! : !
§f The best educa- jjj •jli tion in the world pi # $
jjj You -cannot build 1 H a reputation on $1 !H things you | going tcdo.—
| i ]j| |
I J. Hill.
X VOL. I.—NO. 22.
f i l e d as second-class mail matter on January 27th, 1921, at poBtoffice' at Omaha, Nebraska, under, the Act of March 3, 1879.
is that got by f§ s t r u g g l i n g to | make » living,— jj» WcnddJ PhiQips. |
'•"THE/JEWS1"ALWAYS TAKE CARE OF THEIR OWN." We'Jews. have.heard this sentiment often from non-Jews:, so-often that we have come to think that this represents ourj chief-virtue-in: their-eyes. We have grown proud of our name for doing- splendid Jewish social service, and rightfully so. _ Do we. wan-ant the name? Have we earned it? As individuals, yes. .For hone of us, be our circumstances ever soj poor, .will turn away empty-handed those who "ask for aid and All Jewish • Organizations in succor. As communities do we warrant the name? Has the! Join in One Drive; Jewish community of Omaha won it? Is our great body of) No More • Money Appeals ., 12,000 Jews deserving of it? . 1 At the regular. meeting of the racing since the arrival ,in this counto Be Made This Year '-i - .Consider these facts. Of approximately 2,500 Jewish fami-t Omaha Zionist Organization Tues- try on April 2nd last of Dr. Charm day evening,, Mr.- N, Kneeter. was Weizmann, president of the World j Again Ask President to Veto lies in Omaha only 625 contributed to the Jewish Welfare Fed-i Place::; Fontenelle Hotel Ball appointed as delegate to attend the Zionist Organization,, has become so Immigration Bill, Claimed eration in 1920. Only 450 men and women were sustaining When you contribute in this members of the Y. M. & Y. W. H. A. last year; the rest werei drive, Room; Time: 8:00 P. M.; National N i l C t i i o be. teld ; in acute that Judge Mack and tho.se Convention .you contribute to all Jewish to Be Aimed at the Jewseemingly ;not sufficiently interested in the welfare of their j philanthropic May 15-H-N6 -Collections. who stand with him, will go before Cleveland in June. charitable, orish Immigrant. children to help support that institution. The Cleveland Orphan; ganizations inandOmaha, including Thirty-three new members were the convention, the date of which has All "Omaha Jewry is invited to taken into the organization at the been advanced by four months, with a •Individuals and Jewish organ- Home expended over $8,000 in caring- for the Omaha, orphans} Y. M.'H. A., Jewish Welfare Fedizations of Omaha and the -rest of in the Home during-" 1920, and received from Omaha less than! eration- and others. attend the mammoth B'nai Brith Tuesday evening meeting, and $50 demand for a vote of confidence. meeting to be held a 8:00 p. m. Sun- was granted to the Junior Judea Dr. Weizmann, who at one time the state have sent telegrams, to one-sixth of that sum." So the roll-callof institutions and, organ-! No more tickets—no more balls. iay, May 15, in the Fontenelle hotel C l u b . during the course of the-negotations President Harding, appealing to him izations goes—each one continually handicapped in its work! Give once and that's all. • ••, • oall room. over this question is reported to have to veto the immigration bill, the same because "of' lack""of"funds, each facing a--deficit annually, each! The B'nai Brith lodges of Council New York, May-11.—The main issue been ready to sign the agreement cov- as , was done by Wilson when struggling ag-ainst- overwhelming odds to do the maximum good I The. drive for ?50,000 for with the. limited means at its disposal. Bluffs, Lincoln, and Sioux City also before the next annual convention of ering the points insisted upon by president. . "'complete federation" of all Are Omaha Jews "different than those of other cities? Hunhave been invited to attend the the Zionist Organization of America, Judge Mack, finally took the stand Telegrams of protest, as follows, Omaha Jewish philanthropic dreds of communities throughout the country are doing Jewish scheduled for Cleveland, June 5, will on April 20th that the Zionist Organ- have been sent by every synagogue meeting. and charitable ..organisations ill social service'that is the outstanding element in the general comAn excellent program has been be whether the majority faction < of ization of America, as a subordinate and lodge in'Omaha: Omaha was launched at a meetmunity life. There, is a valid fact in the statement "The man arranged... There will be' two speak- the" National Executive-of that body, body, is bound by the resolutions President Warren G. Harding, who can't give "to charity should receive charity." For giving ing of volunteer workers Tuesled by the president, Judge Julian W. adopted at the World Conference of" ers of national prominence. They are: Washington, D. C to charity, means' not only giving in the sense of donating, but day, night in the Jewish Welfare Mack, are to be sustained in the de- the movement, held in London last Mr. Gustavus Loevinger, promIn behalf of our starving and giving in the'sense'of'giving up, of sacrificing, of knowing that- Federation and Y. M. H. A club mand that in collecting money in this summer, which did not include the inent attorney of St. Paul, Minn., persecuted brethren in Europe • through the loss of some personal pleasure one has helped those, rooms, • " country for the Palestine Foundation safeguards now demanded. .Judge "who is vice-president of District we earnestly beg that you veto The campaign for funds will to whom pleasure comes at rarest intervals. Yet the man who Fund adequate" safeguards shall be Mack's reply, in effect, is that the No. 6 of the B'nai Brith. the Immigration BilL This bill last three days—Monday,, Tuesrefuses to give seldom says "I can't afford to". That would be set np similar to those set up for London conference, resolutions speciis contrary . to American tradiMadam S. Pisko, executive a reason. '..The refusal usually comes in the form of -an excuse.' day and Wednesday. No contrithe safeguarding of trust funds or the fically provided that the details of the tions and practices and would, secretary of the National Jew"I send money to my relatives abroad." "I like to s^e the persons' butions will be taken until funds of. American municipalities. fund should be arranged in co-operaif passed, prevent the uniting ish Hospital of Denver, Colo., to whom my money goes." "I don't believe in organized charity." j Monday morning. Judge Mack and his followers take tion with the federations, and that the of families of American citizens and national vice-president of stipulations set up by his group are And most vicious.-of all "If Mr. Smith'only gives $25, I shouldn't; The city has been divided into the stand that a budget must be set and residents separated by the the Council.of Jewish Women of not in contradiction of the London give more than $1.00." • districts. Each district fs in up for Palestine work and that all exAmerica.. Madam • Pisko recently > penditures for the upbuilding of the resolutions: In addition, he contends war. It- woald result in untold There may be a reason for not giving,, but there can be charge of a' "captain''. Each made a tour of the United States suffering to the war victims no "excuse. The future of every individual-is linked inseparably- *'ca.ptaln'? will have a team of future Jewish homeland must be in that he is carrying out the mandate in behalf of the Council of across the spss who look to this with the future of - th-e; city in which he lives, and'a community,"lieutenants". Har:y accordance -with this budget which; is of the last -convention of the Zionist Jewish Women. She is very .•country asfrtlrar only salvation. Organization of Americain Buffalo can move "forward" only if there is a conscious will, and effort be ."general" off the drive. to be met monthly,, and that, the active in all Jewish. national World Zionist. Organization shall last November, which unanimously The bill limits the admission of on the part of "the individuals comprising tfcs comrnuritj- to _ make' vill be assisted by the fiaffairs and has addressed many re romr-'Upp r*,* the Fedpublish, monthly^ a statement setting voted for. the separation of invest- aliens to three per cent of the num- it move forward. Social welfare rneens s* miOi to a clt? a^national conventions. ' jndustrial and commercial welfare. * V>Ticre tr?~e i*. TJO vision chairman. forth receipts and", expenditures un- ment and donation funds for' Pales- ber of r,<
Two National Speakers To Discuss Zionist Trouble at Go in Cleveland
H Jr'
/ The committee in charge feel elated; der thisv budge^ They: propose, far ; ~" in obtamlhg two speakersbi" such" thery^that contributions ' i r o m ^ S ^Palestine Inundation Fund for purposes importance for this mass- meeting. not .covered by the fixed Palestine To. Have Moving Pictures budget shall be made in such amounts During the evening Madam Pisko as shall from time to .time be detershow moving pictures of the mined by the president of the World National Jewish Hospital which owns Zionist Organization and the president a farm of seventy acres—eight square of the Zionist Organization of ,: blocks—upon which are located the American latest designed buildings which hous8 The controversy which has been persons afflicted with tuberculosis. The hospital is one of the greatest THE "ARBPITER-BING" monuments to American Jewry. CONVENTION IN BOSTON Besides Mr. Loevinger and Madam Boston. (J. C'. B. Sei-vice,) The '21st Pisko Henry Monsky will speak. His annual convention of the Jewish • subject will deal with Jewish welfare Workingmen's Circle ><Arbeiter-Ring) work in Omaha. There will be sev- opened here on May 1' arid continued eral musical selections also. throughout the week. Delegates repHarry Lapidus will preside." resenting 84,000 members, organized The committee has announced that in various : branches throughout the no collections or subscriptions of any country, participated in heated dekind will be solicited or accepted at bates which revolved largely around questions of 'the * fraternal 1 features the meeting. A class of more than 100- new of - the Federation. Addresses were Members will be initiated by Omaha delivered by.Abe-Cahari; editor of the Lodge, "No. 354 at 3:00 p. m. Sun- New York "Forward," Vladimir day at Crounse hall, Sixteenth street. Medes, Max Pine and x>ther well and Capital avenue. This meeting is known Socialists. .' The t Convention for members only. Visiting B'nai was informed that,the Circle had conBrith. members are .invited to attend tributed ?50^)00 to the War Sufferers I fund, during the last year and had this meeting, also. I maintained the splendid, sanitarium for its sick and convalescent. It was RELIEF AGENT
tine, 'without the- coznniing'ly either;-'and' provided1 for' "tfie'eiteSisnment of adequate safeguards- which would guarantee' to' contributors the application of their gifts to', certain specific- undertakings. In his refusal to enter into the proposed agreement Dr. Weizmann has the support of 14 of the 51 members of the National Executive, and a large 'number of the Zionist rank and file.'
. . _ .. at ... J 0 E.. iv, Sur>da\ rooming in
Senate Passed the Bill The senate passed the bill
The* .financial condition, of the Jewish philanthropies of, the'Federation rooms, Lyric buildon. Omaha is - a serious indictment against the Jews of Qniahs.' ing>. Every person vi&hinp to Opposing the measure and speak- We choose to say that this condition is due to lack of education part in the drive is invited ic »t ing earnestly against the passage of in philanthropic Tteeds on the-,part of our people rather to m-,the.meeting. .Instruction? and csrds the bill, were Senator James A. Reed, herent "selfishness.. The Federation drive, for $50,000 on next^-ili be given out to the vorkrrs at of Missouri, Democrat, and Senator Monday,.Tuesday arid Wednesday will give. Omaha Jewry an; this time. . ...... i ' Many More-Problems to Soto. Hiram W. Johnson, of California, opportunity to redeem themselves. Sixteen-separate and distinct philanthropic activities are; «<If tlfe m o n e v i s n o t raisef-.. p a H o £ Republican, who sought to have provi„, ,._ sions to «xempt Irem the three per embraced in this community chest Its success will niean then A pf ^ p._,___. cent limitation those emigrating to success. " ?50,000 divided between them will mean that each of, C B r t a i l e d „ ^m m BRITISH PREMIER escape religious or political persecu- them can continue its work without fear of forced suspension., c a u q e cf ' t h e l a _ ANSWERS tion. It wiU mean that the Jewish community is m back of them,; m i g r a n t s a r r M n s 1I3 u m a J %m These were contained in the bill as believing: in them and their work, standing by them. $50,000 u . o r k London. (J. T. Agency.) Without Federation- ha. lieen indirectly "referring to the '.'Morning it was passed by the House, but raised next week will mean that there is a vital forceful Jewufc j c i e a s e d twf) _ foM more proble: Post" Premier Lloyd George speaking were stricken out by the Senate community spirit'and consciousness in1 Omaha, without w l u c nI. ^ ^under ^ r i w i Hthe < m e "complete fn . in the House of Commons regarding Immigration Committee •when it no City can progress. The slogan is "Give Once To All". Complete Federation off &cco?ding to .president Germany's debts to the Allies, ac- amended the House bill and sub-, t h g r e wffl fce o n l y o n e clrire knowledged the criticism niade by stituted the original Senate measure. all Jewish social service in Omaha will put our philanthropy on, L the highest" possible plane, and rid the community for all time . dorf — fh& ve^ ^ •& no Ther; that publ ication and. refuted the Senator Hiram W. Johnson, of charge that he was being led by Jew- California, Republican/ sought to of charity balls,-raffles, advertising, and ail the other wasteful_ mo - re dl8rit j:. ball - ti c kct . B eiimp. ish financiers. The government, the have this provision reinserted by measures of raising money that have been resorted to m the past.> "Give once &n& thatV all _ premier said, has been accused of be- offering an amendment from the "Give Once'To All" will really, mean t h a t •willbe the motto of 41ie drive. . No Jew in Omaha can wish to have it said of Omaha Jews ing entirely influenced ^by Jewish floor, but was defeated, 60 to 15. that they do not-take care of their own. Nor can he afford to If the driT© is e. success, financiers. There are men ,• in this The bill is effective for fourteen country who are invariably making months, beginning fifteen days aft- have it "'said of ••himself. /For the true measure-of. a m a n s value j f r o r a . p r € s e n t indications if; such assertions.- They are the.type er.: enactment,'namely, on May 18th, to the community is'not'what he is in the community, bat wjaat (bej t l i e dream and hope of will come true. At- the recent of men who sing Jewish -hymns on thus providing for the admission of he does for the community. And what he does for the comannual meeting1 of the Federation* Sunday and the rest of the week proimmigrants now in transit. This munity he does directly for himself. pagate pogroms upon the Jews. As Every :Jew iff Omaha must help to put the Federation| j | r . -Levy bid-only one legislation will work great hardwas this: • . a* matter ~ of fact, the memorandum ship to a number of unfortunate, Drive over. ' regarding our financial settlements "Complete-.federation hy innocent people, who have been HONORED MRS. "IHAYME ERASNE with Germany."was made up by "four RABBI KOPALD year is my hope, v It is vr.y &m« driven from their homes by perse. LEAVES FILMLAM) biiion to h&v® • ull cSiudtafele SAILS FOR Fi'JnSl.\- - "-ided to enlarge the sanitarium, and bankers, two of whom are English- cution, and is in violation of Amer- : Buffalo, N, Y.} "May; II.- —. Rabbi
to .construct-.a-; special ,Workingsmen yircle building In" New'York city. \-i. in ;•' Much of the deliberations of the convention concerne'd, itself with a for i similar fraternal'; organization-." of workingmen called the Independent ;'r".i PubWorkingmen's Circle and it was del i e C o m mi'.': T ". '. •:•'.-. "/" f'^7^ Jo make every-effort to amalgafounded hsro ??-• '• I:' thousands c£ pr./uj.n c." food and mate the two bodies, . .
New York,; (J. C. .H. DaVid Dubrowsuy, : ^v Amer?oa of the Jov '.A\ X of Soviet En-sir rr." ': ' Moscow, czc3"~\—' " *.-•.Miss" Mark. .'.'-: • •;: V .
clothing wfire-scr.i io Zc:.z; .in Russia
either by their relatives here or .by Landsmanshaft's organizations; During the past few months the work of Jewish relief here for Russia has been seriously handicapped on account of misunderstandings with the Moscow Commissariat. It is understood that Dr. Dubrowsky is to return within a short time to resume his work. , REPORT WARSAW JEWS HURT IN MAY DEMONSTRATION. Danzig. <J. T* Agency.) No less than 500 Jews are reported to have been wounded in the course of a disturbance at Warsaw on May 1, when the police interfered with a precession of Jewish workers/Over a hundred were also placed under arrest. At the same time a number of organized anti-Semites tried to enrage the masses against the Jews. The "Rabotnik" and some of her local publications are protesting against the occurance and demand that those responsible for the casualties gkould bs punished,
JEWS THREATENED V •:, : .;;;•-.;.-;:-.>:•; | N : S I B E R I A London. (J. T. Agency.) A dispatch received here states that the Russian Baron Ungers on capfairirig the town of Urga in Siberia-issued a proclamation assuring all foreigners their safety with the exception' of" Jews and Bolsheviks who would be killed wholesale and outright.
AMERICA NOT c - • .ON MANDATES London. (J. T. Agency.) In the course of a statement-made in the House of Commons, yesterday the Honorable Arthur J. Balfour declared that the permanent Mandates Commission of the League of Nations is already fully constituted. All of the greater powers with the exception of America are represented on the Commission and include the following countries: France, Sweden. Portugal England, Holland, Belgium, Italy
menj one an Irishman and another a ican traditions. Scot.
New York, May 11.—Work on the The Social Service Section of the new building of the Hebrew Shelters Jewish Women's Welfare Organing and Immigrant Aid "Society of ization-have been holding a unique America, the former Astor Library, at .exhibition this week at the Table 425-437 Lafayette street, is jiow en- Supply, where they are showing tering upon its last stages and within various articles made under their a short time the headquarters of the direction by the children in the public society, which are now at 229-231 schools. East Broadway, will be removed to Needlework of all kinds made Lafayette, street. '~ by children, some of whom are as The: "new home, as befits an institu- young as seven years, is being showntion of so national importance as the On Saturday at the Omaha AthHebrew Sheltering and Immigrant letic Club a luncheon will be given Aid Society of America, is replete to which all the -workers* teachers with the latest improvement and the of this recreational work in the most up-to-date equipment. schools, officers and directors of the Jewish Women's Welfare OrganANTI-SEMITISM IN LATVIA ization and interested members, Ere being urged to attend. INCREASING. At this time annual reports will Paris. (J. T. Agency.) Advices received here from Riga indicate that be read and the work will be disanti-Semitism in Latvia has consider- cussed and plans for next year made, Mrs. M. Langfeld, who is the superably increased more recently and is particularly noticable among' govern- intendent of this work, hopes that ment officials who mate no effort to this work will be carried on in many veil their attitude. Recently the gov- more schools this coming year and ernment has issued an order with- is anxious to have ladies for the drawing all passports from Jews %vho teaching of the various previously resided in .Latvia on the especially in milinery, which will basis of the Russian law enacted in be a new subject taught in the
— —
- -
cr^anlsataions- aniied 4ttu1er tbs* Los Aageles, May ' 11...— Mrs. Mayine Krasne, winner of The Omaha head of the Daily News B-usiness Woman's te Popularity contest, after enjoying £ .-. Every Jew in Omaha, K aid ths volunteet -wotkere by whirlwind' series of entertainment in and meeting- famous stars of the ing-the pledge cards .ifrimr order to- save' them another trip Metro studios, left today, accompanied by her sister, Miss Belle Horwich, time. . Let's all 'put ©ar f>. for San Francisco'. Mrs. Krasne and Miss Horwielb to the ; wb.ee! posed before a battery cf motion j drive one grand. picture cameras with Metro players | • Following art the sssignmenU B'NAI BEITHLEADES HERE Monday. Tuesday, accoinimniecL by j cspteins and. workers by districts; Mr. S. A.'.Lewis of New York &d-,a special Metro representative, they 1—North of - IJUC« dressed the.Council-Bluffs.B'nai Brith visited points of . interest In the BISTBICT J. J. .Greehberg." Csptain; B'sn-y lodge at their .regular meeting -Wed- Hollywood film colony. nesday, .evening.-, Mr. _ Lewis is a 35ISTE.ICT 2—Ea«t-of 24th, prominent B'nai Brith worker, having -TURKISH JEWS CONFER and Grace Streets. Herman' Atwrbseh, Cnptaia J. H. organized .'a,,--chapter • at Tampico, London. (J. T. Agency.) Eepresen-j kolsfcy, Hsrrj- KubensfceJa. Mexico. , - - . . . • tatives of Turkisb. Sevrry are reported Si., of. The Council Bluffs chapter voted to to he in conference in a dispatch re-j I,ake «nd Parser Streets. Barrts, attend in vbody. the B!nai Brith cele- ceived here from Constantinopel. Thei bration to be held here Suaday. meeting is the annual convention of] Arnold liccvtir, 1. B. Kimman. Turkish organized Jewry and <!eals j nntl i"V A. mainly with local problems. It was.j DR.' GRODINSKY. LOCATES HERE. opened last Sunday by the chief.rabbi' i ' i O i f t r * * * —c.'Jr(£> > 'l<C«w1t;E and Dr. .Manuel Grodiasky, 'vrho has of Turkey. "~ • • j Krs.twwn MFH. Ptsvin I cili>v, *
Eopald of Beth Zion -was- nominated by the Eotary.Cbah.of Buffalo for the directorate'of that organization. With a membership of almost six hundred, the rabbi, through' a -popular vote, became • one • of the _ fourteen nominees for office of which iseven are elected. Due to the pressure 'of -many duties, the rabbi had to decline the nomination. • • '- • ' : '."• '• .
recently returned 'to . Omaha after doing special '.wcirk -at Mount Sinai Hospital' /at 1 :New York City, has opened ./.offices .'at 508- Brandels Theatre Building. Dr. Grodinsky. vho is the son of Eabbi cw! Mrc. H. Grodinski", is a graduate of Cer.trr.1 High School and Creation
KomWatt, Mru. A V
LARGE LAND PURCHASE IN PALESTINE. 'London. "(J.-T. Agency.) A report from the Hajruc FtaicE that the Jewish National Fund has just purchased a strip of 60,000 dunam of land in the fruitful Valley of Jezreel, from 'the Arab, Effeudi Sursak.
K. iiipSrn, JIJW K'-"a
Mrs A. Mm,
Mrs U » >trp. Morri* MHrter.
B. A. Kliut-ii. Cuijfah . M C l Mrs, £S. b." nm'Itaititi, Mr*, Woolfson. Mrh. A- KfitBinn, Mt«". X> FSnlfKniitciri. Mrs. S, KST>l«n. M?»"J Sewraan, Mrs. M. FrJedcn. M#S. 3 Js«
(Continued on pftge 2> v .J
Martyred, persecuted, whipped, re- BRITISH POLICY TO ' THREATENS MESOPOTAMIAN FRENCH PRESS MAKES JAFFA RIOTS. BASES \ HIGH 'COMMISSIONER; " ' viled, ostracised, beaten to the dust, REMAIN UNCHANGED • -FOR/PROPAGANDA the Jews have kept the spark of hope ..London. (J. T. Agency.) In its is- London. (J. T. Agency.) Seid Talib, every aamrsday at Omaha, Nebraska, by Paris. {J. T. Agency.) Taking full fanned in their breasts. ' sue of today, the "Daily Telegraph" the-Arabian Minister of the Interior 2KESS PUBLISHING COMPANY, advantage of the Jaffa, riots the Ioc3l for "Mesopotamia, has been ordered Although they are a people with- asserts that as the result of Winston . MORRIS E . JACOBS, Manager. press.uses the Jaffa happenings as a out a country they have woven the Churchill's visit to Palestine and to leave that country at the express- basis for anti-Zionist1 propaganda. Office, Four, Baird Bldg.—-Telephone, Doug. 2572. By ELBEET'HUBBARD, I I . Egypt, the British policy in Palestine command of the High Commissioner. With horn a-tootin' and giving her weft of their hopes, aims and ideals will remain •unchanged. In the pro-The expulsion of the Minister followed. The newspapers assert that the Bol..$1.50 Subscription1 Price, oos year_ into the warp of the fabric of history. lots of gas, Henry Ford is again Don Advertising latss furnished on application. gram of the Colonial Secretary are upon his threat to take cp armed force shevists in theZionist ranks are a Quixoting "The Dearborn Independ- Upon the Vie and thought of all included" the organization of a local against the High Commissioner if most dangereous element In .the East NOT PRINTED FOR PERSONAL. PROFIT — Profits from the ent" in his tin; Elizabeth Eosinante, nations'they have made an indelible defense force composed equally of England failed to comply with Meso- and that it is the duty of France to publication of The Jewish. Press are to be given to worthy communal and Sancho Panza Cameron is theimpress. potanian demands for self-determina- protect the Arabs and unite Palestine c a u s e s . .• ,• ' . . . • ' , .. ". • ^ •• ' • ' . . : . . ' • • . • - - ; And in every line of art, science Arabs and Jews, the protection of tion. guy who supplies the gasoline and .vita Syria. the holy places which will be placed or statesmanship the Jew has exbotb tbe old and new address: bo sura cranks the critter. CHANGE OF A"DDHESS-^-PleasQ in charge of a special commission in and slga aame. And when the Duke of Detroit goes celled. And "no crime" said Piiny, which Moslems and Jews, will have 1 the Younger, "is so great to the on a crusade, newspaper coiTfisponrepresentation and the development BY THE WAY dents sharpen their .trusty Dixons envious as that of daring to excel." of the port of Haifa. Is envy, therefore, one of the inOur esteemed contempoi*ary, "The Christian Register" and there is joy in the camp of thespirations of this Ford Jew-hating, cartoonist. ENGLISH JEWS HONOR MEMORY Bays: Je'v-baiting campaign? Henry is aware of this. Arid know"Each home in America should have on the table OF FOREIGN LADS. ing the value of publicity, he, with a The greatest asset of the Jew is London. (J. T. Agency.) A largre within the reach of the young people not only the regularity and precision which, should his adaptability—his flexibility. He number of local Jews attended the .daily paper, the story magazine, and the scientific be an object lesson to the timid-ad- is a cosmopolitan' with views and unveiling of a memorial tablet for magazine, but a good religious journal; The religious vertiser, stages peripatetic perform- sympathies that are wide and a 535 members of the Jewish Lads Brigi press exerts a "wholesome, necessary influence on Amerances, arranges pilgrimages, conducts capacity for'hard work, constructive ade who have fallen while doing their i ican life. There is no college youth, no business or FOR YOUNG FOLKS thinking and quick action. campaigns. ] professional man, no honest toiler or homemaker "who duty during the last war. Eev. Dr. —BEING THEM IN "Ford's Follies" have become a He is an analyst, a critic, a psy- Michael AdlerJ Senior Jewish Chap'f does not need to be familial* with the trend of religious recognized institution. They add tochologist. t thought found in a well-edited religious journal. FreHe knows men and lain of the British forces, was the |7VEKY mother knows that the growing' child requires the gaiety of the nations. The world methods. He possesses prescience chief speaker and in the course of his fquently a religious paper can give honest facts, and •C* even more care in shoe fitting1 than the grown-up. The has not forgotten, nor ever -will for- and persistence whidi. he tempers address declared that the large numcomments when a secular paper can not or does not." big folks speak -up the child doesn't. That's where Billiken shoe comfort and oar expert fitting service come in. That's Well said and written. Take the Jewish case: We do notget, the "Peace Ship". Even though with a degree of cautiousness that ber of Jews who fell during the late why we've set aside Friday as children's day. Good service hearts "were breaking and faces were war amply demonstrated the Jew's to what extent our people are interested in secular reading. insures success. He prepares, plans, every Say, but .estra good service. Billiken Friday. drawn* and tense, we were forced to devotion to his country and his exeirsliWe do know that religious reading is at a, very low ebb. Jewish gathers up the loose ends, abhors " B I L L I K E N ' Shoes sre made without a • pliary behavior on the battlefield. [homes find room for magazines of every variety and value, except smile at the childishness and thewaste, is frugal and provident. tack or nail-—sewn throughout and made the Jewish journal. Jewish^ young people and children may know foolishness of that Ford project. of specially selected glove-like leathers. " The Jew is versatile. Originally everything about the iatest jazz or vaudeville joke, but .Jewish Don <juixote tilting at a windmill 1 he was. a farmer. But he thrives BltLIKJSN SHOES ARE SOLD IN OMAHA history in the making as represented by current Jewish journal- A boatful—two boatfuls of joyriders even though his April uky is palled • •" ONLY .AT THIS- STORE. ism is a dark continent to them. To a large extent the parents advertising Henry Ford, "the million- with the smoke of the chimney stack aire^with' a vision." I t was great Biillken Friday for Kiddies'—ComeJn After School are to blame. I t even happens that the minds of the young and his meadows are the busy mart. people and children are poisoned against Judaism and everything stuff! Billiken Shoes Billiken Oxfords The Jew is. welcomed as-an_ Amer(Continued from page-1) Jewish by the total-absence thereof in the home. There are And now Ford, the paladin, is ican citizen, because he lives cleanly, sou, Sirs. Cicssofl, Mrs. A. Kofcn, Mrs. '" 93.50, • ^4.0% S5.00 $3.50, S4.0O, ^5.00 cases/too, when regrets are too..late. When the irremediable after the Jews. He is taldng them in soberly and simply and has ideals, a Graeiz. Mrs. H. Goiastrom. Sirs. D r V Billiken Pumps 3ioE, Sirs. M. Kohn, Mrs. H. Feter, Sirs. condition exists, ;there is an expression of willingness on the part his bare hands and using the same mental outlook and enthusiasm that G. $3.25, ^3.50, ^4.00 Main Floor, North. Margolin, Mrs. H. Trustin, Mrs. l \ h of many elders. Why 'was riot that developed at the time when weapon Samson used upon the Philis- are contagious. tines. .'"•'••••' •;"> .'it could have produced much good?—"Jewish Tribune." DISTRICT 7—West of SSth St., between and Parker Ste. Before he and his henchmen have Education and development he be- Dr. Cuming A. Greeabcrc, Captain; Italph Hcli-! ' "OMAHA.WB57 done with the Jews they will make lieves in and supports lavishly. Life man, l.vuis Epstete, Dr. Philip Klein,'. the starry-eyed houris in Aphrodite to the Jew is full of possibilities and TTm. Grodlnskr, A. Kaiman =C0PwEECT APPAREL F0K MEN AND WOMEN 8—East cf-£0t& Street—: look like Esquimaux in comparison! promise, and. he avails himself of DISTP.ICT to Coming. every opportunity to prepare himself The Dearborn Independent willMeave K. P . Feil. Captain: 1ST Harry Wilinsky, «r. J . Slosbnrg. them naked and ashamed! Henry for their fulfilment. Ford has. entered the ranks of the What has made the Jew to strong DISTRICT 0—•"9th to COtb St.—Dodge to Cumine- Streets. .. professional Jew-baiters; he has and self-reliant? Persecution. The S. Ztaritz. Captain; A. J . Miller, ST. M. 'rO'UNDED"fS57' Rosenblatt, M. Farsper, H . Friedman, S, Jew-baiter has sharpened the Jew's I E. G. Pipp, formerly editor for lenko, was found killed in an orchard. joined "the lire of persecutors and Katleman. V. Bhimentlial, Mrs. S. '"Henry Ford, now editings Pipp's That anti-Jewish paper icanediately detractors; mayhap he already feels wits and bound the race together in liaritz, ilns. K. Tatle. ^Weekly, in a recent article said Ford sent u p t h e cry that the killing was upon his shoulder the blade of thea brotherhood bond that will lest DISTRICT 1(V—West of 30th Et.,—Dodge to Cumin?: Streets. is sending men to Europe for mate- a Jewish "ritual murder," and set the sword of some phantom sceptered the ages. Mrs. rfcUip Sher. Captain; Mrs. H . A. rial •with which to attack Jews. The populace against the Jews of Kishnev bigot, whose throne was stained with Ford fears the Jews will make the Wolf, Mrs. Dare Brodkey. Jfrs. S. Sice, i l r s . H . Kachiaan, Sirs. H . HirsSsman. article follows: and Odessa. the blood of the Jews, giving him the"United States a new Judaic Zion. I hare it from a source of informa- A man now in" America was, put on accolade—"Arise! Sir Henry." Poor, There is no more fear of it than DISTRICT 21—East of 10th St.,— worth t(.' Dodpe Streets. tion •within the Ford ranks;that tba trial, and prosecuted b y another man beknighted—and benighted—man! Sam Leon, Captain; John FeTdracn, Sam there is of this country becoming a Fried, Arthur Eoseablum. Ford managers are sending eleven now in America, and who h a s been Henry Ford has always been re- German possession or Papal kinginen to Europe to • gather :i material in touch-with some of Mr. Ford's men. garde4 as. the soul of sincerity and dom. DISTRICT 32—icth'to "4th., I*arenwortb to Dodg-e Streets. with which to prove the Fflfcd charg-The charge was outrageous. truthA "And Henry is- an honorable Henry Ford is being fooled with Harry JIalaslioet. Cnptnln; Sam .Dr. 1. Dans£r, B. A. Simon. es against the Jews. ;I , > •'An uncle of the ik>y arid a caretaker man." That he has his limitations the coloquintida. ...... That source of information has of t h e orchard, neither; of them a Jew, Tribune trial proved. DISTRICT 13—24th St.. West to SGtlrSt., That h e is LeaTenworth -to Podge Sts. never proved wrongs in the past in confessed t o the crime, but the work magnificently imperial no one denies* . Back to the fiiver and Fordson, MJlton r>trin?^fon. Captain: .Toe TVoIfc Hank! . Mrs. Kate Mantell. Mrs. M. S. KlUeri any particular. . • of t h e anti-Jewish, publication resulted That he is ambitious i s obvious. Tir. 2. V-'einbcrg, Louis Hiller, Herbert ——«Uieis&Jelevea men are to go asin horrors t o old women, young wo- In Henry Ford's make-up is someKeaTenrloli. WHY RUSSIAN men, children, too horrible t o reprint. sleuths to "coinb Europe" and really thing o f the Hohenzollern. He DISTRICT 14—fiGth St» TTest—LearenDoes Mr." Ford realize that the believes he is "chosen"—for what, he BECOME REVOLUTIONISTS v.-hat for? ;' .'•'"/. ; ; : • . trurth t 6 DoiJjre Sirectfi. K. \V. Kakea, Captain. The Ford paper started out a year bitterness of his attacks on t h e Jews, isn't • really sure, but undoubtedly Considerable light upon the Jewish ago to prove that there Was an inter- that t h e strife he i s stirring up h a sfrom time to time his advisors, position under the Tsarist regime is DISTRICT 15—Knst of tnt& SC, LcaTcn•vrorth to Vinton Sts, m national conspiracy among ithe Jews; r,eady resulted in threatening 1 let-mentors and varlets will, supply the thrown by a chapter on the "Memoirs Tfathan Ynffe, Ciptain; Pnm Altschnipf, -3C<vrris CiriB, Louis Kneetcr, Jake to bring on war to their own ptofit. " ters, : y e s , . of the: worst tyjj)e,V.being subject and the ammnuntioiv . of Count Witte," which was published , Robinson. I personally havd "heard! Mr.Ford sent to ^prominent Jews, Tight here in Bankpl • Interesting in this connection is in last Wednesday's Daily Telegraph. DISTRICT 1&—1Cth St.. West . t o ^SOth, Detroit? ..'••: .; say he could prove it. ]'["' It is grim and sorry reading, the story Tjcavcr^rorth (o VSnton S*s. He and his men have .had a whole .Does Mr. Ford want to go on andt i e following culled from "Mr. told of the admixture of bigoted in- Mirrtin Sugarman. Cnptaln; Kelwyn Kd. Kraus, • Henry Rosenthal, year in which to prove it, and have assume responsibility for further bit- Ford's Page" in the Dearborn Inde- tolerance and listless fatalism, togeth- Jacob?, Ed. Treller. pendent of March &: failed raiserably. •. ; • ; - •:terness, for further strife"? er with intrigue, fear, and Jealousy D1STEICT IT—10th St.. West, I^arefl\s-orth to Vinton Streets. They have looked into the character I know his men a r e . a p t t o deny • "Some day vhere may come to which •dictates the-Jewish policy of K. Kulakofsky. Captain; Mrs. TTm. and personal acts of hundreds of sending the sleuths t o Europe. I t was you the duty to do a disagreeable the late Tsar and his predecessors. Mrs, Holzman. Mrs. J . B. Kntz. Mrs. H. Z. Mrs. Fred Ensenstock. American-Jews and found nothing to not t o be known, but I know it is so.task, to take up a cause that will Count Witte shows • with unerring Ko&enfelcl. SPKCtAX> COMSHTTEE Opens Sunday I have known of things being denied yield you no reward, which will, at fidelity not alone how our people were prove their charge. : Henry Monsky Harry A. TVolf first envelop you in misunderstand- treated, not alone the ignorant brutal- ffm,'Eoseritbal They have had detectives, experts before.;; Evcnir.g, May 15 Holzman Harry y ing and abuse, which will make you ity which was meted out to them, but Dr. Thilip Sbcr tired away from the government, go ; Arid then is, i t fair? Morrig Levy THEATRE " ': <Jver the' country in search of any- -. I n prominent places in his factory, look like a fool before men. You r.lso why it is that so many of our J. W. • Adams presents ''America's Forcir&st .Stock Companj-." thing that would.give a semblance of Mr. Foxd h a s had big signs, "Help will shrink from it naturally, yet iffellow-Jews in Russia were thrown you are the person selected for theinto, the arms of the Eevolutionary I. ''truth to their anti-Semitic campaign, the Other Fellow." Organizes and could prove "nothing.; • He has been the world's most pub* task, come way it will make itself movement, and why even extreme' for twelve years, and Communism £hds Jews ready'to .work known to you as a eerious proposition They have had the business man- licly quoted advocate of doing t h e direct from 46. weeks in regardless of your likes and dislikes. in its ranks. Eeally, it could scarcely ager of their paper and [others gum- right thing by the other man. Des Moines. shoe the country to. get stuff with When;-the Chicago Tribune called A man's real work is not always be otherwise, seeing that, as Count which to discredit the Jew; and have him a n arnachist, h e felt aggrieved what he would have chosen to do.Witte himself puts it, Jews were ! I :;;"" ; and buy them at gotten nothing but a ^ibel suit. and thought rightly that the Tribune There is all the difrerenco between forced into, revolution. Reading this chapter from the late minister's book, •, J Not satisfied with getting prejudice did wrong in going over the country choosing and being chosen." from ".European sympathizers rom "European mpthi h to dig up evidence against him instead So we take it that Henry Ford the fact that Bolshevism has a certain who nave brought old world] hatred ^ of admitting their error and telling comes to the task of Jew-baiting not proportion of Jews seems neither a • Mske Your M&tinee Wednesday and Saturday shame nor a surprise, but really a and from one who was convicted and the public so. S19 South 16th Street freely and of his own. choice but happy sign that, their treatment notSeason Reservations Now! Matinee, 2oc sr,d 50c sentenced to prison for serving the But Ford is doing a whole race the merely as the cat's paw of antiPhone JAckson §600 JEverJng, 50c and $1.00 Ffeone Doaglas.3409 jenemies of our government; in time same injustice he felt that the Tribune semitic propagandists whose, product withstanding^ some human spirit remained in the Russian Jew. Pobiedo-of war, they are "nb-w; going to" thehad done him. ; is created /from prejudice* poppy- nostseff, when he applied the screw-of seat of anti-Semitic propaganda. His paper declared the'Jews were in cock and persecution. Tsarist persecution to the" Jewish Sleuths are to scour the old world an international conspiracy. Ford has again embarked in people, reckoned, so-Jie-"'declared,' that • for hatred, that may rbrinff more bit- <- They-said is without proof. ; Omaha's .' leaky boat.•:..-. . . . • .-1a third; of> them woijld-die unde/the Newest and Finest Equiped " I know that they had n o proof and . The challenge of a maligned people • terness to? our own country;..!;;; OMAHA'S FAVORITE PHOTOPLAY THEATRES treatment,'&'third of -'them would Bath-House. "Get the stuff, or yo.u wiUi&Vrought they know that.they had no proof. Is already heard and it is direct, emigrate, and a third of them would Baths, Massage Hot Packs, Elecback arid others, sent; in.' your; place," They couln't prove i t jn the ..begin- .undodgable stuff. go over to the dominant creed. And, tric Treatment, Inh&latorium. these muck-rakers.are.'told., ning.. They; hays, faexi fishing. for . The Ford flUvyer has never been thus, he argues, will the Jewish quesI should^^ ^ to ^ Fordd if evidence for a year and can't prove put to such' a test as will this Ford tion in.Rtissia.be settled., The vain that is running the'paper along the it now. . . .-.; activity which so bitterly assails the old bigot! He omitted an element in lines that he said.was going,to run • America h a s been raked over, every • CONCANNON. EBOS.». I»roj3s. rectitude of. our Jewish fellow- his reckoning, or, rather, he omiited i we started t t d it together? t t h ? att when resource here is exhausted, and now : 1401 F&rnaia St» .B&Eement two considerations:. He forgot the ' ". Is that going to lead to kindness they a r e going to Europe in an effort citizens. : C;i'C:\l: • - • Entrance. • sturdiness and fidelity of the Jew. And to quote frienji. Schermerhorn among neighbors^ to make^good on their false charge. So that although, alas, a large proTelephone: Tyler"5TS1 of the Detroit Times:. / , _ STAETS SUNDAY, • • ENTIRE WEEK • Will Mr. Ford read for himself Ford never hesitates t o change his "Henry Ford is, not so useful and portion emigrate, few went over to NEB. BIAY 1STH,-ONE WEEK, Starting1 Sundtty, May 15th about the Kishinev massacres, before mind in business matters. • the dominant faith. They went insuccessful in his dayand. generation going further in his efforts to poison He once said t o me that the only stead to the ranks of Revolution, and ihe public mind against a people? permanent. thing in the world is that he can afford to ignore the chal- pulled down with rathlessness the lenge of the Jewish organisations for That disastrous campaign started change. qf allegations fabric of evil from, which they for so ioufc just like the Ford campaign startHe does not feel that i t would be an investigation He must come out long had suffered. — London Jewish ed out here. belittling to change in- his business against th£m. Chronicle. , TCHISOPODIST AND BEAUJY Kroushevan, the publisher, had matters because he understands them into the open and accept the chalIvi:-^.*'"SHOP. ^%-^ lenge or close down forever this deneither thp. power nor the money for But not understanding fully all that partment of his activities when he ISlh sail Uaracr. SJorjrtes1 SS33. spreading propaganda that.Ford has. is being done in his name in libeling resumes' maximum production in all xrmi His paper did not have the clever a race 6i people, he feels t o change the rest of his works; or the time is In the sweetest role would be a sign of weakness. writer that the Ford paper has. liable to come when ho will need she has "ever played Must we go on with a year or two And yet, what monstrous results more of this turmoil just because a something less than maximum profollowed! -, duction to satisfy the demand for his They started out like Ford, charg- man vdt)i plenty of wealth will let products. It Pays to Gst Our-Figures Stranger things have Laid Ovc? 6,009 Boofs in Omaha ing that the Jews were trying to gain those about him work on his p r ehappened in the history - of mixing Our Roofs Are Oar Proofs judices t o the extent of doing an A picture &ny world dominion. •• , . Our Specialty injury t o three million .men, women wholesale insulting with wholesale 1 should see. They charged the Jews with respon- and children, most of whom a r e manufacturing." Ready EosSns: cter old shingles AH Wosk GusrajsteedE sibility for i l l sorts of tilings, with all humble toilers in the ordinary walkEvery nation from the time oi EMERSON HUGH sort's of shortcomings, common to of life, the very men, women andMoses do%vn has sought to heap scorn] Harney 2574 WROTE THE STORY.,mankind, arid with many things for children,, in that station of life, for on the Jew.. Why? Oface &K& Warehosssi I think thej which the Jew was not at all respon- whom Ford has expressed great con- answer is "Because he dares t o ' S122 Leaveaworth riSX sible; cern Jl> times s!ii. • • -• "exceLi" named Itfba,.. A boy," a Christian,
ElbertHubbard, II Discusses the Jew
lew is the time To ipei Yiir Sias
isit the First Dollar Today i
"Say It
A class in. millinery is being conducted every Wednesday at the Welfare rooms in thfc Lyric Building by Mrs. M. Miltonb&g for the purpose of teaching this subject to women who will conduct such classes next year in the public schools under the auspices of the Social Service Section of the Jewish Womens Welfare Organization. According to Mrs. milliard Langfeld, supervisor of this work, in the schools, more teachers of millinery are needed. Anyone interested in this work, telephone Mrs. Miltonberg at Jackson 3657.
The' last regular meeting of the old Council of Judea, was held Thursday, May 5. All standing committees reported on the work done during the past term. Plans for National Young Judea day which will be held on June 1, were made and it was decided to turn these over to the Leaders Training Group for their approval. All council members were instructed to have their individual clubs elect new members to the Council.
A regular meeting of the Thorpeian Athletic Club was held Wednesday, May 4th, at their club rooms in the Patterson block. The following officers were elected: President, Max Wezelman; vice-president, Louis Freiberg; secretary, W*lliam Alberts; trearurer, Ben Abrahamson; trustees, Abe Myers, Isadore Levinsbn. and Dave Schwartz; sergeant-at-arms, Phineas Wintroub and Sam Steinberg; athletic director, Sam Friedel; custodian, William Wintroub; reporter, Harold Farber. An open meeting for members and their friends w*ll be held on Wednesday, May 11. At this meeting officers will be installed after which dancing will follow. The Thorpeian orchestra will furnish music. -
The Brandeis theatre will open its A booster meeting of the Aleph doors next "Sunday, May 15, to a Y of the Y. M. H. A. was held season of summer stock, presenting Monday evening at the. club rooms the Princess Players of Des Moines in preparation for the events in in a series of best royalty plays. which Hhe Aleph Y will participate, " • The Princess- Players . have, been Sunday. organized for some twelve years and The Aleph Y debating team, comcome to Omaha at the close of a posed of Sam Beber, Fred White and season of forty weeks. "Polly With Israel Goodman, will uphold the nega.tive side' of the question in the dea Past" is the opening bill. - Theodora Warfield heads the organ- bate . with the Sioux City Y. M. H. ization this year. Miss Warfield A. at Sioux City, Sunday evening. claims experience as a moving picture The question is "Resolved, That Imactress, a musical comedy and dra- migration, to Palestine Be Rematic star, having first appeared in stricted." pictures with Annette Kellerman. While the. debating team is on After her engagement" in " its way to Sioux City, the Y. M. H. Daughter of the Gods," gMiss War- A. base ball team will "swap" bats field played with Nazimova in "War with the Omaha Printing Company team, a Class A aggregation, SunBrides". day morning at Holmes park, ThirtyIn her first starring engagement first street and Ames avenue. This on the legitimate stage, it is interwill be the first game that the "Yn esting to note that practically her tetam has played this season. first appearance was made in Omaha, when she played here in "Very Good DR. FRIEDMAN HERE' Eddie". Alice Dovey was to have : Dr. Arthur V, Friedman, registered played the . part, but married just optometrist, has recently opened his before the company reached here and optical establishment at 1222 Douglas Miss Warfield"'was sent to take the street, Millard Hotel building. "part. "I must say that my first Dr. Friedman, graduate of Northern visit to Omaha was an anxious one," Illinois "University of Opthalmology. laughs the leading woman, now. serving, under Dr. Uhler in Chicago, Since that time she has also appeared returned to Omaha last fall and suchere in "Oh Boy". Other successes cessfully passed the state board, examhave starred her in Rachel Crother's ination of optometry. "39 East", "Fifty-Fifty", "NightyNight" and "High Noon". REFORMED JEWS TO Miss Warfield's chief support conCALL. WOELB CONGRESS sists of Bernard Nedell in the male leads, Easton Yonge, Edith Spencer, . London, (J. T. . Agency).—Local Jay Ray, Frances Loughton, Cecile Jews belonging to the Reformed Elliott, Jay Ray, William Townsend, Wing are perfecting plans to call a Van B. Mnrrell and Eddie McHugh. congress at which reform Jewry the You know the story of the play— world over should. be fully repRex Van Zile prevails upon Polly resented. Shannon of East Gillead, Ohio, to pose as a French adventuress in order that the girl with whom he H? man, university jrrEfilute <dejrree «I Arts and Sciis really in love will be moved to ence).* with a wide knowledge <">£ rescue him. She is, but Polly is the Hebre-nr langr«ase and literature and experienced in the not so sure she wants to be rescued. teaching of same. Trill accept There will be matinees both Wednes-, position as teacher ia a Hebrew school, or Co priTnte tutoring day and Saturday. Write J. KAMINSKY, 3101 Corhy
The Lillies of Zi?n will 'hike to Camp Brewtser Sunday, May 15. AH members will meet -at the : Talmud Misses Eose and Bessie White, who Torah at 10:00 o'clock'sharp. . have been spending the winter in The Hatikvoh girls will hold a Los Angeles, are now sojourning in regular meeting Sunday, May 15, at the Catatfna Islands. the Club rooms, Nineteenth and FarMrs. Sam, Gj-eenbtatt, who lias been 3am streets. All members are urged YOUNG J^DEA DAY visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. Monsky, re- to be present BO as get together with "National Young Judea Day" will their captain and sides for volley ball turned Sunday to her home in Membe held this year on Tuesday, June practice. " ;phis, Tennessee. . • 7th.. A program has been arranged The Young Judea Junior girls for that evening to take place at the i: Mrs. Martin Sugarman has as her entertained at a party Sunday even- Swedish auditorium." .."•••. '•house guest,' h e r : -ousin, Miss Ruth ing at the home of Leona Perlis: Young Judea is a national institu•Goldstein of Galveston, Texas.. Miss Sarahs Brookstein, a recent graduate tion, founded and maintained for the -'•Goldstein' will remain several weeks. of: the High. School of Commerce, social and educational uplift of the was honor \guest. Ab6ut fifteen American Jewish youth. Young Ju' The Pricilla Club will meet next couples- were present. The evening dea furnishes a ;Jewish education to •Thursday afternoon with Mrs. D, was spent in dancing and games. thousands of children. Young Judea Levine, has already .proven..a: .strong factor in Zionism. Hadassah.Card Party. Mrs. Charles J. Simon and small Every man, woman and child is Members of the locai chapter of daughter, Marjorie, are expeeted the Hadassah will give a card party at "urged to attend this program and latter part of this month to visit with the Loyal hotel, Thursday afternoon, see what Young Judea does for the Mrs. Simon's parents, Mr. and Mrs. May 26, to which the public *s in- Jewish child and understand why it Sol Bergman, vited.' This year the local chapter is should be supported by everyone, undertaking to raise $400. which is This program is free of charge. The Women's Auxiliary I. O. B. B. the • amount required to maintain a will, give a dance for members and pupil nurse in Jerusalem. At the presHADASSAH OFFICERS ant time sixty-five young women Mrs. A. J. Miller was elected presitheir escorts at Hanscom are receiving "training- s.% the Baron dent of the Junior Hadassah at the Thursday, evening, May 19. Rothschild Hospital in Jerusalem, annual meeting held Saturday at the Mr. Charles Shames, who left Sun- all of whom are being supported by club rooms in the Lyric building. day on an eastern trip, will spend HadasEah,as the only source of in- Other officers chosen were: Mrs. A. some time with his brother, Mr. Louis come to such institutions in Palestine Weiss, first vice-president; Mrs. John Shames, who is now making his home is through donations. Corby, second vice-president; Mrs. at La Salley Illinois. Charles Levinson, treasurer, and Mrs. Mrs. Nancy Spegle Is visiting with Ben Handler, secretary. The execuFifty guests surprised Mr. J. E. her daughter, Mrs. Harry Donsker tive committee includes: Mesdames Marks Sunday evening at his home, and Mr. Donsker at Kansas City. S. Robinson, J. B. Robinson, San^usl e BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE honoring his fortyvseventh birthday. Riseman, Louis D. Woolfson and S» If youVe a grey-haired Mother The evening was spent in cards and Although of St. Joseph, Missouri, Greenberg. . In the old home far away, prizes were won by Mrs. A. Levine, Miss Gertrude Katz was one of the Sit down and write the letter Mrs. E. Singer and Mr. J. Marks. very enthusiastic election workers Mrs. L. SI. Cohn left Fridayjfor CaliYou've put oif, day by day; last week ata the polls. Miss Katz f o r n i n , v.-here 'she will join Mr. Cohn. Don't wait tmtill her footsteps Dr. Conn has taken for his subject is visiting her sister, Mrs. Joe Maig- They will remain about two months. Reach Heaven's pearly gate, next Friday evening at Temple Israel, lish of this city. But show her that you care for .her— "Jewish Ethics.'? ' :. The Misses Mary and Georgia Before it is too late. ^ Mn and Mrs. B. Elsenbergr and Moscoe will leave Saturday to visit A' legular meeting of' the Young small son, formerly of New York City, at Des Moines. If you've a tepderjmessage, '^ Jndea Senior Club was held Sunday, are now making their home in this Or a loving, word to say, ; . .. May ,.8,--«£. th& home~of Tina Alt- city. Mrs. Eisenberg before her ' The "Ka-Dee-Mo, Club will hold an Don't wait t^T you "forget, it, '•'•'schuler. It was decided to have a marriage was Miss Elsie Silverman, invitation dance at Hanscom Park, But whisper it today. Toy .Shower for the children of daughtetr of Mr. and Mrs. S. Silver- Friday evening, May IS, the affair Who knows* what bitter memories Palestine, sometime during June. It man of this city.* > Blay haunt you if yon w a i t to inaugurate a campaign, for is to be held under the auspices of members. Mr. Raymond Altman So spend yourlove's rich treasure— this club but everyone is invited. A • The Junior Hadassah will give a recently was elected secretary • of Before it is too late. fine program has been arranged. costume party Saturday evening at this organization. The_ tender words unspoken, -j . The admission price will be a toy. the club rooms in the Lyric BuildThe letter never sent, "* ing. At the regular meeting last Definite date'and place will -be-anSmyrna Tobacco Firms The long forgotten messages,' • Wednesday evening arrangements nounced later. Force Jewish Workers to The wealth of love unspent, ':- •-"• New council members were.elected. were made for the adoption of an For these some hearts are breaking, , Work on Saturday orphan "for which" this ofganizaHon ' T h o s e who will represent this club For these some loved ones wait; - a t the. Council are, Estelle Lapidus, has been working for some time. The Constantinople. J. T. Agency.) Re- So show them that you care for them members were more than gratified to ports received here from. Smyrna ,•'•.'•• Blanche Altman and Ann White. Before it is too late. ~ v Blanche Altman gave the complete learn that almost enough money has relate 'iat the tobacco syndicate re—Ida Goldsmith Morris. been raised to adopt two orphans. cently decided to close all its factories -: life and work of Sir Herbert Samuels. New York City, May, 1921. After the business meeting the follow- on Sunday and *~ forcing all-Jewish •: A comic debate was staged,-the ing program was given: Recitation question for debate being, Resolved by Miss Reva Ziev, group of. songs workers to work on Saturday. Those ": that the fork is more important than by-Miss Ivy Siegle, and readings by failing t> appear * the Sabbath are immediately discharged. The Jewish • the spoon. The negative team won. Miss Sophye Weinstein. : community as well as t&? Zionist orMrs. H. J. "Whitebook and Mrs. Miss Edna Popfsky of Oskaloosa, ganization of that. ,city are takingS. Whitebook entertained today at a Iowa, is visiting with the Misses steps to intervene in behalf of the tea at the Ikmtenelle Hotel for Miss Pearl and Martha Cohen of this city. Jewish workers. Striner 'Electric 3IeatRose Whitebook, who will be a Friday evening the Misses Cohen Choppfr Call Upon British Government to June bride. • and Coffee will entertain at their home for their Suppress Anti-Semitic Campaign of Used Scales of All guest and Saturday Miss Pearl "Morning Post." t JIate3 for Sale. .: A luncheon will be given at the Cohen will entertain at a luncheon London. . (J. T. Agency.) Local ; Blackstone Hotel Monday, May 23, for followed by an Orpheum party. PRANK DEE Jewish circles are somewhat disturbed "- the members of the Council of Je%vish City RepresentatiTe 510 So. 10th St. '-Women, and their friends. Election Mr. and, Mrs. Joseph. .Wintroub over the persistent anti-Semitic camPhone DOuglas 333S paign of the "Morning Post."* The .-.of officers for the ensuing year, will entertained last Sunday night at . b e .held and reports of the officers their home . for Miss Hanna. Green- Jocal Jewish press today called upon ' --and chairman of the: yarious, com- •blatt- whose engagement1,was; -an- the British government to .take measures of stopping the anti-Jewish agitmittees will be read. Several Omaha nounced to Dave -.Cohen.-.. women, who have recently visited in Their home "was beautifully de- ation of the publication, pointing out other cities and who have observed and flowers were used as decorations. that in the present moment of unrest, such a,campaign may lead to serious the activities of the Council of Jewish Prizes were won by Miss Fannie consequences. No/SpriBgs-—ffanest Weight ' ' , ns ,will; give their impressions.Aekerman, Miss Lea Frank and* Miss Anne Ackerman. ' . ' : :•'• HOBART ELECTRIC ;; Mrs.; Millard Langfeld is" confined •Among; %)se present werey Mr. v i s i t i n g t e a m . •• '-•.-•'"• GRINDERS, CHOPPERS -to,her.home due to illness. and Mrs. Wintroub, Mr. andiMrs. D. Mr. and Mrs. M. M.. Barish announced the birth of a daughter, Lois ; ;, .'AND,'MIXERS. Garber, Mr. and Mrs. I. Wintroub, i' Miss Blanche Frank and Miss Mr. and Mrs. L. Wintroub, Mr; and •lean, on April 19th. A SaEeva Snyder of Council Blulffs are Mrs. L. Cohen, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Service and Sales: FOR BENT spending a few days at Lincoln, where Cohen, Mr. and Mrs. I. Sherman, Two rooms for rent. Centrally 13th AND JACKSON STREETS Miss Frank is attending the Nebras- Mr. and Mrs. L.\ Hahan, Mrs. B. located. Telephone Douglas 7019. ..•"••• ^ Phones: ka State Medical Convention. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Harry AckerToledo Scales „..„.. ]?oug. 75S2 man, Mr. .and .Mrs. Joe-JRosen, Mr. • Hobart Electri-: Doug. T30S Mrs. Julius Rosenfeld has as her and Mrs. Paul Rpsen, Mr. and Mrk week-end guest, Mrs. L. Sands of Abe Rosen, Sir. an'd Mrs. E.. Jacobs, : "ANNOUNCEMENT . Cleveland who is returning to her Mr. and Mrs. B. ; Stark, Miss Anne 1 We have on hand Used and]} Mrs. S. Mantel is no • home from California. Mrs. Rosen- Wintroub, Anne Ackerman, Fannie { Rebuilt Machines. j] longer connected with feld entertained at dinner for her Ackerman, Pearl Brown, Sam Win" the Kosher EestEurant and now has re-opened guest sr& Friday evening, and Mrs. troub, Herman Cohen, George Green- . Henry Rosenthal entertained Mrs.. blatt, Mr. and. Mrs. Abe Finkenstein, AT 1919 BURT STREET. Sands at luncheon at the Athletic Mr. and Mrs. Joe Jacobs, Mr. and n r H. LesWas. P^s.-Xress. JC3. PeppsT, Vice-Presideat. club on Saturday. Mrs. J. Rosen, Miss Leo Frank, and TT. C. Vie, Secretary. Miss Bess Stock. Mr. and Mrs. Abe Finkenstein One hundred and twenty-five chila day. dren attended the annual May Party entertained for Miss Gresnblatt and given by the Pi Tau Pi Fraternity in Mr. Cohen at their home last WednesCOMPLETE STOKE AND the vestry of Temple Israel Sunday day night. Attention given parties, OFFICE OUTFITTERS weddings, etc. We tent afternoon. There was a program and Those present were, Anna Green, TTe occupy Kosher dishes. ever TO.OOO s o u a r e feet solo dancing by the children. Little Nathan Green, Mr. and Mrs. Barney Soatherest Corner Miss Hermine Green won the prize for Stark, Jennie Finkenstein, Burt Elerentla and Doisglas SireeSs. the cleverest dance, and Verna Singer Finkenstein, Piior.e: Bouela* 2721 Fannie Finkenstein, Phone: Douglas 5S83 OSIAIM. WEB. and Leopold Marks won prizes Hazel Cooper, Margaret Reikes, Bess . guessing Stock, and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Jacobs..
Baytei Money Weighta i l
; J
Street. Telephone WEbster 4S7S.
Americans are Trying to' Establish NOTES- SOCIALISE Direct Shipping Connections UNDER AKEEST with Soviet Russia. (,T. T. Agency.) From Loni&n, London. (J. T. Agency.) A number Moscow advices received here* it »pof steamers are arriving at Rival j pears that among those recently arvrith •American goads intended j rested tej* the Soviet authorities, a#e for Soviet Bussia, says a dispatch re- also the "rt'ell-knewn Social-Democrats •-., Sederbaum s,nd hisbet. ceived here from Bival. Tkt dispatch adds that American business men are daily' passing-through Sival on' their I New York, (J. C. B. .Service.) Rev. way to. Petrograd and Moscow and j Hirsefe Masliansky, well known fte?e that a cumber of fhern. are now try- for Ms forty j?ears of w o * in the ing to complete arrangements for interest of m&ny institutions and direct shipping communication be- Je-vrisli movements, departed this tween ports ia Soviet Russia and the! week for an extended tour of the jHoly Land. United States.
One year ago a famous Silk Sale announced ..by us was cne of the first events that began a price, decline which,, we "believe, 'has about reached its lowest point. ? . . These special sales now on • • • •.' emphasize the redactions.
Clearing Sale Prices on Women's''" Suits, Coats an.ci Dresses
•The eyes is the most delicate .organ of the body. It takes a terrible toll for neglect, but pays enormous dividends tor care.
Honey spent for eyesight' Is indeed znost judiciouslyv expended. " Much of the present day prices for glasses is due, to the vastly improved methods for obtaining scientifically accurate diagnosis; increasing the field of vision; invisibly combining "far" and "near". sight in one lens; snaking the glasses more pleasing in appearance, and lessening the chance of breakage.
Boasted and packed b y
As your thoroughly experienced and competent Optometrist will be pleased to e x a m i n e and advise with j'ou as to voiir eye needs,
SPECIALIST " 1222 Douglas Street i—Hotel Millard BuildingPhone ATlantic 4483
Dislaace To $oagr&$*a2«,t# cr extend ^nnpntiay to get tnform&tios q u i s l e sad ctwrestly—-to promote «al«w— So ssxjid miikia^ OAPSISSSfedj>g-~forAOJ biisiapss or gosjl^l pxupoae—"Loaf Cistaaf!«" «i always the Quickest and best way, Here art & 2ctr »i»r»8Wit&fcLve r*tct— TO
Broken Bflw, » ! > . »S.5S * ,«S * -35
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WESi YOU BOY JEWELSY Qzt piz.vzv.tcs ZT.& our vrcvi Is as geed as a bor.a. We have satisfied h-ndreds of your friends.
Stxesi. £513--—
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Wbsm. fmx •wS Ulk to K^oas. e>t tM, It is ss&tioa-to-ststioa mtns?; il you gp»ctf^ » prawja ©r psisssis, it is j»assps-t"«-p«taon i « m » .
Sioux City News A- "Juvenile" -Feature program was presented to the Jewish Educational Alliance, Sunday evening, at .the Hebrew Institute. The younger members of the organization .participated" and gave -the following program: Vocal- Solo,'' Miss Meiner;- Dance, Miss- -Frances; -Emeliriej * • Original Poems) Miss Elsie i Brodkey; Piano Solo, Master-Theodore -Koolish; Recitation, Mi& Hannah Natansonj Miss Bernice Kulaikofsky presided. The . followed with a dance. t A meeting of the Bnai Brith was, held Tuesday evening"; at the Hebrew Institute. > . Mis. •Abe Pill and Mrs. Louis Brown entertained eight guests'1 at an Orpheum party Thursday afternoon, complimenting .Mrs. iAbe-Epifetz, .of Mitchell, So. Dakotai and .MissRose Weinberg, of Omaha, Nebr.
Sent-by our Council .Bluffs News' bureau. The. second social meeting" of the Hebrew .'Educational Club, was held Monday,evening.at the liome of Isadore Aginskee. The club has arranged the meetings so there shall be one_ social meeting, every month. After the regular routine business was transacted, the club accepted tBe challenge of the Y. M.. H. A. of Omaha to a baseball 'game. The exact date of the game has not yet been decided. After the regular business and the program was completed, the evening was spent in. dancing. The following program was given for the benefit of the members: "The Super Magician," Isadore Aginskee; "The. Colored Baby," Phil Trochteriberg, assisted by Abe Markowitz;-; "Music," by the ".All StarHome Talent Orchestra," Freida Goldberg, Leah Krasne, SaReva Sny-der, Maurice Gilinsky, Joe, and Imie Krasne; "America in 1970," Eeva linsky and Nathan Nbgg; "The Snappers," Gertrude Gilinsky, assisted by Freida Goldberg.
Schatz Purchases Machinery for BezaleL Vienna, tJ. T. Agency).—Professor "JEWISH PERIL" ' Paris, (J. 7. Agencr).—Vladimir Boris Scht.tr, the founder »nd director cErfczei?, tl>« noted Russian revolu- of the Bcz&tel Art Institution of tionary -who has been instrumental rsucstlise, hat parenpsed machinery in exposing" tlve Russian secret service.1! for artistic printing: v-'hich is to be uiounees Ms intention of publish- i installed in the Bezrud. Oa these ing startling revellations respecting! machines the first Palestine stamps the origin of the "Jewish Peril", thei as veil us the fi>st bank-notes will anti-Semitic volume containing - the be printed. Protocols of the "Elders of Zion". i
DES MOINES NEWS Celia D. Ross, Box 1316, Sta. A, B.3652. . • Dr. Singer has just received word from the Jewish Chatauqua Company that he is to give a course of three lectures in the University,of Missouri during the , month of July. The lectures will' be on "Modern Hebrew Poetry," Israel' Among the Natfons"; and "The Jew in American History.' "--.- >f-the largest mass meetings ever held in lincoliv will be held Sunday evening, May 22, at the synagogue. The officers of the Zionist organization of .this city have asked that, all other, meetings or affairs be postponed so that the meeting may be a success. All Jews are expected to be present at 8:00 o'clock Sunday, May 22, at the synagogue^ 18th and L streets/
• •••
The Misses Anna Silverman presided over a one o'clock luncheon-at Hotel Savery complimentary to theiT sister, Minnie Silverman, whose marriage to Mr. Abe Levey of Los Angeles, California, will take place May 26th. Covers were laid for fourteen guests and the bride-to-be was presented with a corsage of (flowers. Sunday afternoon the Misses Helen and Lily Silverman entertained thirty guests at a miscellaneous shower in the bride's honor. Games formed the afternoon's entertainment, after which a two course luncheon was served and the bride was then presented with many useful and beautiful gifts. . Next Sunday afternoon, Miss Tillie Haskell will compliment Miss Silverman with a handkerchief; shower.
New York. (J. C. B. Service.) Jacob 1L' Keha, one of the best known textile importers of this city was accidently killed when struck-by an express train while he was crossing a railroad track at Greenwich, Connecticnt. Mr. Kahn was spending some tints in Grecnwhich at the order of his physicians who had prescribed for him a thorough rest. '<'.••
MEN TO GO TO BRAZIL FREE SYNAGOGUE PLANS SEMIUUNICH POLICE PERSECUTE NARY FOR LIBERAL RABBIS. London, (J. T. Ageucy).-—A conCHOLUTZIM/ siderable number of the Russian Lcrlin. (J. T. Agency.) Chalutzzim New York. (J. C. B. Sen-ice.) At the refugees who were previously memon their way to Palestine passing last annual meeting of the Free Sybers of General Wrangel's' antithrough the city of Munich are subnagogue Rabbi Dr. Stephen S. Wise, the leader of the Free Synagogue jected to uncalled for difficulties on Bolshevist forces will soon proceed movement, annornced that at an early the part of the poliec, according to to Brazil, according to advices re« date, the Synagogue would establish reports received here from that' city. ceived here from Const an tinopel. a -seminary for the training of liberal Jewish ministers.- Among others supPHONE: DOUGLAS 27SS. FELLOWSHIP SERVICE porting this move on the part of the OF CHURCH AND SYNFree Synagogue is the Honorable AGOGUE AT BUFFALO Oscar S. Straus of this city. At Buffalo, N. Y., the rabbi, officers and member* of Beth Zion Congrega- The English Pound is Worth One tion joined in a Fellowship Service Hundred Thousand Roubles. with the members of the Congregation London. (J. T. Agency.) The curof the Lafayette Avenue Presbyterian rent value of the English pound in Church, pursuant to ah invitation extended by the officers of the church. Soviet Russia is one hundred thousAdresses were delivered by the Eev. and roubles, according to a dispatch Murray Shipley Howland, the minis- received here from Moscow. It is ter of the church,- and Eabbi Louis stated that the Soviet government is at present issuing daily four billion Kopald, of the temple. The chorus and choir of Lafayette rpubles in paper money. fe©ose JXAF Avenue Church rendered in part a Jewish service, including many of the responses,' the Adon Olom, and other numbers" of the synagog ritual. This is probably the first time in the history of religion that a Christian church choir rendered in Hebrew in part portions of the ritual of the synagog. In every respect the service was unique in the annals, not only of, Temple Beth Zion, but of organized religion. • Following the service, the members of Temple Beth Zion upon the invitaThe Kosher Delicatessen store located • at 810 North 16th tion of the members of Lafayette Street, and formerly owned by Stoler & Weinstein, is now under Avenue Presbyterian Church, remainnew,ownership and under new management. ed to meet the members of the church informally in the annex of the church; This place will be cdmpletly remodeled-and renovated. There was a large attendance of members of both congregations.
The wedding of Miss Sara Stein, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Stein* to Mn Gilsen. fcook place Sunday afternoon, May 8, at 4:30, at the synagogue. The maid of honor was Miss -..Grace''-. Baron is visiting in Miss Eose 'Gilsen, sister of the St. Paul, where she .will remain for groom, and the bridesmaids were two weeks..: _'.'. ; .'•••: ; r . Euth Evnen and Sadie Asbyll. The ribbon stretches were little Misses Miss Hannah. Kaiiffman -has reSelma Goldstein and.CelJa Stein,both turned from Boston where she has The regular meeting of the Mogen- nieces of the bride. Colby Syrinsny Dovid, YoungJudea club was held just completed a seven month's study played the wedding march and Eabbi course in dramatic art at the Leland Sunday afternoon. Mandelbaum performed the cerePowers School. She will, spend the The Blossoms of Zion held its reg- mony. . Little Esther Goodman carsummer at the home of her-parents, ular meeting Sunday afternoon at the ried the ring on a. white lily.- • home of Dora Markovitch. Mr. and Mrs. J. Kauffmari. After the ceremony dinner was served for relatives. at the bride's Mr. -Philip Eomonov, teacher of the A banquet was given Suhday-«venhome. Later in the evening there ing at tbe Jackson Hotel by* the CT'ty Talmud Torah, who recently ar- was a leception 'and dance for friends. members of the. Ivre Clnb, honoring rived from: a two "weeks vacation in The young couple left for a short Mr. Leo Blank, who.will leave soon New York City, Sunday, awarded] trip to Omaha arid other cities furprizes to the pupils of the three! to make • his horns in; Des .Moines. classes. The pupils are given prizes ther east. They will be at home in Twenty-five guests; were present. every month for excellency "i« their Lincoln after June 1. Mrs. Herman Goldsmith of Omaha separate Hebrew classes. Following is visiting friends in the ciiy. Mrs. are the pupils who received prizes in Miss Gertrude Fogelson and Elijah Goldsmith was a guest at the.G. S. the first class; Mar'an Katelman, Mil- Fogelson spent the week-end in dred Meyerson, Euth Shylcen, Hymie Omaha. They were the guests of meeting Sunday afternoon, at the Kramer, Leonard Krasne, Mattie Miss Euth Brown. home of Miss Esther' Goodsite. lombleth. and Harry Eosenthal; Four new members were admitted second class: Earl Eose, Toby KatelMiss Rose Pill. entertained a large to the Ivah Club. They are Benjam'n man, Paul Hoffman, Max Kramer, company of girls Friday [evening, for Fogelson, Daye Zolot, Sam Zolot and Mrs. Herman Goldsmith, of Omaha, Ida Hoffman, Charles Goldberg- Abe Max Shapiro. / v Saltzman, Harold Saks, Julius Bernwho is viting at the A. M. Herzoff home. The evening was devoted to stein ; third class: Nathan Gilinsky, NOTED ITALIAN JEW DEAD. cards. Miss Eose Weinberg^ of Sam Shyken, Abe Katelman, Albert In iheiNeighborhood of Vilna Polish Fox and Maurice and Arthur FreidSoldiers are Terrorizing, Jewish'.; •r. Vieiiria^-,' (J: T, Agency.) Ernesteo Qmzha, was a guest. maiw • •.;•-• \ Communities. Nathan, the influential* Jewish statesDanzig. (J. T. Agency.) Bands of man of Italy, is reported to have died MiEses Sarah, and Matilda. Brodkey The Council of Jewish Women held Polish hooligans are terrorizing the in, Eome, in a dispatch £rom that city. entertained Wednesday, evening, com- its card -party Wednesday afternoon Jewish Communities around the city Nathan, who was 86 years old, was plimenting Mrs. Herman Goldsmith, at Eagle's halL : of Vilna, according to a dispatch from the only Jew who held the office of of Omaha. The evening was spent that city. l a one city (Kemelischek) Mayor of Eome and was also for many informally. Mr. and Mrs. Lou Cornbleth .and they entered a synagogue during the years the leader of the Freemasons in daughter, Mattie, left Wednesday for Italy. He is reported .^to have been Mrs. A. E. Lsvich entertained at Hot Springs, Ark.,"where they will hours of prayer and ill-treated every- born in England. one of the congregation. an Orpheum party Thursday arter- spend several weeks, before going to noon, complimenting her sister, Mrs. make their home in California. ^lIIIlIIlIIIIIIIllIlIlIIUIIIIlIUIllIIIllHIlltlllllHUHIIllIIUIIIIllllilltlllllUIHIlUIiUIHlIlu Ernest Meyers, of Omaha, who is spending' several weeks visiting relMiss SaEeva Snyder left Tuesday atives, in the city. On Friday even- to spend several days >n Lincoln. ing, Mrs. A- L. Sinkus entertained a gathering of friends to compliment The regular meeting of the CounMrs. Meyers. cil Bluffs lodge of the B'nai ^ r i was held Wednesday evening. The A meeting was held Monday even- Council Bluffs: lodge has accepted the ing, at the. Hebrew Institute for the invitation of the Omaha lodge to atpurpose of arranging for an election tend its open meeting Sunday-eve5 of delegates to attend the 24th Zionist ning at the Fontenelle hotel. Convention to be held in Cleveland, on June 5th. . O. Hochman, city clerk and Grand Foreman of the A. O. U. W. lodge of The Talinah Torah has just pur- Iowa, left Tuesday to attend, the conchased a beautiful site with building, vention of the Amalianijited Order of at-.14th' and Jackson Streets, which vention of the Amalgamated Order of will serve as temporary headquarters United Workmen at Des Moines, la. for the work and classes.. Elans are being made tQ^construct a new building, which will be one of the bes Refugees in Polish. Border Districts Not to be Expelled. Talmah. Torahs. in' the Middle West. Warsaw. (J. T. Agency.) The Minister of the Interior has issued in- I WE FURNISH ALL FORMS OF INSURANCE. - Eepresentatives from every organ- structions to the authorities in the ization met Sunday afternoon at th border districts of Poland not to expel I PERSONAL SERVICE WITH EACH Hebrew Institute, and plans weffe those emigrants who have recently = POLICY — LARGE OR SMALL made, to form, a Bureau of Federated settled in those parts. Charities, *in the city. Committee were appointed to lay plans for a fund amounting to $15,000, v to h raised, which will make possible the 5th Floor Saunders-Eennedy Bldg. maintenance of a Charity Bureau. Tel. Tyler 3160.
We will handle a complete line of K O S H E R Delicatessen, •',• yaiious cheeses, smoked fish, fruits, regetables, etc
" " our Property Protected
I TORNADO I AreYon Iiid Family Protected Agdnst |
Picnic lunches and sandwiches a specialty.
Everything We Handle Is Strictly Kosher Watch for further announcements.
X BAITEL 310 North 16th Street.
T h e whole world testifies today that the Cadillac realizes " to the full, the high criterion of absolute reliability which in-duces in your mind complete confidence, complete rest,. complete satisfaction, every mile you travel in the. Cadillac.
Sioux City will meet Omaha Sun day evening, May 15, in an intellect ual contest concerning the presen Palestinian interests. A debate will take place, between the debating team selected by the Aleph. Y of Omaha, and a local team which has been appointed/oy the Zionist organization. The question to be discussed is of great importance, at the present time, and will prove to be very educational and interesting, since it reflects upon the upbuilding of Palestine! The Hadassah Club will have entire charge of the [affair, and of the reception io be .given to the visiting team. ^The'evening will aqo -d real entertainment ' and incidently, educational benefits, and it is hoped that the Jewish community will respond enthusiastically to hear, a question 3o£ national importance discussed by., "star" debaters from our own city and from Omaha. The question for debate is, "Eesolved, that Immigration.'into Palestine be Restricted." The affirmative will be upheld', by the local team, comprising Mr Caesster Golder,- Mr.' Max KopBtein and Mr.; Herman Sacks The negative wig- b* 4 l ^ h * the
Prices Off Slip Covers Much Lower
TTon'H ne«d slip coreri to protect yonr furniture from the dust and dirt till* aammer. . "We otter .special this week a set of dnmoslt or cretonne slip covern —to cover 3 piece: at
Phone DOUGLAS 9 0 9 7 — A man will call with samples and quote 70a complete prices. \
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JfOW IS THE TIME TO RENEW THAT OLD ITJRIflTURE A E-pleoe Suite, reupholatcred la leatherette, tapestry or velour, new springs, frames polished, tor—
American Upholstering Co. Opposite Castle Hotel;
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