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Jewish Omaha Pride
from June 30, 2023
by Jewish Press

Temple Israel, Beth El Synagogue and the Jewish Federation of Omaha have once again combined efforts to lead the Omaha Jewish Community in celebrating Pride! In 2018, a joint Pride Task Force of Temple Israel and Beth El Synagogue members created an opportunity for the community at large to come together to march in the Heart-
Co-Chairs Robert Friedman and Matt Hazimeh gathered a group of passionate lay leaders to bring our community together in planning for Pride and representing the Omaha Jewish Community at the parade. In 2018, Robert Friedman, a Temple Israel member, approached Rabbi Deana Sussman Berezin to partner in creating an opportunity for Temple

See Jewish Omaha Pride page 2
Kamp Kef is Out of This World St. Louis honors Michael Parsow
Beth El Education Director

When it was first announced that I was taking on the role of Education Director at Beth El, kids and parents alike began asking, “Will you still have Kamp Kef?” This yearly tradition that is now in its ninth year, has become a highlight of the year. So, my task was to not only keep the tradition

See Kamp KEF page 2
Omaha native Michael Parsow was honored with the Mark C. Kodner Inspiration Award at the 2023 St. Louis Jewish Community Center’s Annual Meeting. Included below is the introduction Lynn Wittels, CEO of the St. Louis JCC, gave to Michael at the meeting.
Michael Parsow has been the neshama, the soul, of Camp Sabra since 1996, when he first started as a Habonim camper. If you’re counting, this will be his 28th summer at camp. There is no one who has more Sabra ruach, has a greater love of “M Day” (Maccabia) or who cheers more loudly in the dining hall than Michael. Camp Sabra actually wasn’t the first camp Michael attended. He tried a different camp one summer, but he didn’t have a good experience. You see, Michael has Fragile X Syndrome, which is a genetic disorder that impacts a person’s ability to problem solve and causes learning and developmental delays. Kids can be cruel sometimes, especially when meeting someone who is different.
See Michael Parsow page 3