Jewish News issue 979

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1 Kislev 5777


Volunteers of all ages take part in a recordbreaking day of good deeds! See pages 6, 17 and 20

‘We saw a sea of orange – our neighbourhood was in flames’

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British people among the tens of thousands evacuated as wildfires raged across Israel have told of their lucky escapes. Major fires around Haifa erupted in the north of the country last Tuesday, but by Thursday there were blazes across the country, with dry weather and high winds causing havoc and devastation. The situation was finally brought under control over the weekend, thanks to help from countries including Russia, Turkey and Greece. The Palestinian Authority also supplied 41 firefighters and eight fire trucks. Natasha Rapport, a mum of two from Borehamwood who now lives in Talmon near Modiin, described being evacuated three times as an inferno fanned up the valley towards her home. “We were putting our eldest to bed when a friend in the next town called to warn me the valley between us was on fire. Minutes later the emergency services arrived, telling us to get out. I grabbed clothes and baby milk and ran to neighbours. An hour later, they too got the knock. We went to the town hall, as we drove we saw a sea of orange, the whole valley was ablaze. The intensity was frightening.” Continued on pages 10-11

Photo by Marc Morris Photography

Brits reveal horrific wildfire ordeals as Israel begins recovery operation

RUDD’S RADICAL APPROACH AT JEWISH NEWS CONFERENCE Home Secretary Amber Rudd tackled the threat of radicalisation at Jewish News’ UK-Israel Shared Strategic Challenges Conference in Westminster on Wednesday. See report on page 3. Comprehensive coverage of our conference in next week’s Jewish News. Jonny and Sari Prais’ charred wedding picture

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Jewish News 1 December 2016

News / Labour talk / Palestine recognition / News in Brief

Watson in fine voice at Labour lunch The Labour Party’s deputy leader made the most unequivocal declaration of support for Israel this week when he sang Am Yisroel Chai — the people of Israel live — in front of 300 supporters of the Labour Friends of Israel at the group’s annual lunch, writes Jenni Frazer. Tom Watson’s almost defiant redrawing of Labour bonds with Israel was made to an audience that included large numbers of Labour MPs and

peers, and included Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell. His tough speech, in which he called support for Israel and opposition to the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement “a moral responsibility” followed an equally feisty address by LFI”s chair, Joan Ryan MP. Ryan said that after a turbulent year, it was vital for Labour “to call out” anti-Semitism wherever it occurred. “We will

have none of it in the Labour Party,” she declared. Ryan said it was “long overdue” that Labour concluded and published its report into allegations of anti-Semitism at Oxford University. And, in the same spirit, she called for the party to expel former

Labour MP and London mayor Ken Livingstone. Watson said tackling antiSemitism was a “moral responsibility. Dealing with it can’t be for show, or because of media pressure. It’s a commandment and it must be done”. He said the party should be

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Deputy Labour leader Tom Watson called out anti-Semitism

Carter urges US to recognise Palestine Former President Jimmy Carter has called on the current US administration to recognise the state of Palestine in the hope of securing a UN Security Council resolution on the future of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Writing in Monday’s New York Times,

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quicker at dealing with such instances — “and, if God forbid, there should be more antiSemitism, it should be tackled quickly and not be ignored”. Labour’s deputy leader is just back from a high-profile mission to Israel with LFI, his first visit for 25 years and the fifth such mission run by LFI this year. By mid-January, LFI will have taken seven separate missions to Israel. Ryan announced that LFI’s latest campaign is the launch of an international peace fund to help Israelis and Palestinians. She has secured a 10 minute rule slot to launch the fund in parliament in January. Ambassador Mark Regev noted that the day of the lunch, on Tuesday marked 69 years since the United Nations had

Carter urged outgoing President Obama not to “squander this chance” for peace. Carter, who in 1978 oversaw the signing of the Camp David Accords between Israel’s Prime Minister, Menachem Begin, and Egypt’s President, Anwar Sadat, wrote: “It has been President Obama’s aim to support a negotiated end to the conflict based on two states, living side by side in peace. “I am convinced the United States can still shape the future of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict before a change in presidents, but time is very short. “The simple but vital step this adminis-

voted on partition, which led to Israel’s founding. He spoke of the warm ties between the Jewish state and the Labour and trade union movements, and said an international peace fund was a wonderful way to mark the 100th anniversary of the Balfour declaration next year. “We are for two states, for two peoples, and for peace,” he declared. LFI director Jennifer Gerber said: “As Tom Watson made clear in his speech, the bonds between the Labour party and Israel are strong, long-standing and unbreakable. “The record number of MPs wishing to participate in LFI delegations, backing our campaign ‘For Israel, For Palestine, For Peace’ and engaging in LFI activities in Parliament demonstrates this fact.”

tration must take before its term expires on 20 January is to grant American diplomatic recognition to the state of Palestine, as 137 countries have already done, and help it achieve full United Nations membership.” He said Obama had reaffirmed the crucial elements of the Camp David agreement and Resolution 242 by calling for a total freeze on Israeli building of settlements. But he added: “I fear for the spirit of Camp David. We must not squander this chance.” President Benjamin Netanyahu’s office and the Foreign Ministry have yet to publicly respond.




A federal court in Germany has upheld a conviction against a former SS sergeant who served at the Auschwitz death camp, a lawyer for the 95-year-old has said. Oskar Groening was convicted in July 2015 of being an accessory to the murder of 300,000 Jews and sentenced by a court in Lueneburg to four years in prison. He said at his trial that he oversaw the collection of prisoners’ belongings and ensured valuables and cash were separated to be sent to Berlin. Groening launched an appeal over his conviction, but his lawyer, Hans Holtermann, told news agency dpa on Monday that the Federal Court of Justice has now upheld the verdict. A spokesperson for the Holocaust Educational Trust told Jewish News: “We welcome the news that this conviction has been upheld.”

Educate & Celebrate, a charity aiming to transform schools across the UK into LGBT+ friendly places, has called on Jewish schools to embrace their educational programme. The charity has worked to improve conditions for LGBT+ schoolchildren since 2005. Charity workers visit hundreds of schools every term to teach children about LGBT+ issues, which range from gender identity, such as the construction of adverts and social norms, to transgender issues and people who are transitioning. However, despite thousands of schools taking part in the charity’s programme, there are currently no Jewish schools on board. Charity founder Dr Elly Barnes MBE said: “Iit is vital [Jewish schools] too receive help in ensuring they have LGBT+ friendly environments for their students and teachers.”

1 December 2016 Jewish News


Rudd warning / Shechita protest / News

Rudd takes radical stand at conference Home Secretary Amber Rudd warned the Jewish community about the growing threat from far-right extremists, in a speech at yesterday’s Jewish News-BICOM Policy Conference in Westminster. Reacting to the sentencing of Thomas Mair, a neo-Nazi sympathiser who attacked and killed pro-European Labour MP Jo Cox in June, Rudd said white supremacists were becoming “increasingly sophisticated” in their operational methods. Rudd, who took the helm at the Home Office after her predecessor Theresa May moved into 10 Downing Street, was the keynote speaker at the UK-Israel Shared Strategic Challenges conference at Portcullis House. “Sadly the Jewish community knows all too well the reality of having to live with the threat from terrorism and hate crime,” she said, reflecting on reports of hundreds of anti-Semitic incidents recorded across the UK last year. “Any attack of that kind is one attack too many,” she said. “Events in Paris last year highlighted the particular risks faced by the Jewish community from Islamist extremists, while the sentencing of Thomas Mair this month demonstrated the evil of extreme right-wing acts of terrorism.” She added: “Far-right and extreme right-

wing groups have become increasingly sophisticated in the use of social media for promotion and recruitment, and currently around a quarter of the cases getting support through Channel, part of our Prevent programme, are for extreme right-wing radicalisation.” As home secretary, she declared her “absolute determination” to challenge extremism, saying: “We can only effectively challenge hatred and division by working together – not just internationally but at home – government, police, local people and organisations.”

Protest outside kosher abattoir Protesters who stormed a kosher abattoir in east London have been labelled “anti-Semitic” after daubing the walls with Jewish symbols alongside the words ‘Kosher Holocaust’. A video uploaded to YouTube shows the group, called East London Chicken Save, protesting at the Kedassia abattoir in Hackney Wick. They were moved on after their first protest, which was peaceful, but later returned, forcing entry and shouting “f****** bastards” at the staff, who they accused of “helping to kill babies”. Shechita UK director Shimon Cohen said: “We could understand the first protest. We don’t agree with them, but if you want to pro-

Animal rights protestors at a kosher abbatoir

test against eating animals, that is your right. But with the second they have proved they are nothing more than a bunch of anti-Semitic vandals who will end up arrested.” There are 760 million chickens a year slaughtered in the UK, he said, with just over one million killed according to Jewish religious (shechita) methods. “I wonder why there is such a focus on us?” he added.


Home Secretary Amber Rudd warned about the threat from far-right extremists



Limmud has revealed its next co-chairs, who will take responsibility for delivering the 2017 event. Abigail Jacobi, 25, will be one of the annual event’s youngest organisers, while Anna Lawton, 28, daughter of Limmud founder Clive, has participated in more than 30 events, including international conferences. “Anna and I are excited to be collaborating,” said Jacobi. “Having both grown up attending Limmud events, our shared vision for next year’s conference is strongly influenced by the Limmud values and our passion for the organisation.” Lawton said “We can’t wait to build on past projects and continue to improve volunteer engagement.”

A Jewish human rights charity has praised the “enormous response” from the Jewish community, after dozens of synagogues signed up to speak out against modern-day slavery during Shabbat services next week. The campaign, organised by charity René Cassin, has been timed to coincide with World Human Rights Day on 10 December. Mia Hasenson-Gross, director of René Cassin, said: “The pain of slavery has particular resonance with Jewish people. That is clear in the enormous response we’ve had on this issue from synagogues.”

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Jewish News 1 December 2016

News / Balfour debate / Rinder’s ‘trauma’ NEWS IN BRIEF

CAFÉ CENSURED OVER SWASTIKA USE A London café has been criticised for selling a smoothie with a swastika drawn on the label of the bottle. Called the “Nutzy”, the smoothie was being sold at the Nincomsoup café in Old Street, London. The cafe’s founder later apologised. A Holocaust survivor reported the smoothie and its label to the Campaign Against Antisemitism. “I left the shop almost in tears and shivering as it proved to me how much anti-Semitism and fascism is still utterly present,” the survivor said. [JTA]

CHELSEA FANS SING ANTI-SEMITIC ABUSE Chelsea football fans have been filmed singing an anti-Semitic chant on a London Tube train. The chant by Chelsea supporters followed the team’s victory on Saturday night against club rivals Tottenham Hotspur, who have a significant Jewish following. “I’ve got foreskin, how about you? F****** Jew,” they reportedly chanted. One Spurs fan said the Chelsea supporters were “goading any Spurs fans they could”.

Balfour detractors decried It was standing room only in a House of Commons committee room on Tuesday as the Henry Jackson Society, a centre-right think tank, held a defiant rebuttal meeting about the Balfour Declaration, the centenary of which falls next November, writes Jenni Frazer. The event, under the banner of “Refuting Balfour’s Detractors”, was staged as a direct response to a controversial meeting held in October in the House of Lords. At that event, which was chaired by Baroness Tonge, members of the Palestinian Return Centre (PRC) called for Britain to apologise for having issued the Balfour Declaration, describing it as a colonialist move to create the state of Israel. But three Israeli ambassadors — the envoy to Britain, Mark Regev, the former director-general of the Foreign Ministry, Dore Gold, and the former ambassador to Canada, lawyer Alan Baker – together with Oslo peace negotiator Yair Hirschfeld and historian Andrew Roberts – issued a trenchant response. Professor Roberts said Britain should be proud of the role it had played in issuing the Balfour

Israel’s Ambassador Mark Regev

Declaration and said it had acted “with extreme foresight”. Gold, now at the Jerusalem Centre for Public Affairs, highlighted what he said were the links between the PRC, which had asked for the apology, and Hamas. The PRC, he said, had been outlawed in Israel in 2010 by then Defence Minister Ehud Barak, because of these links. “They appeared in the House of Lords seeking to delegitimise Israel, but the shoe should be on the

other foot,” he said, and denounced the PRC for “seeking an apology from the British government for past colonial crimes”. Israel, he said, was not a colonialist entity: “It was restored as a Jewish commonwealth after it had been destroyed.” It was “an audacity” of the PRC “to come to the greatest parliamentary democracy in the world and challenge Israel’s existence”. Ambassador Regev reminded the audience that 2017 was a year of anniversaries: besides the Balfour centenary, it will be 50 years since the Six Day War, 70 years since the UN vote on partition, 120 years since the first Zionist Congress and 100 years since General Allenby first walked into Jerusalem. “It is important to remember what Balfour is and what it is not,” Regev said. “It did not create the Jewish people’s right to self-determination. Zionism predates Balfour and we had that already. “But it was the first time that a major world power recognised our rights, and it was a crucial milestone in moving forward for the development of a Jewish state.”

Rinder family ‘pain’ Strictly star Judge Rinder has revealed the “incredibly painful” trauma his family experienced during the Holocaust. The 38-year-old’s Polish-Jewish grandfather Moishe Malenicky survived the Nazi death camps, but lost his parents and siblings in Treblinka extermination camp. Speaking to the Daily Mirror, Rinder said: “My grandfather did not speak of it often, but there were dark shadows, poisonous drips of stories, that were always in my psyche.” The TV personality recalled how after the war, Moishe had a “pathological” relationship with food and would hide items around his house. He also revealed: “A drunk German soldier came up to him on Yom Kippur and demanded: ‘What do you Jews sing on Yom Kippur?’ And he whipped my grandfather until he sang.” The criminal barrister, who grew up in Southgate, was speaking alongside his grandfather’s friend, Ben Helfgott, to promote the ’45 Aid Society, which was set up by survivors to remember the victims of the Holocaust. Rinder’s mother, Angela Cohen, is its chairwoman.

Rinder’s grandfather survived death camps

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1 December 2016 Jewish News


Far-right threat / Students quizzed/ News

UK neo-Nazis target Jews The neo-Nazi group that championed the murderer of Jo Cox MP may soon be banned, after it appeared to incite supporters to kill Jews. The Yorkshire branch of National Action, a group of up to 100 white supremacists based mainly in the north of England, tweeted: “Tykes gassin’ K*kes is our motto,” in reference to a derogatory term used to describe Jews. And in a video posted online last week, featuring a march in Darlington, the group said:

“The Briton has been trampled underfoot by hook-nosed bankers and child-raping politicians”, with an image of Lord Janner, adding that they would “drive out the parasite class”. The group, which uses a blog to advocate “lone wolf activism,” has praised Cox’s killer Thomas Mair, who shot and stabbed the popular Labour politician in the street, in the run-up to the EU referendum earlier this year. This week, The Sunday Times reported that officials

NUS’ Jewish survey The National Union of Students has launched a project to better understand the experiences of Jewish students in the UK, in a first-of-its-kind study. Jewish student representatives welcomed the move as an opportunity to express concerns, after several demonstrations against Israeli speakers on campus turned violent. It is the first time the national student body has examined the experiences of a faith group. Self-defining Jewish students will be asked for their thoughts on the culture of debate and their experiences in lecture halls. NUS said it would work with the Union of Jewish Students

to develop recommendations for students’ unions, with findings to be published in March. NUS vice president Rob Young said: “I want to make sure the doors of the student movement are open to everyone and, to do this, we need to hear directly from Jewish students how they are feeling on campus. “It’s so important we make sure universities are inclusive and welcoming to Jewish people.” A UJS spokeswoman said: “This is a welcome opportunity to formally express their experiences of being Jewish students on UK campuses in 2016.”

Jewish students are intimidated by pro-Palestine activists

Cambridge uni ‘cover-up’ Three Jewish students at Cambridge University say they were violently attacked by members of a college drinking club and claim the university covered up the results of an investigation. The incident last month was first reported on Saturday. The students said they went to a graduate student union bar, which had been rented out by the sporting societies of Christ’s College. One student, identified as Shlomo Roiter-Jesner, 25, said when students at the bar saw their kippots they became “physical and more vocal”,

shouting “Jew, get the f*** out of here”, while another said the students tried to choke one of his friends with his scarf and threatened all with violence. Professor Jane Stapleton, master of Cambridge’s Christ’s College, told the newspaper two students were disciplined after admitting using foul language and participating in a scuffle, but that they denied initiating the violence and using any anti-Semitic or racist language. But she “categorically” rejected that the college had covered-up the issue.

are planning to proscribe the organisation, alongside other far-right groups, such as North West Infidels, which said Cox “got what she deserved”. A spokesman for Community Security Trust said: “National Action is a viciously

anti-Semitic neo-Nazi group that repeatedly incites hatred and violence. We have raised concerns about them with the Government and the police on many occasions and would support measures to restrict their hateful activities.”

Neo-Nazi and other racist groups welcomed Jo Cox’s murder


Jewish News 1 December 2016

Jewish News-Mitzvah Day Community Hero Award / News

Photos by Marc Morris Photography

Community Hero a family affair

Rebecca Woolfe (centre) with Simon’s widow Claire and mum Angela

The family of a young Jewish volunteer who died of lung cancer in July said he “achieved more in 33 years than most people do in 100”, after he was named this year’s joint Jewish News-Mitzvah Day Community Hero along with his sister. Simon Cooper’s short but prodigious life was remembered at the award ceremony in London on Sunday, as judges named him the joint winner, with his sister Rebecca. Simon, who suffered from cystic fibrosis, was an ambassador for NHS Blood & Transplant, raised money for many different charities and, as a brilliant drummer and musician, devised the ‘Friday Night Rock’ service in Liberal and Reform synagogues. When he was diagnosed with lung cancer in January this year, he planned to raise yet more money for good causes, together with his sister, Rebecca Woolfe, by putting on the ‘Simon says Let’s Party’ fundraising event. He passed away in July, but Rebecca took the project on – despite being urged to drop it – and raised more than £20,000, more than twice the target amount. “People told us not to do the party – that it was too expensive, too much work, that we would lose money, but we were determined,” she said, after picking up the award with Simon’s mum Angela and his widow Claire. “Simon was very much a show-will-go-on kind of guy, so there was no way it wasn’t going to happen after he passed. We did everything the way we knew he would want, with plenty of lights, smoke, colour and music, and it was kept as a celebration.” Mitzvah Day founder Laura Marks, who was one of the judges, said: “It’s impossible to read Simon’s story without being moved. This amazing young man achieved so much in his life and it’s even more special to see that Rebecca

Rebecca with her late brother and joint winner Simon

is carrying on his work. The amount they have raised for charity, the causes they have fought for, and what they have done for the Jewish community makes them true heroes.” Rebecca added: “We all see Simon as a hero and inspiration in more ways than one. When you think about what he went through, and what he achieved in his life, most people don’t achieve that in a lifetime of 100 years.” Other heroes honoured include Arnold Levin, whose New Chapters social enterprise selling second-hand books on Amazon has changed the lives of Langdon volunteers with learning disabilities, and Harold Newman, who has spent more than six decades working tirelessly for the Jewish community, campaigning and fundraising.  More Mitzvah Day news + pictures, pages 17-19

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1 December 2016 Jewish News


Reburial denied / Family battle / Castro death / News NEWS IN BRIEF

BNEI MENASHE VISIT AUSCHWITZ Young Jews from India who recently made aliyah visited Auschwitz as part of an Israeli school trip. Five members of the northeast India’s Bnei Menashe Jewish community joined pupils from Nahariya on the trip to Poland. Michael Freund, founder of a non-profit that helped bring the families to Israel, said: “After being cut off for 27 centuries, we view it as essential to instil them with a better understanding of the Holocaust and its place in history.”

HATE GRAFFITI HITS UKRAINE SYNAGOGUE Unidentified individuals wrote “death to the Jews” on the main synagogue of a city in Ukraine that earlier this month saw the rededication of an earlier Jewish house of worship. The graffiti was discovered on the facade of the Central Synagogue in Chernivtsi, a city located 255 miles southwest of Kiev, a leader of the Jewish community said. A similar incident occurred in 2012, when brown paint was poured over the same monument.

Judge refuses plea for Israel reburial A widow’s long campaign to have her husband’s remains exhumed and reburied in Israel has been thwarted by a top judge. Joseph Charazi was buried in a cemetery in Cheshunt more than 20 years ago, but his wife Anne claims his dying wish was to be buried in his homeland. However four of his six children have “vehemently opposed” the exhumation, London’s High Court heard. The Adath Yisroel Burial Society, which administers the cemetery, has repeatedly refused to consent to the remains being dug up. Sam Grodzinski QC, for the society, said there were concerns the process would be “unwholesome, undignified and demeaning”. Judge Leigh-Ann Mulcahy QC denied Mrs Charazi permission to mount a full judicial review challenge to the society’s stance. Earlier, the widow’s barrister, Oliver Hyams, said Mr Charazi was born in Israel and fought as a soldier for the country. During his life, he had made it clear to his wife that “like many religious Jews, he wanted to be buried in Israel”. At the time of his death in May 1963, he was disabled following a road accident and lived solely on the charity of the Jewish community in London. Hyams said it was only Anne and their daughter, Tova, who accompanied Mr Charazi to hospital. On the day of his death, mother and

Joseph Charazi was buried in Cheshunt

daughter claim he said: “When my time comes, I want to be buried in Israel.” But the barrister said arranging this was impossible at the time because his widow could not afford it. Mrs Charazi and Tova moved to Israel in 2011 and were now in a position to pay for the removal of the remains. She wanted to “fulfil her husband’s wishes” and to know that when she passed away “she will be buried next to him”. Hyams argued the burial society was acting “irrationally” in refusing consent to the exhumation, but Grodzinski said there was deep concern about exhuming a body that had been buried for more than 20 years. The judge ordered Mrs Charazi to pay the burial society £5,000 in legal costs.

CASTRO PRISONER SPEAKS OUT A man who was imprisoned for five years in had been convicted for spying were released Cuba for his efforts to assist its Jewish com- from American prisons. The same day, Presimunity has said history “will never absolve” dent Barack Obama announced renewed the late Cuban leader ties with the communist Fidel Castro of his crimes. nation. Alan Gross was arrested Gross said: “History in 2009 while working as will never absolve him. a subcontractor for the Perhaps now the voices of United States Agency for Cuba will be heard.” International DevelopGross tweeted “Speak ment, setting up internet up, Cuba,” shortly after access for Cuban Jews. Castro’s death was He was released in announced. December 2014 as part In later tweets he of a broader exchange, in Alan Gross served five years in called for the US to lift its which three Cubans who a Cuban prison embargo on Cuba.

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Bitter battle over Orthodox ‘betrayal’ A Jewish father who left his strictly-Orthodox community after splitting from his wife has been accused of letting their two young children ride bikes on Shabbat and watch television, a family court has heard. The man’s estranged wife told Judge Judith Rowe of her concerns about what the children were allowed to do when they visited their father. She said she was afraid of them being “exposed to an alien way of life” and of religious rules being broken, for example one child had been allowed to press a traffic light button on the Sabbath and they had been allowed to eat nonkosher food. Details of the case has emerged in a ruling by Judge Rowe following family court hearings in London that started more than two years ago. No one involved has been identified. “The whole family lived a Satmar ultra-orthodox Jewish life until early 2013 when the father decided to leave

the community,” said Judge Rowe in her ruling. “This was a seismic event for the family.” She added: “The court had … to contend with the mother’s distress and fear of the children being exposed to an alien way of life on the one hand, and the father’s impatience at having to continue to follow the Satmar way of life during his time with the children on the other hand.” She said there had “probably been occasional deviations from the Satmar rules” owing to mistakes and carelessness” but, she added: “I do not find that the father has deliberately or intentionally flouted the expectations on him or, in any event, that these have been either frequent or generalised. “The father knows what is at stake here. I find that he would not now deliberately cause problems for the children.” She said the children should spend equal time with each parent and that it was important they saw their father was “still Jewish”.


Jewish News 1 December 2016

News / Israeli strikes / Holocaust dance / News briefs

Israel kills IS fighters Israel has struck an Islamic State-affiliated group in Syria, killing four of its members, after the group fired on Israeli soldiers. The Israeli military said its soldiers were conducting an operation in the Golan Heights in which they passed the security fence with Syria while remaining in Israeli territory. They came under attack with machine gun fire. The soldiers returned fire. No injuries to Israeli soldiers were reported. It is not known if the

Exchange of fire: Israeli tanks on the Syrian border

mortar shells landed in Israeli or Syrian territory. The air force launched a retaliatory attack within min-

utes of the gunfire, with the pilots reporting the deaths of the four ISIS cell members. It is believed to be the first

clash between Israel and the Islamic State. Most previous attacks on Israel from Syria have been accidental spillover from the internal fighting. The IDF has responded to those with return fire. “The army will not tolerate any attack on its sovereignty and will respond severely to any attempt to violate it,” the army said in a statement. The fire towards Israel comes amid renewed fighting in Syria between rebel forces and the Syrian army .

Chilling show by Holocaust ice dancers Former Olympic ice dancer Tatiana Navka and her partner have caused controversy by dressing up in concentration camp uniforms for a routine on a popular Russian television show. Navka, who is the wife of Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov, and actor Andrei Burkovsky appeared in Saturday’s episode of Ice Age wearing striped uniforms bearing yellow sixpointed stars. The skaters were also heavily made up to look bruised and frail.

Their routine, which aired on Russia’s state-owned Channel One, was based on Life Is Beautiful, the Academy Awardwinning Italian film about a Jewish father who pretends for the sake of his small son that their internment in a Nazi camp is just a game. Navka’s Instagram account was soon flooded with indignant comments. Navka and Burkovsky told Russian media on Sunday that it was their way of paying homage to Holocaust victims.

Navka and Peskov in the uniforms


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A Jewish educator in Toronto has founded an online seminary that allows women to study Jewish texts through interactive classes. CyberSem, which teaches women about Jewish law, the bible and Jewish history, is open to women from diverse religious outlooks and backgrounds, said founder Chavi Goldberg.


Moscow’s new $50million Jewish museum has won a United Nations prize ‘for the promotion of peace’. The state-of-the-art Jewish Museum and Tolerance Centre, which


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Donald Trump is a Jew, or at least he could be, according to Hamas. The Gaza-based Islamist group’s co-founder, Mahmoud al-Zahhar, told the Arabic news organisation AlJazeera: ‘Trump loves the Jews, and not only because he likes the Jewish religion. I do not rule out the possibility that he is a Jew.’ It was assumed to be an insult.

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opened in 2012, won UNESCO’s Madanjeet Singh Prize. The Chief Rabbi of Russia, Berel Lazar, said spreading tolerance was ‘absolutely necessary’ in the country.


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1 December 2016 Jewish News

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Jewish News 1 December 2016

Special report / Israel wildfires

Charities come to Israel’s aid The British arms of Israeli charities this week mobilised support from within the UK Jewish community for those whose homes and livelihoods have been scorched by more than 200 fires across the country. Emergency appeals were made by Jewish National Fund (JNF), Magen David Adom (MDA) and ZAKA, but other charities, such as UJIA and World Jewish Relief (WJR), said they were not seeking funding as Israel had not asked for it. The Jewish Agency is to provide $1,000 to every family affected by the fires, after money was promised by Jewish Federations of North America. “At trying times like these, world Jewry feels closely connected to what is taking place in Israel and comes to our help without hesitation,” said Jewish Agency chief Natan Sharansky. Money was also given by Israeli Finance Minister Moshe Kahlon, who said those who could not return to their homes because they were damaged or destroyed would get $650 each. “We stand by our residents even after the smoke clears,” he said. The north of Israel has been particularly hit, with the worst of the fires centred around Haifa, where 80,000 people were forced to flee their homes, but hot dry weather and

high winds have fanned flames up and down the country, with other major fires breaking out in Zichron Ya’akov, Modi’in and Rishon LeZion. Israelis have rallied to help their compatriots, with communities outside the fireaffected zones providing accommodation to those who have been forced from their homes. “It is striking that at times such as these, our differences evaporate and we see the people of Israel at their finest,” said a UJIA spokeswoman. JNF said it was working with HaShomer HaChadash, which has opened emergency response centres in the Negev and Galilee, sending volunteers out to patrol forests and “track arsonists,” after authorities said some fires had been started deliberately. JNF UK chief executive Alan Aziz said: “It has been scary to witness the devastating damage caused. I was in Israel while it was happening. We have launched an emergency appeal with national airliner El Al to help rebuild burnt infrastructure in Israel and we pray that such a disaster does not happen again.” The fires have claimed thousands of acres of land and hundreds of homes, andthe Magen David Adom rescue service said 122

A driver takes cover as the blaze comes within yards of his car near Haifa

people had been treated for fire-related injuries,mostly smoke inhalation, with one person seriously injured.

Brits reveal wildfire ordeals

One of many planes that helped to extinguish more than 200 fires

Continued from page 1 Natasha added: “It’s not knowing what is happening to your home that’s the worst. You think about all the precious things you left, like photos from your childhood. You wonder if you’ll even have a home to come back to. But we were lucky, compared to places like Haifa. There were only two houses lost. Ours was OK.” Rachel Creeger, a theatre director from Barnet who was in Israel for a barmitzvah, had just gone to bed last Friday night when her host’s daughter began banging at the door, shouting: “Fire! Fire’s coming! We

need to go.” This week she recalled her “terrifying” experience. “We could see flames from the garden coming from below the house. I came out to see a sudden gust of wind and flames up to the house,” she said. “We ran down a footpath through the houses shouting at people to get out. Through the trees we could see the fire. The sky was full of glowing orange embers, which were strangely beautiful, then the terrible smell of smoke.” She said the group then remembered an elderly couple and went back to check on them, before Rachel saw “what I can only

describe as a wall of fire rise up”. They headed for the local synagogue, the pre-arranged meeting place, but realised it was unsafe, so left for the village entrance. “We began to run, literally trying to out-run the flames and smoke. People in cars were stopping and offering lifts to whoever they could fit in. We managed to get out, with no plan of where to go.” After a frantic, frenetic three hours, everyone was finally accounted for, but Creeger later heard of what happened after she had left. “I was devastated to learn that the house I’d been staying in had burnt to the ground, and that wonderful, warm family lost everything. So many people have lost so much, including the lady who drove us away from the flames.” Elsewhere, Chigwell-born Janine Lev was staying with friends in Zichron Yaakov near Haifa, in the midst of the worstaffected area, when she was evacuated with her son and husband, Ronnie, who was one of the first to fight the fires. “She was absolutely petrified,” said her step-mother Pam this week, as she revealed she had cancelled her trip next week. “I was scared too. She was sending me photos from her balcony; there were flames all around, completely out of control. I’ve never seen anything like it. The fire spread so quickly. It took days to control. Schools, parks, they were all destroyed. It’s devastating, but thankfully everyone was OK.”  Editorial comment, page 12

“It costs £50,000 a day to take 60 ambulances out of storage and up to the north of Israel,” said MDA UK’s Daniel Burger.

‘Arsonists will pay’ Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said there will be serious consqueuences for anyone found guilty of starting fires deliberately. “Every fire that was the result of arson or incitement to arson is terror in every way and we’ll treat it as such. Anyone who tries to burn parts of the State of Israel will be severely punished,” he warned during a news conference in Haifa. Israel’s Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan confirmed some arrests had been made and police are tracking leads. “Every single fire will be examined to see whether it was arson and we bring the full force of the law against those behind it,” Erdan said. More than 80,000 people were evacuated from homes and businesses in and around Haifa. In communities across Israel, the fires led to mass evacuations and destroyed and damaged homes.

THANKS SENT TO PA The Board of Deputies has thanked and praised the Palestinian Authority for sending fire-fighting crews to Israel to save Israeli lives, in a letter written on behalf of the British Jewish community. Senior vice-president Richard Verber wrote to Professor Manuel Hassassian, the Palestinian ambassador in the UK, to express “sincere gratitude” after PA President Mahmoud Abbas sent 41 firefighters and eight trucks into Israel to fight a series of blazes. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had earlier thanked Abbas for offering his immediate help. Verber wrote: “Your assistance has undoubtedly helped to save lives and prevent further damage to the country’s infrastructure. “It has been heartening to witness co-operation and goodwill between Israelis and Palestinians, Jews and Arabs, during these difficult times. We hope that it will remind all of the need to continue dialogue for broader peace and coexistence.”

1 December 2016 Jewish News


Israel wifires / Special report

Family traumatised as fire ravages their home

The Prais family home in Zichron Yaakov after the blaze ripped through it

In Zichron Yaakov, down the road from what remains of their family home, Jonny and Sari Prais are sorting through their old photo albums, writes Lisa Sanders. They peel away the charred pictures from the blackened pages and try to salvage what they can. Among the pictures, they come across their wedding photos. “I’ve read somewhere that you can fix them, maybe with water?” wonders Jonny, who works as a specialist optometrist in Israel and in the UK. A week after the blaze that destroyed their home, along with 21 other houses in the town, they are still traumatised. Aaron, 17, and his sister Rebecca, 11, were both at school when the blaze broke out. Their brother Josh, 18, was on home leave from the army and managed to escape the house and drive away before the fire took hold. “That was really bad, really stressful, not knowing where everyone was,” Aaron recalls. “I just felt it wasn’t happening.” For now, Josh has been given compassionate leave by the army, while the two younger siblings have returned to school. The Prais’ neighbours have rallied round to help out: lending them an empty house to stay in for the next few weeks; meanwhile a food rota delivers hot meals twice a day. Back at the old house, they sift through the rubble. Mostly it is depressing work: nearly everything is burnt beyond recognition. Among the quirkier objects that survived the flames unscathed was an old picture Rebecca had made. ‘Birkat Habayit’ – bless this house. Sari takes this as a good omen. On Monday, Aaron decided to take his driving test as planned. He failed, but is determined to suc-

Jonny and Sari Prais check burnt photos

ceed next time around. While the children are getting over the loss of their things, their old bedrooms and all the memories that belonged there, their parents have already started tackling the bureaucracy. The family is waiting to find out how they will be compensated for the loss of the house and its contents. They, unlike many Israelis, had a home insurance policy. But it will take time before they can even think about rebuilding. For now, they’re taking things one day at a time.


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Jewish News 1 December 2016

Editorial comment and letters ISSUE NO.




Out of the fire

Send us your comments

Many of us know of people affected by the fires that raged across Israel this past week. Even if we don’t, the sight of Israel ablaze kindles all kinds of emotions. Not least, it brought back terrible memories of the Carmel forest fires of 2011, and the misery they caused. But unlike then, this devastation of recent days seems – at least in part– to have been caused deliberately. It represents, in a word, a new kind of terror, one in which those who mean Israel harm need only wait for hot weather and high winds before striking a match. Even in the arid Middle Eastern heat, it is a chilling thought. Yet even from the ashes, there are positives. The range of countries coming to Israel’s aid was both wide and heart-warming. By sending dozens of Palestinian firefighters to help, Mahmoud Abbas has done more for good relations with his Israeli neighbours than he has done… well, ever. The fires also saw new Israeli technology tested, with crews in fireresistant vehicles sent in to the danger zone to assess the situation and advise on the response. Yet the biggest plus to come out of this sadness was seen on a community-level, with strangers opening their homes to strangers, offering refuge from the flames. You often see the best in people in the worst situations. But after years of hatred, of village against village, you’d think Israelis may be reluctant to house complete strangers, perhaps of different ethnicity or background. Not a bit of it. The sight of Jews housing Arabs, of Arabs housing Jews, of Christians and Druze, Orthodox and secular, all mixing in to help, cuts through politics, and represents the Israel many of us want to see. Just not in these circumstances.

PO Box 34296, London NW5 1YW |

TRUMP IS ISRAEL’S FRIEND How disappointing to read your headline and editorial attacking Donald Trump and the article by Laura Janner-Klausner in your 10 November issue, both bewailing his election. Is Trump really a racist and a xenophobe as suggested? He did comment on Mexicans and Muslims, but in the context of serious concerns – uncontrolled immigration and barbaric fundamentalist terror. Outside that, Trump did not make

disparaging comments about other races, ethnic groups or religions. His wife is not American-born. His daughter converted to Orthodox Judaism. His son-in-law and grandchildren are Jewish. Why would Jews complain about an administration more likely to support Israel than any since Reagan’s?

Simon Aaron Southgate

Sketches & kvetches

Surely it is wrong to spend £50million on a new Holocaust memorial when many survivors around the world are living in poverty. Half that money should be spent giving them better living conditions. The rest can then be used on a learning centre to show mans’ inhumanities.

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Dignitaries at the site of the proposed Shoah memorial

NOBODY WANTS PEACE MORE THAN ISRAELIS I was not offended by Ilana Lederman’s call to British Jews to end what she states as an ‘occupation’ (Jewish News, 10 November). She makes it sound so simple. Ilana has only ever known a world with Israel in it. I am from a time when the Jewish state as we know it was a dream. Its arrival was one of the most important events in my life. It has problems, as do all other countries, but no other state is threatened with destruction on such a regular basis. We must realise when we see and hear how Palestinian children are brainwashed by their schools, books and media to hate and kill Jews – and there are generations who have been fed this message – that it needs time for this to pass, and normal education take its place. The truth is that without Israel’s support of Fatah in the West Bank, Hamas could gain control and there would be a much larger ‘Gaza’ on Israel’s border. We all pray for peace. Nobody wants it more than Israelis.
 Sidney Sands By email

1 December 2016 Jewish News


Editorial comment and letters

The alt-right danger You published two letters celebrating the election of Donald Trump (17 November). While I respect the authors’ right to their opinions, I feel strongly it is they who are “misguided”. On day one of the transition, a spate of hate crimes were reported, including the daubing of swastikas in public spaces across America. I can’t help feeling that Martin Greenberg and Ed Levine, in focusing on Trump’s apparent favouring of Israel and Netanyahu, are being either wilfully ignorant or knowingly unfeeling towards their fellow diaspora Jews. Trump’s supporters have since

gone on to give Nazi salutes and cry “Heil Trump! Heil victory!” at a now much-publicised conference for the alt-right, and questioned whether Jews are people at all. It is a dark day for the whole of Jewry when an administration propped up by fascists shows its support for Israel. The alt-right claims to love Israel, but shows nothing but hate for Jews and anyone not Christian and white. If these writers can’t see how dangerous this is, they need to rethink their priorities. Emma Brand By email

IS TEHRAN ILANA’S NEXT STOP? Yes, I was offended by the headline on Ilana Lederman piece on Israel’s “occupation”. Using the word “occupation” plays straight into the hands of the anti-Israel camp. Lederman apparently believes all the ills of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict stem from Israeli victories (occupation) in the face of attacks

from every side – a fight for survival with implications for Jews worldwide, including aggressive atmosphere on campuses. She condemns Israel in the same way Jeremy Corbyn condemns anti-Semitism. Her next “educational visit” should be to Tehran.

Russell Ballen By email

ABUSIVE LANGUAGE THAT DOES NOTHING TO FURTHER DEBATE We have enough personal abuse from politicians – Clinton calling Trump supporters “deplorables”, Trump calling her “a nasty woman” – without you allowing it in your letters column. One letter writer described the two US presidential candidates as “a buffoon and a crook”. Another of Diane Abbott as “gormless” (I pardon calling Livingstone obnoxious!). Even if you believe it to be true, this sort of language does nothing to further the debate. Indeed, it diminishes it, your column and the writers who cannot compose a dignified letter. Please spare us this sort of correspondent and give space to people who can make a contribution without descending into gutter abuse.

Barry Hyman Bushey Heath

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SHARING? NO THANK YOU I cannot understand why Jewish News sees fit to publish some of the loathsome antiSemitic statements written on Twitter (‘We plunge into the cesspool of online anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism). We all know this goes on in the media and online, but giving these people the oxygen of publicity will serve to encourage them.

Kay Bagon Radlett

Giving morons publicity I cannot make up my mind whether I like the new Jewish News layout, but what I definitely do not like is Thanks for Sharing. As Jews, we are all too aware of the anti-Semitic bile that is a day by day occurrence on Facebook and Twitter. The morons who write this filth thrive on being in the public eye – so why should this newspaper give them another outlet to ply their warped trade? Far better to use the space for more letters. Please Jewish News, think again. Robert Dulin Winchmore Hill

Editor: ‘Thanks For Sharing’ named and shamed social media’s vilest anti-Semites but also troubled readers including as Kay and Robert, so it has now been dropped.

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Jewish News 1 December 2016



The Shoah is not a lucky dip for endless stupidity JENNI FRAZER


or reasons related to my career, I have, over the years, met a lot of Holocaust survivors. Despite suffering and witnessing some of the most horrendous cruelties known to man, what many have in common is a huge joie de vivre, a determination to make the most of the years they were spared to live. Ask anyone who’s been to the Holocaust Survivors’ Centre in London, where the talk is feisty and the gossip engaging. Ask anyone who’s watched the massed ranks of the 45 Aid Society take to the dance floor at their annual dinner, who has seen a gang of joyous men and women strutting their stuff, loud and proud. It’s not, by any manner of means, that they don’t take seriously what happened to them. But it is, rather, that Holocaust survivors refuse to be defined by the tragic. They are grabbers of opportunity, people of hope rather than despair, and they are, largely, celebrants rather than mourners. Nevertheless, there are red lines relating

to the Holocaust that survivors and those close to them insist should never be crossed. I’m talking about a raft of things, from outand-out anti-Semitism to a wealth of ignorant behaviour, including fashions featuring yellow stars or grey-striped pyjama clothing. I’ve seen shedloads of this stuff, some offensive, some just plug-ugly ignorant. But I have to say even I was rendered speechless at a story this week from Russia, about a reality TV show called Ice Age. Tatiana Navka is an Olympic ice-dance champion, and also wife to Vladimir Putin’s spokesman. And she and her dance partner, actor Andrew Burkovsky, appeared to think it was perfectly appropriate to dress up in striped concentration-camp uniforms complete with yellow stars in order to perform on the rink for the programme. In what some have described, inevitably, as a “chilling performance”, the pair cut shapes in the ice to the musical accompaniment of Israeli singer Achinoam Nini’s version of Beautiful That Way, the theme song from the Italian Holocaust film Life Is Beautiful. I’d love to know whether she was

consulted over that — my guess is almost certainly not. If readers are not sufficiently gobsmacked by that, what about reports that in April Russian TV showed an episode of Dancing With The Stars — Russia’s version of Strictly Come Dancing — in which a Nazi officer searches for a Jewish girl, who is hiding behind the piano he is playing. Despite the Nazi and the girl improbably dancing to Frank Sinatra’s Fly Me To The Moon, the girl ends up dead. Now, as it happens, the current season of Strictly in the UK has featured “Judge” Robert Rinder, grandson of Holocaust survivor

Moishe Malenicky. The barrister’s mother, Angela Cohen, is chairman of the 45 Aid Society. Rob Rinder understands all too well the nature of reality TV shows — both his own daytime court show, and the cheerful spangled and sparkly lunacy of Strictly . I’ve never met him, but I can say with absolute confidence that Rob Rinder would no more contemplate Russian TV’s tasteless nod to the Holocaust than he would, indeed, fly to the moon. It really shouldn’t need saying, but apparently it does: the Shoah is not a lucky dip for endless stupidity and crass behaviour.


Kosher cruelty in which we should want no part LARA SMALLMAN DIRECTOR, THE JEWISH VEGETARIAN SOCIETY


ast week I watched a horror film I cannot forget. It wasn’t a fictional plot dreamed up by a scriptwriter, but brand new undercover footage from a kosher slaughterhouse in South America. I watched cows while still sentient being cut into by workers. Kashrut laws prescribe one quick, deep stroke with a sharp knife across the throat, aimed at rendering an animal instantly unconscious. The clip I watched shows cows being lifted into the air, each dangling by a hind leg. This awakens their senses, thereby delaying the onset of unconsciousness. This barbaric practice is called shackle and hoist (SAH), and it is virtually unique to the kosher industry. It violates all international welfare guidelines. SAH was banned on American soil, yet imported meat produced via this method is

available in kosher shops across the US. The same body which has declared repeated objections to the practice, the Orthodox Union, is happy to continue certifying the products as kosher. Why? The meat is cheaper because killing time is halved. The OU argues that a ban would necessitate imports from further afield, causing beef prices to rocket. Never mind money. We ought to be outraged by this flagrant violation of the core Jewish principle of tza’ar baalei chayim, the Torah mandate that forbids us from inflicting unnecessary suffering on an animal. It is this glaring gulf between our sacred ancient teachings around animal welfare and the modern reality of factory farming that is prompting a growing number of leading rabbis to adopt and advocate a vegan diet. This includes one of our patrons, former chief rabbi of Ireland David Rosen, who stated last year: “Anybody with eyes in their head can see that factory farming is a categorical transgression and desecration of the

prohibition on causing cruelty to animals.” While the temptation might be to keep schtum for fear of threatening shechita, or making Jews look bad, the truth is the problem is much bigger than SAH. This is one of many scandals emerging from kosher slaughterhouses in recent years. At Agriprocessors in the US, investigators found workers with injuries so severe they demanded amputations, staff given virtually


no safety training and child workers. Israel’s largest slaughterhouse, Dabbah, was ordered to close by the government in 2015 because of gross abuse, including dragging animals along the ground by their heads. From our chopped liver to our cheesecake, there is animal abuse at every turn. For our meat, cows are being branded, castrated, and their horns removed using searing-hot irons, caustic chemicals or hand saws, all without anaesthetic. Often overlooked, there is vast cruelty in the dairy industry too. Cows are caged, artificially impregnated, mechanically milked until they can give nothing more, and killed aged five. Their natural life span would be 25 years. It is no coincidence that Israel is leading the way, with the highest number of vegans per capita anywhere in the world. These pioneers are fulfilling the moral responsibility we all have as Jews, to call out this industry for exactly what is it is – calculated cruelty in which we should want no part.

1 December 2016 Jewish News

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Jewish News 1 December 2016


We must demonstrate the same tolerance we expect SAMANTHA SIMMONDS JOURNALIST & TV PRESENTER


uch has been made of the two American teenage best friends – one a Jew, one a Muslim – dressing up on Halloween as a superhero they named the ‘Juslim’. Photos of them in their yellow tops, striped tights and capes quickly took off online – with 80,000 hits in a matter of hours. The girls even created their own logo: a glittery ‘JM’. Wow, I thought – I could have done that 30 years ago. Growing up, my best friend was Muslim. Ayesha and I were besties throughout our teens, twenties and early thirties. We were in the same class at school, hung out together on weekends and went on countless holidays with one another. Got on – fell out – the usual friendship stuff. But never, in all our years, was religion an issue – we

barely, if ever, discussed it. She celebrated Muslim holidays, I celebrated Jewish ones. We were the original 1970s Juslim. How sad that we now live in a world where there is so much fear and distrust from both religious groups about the other, that these two girls’ friendship is considered so remarkable. A few years ago at a dinner party, I started discussing politics with a fellow guest whom I had not met before. The conversation turned to the possibility of a future Muslim prime minister. The other guest said if that day ever came, he would leave the country. I was appalled he should think, let alone voice, this opinion. When I challenged him on it, he in turn said he was surprised at me. He was clearly of the view that his opinion would be widely shared within the community. We proceeded to have what I would call a heated debate on the matter. I’d be interested to know if now that we have a Muslim mayor of London, he will be moving up north anytime soon. I was recently invited to join a community

group of Jewish-Muslim women. Their goal is to grow bonds within both communities. I said it was a great idea and that I would happily be involved but, I asked, what’s the point in preaching to the converted? Surely it’s the sceptics, cynics and, dare I say it, ignorant ones who need to be reached out to. My friend said: “Samantha, you have to start somewhere.” And she is, of course, 100 percent right. This small group of women came together last week for Mitzvah Day and, between them, collected hundreds of pairs of socks, gloves and hats for refugees in Greece. And they weren’t alone – many of our Muslim friends helped out for Mitzvah Day at JW3.

I am clearly not ignorant about the world in which we live, and the fear and mistrust on both sides. But intolerance of minority groups is growing, and our community needs now, more than ever, to reach out to others to demonstrate the same acceptance and tolerance we expect to be shown to us. A Jewish friend recently told me of his sister, who is hosting a Syrian refugee in her family home. It’s acts of kindness like these that can and will make the difference. In the words of the murdered MP Jo Cox in her maiden speech to the House of Commons: “We have more in common with each other than things that divides us”.


Genetic testing should not compromise our morals OPINION: RIKKI FROHLICH DIRECTOR OF NURSING, ALEH


he recent introduction of a new pre-natal screening on the NHS for Down’s Syndrome has sparked a heated debate regarding its implications, namely the impact on the future of the Down’s Syndrome community. Some people are fearful that this test will cause the extinction of this community, as the thought would be that once the syndrome was detected the “obvious” choice would be to abort the foetus. Others are concerned that if one chooses not to abort, the choice would be judged unfavourably by society, leading to the withdrawal of the help that is provided by the government. So, the question arises: Should we let nature take its course and ignore advances in medical science for fear of the consequences that they will impose on society? Or should we allow ourselves the ability to choose by embracing these new technologies while taking into account the ethical consequences of these practices? In the past decade, genetic testing has

become standard practice in most advanced countries. For example, Israel’s medical services offer a large range of genetic testing free of charge. These tests include screenings for genetic diseases such as Tay-Sachs, cystic fibrosis, Fragile X Syndrome and Canavan disease. Once disease is detected, couples are referred to IVF clinics and are then given the opportunity to undergo pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), which is the detection of an affected embryo, and the implantation of a healthy embryo into the womb, thereby securing the birth of a healthy baby. Couples have the right to choose to undergo these tests or to forgo them entirely. As such, the question becomes whether we are allowed to chastise for being “irresponsible” a couple who do not undergo genetic testing and bring a child with a genetic syndrome into the world. Equally, should we then assume that all responsibility for the child – emotional, physical, financial or otherwise – resides solely with the couple? Given that, we then have to wonder if that’s the kind of society we want to live in.

Working at ALEH, Israel’s foremost network of state-of-the-art facilities for children with severe physical and cognitive disabilities, has taught me not to judge parents when they make tough decisions. We, the medical staff and caregivers, look after their children, but ultimately it is the parents who are the legal guardians. It is our place to guide and help them, but never to judge them. Making choices is a part of our lives but to make them we need information. When that information is available, the medical professionals need to share it so that the choices made are informed ones. However, once the information is shared, we need to respect the choices made by other people involved. This is not just a matter of tactfulness but of crucial social reform, so that when

a person is faced with a weighty decision, such as a diagnosis of Down’s Syndrome, he or she will make a decision based on what’s right for the family and not on how society will judge them. Medical science is advancing all the time. It cannot be stopped, nor should it be. As a society, our focus should be on how to use for the good the information from new screenings without compromising the values and morals we live by. We should also make sure that we stand by each other at all times, and never allow our opinions of other people’s choices to become a barrier to true societal progress.  Aleh is Israel’s largest network of residential facilities for children with severe physical and cognitive disabilities


1 December 2016 Jewish News


In association with


Eleven girls from Step by Step and their carers took part in Mitzvah Day celebrations, packing cakes, Shabbat kits and other goodies for Ezra Umarpeh, a charity that maintains Shabbat rooms in UK hospitals. Step by Step’s Malky Braun said: “I’m so proud of what these girls achieved – each worked hard to give something back to the community. For disabled children and adolescents, who often feel their contribution in society is only small, it was a wonderful experience to be part of a great big national chesed effort.”

And be seen! More than 40,000 volunteers around the world – including 25,000 in the UK – took part in last weekend’s Mitzvah Day – the year’s biggest faith-based day of social action. Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis said: “Every single project is a most wonderful testament to the generosity, selflessness and community spirit shown by so many.” Across the next four pages, we showcase more than 50 events that helped make the day so special...


London Mayor Sadiq Khan with Mitzvah Day founder Laura Marks.

A record-breaking 400 members from Borehamwood and Elstree United Synagogue took part in 20 local projects. Organiser Lauren Schogger said: “It’s incredibly exciting and rewarding to see so many people coming together today. We’ve put on a fantastic range of projects that have and will continue to make a real difference to those less fortunate than ourselves in our local and wider community.”



Stanmore and Canons Park Synagogue held eight events and seven collectathons, including Mitzvah Mummies visiting The Princess Alexandra Home in Stanmore and a tea party held for synagogue seniors with Norwood residents. SACPS’s Juliette Harris said: “There was such a wonderful atmosphere around the shul as all the volunteers rolled up their sleeves and got to work, making sure all the activities were a huge success and all the collections were sifted and sorted, ready for dispatch.”



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Photo by Yakir Zur



Jewish News 1 December 2016

Scene & Be Seen / In association with Email your story to



Photo by Yakir Zur

Young volunteers help with Kisharon’s Bag My Treats social enterprise at Radlett Synagogue’s Mitzvah Day.

Photo by Marc Morris Photography

Special day of good deeds!


Mosaic Reform synagogue member Karen Pollak spoke about the plight of refugees at the Jungle in Calais after volunteering, with her daughter Mia, before it officially closed. A clothes collection was held at the synagogue during the day for the refugees, and youngsters made up gift packs of art and crafts for the children at the Jungle.

Year Six Wohl Ilford Jewish Primary School pupils with Wes Streeting MP

Nagila pre-school pupils visited Knights Court Nursing Home in Edgware


Young Professionals interfaith group collected in St John’s Wood for Dashwood House Women’s Refuge


Various schools took part in a variety of events. Pupils from Immanuel School visited residents of Princess Alexandra Home, while Year 5 Wolfson HiIlel pupils sang and talked with members of the Connect@ centre in Southgate for older, independent people. Children from Woodside Park Synagogue Cheder and members of Finchley Reform Synagogue visited Rubens House residents.

Photo by Yakir Zur

Volunteers planted daffodil bulbs for spring with residents of Jewish Care’s Vi & John Rubens House

Volunteers wrapped gifts at JW3 for Camp Simcha’s Toy Drive for all children in hospital

Photo by Carol Chessis

Wembley Shul and Sudbury Punjabi Ladies Committee danced at Edinburgh House

Photo by Karen Zetter

GIFT’s iconic food collection boxes were the focus for activities at Jewish Care, CST and more than a dozen communal organisations, helping GIFT collect an estimated £7,000.

Robert Wickham, the Bishop of Edmonton, and Rabbi Laura Janner-Klausner were at JW3, where interfaith cards were made for refugees

Members of Brondesbury Park United Synagogue sang and entertained at a local care home

Oliver Dowden MP knitted premature baby hats with Rabbi Hughes at Radlett United Synagogue

1 December 2016 Jewish News


Belmont Brownies took treats and spoke to residents at Jewish Blind & Disabled’s Cecil Rosen Court in Bushey Heath

Maccabi GB hosted a Mitzvah Day football match for those with learning disabilities

Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis was at an interfaith clothing collection for refugees in Hampstead via Goods For Good

At Bushey United, 500 volunteers took part in 20 projects, including their first interfaith social action event between local Jewish and Muslim communities

Woodford Liberal Synagogue’s Cheder headteachers give a Jack Petchey award to its youngest recipient

Photo by Yakir Zur

Borehamwood members made cards and jewellery for children at Emunah’s home in Afula

Photo by Andy Goodman

Photo by Marc Morris Photography

In association with / Scene & Be Seen

Sikhs for Labour and Jewish Labour Movement came together at Siri Guru Singh Sabha Croydon to prepare a meal for the homeless

Sisters Sharon and Clare Shaw, entertained tenants at Jewish Blind & Disabled’s Milne Court, with Woodford Forest Shul

Luciana Berger MP, Rabbi Danny Rich and volunteers wrap gifts for refugees at LJS

Editor Richard Ferrer read from Jewish News for Jewish Care’s abridged audio version

Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis delivered clothing to St Mary’s Church in Primrose Hill

Bromley Reform Synagogue held a workshop for adults, where they learnt some mitzvot for participating in a service and candle-lighting


Jewish News 1 December 2016

Scene & Be Seen / Community / In association with

Gilah nursery children, with parents, made Chunakah cards for the IDF, while donating toys and books for its charity ‘With love from Louise’

The Ladies’ Guild at Ilford Federation Synagogue organised an over-75s tea party for Mitzvah Day

Theresa Villiers MP (second right) and Andrew Dismore were at Barnet Synagogue for Mitzvah Day celebrations

More than 160 people volunteered for Norwood, with some of those pictured received certificates in recognition of their hard work

Photo by Marc Morris Photography

Edgware Brownies got in the Mitzvah Day spirit by volunteering at campsite Northern Heights

Members of Northwood & Pinner Liberal Synagogue cleaned Croxley Common Moor

Israeli envoy Mark Regev and comedy writer Dan Patterson sang at Clara Nehab House

Alyth members took part in several events, including children from its Kindergarten singing and speaking to residents at Clara Nehab House

Your simcha announcements Madison Sinclair celebrated her batmitzvah at The Renaissance Hotel, St Pancras.

Dani Kramer celebrated her batmitzvah at Stanmore and Canons Park Synagogue.

Photo by Neville Bloom

Photo by mummy loves you

Ben Chebabo celebrated his barmitzvah at Muswell Hill Synagogue.

Photo by mummy loves you

Photo by Lara Minsky Photography

Benji Donoff celebrated his barmitzvah at Edgware Adath Yisroel Congregation.

Photo by Gary Perlmutter Photography

Abe Yantin celebrated his barmitzvah at Borehamwood and Elstree Synagogue.

1 December 2016 Jewish News




IN THIS SECTION: School Of Rock 22/ Travel 24/ Competition 31

Within the sound of Simon Through his soulful music, Paul Simon helped to define the political upheaval of the 1960s. The Jewish-born boy from Queens started off as the song-writing half of Simon & Garfunkel before forging a successful solo career. Now nearly 75, he has not only sold more than 100 million records, won 15 Grammy awards and been installed twice into the Rock ’n’ Roll Hall of Fame, but has led a vibrant life replete with tales of Carrie Fisher, Leonard Bernstein, Bob Dylan, drugs, depression, divorce and more. In this exclusive extract from the newly-released Homeward Bound: The Life of Paul Simon (published by Constable, priced £20), author Peter Ames Carlin explores how Simon and Garfunkel came close to choosing different names over fears their given ones were “too Jewish”…

Above, Simon and Garfunkel at the height of their fame; left, Simon today


o what names would Paul and Artie choose to be their sophisticated-but-folky alter egos? When Paul sold Carlos Dominguez and He Was My Brother to Edward B Marks, he was still using the ––Landis imprimatur. But when he published the first of his folk songs, he felt that it was time for a change. He credited the songs to a new alter ego he named Paul Kane, and when Tribute Records released the tracks as a single in August 1963, the (solo) performances were credited to an imaginary group that was called either the Voices of Paul Kane (the credit in Billboard) or the Paul Kane Voices (per Variety), as if the barebones guitar-and-voice arrangements were performed by a folksy chorale. When Paul and Artie started playing their folk material that fall, they called themselves Kane and Garr. Then Paul’s success under his real name in England convinced him to continue using it at home. So they were Simon and Garr through the winter and spring of 1964. Then Artie got tired of Garr and said he wanted to use his real name, too. Paul shook that off. For all that Simon was a Jewish name, it was also short and easy to say. But Garfunkel? No, no, no— too long and too clumsy. People would assume they were comedians, or tailors, even. So how about Garfield instead? They kicked that around for a while. Artie didn’t like it, but he knew

how show business operated; he’d never worked or recorded under his real name. Eventually he gave in. Simon and Garfield it was. Except Tom Wilson didn’t like it. He’d bitten his tongue whenever Paul and Artie debated names and pseudonyms, or when the Columbia executives who consulted on the names of acts and records called to talk about the name of the company’s new folk duo. The execs didn’t like the duo’s real names, either — Simon and Garfunkel just didn’t sound like a name that could catch on with anyone.


At first, the execs thought they could sidestep the problem by calling them Paul and Artie, but then someone remembered that just a few years earlier they had released an album by another pair of young folksingers who went by Art and Paul. So they considered other young protest types and proposed another approach: how about the Catchers in the Rye? Paul and Artie just laughed at that. Paul, now with Artie’s support, went back to Simon and Garfield, and that was when Wilson put his foot down. He’d loved The Sound of Silence the moment he heard it, but it was He Was My Brother, the impassioned civil-rights anthem, that had convinced him to invest in their future. Paul wrote so powerfully about civil rights and justice; they both sang the songs with a righteous fury that was really stirring, particularly for Wilson, a black man who had lived with racism. So how was it that they were so gutless about their own ethnicity? Were they really going to let the bigots tell them that there was something wrong with having a Jewish name, just so they could sell more records? Well, they’d done that before, so, yes, that’s exactly what they were going to do. The publicity guys at Columbia felt the same way, all of them telling the same story: the duo’s real names would be off-putting to the anti-Semites behind the radio dial, along with all the average folks who just felt more – how can I put this? – comfortable around less ethnic types. But the world was changing, Wilson protested. There were hardly any anti-Semites left! That last argument was more aspirational than factual, unfortunately, but when Wilson and the other executives laid out the dispute to Columbia executive vice president Norman Adler, he let out an exasperated sigh. “Gentlemen, it’s 1964,” he snapped. “They’re Simon and Garfunkel. Next record?”


Jewish News 1 December 2016


The man who invented ‘genocide’ Francine Wolfisz reviews Watchers of the Sky, a powerful documentary telling the story of lawyer Raphael Lemkin, who gave a name to mass killing


hy is the killing of a million a lesser crime than the killing of an individual?” It’s a question poignantly asked by Polish-Jewish lawyer and linguist Raphael Lemkin, a man who the world has largely forgotten, but who left behind a lasting legacy in coining a term that everyone is familiar with – “genocide”. With this new word, which he formulated from the Greek for race (“genos”) and the Latin for kill (“cide”), Lemkin – who lost 49 relatives, including his parents, in the Holocaust – hoped to pressure the international community to recognise the heinous act of deliberate mass killing and treat genocide as a crime. Incredibly, before Lemkin, the notion of war crimes was virtually non-existent. His devotion to this moral cause and battle for justice against the odds is at the heart of a powerful new documentary, Watchers of the Sky, which receives its UK premiere at JW3 next Tuesday.

Born in 1900, Lemkin developed an interest in history from a young age and was inspired to learn more about mass atrocities while reading Quo Vadis by Henryk Sienkiewicz, which details the persecution of Christians by Emperor Nero. At university, he came to understand genocide as a crime after reading about the persecution of Armenians by the Ottoman Turks and was determined to study law in the hope of preventing such atrocities taking place. When the Nazis invaded Poland in 1939, Lemkin recognised the red flags and urged his parents to flee, but they did not share his sense of urgency. Their subsequent death at the hands of the Nazis compelled Lemkin all the more to educate the world about genocide, beginning with impressing American prosecutor Benjamin Ferencz, who first used the term during the Nuremberg Trials in Germany. Ferencz, now 94, shares his memories of Lemkin, a man he describes as having an appear-

Above: The Nuremberg trials, where the term ‘genocide’ was first heard. Below left: Samantha Power, US ambassador to the UN, who was inspired by the work of Raphael Lemkin, right

ance that was incongruous with his abilities. From the outside he was mostly dishevelled and forlorn, a man who neglected himself of sleep and food, but who was equally persuasive, influential and devoted to his cause. Director Edet Belzberg thoughtfully weaves in the stories of others who are keeping Lemkin’s legacy alive with their work to prevent genocide. Samantha Power, a former journalist and now US ambassador to the United Nations, wrote the Pulitzer Prize-winning book, A Problem From Hell, which inspired the documentary. She witnessed first-hand the atrocities of the Yugoslav wars during the 1990s and her distress is palpable when she recounts how “every man and boy” – some 8,000 of them – were rounded up and slaughtered at the orders of Ratko Mladic, at the Muslim enclave of Srebrenica in July 1995. The film also features Emmanuel Uwurukundo, the only member of his family to survive the Rwandan genocide of 1994, who now helps Sudanese refugees living in Chad, and Luis Moreno

Ocampo, prosecutor for the International Criminal Court (ICC), who has struggled to bring President Omar al-Bashir of Sudan to trial. Watchers of the Sky shows the inspiring story of how one man’s quest to find a word resulted, albeit over 50 years, to recognise genocide as a crime and make it prosecutable at the ICC. But there is no real happy ending. The film highlights the frustration felt in not always having the power to do enough – or to fail to bring these criminals to justice. “You feel ashamed you didn’t do anything, but actually you couldn’t do anything because the negative forces were so strong,” laments Uwurukundo. It’s disheartening to think that Lemkin found a name in the hope of preventing mass atrocities from happening again but, in the light of Rwanda, Bosnia and Darfur, that part of his dream is seemingly far from being realised.  Watchers of the Sky premieres on Tuesday, 6 December, 6.30pm at JW3, Finchley Road. Details: and


udding star Shoshana Ezequiel says she is “having the time of my life” just weeks after her West End debut in Andrew Lloyd Webber’s latest production, School of Rock The Musical. Based on the smash-hit film from 2003 starring Jack Black, the show follows wannabe rock star Dewey Finn, who poses as a substitute teacher and turns a class of straight A students into a bona fide rock band. Shoshana, who attends Yavneh College in Borehamwood, said landing the role of band member Shanelle in the opening cast had been

“a dream come true”. The 12-year-old, who lives in Hertfordshire with her parents and two younger brothers, says: “It’s a fantastic experience and I’m enjoying each day at a time. “If I could change one thing, it would be for my Papa Leslie and Grandma Rena to have been able to see me on the West End stage, as they were both professional dancers and supported me for years. I know they are watching me with smiles on their faces.” Shoshana, who has attended the Victoria Jane School of Dance in Radlett since the age of five, and is a member of Starlight Youth Theatre, revealed how the rest of the cast helped her over-

come her opening night nerves. “I felt nervous, but also excited because I knew this was going to be an amazing adventure,” she explains. “I’ve spent a lot of time on stages before, but this was different because it was an Andrew Lloyd Webber musical and it’s in the West End. Everyone was buzzing before the performance and we all supported each other.” The chance to work with theatre impresario Lloyd Webber has been nothing short of “amazing”. “I keep having to remind myself that this isn’t a dream,” she admits. “Andrew has been really nice to all of us and tells us

Photo by Tristram Kenton

Shoshana earns top marks in stage debut

Shoshana Ezequiel stars in School of Rock The Musical

to enjoy the experience and do our best. It’s a real privilege to be able to make my West End debut with a legend like Andrew there to support us.” Starring in a high-profile show while fitting in school work has also presented its challenges, but Shoshana, who has an eye on pursuing an acting career, is

willing to go the extra mile. “It has been hard. I have had to prioritise everything and make choices to fit with this and stopped all of my after-school activities, but it’s worth it.”  School of Rock The Musical is booking to 9 April 2017. Details: schoolofrockthe

1 December 2016 Jewish News


Food / Lifestyle


Smooth and crunchy cauliflower salad This is a delicious combination of cauliflower puree and crispy cauliflower florets. Garnished with pomegranate seeds and roasted hazelnuts, it is an ideal dish to serve with fish or meat or as part of a vegetarian buffet. Serve hot or warm.

Denise Phillips




2 very large cauliflowers – tough outer leaves removed and discarded 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil 100g blanched hazelnuts – roughly chopped 500ml vegetable stock Salt and freshly ground black pepper

florets on top and drizzle with 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil.

Spice mix 2 teaspoons tablespoon ground coriander 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1 teaspoon paprika 1 teaspoon turmeric 1 teaspoon salt

5 Roast for 40 minutes or until golden brown. 6 Add the hazelnuts for the last 5 minutes. 7 Meanwhile cook the reserved cauliflower in the vegetable stock. Bring to the boil and simmer for about 15 minutes or until tender.

8 Transfer to a liquidiser or blender and whizz until smooth. 9 Taste and season. 10 Spoon the puree onto a large serving plate. Top with the roasted cauliflower.

Garnish: 3 tablespoons pomegranate seeds 2 tablespoons parsley

To serve the stylish way: Add a sprinkling of chopped parsley and scatter over some pomegranate seeds.

MY NEXT COKERY CLASS: Wed 7 December Party cooking



METHOD 1 Preheat the oven to 180°C/ Gas mark 4. 2 Combine the spice mix together. 3 Roughly chop one of the cauliflowers into florets and dust with the spice mix. 4 Line a baking tray with baking parchment paper. Place the spiced cauliflower




Jewish News 1 December 2016

Lifestyle / Travel

Slalom Aleichem!

Photo by Tourist Board Val di Fassa

Naomi Price meets a rabbi who loves showing off his snowboarding skills on the Dolomites


Photo by Tourist Board Val di Fassa

n his silks and flowing beard, a very proper rav stood before me, looking like a Victorian child’s idea of the Almighty. Except that instead of sitting on a cloud, the Almighty was about to adjust his bindings in the boot room. I goggled. Hashem was not a skier, but a snowboarder. It’s not every day you come across these types or, for that matter, a kosher hotel in the Alps. For here, in the chocolate-box village of Canazei in the middle of the Dolomites, is MyKosherHotel – doing exactly what it says on the din. The Dolomites are a very special part of the Alps. Part of a UNESCO World Heritage site, the vast limestone outcrops tower over the 1,200km of skiable terrain, interconnected by the fastest and most efficient ski infrastructures in the world. People come here just for the beauty of the enrosadira: the way the sunset or sunrise falls upon rock, turning it rose-pink by sunset and violet at dawn. But what they don’t come for is the kosher food, with which no resort in the Alps is exactly awash. So for those of us who ski around Pesachtime with the contents of a box of Rakusen’s

MyKosherHotel in the village of Canazei

THE RABBI HAD EXCHANGED THE STREIMEL FOR A CRASH HELMET AND BAGGY BOARDING KIT... READY TO RIDE reduced to medium-grade matzo meal, having been stuck at the bottom of a rucksack underneath the avalanche shovel, the implications of discovering MyKosherHotel are nothing short of life-changing. Pristine-clean and devoid of ostentation, it’s a bit like an upmarket ulpan, with a strong Sephardi bias to the cuisine – exotic courgette flower fritters and artichoke dishes next to classic hummus and tahini on the buffet. Cheese is flown in from Rome, meat from Vienna. Talented patissier Luciano from Eritrea makes pasta, and shmura matzo at Passover. A varied wine cellar yields some rather good Rothschild Pomerol vintages (of course). If it’s okay for the Beth Din – represented among the guests from time to time – it’s probably okay for me. MyKosherHotel houses its own shul, its walls hung with pictures of Italy’s ancient synagogues and memories of summer weddings at the hotel’s terrace, where the chuppah, garlanded with trails of Alpine flowers, is set against a backdrop of meadows. On Shabbat, everything is covered in a graceful white. For six months of the year, Rabbi Avraham Novick of Long Island is mashgiach in residence at MyKosherHotel. Naturally he’s good for an argument on halachic interpretation and profound prob-

lems of existential ethics. But how about the best time of day to ski the north face of the Pordoi Pass? Or the date of when the snowpack was last tested for stability or the wind speed up at the top station? These are questions that some of the rabbinate might not necessarily be equipped to answer. So one bluebird morning when the day dawned full of promise from the previous night’s snowfall, the rabbi and I took off. Avraham had exchanged the streimel for a crash helmet and baggy boarding kit, and there he was, ready to ride and gib or whatever it is that snowboarders do. He looked like a cross between ZZ Top and, well, a hippy (he did meet his wife at a Grateful Dead concert, which only goes to show.) As the Yiddish saying goes, Keine Freunde im Pulverschnee (“There are no friends on a powder day”), but here was Avraham, ready to share with me his secret snow stashes on the Marmolada glacier, or just rip up the big wide runs that make up the Dolomiti Superski. As we finally joined the piste, someone stopped us to chat in a mixture of German and Ladin, the ancient language of the region. Avraham replied in Yiddish, and the two of them gossiped along quite happily (well, the South Tyrol was once part of the AustroHungarian empire). For some reason, the rabbi is regarded

The snowboarding rabbi, Avraham Novick

as quite a character in these parts, I can’t think why. Last year, someone gave him a Father Christmas outfit, so he wore it on the slopes at Purim as MyKosherSantaClaus. I’ll be out again in the company of the irrepressible Zen rabbi into the freeride adventure of forest, chute and glacier that the glorious Dolomiti Superski has to offer. “Come and join the rabbi in the powder,” is an invitation I can’t refuse. “It’s so spiritual. You have to be in the moment. It’s somewhere between total concentration and not thinking.” Never a truer word said.

WHERE TO STAY... Naomi stayed at the 4* MyKosherHotel in Canazai, Italy, which operates under full Mehadrin certification. Prices range from €100 per person per night, half board to €480 for a suite in the low season to between €165 and €690 in the high season, with various room options available. Packed lunches and afternoon tea is included. British Airways covers routes from London airports to Verona, Venice, Milan and Innsbruck. Shared private transfers may be booked through the hotel at around €280 for five people.

1 December 2016 Jewish News


Sedra: Vayera, It’s Biblical / Orthodox Judaism

SEDRA: Toldot

It’s Biblical

RABBI SAM TAYLOR Esau approached his father to receive his special blessing in this week’s parasha Toldot, only to discover his twin brother Yaakov had disguised himself and received it instead. At that moment, the Torah says, Esau let out a great cry. The Medrash notes the parallel between this verse and the description in Megillat Esther of Mordechai’s reaction upon hearing of Haman’s decree. Jacob caused Esau to let out a single cry, but where was he punished? In the capital city of Shushan. We can ask many questions on this Medrash, but we will address just one. Why was Jacob held accountable specifically for Esau’s anguish? If Jacob acted wrongly by consenting to his mother’s scheme and disguising as Esau why was he, or more precisely his descendants, punished? Isaac also shuddered upon recognising his mistake and we do not find our Sages criticising Jacob for causing his father this kind of emotional trauma. Why was he held responsible only for Esau’s pain? The Netziv, Rabbi Naftali Zvi Yehuda Berlin, says Yaakov and Rivka were justified because the blessings rightfully belonged to Jacob. However, the Netziv says, Jacob experienced a degree of gratification upon seeing his hostile brother’s anguish. Jacob certainly did not enjoy watching his father shudder, but he did feel a sense of vindication upon seeing Esau cry. For this he was deserving of punishment. Whenever we see anyone in pain, we must always try to maintain a sense of pity.

 Sam Taylor is community rabbi at Western Marble Arch Synagogue

Everything you ever wanted to know about your favourite Torah characters, and the ones you’ve never heard of...



Enoch makes a brief appearance for four short verses in Genesis 5:21-24. Aside from being the father of the world’s oldest man Methuselah, who lives for an astonishing 969 years, he has another claim to fame. He is described twice within these verses as one who “walks with God” and his death, unlike those who preceded or succeeded him is described as “being taken by God”. Who was Enoch and why does he get given this title? The rabbis of the Talmud explain that Enoch was a shoemaker. They


describe how with every stitch he would achieve “spiritual unifications”. This term is generally reserved for one who is steeped in the study of authentic Kabbalah and elevates the mundane to a more spiritual plane. Rabbi Eliyahu Dessler, in his classic work Michtav MeEliyahu, explains there was nothing mystical going on here at all. Rather, as Enoch made his shoes, each and every stitch would be accompanied by the desire to benefit others, to make sure the shoes would be as strong and as comfortable as possible. His sole motivation (pun intended!) was to give to others. Yes, he took payment for his work, as he was entitled to do, but his main drive in life was not the accumulation of wealth, rather the well-being of others. Rabbi Dessler explains that people are either givers or takers. Of course life involves “give and take”, but it is our primary motivation that determines whether we are “giving for the sake of taking” or “taking for the sake of giving”.

One who gives is emulating God, Who is the ultimate giver. Having come to this realisation, Enoch “unifies” heaven and earth. He raised the mundane act of being a cobbler to a spiritual experience through focus and motivation alone.

 Rabbi Jonny Roodyn is the

educational director of Jewish Futures Trust @rjroodyn

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Jewish News 1 December 2016

Progressive Judaism / The Bible Says What?! / Progressively Speaking

The Bible Says What?!

Progressively Speaking

The Torah says we should ‘love the stranger’ – or should we?

The senior rabbi of Liberal Judaism on the current debate about cryonics

DEBORAH BLAUSTEN There is one commandment that appears more than any other in Torah – that we should love the stranger. It occurs more times than statements about God, keeping Shabbat or even worshipping idols. It is rooted in the lived experience of the Israelites: “…you know the soul of a stranger, because you were strangers in Egypt” (Exodus 29:3), and it is the combination of a strong moral grounding and the compelling way it draws on Jewish memory that has brought this maxim into the heart of the anti-discrimination and anti-racism work many Jews undertake today. There are, however, numerous places in Torah where the behaviour of both God and the Israelites does not live up to this aspiration and our texts appear to condone racist or discriminatory actions. For instance, Israelites are forbidden from marrying the daughters of Canaanites (Genesis 28:1); Pinchas is praised for killing a man who

engages in relations with a Moabite woman (Numbers 25); Moses is reprimanded for marrying a Cushite woman (Numbers 12:1). Then the Israelites are told to deal harshly with the inhabitants of the land because they are a superior people (Deuteronomy 7) – and so the list goes on. How can we square these incidents with the commandment that imbues the text that surrounds them? Or indeed with the statement at the start of Torah that we are all made in the image of God? These moments remind us of the difference between the world as it is and the world as it should be. It is often the times where human actions fall short of our own moral compass that show us where there is work to do, and the commandment to love the stranger guides our hands in that task.

 Deborah Blausten is a Leo

Baeck College rabbinic student

BY RABBI DANNY RICH The case of the 14-year-old London girl dying of an incurable cancer has propelled the ‘science’ of cryonics into the public domain. Cryonics – the freezing of a human body or a part thereof to a temperature of -196°C – has been possible since 1967 in the US, where some 300 bodies are already cryopreserved. Although the girl’s father expressed doubts, she was supported by her mother. The legal matter arrived at the Family Division of the High Court where Mr Justice Jackson, having visited the girl, spoke of how he was impressed by the valiant way she had

faced her situation and moved by “her desire to live longer”. The judge had, of course, to consider two aspects: what was in the interests of the child and did she understand the legal process and implications of her request? Judaism lays a particular emphasis on the duty to relieve pain and suffering, as inferred not only


from the general emphasis in Judaism on compassion, but by the practice of giving a condemned criminal as he was led to execution a goblet of wine to numb his senses in accord with the verse from Proverbs 31:6 ‘Give strong drink to one who is about to perish’ (Sanhedrin 43a). On the other hand, Judaism considers death a part of life which ought to be treated as such in aspects including preparations and rituals. “Judaism recognises that death is natural and the dying process begins long before the last breath is drawn,” observes Mark Popvsky. It remains, in my view, the duty of us all to help each other to accept the reality of death and make the dying as free as possible from pain and discomfort. Perhaps like Rabbi Simcha Bunam of Przysucha, we all have to “learn how to die”.  Rabbi Danny Rich is the senior rabbi of Liberal Judaism

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1 December 2016 Jewish News


Expert professional advice / Ask our experts

Ask our

The Jewish Deaf Association is there for me, for all deaf children and our families - and for everyone with a hearing loss.

Our trusty team of advisers answer your questions about everything from law and finance to dating and dentistry. This week: Starting to tap dance, considerations when gifting a home and how to work as a doctor in Israel LOUISE LEACH DANCING WITH LOUISE See full profile on pages 28-29

Dear Louise My daughter keeps asking me for tap lessons, but I wonder how difficult this dance is to do? Can anyone have a go at tap, or does it take months of practice to be able to do it? It’s not something I see advertised very much. I was wondering if it has gone out of fashion now that everyone seems to be into street dance? I want to support my daughter’s aspirations, but I’m not sure if this would be a good style for her to learn or if she would be better off learning a different skill? Michelle

Dear Martin There are several very good reasons not to do what you are proposing. You have said you intend to carry on living alone in the house and that your daughter is married, so CAROLYN presumably she has her ADDLEMAN own house, which she will continue to occupy with her KKL EXECUTOR AND family. TRUSTEE COMPANY The (inheritance) See full profile on pages 28-29 taxman will look at what you have done as a gift with Dear Carolyn a reservation of benefit; in I’m 65-year-old widower other words you reserve the who lives alone. I am enjoyment of the object in considering gifting my question (in your case, your house to my married home) while purporting to daughter but continuing have given it away, unless to live in it alone as I you were to pay your understand I can avoid daughter a market rent for inheritance tax if I am still the right to continue living alive seven years in the house. after making the gift. Martin

Dear Michelle Tap is a favourite of mine and it is not going out of fashion. Indeed, with 42nd Street returning to the West End next year, not to mention musicals such as Stomp, Tap Dogs and Billy Elliot, tap is going strong and is wonderful for anyone. You do need to practice and start at the beginning to be able to get your feet tapping the various rhythms and to strengthen your ankles but, once she gets used to the basics, she will be able to quickly progress and build a good repertoire. My advice would be to go for it as she’s shown an interest. It’s great fun and promotes rhythm, co-ordination, posture and dance repertoire and, once you have mastered enough combinations, tap performances are so much fun.

In addition, you could put your own security of occupation at risk if your daughter divorced, or if she or her husband faced bankruptcy, bringing what was your home into the sights of either an ex-son-in-law or creditors depending upon the case. So please do take some professional advice before taking such a drastic and, ultimately, hazardous decision. KKL deals with all matters relating to will drafting. Please contact us for some further advice by calling 0800 358 3587 or emailing us at wills@kkl.

DOV NEWMARK NEFESH B’NEFESH See full profile on page 28-29

Dov I’m a doctor working in the UK. How do I become licensed in Israel? Sarah Dear Sarah In order to practice medicine in Israel, you are required to hold a temporary licence issued by the Department of Medical Professions of Ministry of Health (MOH) – Misrad Habriut.

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We can give you guidelines based on our previous experience, but in each case the MOH is the deciding authority. To be eligible for a license, you must have completed your studies at a recognised medical school in the UK, as well as one year of internship or clinical work (the length depends on your specialty). If you complete your internship prior to making aliyah, you must have a valid medical licence from the UK. If you have not completed one year of internship prior to aliyah, you must pass an exam and do your internship (“stage”) in Israel before you can begin your residency. The licensing process for each medical profession is different. There is a

lot of information on our website (Physicians). For questions that are not covered on our website, please refer to the Misrad Habriut (MOH) site at If you are a physician, you should, in addition to starting the MOH process, begin the process of having your specialty recognised in Israel, even before you make aliyah by contacting the Moatzah HaMadait (Scientific Council – Israel Medical Association, or IMA), and specifically Florina Misiyok via, 00972 3 610 0466. For additional information for physicians and other medical/paramedical professions, contact Ronen Fuxman, via ronen@nbn.


Jewish News 1 December 2016

Ask our experts / Professional advice

Our Experts Do you have a question for a member of our team? Email: CHARITY EXECUTIVE

ESTATE AGENT STEVE WAYNE Qualifications: • Owner of Benjamin Stevens established in 2004 with offices in Edgware and Bushey and dealing with all surrounding areas. • Specialist in buy 2 let investments and managing lettings portfolios. • Dealing with residential Sales locally and an expert on all things property in North West London.

CAROLYN COHEN Qualifications: • Supports couples dealing with infertility and reproductive health. • Strictly confidential helpline. • Specialist medical support and information. • Counselling for individuals and couples and educational events. • Expert medical advisory panel.


CHANA 020 8203 8455 Helpline: 020 8201 5774 / 020 8800 0018


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JUNE MORTON Qualifications: • Experienced housing professional, BA (Hons), PG Dip Housing, PG Dip Leadership. • CE of jLiving, Jewish Community Housing Association Ltd; a long established and respected provider of sheltered and supported accommodation, wprimarily for the Jewish community. • jLiving has sheltered housing properties London and beyond.

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CHARITY EXECUTIVE SUE CIPIN Qualifications: • 18 years’ hands-on experience, leading JDA in significant growth and development. • Deep understanding of the impact of deafness on people at all stages of life, and their families. • Practical and emotional support for families of deaf children. • Extensive services for people affected by hearing loss/tinnitus.


SOLICITOR ADVOCATE CARL WOOLF Qualifications: • 20+ years experience as a criminal defence solicitor and higher court advocate. • Specialising in all aspects of criminal law including murder, drug offences, fraud and money laundering, offences of violence, sexual offences and all aspects of road traffic law. • Visiting associate professor at Brunel University.

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CAROLYN ADDLEMAN Qualifications: Lawyer with more than 15 years’ experience in will drafting and trust and estate administration, eight years at KKL Executor and Trustee Company. Keeps in close contact with clients to ensure all legal and pastoral needs are cared for. Member of Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners.

ANTON HALPERN Qualifications: • Professionally designed and built e-commerce and brochure websites for the professional, retail and voluntary sectors. • Specialist departments for financial services, property agents and charities. • Services include graphic design, software development, website support/hosting for both new and existing websites.

LOUISE LEACH Qualifications: • Professional choreographer qualified in dance, drama and Zumba (ZIN, ISTD & LAMDA), gaining an honours degree at Birmingham University. • Former contestant on ITV’s Popstars, reaching bootcamp with Myleene Klass, Suzanne Shaw and Kym Marsh. • Set up Dancing with Louise 10 years ago.


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• •

1 December 2016 Jewish News


Professional advice / Ask our experts




MELVYN SOBELL Qualifications: • Chartered accountant FCA. • Accounting, taxation and business advisory services. • Specialises in forensic accounting. • CEDR accredited mediator. • Expert witness advice for all financial matters.

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Jewish News 1 December 2016


residential auction sale

265 vacant and investment properties to include LOTS INCLUDE Lot 15 Guide Price £2.25M+

Lot 24 Guide Price £1.5M+

Lot 29 Guide Price £1.5M-£1.6M

Lot 41 Guide Price £1.6M+

Sandringham Mansions, 21-51 Exeter Road, Bournemouth, Dorset BH2 5AF

97 Bartholomew Road, Kentish Town, London NW5 2AR

14 Rona Road, Hampstead, London NW3 2JA

4 Emerald Street, Bloomsbury, London WC1N 3QA

Freehold parade of 4 shops and 12 Flats fully let producing £184,000 p.a. To be offered with planning permission for a further 9 studio Flats.

Freehold well located end of terrace 5/6 bed 4 storey House with rear garden. Potential for conversion to Flats, subject to consents. Fully vacant.

By order of Trustees Freehold well located Building arranged as 2 Flats and Maisonette. 2 x AST, one regulated tenancy. Producing £34,016.88 p.a. (equivalent).

Lot 41B Guide Price £345,000+

Lot 59 Guide Price £1M-£1.1M

Lot 65 Guide Price £1.4M-£1.5M

Freehold Building arranged as 5 Studio Flats. Potential for addition of a further floor, subject to all necessary consents. Fully vacant.

Lot 68 Guide Price £900,000-£1M

Computer generated image

149 Brunswick Park Road, Friern Barnet, London N11 1EG

16 Platts Lane, Hampstead, London NW3 7NR

168 Park View Road, Tottenham, London N17 9BL

99 High Road (Corner of Hartsbourne Road), Bushey Heath, Hertfordshire WD23 1EL

Freehold site extending to 0.064 H (0.159 A) occupied by an Industrial Building. To be offered with planning consent for 12 Flats with parking. Fully vacant.

Freehold corner Site with planning for new 3 storey House or block of 4 Flats. Fully vacant.

Freehold mid terrace 3 bed House with rear garden, subject to an AST. Producing £12,996 p.a.

SIX WEEK COMPLETION AVAILABLE Freehold semi-detached 3 bed House with private rear garden, conservatory and allocated parking space. Extending to approx 111 sq m (1,200 sq ft). Fully vacant.

Lot 95 Guide Price £500,000-£550,000

Lot 117 Guide Price £875,000+

Lot 179 Guide Price £1.2M - £1.3M

Lot 195 Guide Price £750,000 - £800,000

3 Holly Park Road, Friern Barnet, London N11 3HA

Flat 5, 105 Hamilton Terrace, St John’s Wood, London NW8 9QY

Flat 17, The Polygon, Avenue Road, St John’s Wood, London NW8 6JB

138 Albion Road, Stoke Newington, London N16 9PA

SIX WEEK COMPLETION AVAILABLE Freehold mid terrace House. Potential for extensions and/or subdivision subject to consents. Fully vacant.

Leasehold 3F 2 bed Flat. Extending to approx 83.9 sq m (904 sq ft). Potential for re-configuration, subject to consents. Fully vacant.

By order of Receivers Long Leasehold well located 6F 3 bed Flat with balcony. Approx GIA 120.77 sq m (1,300 sq ft). Subject to a licence.

55 Grosvenor Road, Forest Gate, London E7 8HZ Lot 115: Freehold mid terrace 3 bed House with rear garden, subject to an AST. Producing £18,000 p.a. (equivalent).

Guide Price £315,000+

52A Terrace Road, Plaistow, London E13 0PB Completion to take place on 20th January 2017 Lot 114: Leasehold GF & FF Maisonette subject to an AST. Private garden and off-street parking. Producing £15,600 p.a.

Guide Price £225,000-£250,000

Flat 10, Premier House, 112 Station Road, Edgware, Middlesex HA8 7AA

40 Shelbourne Road, Tottenham, London N17 9YH

Flat 8, 341 Queensbridge Road, Hackney, London E8 3LG

Lot 110: Leasehold FF 2 bed Flat. Approx GIA 78 sq m (848 sq ft). Fully vacant.

Lot 41A: Freehold mid terrace 3 bed House with rear garden, subject to an AST. Producing £14,400 p.a.

Guide Price £310,000+

Guide Price £360,000+

Guide Price £340,000+

Flat 18, 16 Belsize Grove, Belsize Park, London NW3 4UN

Flat 46, 32 Stafford Road, Kilburn, London NW6 5YY

By order of a Housing Association Lot 36: Leasehold 2F Studio Flat. Fully vacant.

By order of a Housing Association Lot 42: Leasehold 3F 2 bed Flat. Fully vacant.

Guide Price £400,000+

Guide Price £295,000+

Flat C, 12 St Julian’s Road, Kilburn, London NW6 7LA

118 Caledon Road, East Ham, London E6 2EZ

Lot 41C: Freehold mid terrace 2 bed House with off-street parking and rear garden, subject to an AST. Producing £13,200 p.a.

By order of a Housing Association Lot 66: Leasehold 2F & 3F 2 bed Maisonette. Fully vacant.

Lot 89: Freehold mid terrace 3 bed House with rear garden, subject to an AST. Producing £16,200 p.a. (equivalent).

Guide Price £250,000+

Guide Price £570,000+

Guide Price £340,000+

150 Middleham Road, Edmonton, London N18 2SF

By order of LPA Receivers Freehold mid terrace Building arranged to provide GF (A1) Retail unit with basement storage. Upper 4 bed Maisonette Fully vacant.

Auction sale:

Thursday 15th December 2016 The Cumberland Hotel, Great Cumberland Place, London, W1H 7DL Catalogue requests: 0906 515 1540 calls charged at £1.50 per minute

Bid in person

Bid online

By order of a Housing Association Lot 4: Leasehold FF one bed Flat. Fully vacant.

9A Engel Park, Mill Hill, London NW7 2HE Lot 176: Freehold end of terrace 2 bed House with rear garden and front parking. Fully vacant.

Guide Price £425,000+

Lower Ground Floor Flat and Raised Ground & First Floor Maisonette, 287 Glyn Road, Homerton, London E5 0JP Lots 33-33A: Leasehold LGF garden Flat (Lot 33) and GF & FF Maisonette (Lot 33A). Potential to extend the lower ground floor flat subject to consents. To be offered either individually or collectively. Fully vacant.

Guide Price (Lot 33) £325,000+ (Lot 33A) £400,000 - £420,000

Bid by phone

Bid by proxy

1. Where a guide price (or range of prices) is given, that guide is the minimum price at which, or range of prices within which, the seller might be prepared to sell on the date at which the guide price, or range of prices, is published. 2. The reserve price is the minimum price at which the property can be sold. 3. Both the guide price and the reserve price may be subject to change up to and including the day of the auction.

For EPC ratings, refer to website


online auction catalogue: START TIME: 10.00 AM


1 December 2016 Jewish News


Theatre ticket giveaway / Fun, games & prizes!







15 Disc used as money (5) 17 Fungus used in cooking (8) 18 Utopian (5) 19 Females (5)

7 8


10 11

13 15

DOWN 1 Apprehension (5) 2 Grow old or make progress (3,2) 3 Large soup dish (6) 4 Twelve midday (4) 5 On account of (5,2) 7 Line of soldiers (4) 10 Contested (7) 11 Appear (4) 12 Kidney‑shaped nut (6) 13 Stableman (5) 14 Fiend (5) 16 Void (4)

12 14

16 17



ACROSS 1 Number (5) 4 Tights fabric (5) 6 Outside (8) 8 Childminder (5)

9 University fellow (3) 11 Food between meals (5) 13 Immortal being (3)

SUDOKU Fill the grid with the numbers 1 to 9 so that each row, column and 3x3 block contains the numbers 1 to 9.

5 7 3 5 6 9 4 2 1 6 7 9 2 4 7 3 6 8 7 6 8 9 4 7 2 3 8

Last issue’s solutions ACROSS: 2 Giant 6 Hear 7 Emit 8 Bureau 9 Trip 10 Worse 12 Minim 16 Epic 18 Renown 20 Lamb 21 Talk 22 Scare DOWN: 1 Beau 2 Greens 3 Add up 4 Test 5 Bikini 8 Bow 11 Orphan 13 Ignite 14 Men 15 Arena 17 Cubs 19 Walk

WIN TICKETS TO SEE DEAD FUNNY Jewish News has two pairs of Band A tickets to see the multiaward winning comedy Dead Funny, featuring an all-star cast, at the Vaudeville Theatre. A major revival of Terry Johnson’s play opened to universal four-star critical acclaim and stars Katherine Parkinson (The IT Crowd, In The Club, Humans), Steve Pemberton (The League Of Gentlemen, Benidorm, Whitechapel), Ralf Little (The Royle Family, Two Pints Of Lager And A Packet Of Crisps, The Café), Emily Berrington (The Inbetweeners 2, Humans, 24) and Rufus Jones (W1A, Hunderby, The Casual Vacancy). Eleanor wants a child. Richard would oblige if he could, but he’s too busy running the Dead Funny Society. When British comedy heroes Frankie Howerd and Benny Hill turn up their toes in the same week, the society gathers for a celebration of hilarity and laughter. But Eleanor’s grin masks a grimace. When your marriage is deader than either Morecambe

or Wise, it’s hard to see the funny side of things. • Dead Funny is playing for a strictly limited season at the Vaudeville Theatre until 4 February. To book tickets (from £19.50), call 0330 333 4814 or visit

Sudoku 7 2 6 3 5 1 8 4 9

5 3 9 6 4 8 7 2 1

4 8 1 2 7 9 6 3 5

9 4 5 7 6 2 1 8 3

3 1 2 8 9 4 5 6 7

8 6 7 5 1 3 2 9 4

2 9 8 1 3 5 4 7 6

6 5 3 4 2 7 9 1 8

1 7 4 9 8 6 3 5 2


See next issue for all puzzle solutions. 01/12

TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Two readers will win a pair of band A tickets to see Dead Funny at the Vaudeville Theatre. The prize is valid for Monday to Thursday performances from 2 January to 1 February 2017, subject to availability. No cash alternative. Travel and accommodation not included. Prize is as stated and cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer or exchange in whole or in part for cash. By supplying your email address you agree to receive marketing information from the JN Media Group or any of its affiliates and carefully selected third parties. The promotion excludes employees of Miroma, their immediate families, their agents or anyone professionally connected to the relevant promotion. Proof of eligibility must be provided on request. Normal T&Cs apply and can be found at For full Ts and Cs see Closing date: 15 December 2016.

By Paul Solomons

All puzzles © Puzzler Media Ltd -

Frankie Howerd was the star of which television comedy based in ancient Rome? A: Dad’s Army B: Up Pompeii C: ‘Allo ‘Allo


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Jewish News 1 December 2016

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The Jewish News 22 September 2016


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Jewish News 1 December 2016

Sport / Football review, pictures & video highlights:


Raiders extended their Division One lead as Lee Cash’s double, plus Wayne Davidson and Dave Eden strikes saw them beat Brady A 4-2. Chigwell beat Lions A 10-3. Adam Stolerman and Neil Gallagher scored four each, with Richard Slater and Joel Berg also on target. In Division Two, St John’s Wood and Marshside drew 2-2, Martin Leslie and Jason Rich, Ilan Cohen and John Perloff all scoring. Brian Deal, Adam Brand and Ian Sumray netted in Hendon’s 3-2 win over Brady, Gary Adam’s double, plus Darren Coon, Steve Krieger and Barry Silkman strikes saw EDRS beat Glenthorne 5-3.

GERSHFIELD TREBLE SEES LIONS TO WIN London Lions recorded a 14th straight Herts Senior County Premier Division win as James Gershfield’s hat-trick saw them beat Hatfield Social 3-0. Gershfield’s treble took his tally to 23 goals for the season, 18 goals behind the club record for a season.

Nir Bitton won his fifth piece of Scottish silverware on Sunday when he helped Celtic beat Aberdeen 3-0 to win the Betfred Cup Final. The 25-year-old Israeli midfielder came on as a 65th minute substitute, as goals from Tom Rogic, James Forrest and Moussa Dembele saw them record a comfortable win at Hampden Park. The win saw Bitton claim his second consecutive Scottish Cup, since he moved to Glasgow in 2013, where he’s also won three consecutive league titles.

Photo by Chris McGachy

Bitton lands second Scottish Cup

Nir Bitton lifts the Betfred Cup

Hendon top table after Brady win Hendon A took advantage of Redbridge’s slip-up to go top of the Premier Division table thanks to a 4-0 win at Brady. Zac Lewis scored twice, with Avi Korman and Dovi Fehler also on target. FC Team A won 2-1 at London Lions A, thanks to goals from Connor Perl and Andrei Grayson. SPEC claimed their first win – and points – of the season thanks to a 3-1 win over Woodside Wanderers. Player-manager Ricky Lawrence, Daniel Amram and Ben Kaye all scoring. London Lions B moved back to the top of the Division One table thanks to a 5-0 win at Hendon B. Josh Bloom scored twice, with Ben Winters, Adam Abadi and Benji Weinberger also on target. Raiders B lost out on top spot after being held to a 2-2 draw at Scrabble. Will Ufland and Mark Leader, Zac Summerfield and Brandon Sassoon scoring for their respective sides. Redbridge B consolidated jointthird spot after a 6-1 win at Brixton. Joe Jordan claimed half the goals with a hat-trick, with Richie Caplin, Richard Stern and Ben Chernoff completing the rout. Faithfold A are up into fifth spot as Marc Charles, Sam Reeves and

Avi Garson scored in a 3-2 win over Los Blancos. Oakwood B were the day’s most emphatic winners, beating Athletic Bilbaum 9-0. Dave Woolman, Rafi Bloom and Sam Modlin scored two each, with Daniel Seligman, Aaron Searle and Daniel Selwyn also on target. L’Equipe maintained their sixpoint lead at the top of the Division Two table thanks to a 4-2 win over Catford & Bromley. Max Martin scored twice, with Jon Kay and Rob Simons also on target. Temple Fortune remain six points behind the leaders following their 4-1 win at Raiders C. Jordan Sharafian scored a hat-trick, with Adam Lenz also on target. RC UK FC are up into third place thanks to a 5-0 win at Real Hendon. Jonti Aremband and Zalmy Cohen scored two each, with Avi Mocton also on target. Boca Jewniors couldn’t make it two wins on the spin as they fell to their fifth league loss of the season. Adam Diamond, Richard Hayim and Adam Isaacs netting in Mill Hill Dons’ 3-1 win.

Israeli midfielder Beram Kayal has signed a new two-and-a-half-year deal at Brighton & Hove Albion and said he never considered leaving the club. The 28-year-old, currently sidelined after ankle surgery, said: “I’m happy to sign a new deal and stay for the long term and hopefully we can achieve our goal. “My family are happy here, they left Israel and are enjoying every moment in Brighton.” Dovi Fehler helped Hendon to top spot

Michael’s marathon New York effort for Camp Simcha

Hornets supporters are a hit! A Jewish dad of three from Shenley has received nearly 80,000 likes after he was featured on the Premier League’s official Instagram page. Andrew Vos was pictured taking his youngest son, eight-year-old Freddie, to Watford’s game against Stoke at the weekend.

Camp Simcha supporter Michael Seitler celebrated his 50th birthday by taking part in the world’s largest marathon - and raising more than £6,500 for the charity. The father-of-four was joined by his wife and one of his children as he completed the New York marathon, saying: “It’s a once in a lifetime opportunity and I couldn’t have chosen a better way to mark my 50th birthday and raise money for Camp Simcha at the same time. “The whole experience was just indescribable, from shacharis in a tent before the marathon, to chatting in the line with a guy who runs a marathon a month for his niece. I want to thank all those who supported me, friends, family and the community in general. I have been bowled over by how generous people have been.” Camp Simcha chief executive Neville Goldsch-

Russell Goldstein has been named in England’s futsal squad for the first of an annual Four Nations Tournament. The Three Lions take on Scotland tomorrow, before facing Northern Ireland 24 hours later and then meet the hosts on Sunday Goldstein, who plays for London Helvecia, and featured for England in last month’s 3-3 draw in Germany, said: “I’m looking forward to the tournament.”


 Full review, match pictures and video highlights at



neider said: “We’re so grateful and delighted that Michael chose to mark his milestone birthday with this incredible fundraising challenge for Camp Simcha. Running a marathon is no small commitment.” You can still sponsor Michael at https://

FIFA’s top mediator in the Middle East has called on the Israeli and Palestinian FA’s to act on the “headache” of the six Israeli clubs who are based in West Bank settlements. Tokyo Sexwale, who chairs football’s world governing body’s Monitoring Committee on Israel-Palestine, met Israeli Culture and Sport Minister Miri Regev and Palestinian FA head Jibril Rajoub and said he was preparing a report for the next FIFA Council session, which would be “very clear and loud.” The Israeli FA has accused the Palestinians of dragging sport “from the football field into a political one.”

1 December 2016 Jewish News


Visit: for all the latest Jewish sporting news / Sport MACCABI GB SOUTHERN FOOTBALL LEAGUE PREMIER DIVISION

Brady Maccabi 0 Hendon United A 4 Camden Park 2 Redbridge A 1 London Lions A 1 FC Team A 2 SPEC 3 Woodford Wanderers 1 P W D L F Dif Pts Hendon United A 8 7 1 0 30 19 22 Redbridge A 8 7 0 1 26 16 21 Oakwood A 8 5 2 1 20 14 17 London Lions A 7 4 0 3 15 -1 12 NL Raiders A 7 3 2 2 27 15 11 Brady Maccabi 7 2 1 4 18 -3 7 FC Team A 7 3 1 3 22 -6 10 Woodford 9 1 1 7 11 -18 4 Camden Park 7 1 0 6 6 -13 3 SPEC FC 8 1 0 7 7 -23 3


Brixton Old Boys 1 Redbridge B 6 Faithfold A 3 Los Blancos 2 Hendon United B 0 London Lions B 5 Oakwood B 9 Athletic Bilbaum 0 Scrabble 2 NL Raiders B 2

London Lions B NL Raiders B Redbridge B Oakwood B Faithfold A Finchley City FC Scrabble Los Blancos Hendon United B Athletic Bilbaum Brixton Old Boys

P 9 8 5 7 8 6 6 8 9 8 8

W 6 6 5 4 4 4 3 2 2 1 0

D 2 1 0 1 1 0 2 0 0 1 0

L 1 1 0 2 3 2 1 6 7 6 8

F 32 34 19 25 21 20 13 14 17 7 3


AVI KORMAN (HENDON UNITED A) Picked the ball up just inside the opposition half – beat one man before curling a shot into roof of net from 25 yards


BEN LAW (SCRABBLE) A world-class double save at point-blank range, first when the ball was driven at him from five yards out and then with one arm while he was falling backwards

QUOTE OF THE WEEK DAVID GARBACZ (HENDON UTD A) “We certainly weren’t expecting the boost we got from the result in the Redbridge game – I nearly choked on my salmon bagel and I will be sending the Camden management a bottle of Israel’s finest as a thank you.”


Dif Pts 20 20 20 19 14 15 13 13 -2 13 7 12 4 11 -5 6 -11 6 -23 4 -37 0

Peter Morrison Cup Third Round: Athletic Bilbaum vs Faithfold B Brixton Old Boys vs Brady Maccabi London Lions A vs London Lions B NL Raiders A vs Redbridge B NL Raiders B vs Woodford Wanderers Oakwood A vs RC UK FC Redbridge A vs NL Raiders C



VIDEO HIGHLIGHTS Watch match highlights from the MGBSFL Premier Division clash between Redbridge A & Camden Park:


5 football/wingate/

13 Goals: Liron Mannie (NL Raiders A) 12 Goals: Reiss Mogilner (Brady Maccabi) Max Martin (L’Equipe) Jordan Sharifian (Temple Fortune) 11 Goals: Zac Lewis (Hendon United A) 10 Goals: Oliver Sade (Finchley City) Joshua Bloom (London Lions B)



London Lions 3 Hatfield Social 0 P 14 13 12 15 14 15 11 14 14 14 13 13 12 14 11 14

London Lions Bushey Sports Club Belstone Standon & Puck Bovingdon Knebworth Sandridge Rovers Ware Sports Wormley Rovers Letchworth Buntingford Town Evergreen Hatfield Social Chipperfield Cuffley Sarratt

W D L F Dif Pts 4 0 0 56 45 39 8 3 2 43 21 27 8 3 1 39 19 27 8 3 4 43 9 27 8 1 5 45 11 25 7 2 6 33 0 23 7 1 3 17 9 22 6 2 6 31 -2 20 6 2 6 23 -8 20 5 4 5 32 9 19 5 1 7 26 -9 16 3 2 8 20 -21 11 3 2 7 24 -27 11 2 2 10 31 -13 8 1 1 9 20 -13 4 0 3 11 13 -27 3 football/lions

MMFL BOND MANAGEMENT DIV 1 Brady A 2 North London Raiders 4 Chigwell 10 Maccabi London Lions A 3 P 7 5 6 6 6 6

NL Raiders Chigwell Brady Maccabi A London Lions A Scrabble HMH

WD 7 0 3 0 3 0 2 1 1 1 1 0

L Dif Pts 0 19 21 2 7 9 3 -3 9 3 -8 7 4 -11 4 5 -4 3 football/masters


Watford Friendly League U16 – Hendon 7 Hinton Revolution 2, Maccabi London Lions White 2 Northwood Red 3 U15 – Hendon 11 St Gregory’s United 0, Maccabi London Lions White 1 Kings Langley 4 Green Division – HMH United 3 AC Finchley South 0 U14 – Hendon 4 Hampstead FC 1, Hampstead FC Stags 5 Maccabi London Lions White 2, Maccabi London Lions Blue 3 Northwood Red 0 Challenge Cup Second Round – Croxley Green Black 3 HMH Foxes 2 Green Division – HMH Panthers 7 Brady Maccabi White 0 U13 – Potters Bar Utd 1 Maccabi London Lions White 2, Maccabi London Lions Yellow 0 Alex Park South 4 Green Division – Alexandra Park South 3 HMH Galaxy 3 Yellow Division – HMH Fire 1 HMH Cosmos 0 U12 – Hendon White 5 NWLJ 2, Whetstone Wanderers 4 Maccabi London Lions Green 2 Blue Division – Colney Heath Magpies 5 HMH Dynamo 1 Yellow Division – Brady Maccabi Reds 2 HMH Galaxy 2 Purple Division – HMH Bears 3 Omonia Silver 1 Excel League – Southgate 2 HMH Dynamo 1

Brady B 2 Hendon Harriers 3 Glenthorne 3 EDRS Stonegrove 5 Marshside 2 St John’s Wood Tigers 2

London Lions B St John’s Wood Temple Fortune Glenthorne Marshside EDRS Stonegrove Hendon Harriers Brady Maccabi B

P 6 7 7 6 8 5 6 7

W 6 4 3 3 2 2 1 1

D 0 1 1 0 3 2 1 0

L Dif Pts 0 25 18 2 13 13 3 -1 10 3 1 9 3 -12 9 1 5 8 4 -14 4 6 -17 3 football/masters

For results, tables, reports, photo galleries, video highlights, go to:


Greenford 1 London Lions 3 P W D L Dif London Maccabi 3 3 0 0 15 Colney Heath 3 2 1 0 10 North Greenford 3 2 0 1 4 Garston 3 1 1 1 -4 Winchmore Hill 1 1 0 0 2 Abbey F.C. 5 1 0 4 -13 F.C.Deportivo Galicia 2 0 0 2 -6 Latymer Old Boys 2 0 0 2 -8

Pts 9 7 6 4 3 3 0 0


P W D L F Dif Pts Hapoel Be’erSheva 11 9 1 1 30 5 28 Maccabi Tel Aviv 11 6 2 3 20 10 20 Maccabi Haifa 11 5 5 1 16 10 20 Mac Petach Tikva 11 5 4 2 16 2 19 Beitar Jerusalem 11 3 6 2 14 0 15 Hap Kiryat Shmona 11 3 5 3 15 1 14 Bnei Sakhnin 11 4 2 5 9 -5 14 Hapoel Ra’anana 11 3 4 4 6 -2 13 Hapoel Haifa 11 4 1 6 15 -3 13 Ashdod 11 2 5 4 7 -3 11 Hapoel Tel Aviv 11 2 5 4 9 -5 11 Hapoel Kfar Saba 11 3 2 6 9 -6 11 Bnei Yehuda Tel Aviv11 2 4 5 9 -7 10 Hapoel Ashkelon 11 1 4 6 7 -17 7

Send in your nominations for Team of the Week to

6 7 8 9











SCRABBLE A magnificent display saw him make four saves at point-blank range as he earned his side a point


1 4

• Full chart:

15 Goals: Jonti Aremband (RC UK FC) Avi Markiewicz (RC UK FC)




8 Goals: Jeff Gotch (Catford & Bromley) Daniel Polak (Finchley City) Adam Ellis (Hendon United B)

FA Trophy Third Qualifying Round: Slough Town 2 Wingate & Finchley 4 P W D L F Dif Pts Havant & Waterl 18 11 4 3 33 14 37 Bognor Regis Town18 11 3 4 34 16 36 Leiston 17 10 5 2 44 19 35 Needham Market 19 9 6 4 31 4 33 Dulwich Hamlet 20 8 7 5 40 9 31 Staines Town 20 8 4 8 37 5 28 Folkestone Invicta 19 8 4 7 33 5 28 Tonbridge Angels 16 8 4 4 22 3 28 Enfield Town 18 7 6 5 30 12 27 Billericay Town 19 7 6 6 25 5 27 Lowestoft Town 21 7 6 8 28 -3 27 Kingstonian 19 8 2 9 30 2 26 Wingate & Finchley17 8 2 7 25 0 26 Harlow Town 18 7 3 8 28 -3 24 Worthing 19 7 2 10 30 -9 23 Hendon 18 5 7 6 24 -10 22 Merstham 18 5 6 7 35 5 21 AFC Sudbury 18 6 3 9 31 -1 21 Leatherhead 20 5 6 9 33 -5 21 Canvey Island 18 5 5 8 27 -14 20 Burgess Hill Town 15 4 6 5 20 -3 18 Metropolitan Police19 4 5 10 22 -13 17 Harrow Borough 15 4 3 8 13 -11 15 Grays Athletic 19 2 5 12 19 -27 11

20 Goals: Richard Fogelman (Faithfold B)

MGBSFL Division One – Joe Jordan (Redbridge B) Division Two – Jordan Sharafian (Temple Fortune) Masters League Division One – Adam Stolerman 4, Neil Gallacher 4 (both Chigwell) Herts Senior County League Premier Division – James Gershfield (London Lions) Watford Friendly League U16 – Jonah Weinberger 4 (Hendon) U15 – Dan Silver 4, Sam Goldberg (both Hendon) U14 – Yehudah Solomon (Hendon), Sayed Abduli (HMH Panthers) U12 – Ami Jacobs (Hendon White)

Division Two: Catford & Bromley vs Real Hendon Hertswood Vale vs Temple Fortune Mill Hill Dons vs FC Team B Redbridge C vs Boca Jewniors

P W D L F Dif Pts L’Equipe 9 8 1 0 39 25 25 Temple Fortune 10 5 4 1 31 9 19 RC UK FC 8 5 1 2 33 21 16 Redbridge C 9 4 3 2 20 7 15 Faithfold B 8 4 2 2 31 10 14 Catford & Bromley 8 4 1 3 27 9 13 Mill Hill Dons 10 4 1 5 22 -20 13 NL Raiders C 10 3 2 5 28 8 11 Real Hendon 7 3 0 4 14 -6 9 FC Team B 8 1 1 6 6 -17 4 Boca Jewniors 6 1 0 5 9: -27 3 Hertswood Vale 7 0 0 7 9 -19 0



Premier Division: Hendon United A vs FC Team A Division One: Los Blancos vs Finchley City Scrabble vs Oakwood B

Boca Jewniors 1 Mill Hill Dons 3 Faithfold B P Hertswood Vale P FC Team B 0 Redbridge C 0 L’Equipe 4 Catford & Bromley 2 NL Raiders C 2 Temple Fortune 2 Real Hendon 0 RC UK FC 5


2016/2017 SEASON


TEMPLE FORTUNE The Fortune legend was solid throughout at left-back as they kept up their title challenge

FC TEAM A Was superb at the heart of the FC Team defence, won every tackle and header

LONDON LIONS B Came into the team at 17-years of age and was outstanding, playing his part in side’s first clean sheet of the season

REDBRIDGE B First game in a Redbridge B shirt this season, he won every first ball and scored a fantastic penalty

OAKWOOD B Not his natural position, but played it diligently and scored an exceptional goal

L’EQUIPE Made captain for the day and put in one of the best performances seen all season.

MILL HILL DONS Controlled the midfield battle with some superb interceptions and was very strong on the ball

RC UK FC Praised by both managers as being the best player on the park, kept side ticking over with some exquisite passing CAMDEN PARK An outstanding performance, was a constant menace to Redbridge’s defence and got on scoresheet


NORTH LONDON RAIDERS B Scored with his first touch after coming on and was a threat to Scrabble for 90 minutes




Jewish News 1 December 2016

Sport / Camden celebrate / Saints showdown

Cam down... It’s only the biggest upset of the season! By Andrew Sherwood @JewishNewsUK

Camden Park manager Max Saunders insisted he wasn’t surprised his rockbottom side claimed a stunning win against the Premier Division leaders Redbridge on Sunday. Going into the game having lost all their six league games, compared with Redbridge, who’d won all their seven, they threw the form book out the window as first half strikes from Josh Marks and Rob Hershkorn gave them a 2-1 win, with Ryan Cole’s stunning strike proving to be a mere consolation for Redbridge. Saunders said: “It was a brilliant performance. We completely outplayed them in the first half and really should have been three or four up at the break. They came out with a lot of intent in the second half and we tired. However, we defended resolutely and on the balance of play we more than deserved the three points.” Saying the win wasn’t as surprising to them as it may have been to others, he said: “We’ve had to endure the most ridiculous start to the season. Our seven league games so far have been against Hendon twice, Redbridge twice, Lions twice and

Oakwood, we have been very unlucky to have picked up zero points prior to Sunday, the performances have deserved more. “If we had been a bit more clinical in some of those games, our points tally would have been a lot more handsome, we were due a result like this. It may have been a shock to many, to us it was about time.” Confident they can now push on – and up the table, he said: “The mood in the squad is now very good and we’re confident we can have a very different second half of the season helped by a more reasonable fixture list.” Redbridge manager Jon Jacobs said: “This game is a defining point for Redbridge and it’s up to us to go again and go on another run of wins. “We’ll get this game out of our system as we know we haven’t played to the high standards we have set. This could be the kick up the backside we need, titles aren’t won or lost in November, they are won at the business end in March and April. “We’re still in the title hunt and have to take defeat on the chin and move on to next week.” Camden’s match-winner Rob Hershkorn (right) had plenty to celebrate with his teammates

 Full review, match pictures and

video highlights:

Hapoel target Saints after Inter win Hapoel Be’erSheva will travel to Southampton next week in a winner-takes-all match to determine which side qualifies for the last 32 of the Europa League. The Israeli champions claimed arguably their greatest win last Thursday, when Ben Sahar’s last minute strike completed a stunning 3-2 win over Italian giants Inter Milan, having been trailing 2-0 at half-time. That win, coupled with Southampton’s 1-0 defeat in Prague, means a score draw or win for the Israelis at St Mary’s next Thursday will see them through. Speaking about their second win over Inter, having

Ben Sahar (right) celebrates his last minute winner

beaten them 2-0 at the San Siro in September, manager Barak Bakhar said: “We always believed. We made mistakes in

the first half and were aggressive, but at half-time, I asked the players to enjoy the game. They knew they didn’t play

that well, I asked them to do the best they could and they made the best of the best.” Southampton manager Claude Puel is hoping the Saints fans can help them beat the Israelis. He said: “It will be like a final and it is important to keep a positive attitude about this because we have it all still in our own hands and play the last game in front of our own fans.” Elsewhere, Maccabi Tel Aviv still have a chance of qualifying from their group, even though they were beaten 2-0 in Russia by Zenit St Petersburg. They need to beat Irish side Dundalk at home in their final game and hope group leaders Zenit beat Alkmaar.”

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