2 minute read
from November 26, 2021
by Jewish Press
On Friday, Nov. 12, four Rose Blumkin Jewish Home employees received the annual Jack and Sonia Schrager 2021 Employee of the Year award. In addition to announcing the four winners, Chris Ulven, Executive Director, acknowledged how challenging it was to choose out of several dozen nominees. These winners consistently go above and beyond expectations and make RBJH a better place to be. They inspire others with their positive attitude and good work ethic and rarely miss a shift—Mazel Tov to the winners. From top: Melissa Bartling, CNA (three years of service), Christina Caniglia, Assistant Activities Director (two years of service), Laurie Pearson, LPN (20 Years of service), Sha Roh, CNA (15 years of service) and some of the many nominees. Above: BBYO teens enjoying an afternoon at The Mark. Below: Naomi Shapiro, daughter of Nate and Carly (also pictured) attend the Trunk or Treat event in Temple’s parking lot.

Right: Freida Rothman, left, brought her Jewelry and her inspiring story to our Omaha Jewish Community. Also pictured are Karen Ryan and Susie Norton. Above: On Nov. 8 RBJH residents and staff had a special Farewell Tea Time for Mary Jennings. We celebrated and thanked Mary for her 29.5 years of care of RBJH Residents. Mary will be missed but we wish her the best on her new adventure into retirement!

SUBMIT A PHOTO: Have a photo of a recent Jewish Community event you would like to submit? Email the image and a suggested caption to: avandekamp@jewishomaha.org.

Above, right and below: RBJH Veteran Residents were celebrated and honored today. Music, framed certificates, and treats were part of the celebration. We also honored the wives of servicemen, indeed they played an important role. We thank AseraCare Hospice for providing Krispy Krème donuts to Residents and for the Veteran certificates.