December 24, 2021

Page 7

The Jewish Press | December 24, 2021 | 7

Above and below: Under guidance of Gary Javitch, the B’nai B’rith Henry Monsky Lodge held its annual bible quiz, Dec. 12. Gloria Kaslow read the questions; Jeannette Gabriel, Cantor Joanna Alexander and Marty Shukert were the judges. First place went to Ethan Finkelstein, followed by Preston Gordman, Ari Finkelstein and Julian Witkowski. Above: RBJH Volunteer and Artist Jen Eisenman with her artwork.

Left: Is that a liver? Benny and Ayala Benton play with their Hanukkah gift, while getting an anatomy lesson.

Below: Shlicha Sivan Cohen attended her first Football game at the Chiefs stadium in Kansas City.



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Above and below: Thank you to all who attended Beth El’s Hanukkah Program on Tuesday, Nov. 30. The evening was filled with awesome food prepared by the men of Beth El, and fantastic entertainment by Omaha Circus Arts.

Right and above: Friedel’s Kindergarteners practicing their Hebrew letters.

Left and below: Friedel’s visual art curriculum focuses on learning about famous artists and then practicing their techniques. Here, students are using oil pastels and watercolors to create Fauvist trees. Fauvism is a 20th century style emphasizing intense color, loose brushwork, and simplified forms.

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