March 25, 2022

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Life cycles IN MEMORIAM PATRICIA DUNN Patricia Dunn, beloved wife, mother, and friend passed away on March 16, 2022, in Omaha. A celebration of Patty's life was held on March 20, 2022, for friends and family to gather and celebrate and honor her memory. She was preceded in death by parents, Harold and Ruth Oruch. She is survived by loving husband, Jack Dunn; daughter, Jennifer Harris; son and daughter-in-law, Adam and Leah Rissien; grandsons: Ben and Harry; brother, Michael Oruch and brother and sister-in-law, Richard and Teri Oruch; aunt, Florence "Tootie" Simon; nephews, Jason and Ryan Oruch; and The Girls. Patty had a passion to create art and support her artist friends. She loved her rescue dogs who held a special place in her heart and her home. Memorials may be made to the Lung Cancer Foundation of America.

In appeal to Israel, Zelensky invokes the ‘final solution’

RON KAMPEAS JTA In a searing 12-minute speech addressing the “people of Israel,” Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky likened the “final solution” the Nazis sought to impose on the Jews to Russia’s ambitions for Ukraine. Zelensky also appealed, yet again, for military assistance and criticized the government of Prime Minister Naftali Bennett for trying to maintain relations with both Ukraine and Russia. Zelensky, who is Jewish, acknowledged the sensitivity of Holocaust analogies in his speech Sunday but said they were apt in this case. “The invasion of Russia into Ukraine is not just a military operation, as they present it in Moscow. This is a comprehensive and unjust war that is aimed at destroying our people, our country, our cities, our culture our children, everything that makes Ukrainians Ukrainian,” he said. “All the things that Russia is wickedly destroying while the world watches, so I can make this parallel, this comparison of our history to yours. … They didn’t want to leave any remnant of you and now they don’t want to leave any remnant of us.” Zelensky said Russian claims that the war would provide Russia security were similar to Nazi claims that the removal of the Jewish people would ensure the security of Germany. “They called this ‘the final solution to the Jewish question,’ you remember well, and I am sure you will never forget, but listen to what they are saying in Moscow, they are once again saying ‘the final solution,’ but now they are referring to us, to the idea of Ukraine,” he said. “You have to answer these questions and afterward live with those answers,” Zelinsky added. He also said he did not understand what the calculus was of the Israeli government, which has held back in forcefully condemning Russia and has resisted calls for more assistance, and which has claimed its relative neutrality could be useful in helping to broker an end to the war. This article was edited for length; please find the full text on our website at

The Jewish Press | March 25, 2022 | 11

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Beth El Second Seder ROBBY ERLICH Beth El Engagement Coordinator Beth El Synagogue recently had a “Brisket Recipe Challenge” where three recipes and cooks were chosen to prepare their signature brisket for kiddish lunch on Saturday, Feb. 19. It was a close contest, but Joan Marcus won the congregant taste test voting! Her brisket will be highlighted in Beth El’s annual second night Passover Seder! After two years of having Passover To-Go, Beth El is very excited to be back in the building this year. The Seder will take place on Saturday, April 16, starting at 6 p.m. for ma’ariv, then at 6:30 p.m. for the Seder in the newly renovated social hall. The Annual Passover Seder at Beth El will be complete with a traditional Seder led by Rabbi Abraham and Hazzan Krausman. The buffet-style Passover meal will be matzo ball soup, gefillte fish, chopped liver, brisket, salmon, matzo farfel stuffing, roasted potatoes, asparagus with cherry tomato, and assorted Passover desserts. The clergy and staff at Beth El are looking forward to having the annual Seder back at Beth El. Rabbi Abraham said: “It will be wonderful to be able to be back together after a two-year hiatus being online. We look forward to having a wonderful Seder, with delicious food and wonderful singing in our newly renovated social hall.” Regular pricing is $50 for adults and $18 for children which is due by April 1. For more information and to RSVP your spot at this limited seated Seder, please visit Any questions can be directed to Robby Erlich, Engagement Coordinator at or 402.492.8550.

JCC Book Club Held Tuesdays, April 5, May 3, and June 7 from 5-7 p.m. The JCC Book Club combines older books, new ones, snacks, and great conversations. Love reading or maybe just need a nudge to get yourself back into it? We are the perfect club for you! The next session of the Book Club will start April 5th. We will be reading The Boys in the Boat, a non-fiction novel by Daniel James Brown. We ask that all participants read the book before attending. Participants purchase their own book. The Book Club is open to Members and Non Members, ages 18+. For more information and to register, please visit



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