6 minute read
See Chabad Chai-Lights
from January 28, 2022
by Jewish Press
The award-winning B’NAI B’RITH BREADBREAKERS speaker program currently meets Wednesdays via Zoom from noon to 1 p.m. Please watch the Press for specific information concerning its thought-provoking, informative list of speakers. To be placed on the email list, contact Breadbreakers chair at gary.javitch@gmail.com.
Nebraska Sunrise News
For over fifty years city newspaper monopolies have gradually been diminishing their local news coverage while increasing their reliance on biased national news narratives that fundamentally distort the truth. From the time that Cleisthenes handed each Athenian a white rock and a black rock to decide their collective destiny, democracy has required one foundational element from which everything else is built. It is the operational linkage. It is the rule that transcends all other rules. It is the pivotal point of all philosophy, and the bright light that guides us to a better future. What is this magic element that is so powerful, so gracious and so enriching? It is simply the truth – the telling of the truth. Truth is the virtue that gets us to all other virtues. Without truth we cannot get to trust. Without trust we can’t get to fairness. Without fairness we can’t get to compromise, and without compromise democracy cannot function. Faith, sacrifice, frugality, balance, discipline, diligence, civility, justice, humility, courage and honor itself all are founded on one simple requirement – truth. The Nebraska Sunrise News was created to give you back the news that’s important to you. We cover local sports, business, politics and all the stories you expect from a big city daily newspaper. Except, we present it all to you with the ease of opening your own phone. And here’s the kicker. We don’t clutter our site with advertising. Our jobs listings, classified ads and obituaries are all free to subscribers. We’re not about gouging you with shady deals. Our subscriptions are set and don’t change with a magic wand every few months. We believe in service to our readers, pure and simple. Join us at Nebraska Sunrise News. We’re what you’ve been looking for. Subscribe now at NebraskaSunriseNews.com.
Chabad Chai-Lights
Continued from page 1
by the Menorah Parade - complete with police escort across the city- was well attended. As has been the custom for many years, this event, which is open to the public and held in cooperation with Boys Town, was festive and bright. We shared music, food and the Miracle of Hanukkah with our friends and with our city. Rabbi Eli continues, “In an effort to find new ways to celebrate together while spreading the light - but not germs- we settled on ideas that included being outdoors. B”H the Nebraska weather cooperated for the most part!” Chabad held their first ever Bagel Menorah in Aksarben’s Stinson Park. The event drew an enthusiastic and cheerful crowd, including curious community members from throughout the city. “It was fun to see everyone’s reaction to a giant Menorah made of bagels and a good time was had by all as we noshed on bagels and latkes and stayed warm by dancing to Hanukkah music in the park!” Chabad was also on hand at the JCC’s Hanukkah Extravaganza, where they helped to spin the dreidel, allowed children to see what was inside of Tefillin and lit all eight lights of Chabad’s 12-ft. Menorah at the J, which was dedicated
See Chabad Chai-Lights page 4

Chabad Chai-Lights
Continued from page 3
in memory of Henry and Dorothy Riekes by Elijah, Alexander, Sarah, Isaac, Shaked, Sofia, Gabriel, Michael, Matias, Henry, Daniella Luz and David. “Despite the ruthless winds, we were able to kindle the Menorah, and the little lights prevailed, another nod to the message of resilience and overcoming odds that is Hanukkah.” However, the biggest hit of the holiday hands down- was Chabad’s now famous Latke Truck! “Nebraska’s Latke Truck is the first ever of its kind and will be replicated, G-d willing, throughout the globe next year!” “This was the first ever Latke Truck in the world as far as we could find, and we are grateful to Richard and Joanie Jacobson for spearheading this project,” share the Tenenbaums, who explained that the idea for the truck came from a Chabad of Nebraska board meeting. They continue, “Thanks to many helping hands and the generosity of Louis Rotella Jr., a dear friend of Chabad, we served over 1000 latkes in celebration of Hanukkah!” Latkes were prepared ahead of time and reheated to crispy perfection in the back of the truck at the many events for which it was reserved. “We drove all around Omaha delivering piping hot latkes outdoors to Hanukkah, birthday and office parties. We had a parking lot party for Rose Blumkin staff and for the community who attended our Bagel Menorah event in Aksarben and our Boy’s Town Menorah Lighting. We delivered latkes to the Nebraska State Capitol and to The University of Nebraska -Lincoln where we served over 100 students thanks to the efforts of UNL undergrads Lillian Cohen and Rachel Moros. We were even invited to the governor’s mansion. Given the feedback we have received on both the idea and the food, it is definitely something we plan to do again in the future!” We are already putting our heads together to deliver another indigenous to Nebraska, fun and creative Menorah. Save the date for Dec. 18, 2022!

Friedel kindergarteners learned about trees in all four seasons (in Hebrew!) just in time for Tu B’Shevat. SARA KOHEN
Friedel Jewish Academy Director of Advancement Kindergarten Roundup is coming to Friedel Jewish Academy on Friday, Feb. 11, from 10:30-11:30 a.m. Children entering kindergarten in fall of 2022 are invited to visit Friedel’s kindergarten classroom to have fun with friends (both old and new) and meet our teachers. Parents are encouraged to sign up for Kindergarten Roundup as soon as possible; pace is limited, and spots are filling quickly. To sign up for Roundup, schedule a tour, or if you have questions, please email Sara Kohen, Friedel’s Director of Advancement, at skohen@fjaomaha.com. Please let both us and the ELC know if you would like Friedel to bring your child to Friedel from the ELC for Roundup. Registration for the 2022–2023 school year will be opening soon. Conveniently located on the JCC campus, Friedel Jewish Academy is a private school serving students in kindergarten through sixth grade. Our school boasts a 10:1 student-to-classroom teacher ratio along with premier curricular materials, integrated technology and outstanding teachers. Friedel students benefit from a cross-curricular and internationally-renowned immersion language and Jewish studies program, plus swimming instruction, visual and performing arts, engineering and robotics classes and physical education. Friedel students come from families across the entire range of Jewish practice and affiliation, as well as non-Jewish students who attended the ELC. We work to build respect and community among all students and their families.
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Blessings in the New Year