1 minute read
from January 8, 2021
by Jewish Press
Above: Ari Kohen took this picture during the Chanukah lighting with the Omaha Circus Arts in the Beth El parking lot. Pictured is Fire Dancer Falconn. Above and below: This past December, Friedel reinvented the normal inschool Hanukkah celebration: Each family took home supplies and instructions for an at-home Hanukkah scavenger hunt and shared photos and videos to Seesaw to share with their friends and teachers. Above: West Omaha, Phoenix and Ponca Hills were all represented during the Grossman Family Zoom Candle Lighting. Clockwise, from top left: Dave and Sarah Grossman-Lopez with daughter Nora; Daniel and Rachel Martin-Grossman; Josh Grossman and Alex and Mary Sue Grossman. Left: There’s a big smile behind the mask of Beth Israel’s President, Jeff Kirshenbaum, after picking up a “Latkes and Doughnuts” package. Below: Alex and Abiel Shyken with Beth Israel “Latkes and

Doughnuts” packages.

SUBMIT A PHOTO: Have a photo of a recent Jewish Community event you would like to submit? Email the image and a suggested caption to: avandekamp@jewishomaha.org.


On Friday, Dec. 18, three Rose Blumkin Jewish Home employees got the Jack and Sonia Schrager 2020 Employee of the Year award. In addition to announcing the three winners Chris Ulven, Executive Director, acknowledged how challenging it was to choose three out of the 79 nominees. Clockwise from above: Larry Rawlings, RBJH Transportation Driver (three years of service), Dave Beecham, RBJH Maintenance (10 years of service), and Toni Baxter, LPN in red (12 years of service).