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Life cycles
from November 13, 2020
by Jewish Press
Maureen L. Borden passed away on Nov. 2, 2020 at age 76. A private graveside service was held on Nov. 4 at Beth El Cemetery.
She was preceded in death by parents, Murray and Bess Borden; grandparents, Abraham and Esther Cooper, Henry and Hilda Borden.
She is survived by brother, Howard David Borden; cousins and friends.
Memorials may be made to Beth El Synagogue or the organization of your choice.
Steve Fischer passed away on Oct. 24, 2020, from Alzheimer's. A private service was held for family.
He was preceded in death by his daughter, Melinda Graham.
He is survived by his wife Jan Fischer; son and daughter-inlaw, Jon and Laura Fischer of Sioux Falls, SD, and son-in-law, John Graham; grandchildren: Allison, Harrison, Benjamin, and Caroline all of Sioux Falls, SD, and Delaney Graham; sister and brother-in-law, Corky and Jeff Bleaman; nephew and niece, David and Ilona Bleaman and their two children all of Scottsdale, AZ; niece and nephew, Stacey and Alex Hammer and their two children of Rockville, MD.
Memorials may be made to the Rose Blumkin Jewish Home.
Benjamin Graber, MD, passed away on Oct. 31, 2020 at age 76. A graveside service was held on Nov. 2 at Beth El Cemetery.
He was preceded in death by parents, Lewis and Cecile Graber; and brother, Sam Graber.
He is survived by wife, Cynthia Graber; sons and daughter-inlaw, Patrick and Teresa Williams, and Matthew and Rachel Williams; grandchildren: Lauren, Blake and Mason Williams; and nieces and nephews.
Memorials may be made to the Alzheimers Association or the Department of Psychiatry at UNMC.
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UN again ignores Jewish ties to Temple Mount
JTA A United Nations committee resolution again ignored Jewish ties to the Temple Mount holy site in Jerusalem, mimicking a pair of UNESCO resolutions that sparked controversy in 2016. Out of 193 countries that are members of the Special Political and Decolonization Committee, 138 voted Wednesday in favor of seven resolutions involving Israel and the Palestinians. They denote Israel as an oppressive occupying power and agree to stand for greater aid for Palestinian refugees. One of the resolutions, titled “Israeli practices affecting the human rights of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem,” mentions the AlHaram al-Sharif holy site without ever calling it the Temple Mount, as it is also known to Jews, who revere it as the site of ancient biblical Jewish temples. The resolution contains no reference to Jews or Judaism but mentions the “significance of the holy sites, and the importance of the City of Jerusalem for the three monotheistic religions.” Only the United States, Canada, Australia, Israel and three Pacific Ocean island nations voted against the resolution. All European countries supported it except for Austria, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Serbia and Belarus, which abstained. Another of the seven resolutions, titled “The occupied Syrian Golan,” says it “deplores the violations by Israel of the Geneva Convention” and was co-signed by Syria’s Bashar Assad.
In our Nov. 6 issue, the story “Respect” was given an incorrect byline. The story was authored by Patricia Newman and Ilana Weiss. The Jewish Press regrets these errors.

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The Jewish Press | November 13, 2020 | 11
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News LOCAL | NATIONAL | WORLD Art on our walls, part II

ANNETTE VAN DE KAMP-WRIGHT college, I had certainly accumulated my Jewish Press Editor proverbial 10,000 hours of practice. I
When you ask David Patterson about kept painting, mostly for friends and his paintings, the overwhelming re- family, until about ten years ago a friend sponse is joy. David loves art, loves talking about art and loves it when his creations make others happy. This is good for us, because, thanks to Michael Staenberg, two of David’s paintings grace the walls of the Staenberg Kooper Fellman Campus. In the hallway off the Sokolof entrance, visitors walk past Static, an acrylic and latex abstract; next to the elevator by the JCC membership entrance, one can find Weiss, a 36” by 42” grey and blue abstract. David began his lifelong love affair with painting in elementary school, when he started semi-private art Static by David Patterson classes with watercolors and oils. dared me to donate one of my paintings “My first teacher was a classically for a fundraiser. Imagine my reaction trained painter who taught in her when an actual bidding war ensued! home,” he said. “I stayed with her After that, commissions began coming through 8th grade. In high school, I took in and it has kind of grown organically every single art class I could get my from there.” hands on.” It is mind-blowing when people ap While his earlier work was classical, preciate his art, he said. “When people with floral elements and a more Monet- tell me my art makes them happy, it is like style, he met edgier teachers in high the best feeling. I want to create work school and college, he said. that people feel drawn to, want to spend “It’s where the texture comes from. I time with. I want them to feel somebecame braver and started experiment- thing and experience—but even if my ing more. By the time I was done with work hangs in a corporate setting, it needs to have life, it needs to pop, either with inviting textures or with bright colors. And I really want people to touch my paintings!”
There is enough art out there that is unapproachable, he said. “While that has its place, it’s not what I want. I aim to engage people and for them not to feel intimidated. People who see my art should have just as much fun as I have creating it.” David’s work has been exhibited in art shows, commercial spaces, galleries, and private homes in the region. David lives in Omaha with his wife and three children. For more information and to see examples of his work, please visit www.davidpattersonart.com.

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