1 minute read
Eye on Israel: Special Edition
from June 30, 2023
by Jewish Press
JFO Director of Community Development
On July 16 from 10-11 a.m., Join Sivan Cohen for Eye on Israel as she talks with medical professionals from the Galilee Medical Center in Israel. This is an opportunity to learn more about the Galilee Medical Center and the Israeli Health System from our visiting medical professionals.The group consists of Dr. Wafaa Bellan, Aya Kegade and Noya Haimovich. The community is invited to join us in the Benjamin and Anna E. Wiesman Family Reception Room. Kosher lunch will be provided.
Dr.Wafaa Bellan is a specialist in both anesthesia and intensive care medicine and a senior physician in GMC’s department of Anesthesia and Operating Rooms. Dr. Bellan and Mrs. Kegada will be speaking about how the Galilee Medical Center is a model for peace and coexistence, among other topics related to Israeli medicine. Dr. Bellan began working as a senior physician in Galilee Medical Center’s Department of Anesthesia and Operating Rooms, in April 2021. She also serves as a clinical instructor at the Azrieli Faculty of Medicine Bar Ilan University.

Dr. Bellan lives with her husband and two children in Kfar Vradim in the Galilee. She plays the qanun, an oriental Arabic musical instrument made from wood with strings arranged in parallel rows. For ten years, prior to her medical career, she taught music and qanun, and participated in many musical performances and musical groups in Israel and internationally.
Aya Kagade, MHA, MEM is the Director at the International Affairs Department of the Galilee Medical Center. Born in Georgia in the former Soviet Union, Aya Kagade graduated from “Bosmat” – the three-year high school for research and development science affiliated with the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa, where she focused on Computer Science and Automatic Data Analysis. An employee of the Galilee Medical Center (GMC) since 1989, she became a senior member of its Administrative Services and served as the Director General’s Office Manager from 1994 to 2009.
Aya then became Director of the International Affairs Department and since then has shaped the face of the foreign outreach of the rapidly growing medical center, by overseeing and facilitating collaboration between GMC’s professional staff and its partners and colleagues around the world through a variety of channels including establishing the medical center’s International Education and Training Center.
Aya is the mother of five children in addition to being the director of two branches of International Affairs at Galilee Medical Center.
Noya Haimovich Kerklies was born and raised in Northern Israel, although in the past few years she lived in the South, where she worked in the Yerucham-Miami Partnership. Today, she is working for the Western Galilee partnership as a living bridge coordinator.
To register, please visit https://tinyurl. com/medicaleyeonisrael. For more information, please contact Jay Katelman at jkatelman@jewishomaha.org