12 minute read
Life cycles
from March 26, 2021
by Jewish Press
Dana and Jay Gellman of Highland Park, IL. announce the birth of their son, Noah Harrison.
He has a big brother, Spencer.
Grandparents are Lynne and Steve Gellman of Austin, TX, and Roberta Greenspan and Ricky Greenspan of Highland Park, IL.
Great-grandparents are the late Phyllis and Leonard Friedel of Scottsdale, AZ (formerly of Omaha).
Dear Editor, In the Jewish Press March 12, 2021 issue, Adi Adamit-Gorstein has no problem with the comment made by comedian Michael Che on Saturday Night Live saying “Israel is reporting that they’ve vaccinated half of their population, and I’m gonna guess it’s the Jewish half.” She later adds that Israel should be supplying vaccinations to the Palestinians living in the West Bank. However, she notes, “Israel doesn’t seem to find this obligation on the top of its priority list.” Her essay reminded me just how fortunate is Israel to have Bibi as PM and not someone with the naivete and moral blindness of Adamit-Gorstein. So, Israel does not place, on the top of its priority list, the well-being of a group of people who by and large would love to see Israel wiped out! How strange! How bizarre! What kind of people are those in Israel who are somewhat neglectful toward those who wish them ill? I would say that they are decent, rational, practical, and fully human beings. This is the kind of discrimination that simply makes sense for a Jewish state. Adamit-Gorstein even adds that “It is truly a mystery” why the AJC and other Jewish groups “choose to focus their attention on a comedian who has nothing to do with the very real and very deadly epidemic of anti-Semitism unfolding in the United States.” Perhaps it is because Che’s “joke” is a classic example of the double-standard that is so often employed by journalists when they look at Israel. They apply standards of behavior to Israel that they would rarely apply to others. This is a dangerous form of antiSemitism that has been employed for centuries. Indeed, I would argue that this view is more dangerous to the Jewish people than “the deadly epidemic of anti-Semitism” to which she refers. At the root of Adamit-Gorstein’s problem is that she has what appears to be a growing virus in the West. That is, an ideological preoccupation with applying “equality” to situations where it does not belong. Palestinians in Gaza should not be viewed by Israelis just like any other Israeli. They have a completely different agenda vis a vis Israel right now and it could eventually be fatal to Israel if those of Adamit-Gorstein’s ilk should ever come to lead the Jewish state of Israel. Incidentally, she is currently an intern in NYC with the U.N. Department of Economic and Social Affairs. Ah yes! An organization that has always treated Israel with consummate fairness.
Michael Gendler
The lion ate a bunny
JTA The Biblical Zoo in Jerusalem is clarifying its feeding protocols after families watched a lion devouring a bunny. Video of the incident, which was shared on Twitter by Israeli TV journalist Yossi Eli, shows the lion eating a white rabbit. The voices of onlooking parents and children wondering aloud about the meal can be heard in the background.
The Biblical Zoo features animals alive during the time of the Bible, as well as other species. “The Biblical Zoo turned into National Geographic in the middle of the day,” tweeted Eli, Jerusalem correspondent for Israeli Channel 13. “The kids at the zoo were astonished to see how a lion devoured rabbits in the middle of the day. Parents were shocked.” The zoo released a statement explaining that the lions are usually fed dead animals behind closed doors but that, in this case, the lion dragged its food out into public view. “The Asian lions in the zoo, which are a species in danger of extinction, are part of a worldwide lion conservation program,” the zoo’s statement said, according to Eli. “The lions in the zoo are fed prey that is no longer alive, which the zoo receives from an animal food provider. Due to sensitivity, the lions receive their foo behind the scenes. In this case, the lion dragged its prey into the exhibition area.” Several Israeli Twitter users pointed out that it isn’t exactly a shock that lions eat meat. Some connected the incident to a classic Hebrew children’s book, “The Lion Who Loved Strawberries,” by Tirza Atar, which is about a lion who thinks he likes strawberries but (spoiler alert) has never actually tasted them and in fact finds them disgusting once he does. “It would have been a great crossover if the bunny were named ‘Strawberry,'” one user wrote.
Portrait of a male lion in Tanzania. Credit: Wikimedia Commons
Charles Barkley’s hora went fine
JTA Earlier this month, Charles Barkley confessed to Jimmy Kimmel that he wasn’t sure he’d make it through the hora at his daughter’s wedding. He needn’t have worried. Standing 6-foot-5 and weighing around 250 pounds, the NBA Hall of Famer was concerned that the wedding guests wouldn’t be able to lift him in a chair during the traditional Jewish celebratory dance. His daughter, Christiana, married Ilya Hoffman, who is Jewish, at a Scottsdale, Arizona, resort. “I’ve been really working out hard because apparently they’ve got to pick me up in a chair,” Barkley told Kimmel on his talk show on March 4. “Listen, I need all Jewish people on deck, brother. Cause I can only get so skinny by Saturday, man.” But according to a write-up of the wedding in The New York Times, the chair-lifting went just fine. The dancing followed a wedding officiated by Rabbi John Linder, who leads Temple Solel, a Reform congregation near Scottsdale. Tritz Plumbing Inc.

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LOCAL | NATIONAL | WORLD Beit Midrash: Listen, discuss, and learn
Community Engagement and Education Wednesday, March 17 marked the 18th evening of the 2020-2021 Beit Midrash weekly series with the fourth of a four-part series titled “The Promised Land?: Jewish Pluralism & Power in the State of Israel.” As of this writing, March 24 will be a Community Panel Discussion, “The Never-Ending Story: Slavery, Freedom & the Meaning of Pesach in the Modern World.” Beit Midrash will not meet for the weeks of March 31, April 7, and April 14 in observance of Passover, Yom Hashoah, and Yom Ha’Atzmaut. The series begins again on April 21 with Part II of the topic, “The Future is Now: Re-Imagining Judaism for a Post-Pandemic World.” The idea for community-wide adult learning involving all three synagogues and Chabad and partnering with the Jewish Federation of Omaha originated last year when Rabbi Stoller and Rabbi Abraham had their monthly lunch together. Rabbi Stoller said: “We began talking about collaborating on a project, and the idea of an adult Beit Midrash was born.” Rabbi Abraham added, “Oftentimes, when we as congregations collaborate, it’s a limited, one-time thing. We talked about something more solid, more permanent and the idea took shape and gathered momentum.” And while the challenges presented by the COVID epidemic and adjusting the venue to virtual sessions required some quick thinking, the learning continued. The 2020 -2021 Beit Midrash has proven to be a popular learning experience, with an average of 54 participants per evening – the highest attendance being 79. No wonder: it has been so popular: the topics have been timely and informative and the discussions robust. This year’s Beit Midrash opened on Oct. 21 with a two-part series titled “The Jewish Vote, Torah, Civic Duty & the 2020 Election.” Those sessions were capped off with three clergy and a moderator presenting a panel discussion titled, “Election Debrief: Where Do We Go From Here?” Other topics have included Jewish views on race, diversity and justice; Judaism and the glass ceiling for women and families; the many voices of Judaism – the similarities and differences between denominations, and more. For a full listing of topics and presenters, and to register for participation if you have not already done so, visit the Jewish Federation’s website, www.jewish omaha.org and select the Beit Midrash sliding banner at the top of the page and proceed as directed. It’s that simple. Once you register, you will receive all the information and reminders for the series. To encourage you even more, May 5 & 12 will feature “ You Shall Surely Heal’: Medicine & Health Care in the Jewish Tradition.” The 2020-2021 series ends on Sunday, May 16 with a final Community Panel Discussion, Community Tikkun Leil Shavuot. If you have questions about Beit Midrash, contact Mark Kirchhoff at mkirchhoff@jewishomaha. org or 402.334.6463.
JTA Digging for ancient relics, Israeli archaeologists uncovered a fragment of a scroll with a message seemingly designed for today: “Speak the truth to one another... And do not contrive evil against one another.” That commandment is inscribed on a fragment found in a dig organized by the Israel Antiquities Authority in the Judean Desert. The dig has turned up a trove of artifacts, including the biblical fragments — the first Dead Sea Scrolls unearthed in 60 years — and an intact basket produced more than 10,000 years ago. Archaeologists have been exploring the caves since 1947, when a shepherd happened upon a set of biblical fragments that became known as the Dead Sea Scrolls. That discovery and others over the subsequent 15 years gave scholars a new understanding of how Jewish life and texts evolved over time. The newly discovered fragments, from Zechariah in the Book of the Twelve Minor Prophets, add to that understanding by, for example, showing that the name of God was written in Hebrew even as the text was largely in Greek. The relics were found in what is known as the “Cave of Horror,” a cave in the West Bank desert that can be accessed only by rappelling down a sheer rock face. Inside the cave, according to the announcement, were coins left behind by Jewish rebels who sought refuge there after the Bar Kochba Revolt, a failed insurgency against Roman rule nearly 2,000 years ago. The archaeologists also found the crude burial site for a child who appears to have died about 6,000 years ago.

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