May 19, 1921

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"Success results §

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VOL I.—NO. 23.

Every question i •


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Xft g. tered as secona-class- mail-matter on January 27th, 1921, at o , 0 -tofflce at •Omaha, Nebraska,, under the Act ol March 3, 1S78.



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Continue Campaign CfniitteeCp Assist

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Every Feioly Listed

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Afore Than Half of §50,000 ' Quota,- is Raised; Workers Urged to "Stick on : the" Job".


o— —-—~-——————o A - ragged w^if, now , in. Jerusalem, may soon become the heir Special to "THE JEWISH PKESS." to the Fels millions. Des Sioines, la., May 18.—The B'nai Mrs. Joseph Fels,. widow-of the Brithlodge of Des Moines is making soap king and philanthropist, is now The big Jewish Welfare Fedin Palestine. When she returns home extensive preparations to entertain eration drive for $50,000 is on! she expects to bring back with her the Grand Lodge Convention, which " More than half. of the quota one of the Palestinian war orphans will be held in Des Moines May 29 to was raised -within three days— as her legally adopted foster child. June 1 inclusive. The committee in Monday, Tuesday and WednesMrs. Fels ,head of &e_ single tax charge of |he finances for the convenday. The drive will be conmovement, is also an ardent' Zionist, tion expenses are L. Davidson, -chairtinued the rest of the week in and has been one of' the most man; J. S. Slate, vice-chairman; and order to give the various comprominent figures working - to fulfill Rabbi Mannheimer. A sufficient sum mittees an opportunity to call the dream which has endured through of money has been raised by theTJes on every Jewish family in Moines B^nai Brith members to assure centuries—Zion restored. Omaha. "If I.should adopt one of the Pales- the visiting delegates, members, and Every worker is urged to tine orphans," Mrs. Fels ; explained, their families, 3 royal reception with "stick to the job" and call on J "it 'would be like taking into my eleborate entertainment for every day Harry-Lapidust: : every person assigned to them. heart and home the cause " of Zion- during the convention. The convenWorkers are requested to report Harry Lapidus, . chairman of the ism itself." tion headquarters will be at the Fort to the Jewish Welfare Federa- finance committee.^ of the Jewish Des Moines Hotel, where there is tion office every evening during Welfare Federation,ris in charge of ample 500m to accomodate all visitors. : the drive being held here. the'drive. The program for the convention is as follows: "The drive will be a grand

success if all the 'lieutenants' Rabbi Frederick Cohn and Sol Bergand 'captains' work until the end man Will Represent B'nai Israel of the week," said Harry Lapi-j at the Conventioa. dus, "general" of the drive. I "It's the small contributions) that count in making the big "B'nai Brith Day" was well ob- Special to ! "THE JEWISH PBESS."

'naiBrith Meet fere Draws Big Attendance

On Sunday evening, MaV 2&, if there will be. enough delegates ii the city at that time, there will be served a buffet lonch at the hotel and the Welcome Committee will be there to do the hand-shaking and see that a sociable evening will be spent.

Morris E. Jacobs, manager of The Jewish Press, will personally "cover" the B'nai Brith convention for The Preps. At this convention there, will be many happenings of especial interest to OasiiEns. .. -WIJOII be the nest president of the district? Where will the new Orphan's home ' be located. Where will the next convention be heJd? These are but a few of the questions of interest. The Jewish Press will csny a complete report of the convention in its first issue following the meeting.-

fid \*

On Monday morning, the time will be devoted to the registration Many'Osnahans are Planning i© of the delegates, A Irascheon will Attend" Annual Gathering be served at noon and immediate• of No. 6 to be Held in ly after lunch the Des Moines • ' Des Moines May ; * B'nai Brith ladies will take the 29,30 and 31 • visiting ladies for an automobile ride through the city and then to Plans are being- made here t o the Hyperioa Golf and Country obtain the 1022 convention of Club for refreshments. Mrs. J. District No. 6 of the B'nai Brith J. Davidson and Mrs. Ecgene for Omaha, The fight for the Mannheimer will be in charge of location of the next convention entertaining the - visiting ladies. will take place during the B'nai Monday night will be Intellec- . Brith convention in Des Moines, tual night, when a large class of May 29, 80 and SI. candidates will be initiated. The An attempt will also be made famous Chicago degree team will at the convention to bring" the have charge of- this work. . new orphans' hcitie to Omaha, . Tuesday afternoon, there will be a theater party^or the visitiiig j "It's a wonderful feeling one. has l i t is the plan of the general ladies and Tuesday evening the j after performing some good public committee of the sixth district convention mil close with a ban- j sen-ice," Harry B. Zlmman, city com- to have an orphans' home 61* quet and dance full of "pep," imissioner, told the Brotherhood of; their own instead of only one ] as the order now has at Clevefeatured by csbaret singers and > Temple Israel Wednesday night.




• " . • ' / -

l "Every person in the community J land, for both districts No, 2 '. should take it upon, him or herself to %&& No. 6. 1

Des Moines is famous as a convention be of some service, -whether it be in "I believe -we can get the orphans city and it is certain that those who civic life, the church or charity," said home here if we work hard will' attend 'this convention will carry Mr. Ziminan. "Charities here afford j s a i d Harry Lapidus, a member of served in Omaha JSunday. In the aft- Buffalo, N. Y., May 18.—One t o t a l s . " . • • - . • • • home -with them most pdeasant mem- you a good opportunity of perform-1 tIse general committee. "Several dell . During the past three days ernoon thirty new members were in- thousand men and women, rabbis, as ories. ..•-... i ing service. Take part* in drives for elates promised me they would favor well as leading representatives ' of itiated. . Delegations from Des Moines, the finance committee of which 1 relief of those in war-stricken Europe Omaha." every profession will demonstrate Mr. Lapidus is chairman,. Samuel Sioux City, Lincoln, arid Council Bluffs that ''and for the,Jewish Welfare Federa-!- e."I* there is & chance o£ Omaha reform Judaism is a living force EINSTEIN HONORED'AT SAYS JEWS HELPED TO Schaefer, superintendent of thej attended the meeting!. The .initiation in American life, by their presence ttin tne jtiaa. Then yon, too, vnll sense thst | £ £ home here, we vriH bring was in charge of Sam Leon, chairman • PRINCETON. DISCOVER AMERICA. federation, and captains have, '\ronderful feeling that follows serv-jit h e r e / ' saM Henry Monsky. first; at the . biennial convention of the o f t h e ' d e g r e e t e a m . .'•:•.••.-'; , •".• New , York. {J. C B. Service.) New York. (J. C. B.'Service.) Jewworked until midnight tabulat1 j vcei-preaident of the district. "There of American Hebrew Congre- ish, financiers and Jewish scientists Princeton University conferred upon ices performed. * ing the pledges received. ; , I • In the evening an open meeting was Union s r e Effim gations at Buffalo, N. Y., on May 24 >. Mr.'Ziroman, after speaking for a n ideal'sites here fw such held in the, ball rporn ,of the • EoriteMrs. S. Ravitz, president .of; nelle. hotei..^Jtiwas,one of the largest" to 26. The delegates, who come from made possible the discovery of Amer- Prof. Albert Einstein, recently the hour, Tras requested to contin-ue his<a home.« The home -will bp in the the- Old People's home an-, gatherings of JeuTy. ever held in theover two httridred large ; and; _ small ica by Columbus, and a Jew was the honorary degree of Doctor.of Science natlire a aTld 7 address. He spots for another,iiom-J -°^ "^Z™ *• .series of in. the. presence, of a score of-reprenounced during^the'••-pastjweek;• histo'ry of the city,." ; -~ scoinmnhTtTes frorri coasi io~~coast, 're-first-Jedtnsii'j^vcopeaa. to set foot os '^S'T^^^rfo^; He also made a .plea for aid-in the]small, cottages instead sentatives and colleges. American soil, according to the Kev. that the Old People's Hbine wilf The.principal"-spealcers were Gusta- present temple congregations and prisoslike structure." of one" ' present Jewish Welfare Drive. The ceremony was preceded by an Dr. William H. Morgan, pastor of the soon be .under the wing of-the vus Loevinge?, prominent attorney-of sisterhoods. Delegates Favor Home Federation. She said that reso- \ Minneapolis and vice president of the The delegates -will include many First Methodist Episcopal Church. academic procession of the faculty and j JEWS ASK REFUGE FOR Sam Leon, who is acting ah one of visitingscientists. President Hibben lutions already have been passed ] B'nai Brith^ district"_No. 6; Madame noted men. and women representing "The jjews convinced Vasco De the trustees of the Cleveland OrHOMELESS to this effect by the Home. -. ! S. Pisko, secretary of the Jewish Con- every congregation: and sisterhood Gama of the possibility of sailing delivered first an ;address of welcome •! "The membership will still sumptive hospital in Denver, and Hen- affiliated with the Union of-; Amer? around the • Cape of Good Hope, and in English and then spoke" in German. j London. <J. T. Agency.) A dele- j phans' home,. and the rest of the • gstion representing the Jewish Col- \ Omaha delegates will join in trying maintain its society and meet( ry Monsky. Harry Lapidus presided. ican Hebrew Congregations and. the thus helped to revolutionize com- Dean West of the Princeton Gradu- ordzation Association and the Joint j to locate the new orphan?' home ate College praised Professor Einstein every month," said Mrs. Ravitz, "Contrary merce," Dr. Morgan said. "Jewish National Federation of Temple recent reports, the "but the Home will be under the B'nai ,Brith is scientists predicted the success of the for his great "scientific achievements "Foreign Committee of org-ar.ized An-there.not ,a secrel order," terhoods. . glo-Je\Try and consisting of Sir Stuart i The foHowing delegates front direction of the Federation." j said Mr. Loevinger. • "The B'nai Rabbi Cohn and Sol- Bergman will first voyage of Colunibus. It wasand for the fact that he was one of Omaha vril attenld the cor^-entiojat "So far I am quite pleased' brith teaches patriotism. , The represent Temple Israel of Omaha. mainly through the knowledge of la- the few men In Germany-who had dis- Samuel, Claude G. Montefiore and! 1 Lucien Wolf, recently called on Under -. Henrjr Monsky, Harrj- Lapidus, & approved, of'the'German invasion of bor and generosity of a. few Spanish with the drive," said Morris! cardinal principles of the o^der aim Eevy, president of the Federa-j to make better citizens of'its memJews that America was discovered. Belgium. Professor TEinstein. spoke - Secretary Wood of the Colonial Office J. Leon, Harry Malashock, Arthur CHANGES HIS NAME tion, "but in order to make the( bers. We stand for law and order, be- Rome. (J.. C. B. Service.) The offi- • "Among the men who accompanied briefly. Later in McCase Hall he de-and through him petitioned the Brit-« Rosenblum, Dr.. A, Grepube^x, K<l* jish government to open the British j ard Simon, J. J. Greenberg, M, Mandrive a success everyone must nevolence, harmony and peace. One cial Gazette of the Kingdom of Italy Columbus were six Jews, including an livered the first of five lectures. ! colonies' for the settlement of thejheit and H. Friedman. Among those present were the preswork hard until every person; of the chief purposes - of the B'nai has issued the folowing notice: interpreter, a doctor and a surgeon. of the Omaha delegation listed is seen and induced to) Brith is the giving of help to the "By a. decree published the.-2nd of Luis De Torres, the interpreter, was idents of Smith; Cornell, Brown, and ' large number-of "Ukrainian Jews made •willSeveral seek district offices at the through, pogroms. Undersigii a pledge card." j needy and aid and comfort to the poor April, the Ministry of Justice and the first European to tread American professors of Columbia, University pf homeless Wood expressed himself as vention^ in Des Moines. The The committee is hoping that and the sick. The B'nai Brith is a Fine Arts has authorized. Dr. -Mario soiL The whole expedition was made Pennsylvanit, Lafayette, Dartmouth I Secretary entirely sympathetic towards the sugheadquarters of the Ornalsa the quota is raised by Satur- public forum'where'quesiions of inter- Levi Buonaiuti, born in Venice; on possible by the generosity o ftwo court and Bryn Mawr. . jgestion and assured the delegation 1 delegation vnll be at the Fort De* est to the Jews are. discussed.". July 28, 1887, resident in Rome, to Jews, Luis De Santangel and Gabriel day night. Moines hotel. Many other Omah&ns Madame Pisko lectured and showed relinquish the name of "Levi" which Sanchez, who advanced a sum equal RELIEP PREVENTS CLOS- that their request would be taken up who are planning to attend the-, conthe colonies without delay. betrays his origin, and only to make to $160,000. So it was not the jewels Prussian Minister Opposes moving pictures,- bringing out the use vention on Memorial day have of that of Buonaiuti, the said of Isabella, but the Jews of Spain, ING OF JEWISH SCHOOLS work done by the hospital'in the savmade reservations at the hotel. Jew-Baiting. Danzig. {J. T . Agency.) A War' CHURCHILL ANNOUNCES ing of the lives of persons afflicted doctor being desirous of conversion who opened up the new world." Berlin. (J. C. B. Service.) During' with tuberculosis. "No one "is turned to the Christian faith. saw dispatch states that- the twenty INQUIRY ON JAFFA RIOTS • .. . the debate in the Prussian diet onj away from our door. The care and .'. "Take notice, therefore, that any million marks recently received from London. (J. T. Agency.) In the JEWISH LEADER INJURED the' question of the Communist ris-; help of our wonderful ^hospital build- person desiring to raise opposition to Three Jews were killed and onethe Jewish People's Relief Committee ^ J A F F A ' RIOT ing, Herr Severing, 'Secretary of=i ings are given to both Jew and non- the above must do so within four wounded during an attack on Petach- in America has made possible the con- course of an address before the House i of Commons in which Mr. Churchill! London. <J. T. Agency.) AccordState, strongly denounced the Eight Jew. When one needs our help we months from the publication of this Tikvah. There were likewise several tinuance of work in the Jewish schools t o latest spoke at length on his trip to Egypt j ^ S information received her* : parteis, "who maintained that the. don't care whether .they are Jew ornotice." Arab casualties. of Poland. ' and Palestine, the Minister stated that f r o m Jerusalem, Boris Goldberg, one Eastern Jews were responsible for, non-Jew. The B'nai Brith is patron an official court -of inquiry had heen'<* the most noted -and most wealth. the rising. He further.^asserted that society of the hospital and organized set up to investigate ib. erecent riots! k r t of Russian Jemy vho recently the mine owners, aiid large estate the first branch of the hospital unit." settled in Palestine, is among those owners should be held responsible in Jaffa, Mr. Monsky discussed in detail the were' injured in the Jaffa riots. for the presence of. Eastern Jews in drive of the Jewish Welfare federa-PALESTINEDOORS CLOSE Germany, -where they had been emLondon. (1. T. Agency.) • It be- 45<KKBRITISH TOMMIES IN ployed as cheap labor. He admitted, tion here. "We'.liaye always said, 'We take care of our own.' Now is a good came known'today', that-, the British there may be some undesirable ele• . PAtESTINE.' Administration of Palestine first London. (J. T. Agency.) Official ments among them," but that -was no time- for you to shi>w it," he said. "This drive cannot fail, for the federasked' and received Winston Church- figures available show that there are excuse for Jew-baiting. ation work in Omaha must continue. ill's consent to stop immigration i , still at "present in Palestine'4,500 BritOur work is important. No branch «f Palestine before it issued the order Colonial natiTC toldien. NEW HOME OF THE HEBREW the work can be curtailed advantageto that effect. The stoppage is tem- The array estimates for 1921-E inSHELTERING AND IMMIGRANT ously, but if the-drive does not proporary AID SOCIETY OF AMERICA TO duce §5Qt,000j some of the work will clude the amount of 19,781'^OP pounds BE DEDICATED SUNDAY, JUNE 5. have to be curtailed." coveringg the maintenance of British SIE PHILIP MAGNUS TO QUESVocal solos wfere* given by Leslie military, forces in Mesopotamia, I*el« TION LLOYD GEORGE. Sunday, June 5, will be the opening Burkenroad and Miss Cecilia Feiler. London. (J. I . Agency.) Sir Philip I estine and Aden. day of the ceremonies, in connection noanced that at the next session of with the dedication of the new Home APPEAL FOR PEACE the House of Commons he will ques- APPEAL FOR REFUGEES of the Hebrew Sheltering and Immition the Prime Minister on the prob-| Vienna. - (J. T, Agency.) As a regrant Aid Society o£ America at 425- London. (J. T. Agency;) In the course of a dispatch to Jhe Colonial able date of ratification of the Treaty sult of the effort* of Dr. Kramer, a 437 Lafayette Street, New York city.. Office, Sir Herbert* Samuel,' the Palof Sevres. Sir Philip 'will ask whether representative of the Jewisli Central Representatives of the Federal, the option of becoming Palestmean World Belief Committee, loual Jews State and City governments and lead- estine High Commissioner reports that .citizens, granted fey the treaty to have organized specifically for tite ers of American Jewry will particip- on May.6.10,000 Arabs who were asBritish Jews, is granted to • British purpose of' sitting; Ukrainian refugees ate in.the ceremonies that will last sembled at Ramlah for the celebration .non-Jews as well. If It does not, lieand pogrom victims, A number of throughout the week,- beginning of an Arab festival, were addressed Israel Goodman •will demand that the government use most leading Jews in this city h Fred Sara Beber by Genera! Deeds,' the Civil Secretary, June 5th. its best offices eo inclnds such- & condi- been interestisd ia tliis and other high officials. An interesting program' for each Special to "THE JEWISH JPKESS." The Sioux City debaters, upholding advance, the sims of-Zionism. . day of the week June has been ar- A number.of leading Moslems also ; Sioux City, Iowa, May 18. — Thethe affirmative side of "Hie question, The Omaha team, represented by I. tion i s the treaty. ranged and each evening will be de-addressed the'great/-mass of Arabs, Omaha Y. M. H. A. debating team argued that the economic rad social F. Goodman, Fred White and Sam v Sir Herbert Samuel'-has appointed FAVOR MINORITIES voted to showing the various activ- making a strong .for peace. At defeated the Sioux City Young Jude- conditions in Palestine made restric- Beber, three 'former ; Central high NATIONAL AUTONOMY, ities of the society. ' the satne time small grptips of Arabs ans-by a decision of two to one before tion of immigration in that country school debaters, • excelled the Sioux. a commission to inTestigate the orip'n attacked the Jewish'colonies'of Reho- a crowd whicli filled the Hebrew In- an urgent necessity. On the other City Judeans--in delivery.- Fred White of the riots in Jaffa last week. The TsHsu (J. T. A.penc>.) Tii€ 500 LEAVE WARSAW FOR JAFFA bath and Chedera. r In both -instances stitute Sunday night. Thev question hand the Omaha, debaters maintained was. the- pillar, of strength for theJewish interests are represented fcj* FiCtutiPiml Commission of th& National Assembly has decided tw Danzig. ( J . T . Agency.) A special the police repelled* the/attacking par- for debate was, "Resolved,/That Im- that unless the Jews obtained a ma- Omaha team. The Sioux City teamMr. Harry Sacher, editor of the_ Paltroduce a measure grantiiig estine Weekly, and Captain Horace ties, killing a number of Arabs...Other was represented by Max Kopstein, migration Into Palestine be Restrictjority in Palestine as soon as possible train carrying 500 Chalutzim en route ties full national autonomy, Samuel, member of the legal departto Palestine left Warsaw recently, ac- parts of the country,, according" to the ed." The judges "were Sam Pickus, the Jews living in that country will Caessler Golder, and Herman Sacks, to a dispatch received here fr&ia ment q£ the Palestine administration. High Commiesioner's report, i A. L. Fribourg and J. B. Courshon, Jr. not be safe, nor will they be able to Edward Baron presided. cording to advices from that city.




Published «rery Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska, by

Jerusalem. (J. T. Agency.) More than seventy writers were prfesent at the conference of Hebrew writers which has just been held in Jaffa, tiie co-nfei-ence decided to found a publishing company for Hebrew works and expressed its i*egret at the discord between the Zionist World leaders and the Zionist leaders of America, at the same time condemning- the attitude of the American leaders as showing their failure to comprehend the national meaning of Zionism. It was also resolved to request the Zionist Organization to consider Hebrew literature and its furtherance as an integral part of Zionist work. The conference cabled greetings to Achad Ha'Am, Stybel, Dubnow, Bialick, Chsrickow, and elected on its board Dr. Bergman, Glickson, Benzion- and Nadier. • .

THE JEWISH PEESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. MOKEIS E. JACOBS, Manager. • Office/Four, Baird Bldg.—Telephone DOuglas 2372.

Martial Law Proclaimed and Troops Thousands Contribute; Committee of are Called Out, British War100. to'-Have* Control. ships Dispatched. New York. (J. C. B. Service.) The London. (J. T. Agency.) Dispatches polemic and initiatory period for the received from Jerusalem this morn- Keren Hayessod appears to have come ing, report that Jaffa is still in an to an end and the actual work of the unsettled state and that clashes be- collection of funds has commenced, tween Moslems and Jews continue. according to a report from the new Martial law has been proclaimed and Keren Hayessod office in this city. more troops are arriving in the city. It is stated that thousands of inA British warship is also expected to dividuals have already proffered their reach Jaffa port today. So far as is contributions and numerous organizaknown there are to date 40 killed and tions in New York and elsewhere have more than 200 wounded. pledged unusually large Bums of An official dispatch received yester- money towards the Palestine fund. day by the Colonial Office from Sir Mr. Herman Conheim has been electHerbert Samuel, the Palestine High ed treasurer and a-committee of one Commissioner, conveys the following hundred which -will include Jewish details of the disturbance last Sunday notables of all shades and opinion, is in Jaffa. The trouble originated in in the process of formation. ( the interferenc with a Jewish labor The Keren Hayessod office reports Director of American Immigration demonstration at Tel-Aviv, the Jew- that Mr. I. Neiditch, & member of the Society to Go to Lftndoh to Discuss ish center -of Jaffa, by a small number Keren Hayessod .corporation lias left Immigration Questions, of Communists who were driven back England for this country together Paris. (J. T. Agency.) J. Massel, the by the Jewish workers into the mixed with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schweitzer director of the "Hias," arrived in this quarter of Moslems and Jews, the of New York City who rocwatly spent city today. At an early date he -will quarter from which, the disturbers several months in PalestitB surveying- leave, for London to confer vlth leadcame. _ . the situation there. Mr. Schweitzer ing Jews on problems of immigration .; Moslems and Jews Clash in a cable to the American SioHist particularly with refenrence to! the . Just what followed immediately leaders bespoke his enthusiasm for difficulties which have arisen from the afterward is not yet known but a the Keren Hayessod arid urged that conditions of the agreement, with the serious clash developed'between Jews' •every assistance be given it. ' Polish government regarding Ukrainiand Moslems and individuals of both an refugees which necessitates early nationalities were killed. The Jaffa FOX-TKOTTING m JERUSALEM emigration. governor immediately sent in a call London, (J. T. Agency).—The for troops which arrived together "Daily Express" today cities a yeport SKULSKI BLOCKING POLISH- .' with two armoured cars. The disturb- which appeared in. the "Unite, CathoJEWISH AGREEMENT. ance Tvas quelled without any neces- lica" asserting that the entire popuDanzig, (/. T. Agency.) According sity for firing. Complete quiet reigned lation of Jerusalem has gone danceto dispatches from "Warsaw, Minister during Sunday night but Monday mad. According to the quoted report j morning rioting was resumed and Christians, Jjews and Mohammedans Skulski is bending every effort to again a number of Jews ak well as of aU classes wowd Jerusalem dance-1 block the Polish-Jewish agreement Moslems . were killed. Additional halis at all hours of the day andj now under consideration. The negotitroops and police were called out and night snd -the fox-trot and similar ations had already reached such' a stage that their succeful completion General Deeds, the civil • secretary, modern cances are indulged in. was soon to be crpected, but Skulski's personally proceeded to Jaffa. On the interference appears to have destroyfirst intimation of tro-able members of ADOPTINGed what possibilities there were, the administration in Jaffa and leadBRITISH NATIONALITY ing men in the Jewish and Moslem London, (J. T.. Agency).—Onecommunities. made their way to the hundred and twenty-two aliens were scene of rioting and succeeded in] granted naturalization in this' citjcalming the enraged masses. In all,! chiring the month -of March. The ", CELKOPODiST AKD LEAUTY SO Jews and 10 Arabs were killed, 1421 great majority of the applicants were 3.,;~-y- SHOP. Jews and 3T Arabs wounded, 2S Jews Jews. S ISiij »nd I»arney, and 20 Arabs treated, in hospitals and £333. ! 66 placed under arrest. Prior to the arrival of the troops a number of P A L E S T I N E COLONISTS R E S U M E WORK, shops were looted. All other parts of tne Country are completely quiet.; Jerusalem. ( J . f. Agency.) I n t h e According to a dispatch from the; l a s t few days there have been no Paris correspondent of the "Tele- disturbances. Peace reigns throughgraph," the total number of killed is out t h e country. AH -the colonists in J u d e a and S a m a r i a lisve returned t o given as 50.

Subscription Price, one year... ....,..........'......v......;......... $1.50 Advertising rates furnished on application. NOT PRINTED FOE PERSONAL-PROFIT—Profits from the publication of The Jewish Pr'ess are to be given to worthy communal causes. CHANGE OF ADDRESS—-Please give both the old and new address; bo -sure.aud sign your aaine.

FROM ROTHSCHILD. Slaxims posted on the walls of his bank by the elder Rothschiid: Dare to go forward. Never be discouraged. <. Never tell business lies. Be polite to everybody7. Employ your~time well. Be prompt in everything. Pay your debts promptly. , 'r Bear all trouble patiently. Do not reckon upon chance. 4 , Maintain your integrity as a sacred thing. —


0 •T.-i-v--





Fresident Warren G. Harding, -J^\. '" ,"'• ' THELWHITE HOUSE, j . , Washington, D. G.'-*"? A _<N. _, - ..^ ..-^..J1-... Convinced that the Immigration Bill passed b^y Congress and now.'.< submitted for your approval is inimical to the best interest • of our country, I take the liberty "to urge you to veto same. • . •;.{:•-.-.::•;'


>-.._ ^ . . ^ . - -

Hebrew Writers to Found Publishing Companr"


•f ~ By FAN FERBSTEIN. "I have discovered the American IFew," declared Sinclair Lewis, -author of "Map*. Street," to me, following his New York -lecture March 29th on "Modern Fiction as a Criticism of Life." "While Ford has been uncovering what he calls the sinister, worldgrabbing side of the Jew^ I have found the Jew a delightful, ideal citizen, eager for friendship, cooperation and thoroughly lopenmind.ed. If I were to say some of the •\vierd, wild things I've dished up against the rich, to an audience of Gentiles, I'd be pretty generally howled' down,-but when I tore loose to a gathering of wealthy Jews, they not only listened respectfully but afterwards they came up and said, *Tes, you "are right, those things are true; : what would you do about

and Gentile, Native- Chicagoan and visitor, all realize, once in Chicago that on Sunday the thing to do is, Sinai Temple. In fact, it is now, a Sammy Ezeschewski, the Jewish 9- children . Little Sammy can play the Chicago cult and the most satis- year-old chess wonder, will arrive in game equally well blindfolded. Howfactory way of settling the Sunday Omaha to pit his skill against that of ard E. Ohman, state chess-champion problem, for the out-of-towner. Nebraska chess players Monday,JMay and chess editor of the World-Her"Secondly, the thing that amazed 23, He is accompanied by his father, ald, will referee the game Monday. It is probable that another simulme was the pyschic-analysis classes Jacob Rzeschewski, of Warsaw, Pobeing- conducted in the temple, for land, and his secretary, Charles Azene taneous exhibition with six players young people between seventeen and berg1, of London. He is on his way to will .be held at the Athletic club Tuesthirty years old. And the most California and has been in America day, and that a game between State amazing part of that is that -while since November. In that time he has Champion Ohman and the young marone-half -of the congregation is played 500 chess games and has been vel will be staged. The twelve players for Monday are: vigorously and- firmly opposed and defeated only five times, those being Louis Nelson, George Barker, who combating the proposition on the grounds that, some of the youngsters in simultaneous exhibitions. He Has is 85j an ex-«hampion of the city ond are too young still these classes go never been beaten in a single-handed has played for forty years; F. E. Alexander, Dr. C. B. Hunt, ers-city chamon, with, the young folks eagerly in- match. pion; G. F. Bushman, J. Edwards, He will give a free simultaneous terested in Undihg outT •whether civil war veteran; Zane Thompson, Al religion can be tied up with life and exhibition, open to -everyone, on the Dreyfoos, Charles W. Martin,. Teddy sixth floor o£ the Brandeis store on whether the things they believe and Burgess, 13, son of W. L. Gurgess, feel have a scientific leg "to stand on. Monday afternoon. Twelve people and Fairfax Dashiell, 13, son of G. F. will play him then, including ten. of t h e m ? ' . -•"•• ' ••-•" "The' Jews, it ; seems to me, at least Omaha's best adult players and two Dashiell. 1 , "If Ford had teen brought up onthe reformed Jews* are getting away t h e i r homes and s r e resuming- their --Zang-irili a s . I was,, and had grasped from theology—that is, dogmatic work in t h e fields a n d vineyards. B E . WEIZMAVX I N CANADA. the dark tragedy and grim sadness creed and doctrihe/tottard ethics arid JEWS IN CHINA -•' The Zionist Commission here ex^ Ottowa. <J.,/C. B. Service.) Dr. of Jewish life he would have develop- aesthetics. They seem to be moving . SHOWING INTEREST Weizmann left his headquarters a t pects t h a t . the government will soon ed enough, of a sense of "humor and towards ethical culture, breaking The Jewish Community at Shang- t h e Hotel Commodore this week f o r reinove all obstacles t o the entrance knowledge of the humajv. race not down old prejudices, falling in with hai,/China, now has an ordained rab- a n extensive t r i p t h r o u g h Canada, "r^e of Jewish.immigrants.-. to have made such a fool of himself the tide of the new humanitarianism. bi at the head if its congregation. was accompanied b y Da*; Benzion as he is/still' doing. He wouldn't All through the- west, wherever I've Mi.- Sinai Hospital Finds Causes and H e i s Eabbi D . Hirsch who recently J&Iossensohn of t h e Jaffa Gymnasium picture the wealthy Jews as- ^xnter- lectured, I have found the Jews in Prevention of "Sleeping Sickness" came t o Shanghai with his wife and and b y his secretary Mr. Stein. iiational bankers going home from the front ranks of the progressives, Dr* Sachs, StaiT Head, Reports 'children. H e took ~part in t h e con- ' On Wednesday, May 4th, lie was the office, meeting Bolsheviks in dark in literature, art, industry and fisecration of t h e n e w synagogue of officially received a t the Canadian j secret cellars to. plot a'world merger nance. And they are there not begovernment seat in Ottowa. Mr.! New York, May 11.—Considerable Ohsl Rachel Congregation. pf all government with Jews as gov- cause they pushed someone else out" progress h a s been made in t h e r e I n a brief survey o f ' t h e history Laurier spoke a t t h e public reception ernors. He couldn't know a Julius but because ho one else could fill those search into t h e causes and prevention of J e w s of China t h e new Rabbi and addressing Dr.. Weizmann a s Kosenwald and Rabbi Hirsck of Chi- places. The Jew insists on intelli- of sleeping-sickness" b y medical m e n pointed out t h e importance of J?ab- "Minister of t h e J e w s " expressed his cago , a Rabbi Goldenson of Pitts- gence as * e insist on success. He a t t h e Mt. Sinai hospital, D r . B. Sachs, binical influence on Judaism of t h a t sincere hope t h a t h i s mission among burgh', as I d?} without admiring has the strongest elements of Amer- head of t h e medical .staff, announces. Canadian J e w s would be successful. their intelligent living up to ideals ican civilisation; initiative, ambition Long before t h e public or t h e health \ H e showed t h a t though China for Tho Premier, Mr. Meighan, spoke in that we Gentiles consider quite good and tremendous energy—typical department of t h e city knew of this centuries h a s been the home of J e w s the_same vein. ' enough for. ourselves. have been practically free from Mrs. Vera Weizmann, wife of the American characteristics—and withal epidemic t h e M t . Sinai medical men { "A tremendously interesting thing he's so ready to co-operate in any have a n opportunity to study t h e con- persecution, their material prosperity Zionist leader, continued t h e work she exceeds t h e i r spiritual wealth, and h a d begun in N e w York b y instituting i s taking place x>Mt there in Rabbimovement f oi* the public good. * He'sdition. , Chinese Jews have contributed little a Jewels Fund i n Canada for which Hirsch's temple. In the first place, never the one Who is clannish or "While t h e disease is unquestionably to Jewish history, because they have J. don't know of any church in the erects race barriers and don't let she appealed a t a reception given t o infectious in origin,"- states Dr. Sachs been without sufficient rabbinical her by tfae Montreal Hadassah. Country that can draw five thousand anyone tell you that again. He's the in, his r e p o r t , . " i t . i s n o t contagious leadership*. people levery : Sunday as his Sinai most hospitable, sociable citizen we in* t h e ordinary»sense. Patients have Temple does. Perhaps Stephen Wise have;. if you • don't find him so its been treated in t h e public wards, and Appeals to Zionist Leaders approaches those figures inore: nearly because you don't let him., be him- so f a r a s w e know not a single case than any other man of the cloth. Jew Jerusalem. ^.(-J. T. Agency.) Peter has originated i n this institution, self."—"Jewish Tribune." J. Sjhweitzer, amember of the Execu.,. I s of jtinusuat Interest tive of the American'Zionist Organiza100,000 LATVIANS It Pays to Get Oar Figures BIALICK GOES TO MOSCOW "The epidemic h a s been of unusual tion, on returning to this city from a Laid Over 6,000 Roofs in Omaha IN SOVIET RUSSIA London. (J.'T. Agency.) The noted interest, not merely because of its visit to thb colonies cabled Justice Our Koofs Are Our Proafs Hebre\v poet H. N. Bialick is reported jLondon- <J. T. Agency.) In advices Our Specialty first' distant visitation, b u t because as Brandeis and Jugdc Slack urging that Ready Roofing over s!d shingles from • Riga, the Latvian representa- to have reached Moscow in advices an infectious disease of ..the nervous they join in the' work of the' Kere'n All Work Guaranteed—Easy tive in Soviet Eussia is Teported to received here from Rival; Bialick system i t h a s been started in its simu- Hayessod. Mr. Schweitzer. added in Terras have declared that there,, are still purposely went to Mosco^J to see the lation . o f m a n y other diseases of t h e the cable that the least delay in this Harney 2574 more than 100,000 Letts in Soviet. Hebrew organization "Habimah" pro- brain a n d of t h e spine.. A s diagnosti- work is fraught with national disaster. OSce and Warehouse t Russia who a r e desirous of returning duce Ansky's famous work De DibukL cians w e have h a d to learn t o differ3122 Lcavenworth Bialick himself made the translation entiate, i t from many^well-known dis- Roumanian Authorities Forbid to their native land. OMAHA'S FAVORITE PHOTOPLAY THEATRES of the De Dibuk into Hebrew. National fund Meeting. eases, such a s tumor'- of t h e brain, Vienna, (J. T. , Agency). —The KOTED JEWS shaking palsy, ordinary coma and apoRoumanian authorities forbad the ; ESTABLISH HOSPITAL BRITISH GOVERNMENT AGAIN ploxy. Even t h e lethargy h a s had Jews of Kimpoleng,' Bukovinia, from somehing very distinctive about, it, CRlTICirED. London. (J. T. Agency.) Tbe noted ; holding a National Fund meeting1, inasmuch a s t h e patient-appears to be Jewish philanthropist Sir Ernest Cas- London. (J. T. Agency.) Commentsel has donated. 225 pounds for the es- ing, the introduction of the new asleep oblivious t o everything - going according to advices -received here tablishment of a public hospital for budget the "Daily Express" again on about him, and ye£,.v?hen address- from Czernowits. Permission fof the nervous diseases. This will be the takes to task the government for i t s ed suddenly, gives a prompt and cor- meeting was finally obtained after Stelner Electric first institution of its kind in this policy in. the Near East.. The "Ex- rect answer and immediately lapses its initiatior promised 25 per 1cent. STAETS SUNDAY STARTS SUNDAY country. In 1919 Sir Ernest gave press" remarks that the British tax r back into t h e same state of lethargy. of the collection of the meeting toUsed Scales of All 500,000 pounds for educational institu- payer has nothing more to nope.froni "Many of t h e cases of sleeping sick- wards the Roumanian Invalids Fund. I a government which is determined to ness seemed t o follow in t h e wake of tions. FRANK DEE force him to pay nine pennies out of a h epidemic of inffuen2a. I t w a s most Question of Palestine Debated in City Representai*l<s every pound to purchase bayonets . British Parliament. important, therefore, to determine Jabotinsky and Buttenberg Coming 510 *.<>. 10th »f for the protection of the Jews in whether t h e diseases were- in a n y w a y I>Ousla<s i to America. London. (J. T. Agency.) Palestine And her $100,000 London, (J. T. Agency).—We are Palestine. The "Daily Mail" speans identical or related t o one another. In was again the cubject or debate in the Dandnj; Legs reliably informed that Vladimir in similar terms of the government's t h e ' s p r i n g of 1919 two or the younger House of Lords yesterday when Lord IN men belonging'to the medical depart- Lamington questioned the government Jacobinsky and Pinchus Ruttenberg policy. ment succeeded in cultivating from whether the attention of the league are contemplating visiting the United States in connection with the Zionist Opposition in France Would the throat secretion of-three patients of nations will be called to the report with uncomplicated iifluenza, a minute of the American commission on PalesKeren Hayessod campaign. , Join Forces with Americans. Paris. (J. T. Agency.) We learn germ which seemed to resemble t h e tine when the league will be ConsiderIn conjunction with her Noted Zionist Pleased with Situation from highly reliable sources that the one which had been found in cases of ing the' mandt.te of thai photoplav French elements in tho Zionist move- epidemic encephalitis. On inoculation country. Lord Sydenham and othera in Palestine. ALSO and buy them at Vienna. (J. T. Agency.) The noted ment that are opposed to the pres- into animals i t was found, however, participated in the discussion. Lord t h a t t h e germ cultivated from t h e Londondery replying for the governZionist Engineer JKremnetzki has just ent Zionist administration and are returned from a trip to Palestine. He led by Dr. Marmoreck ore seeking cases of influenza did n o t produce t h e ment stated that since the report of .declares that-the situation ,in that tu join forces with Justice Louis D. changes in t h e brain t h a t followed tho American commission had not 319 South I6th country is entirely satisfactory and Bi'andeis and his followers with the upon t h e inoculation of t h e germ ob- been communicated to the British govthat there is not the slightest cause idea of presenting a united ^front at tained from t h e cases of encephalitis. ernmert there was no reason whatPhone Douglas 3400 for misgiving in so far as the future the forthcoming Zionist World con- I t w a s therefore evident t h a t the dis- soever why attention should be drawn eases a r e not.-identic«>" -. •• . to that gresst -• ~-~~\.—-»,/ of Palestine is concerned. :


w is tietime

Depsif the First Dollar Today

\ Northwest Seaiy







PAGE 3—THE JEWISH PRESS THURSDAY, MAY 19, 1921. Miss Irene Adelson of Lincoln spent • COUNCIL LUNCHEON' ' ' THE JEW WHO WAS .MAYOR WARSAW DAILY "SUSPECTS ^Sunday Sunday in Omaha with Miss The Council of Jewish Women will " '.ASHKENAZI Sunday, Jlay 15,1921, will go down - On Monday, June 6, Young JudeOF ROME. hold its first annual meeting next Marfye Welnstein. as a gala day in the history of the • Danaig. ,<J. T, Agency.) The «tttt».. ans will celebrate their first annual' Isn't it funny to think that for many Monday., when they will have a lunchY. M. H. A. of Omaha, for the Aleph Semitic "Dws Groshe" in its Saturday, Young Judea Day with a program at eon at the Blaekstone Hotel for the years a Jew has been ruler of the city issue insinuates that Professor AshMrs. Ann Eaehman. of Oakland, X debating team of the Y. M. H. A. the Swedish Auditorium. The purmembers and, their friends. At this of Rome ? Thfi Romans, you know, lefeated the Sioux City Y. M. "H. .ALpose of this program is to bring be- Calif., is visiting her sister, Mrs. M. time reports .of. the officers 'ajid vari- were the very people who conquered kenazi purposely makes a bad defense ,,' II a debate. The Tote was two to fore the public the work that Young Rosenblatt. ous committees will be read and the us and drove us out of Palestine two j of Polish, interests in Upper Silesia me in favor of the Omaha team. thousand years ago. And now a Jew | because of his hatred to Poland which Judea has done.,. • The Junior Hadassah entertained election of officers will take place. has been the governor of the capital j he represents at the League of NuThe Omaha team will uphold the Young Judea is a national institumembers,at a costume party Satcity of the Eomans! affirmative side of the same question tion maintained for the purpose of its urday evening in the club 'rooms in At the regular meeing of the Wo- . .Ernesto Nathan, who was the may- tiotis Assembly. . on June 19, when a Sioux City team bringing the Jewish youth together the Lyric building. About thirty-five f men's Auxiliary to I. O. B. B. Lodge will come to Omaha to debate. The Palestine Still Unsettled and to instill the ideas and teachings guests attended, spending the evening ' No. 354, held Thursday, May 12, plans or of Some for many years,, was loved London.' (J. T. Agency.) Dispatches same men will probably represent the of Judaism. It has for its aim the in dancing and games. for the dance to be • given May 19, and admired by Jew and Gentile alflce for Ms justice and honesty. He has from Jaffa and Jerusalem indicate that Omaha Y. SI. H. A. again, while the advancement of Zionism and the fur."t Mrs. E. V. Lorig entertained at a were completes. therance of Jewish history, ideals and >. followink men' will represent the A committee consisting of Becky just died, and the citizens of Rome are complete order has not yet been T6grieving death. The Jew and in the country. On Saturday. religion. In Omaha more than four Sioux City team; Louis ; Piel^Sj Joe Mr. and Mrs. J. Adler have an- BercoTici, Yetta Stiefler, Bess. Green- Gentiles of his many lands -unite Hij g ^ ^ te Synmria was again athundred children are members of the nounced the. engagement of their berg, Celia Cooper, Bess Felsen and Rice and Morris Pickus. tacked. The Jewish Self-Defense Corps various organizations which comprise daughter, Marie, to Mr. Ben Binder, Stella Herman was appointed • to EX- mourning for Mm. While the dehating team members range for a hike to bs i&ld the.first drove hack the Arabs with hand grenYoung Judea. were on their way to conquer the of St. Louis, Missouri. Miss Adler Is i WARBARG IN VIENNA past ' o f -June. There will be no charge. Sioux City teom^ the Y. M. H. A. ades and bombs. The Arabs, however. well known in musical circles in baseball team trimmed the Omaha Omaha, being quite an accomplished' Ruth Pearlman sras admitted as a Vienna. {J. T. Agency?) Felix. M. reorganized their forces and returned Warbarg, chairtaan cf the Joint Dis- to plunder homes and. stores. At this Printing company jteam to the tune violinist. Mr. Binder attended the member to the Auxiliary. , THORPEIAN NEWS tribution Committee, is expected here juncture the military arrived and sucThe next regular meeting will be of 17 to 6.. (ieofge Bernstein, pitchWashington University at Si. Louis. At the regular meeting of the club, C7i the 10th cf May. He will partici- cessfully repulsed the attacking1 party. ing for the Y. M. H. A., fanned The marriage will take place June 6 held Thursday, May 26, 1921. in tnis case an open meeting f in a conference cf leaders in' twenty-one men and allowed but four members and their lady friends, a at St. Louis and after a- short honey- Mrs. M. .S. Miller and Mrs. Joe i pate J e w i s l l T g Iief W o T k i n Eastern moon,'they will be at home in New hits. The hitting of Kooper, Bern- Annette Fanger, representing Oma- great deal of wholesome fun was ana JONESCU PROMISES AID Cohnj who have been • at Excelsier j Central Europe. stein and Kasniek helped the Y pile ha Central High School, won highest enjoyed by all present. Aside from York city. London, (J. T. Agency.) Jonescu, Springs for the past two weeks, re-j \ up the number of scores obtained. Eoumanian ForeigTi Minister, recently honors in the State Dramatic Con- the regular program of dancing the : turned today. • ' • . • IWEIZMANN EXPECTS new officers were installed. The keyMrs. Irving Cassman who has been assured the Secretary of the ItalianFollowing was the line-up of test held at Cozad, Neb., Friday, May note of their speeches was that co- ill at the Nicholas Sean hospital, is Mr. and Mrs. Albert Luchs of Bell1 MANDATE RECOGNISED,Jewish Committee that he would the teams: 13, competing ' against thirty contest- operation and goodfetlowship should now improved and expects to. return Speak- every assistance to Ukrainian refugees aire, Ohio, who'attended, the ,'B!nai Toronto. {{J. T. Agency.) Omalia Frtg. ants from jail jparts of the' state. Y. M. H. A. g p r e v a i l i n t h e f u t u r e . '•-••. ' • to her home the first of next week. passing through EoumanSa, according company. Jliss Fanger won a district draBrith District No. 2. convention-fit St.! ing at a reception here, Dr. Louisr were. the. guests of Mi. and president of the World Zionist Drgan- to a cabled- dispatch from Venice.-' Catch _ Kooper Morisette' matic contest -held a t Onoah.a last Louis Freiberg assisted by William Monahan at the piano entertained Mr. R. Kuiakofsky left Sunday evestated that he expected the Joneseu stated that he considered It Bernstein Pitch Strong month, and qualified for the state with popular songs and an East Side ning to spend two weeks at Excelsior Mrs. Abe Herzberg last week. British Mandate for Palestine to be j inhuman, to bar refugees from SB-* S. Green Siche . contest because of her good showing. Bowery skit . Secretary Alberts, Spring's, Missouri. Mrs. Louis S. Morris and small j recogrdzed at the next raeetingr of the} trance into his country, Mendelsohn Lockmiller 21) She has an' important part in the editor of the "Thorpeian," discussed daughter, Muriel, of Hollywood, Cat, League of Nations Assembly. "Neither! Rasniek WacMer SS senior play to be given by the grad- the second issue of the paper. Mrs. i l . Fanger will entertain next- are the .guests'at the.S..FinkeriEtein the Jaffa attacks upon Jews nor anyj DAXZiG JEWS TH.AKK. POLISH « N. Green Brooks 3b uating class of Central High School The "scream" of the evening was Thursday afterneoon at heT home for home. • ' • " ' • : GOVERNMENT Sokoloff other acts of violence," lie added, "will Sb June 3 and 4 at .the High School a special "St. Vitas" dance by Harry Mrs. J. L. Kehdis, of Sedalia, Mo., who 1 Somberg Sutie have any lasting effect'cm world pubLF Daiirlg. (J. T. Agency.)"*Jews of auditorium. " . . OsherofF. is visiting her mother, Mrs. I. Pearl- Mr.. Harry May and daughter,-Miss 1 Rabinowitz Siffler this city met recently for the purpose CF lic opinion. ' Miss Fanger is the daughter of man. . 'Myrtle May, of Los. Angeles, formerShapiro of establishing a club to house etniHenderson Mr. and; Mrs. M. Fanger, 102 South EF Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Alpirn ana MORRIS SHERMAN HERS ly of Omaha, are spending ...several TO EXCLUDE JITWTS FROM \ grafts during their stay here. It m-as Score by innings:— Thirty-seventh street, and is plan- Morris Sherman, formerly with, the daughter, Miss Eva Alpirn, left Tues- weeks at the Rome Hotel Several 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 -— R. H. E. ning to attend the Sargent School in • WATERING PLACE | decided to send a resolution of thanks , affairs are being planned for Miss "Omaha Daily News", is in day for Excelsior Springs. Omaha Prtg. Co.— Danzig. ' < J.' T. Agency.) Warsaw j to the Polish authorities for admitting New York- next year, continuing her Omaha after a long stay in CaliMay. 3 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0reports that officials in the well known' j tie Ukrainian emigrants into Poland.. dramatic work. . Mrs. Flora Rosenstock, who has fornia. Mr. Sherman is <m his way 1 Y. -M. H. A.— Polish bathing resort, Zakorairie, met| been spending some time with her to Houston, Texas, where he will be GEORGE ELIOT'S/ ANSWER. to consider the question of strengrth- Mr. Menachen Sclicnken, the v/eli 2 0 5 06 4 0 0s17 22 Fifty-two women attended the circulation manager of the chief daughter, Mrs. Delwin Becker and Here is a charming story about Zionist, is reported slightly. The Y. M. H. A. team will meet luncheon of the. Social Service Section paper there. Mr. Becker, at Mitchell South Da- George Eliot, the famous writer and the Polish Etaiesphere in the the Thorpeans Sunday morning, May of the Jewish Women's Welfare Orpiace kota, returned Monday. friend of the Jews. ("George Eliot"j 22, at Ehnwood park, east diamond. ganization last Saturday at the Oma- The X. T. C. Club are planning was her pen-name. She was really a | I t is believed that a very interesting were an open meeting for Tuesday evening, Mrs. Ben Taxman and small son, woman, but she chose a man's name BEITISH AEROPLANES HEBREW TEACHER game will be played as both teams made for extending this work in other May 31, when all "Y" members are Marvin, who have been visiting Mrs. because she didn't want people to misARABS , „ mail, university graduate, are determined en victory. schools next year. cordially invited. An attractive pro- Taxman's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. judge her books. If you haven't read London. (J. T. Agency.) (degree of ! (degree of Arts Arts and. and. Science), Science), cxperi cxperiMilder, returned Tuesday to their Mrs. Millard Langfeld, superintend- gram is being arranged and a genher "Daniel Dercnda." there is a treat p^tch from Jerusalem states that Britj , teacher, gives instmchome in Eldorado, Kansas. e n c e d H r t r e w ent of this -work in the public schools, eral good time is promised those in store for you when you are readv K _.;• YOUNG JUDEA NEWS ish aeroplanes were used to repel an jtim fc t h e H e b r e i r iaBpa»fre srod 1ftThe Xillies of Zion hiked to Camp unable to'attend the meeting on ac- attending. This organization is also Mr. Sarry M. Weiaberg is in New for it!) count of illness, sent each/guest a George Eliot was once at a great attack by Arabs upcfti the Jewish col- j e r a ture and Jewish history. J. Kaplanning a picnic for the near future. f i Brewster Sunday, May 15. They will York attending the convention of the insky, S101 Corby Street, Tclephw* concert given by the Philharmonic So- ony CHedera in Samsria. This is the IjmWebster %& hold a regular meeting Sunday, May carnation and Mrs. E. Kulakofsky, 4ST5. First National Pictures Corporation. eiety of London, ar.d there slie met third attack in as many dnys. president of the Jewish "Women's Welfi 28, at the Club rooms; Nineteenth fare Organization, placed a rose at Mrs. Jos. Lewis entertained twenand Farnam streets. All-girls over the plate of each guest in apprecia- ty-seven guests at a family dinner Mrs. H. Rothkop entertained twen- the great composer, Richard "Wagner, eight :years of age are invited to at- tion, of the very commendable work Sunday evening to celebrate the birth- ty-five guests at cards last Wednes- who was known for his dislike of the Jews. His wife, Madame Wagner, tend this meeting1. -: ;. which has been done during the past day of her daughter, Thelma Made- day afternoon at her home. Mrs. was charmed with George Eliot ,and! * line. Philip Orkin of Sioux City was an out- begged her to come with, her husband) year. '••••.-The Daughters, of Zion held - an inof-town guest. Mrs. Nathan Mantel acted as chair(George Lewes} to visit them at'fj • I teresting mieeting at the home of man in .Mrs. Langf eld's place and read On Friday evening at Temple IsraFrankfort. Now most people in Erig- . if fifJAC Anns Euback. The folio wing-parti- Mrs. Langreld's report. The princi- el, Kabbi Cohn will speak on the Union Mrs. Horace Rosenblura entertained land would have given s great deal to , pj L; cipated in the program: Solo, dance, pals of the schools in-which this work of American Congregations, the meet- twenty-four guests last Sunday after- be invited to visit the "Wagners. . Bsl ||' il Gertrude Wintroub; piano solo, Edith has been carried on during .the past ing of which he. will attend at Buf- noon for Miss llollie Stein, • whose' George Eliot said: ' '; GarSSHe; "discussion of the" Dreyfus year were guests at the luncheon and falo, May 23 to 27. Dr. Cohn will marriage to Mr. Sam Eothenberg "Madame Wagner, 1 beg to be exresponded to the various reports. Mr. occupy the pulpit of Rabbi Leo M. take place June 19. case by all the members. cused. Your husbaiid does not like the J. H. Beveridge, superintendent of the Franklin at Temple Bethel on May Jews, and my husband is a 22nd, at Detroit. He will also adA' number of Jewish girls have Public Schools, and Miss Belle Eyan, In a letter to Miss Ethel Namen, dress the Jewish Student CongregaOmaha > Mrs. Mayme Krasne, winner of the joined the "Daughter of Job" a assistant superintendent, who were to tion of the University of Michigan be guests and to 'make addresses, were Omaha Daily News Business Woman's j recently organized Masonic Club ..Complete at Ann Arbor. Popularity contest, tells that she and; among who are: Esther Brown, Ann unable to be present on account of the her sister, Miss Belle Horwich, ' Zalk, Mollie Grossman, Eose Fell- Teacher's Convention at Lincoln. Mr. Stocks : Mr. and Mrs. E. Liebo of St. Paul, is accompanying her, took part in a ( S. H. Schaefer gave^a short talk on man, Mary Moscoe and .Estelle recreation work, and' Mrs. F. H. Cole, Minnesota, have -announced the en2io Springs—Hc-isest Weight o v i n g p ^ ^ ssoon o o n te e released to bbe released by by • Lapidus. supervisor of South Central* School, gajgement of their daughter, Liegh, jj t h e M e t r o Company, the name of HOBART ELECTRIC » C i P Brarideis Stores hare leather goods, The Herzl Girls hiked. to Child's gave a report of the work done there. to Mr. S. Garry BialaC of Omaha. | ^ M c h ^ b ««ConqaBring Power>» Mrs. Henry McDonald, who has been Miss Liebo visited with Miss Fay GRINDERS, CHOPPERS ultra, smart and excellent in conPoint Sunday, May 15. ;A regular supervisor of the recreation work at Mrs. Frank Ginsberg of Sioux City, i B-HXERS.' _.. • meeting will be held Sunday, May Lincoln School, was in pharge of the Garelick here thi3 winter. struction and ralue, luggage that is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest 22, at the Club rooms. AU girls be- arrangements for the luncheon. gives the traveler the confidence, of a The regular meeting of the Ra-Oth Meyer, and will remain for several -~~— Service and Sales: ~T " tween the. "ages of 14 and 16 are inSociety will be held Sunday, May 22, weeks longer. . correct-impression. Exclusive agetits Last week pupils of the South Cencited to visit this meeting. ISth AND JACKSON STSEETS tral School under the direction of Mrs. at the "home of Miss Diana Gross. in Omalia for the famous MendelF. H. Cole, supervisor of the recreaPhones! Registration for attendance in the Draeker w&rAr©!)© trunks at 39.00 and: The Hatikvoh Girls held a' regular tion work in that school, gave a play luncheon followed by a card party at beginners class of the City Talmud Toledo Scales\...."_.'Doug; 76S2 up to . ' sieeting Sunday, May. 1C>. . It was de- at the South Omaha Library. Mrs. the Blackstone hotel Wednesday for Torah will be taken. up to May 25, Hobart Electri;. Doug. 739S cided to have'a hike Sunday, May Ralph Holzman coached the play. •-Main Floor—-Mens Store. Mrs. Harry Levy> formerly of Chica- after which date no applications will g£, to Mandan Park. All- members This work being done in the schools go, who is now making her home at be accepted, due to the limited space We iiave on hand Used •will be'notified of the time and place is practically over until next year ex- the El Buedor in this city. in which to hold the classes. of meeting. ' Debate tryouts were cept for picnics to be held for the Rebuilt Machines. held, but the successful.. candidates childrenvwhich each of the supervisors Mr. and Mrs. I. Abrahamson have have not yet been chosen. The pro- are planning for next week. , been very busy hosts during the past Omaha's • ' gram consisted of a reading by Eumonth entertaining many friends and Newest and Finest Equiped nice MusMn. and a mock trial. In Miss Sarah Perlman entertained relatives. Mr. and Sirs. N. G. Meyers • Bath-House. 36EEECT APPASEL FOE MEN AND WOMEN =a the trial Gertrude Perils and Gert- ten couples. at a dancing party at and baby daughter, Muriel, while enBaths, Massagu, Hot Packs, Electric Treatment, Inhalatorium. rude Eomm were the judges. Zena her home last Friday evening for route from Detroit to Los Angeles, Maisel was Mr. Lottakids and Gert- Miss Elizabeth Shrago, of Sigourney, California, are spending some time rude White was Mrs. Lottakids. Toby Iowa, who has'recently moved to here. Mr. and Mrs. N. Bordy of Boss was the Vamp. Clarks, Nebraska, spent last week Omaha to make her home. CONCANNON BROS., Props. with Mr. and,Mrs. Abrahamson and j 1401 Farnam BU Easement -The first volley ball game" 6f the The Golden Hill - Society will' frold Mr. and Mrs. H. Myers and their] Entrance. season will be held Sunday. ' r - its next meeting Tuesday afternoon, daughter, Belle, of '• Syracuse, New| Telephone-. Tyler 5731 May 24, at the home of Mrs. D. York, who have been visiting here, OMAHA, NEB. left Sunday for. Los Angeles, where The Young Judea. Seniors will hike Blumenthal, 2770 Webster street. they will make their future home. along the North Eiver Eoad Sunday, May 22. All members will be noti- Mr.: and :Mrs. ;A. Jacobson). :5224 Miss Myers expects to attend the fied of the time and place of' meet- South Thirteenth, street," celebrated Berkeley School'of Music, at BerTceBUY SAffE their twenty-fifth wedding- -anni- ley, California, next year. Miss Rae ing. " ' : ..•';. ''~--::•• versary Sunday afternoon with A Meyers returned; to her home in YOU BDY-JEWELRY . . A special meeting of the Leaders' reception at Odd Fellows' hall. Mr. Syracuse. '. ' FIOlOSJOU'lllYSiFE" -Training Group will be held Sunday and Mrs. I. Abraham of Tulsa, Okla;, Our guarantee and our word is Touring C a r * - * - • - • $ 6 4 5 ' A number of tables have been rewere also honor guests. . night at the Club.rooms at 7:30. as good as a bond. served by women, who will entereain We have satisfied hundreds cf Roadster - - - - - - 635 Mr. and Mrs, J. H. Green will their friends in this manner, for the your friends. DOBALDINA COMING card party to be given Thursday For the first time in her career, entertain ninety guests-at dinner at afternoon, May 26, at the Loyal Sedan - . . - . / 1195 v Doraldina, the famous hula dancer the Blackstone Hotel: on Thursday Hotel by Hadassah. The proceeds evening, June 2. ; '"' \ and picture star, is to make personal 1514 BoSge Street. of this card party will go toward Coupe • • « • • • • • '1155 appearances outside of New York and -Phone:-Dougl&s 5619 maintaining the training school in San Francisco, which cities alone have The Flowers of Zion hiked to Myn- Palestine. Light Delivery W a g o n • - 6 4 5 V enjoyed her xiaring interpretations of ster Springs Sunday, May S... They Mrs. D. B. Gross entertained thirty will hold a regular meeting Sunday, • unfamiliar Hawaiian aad South Sea guests at her home Friday evening All prices f. o. b. Flint, Michigan dances. She is coining to the Moon May 22, at the Clubi iooms, Nine- for her niece, Miss Ruth Gross, who 1 Harry H. 'IACWns. Pres.-Treas. teenth and Farnam streets. theater Sunday, May 22nd, in connecSon. Pepper. Vice-PresSaent. will be a June bride. The evening W. G. Cre, Secretary. tion with the showing; of her latest was spent playing bridge and prizes picture, "Passion Fruit," She will in- At a special meeting held by the were won by Miss Fannie Rosenblum Omaha Fixture &terpret her most famous dances dur- Ydetes Club of the Y. W, BT A. Yerda and Miss Martye Weinstein. m Famam St., OMAHA, NEB. HAruey 7280 Jacobsenwaa chosen president to fill Supply Co. ing her engagement at that theater. In her new picture she is supported the place of Miss Sara Goodman, who COMPLETE STORE AND *Tlie ffffer to refund S70.W l» Mrs., S. Nathan's Sunday school OFFICE OUTFITTERS t by a remarkable cast,-: among them resigned,- Miss Bortha Ke%vman was class will meet at Twenty-fourth and upea moiio1«'nnfl fiw to p o p > We occupy y_ Stuart Holmes, Edward Earle, Sydney elected vice president to succeed Miss Farnam streets Sunday morning at ©ret ?O,O00 Eaoars teel Jacobsen, ,-and Miss Esther Cherniss More than 4,000 Dealers, Hetai! hJSSy'wS(fiutvaw»». c*Tti8«itwi Bracey, Florence Turner and William st Coratr V S:f' O o'clock to go to Nathan's Lake, %vas elected treasurer to succeed Misis Stores and Se^'Iee Stations j!5*L.M*"t T* ?™ H. Bainbraidge. "Passion Fruit" is B S Boeglas Streets. : Bongla* -2TS4 the United States and Canada. office indientcd on based on the original story by Carey Fair; The next regular meeting will where they will have a- picnic. A CTSIAHA. EB Wilsdtt and it is anesatic love s.tcry Jbc held Tuesday, May 24th. An in- track will take 'the"children to the of the romantic tropics. ' teresting program has been arrange'd. lake.

Y. M. H. A. NEWS




Paxtes Hotel Turidsh Bttta

Effective May 7tb, 1921

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SidiK: tit^ News


TO CONDUCT KEREN HAYESSO.D WARSAW COMMUNAL. WORKERS CAMPAIGN IN ARGENTXAN. j . • ' - ON STRIKE Is Overdressing a Jewish Characteristic? LEV! MEMORIAL HOSPITAL London. ( J . T , Agency,} Alexander Warsaw, (J. T. Ag-ency,) The em-

Goldstein, the noted 'Russian Zionist pfores' of the •Jewish'- CamrtHntty; of By JANE ELLIS, Associate Editor of er. It is Mrs.-Clare Sheridan, • the is about to leave for Argentine Warsaw carried out their threat made English sculptress, who claims that "Costumes and presses" Hot Springs, Ark.—The Tenth An- "where he will conduct a campaign se%Teral • days :ago by proclaiming1 8 -American women dress monotonousMiss Bess Prusiner visited with In a discussion apropos' the clothes nual Report of the Leo N. Levi Memstrike. The issue is one o f wages. friends in Sioux - Falls for several of women and their ilk,' culminating ly because they all have money orial Hospital Association for the for the Keren Hayessoc. Many feature events are scheduled days. - • enough to derive their clothes from in 'the question of the over or underyear ending March 31, 1921, shows ,• WARSAW COMMUNAL WORKERS io take place :In the Bluffs during dressing of the Jewish woman, comes French designers, and therefore, they that the Leo N. Levi Memorial Hos- ONLY CITIZENS CAN • . . JOIN MINISTRY' THREATEN TO' STRIKE ^ -the coming month,. according to the Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Pill spent the dictum that the super-dressed all wear strikingly similar clothes. It pital- of Hot Springs, Ark., took care Danzig. (J. T. Agency,) A report eario^is reports that are being made the week-end in Omaha and attend- woman is always a .Jewess — or at would/ almost seem an argument in of 789 patients at a cost of aproxi- Danzig, (J. T. Agency).—In a by the different clubs and: organ- ed the B'nai Brith meeting held least dictum uttered as a much-moot- favor of poverty. But so, undoubted- mately $36,000. In addition, the measure just adopted by the Consti^ f: om Warsaw states that the employes izations in the city. Among these there Sunday evening. ed question, famous as the immortal- ly the same is true of the Jewish clinic of the hospital treated 5,025 tuent Assembly of the Latvian Be- of the Jewish Community threaten to • will be the debate between the Aleph ity of the souls and the destruction women who have the wherewithal toj c a ses, who paid the Clinic 40^902 jpublic, only Latvian citizens can join strike if their demands for higher j wages are not acceded at once. Y club of the Y..M. H.'A. oft Omaha The Hadassah held a meeting Wed- of time and space by ^Einstein. keep in the height of fashion. And visits. These patients, both a t thethe'clergy of- any denomination. and the Hebrew Educational-club of nesday afternoon at the Hebrew In- We sprang this question at. a gather- the same may be applied to the quan- hospital proper .and at the clinic, Council Bluffs. -According, to the stitute at which time officers for theing of super-interested Jews and Jew- tity of their clothes as well as to thecame from every section of the counPHONE: DOUGLAS 2793. committee ia charge :"qf this affair, [ensuing. year were elected. Mrs. Sam esses—and caused almost a disruption quality. try. . The clinic of the hospital is a the debate •will be::held;sometime in Baron was elected president; Mrs. in the sociability of. the. hitherto What Kipling said of "Judy O'Grady United States Public Health Service the forepart of July. . ; Abe Sacks and Mrs. Charles Eos jlrin, speculative evening, reminiscing on and the Governor's Lady" is quite as Clinic and is co-operating with the secretaries; Mrs. Emil Sloutsky, vice- events and philosophies in the Bible. true of clohes as of he matter of j government in its fight for the conIndividual members of the-Council president; and Mrs. JRobin, treasurer. In order to get the gist of everybody's falling in love. . And if ' we finally trol of venereal diseases. Bluffs lodge of the B'nai Brith have During, the winter months the mem- arguments, we, of course, took the buckled down to the arguments of the The Leo N. Levi Memorial hospital accepted the challenge of the Y. M.bers of the' Hadassah have met reg- opposition stand in the affirmative— economic interpreter of history, there was erected under the auspicos of H. A. baseball team to a baseball ularly every Monday in the Hebrew, that the Jewish woman is ^more apt to would be but one conclusion;, that j the Independent Order B'nai Brith, li and topography determine the opened its doors on November 1, game, which "will be played in Omaha, Institute and have accomplished mucl|| be overdressed than • her -similarly climate sevnng for the Palestinian heeds. For characteristics and tendencies' of a ' prosperous and' income taxed sister Sunday morning, June .12. ^ Much It is strictlyy a charitable • inrivalry exists between the teams of the summer months it was decided of other heritages. • people. And thus having generalized' stitution and admits no pay patients. both cities and, it is expected that that the members continue the sew- "The other day," said the youngish for the whole of mankind, it remains j T t 3's national in its scope, its pathe Council. Bluffs team will have ing, with home work, including knit- matron in quiet and unobstructive but-jto place the Jews in a similar • tients coming, from: every section of CCWMfROAl PRINTCRS-LmfOGSAPHERS -SrEELOlECHBOSSCIO ... . . :"•'. a large number of followers who will ting and crocheting to assist in theclothes, "I went to a grocery shop, category. t country. In the past six years, supply for winter, needs. '• Dressing becomes, therefore, not a | stood close to two much overdressed yell them to victory. . ' ' ••••*.. hospital treated 1,868 patients. Mrs. Max Herzoff entertained 20 women, considerably. bediaraonded and matter of race or religion but of social of whom .460. were cured and S43 The Junior Council ; of Jewish guests in her home Saturday aftar- dedecked with other Jewels and was habit. And then, what is overdress- greatly improved. The clinic in a Women held its regular, meeting noon, complimentary to Mrs. Joseph tempted to conclude that here were ing, but a social habit? Or under- little over two years administered treatment to 9,407 patients. Thursday evening a t ; ; the; home of Levine, of Sauk Center, Minnesota, two typical matrons of.'- my owndressing? Mrs. Herman Goldsmith and Mrs. The Leo N. Levi Memorial hospital Having determined that Jewish woreligious clan. But the grocer signed Miss Stella .Trochtenberg, 9X1 First Herman Herzoff of Omaha, Nebr. is provided with a bath house which men are quite the same as other wothem up as McCarthy and MacGuire. avenue. .. ;.. •:.' ' . .."., • is supplied with the therapeutic And then there.was no room for men, and that the tendency to dress A campaign is now in process of doubt!" waters from the Hot Springs which over ornately is the same in any lan. V .. , .0. Hochman, City Clerk of Council being organized - for : the purpose of are owned by the United Staties guage, it remains but to add. that'the Bluffs and former Grand foreman raising a- $15,000 budget for the "Jewish Women Like All Her Sex" simplicity Jof American clothes and G o v e i ? ? e n t - The hospita is thus m of .the. Ancient Order, of "United Work- Bureau of Federated Charities in the But more than" that, the discussion the-, habit of. long 'generations i n \ p o E l t l ° n to } e o f s p e , c j a l f™ce » men of the State of Iowa, .was elected city. The city has been divided into ^ ^ ^ . ^ I , ! ^ ? ^ 1 malsna and to the office of Grand Master of the 15 districts with/a captain over each" took lucid proportions usually assign- America will survive as typical of! and chronic skin diseases. State of Iowa, a t the convention held district and committees to > assist in ed only to peace conferences, on the American women despite their religiAll treatment at the • Leo N. Levi application of one member* of the ous or racial origins. Tuesday arid Wednesday - at Des the work of this campaign. The ob- group, rather philosophically inclined, Memorial Hospital is absolutely free. Meines, Iowa. ject of the Federation is to consoli- to generalizations. He argued that NOTED SCULPTOR Applicants .are expected, however, to date the contributions. • be provided with return transporta"Jewish women do more than other COMING TO AMERICA The regular meetings of theMogen, and must be recommended by a nationalities of the same economic London, (J. T. Agency)^—lhe Dovid club and the Blossoms of Zion A meeting was. held a t the Hebrew status are overdressed .A Jewish* _ , . T . , orr some some responsiDie , , >,T. x . -iJO'xiai joriin ioage o Jewish sculptor. ,Ghzenstezn,' -u .. organization; • t - ii>• the .t. city -I *from club will be held Sunday afternoon. Institute, Tuesday, -when plans were woman and a German woman—or an_ . noted •. ,-, . j . .1-. "<"-"'>. hanty c n,who recently arrived m this countrv. t . ». T *• • j • •>• instituted for a fund to be raised for American of the same type and eco- I. ... /for America . . within .,,.a " *few ' j which application is made. Applicais sailing A baby girl was born Wednesday the building of a new Talmud Torah. nomic status will bear quite a re- days. tion blanks may be obtained from the to Mr. and Mrs. "H./ E s Nathanson Secretary, Rabbi A. B. Rhine, Hot semblance to each other in the similMr. and"Mrs. A. Goodsite visited arity, not of their specific tastes for of Webster City, Iowa. ' Springs, Ark. for several days in Kimball, South color intensity to which they express NOTED PEDAGOGUE INTEREST& WE FURNISH ALL FOEBfS OF INSURANCE. ED IN JEWISH SCHOOLS. Mrs; S. Freiden, 737 Mynster street, Dakota. PRUSSIA PLANS STRICTER this fondness for outward ornamenta-} Vienna. (J. T. A.) ; May 4. Prof. entertained Tuesday evening for the CONTROL OVER ALIENS. I. PERSONAL SERVICE WITH EACH tion. Dressing is not a matter of Seinik, the noted pedagogue of ScharSemi-monthly card club. Eight couple *The-"Jolly 14" will- meet Wednes- religion or race. In America clothes lotonburg, .who is at present "making Berlin. (J. T. Agency.) The Prus- I ,. POLICY — LARGE OR SMALL day afternoon at the home of Mrs. are a matter of the length of time were present. sian government-us completing plans a study of local school conditions, has Emil Sloutsky. The hours will be .to which one has been accustomed to manifested particular interest in thefor a more strict control over aliens. devoted to cards. • . r Mr. Ben Goldberg, 551 Mill street, the economic status at which one finds -private: Jewish schools, of this, city, a According to the new plans all forwho has been throughout-the east for it comfortable to iiye without too j great number of .which he has visited, eigners will be registered anew and 5th Floor Skand©irs-Kenffledy''Bldg. past two. weeks, returned to his home • Mr. Max Pill departed to Chicago much struggle with.the environment." will be reclassified. Monday evening for a several days TeLTjler 3160. Wednesday. Of course one might cite the case DR. BOGEN TO' TAKE CHARGE business trip. • •-.... .- .• of women at the,opera—and, spying ZIONIST ACTIVISTS TO MEET. OF RELIEF. The regular meeting of the Hebrew two in decollete, conclude that because London. (J. T. Agency.) The conLondon. (J. T. Agency.) The AcJEWS IN UNION FOR Educational club will be held Monday they were Jewish they were ostensibly ference of Jewish relief workers now tist group of the Zionist movement DISARMAMENT. evening at the •• home of Miss Moliie underdressed—and chillily aware of New York. (J. C. B. Service.) The the fact.. All of which does not quite in ses'sion here ha3 decided to make will meet here on May 22nd. VladiSaltzman, 742'Mynster steeet. thi3 city the headquarters of the new mir Jabotinsky, the spiritual leader Central Conference of American Eab- warm up the subject. constructive relief system approved of the. group, will preside. Meyer Mrs.M. Bernstein, 241 Vine strset, bis andsthe United Synagogue of . It is quite obvious that all Orientals several days ago. Dr. Bogen and Grossman will deliver the chief adentertained Thursday afternoon at a America have united with religious have a predilection to more intense Mr. Landesco will settle in Vienna to dress, enunciating the proposed tac-i Bridge party in honor of Miss Kose-j organizations representing Protest- colors than those of the west "and take charge of the work. tics which the Activists are to adopt.! Whiteb'ook, a June bride. • ants - and. Catholics in • issuing an ap-north. Just as the reds and yellows peal for an international conference developed in Spain and the delicate pastel shades developed in Japanese Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Katelman, 201 looking to disarmament North First street, entertafhed for " Letters signed by the officers of art, so any southern Oriental will preover thirty guests, in honor of- their these organizations were mailed to fer an intensely bright shade where a 100,000 clergymen and rabbis, Avho pale one. might do the cold noiiiherner. daughter's birthday. .:"' are: asked to read the letters to their So much for color ' inclinations as Mm E . Brandeis" entertained for congregations, to invite their congre- determined by race. tHe Six-coapte ea*d club: Sunday even- gations to send strongly worded let- Yet not all of this applies to Amering. The following members re- ters to their own representatives in ica. It applies only in so far as almost ceived prizes: Jfr. and Mrs. J Abra- Congress, urging the imperative ne- the entire population is made np of cessity for a disarmament conference, hamson,1 Mrs. S. Neveloff ; and J. and to send signatures to be attached immigrants since 1620. Whiie it cannot be argued that any predilection Mendelbaum. to a gigintic petition to President for clothes is inherited, it must be Harding to call an international con- granted that all of our tastes and MES. A . Eoseriberg entertained for ference. We need money. Somali our stock is foibles in dressing are rooted not in the card elub, Tuesday evening the soil from which we spring but in Sixteen guests were present. ™ going to be sold at r e d u c t i o n s of BRITISH WILL NOT RECRUIT the approval or disapproval of the society in which we move. Dressing ; ARABS T•-.; DES MOINES London. (J. T. Agency.) It is is not so much a matter of. national learned on good authority that the or, religious tendency as meeting with The Loiained-TcsB Club entertained British Colonial Office has deter- the approval of our neighbors and at a large dancing party last Thurs- mined to postpone the recruiting of eligible males. day asyjht at'tfce.Eiverview Park ball Arabs for the battalions it intends to Our • store was closed all. Thursday, The Second Generation room.}'About 75 couples were their mobilize in Palestine. Several months while we prepared for this big sale. guests, Mr. and Mrs. ago the Colonial minister sent out a Granted that the second generation Eli Boofcoy. The hostesses for thediplomatic feeler as to whether mixed of American Jews assimilates more evening were the Misses Esse Aliber, forces of.. Jews and Arabs would be Americansm than the first generation IS Helen-'Ciiapinan, Lillian Fisher, Min- received favorably, by interested par- had either time or inclination to, it is nie and 0&ra Friedman, Ruth. Gold- ties. In Zionist circles in London and possible to assume that these second stein, Sara Kramer^ Jeanette Ltit Jerusalem the proposal met with vig- and succeeding generations will be less and less distinguishable from Sara Isoxie, Esthyr Leitvitt,' Lillian orous opposition, j those progency /longer -.on the ~soiL EothscMZd,and Mrs. Mike Wolf. ; Dressing becomes, therefore, a matter , POLES AND JEWS CLASH ON* df character and intelligence quite as V^ .;;• much as acquired tastes. Once the ~ 8 S B r LYTELL AGAIN PLAYS ^^^^ Danzig. (J. T. Agency.) A dis-taste and type of clothing of the soBEILLIANTLY ' Bert Lytell is starring in "A Mes- patch from Vilna indicates that the j called "typical" American is acquired, sage From Mars," whicnopens Sun- Poles have followed up their seizure 'the Jewish woman will-certainly not day a t the Moon theater as the fea- of the city arid are arranging: for itsstand out with any greater promininternal government. The Jews, who ence in dressing, than any others. But ture attraction^ •, *« _ There is hardly a screen .admirer form almost half the population, have if the second generation American who has not seen Bert Lytell before. been offered recognition as a reli- Jew should receive her training in soBut if there be one who has eot^seerf gious community, but have been re- called good taste in the narrow provhim, this opportunity shouK not befused and are, demanding national au- incial Jewish quarters of New York tonomy under a Jewish ministry. The city, then the difference in dressing m i s s e d . " '•<'• ." ^ : ../,/• " "A Message From Mars" was adapt- Poles, adds the dispatch, are fearful will be almost apparent as if she ed from the successful stage^play by lest, the opposition of the Jews will were not of the second'generation^ Richard Ganthohey. "On the screen it weaken their ^chances of remaining Without getting into the debatable : ! gains an- added lustre and-beguty, for in Vilna. question of who is an American, it is here the possibilities for showing the obvious that the vast majority of the action over a large space -are. in- Soviets Harrass Poale-Zion shiploads of people deposited on our : c r e a s e d . :: ; : •.-.'•''.:. • ' ;''':'-' •/--'•'..'. '• Berlin. (J. C. B. Service.) The shores decide eventually to avoid Soviet government has begun io per- themselves of what seem to be the Hungarian Government Wants to be secute (the Communistic Poale-Zion, accpteded standards of dress in the Independent of Xews. '•'•:'-• who where organized a year ago as United States. Outlining the programs of the new- the result of the secession from the American Women Dresa Hungarian, cabinet,;? Count Bethlem, Poale Zion conference. At first the Monotonpiigly. the premier, stated among other Soviet government supported , the Unfortunately some of us become -;!..' ' Leafenworth St., at"26th • • ' ' things timt the country must; begin Commuiiust group, but they have n8w rich too rapidly and acquire an obvimanaging its economic affairs; "with- decided to tinder their work by every Douglas 040$—Phones—Co. Bluffs, Red 2874 out the? '&&\p£:-.fhe^Jevns.i.Spmoiiy. means in their power, and even to ous dyspepsia in the matter of good 1312 FARHAM STREET could onlyhbffirestpred. when it is prevent their legal existence. The taste in dressing. And which dys. shown that Jewish assitance is no latter are, in consequence compelled pepsia is usually disposed of by the remedy known-as the French designto work in secret. longer necessary. .;.• £>,/: Sent by our Cotmcil Bluffs News bureau.

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