11 minute read
Life cycles
from April 16, 2021
by Jewish Press
Beatrice Kennedy Baum, daughter of Matthew and Deborah Baum, will celebrate her Bat Mitzvah on Saturday, April 24, 2021, at her home in Baltimore, Maryland. Beatrice is a seventh-grade honors student at The Bryn Mawr School. Bea enjoys soccer, tennis, basketball, laughing with family and friends, and spending her summers at Wavus Camp for Girls in Jefferson, Maine. For her mitzvah project, Beatrice collected more than 100 jars of peanut butter and jelly for the Baltimore Hunger Project, which provides weekend supplies to food insecure children in the Baltimore area. Beatrice has a younger brother, Max. Grandparents are Donald and Andi Goldstein and the late Ann Goldstein; Jane and Stan Rodbell of Baltimore, Maryland; and Patti and the late Charles Baum of Severna Park, Maryland.
William Theodore Dunning, son of Toba Cohen-Dunning and Eric Dunning, will celebrate his Bar Mitzvah on Saturday, April 24, at Beth Israel. Teddy is a seventh-grade honor roll student at Lewis and Clark Middle School. Teddy plays saxophone and flute in the school’s Jazz band and band. He has a sister, Eleanor Dunning. Grandparents are the late Jack E. Cohen and Mrs. Jane M. Cohen, the late Gina Dunning and Mr. Frank Dunning.
Annika Gaca, daughter of Naomi and Michal Gaca, will celebrate her Bat Mitzvah on Saturday, April 24, 2021, at Temple Israel. Annika is a seventh-grade student at Mission Middle School. Annika loves all things nature. She enjoys camping in the mountains with family, birding with her uncle, and hunting with her dad. Annika is currently involved in robotics club at school and archery club through 4H. She is also extremely creative and loves to draw, paint and sew. Her mitzvah project was done in multiple places. Annika spent time organizing and stocking a free little pantry near our home, put in hours packing food at the Food Bank of the Heartland and helped serve meals at the Stephen Center. Annika has a sister, MilenaMae Gaca. Grandparents are Sindie and Jerry Katskee of Omaha, Katarzyna Dawidowicz of Aurora, CO, and Mitchell Gaca of Szczurowa, Poland.
Kids’ Night Out at the JCC and more...
Kids Night Out is back at the J on May 8. This program is for Members & Non Members, ages 6 months–12 years. From 5:30-8:30 p.m., kids will enjoy a fun “themed” evening with a movie, dinner, and access to the popular Youth Lounge! The theme for May 8 is Wall-E. There is a maximum of three 6-24 month-old children per event. Dinner is included and prices are per evening as listed on our website at jccomaha.org. Advanced registration is required. Please also take a look at what else we have to offer! Our Summer Tutoring Program is brand new. Does your child need help filling in educational gaps from the 2020/2021 school year? Our tutoring program is available to Members and Non Members in K-5th grade. Full details will be coming soon – stay tuned! Questions? Please contact Amanda Welsh at 402.334.6409.

Jeany Pappenheimer Soshnik, passed away peacefully on April 5 at age 67 at her home, surrounded by an adoring family. To keep everyone safe and healthy, an interment service was privately held on April 7.
She is survived by her son and daughter-in-law, Michael and Betsy Soshnik, daughter and son-in-law, Leah and Jonathan Beitner; grandchildren: George and Audrey, Liliana; sisters and brothers-in-law, Roxanne Pappenheimer (Mark) and Debbie Pappenheimer (Artie), and sister, Nancy Kutler; and fiancee, Ronald Deitch.
Jeany was truly one-of-a-kind. She had a unique ability to make the best of any situation and to make others feel welcome and at ease in her presence. Jeany's laughter and zest for life were contagious. She was a tireless advocate who spoke out any time she saw injustice in the world. Jeany leaves behind a legacy of kindness and caring that will be continued by all of her friends and family. She was blessed with many beautiful and life-long relationships. She adored her children and grandchildren — they were her greatest source of joy and she cherished every moment that she spent with them. Jeany was happiest when she was sharing a bottle of wine with her sisters, going on adventures with her fiancée and planning dinner parties with her friends. Throughout her life and her illness, Jeany was a beacon of strength.
Memorials may be made to the Anti-Defamation League, 605 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10158-3650, www.adl.org, The Institute for Holocaust Education, 333 South 132nd Street, Omaha, NE 68154, www.ihene.org, and The American Brain Tumor Association, 8550 West Bryn Mawr Avenue, Chicago, IL 60631, www.abta.org.
Who Am I?
The Nebraska Jewish Historical Society (NJHS) requests help from the community in identifying photographs from the archives. Please contact Kathy Weiner at 402.334.6441 or kweiner@jewishomaha.org if you are able to assist in the effort to preserve Jewish Omaha history.

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Feel the serenity at Jewish Family Service
JFS Executive Director Several years ago, a conversation began about our goal to enhance the client experience at Jewish Family Service (JFS). The primary goal was to create an office space that was not only wheelchair accessible, but wheelchair friendly. There is a difference, and those in a wheelchair know it and can feel it. Dottie Shapiro and her parents Rosalie and Milton Saylan (of blessed memory) set up the Craig Saylan Memorial Endowment Fund. Dottie was passionate about setting some money aside from that fund that JFS could use to enhance our space, creating a more inviting and accessible area for those with disabilities. Dottie felt that her brother and her parents would’ve appreciated this consideration. With this seed money and the unfortunate fact of being out of our office most of last year, as we worked remotely due to COVID-19 infection rates in Douglas County, the time was right to make our move to remodel the JFS lobby and hallway to our offices without having to disrupt our clients or staff. Then came another fantastic opportunity. The Anything Grants, sponsored by Michael Staenberg and the Staenberg Family Foundation, gives agencies the opportunity to write a Grant for “anything” that the agency needs, up to $10,000, if they can also secure matching funds for 50% of the project expenses. Our project was called the “JFS Serenity Project”, and we were lucky enough to be awarded this grant in 2020. Our secondary goal for this project, after allowing for better accessibility, was to create a more updated and vibrant space that was cheerful, yet peaceful. With this purpose in mind, we enhanced our common spaces with comfortable furniture, bright colors, soft music, and two very soothing water fountains. We wanted our clients to walk into the JFS front door and feel good before we even had the opportunity to greet them. Don’t you just love it when things align so nicely? During a pandemic, no less. I thank both of these caring and generous families for their gift, but also for the gift of giving us something positive to focus our attention on while we were adjusting to the move and learning how to do our work from home. Yes, even the helpers needed a lift of spirits during this time. Our office is currently still closed to the public. We are waiting for the time when we can open our doors and not have to close them again. What we learned in the early Fall of 2020 when we opened for 3 months and then had to close again, was how hard these changes continue to be on our clients. We learned that it is better to wait, maintain our pandemic procedures, then open again once and for all. Nobody wants to be open more than we do. We miss our clients and our routine. When we are open to the public again, I hope you take the opportunity to stop by. We welcome you and hope that our enhanced space allows you to feel the genuine sentiment we are striving for: serenity. The JFO team realizes that folks are itching for more information on the new Learning Commons as well as how the Kripke Library will function moving forward. Now that construction is essentially JENNIE GATEScomplete, this is a BECKMAN good time to provide JFO Director of more information on Community these topics. Engagement & This column is a Education way to share “little bits” of information each week (we’re only holding space for 200-ish words!), and we’ve already received feedback that it is helpful - which is always nice to hear. For those who would prefer a fuller explanation all at once, please reach out! Many of us on campus are happy to set aside time to speak with you on the phone, to answer specific questions, or schedule a tour with you in person. Because each of us has a different area of expertise, the most efficient way to obtain the information you need is to call Mark Kirchhoff at 402.334.6463 or e-mail mkirchhoff@jew ishomaha.org. Mark will make sure to put you in touch with the most appropriate person. He is also a great resource in general, as he has been a part of the Engagement & Education team on campus for nearly 10 years, and is a key member of our team easing the community through this transition.

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