I would turn to a developed country. For me, Israel is perfect in this regard because of the capital gains potential it offers. “Israel has very favourable demographic and economic conditions,” he continues. “Plus Israel’s real estate market is much more stable.” To illustrate his point, Dror notes the resilience shown by the Israeli banking system during the 2008 crash. “In Israel, the banks remained stable during the credit crisis,” he says. “In fact, unlike in Europe and the USA, where real estate prices went down, in Israel they went up in this period. “Why? Because in Israel, you could never get finance of 90 percent or 100 percent to buy a house. The internal rules of Israeli banks mean they would never take such risks. This means that if something goes wrong, the

IF SOMETHING GOES WRONG, THE BANKING SYSTEM DOESN’T COLLAPSE AS OTHERS DO banking system doesn’t collapse because of the favourable loan-to-value ratio.” For Dror, the strength of the Israeli economy comes from its grass roots. “Israel has a lot of ambition and motivation,” he explains. “Much of this comes from our excellent education system, which allows the economy to be knowledge-based. Ten percent of the workforce is in the high-tech industry. That’s an unparalleled figure.” The conversation moves to Dror and his remarkable climb in the business world. After graduating from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in 1989 with an MBA, Dror went on to hold a number of influential posts in government. He began his career as a treasury representative for government companies in the housing and energy sector. The following year, he served as an economic adviser to Yaakov Tzur, the Israeli health minister. “This post gave me a firm understanding of politics and decision-making. I learnt how to look down from the top,” he reflects. It was to become a familiar view. Within six years, he was appointed vice president of Peilim Portfolio Management with responsibly for the derivatives market. This paved the way for his biggest career break. In 1999, Dror was appointed CEO of Gemulot, a company that managed assets of provident and education funds in the region of

50 billion shekels. “At Gemulot, I was exposed to a wide range of global investment. It was here that I acquired crucial experience in management and human resources,” he notes. The next decade was spent in high-profile investment roles including alternate director at the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange (2004-2006), director of international private banking at Bank Hapoalim (2006-2008), and CEO of Phoenix Investments and Finance (2009-2010), responsible for managing members’ mutual investment funds, nostro accounts and subsidiaries. Yet, despite his impressive financial background, Dror faced a new challenge in 2011: real estate development. He was appointed director of Azorim in 2011 and CEO two years later. Established in 1964, Azorim is one of Israel’s largest and most stable real estate companies, with a revenue of ILS 816.4million over the past 12 months. Dror himself is involved in a variety of projects, including businesses development and the future growth engines of the company. He’s a busy man, but always finds time for his family – is married and a father-of-three. “My family had the biggest influence on me,” he adds. “My father taught me how to think business and always be honest. My mother and father-in-law taught me to respect all humans.” Charity is also a priority for Dror. He is a trustee of the National Foundation of Teaching and Entrepreneurship, which helps young people from low-income communities to build skills and unlock their entrepreneurial creativity. Dror also donates generously, particularly to charities involving children and education. I ask what he feels makes a good CEO. He responds: “Someone who is tolerant and willing to listen, but also prepared to give power to his management. And, of course, you’ve got be a mensch!”

24 November 2016 Jewish News


Fun, games & prizes! / We’re giving away winter warmers







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15 16





21 22

ACROSS 2 Enormous (5) 6 Get wind of (news) (4) 7 Discharge (vapour) (4)

8 Agency (6) 9 Almost fall (4) 10 More unfavourable (5)

Last issue’s solutions

SUDOKU Fill the grid with the numbers 1 to 9 so that each row, column and 3x3 block contains the numbers 1 to 9.

2 3


1 5 7 3 7 1 4 7 6 9 8 4 3 5 8 5 4 1 4 8 6 9 1 5 8

ACROSS: 1 Facing 4 Tang 8 Eau 9 Defrost 10 Twine 11 Retry 13 Lurch 15 Idyll 17 Whistle 19 Odd 20 Ring 21 Stodge DOWN: 1 Fleet 2 Courier 3 Nudge 5 Ado 6 Get by 7 Afar 12 Thyroid 13 Lower 14 Hate 15 Inert 16 Lodge 18 Inn

WIN CASHMERE MENSWEAR FROM MRQUINTESSENTIAL! Jewish News and luxury brand MrQuintessential have teamed up to offer one lucky reader a beautiful cashmere beanie and matching scarf, worth £140. Banish the winter blues with this beautiful beanie made from soft cashmere in timeless dark charcoal, with the addition of a contrast hem in light grey, priced £60. To make this item extra special, it can also be personalised with up to three characters in either navy or silver thread for an additional cost (not included with this prize). This can be teamed with MrQuintessential’s beautiful Newbury Scarf, priced £80. Made from the softest ribbed cashmere, this luxurious scarf is the ideal piece to wear on crisp days and a perfect winter staple piece. MrQuintessential was founded by Simon Jacobs after he found himself staring into a wardrobe full of clothes far too immature for his years. While not old, he was certainly not young – indeed, the grey area most men fall into – but there was simply nothing that was

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9 7 1 5 8 6 2 4 3

4 5 3 7 2 1 8 6 9

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5 4 6 8 9 2 7 3 1

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MrQuintessential offers beautiful knitwear made from: A: 100 percent polyester B: 100 percent viscose C: 100 percent luxurious Mongolian cashmere

TERMS AND CONDITIONS: One reader will win a dark charcoal and light grey Newbury scarf, priced

See next issue for all puzzle solutions. 24/11

By Paul Solomons

All puzzles © Puzzler Media Ltd -

£80, and a matching beanie, priced £60, from MrQuintessential. Prize is as stated and cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer or exchange in whole or in part for cash. By supplying your email address you agree to receive marketing information from the JN Media Group or any of its affiliates and carefully selected third parties. The promotion excludes employees of Miroma, their immediate families, their agents or anyone professionally connected to the relevant promotion. Proof of eligibility must be provided on request. Normal T&Cs apply and can be found at -terms-and-conditions. For full Ts and Cs see Closing date: 8 December 2016.


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Jewish News 24 November 2016

Business Services Directory CLOTHING



The Jewish News 22 September 2016


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Jewish News 24 November 2016

Sport / Football review, pictures & video highlights:

Wrestling star back with a bang

Bill Goldberg stunned the wrestling world at the weekend after he beat long-term rival Brock Lesnar in under 90 seconds at WWE Survivor Series. The WCW legend, who made his name in the 1990s, had gone 173 matches without defeat, though hadn’t competed since 2004, when he narrowly beat Lesnar at WrestleMania 20. In claiming his win on Sunday evening, the 49-year-old ended Lesnar’s two-and-a-half year unbeaten run.

Goldberg (left) won on his return to the ring

Hendon held by resilient Raiders


Match of the day saw reigning Premier Division champions North London Raiders A held to a 2-2 draw by Hendon United A. The latter led twice, through Avi Korman’s penalty and Rocky Spitzer’s close-range finish, but Dave Cohen’s neat finish and a thumping headers from Liron Mannie ensure a share of the points. That result meant Redbridge A moved two points clear at the top of the table as they made it seven wins from seven with a 3-1 win at Woodford Wanderers. Dean Nyman, Ryan Cole and Daniel Garfinkle all scoring. London Lions A moved up to joint-fourth as two goals from Jamie Jackson, along with strikes from James Gershfield and James Gold saw them beat Camden Park 4-1. Goals from Richard Salmon, James Korn, Connor Perlmutter and James Stanley saw FC Team A to a 4-1 win over SPEC. North London Raiders B stormed to the top of the Division One table as Jack Roberts’ double, coupled with strikes from Jake Gilbert, Will Ufland and Lewis Blitz, saw them to a 5-1 win over Hendon United B. London Lions B were knocked off top spot as Dave Woolman’s double

Division One leaders Raiders extended the gap at the top of the table to nine points after they beat HMH 4-2. Dave Eden scored twice, with Andrew Wolfin and Tony Plaskow also on target. In Division Two, London Lions B opened up a sixpoint advantage at the top of the table thanks to a comfortable 5-0 win over Brady B. Michael Abraham scored twice, with David Price, Marc Morris and a David Kyte penalty sealing the win.

Kosovo police have revealed how they thwarted an ISIS terror attack plot against Israel’s football team and their supporters. The plot involved synchronised attacks in Kosovo, the Balkans and during Israel’s World Cup qualifier in Albania last week. Nineteen arrests were made, with police saying: “They were planning to commit attacks against the Israeli football team and their fans.”

saw them beaten 2-1 by Oakwood B. Finchley City consolidated their top-four place as Oliver Sade’s hattrick helped them to a 6-0 win over Brixton Old Boys. Shim Bensoor, Daniel Polak and Alon Pinhas claimed their other three. L’Equipe moved six points clear at the top of the table thanks to a 5-1 win at Mill Hill Dons. Mark Smith, James Mandel, Max Martin, Jonny Kay and Grant Bates all finding the back of the net. Temple Fortune failed to close the gap on the leaders, as they were held to a 2-2 draw at Redbridge C. Adam Lenz and Jordan Sharifian scored for Fortune, with Barry Green and Oli Hambling replying for Redbridge. Faithfold B moved into jointthird as two goals from Richard Fogelman helped them to a 2-2 draw at North London Raiders C. Nick Haringman and Dan Tannenbaum goals earned the hosts a point. RC UK FC are up into joint-fifth as two goals from player-manager Avi Markiewicz saw them defeat FC Team B 2-1.

Photo by Amy Leigh


Raiders celebrate equalising against Hendon

Gershfield double inspires Lions to win over Belstone

Sammy meets his Arsenal heroes Arsenal fan Sammy Ezekiel met some of his heroes when he won a Junior Gunners competition to go to the club’s training ground. The 14-year-old said: “I got to film with Granit Xhaka. Francis Coquelin and Santi Cazorla. It was an amazing experience and a day I will remember for the rest of my life.”

London Lions made it 13 wins from 13 in the Herts Senior Premier League as two goals from James Gershfield helped them to a 4-1 win at Belstone. The win saw them increase their lead at the top of the table to seven points, though Andy Landesberg’s side had goalkeeper David Myers to thank for going back to Rowley Lane with the three points. They took a fifth minute lead through Austin Lipman, though only a series of fine stops from Myers kept their lead intact. Charlie Kesler and Gershfield (pictured) threatened a second, but it was Myers who kept them ahead, with Belstone enjoying the better chances of the first half, on one occasion beating Myers, but not the woodwork. Gershfield did double their lead from the penalty spot after the break, following a foul on Lipman, though saw their lead halved shortly afterwards. Myers once again kept the Lions ahead,

Israel’s Rio Olympic bronze medallist Ori Sasson is set to miss next year’s European and World Championships – after injuring himself while playing basketball with friends. The judo star claimed one of Israel’s two bronze medals in Brazil over the summer, though is facing six months out injured after damaging his knee. Ruled out of April’s European Championships, he is also a doubt for the World Championships which take place in August.


 Full review, match pictures and video highlights at


Israel will take part in the opening game of the 2017 World Baseball Classic, when they take on hosts South Korea in Seoul. Appearing in the competition for the first time, Peter Kurz, president of the Israel Association of Baseball, said: “This is a momentous occasion for Israel Baseball. We have assembled the greatest team of Jewish sportspeople in history and we are excited to show the world what we are capable of.”


pulling off several more fine stops, before Gershfield claimed his second of the afternoon to settle the match. Substitute Adam Arnold wrapped up the scoring in injury time, to put a gloss on the final scoreline, but it was a result which saw them create some daylight between themselves and the chasing pack.

Super middleweight boxer Boyd Melson returned to the ring on Saturday night, but fell to a seventh round loss against Courtney Pennington. Having retired after his last fight back in May, he returned for the eight-round contest to bring awareness to the rise of heroin addiction in New York. The Army Reserve captain had previously donated his purse to research into spinal cord injuries, and will give his profits from this fight to ‘Big Vision – a non-profit foundation which assists those fighting narcotics. After the fight he announced he’d be running for congress in 2018.

24 November 2016 Jewish News


Visit: for all the latest Jewish sporting news / Sport MACCABI GB SOUTHERN FOOTBALL LEAGUE PREMIER DIVISION

FC Team A 4 SPEC 1 Hendon A 2 NL Raiders A 2 London Lions A 4 Camden Park 1 Woodford Wanderers 1 Redbridge A 3 P Redbridge A 7 Hendon United A 7 Oakwood A 8 London Lions A 6 NL Raiders A 7 Brady Maccabi 6 FC Team A 6 Woodford 8 Camden Park 6 SPEC FC 7

W 7 6 5 4 3 2 2 1 0 0

D 0 1 2 0 2 1 1 1 0 0

L 0 0 1 2 2 3 3 6 6 7

F 25 26 20 14 27 18 20 10 4 4

Dif Pts 17 21 15 19 14 17 0 12 15 11 1 7 -7 7 -16 4 -14 0 -25 0


Finchley City 6 Brixton Old Boys 0 Los Blancos 1 Athletic Bilbaum 2 NL Raiders B 5 Hendon B 1 Oakwood B 2 London Lions B 1 Redbridge B P Scrabble P P NLRaiders B 7 London Lions B 8 Redbridge B 4 Finchley City FC 6 Oakwood B 6 Scrabble 5 Faithfold A 7 Los Blancos 7 Hendon United B 8 Athletic Bilbaum 7 Brixton Old Boys 7

W 6 5 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 1 0

D 0 2 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0

L 1 1 0 2 2 1 3 5 6 5 7

F 32 27 13 20 16 11 18 12 17 7 2


RICHARD FOGELMAN (FAITHFOLD B) Nutmegged a couple of backtracking defenders, before unleashing a deadly strike into the bottom corner from the edge of the box


DAVE SIMNOCK (NL RAIDERS B) Spread himself wide to stop a header at point blank range


SEFTON MONK (BOCA JEWNIORS) “The win [5-4 from trailing 4-0] goes out to all those managers and chairman in Jewish football that fight week in week out all summer to keep their club and passion alive for yet another season.”


Dif Pts 20 18 15 17 9 12 7 12 4 10 4 10 -3 10 -4 6 -6 6 -14 4 -32 0


Hertswood Vale 4 Boca Jewniors 5 Mill Hill Dons 1 L’Equipe 5 NL Raiders C 2 Faithfold B 2 RC UK FC 2 FC Team B 1 Redbridge C 2 Temple Fortune 2 P W D L F Dif Pts L’Equipe 8 7 1 0 35 23 22 Temple Fortune 9 4 4 1 27 6 16 Faithfold B 8 4 2 2 31 10 14 Redbridge C 8 4 2 2 20 7 14 RC UK FC 7 4 1 2 28 16 13 Catford & Bromley 7 4 1 2 25 11 13 NL Raiders C 9 3 2 4 27 11 11 Mill Hill Dons 9 3 1 5 19 -22 10 Real Hendon 6 3 0 3 14 -1 9 FC Team B 7 1 0 6 6 -17 3 Boca Jewniors 5 1 0 4 8 -25 3 Hertswood Vale 7 0 0 7 9 -19 0

Premier Division: Brady Maccabi vs Hendon United A Camden Park vs Redbridge A Maccabi London Lions A vs FC Team A SPEC FC vs Woodford Wanderers Division One: Brixton Old Boys vs Redbridge B Faithfold A vs Los Blancos Hendon United B vs London Lions B Oakwood B vs Athletic Bilbaum Scrabble vs North London Raiders B



8 Goals: Jeff Gotch (Catford & Bromley) Daniel Polak (Finchley City) Adam Ellis (Hendon United B) Joshua Bloom (London Lions B)

P Havant & Water 18 Bognor Regis Town17 Leiston 17 Needham Market 18 Dulwich Hamlet 20 Staines Town 20 Folkestone Invicta 19 Tonbridge Angels 15 Lowestoft Town 20 Enfield Town 17 Billericay Town 18 Kingstonian 19 Wingate & Finchley17 Harlow Town 18 Worthing 19 AFC Sudbury 18 Leatherhead 20 Hendon 17 Merstham 17 Burgess Hill Town 15 Canvey Island 17 Met Police 18 Harrow Borough 15 Grays Athletic 19

• Full chart: football/wingate/

15 Goals: Avi Markiewicz (RC UK FC) 13 Goals: Liron Mannie (NLRaiders A) Jonti Aremband (RC UK FC) 12 Goals: Reiss Mogilner (Brady Maccabi) 10 Goals: Oliver Sade (Finchley City) Max Martin (L’Equipe) 9 Goals: Zac Lewis (Hendon United A) Jordan Sharifian (Temple Fortune)

W 11 11 10 9 8 8 8 8 7 7 7 8 8 7 7 6 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 2

D 4 3 5 6 7 4 4 3 6 5 5 2 2 3 2 3 6 7 6 6 5 4 3 5

L 3 3 2 3 5 8 7 4 7 5 6 9 7 8 10 9 9 6 7 5 8 10 8 12

F 33 34 44 30 40 37 33 21 28 29 24 30 25 28 30 31 33 22 31 20 24 21 13 19

Dif Pts 14 37 18 36 19 35 7 33 9 31 5 28 5 28 3 27 0 27 12 26 5 26 2 26 0 26 -3 24 -9 23 -1 21 -5 21 -12 19 2 18 -3 18 -17 17 -13 16 -11 15 -27 11

MGBSFL Division Two – Joshua Cinna (Boca Jewniors), Elio Elia (Hertswood Vale) Watford Friendly League U18 – Simon Lousky 4, Sam Shackleton 4, Jake Salem (all Brady Maccabi Red) U14 – Adam Grossman 4 (HMH Foxes) U12 – Josh Woolf 4 (Brady Maccabi Blue) U11 – Theo Balint 5, Isaac Santhouse 4 (both HMH Dynamo)

Division Two: Boca Jewniors vs Mill Hill Dons Faithfold B vs Hertswood Vale FC Team B vs Redbridge C L’Equipe vs Catford & Bromley NL Raiders C vs Temple Fortune Real Hendon vs RC UK FC

Belstone 1 London Lions 4 London Lions Bushey Sports Club Belstone Bovingdon Standon & Puck Ware Sports Knebworth Wormley Rovers Letchworth Sandridge Rovers Buntingford Town Hatfield Social Chipperfield Evergreen Cuffley Sarratt

VIDEO HIGHLIGHTS Watch match highlights from the MGBSFL Premier Division clash between Hendon UtdA & North London Raiders A:


P 13 12 11 13 14 13 14 13 13 10 12 12 13 12 10 13

W D L F Dif Pts 13 0 0 53 42 39 8 2 2 40 21 26 7 3 1 32 13 24 8 0 5 42 11 24 7 3 4 38 5 24 6 2 5 31 0 20 6 2 6 30 -2 20 6 2 5 22 -2 20 5 4 4 30 10 19 6 1 3 15 7 19 4 1 7 23 -10 13 3 2 7 24 -27 11 2 2 9 30 -9 8 2 2 8 16 -22 8 1 1 8 19 -11 4 0 3 10 10 -26 3

MMFL BOND MANAGEMENT DIV 1 HMH 2 North London Raiders 4

NL Raiders Brady Maccabi A London Lions A Chigwell Scrabble HMH

P 6 5 5 4 6 6

WD 6 0 3 0 2 1 2 0 1 1 1 0

L Dif Pts 0 17 18 2 -1 9 2 -1 7 2 0 6 4 -11 4 5 -4 3

London Maccabi North Greenford Colney Heath Garston Winchmore Hill Abbey F.C. FC Deportivo Galicia Latymer Old Boys football/masters

EDRS Stonegrove 0 Temple Fortune 0 Brady Maccabi B 0 London Lions B 5

London Lions B St John’s Wood Temple Fortune Glenthorne Marshside EDRS Stonegrove Brady Maccabi B Hendon Harriers

P 6 6 7 5 7 4 6 5

W 6 4 3 3 2 1 1 0


Winchmore Hill A London Lions A


Watford Friendly League – U18 Green Division – Brady Maccabi Red 13 Hadley Wood and Wingate Foxes 3 U16 – Maccabi London Lions 2 Harvesters South 1 White Division – Hadley Wood Foxes 3 Brady Maccabi Blue 2 U15 Green Division – Maccabi London Lions Blue 5 Brady Maccabi Black 1, Hinton & Finchley Rev Legends 4 HMH United 4, Alexandra Park South 4 HMH Raiders 2 U14 – Borehamwood Crusaders 2 Maccabi London Lions White 3 Green Division – Brady Maccabi Red 2 AEK Gold 1, Hadley Rangers 8 Brady Maccabi White 1, Alexandra Park South 3 HMH Panthers 2 White Division – HMH Foxes 4 Edmonton Rangers Cobras 4 U13 White Division – Bushey Rangers 3 Brady Maccabi Red 3 Green Division – Norsman 1 Brady Maccabi White 0 Yellow Division – St Albans Rangers White 5 Brady Maccabi HGS 2, HMH Fire 4 HMH Cosmos 1 U12 – Wormley Rovers 1 Maccabi London Lions White 5, Northwood Red 3 Maccabi London Lions Blue 2, Maccabi London Lions Green 2 Omonia Green 4, Maccabi London Lions Yellow 5 Edmonton Rangers Sharks Yellow Division – Hadley Rangers West 2 Brady Maccabi Red 1, Hendon United Red 3 HMH Galaxy 2 Green Division – Brady Maccabi Blue 5 Alexandra Park South 0 Blue Division – Hadley Wood & Win Foxes

For results, tables, reports, photo galleries, video highlights, go to: football/lions


D L Dif Pts 0 0 25 18 0 2 13 12 1 3 -1 10 0 2 3 9 2 3 -12 8 2 1 3 5 0 5 -16 3 1 4 -15 1 football/masters

P 2 2 2 3 1 4 2 2

WD 2 0 2 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0

L Dif 0 13 0 6 0 4 1 -4 0 2 3 -7 2 -6 2 -8

Pts 6 6 4 4 3 3 0 0


P W D L F Dif Pts Hapoel Beer-Sheva 10 8 1 1 28 23 25 Maccabi Tel-Aviv 10 6 2 2 20 11 20 Maccabi Haifa 10 5 4 1 15 10 19 Mac Petach-Tikva 10 5 4 1 15 3 19 Beitar Jerusalem 10 3 6 1 14 1 15 Hapoel Ra’anana 10 3 3 4 6 -2 12 Hap Kiryat Shmona 10 2 5 3 11 -2 11 Hapoel Kfar-Saba 10 3 2 5 9 -4 11 Bnei Sakhnin 10 3 2 5 8 -6 11 FC Ashdod 10 2 4 4 6 -3 10 Hapoel Haifa FC 10 3 1 6 13 -4 10 Hapoel Tel-Aviv 10 2 4 4 9 -5 10 Bnei Yehuda Tel-Aviv10 1 4 5 8 -8 7 Hapoel Ashkelon 10 1 4 5 6 -14 7

Send in your nominations for Team of the Week to

6 7 8 9











WOODFORD WANDERERS May have been on the losing side, but still produced a string of fine stops, which earned him praise from both managers


1 4

Canvey Island 1 Wingate & Finchley 4

20 Goals: Richard Fogelman (Faithfold B)








2016/2017 SEASON


REDBRIDGE A Was behind all of Redbridge’s attacking play, played long searching passes and capped off performance with a goal

HENDON UNITED A Gave a calm, assured display at the heart of the Hendon defence, to frustrate the Premier Division champions

TEMPLE FORTUNE Was superb at the heart of the Fortune defence – described as being the best player on the pitch

OAKWOOD B Very much an unsung hero at Oakwood who quietly gets on with his job. Once again, was assured and composed

FC TEAM A Was superb on his debut, described as unplayable, scored one and claimed two assists

FINCHLEY CITY Had a 100 percent pass rate, dictated the tempo of the game and was influential in everything good from City

RC UK FC Plays in both central defence and midfield, nothing got past him and he got past everyone

NORTH LONDON RAIDERS B Enjoyed an impressive debut, which he capped off with two excellent taken goals BOCA JEWNIORS Never gave up and was rewarded with a hat-trick to secure Boca’s first win – and points – of the season


FAITHFOLD B League’s leading scorer scored twice to take his tally to 20 goals for the season



40 Jewish News

24 November 2016

Sport / Comeback kings / Avram Grant

Boc and awe! Rock-bottom Boca Jewniors stage stunning comeback from four goals down to win 5-4 By Andrew Sherwood @JewishNewsUK

Boca Jewniors produced the club’s greatest comeback on Sunday as they fought back from 4-0 down to claim their first win – and points – of the season. Going into the game joint-bottom of Division Two, having lost all four of their league games and suffering early exits in both cup competitions, they looked to be heading for another defeat when Elio Elia’s hat-trick and Sam Cohen’s strike put Hertswood Vale into a seemingly commanding position. But, Joshua Cinna proved to be Boca’s hero, scoring a hat-trick, including a last-gasp winner, with Jamie Leboff and Michael Rosenthal also on target. Assistant player-manager Anton Nyman said: “From 4-0 down we fought so hard to get our first win of the season, and showed some real team spirit and desire to get it. We looked shocked after committing some blunders, and by the time they’d scored their goals, we looked down and out. “Scoring before the break gave us the impetus in the second half and from there

we started as we meant to go on. We won the 50/50 balls, got a second one back and then fought for just about everything. “I couldn’t be more proud of each and every player and the result was no more than we deserved. We missed a penalty at 4-2 and saw two efforts scrambled off the line, but just as it looked like the chance was gone, Joshua popped up with the winner. “We said before the game it was a must win and we did exactly that – it was a match which had it all, goals, fouls, rain and most importantly, reward for the Boca faithful!” Manager Sefton Monk said: “This victory means more than three points, it shows hard work, dedication and behind the scenes work, with organisational skills, makes a difference.” Also dedicating the three points to those who struggle to keep their clubs in the league, he said: “The win goes out to all those managers and chairman in Jewish football, who fight week in week out all summer to keep their club and passion alive for yet another season.”

 Full review, match pictures and video highlights:

Anton Nyman (right) was delighted with Boca’s first win

Is Avram Grant Ghana get sacked? The Ghanaian Football Association is reportedly set to sack Avram Grant following last week’s disappointing 2-0 defeat to Egypt. Ghana Sports Online claims the decision has been taken following the 2018 World Cup qualifying defeat, with the team now without a win in their last five games. The Ghanaian Football Association will be holding showdown talks in the next few days, where they will discuss ways to address the current poor run of form. Saying the role of Grant will be on the agenda, GFA vice-president George Afriyie said: “Discussion of a coach is also part of the game. All aspects, even the position of the chairman can be discussed. Everybody’s position including management, players, as well as the technical team will be talked about.”

Avram Grant’s future is in the balance

Grant’s hopes of staying in the role weren’t helped following comments from the Deputy Minister for Youth and Sports, Vincent Oppong Asamoah,

who said the Israeli needs “to wake up from his slumber”. The 61-year-old believes he will see out his contract, which ends in June, saying: “I’d love to stay here, we have the African Cup of Nations, our target is very clear. I always want to finish my contract and my contract expires after the end of the African Cup. I want to win the African Cup, it will not be easy, there are other good teams but this is possible and I want to do it.” Italian coach Fabio Lopez has already said he’d like to replace the Israeli. He said: “I think I am young and will be happy to get the national team job of Ghana. I have watched the Ghana team for some time. “I think we can improve the technical part [of the team]. Ghana is a good team but I think they can improve.”

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