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Life cycles
from July 8, 2022
by Jewish Press
Gilda Lee Pieck passed away on June 25, 2022, at age 90. Services were held on Monday, June 27 at Beth El Cemetery, 84th & L Streets.
She was preceded in death by her son, Andrew; brother, Mosey Greenberg; and sister, Florine Greenberg.
She is survived by her daughter, Gabrielle Girau Pieck; daughters and sons-in-law: Elizabeth and Jack Gallagher, and Catherine Pieck and Daniel Hoffman; and grandchildren: Ben Hoffman, John Gallagher, Julia Hoffman, Jason Gallagher, David Girau Pieck & Pepi Girau Pieck; and sister, Estelle Kabik.
Gilda was born and raised in Roanoke Rapids, NC, she then finished high school in Richmond, VA. She was a graduate of Barnard College and went on to become a teacher specializing in special education working for over 20 years in OPS. Gilda was a passionate reader, cook, biker and lover of all things cultural. She raised a family in Omaha and appreciated Nebraska and all it has to offer throughout her years here. She joined Beth El Synagogue in 1958 where she remained a member all her life, contributing to the community in multiple ways.
Memorials may be made to the Alzheimer’s Association or to the fund of your choice at Beth El Synagogue.
Howard Allan Katzman passed away on June 21, 2022 at age 75 in Salt Lake City, UT. Graveside services were held on June 28, 2022 at Wasatch Lawn Memorial Park and Mortuary, 3401 S. Highland Drive, Millcreek, UT 84106.
He is survived by Sue, David, and Marilyn and Christopher Doty; his sisters. Betty Segell and Paula Albert; sister-in-law, Jane Frisch; and nieces and nephews.
Howard was born in Omaha on Dec. 16, 1946 to David and Rose Katzman. He graduated from Wentworth Military Academy and attended the University of Denver for his undergraduate education. He served two years in the Army, including one year stationed as a medic during the Vietnam War. He graduated from Creighton Medical School in 1976 and subsequently completed an internship and residency in ophthalmology at Tulane University. He moved to Salt Lake City, Utah, in 1980 to complete a fellowship in oculoplastic surgery and following that practiced as a physician and surgeon in the Salt Lake area for 40 years. He cofounded the Physicians Surgery Center in Millcreek, Utah.
Memorials may be made in Howard’s memory to the Huntsman Cancer Foundation at https://give.huntsmancancer.org/ page/30815/donate/1.
Diane Barna Malashock passed away on June 26, 2022. Services were held on June 28, 2022 at Beth El Synagogue and were officiated by Rabbi Steven Abraham and Hazzan Michael Krausman.
She was preceded in death by parents, Donna and Donald L. Barna and Barbara and Stanley Malashock; sister, Debra Barna Wees and brother, Daniel Barna.
She is survived by husband, Larry Malashock; daughter and son-in-law, Michelle and BJ Turnbull; son and daughter-in-law, Andrew and Kim and son, Jeffrey Malashock; grandchildren: Jack and Josiah Turnbull; sister and brother-in-law, Denise and Steve Duracinski, sister-in-law and brother-in-law, Beth and Steve Leeds; sister-in-law, Kathy Malashock; brother, Donald Barn; brother-inlaw and sister-in-law, Buzz and Jody Malashock; numerous nieces and nephews; grand-nieces and nephews; beloved dogs, Teddy and Lily and grandpuppies: Karl Barx, Hank, Gila and Lucy.
Memorials may be made to Project Harmony or the Stanley and Barbara Malashock Camp Scholarship Fund c/o the Jewish Federation of Omaha Foundation.
Maynard Telpner passed away on June 23, 2022, in Ashland/ Medford, OR. Services were held on June 26, 2022 in Ashland, OR. A Zoom memorial service is planned for later this summer.
He was preceded in death by his parents, Ben and Sylvia Telpner; his brother, Gene “Kewpie” Telpner; his sister, Audrey Shapiro; and his brother, Zeph “Boonjug” Telpner.
He is survived by his wife of 71 years, Sally; daughters and sonsin-law, Heidi and Irwin Barr and Marci and David Rosenthal; daughter, Sari Telpner; six grandchildren; two great-grandchildren; many nephews and nieces, including his niece and Temple member, Lisa Lewis; and many friends in Oregon and the Council Bluffs-Omaha area. Maynard had been a longtime member of Temple Israel during the years he lived in Council Bluffs, IA.

Dr. Elizabeth Chase and Rabbi Scott Goldberg were married on May 29, 2022, at 4 p.m. at the Brandeis-Bardin Campus of American Jewish University in Brandeis, CA. The ceremony was officiated by Rabbi Sofia Zway. Elizabeth graduated with a BA in Psychology from UC San Diego and earned her PhD in Clinical Psychology from California School of Professional Psychology San Diego. She is a clinical psychologist at UCLA. Elizabeth is the daughter of Eric Chase of Bakersfield, CA, and Drs. Dora and Chen Oren of Agoura Hills, CA, and the granddaughter of Elinor and Steve Fienberg of Westlake Village, CA and Carol Chase (z”l) and Neslon Chase (z”l). Scott graduated with a BA in Economics from Middlebury College, earned his MA in Hebrew Letters from Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, and Rabbinical Ordination from Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion. He is an Assistant Rabbi at Leo Baeck Temple. Scott is the son of Cindy and Bruce Goldberg of Omaha and the grandson of Joan and Martin (z"l) Lehr of Omaha and Carol and Manny (z”l) Goldberg of Omaha & Boca Raton, FL. The couple resides in Los Angeles. The Jewish Press | July 8 , 2022 | 11 Before someone offers you alcohol or other drugs, decide what you are going to say. Having the facts can give you confidence. For more information, call

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