13 minute read
Life cycles
from October 9, 2020
by Jewish Press
Vicki Chesen passed away on Sept. 28, 2020 in Omaha. Private services were held on Oct. 2, 2020 at Temple Israel Cemetery. A memorial service will be held at a later date.
She was preceded in death by her parents Nettie and Sol Brooks, and her dad Maurice Lasensky.
She is survived by her loving husband Jerry Chesen, son and daughter-in-law, Mark and Andrea Chesen, daughters and sonsin-law, Lisa and Ken Chaiken, and Stacie and Jason Metz; grandchildren: Alex Chesen, Cameron Chesen, Jana Berkowitz, Adam Chaiken, Louis Chaiken, Benjamin Brodkey, Julia Brodkey, and Elizabeth Brodkey and Henry Conrad Metz.
Jason Allen Weinstein passed away on Sept. 21, 2020 at home in Apache Junction, Arizona. The family is marking his passing privately.
He was preceded in death by his mother, Bonnie Weinstein.
He is survived by his father, Harold Weinstein of Apache Junction, AZ, sisters and brothers-in-law, Tammy and Scott Takao of Litchfield Park, AZ and Stefanie and Scott Peloquin of Queen Creek, AZ, and sister, Natalie Weinstein of Austin, TX; and five nieces and nephews.
Jason was born Dec. 18, 1969, in Omaha and grew up in nearby Elkhorn. He attended Temple Israel as a child. He was a Navy veteran and an accomplished chef.
Marilee Shapiro Asher, artist who survived global pandemics a century apart, dies at 107
JTA Marilee Shapiro Asher, an acclaimed artist who survived both the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic and COVID-19, has died. Asher died on Sept. 11 at her home in Washington, D.C., according to a statement from her family. She was 107. Asher made national headlines in May when news broke that she had survived COVID-19, despite doctors telling her family that she had mere hours to live. Asher wound up returning home after five days in the hospital. Her recovery came more than a century after she survived the Spanish flu, the 1918 pandemic that claimed more than 50 million lives worldwide. Born in Chicago in 1912, Asher began studying sculpture in 1936. She took up painting a few years after she moved to Washington, in 1943, with her first husband, Bernard Shapiro.
Her first solo exhibition was held at American University in 1947. In 1993, she married Robert Asher, who died in 2008. Asher remained a working artist until she took ill from the coronavirus, with a solo exhibition scheduled for May at a Washington gallery that was canceled due to the pandemic. In 2015, she published a memoir, Dancing in the Wonder for 102 Years. Asked the secret of her longevity last year on the activist Ralph Nader’s radio program, Asher chalked it up to exercise and art. “Here at the facility for senior living I go to tai chi class and to a yoga class, which helps to keep me kind of limber,” she said in the interview. Asher is survived by a daughter, Joan, of Washington, and a son, Harvey, of Florida.

Statement of Ownership, Management and Circulation JASON ALLEN WEINSTEIN
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12 | The Jewish Press | October 9, 2020
The Chicken Soup Manifesto
This post originally appeared in The Nosher. JTA I fell in love with Jenn Louis’ latest cookbook The Chicken Soup Manifesto at first sight. The James Beard-nominated chef has curated a collection of over 100 beautifully photographed chicken soup recipes, which allowed me to vicariously travel the globe with my favorite comfort food as a guide. What more could an Ashkenazi gal with wanderlust wish for? When I got a chance to chat with Louis, she was as vibrant as her book. Like me, her prototypical chicken soup was her mother’s matzah ball soup, which she made on Shabbat and Jewish holidays. The recipe is there, on page 62, the matzah balls “exactly how she made them. I think everyone likes a different kind. Mine are really tender on the outside with a bit of chew in the middle.” The accompanying photo features the blue and white china Louis inherited from her mom. If matzah ball soup is your starting point, too, Louis recommends branching out to the Romanian Supa de Pui cu Galuste de Gris (page 196) with semolina dumplings. The dumplings are fluffy with whipped egg whites and poached, “like super yummy clouds.” But don’t be afraid to dive in, says Louis. “It’s chicken soup! It should be fun! Explore, learn... it’s a great way to travel.” Some of the recipes come from Louis’ own travels. “I took a cooking class in Ethiopia and learned to make Doro Wat (page 33). Even though it’s more of a stew, I really wanted to include it.” But most of them were collected through expansive research. “It’s not a creative book,” explained Louis, “it’s a documentary. It’s a shout-out to how cool these recipes are, and how much we all have in common.” Some came from Louis’ periodic appeals on social media, “I’d put call outs on Facebook once in a while. Like, ‘Hey! Who’s got a chicken soup they grew up with in their family?’”

Others were told to her orally. Was it difficult to translate year. Louis is keen to assure me that chicken soup is not just word-of-mouth instructions into quantifiable amounts? I ask. for winter — “there’s a summer soup from Finland (page 189) “Somewhat. There’s a Palestinian recipe — it’s a really great with green beans and baby carrots that you can eat chilled. story. This woman sat next to me on a plane and, halfway It’s really lovely.” through the flight, she looked at me and said, ‘Hi, I’m Hanan. Regardless of the recipe, Louis is full of tips to achieving the I’m a Christian Palestinian, the peaceful kind.’ She was super most flavorsome dish, with an entire section dedicated to getsweet. I didn’t tell her I was writing a book, but she told me about her mom’s chicken soup recipe and I wrote it down. It called for, like, a ‘handful of rice,’ so I tried my best to replicate it.” Their encounter ended after landing, and Louis never got Hanan’s details. “I’d love to send her a copy [of the book] but I don’t know where she lives!” The research process was rich and fruitful. “Just when you think you’re done,” Louis explained, “you find this cool new recipe. It’s really fun to unfold all the layers. They’re all super delicious dishes.” And, she says, despite major differences in flavor, the functions of chicken soup Here are two takes on the classic dish featured in The Chicken Soup Manifesto Credit: Ed are universal: comforting, often Anderson and George Dolese healing broths, intended to stretch a chicken as far as it can go. ting the most out of your chicken. “You always want to cook Can she pick a favorite? “The South American soups are so your chicken slow, on a really lazy simmer. If you cook a little unique because they have corn and yucca, which make them slower, it keeps the meat tender,” she tells me. And if you want sweet and totally different to anything else.” Louis pauses. “Or a richer broth, use homemade chicken stock, “it’s special… the Kanjee from Sri Lanka (page 179). I made it in my Instant heartier and more luxurious than just using water.” Pot on a rainy day and then went for a walk with my friend. At the end of the day, Louis reiterates, exploring the diverse When we got back home, we opened the pot — it was so fra- offering of chicken soups should be fun. “Make one recipe a grant. We sat and ate the soup, and then split the leftovers be- week,” she urges, “and learn something new.” cause they were so good.” Make sure to check out the recipe for Afghan chicken soup But, of course, much depends on your mood. Or the time of (Yakhni) from Louis’ book here.
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