| p "Great <oppor- § ijL.tunities come to 111 .111 -those " who make ill ill
VOL. I.—NO. 24.
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High Tiibute Is faid 1
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l c h e a t yon out «f I .of ultimate**sue- I '; I cess but yourself* -—Emerson,
%\ use of . s m a l l ill -Yd
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as second-class mai!" matter* on Jannarjv 27th," 1921, at at Omaha,'Nebraska,-under'tHe Act of March 3, 1878.
Don't forget the next issue of The Jewish Press will contain a complete report of the B'nsi Brith New York.- (J. C. B. Service.) The convention to be held in Dee Executive Committee of the American THIS IS WHAT THE NINE-YEAR-OLD CHESS WONDER Moines next Sunday, Monday and Jewish Congress 'decided: at its last TOLD OMAHA-NEWSPAPER MEN FOLLOWTuesday. meeting to postpone the-national elecING HIS EXHIBITION HERE. Morris E. Jacobs, manager of tions which had ieen scheduled for The Jewish Press, will write a deJune. The reason given was the pre' Those three words are about the Already ..Pledge $5,000 tailed story of the convention. Of- Many from Omaha Will Attends Resolutions, • Signed by Every occup&tion' or most .congressists with By NATHAN E. JACOBS. enly English-words that. the young- Six Men : Sammy Rzeschewski, phe 9-year-old Each Toward -Fund; ElabSeceptiiss Committees Plans ficers of the order say that it will Firemen, Telling of High the work of the Keren Hayesod.-The ster's mother is able to understand. orate-Plan's Being Made. Special Stunts for be one of the most important conEsteem in Which He is Held elections, it was: said, would* be held chess wonder, may be the best chess His father, Jacob Rzeschewski, also the Guests, ventions of a B'nai Brith grand " by Them, Presented to Himafter the World Zionist-Congress next player in the world; he may. be a understood the meaning of the words, (Special to The Jewish Press.) lodge ever held in this district. September. Mr.-Bernard-G. Hichards, marvel of the age, a .wizard, a...genius, for they arej.as though stereotyped. at Council Meeting. Special to 'THE »TEWI8H PlffiSS," Des Moines, la., May 25:—A Jewish Executive Secretary of the Jewish an artist—or what not—but after the It's "the same old story" after every Many event| of especial interest Des Moines, Iowa, May 25.—Des community center building ' to cost veil of publicity Bas been lifted from : to Omahans will take place. :. Harry B. Zimman, city commis- Congress organization, stated that lo-. match. \/ Moines is all set for the convention' $150,000 will soctrr be erected here, if his frail form, he. is just a normal Don't miss the next issue of The sioner, received the highest tribute cal committees had the option of conSammy's father wore, a "Yamilke," plans now-being formulated by the of tlie B'nai Brith grand lodge, No. boy—greatly spoiled and pampered; tinuing with the"preparation for their ever paid to a city official in Omaha the small, black Jewish prayer hat. United Jewish Philanthropies are car- Jewish Press. 6 which will be held here next Sunsomewhat mischievous, and a lover of nominating conventions or postponing when* 150_ firemen, representing He . appeared-as the average Jewish ried out. •' :• V-' .-..':•- - . day, Monday and Tuesday. Charlie Chaplin. ~.'".."\".. ------•--;-•- -••--•i every city fireman and other em- them. foreigner-and was always careful to Committees, under the direction of "There will be something <3oiaf£ The youngster is always springing keep his black beard combed. ployes of the fire department, preL. Oransky, president of'"the--Philan•every.minute," said L. Oransky, pve«r surprises. He not, only amazes and sented him -with engrossed resolu"Can you tell me where I can find ident of. the local lodge. AV t h e astonishes one with, his chess playing, a Kosher, restaurant? "asked Sammy thropies, already, have made a gentions, containing a testimonial of eral canvass-of the city for. funds with restaurants in. the' city can close dopbut nearly every oneof his actions, the high esteem in which he is held of one'of his newly-made friends. "We •which; to ereci ^he coinmunity center President Also to Deliver Message Via ing the 'three days and the delegates? because of "his way," brings forth fcy the fire department employes.-. don't eat anything that is not KoshTelephone for Dedication comment and calls forth attention. er." He explained that the family building.'. • .'' •;-'.: '.*'•' would not.want for food for y?e hm* The resolutions of high esteem Already; six ffleu have; pledged to Exercises. made .ample provisions for them." Here is one incident which made strictly .observes all the dietary laws. give $5,000 each. -The - general reand confidence, which were signed me rub my eyes and wonder whether The reception "committee h a s plan* Sammy- had little trouble defeating by every employe of the fire departs (Special to The Jewish Press.) the mind of a Solomon and the soul the two dozen players lie met in thesponse so far has been very good, ned many special stunts to erstf?rtsm tnent, numbering more than . 450, New York, -May 25.—President the visitors during "play time". of a Moses was disguised before me matches at the Brandeis stores and -according:to Mr; Oransky. • frere presented to Mr.; Zimman • in Mutual Friends Living; Together in the body of a 9-year-old. A meeting of all those Interested in Harding has consented to open' the Many delegates and'their fansl||«j. .-.' , Omaha Athletic Club. the presence of Mayor Dahlman and Contending factions, HopFollowing his exhibition at the Among those whom he defeated the project-tvas-held. "Sunday, after- new-home of the Hebrew Sheltering Ere planning to motor here, 'Special the other city commissioners at the - •-. . - .. ant Immigrant Aid Society of Amer- arrangements" -ha\re been made for ing for Peace.;' \ Brandeis stores Monday afternoon, were George Barker 85 years old, who noon. city council meeting Tuesday. Over §75,000 was subscribed at theica here Sunday • afteraoon} June 5, motorists., Sammy showed signs that he was ex- has, played- chess for forty years; ; by pressing a button in: his library ot| The headquarters of the coTsventiost New York. ( J . C . B. Service.) On tremely "peeved" • about something. Zane Thompson,- civil war veteran; meeting. . .. • ..-.-.'. Applause Greeted Him the White House. He will deliver a vriii be at the Foil-' Des* Moines hot»l. . - Plan-Two .'Weeks'-'Drive. Many persons who heard that/the the initiative of -a committee of Suddenly he spied a group of" news- Howard'Ohman, state chess champion; message through the telephone to The Jewish ^-community, will bs prominent New York Jews, Dr. Chaim. paper reporters standing in a corner resolutions were to be presented were Al Dashiell, 13; Teddy Burgess, 13; those assembled, at'the'dedication ex•• Here -is the Program. thoroughly canvassed during, the next Weizmann and Judge Mack met at watching him. •-.",. olutions Tvere to be presented, were and Lyle E. Pritehard, 12, Y. M. C. A. ercises. two weeks in;an effort to, bring the Arkwright Club ori_* Thursday, May 19,, Following is the program of t i n He rapidly walked over, to them and in attendence and when Commissioner Zimman WEIS handed the res-and discussed their differences for the asked with all the. sternness and dig-! • The little Jewish lad has one hobby, present total\ up to--$150,000, the A deputation composed of Judge convention: ••" J and thaf s driving automobiles. Chas. amount regarded necessary, to put the'j Leon Sanders. Leon Kamaiky ana Sunday night—Buffet luneheou olutions, he.was greeted with, great first time since negotiations were nity of his nine years: : broken off several weeks ago. Harry Fischel representing the Soci~ at boteL ."Get-Acquainted" night, "Are you newspaper men?" 1 W. Martin, Omaha real estate man, proposed plan into operation. applause. He made a-brief talk. The meeting was .held in. executive When the reporters "answered in the •was the recipient of much thanks ajid ..Rabbi Eugene • Mannheimer in an ety,.called upon the president to exFollowing are tHe resolutions* Monday . morning — Registraaddress ,said that a half block had tend to him an, official invitation to session. Dr. Weizmann, Mr. Ussishaffirmative, Sammy said: "I don't tion of delegates.. Luncheon a t . many smiles from the lad when Mr. We, the Officers and Craftsmen of the Fire Departmeisfc of the kin, Prof. Felix Warburger, Judge. like you because all the time you:sayj Martin allowed him.to drive his Cad- been ^procured on ^Forest • arenae be- attend the dedication. noon. Following-'luncheon visit-.-" tween Eighth and Ninth - streets for The president in. reply to -Judge City of Omaha, State of Nebras- Mack made lengthy^ addresses, each i am Polish. I lived in Poland, but Sanders, chairman of the deputation, ,ing\ ladies., will be guests of Den ka," in appreciation of the splendid outlining his views .of" the situation I am a Jew. * I am Jewish." His illac. The little chess-marvel drove the proposed community center. Moines B'nai Brith ladies for an and meritorious service rendered and of the Keren Hayesod contro- sparkling eyes reflected' childish an-* with a professional air. He stopped said that he was very much interested at the; Martin residence to pick some At #irst it!'was contemplated that in the work of the society in guiding automobile ride through the city to, us in his official capacity, and versy. Judge Otto; Rosalsky "acted as a large ..structure, formerly used as ger. But the angry IOQIJ: was only for, flowers for 5as mother. • as' a man by the Hon. Harry B. to the Hyperion' Gulf and 'Counchairman and Dr. Benderly as secre2 Zimman, take this opportunity and a minute and then he smiled;,' I t was Sammy is-always thinking- of his dwelling house, already on. the prem- and Americanizing Jewish immigrants try clubs for refreshments. into the United States andthat it deises would be temporarily utilized as by this means express our grati- tary. Among those-present were Dr» one of those "child-nice-manner com- ' ' - . ' . a community center. " Monday evening---"Intellectual tude and kindly feeling. ' served all encouragement and Mordecai M. Kaplani *aiid Mr. S. Lam- pany" smiles, for he was about to askmother. .• .- ;•{ .; ' The auto trip, took the Szesdsswskfe Comprehensive plans .have bees elation on the part ci tlie night." A l&Tgc clai£ of caneU* We know that you inherited port. None but .the; official Zionist a favor of the newspaper men. through Omaha's finest residence dis- made, however,.for-iHe housing' of public. from, your predecessor a disrupted leaders expressed: their views. ' da*air vT.I DP initiated The ft«n« "Please put in the paper that I-am trict and out to Krug, park. There and inefficient organization; an ©-(is -ChicajEro drprps: team wfU .various Jewish activities. and ' otgaar. ; jrgariizatiori which had been, made It is understood that the committee Jewish, and not Polish," he said. 1 Sammy laughed and yelled as he rode izatlons '-Bt- the: coraniuiiity centerysnd have c&srpe r-f tin's work, Cfem* ' INTERMARRIAGE 'die football of designing politi- is'to assemble again: soon to discussj - Then he turned to his matfa'ger and the : srifctse r.iv&TV£«. • •; x;" '""""C '-"*?•"• -': cians' in- the.'..-past}--aa organiia- "what action it will'ta&e.^.The inset- .remarked:• V> "Th&3e ':•" reporters , .-are steep- roller coaster. He;'mie.'the. ":~t£UESTi'0N~ BROUGHT * r.J_,.fcion where- the ,ineii jjqrsposing ^ it,Tuescky — Committee reports ' m a s h u g a . ' " . ...--.•..•>•-. -. • watched the larga crowd on -the dance sider the * erection of -a-'- saiisMa -bv. ~~:Biougn true arid "faithful^ "at"" all .: OUT" IN PICTURE. read. Election of officers. In ing. This building would be designed iteaspt-toriHang*-.together the two con* ; times "to their; triis'E, never Knevf .'' " I know what you mean," I said to floor. to adequately take care of intellectual, A motion picture of especial inter- ,. -the -afternoon a theater part;.1" - at what moment they '^quld be tending"factions in Zionism; and to in- him. "I am Jewish, too." When Sammy arrived in Omaha he social and athletic interests of Desest to the Jewish people will be at the will be given for the lad'e« r demoted or dismissed from '' the augurate a period :of ! peace which Sammy wouldn't believe roe and^ was eight years old, but when he. left Moines' Jewish community life. service, without; hearing, and with- would be conducive to- better "success Strand theater, starting Sunday. It is Tuesday- night -will be "pejs out probable cause for such-disthought I was, "joshing" him until I Omaha he was a year older. His ex- Philip" h. • Seisian, director of thean adaptation of the William J. Locke night."'• There will be a dinner for the .Palestine fund collections, ^ missal; political reasons , being spoke a few words of Jewish t o him,' perience here-did not age him 365Chicago' Hebrew- Institute, .'and Alfred "widely read novel, "Idols," which is a dance with a special usually given, and political ambiand then he let forth a rapid-fire line j days. It was just His birthday. Sam- Benjamin of Kansas City, who hasstory dealing with the great complex tions' being rewarded. program. . of Yiddish which I have to admit-.was I my: .spent? his birthday very quietly. been the "president and the inspiration problem of intermarriage. MRS. SCHIFF DONATES Stripped I t of PoliticsHe had no party. too fast for me. .• j THREE MILLIONS TO of the. Kansas City - United Jewish The problem, rather than the soluThe Omaha delegation to the conYou have taken this organizaThe Ezeschewskis were guests, at Another incident which won admiraCharities for fifteen years, attended tion, is brought out in this photoplay vention vrill be accompanied, in tion; have stripped i t of all polNURSES HOME the home of the Rev. E. Fleishman, itical features; have put it upon New York. (J.C.B. Service.) Mrs. tion from the newspaper boys was, 2801 Hamilton street,. Monday and the meeting. Mr. Seraan told of the which is & portrayal of the pathos instances, by their •• families, a merit basis,- and- today the offiwhen the chess-wonder youngster' work of the Chicago Hebrew Insti- brought on by those wishing to bridge •members are planning* to attend £h* cers and men know that in theJacob • Schiff announced a gift of ?3,- greeted his parents at the hotel fol-'Tuesday. tute. Mr. Benjamin spoke of the work the great golf between the two reli- convention, also. Following are \h» discharge of their duty they have 000,000 for the purchase of an adminyour most complete and heartiest istration . building for the Visiting, lowing his victory over the twelve lo-j Sammy; has the appearance of theof the Kansas City Jewish Institute. gions. Omaha delegates: normal Jewish lad of his age. He co-operation. Minna Hart, a daughter of Israel Nurse Service. The building will be cal chess experts. It was a scene has thick hair which is combed partly Both explained the; wonderful value Henry Mon'sky, Marry Lap!***, & that touched even the heart of the They also know that if charges for the Jewish. community- of such Hart, wealthy Jewish banker, loves J. Leon, 'Harry Malashock, 'Arthur • are filed against any of the mem- erected as a memorial to her late husr calloused, "hard-boiled" newspaper re«. over his forehead. Hir black eyes work. . ..-.',. her father dearly, but she meets a bers of the department, they can band, Mr. Jacob Schiff, who1 wg's'one porter. keep flashing with delight. He has a "This Jtvnsh Community Center is man—a Gentile—with whom she falls Rosenblum,' Dr. A.' Greenberg.1 ]Sd• | come to you and be sure of a; fair of the founders of the Public Nursing wsrd. Simon, .T, J. Greenberg , M. hearing and a square deal. This Service some 28 years ago, and who Sammy's« parents always expect him white complexion and appears frail. the biggest and finest undertaking our in love. Monheit and H. Friedman. ./ The Jewish marvel carries his golf has brought about a spirit of in-supported the institution through its to be victorious, but still they -wait' Jewish community has ever attempt- - The father says to the sweetheart tense loyalty to the department long and useful career. Three nun- anxiously until he returns with the • bag with him en the journey, and ised," said "Mr.; Oransky.' "When-'built j of his daughter: "You want to marry and to,-you. Furthermore the conglad news, for they feeLthat some day i fast learning the game. it will be our choicest pride and my. daughter ? We are on opposite JABOTINSEY DENOUNCES'. ' fidence which you have shown in dred^nurses were trained by the Serv- the unexpected might happen. _ | The Rzeschewski part^r left Omaha glory." r sides of & great gulf. I am & Jew and the firemen, and thp faithful and ice during the last year. A statement PALESTINE OFFIdAJtS'•" intelligent way you have advocat- issued by the. Henry Street Settlement, "Mother," I won!" yelled Sammy as Tuesday night for Denver. They will you are a Gentile. I'd rather see my London, (J. T. Agency, ed their interests, even when it a branch of the-Service, gives some he pushed his manager, Charles Azen- stay there until Sunday so that' they daughter dead at my feet than marseemed to be at cross-purposes number of the Jewish Chronicle may attend synagogue Friday night British -Colonial:Office Makes burg, aside and opened the door to ried to a Gentile." detail of the work. , •", with your own interest, renders Declarktion on Palestine And -when he said this he did notan article by Vladimir J ~ ' and Saturday morning. our obligation to you such that "This service as it is developed to- his mother's room. London. (J. T. Agency.) The head- know that they were' already married which he denounces the we can only repay it by vindicate day," it says, "runs parallel to hosadministration for its weakness 1st. ing to the people of Omaha the priests of the Church of Rome, as quarters of -t!he World Zionist Organ- secretly. ' confidence which . you showed in pital service. The sick are cared for DR. JOS. KRAUSKOPF iation in Europe'are in receipt of a The play is a first National Attrac- dealing with the Arab rioters, Wattes guest of the local order of the Knights LAUDS NEW CARDINAL ds. This we are determined to do.in their homes by highly trained and of Columbus, that has for its mission declaration from the British Colonial tion and was produced by R. A. Walsh. the Zionist 'Commission for-its ffeilttKi skilful graduate nurses and the servAT K. OF C. DINNER the And you, Mr. Commissioner, and strengthening of the benevolent Office, stating that the British gov- Miriam Cooper plays the part of to make explicit and insistent reprethe people of Omaha, may know ice is paid for at regular hospital Philadelphia.^—The Rev. Dr. Joseph sentations .to tlie government. RTui -acat all times that the fire depart- costs in full or in partial payments, Krauskopf was a prominent figure at •Work of the Mother Christian Church, ernment desires it clearly understood Minna Hart. Conway Tearle is thecuses." it of. shortsightedness m sil it* ment of this city will rise to anyaccording %o the financial ability Of I, as a son of Israel, feel more in- that its consent to accepting, the Pal- Gentile- husband and Robert. Fischer dealings. . . . " ' . the reception-dinner tendered Cardi- clined to offer a prayer than to make estine mandate with.a view to estab- is Israel Hart, the Jewish banker. emergency and to any sacrifice necessary to protect the city from the patient. A great deal of work!, of nal Dougherty last week by \ the lish a' Jewish national ho'melahd, has He severely • attacks Jewish c^m* a/ speech—a prayer of thanksgiving possible danger, and to vindicate course, is free. not and'will not be shaken by the Fourth Degree Knights of Columbus munists who, though they did not prothat I have lived to see the day when your judgment of us. "So perfectly are •- these - nurses of certain elements in Pales- 12,700,000 FOR • ' voke disturbances,. behaved in the Wherefore in token of the above, trained that in case of emergency, war of the First. District of Pennsylvania a Cardinal and a Rabbi can meet and violence the United Firemen of Omaha have, or epidemic this blue-coated army caii and Delaware at the Bellevue.-Strat- greet as friends, when the honor that tine. The British government, says JEWISH PHILANTHROPY most .treacherous manner. Bat, h« the declaration, is detenMned to mainsigned these presence, and have ford hotel. . . New York. {J. C. B. Service.) Mr. says,.the:party of greatest guilt is ordered same to be engrossed,and be immediately mobilized,,for service Dr. Krauskopf evoked a storm of comes to the one is as heartily en-* tain, order in the country and to de-Arthur Lehman, president of the Fed- the Jewish people itself, whkfe apjoyed by the other as if it it.had velop all" its natural resdurces for the enrolled upon the records of thein the community. TJhis ites demondepartment, and it is with great strated effectively during: the late in- applause when he said that he maycome to himself—a prayer of thanks- benefit of the entire population of the eration for.. the Support of -Jewish plaudel the;.San Remo drciKioti yet pleasure that we present this ex- fluenza and infantile paralysis epi- live to see Cardinal Dougherty be- giving that, under the spiritual leadPhilanthropic Societies announced this failed to raise the. necessary tunie i $ l a n d . •-• - - - - •• .- -pression of our sentiment and come the first American Pope. week that that organiation will ap- make possible -the-large influx cf J«vrs demics. The movement has grown unership of such godly men as Arch- The Colonial Office further asserted brotherly feeling for- you. into" Palestine. The mandate, he ssy«f til now it is spreading out over the Dr. Krauskopf spoke as .follows: bishops Ryan, Prentiergast and that the stoppage of- immigration into propriate $2,738,250 this year to its may not be amended, but ii su.ffsrieni entire country. At the present time "The greeting you tender me to-Dougherty, it has been made possible Palestine was ~& temporary measure. ninety' affiliated social sendee insti- funds were placed. at the dispo&4$ of EINSTEIN AND WEIZMANN there tutions. This Eum, he said, was ?2,twenty-two nursing centres night is as embarrassing as, it is flat- in this city for Catholic and Jew to HONORED IN BOSTON in Neware 000,000 less than the total requests, the Zionist Organisation, the sUttatiesa tering—flattering' because of the York city, which will operate live peaceably side by side, each reBoston. -'(J. C. B. Service.) Profes- under .the direction of this central ad- heartiness with which it is tende'red; specting the other's faith and people, ARAB FOLiCf-- LED ^ATTACK ON made by the institutions, but It is could be reBoedied by the cojistraciioa of mmneroas colonies and by the r«ssor Albert Einstein and Dr. Chaim ministration building. •CP'ALUTZIM larger than any sum ever before dis- crulting '. embarrassing because the heaviness each ready and eager to labor "with of th-e-Jewifeh .'Legion. All Jerusalem. •" <J. T;' Agency.) It is Weizmann spent part of last week in tributed among these institutions. The this, Jabotinsky eontesos, d implies an expectation which "I amthe other in every cause that makes definitely ^established that Arab memBoston where they were received by federation receives its funds in an-, una"ble to meet. But for the esteem Governor Co3f*of Massachusetts and J. C. A. TO AID REFUGEES in which I hold your guest'x>i honor, for the good of humanity, for thebers, of the1 Palestinian Police _force led mial subscriptions and donations from upon the success of the Keren * fay the mayor of the city. Professor Paris. (J. T. Agency, The Jewish His Eminence, the Cardinal, I .wouM peace and welfare of our beloved the attack on the Immigration, baz>- 25,000 contributors. Before the orgsn- sod.' racks during the recent riots in Jaffa, iation of the federation the largest Einstein was invited to Harvard Uni- Colonization Association is convening not have dared to accept your com- country. They were seen discharging their re- Bam ever raised by these societies as JUDGE L E W ELECTED GRAND versity where he was received by a conference at Brussels on June 2nd volvers into the windows and doors. individuals was $1,500,000. President Lowell and some members where the problems of European emi- mittee's invitation to be one of the POLES DEPORT JEWS MASTEE OF BRITH'ABRAHAM of the faculty. He visited some of the gration will be discussed. Statistics speakers of this historic evening. That Warsaw. (J. T. Agency.) The Pol- Nine people, including one .woman, Atlantic City.- .(J. G, B. Service.) I did consent was due to a desire to • .-, - • laboratories and museums and ex-show, says a dispatch, that at least ish authorities near the Russian boun- were killed. Judge Aaron. J. Levy of Netf Totfe HUNGARY TO DISBAND INTERNpressed particular satisfactio'n with one million homeless now wander over witness another honor conferred upon dary continue to deport Jewish refuwas elected Grand Siaster of the Inmy esteemed and reverend friend, MENT CAMPS the astronomical equipment. .' Europe. The Association is negotiatgees from Ukrainia who carry no af- DEMAND ••MOSLEM-'SING FOE dependent'Oirder Brith Abraham al even if it has to be'done at the price . Vienna. {J. T. Agency.) A repre- its .annual coavention held l«*t week '.. PALESTINE . • '". The Jewish- community of Boston ing with several governments in South of a.speech. You will presently dis- fidavits sent them by their relatives arranged several public meetings America on the possibility of introduc- cover, however, that I have made a in America. The refugees are re- London. ; (3V T: 'Agency.) Replying sentative of the Jewish Correspond- j in .Atlantic City. ': turned to Soviet Russia where, it is to a speech by Sir Edward Montague, ence Bureau recently interviewed Herr where Dr. Weizmann made appeals for ing immigrants into their country. Mr. Janofsky, representative of the better bargain than did the commit- reported, many have been seized by Parliamentary: Minister for India, Eaday, the new •miQister of the In- • ZL'ATAPOLSKT COMING TO the Keren Hayesod which resulted in pledges amounting to $200,000. Dr. Jewish Colonization Association ar- tee; I got a far better dinner from the 'Bolsheviks and shot as counter- Sheik Kidwi, head of the Indian Dele- terior of Hungary. The minister statAMERICA Einstein, who came to this'country'in rived in Danzig recently and conferred you than will be the. espeech -which revolutionaries. Skulski, minister for gation now in England, demanded that ed tlict t e would not tolerate f-ry fprLondon(J. t . Agency.f thcr the evil ccmdiiior.s whici c:dsted 'from me. , . _ , Foreign affairs in Poland, refused a a Mohammedan, .king be (enthroned in ihe interests of a Hebrew university v.'ith. local Jewish leaders on the ques- you will get 1 Slstapolsky, one of the five d in the caicps for Galician Jews, and and that a.parliament, inin Jerusalem, obtained contributions tion of relief for emiirants passing "Standing in the presence of Hispetition from the Jewish Deputies in Palestine, 1 of the Keren Hayestw! C expressed his attention © £ disbanding cluding Mohair.tae5ans, Christians and parliament to intercede on behalf of Eminence, the Cardinal, and-of. the L amounting to §20,000 for that .institu- through .this city. He then, proceeded thea at the earliest possible momsat. will sail next week for Jews, be set ug> there. ,,-,_ tie Jews. ". . _ - : • to' Warsaw -. , _.!. '--•—^ .othei" distanjjuisTied. prelates v tion.
FiremeaFoF Fairness
Mack aid ^ p Pieet Agom; Discuss Zionist Ifferences —
• • •
- .
Published every Thursday at Onlaha, -Kebrnsfca, by
THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY, MOERIS E, JACOBSf Manager. ; Office. Four, Baird Bldg.—Telephone DO uglas 2372.
Many stories are told about the Emperor Francis Joseph of Austria Subscription Price, one year. ...~ .. ...——••—••• ..$1.50 (he died five or six years ago), to AJ^ii rates furnished-on application. illustrate his fairness towards his J NOT PRINTED FOR PERSONAL PROFIT—Profits from the publica- Jewish" subjects. This is'one story: He was reviewing ^.garrison in - tion of The Jewish Press are to be given, ^o.-.worthy, communal causes. • Vienna one day, riding along the CHANGE OP ADDRESS—Please give both the old ahd new address; front ranks of each regiment," accomba sure ami sign your name. •-'.•. panied by its colonel. In riding past a regiment of inTHE FEDERATION CAMPAIGN. fantry* he noticed a private, whose The Federation campaign gives promise of being the breast was literally coyered with silgreatest single achievement of this Jewish community. During ver and gold the first three days of active work $25,000.00 Was pledged; "Who is thismedals. asked the embefore the week's work was ended two-thirds of the $50,000.00 peror, stoppingman?" his horse. budget had been raised. It is hoped that within another week medals, could only belong to "These a solthe final goal will have been reachecL ; dier of unusual courage and bravThe campaign is unique in many respects. It is the first ery." ; -':.-. • ; • • ' attempt to realize -a complete Federation of all Jewish social "It is Simon Weissman, your majservice in the city. It is being conducted quietly and within j answered the colonel. "He is a relatively/small group of the general population of Omaha. esty," indeed a brave and excellent soldier. ,The final sum- when realized, will be proportionately the largest ? "Why has he not been promoted?" raised by any group in Omaha for purely philanthropic work. "He is a Jew, sir," ; In other respects]:too, the campaign is distinctive. Never "Folly I" Ehouted the emperor angin the history of Omiaha Jewish communal affairs have workers rily; and turning avfay from the sur•met with the .response, that, has been, accorded those engaged in this campaign.- The stories of cordial receptions) of willing prised coloHel, he rode up to Simon co-operation; atid of liberal giving on the Lparfc. of subscribers and said: whom the VaiHous^committees have called on are many. Busy "Sergeant Simon, step forward." merchants and professional men have insisted on stopping their Simon did not more; he Was not a .work in order to save the committees time in making. their sergeant, aiid did not know -whom the rounds. . Many have; voluntarily increased the amounts asked empetor was talking to. ; of them. Several men, living in outlying districts of the city* "Lieutenant Simon, step forward. have themselves called, at _the Federation headquarters and made Da you hear?" ordered Francis Jotheir pledges. One young man of twenty-one protested seph. Simon's facei flushed- No\v.he sii'eiiuousiy at not.being;called on and made a .cash payment understood t&6 emperor's command, of §25.00. He refused to be left-off what he termed the "honor but he was so overcome by his feel roll of Omaha Jews"* . •;-; .-;' ings that he could not move-^he Who AH of these; incidents, and the progress of the campaign had never before knowh What ner'•'; as a whole, can truly, fill the Jews of Omaha with pride. • vousness was. But the campaign is not yet over; there remains much The emperor noticed tte soldier's work to be done. Workers are in the field daily! prospects are embarrassment and kindly said: still being seen. The-Federation membership list should be the "Well, Simon,'it seems that" you are honor roU of Omaha Jews. It should embrace every family not satisfied with the rank I offer in the community, whether its subscription be $5.00 or $5,000.00. you. Then I must-promote you to The campaign cannot be considered a success unless the a still higher one. Step forward, full §50,000.00 is raised. - The institutions benefiting by it need Captain Simon!" This time Simon that much. Unless .they get it, the old story of the past will obeyed. He stepped forward, and be repeated this,year, that the Jews of Omaha do not take care stood at Salute. The emperor added earnestly:- "In my army, .Brave men of their owru T h e campaign will-be continued until the goal is reached must be rewarded and promoted. No and until the citizens of this community can say with pride and matte* what their religion. Mind that!" -' emphatically; "The Jews" of Omaha do take care of their own". And while he rode along their ranks, the regiment greeted him With A TRUTH TOLD JOKINGLY. such a thunder of cheering as he had 1 • In an article under the caption, "A Jew Among the Fords," never heard before, ; . "
published in "The Nation'*, Mr. Louis Weitzenkorn tells that because of^Henry Ford's attacks upon the Jews he and his father RAKBI HONORED and many other Jews* \vho \Vere Jews jut name-only, became CHIEF Belgrade. <J.C. B. Service.) .. The Judaized and are now closer toj the Jews than before the descent; Servian government has accorded the of Fordism. This airjfcjcleis tmtten in a humorous strain and Order of "Sava to the Grand Rabbi we read it with pleasure. -\ytiether Mr. Weitzenkorn accepted §i$ of Belgrade, Dr. Alcalay. The new renewed Judaism as -a joke oi'i'as truthy we cannot tell, yet one chevalier received Tils insignia in the -tiling is evident:^he^i^rigl#i$old;us. an old truth about the presence ot civil, and military authorcharacter of ^eJe\v&- which our sages noticed long ago arid ities and= high dignitaries, of. other about which they; commented: / ' . f -:j faiths, w h o hat assemblet in the Interpreting;"'A;green olive tree, fair of beautiful fruit' has great synagogue. The Minister of the Eternal called thy name" (Jeremiah 5 Xl: 16), our sages say Public Education presided over the that as the oil cannot be obtained from the olive without pressing ceremony,"in the course of which-he it, so Israel does not return to his Heavenly father without feel? sounded -the- praises pi Dr_ Alcalay, ing the pressure of Ms enemies (Midrash Tzaveh Rabbah, chapter and after that read a decree, .grant36, section 1). . ' ing him th&distinctson. Only through: oppression does the accidental Jew come to his Jewish senses. Only when he finds out that his assimilation idol CALL FOR POGROM ON has no stronger supportthan, feet of clay does he return to his POLISH JEWS people. If Mr. Weitzenkorii's drawing of the character of the Jews was meant as a joke, we would advise him to ponder upon Danzig. (J. T. Agency.) The antiit more seriously and he will find that while his brains brought Semitic society, "RozWoy," recently isbefore him Nttie humorous part of his thoughts his heart proved sued a proclamation in Warsaw callmore serious. "Its inborn\Tewishness brought out an old truth. ing upon the Poles to massacre Jews lYet, We tniiik:, that Mr. Weitzenkorn knew that he told a truth whom it accuses of using their powerful political connections to the detrijdkmgly.~"Jewi$h Tribune."
rael have seized large estates and committed s number of outrages against the European population. The blacks, says the dismitch, declare that they are waitlitg for" a divine call to A vivid picture of the horror among them. You may be able to return to Palestine &nd their present stalks in Hungary is drawn by Pren-j visualise the rottenness of it all. Some- activities are preparations for that tiss M. Terry, Americah relief work- times when a child returns from the move. er, who writes as follows: . j bread line, he will not know where to "People burn their chairs and ta- find his 'home,' for it has been shunt- Miss Lloyd George to Wed. Jew bles in order to cook their mealg. Only ed over to another track or railroad Londoa. <J. B. G, Service.) Rumore 10 per cent have fuel to heat ttfeir yard. are current that Miss Lloyd George, food; evert the wood that is used in • "In the tenement houses I found an daughter of the Prime Minister of the relief kitchens to cook the soup average of five people to one room Great Britain, is to marry Sir-Phillip ration is imported fr6m anothef coun- ten feet square, in which all the mem- SassooB, an English Jew. try. The schools have been closed bers of the family cook, eat and sleep. • Sir'Phili? is immensely.-wealthy since October 1 for lack of fuel. No windows are opened during the and the owner of Lympjie, the fine "Doctors sell their instruments for winter time. These people pay a ren- place which hss.beeas.ihe seene of food. Ex-government officials are tal of half a cent & week for these grave conferences between England's street cleaners and beg to be put on rooms. I don't know where they get Premier and allied diplomats. the night shifts so that their friends the half a cent. I found a widow with may not see them. The bread lines nine chlferea in one of these rooms. Agadsth Israel Seprcscnisiivcs start forming at midnight in spite of Not one of them had shoes and the Resign- from .Wanawr,.Kehiilah. the cold rains, snow and slush, but mother was going craiy with despair. Warsaw. (J. T..-Agency.) The-Opthe bread offices do not open until 9 "I. visited the children's hospital and position of the" Agudath Israel to o'clock, and soon the supply is ex- there viewed shameful arvd disgusting hausted. Hundreds are turned away, Sights. In one room I saw new-born Rabbi Posnansky- recently elected empty handed. babes wrapped in paper, lying around Chief Rabbi of- this city, has brought "There are 7,000 refugees living in in beds with no linen of any kind. about their resignation fiom the Ke-•• ,box cars, scattered throughout the "The American people are doing the hillah Couiici], railroad yards in Budapest They live greatest humanitarian work and more wretchedly—a family of four to ten of it than all other nations coinbiiied. in each box car—and these box cars Emergency relief must continue. It is are Hot more than half the size of our an imperative necessity. If only the American freight cars. I went into American people might see the appallseveral <jf them and was made sick ing conditions as I see them, 1 am sure by the Bight and odor and the literal there would be no desire for a let-up, horror of the poverty of those people. but an even more generous response Scarlet. fever has now broken out than ever to the appeals for funds."
;ee-s-li?e. Is Box-Cars lit Budapest; Imireis Are Slowly Starving To Death
Mrs. Mayme Krasne and Miss Bell. Horwieh returned Monday from Los Angelesj where they spent several week3 visiting the Hollywood studios and other points of interest. Mrs. Krasne was the Winner of the Omaha Daily News popularity contest which was conducted in connection with the Metro Film Corporation some time ago and-while in California was featured in a photo-production to be entitled "A Trip With Mayme Krasne Through the Metro" Studios," which will be shown at the Sun theater soon.
EINSTEIN MEMBER OF BRITISH -KOYAL SOCIETY. London:' (J.* T,'Agency.); At »e"s last meeting, the Royal Society of England elected. Professor Albert Einstein as one of its foreign-member^, says &n annptiTicemeat just made public, J
ication of the Schiff Parkway Memorial has been postponed to June 14. Elaborate preparations are under way at the hands of a committee appointed by Mayor Hylan. Mr. William Ed"-lin-.is chairman of the committee and its members are -Bernard M. Barucfa, Dr. Royal S. Copeland, F» H. La^Guardia, Adolph ie-wisohn, Marcus LeoW, Louis Marshall, Richard E. Enright, Mrs. William Randolph Hearst, Samuel Koenig, Otto A. Rosalsky, Oscar S. Strauss, Felix M." Warburg, Grover A. Whalen, Nathan Straus, Dr. Henry Moskowftz and Alfred E. Smith, The ceremonies.were "postponed because of the "absence in Europe of Mrs. Felix Warburg, the only daughter of the late Mr. Jacob H. Schiff. Schiff .Parkway is a new name to be given to Delancy street, one of. the iusiest business thoroughfares in the East Side,
May Tax Mandate Countries Without Consulting League. London. (J. T. Agency.) Addressing the' House of Commons today, Arthur James' Balfour declared that mandatory powers had the rip-jht-to levy taxes on . mandate countries without] seeking, permission, from the League:<of Nations;'^ _'.' '.""'
F'S Three Stores —
•--.Here are : a few SpIeasJId Values•• offered for Saturday,
London, (J. T. Agency).—Three j Jews were killed and 140 wounded in the couz-se of riots which occurred in the old town of Jaffa, according to a dispatch just received here from Jerusalem. A number of Jewish stores were also looted. An earlier] dispatch, received from Jerusalem reported riots to have taken place in Jaffa, but gave no details.
40 inch white Crepe de Chine, $2.25 quality, $1.95 a yard. 40 inch white Crepe de Chine, $2.95 quality, §2.50 a yard. 40 inch white Crepe de Chine, • $8.50 quality, $2.95 & yard, $6 inch [Khaki Kool $S.75 iguality, $2.95 a yard. .40 inch' Barpnette, "§3,50. quality, $2.95' a, yard. 'ZQ'ihzh. Ponjee, $2.25 • quality, $1.95 a yard.'
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London, - {$.-:'-Tv Agency).—The authorities of Kings College," this city, have received information that Professor Albert Einstein -has, accepted their invitation to lecture at the college on his theory of relativity.,- -:•,:•.•..,;•. ^: •' ;•••.
Be quick and get your choice. - ctnioefURfess - srea oic £K^OSSCR5
"Say It. With Ay :. i
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STATE RABBI DENOUNCES "AGUDATH ISRAEL" Danzig. <J. T. Agency.) State Eabbi MoskowitZ, speaking in Koval oh the question of tho Agudath Israel conference in Vienna, stated that the Agudath betrayed the HIAS Jewish interests. Orthodox Jewry, he said, must recognize the -authority of the World Zionist Organization as the only representative of the Jewish people in Palestine.
in all the latest styles . IMS5 to
36 inch high" grade Chiffon Taf, $S grade, $2.45 a yard.
DEDICATION OF SCHIFF PARKWAY MEMORIAL POSTPONED EINSTEIN TO JoSfc abotii two or th*ee weeks ago,! New York(J. C. B. Service.) The Lor3 Beadingi the Jew who was LECTURE IN LONDON ceremonies in connection with the ded-
chosen by the King of England to rule over indiSi set out" to. take -up the -dirties hi his important office. S o hais gone to India where he will be viceroy> and_ govern in' the place of the King. - ' The fact that a Jew will be ruleze of India makes us wonder: about the Jews fit India; " Perhaps you did not Know that there were any. Well, there are, indeed. At least 21,000 Jews live in" India/ and they have settled chiefly in. the "provinces of Boriibay and Bengal, and"; in IirdoChiia, of Burmah (as it is sometimes called). Som& of tfie. Jewish communities have been there Since the.eighth century of- the Common Ei"a, while some claim that they can trace back theit wanderings to the destruction of the Second Temple. "* What: do these Jews look" like? Some communities are black, because their ancestors intermarried with the native women. But others are as white as you or I—allowing of coursa for what we should look like in that climate 1 Although the number df Jews is small for such & large coun* try, the Jews have played their park in the building up of "some ,of the cities, especially Bombay. .Here the Jewish family named "Sassoon" has made itself very important, and had opened school, and synagogues, hospitals and charities of all kinds..
Riga. (J. C. B. Service'.) The Russian daily "Wolis. J?os*ji.M the organ of the Social Revolutionists, which appears in Prague, has published a secret circular from the Russian Soviet government, sent to all district extraordinary commissions advising tlie commissions to fight Zionism and destroy all Zionist organizations. Patticulai*s are given as to the method of destroying local organizations, because Zionism is considered "ds-npprout to'ihf proletariat."
Last Word from Our
. The X. T. C Club will hold an open meeting next Tuesday evening at the ONE OF LOST ,10 TRIBES STARTS THOUBLE IN AFRICA dub rooms in the Lyric building, when the members of the Y. W. H. A. are London. (J. T. Agency.) A disespecially urged io attend. patch from Johannesburg states that a strong force of police, armed with Mrs. Harry Cooler and small daugh- machine-guns, Is concentrating in the I ter of Indianapolis are visiting with Queenstown district where a large • Mr. and Mrs. H. Steinberg of the number of blacks claiming to belong] South Side. i-to one cf the lost Ten Tribes cf Is-
ments of Polish interests m Upper Silesia* thus "undermining Poland's, future. . '"" ' '•'•; •
An exhibition party was given at Long School Wednesday afternoon by the dancing class of Miss Estelle Lapidus and the dramatic class of Mrs. B. R. Boasberg. These classes have been conducted at Long School during the past winter under the Recreation Section of the Jewish Women's Welfare Organization.
OMAHA LOCALS Rabbi Frederick Cohn Will speak on "Is America Worth Dying For?" at Temple Israel Friday evening. Rabbi Cohn returns Friday morning from Buffalo, where he has been attending the meeting of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations.
• Omaha's Newest and Finest Bath-House. Baths,-Massage Hot Packs, Elec • trie Treatment, Inhalatorium. CONCANNON BEOS., Props. 1401 Farnara SW Basement Entrance, Telephones Tyler 5731 OMAHA, b
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Realtors are property experts. They can make you raoney hy real estate investments. ' DO YOU OWN YOUR . PART OF OMAHA.
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PAGE 3—THE JEWISH?PR£SS THURSDAY, MAY 26, 192t. " \ Mrs. Ben Cohen of Harlan, la., Mrs. K. Bmndeis, 901 Sixth avenue, PLAYED IN MOVIES * The Three Table Card Club met Y.M. H. A. TROUNCES spent several days with, her parents, Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. sentertaiapA for twenty guests Sunday Mrs. Lewis A. Morris and little THPRPEAN TEAB1 Mr. and Mrs. B. Saltzman. at a Red and White party In honor O. Hochman, S18 Sixth avenue. The Y. M: H.1 A. baseball team " Many affairs are being given for daughter, Eileen Betty,-'bf Hollywood, of Misg Rose Whitebook, a June bride. Calif., are visiting at the home of defeated the Thorpean" Athletic?'club Miss Goldyo Pred, daughter of Mr. The aftfrnoon was spr-nt in playing The Junior Auxiliary of the CounWord has been received that a baby Mr. and Mrs. S. Finkenstein. Mr. team, Sunday morning at Elmwood and_ Mrs. Boris Pred, whose m a m cards &ni various games. Prizes were cil of Jewish Women held its regular girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Harry. Morris arrives the first of next week park; by a score of 14 to. 3. The age" to Mr. Mayer Spiesberger will meeting Thursday evening at the Brinn of Denver,: Cete.- Mr. 'Briim, won -by: Miss L, Wintroub and M i ' L take place Monday evening, June 6, to accompany his family to Chicago. Thorpeans used two pitchers and Committee Reports ColIecJions Total Mrs. Morris was formerly Miss Jetinie home. of. Miss Stella Trochtenberg, 911 who was formerly-.of.. Webster City, Grossman. three catchers 'in an attempt , to $32,006—The Goal Is $55,000— at the Blackstone Hotel. v Stein of Omaha. litjtTe-Betty, al- hold down the scoring' of the "Y" ' First : avenue. -..Election, of ..officers la., waE well in Council ; Drive to Be Continued. Tuesday afternoon, Miss Rose, though only three years old; has ap'• ; HEBREW. TEACHER took place ; as follows- President, social cireles.earn men. ., ' * Weinberg entertained at bridge at peared in several moving pictures Young man, university Freida Goldberg; vice president, StelThe totals in" the Jewish Welfare' her home. . Wednesday Mrs. Henry taken at the studios hear their home During, the entire game*, the Thor(degree of Ax-ts and Science), experiThe Council of Jewish Women and la Trochtenberg; secretary, Gertrude peans were changing and ' shifting Federation drive here for $50,000 » 'Auxiliary'of the Council enced Hebrew teacher, pives instrucKachman entertained at a' luncheon in Hollywood. th© Junior their line-up in an order to stop passed the $32,00-0 mark today, Super- Cherniack; treasurer, Leah Krasne. of Jewish Women will co-operate and tion in the Hebrew language and litat •-. the Blackstone followed by a their opponents, but all was in vain, intendent Schaefer of the federation bridge party. Mrs. Philip Woolfson, an entertainment and' a dance erature and Jewisli history. J. KaThe ;Chevra-Kiidisha will • hold its Mrs. Dollie F. Elgutter and daughfor they had found that Sasnick/one announced today.. formerly of Miami, Florida, a sister, Tuesday evening, Jone 7, at Eagle's minsky,, 3101 Corby Street. Telephone regular meeting Sunday afternoon et hall; . ' ' of Miss Pred, also was an honor ter, Katherine, have;, returned after of the leading pitchers of the "Y"" The drive will .be continued until the Synagogue. Webster 4875. spending the winter in Havana, Cuba, guest at this party. Wednesday with Mrs.. Elgutter's brother, Mark pitching staff, was at his best. The the ?50,000 is obtained, Mr. Schaefer ., • • ": • evening, Mr. and Mrs. H. Z. Kosen- A. Pollack, and are Te-occupying their hitting of Kooper, Swartz and Som-said.. • : " . The Mogen-Dovid, Young Jucisa berg featured in the game. Rasnick "We only need $18^000 more to put Club," will hold its: regular meeting v feldt. gave a dinner party at their, home here.struck out twelve of the Thorpeans the drive over the top/' said Harry home for Miss Pred and Mr. Spiesand allowed but six scattered hits. Lapidus, chairman of the drive. "Let's Sunday afternoon. Plans vrill be berger. . Today Mrs. Branch. Curtis The wedding of Miss Rose Gilins- The hitting of Coreman for the all put our shoulders to the wheel and made at this meeting 'to organize a will entertain fifteen guests at lunbaseball team. ,ky, daughter of Mr.' and Mrs. Her-Thorpeans was responsible for the give it one more big shove."" cheon, followed, by bridge at her man Gilinsky to Mr. Dave Bernard three lone |allies of that side. Mr. Lapidus made a special appeal The Council of Jewish Women held home, and in the. evening Mrs. Cora Goldberg - of Tulsa, Oklahoma, will The Y. M. H. .A. team will play to the workers to call on every per- its first annual Jneetdng Wolf will entertain at dinner. Fritake place this evening -at the home its next game Sunday morning, June son listed with them as soon as possiday Mrs. M. I. Gordon and Mrs. S. at the home of Mrs. A\Gilinoi Mr. and Mrs. Gilinsky. Mr. and5, and. the opponents /will be' the ble and to make a complete report to evening sky, 725 Mynster street. This meetMandelson will give an Orpheum Mrs. Max Goldberg, of Denver, par- Chevrolet Motor Company, The "Y" Mr. Schaefer. at the federation offices. ing will be the closing meeting f or the party following a luncheon! Ei the ents of the groom are out-of-town team already has played two games ! iyear. : : evening Mr.and Mrs. J. J. Slosberg guests here -to attend--the -ft-edding and has won bbth.: Manager Nathan •will entertain , at dinner. Saturday After a honeymoon in* Colorado^ Air. Green of the ; Y. M. H. A. team has Arthur Freiden, state deputy of the - afternoon, Miss ' Corrine New will and Mrs. Goldberg will be at home scheduled' games until the latter E'nai Brith <?£ Iowa, and. delegate from entertain at a bridge party for' Miss in Tulsa. " part of July. •'. , the Council Bluffs Lodge _ of B'nai Predl arid Monday afternoon Miss Sent by our Council Bluffs Newa Brith, and Karl Brandeis, also a dele"Following is the line-up _ol .the ...... bureau. /Minnie Wolf will entertain sixteen gate of the Council Bluffs Lodge, will Mr, and Mrs. Sol Gross of Galesteams that played Sunday morning: guesis at bridge at her,hdme.VSatleave Sunday to attend the conven-f burg, 111.," who have been visiting their urday evening, June 4, Mr. and Mrs. Thorneans Y. M. H. A. tion of the B'nai Brith, which will bej niece, Mrs. R; Kulakofsky; left .today "This -club must continue its good Ered: will give a.: dinner dance at to return to their home. Mr. and Mrs. Somberg, lb Stein, c work along educational lines in order held"at Des Moices, la., May 29, SO; the Blackstone Hotel for their Gross spent several days at the Black- Mendelson, 2b Robinson, ss, c that the Council Bluffs clubs shall be, and 31. Many other members of ths Wintroub, p, 3b ataiong the foremost in the ^country," lodge are making plans on going to daughter and Mr. Spiesberger. One stone Hotel with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kooper, c 1 Konecky, 3b hundred guests have been invited. Swartz, 3b Schimmel, who were former residents said Mr. W. R. Orchard, editor of thethe convention, among these being : Coreman, lb, p. Rasnick, p of Galesburg. > >Daily Nonpareil, Monday evening at L. H. _ • Katelman, Dave and Harry Lphrman, cf, lb . the regular meeting of the Hebrew Cherniss, Isadore Aginskee, Jay CherGreen, cf :. Ninety members and their friends Myers, rf attended the luncheon of the Coun-j Miss Edna Pdpfsky of Qskaloosa, Weitz, If • Educational Club which met at the niack, Maurice Gilinsky and Nathan Kuklin, 2b Goodman, ss'' . til of Jewish Women at the Black- la., who has been the; guest of the home of Miss Molly Saltzman, 742 Nogg. Feldman, If stone Hotel, Monday. It was the Miss'es Pearl and Martha Cohen for Brown, rf Mynster street. Mr. Orchard also P. Wintroub,. cf told of the leading part, the Council first annual meeting of ^this organ- the past two Weeks, left for her home Kneeter, ss r . ization. Mrs. Frederick Cohn, pres- Monday morning*. She had been en- Score by innings: Bluffs younger" Jewish set take «i all ' .• 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 R. H. F. activities, whether they be for a Jewident of the Omaha branch', gave a tertained with many parties while on •Hat Illustrated By Oar 'Artist. report of the work done, by the her visit in Omaha. Thcrpean 0 0 0 1 2 0 D 3 6 3 ish cause or of any other civic cause. One of several hundreds Sport Council during the past year. Mrs. Y.M.H.A. . 1 1 1 5 2 1 3 14 20 1 Many discussions arose as to the No Springs—-Honest Weight Hats on Sale Saturday a t $5.00. • rw. L. Holzman gave a prayer vand plans and ways that will be taken by Mrs. Nathan Mantel and Miss Lena jreporte ' were read by. the various Eehfelt have as their guest, Mrs. Jack Miss Esther Zalkowitch had as the *c\ph. during the summer season. HOBAET ELECTRIC committees. Officers were elected Koerpel, who was formerly Miss Hat- her guest over the week-end, Miss Committees have been appointed to GRINDERS,-. CHOPPERS • for the ensuing year as follows:.Mrs. tie Breif us of this city. Mrs. J. C Minnie Abrams, of San Francisco, make some arrangements to obtain ;Cohnj president; Mrs. Isidor* Ziegler, Cohn eatertained Mrs. Koerpel at who is oft her way to New York a summer cottage at Lake Manawa, • _ AND; MIXERS. where the regular meetings of the vice-president; Mrs. J...C. Cohn, luncheon on Tuesday at the Athleti where she will visit. club will be held during the summer secretary; Mrs. L. M. Woolfson, Club, Mrs. A. Herzberg at luncheon Service and Sales: season. The debate challenge of' the treasurer; Mrs. Simon Meyer; cor- at the Fontenelle on Wednesday, arid ' THORPEIAN NEWS Aleph Y Club, which had been ac- -•13th AND: JACKSON STREETS responding secretary; and Mrs. S. H. Mrs. M. S. Miller a t dinner WednesSmart attractive youthful Hats for A regular meeting of the Thor- cepted and which was scheduled to :Phiaesi' •• • ;Schaefer and Mrs. Carl Feurth, day evening. Many other informal af- peian Athletic Club was held at the the Sports apparel and Cta fairs are being ^planned-for. this pop- club rooms Wednesday, May 17. The Save jtaken: place some time in July, Toledo Scales Doug. 7682 auditing committee. Special Sale Saturday at ular visitor, who will remain until th main topic of discussion was that of has been postponed until next fali Hobart Electri: Doag. 1396 Hadassah has changed its regular middle of next week. renting a cottage. An active commit- The regular meeting of the Council meeting day to the first Wednesday We have on hand Used and tee was appointed to investigate ways On Monday, June 6, Young Judeans and means .and report at the next Bluffs Lodge of the B'nai Brith was ' in the month. The next regular • . Rebuilt Machines. ;-:" held Wednesday evening at the Dan'meeting of this organization will, be will celebrate its first annual Young regular meeting. The adjournment of > held Wednesday afternoon, June I, Judea Day with: a program at the the club to its cottage last year ish hall. Swedish Auditorium, the purpose be,at 2:30 p. m., at 301 Lyric proved' a- success.^ - The members hope 'when a special program will be •&« to bring before the" public the Tx> stage a'water meet, taking in boat'given. '-: •.••-•:-•-•* v work that this organization Is~doing. s . '- - : More^than four hundred children are ing and swimming' and inviting other Jewish organizations to participate. Mr. and Mrs. Max Miller are members of the various organizations • Sunday morning the Thorpeians spending two wefts , at Excelsior which comprise Young Judea. were defeated in a strenuous, hard Springs. by the Y. Mrs. Saul Levy is confined to her hitting game of baseball v H. JM. A. by a score of 14 to 4. Mrs. William Lazriowich and con,home on account of illness. Athletic - Director Sam Friedel and are visiting at Memphis, Terin., with Baseball Manager Paul Konecky said Mrs. Lazriowich's brother, Mr. Sam i A daughter, Ida, was born Saturday that with practice and a change in at the Methodist Hospital to Mr. and Greenblatt and Mrs. Greenblatt. Mr. Mi's. H. B. Wiseman of Hastings, Nemake a' much Lazriowich spent the week-end with braska. Mrs. Wiseman was formerly lineup the club better showing against the Y. 3L H. them in Memphis. Miss Gertrude Olander of, this city* A. or any other" organization. Can be had in Solid White, Jade, Orchard, and will remain here for several Gold, e t c ; also attractive color--cosibiB&iidiis. Miss Jeanette Marcus will enter- months with her parents, Mr. and tain sixteen guests Sunday for Miss Mrs. S. Olander. ITALIAN JEWISH DEPUTY "Eose Whitebook, of Council Bluffs, WOUNDED IN ELECTION FRAY •toho will be a June bride. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mayer of Morton Marcus gave a bridge party Lincoln will motor here to spend the London, (J. T. Agency.) A disScores of becoming styles frmi-.Miss or . for Miss Whitebook at her home week-end with their daughter, Mrs. patch from Rome states that Signor Modelani, a Jewish socialist member jE Matrpn, possessing chro.-acter asd inctiyjd- ( Tuesday when tables, were placed Herbert Arnstein, and "Mr. Arnstein. of the Chamber of Deputies, was • • = ua^ity'usually not found at sticli a modest "? HE man who safd, "There** " for twelve guests and >Iiss Lottie price. These are positively the |fi*atcst -? Herschberg. and Miss Stella Troch- • Mr. Harry Braviroff will present wounded there during a clash between Nothing in a Name," did Fascist! and socialists. values-in Sport Hats'aftd White "Mil&ns tenberg are also entertaining for the following pupils from his class in not live in the day when for the price in Omaha. Shop, in the this bride, whose marriage takes a piano,recital Wednesday, June 1,at .morning if possible. BRANDEIS STORES operated place June 16. 8:15 p. m.} at the' Lyric building, rcoms 306 and 307: Grace Dansky, under the "Lookout in the Fore* S37" BUY~BAFE Mr. M. Horn, Jr., of San Francis- Bess Haykin, Helen Levinson, Pearl j top System". The name, "A c6j Calif., has been spending a few Dansky, Ida Shafton, Jack Epstein, days' in Omaha with his parents, Mt. Sidney Epstein, Florence Wolf, Helen Sale to -Break All Records," and Mrs. if. Horn. Mr. Horn leaves ShermSh, Lilliaj* LJpsey, Sara Babchosen for the 12-day Bargain Our guarantee and our'wprd is today'for an extensive trip through ior, Albert Finkel, Zenia Perlmutter, AMI? WOMfiN ; 2GRRECT APPAEEL FOK as good as a bond. • Henry Veylupek, Ida Newman, Bess the east before returning to CaliFestival now in p r o g r e s s at We" have EStisficd hundreds of Newman, Marion Bfumenthal,. Lillian iernia. BRANOEIS STORES is admitted Cherdacoff, Ruth Kendis, Dorothy Le- your.friends. . . •vine, Ida' Greenberg, Rose Spiegal, hy thousands of well satisfied )'_ Dr. and Mrs. A. M. Levine of Nora Perlmutter, Ethel Greenberg, Have Yon Made a Selection of a Home-Site -Defiance, Iowa, spent the week-end shoppers to be the most approSylvia Bernstein, Ljbby Kovitz and in Omaha. ' 1514 Dodge Street. .. . priate name ever chosen for a Jeanette Sherman. -Phone: Douglas 5013 The public isiflvited. :,' Mrs. Charles J. Simon and small great sale in Omaha. idaughter, Margery, of Chicago, ar.rived this morning to spend several If not, DO XOT DELAY—thcr a « selling rapMij, : weeks with Mrs. SinWn's parents, \ acres, 2 j acres, s, S seres, IP Choice Sites in Hurry H. Lapidus. Pree.Treat $£r.~and Mrs. Sol Bergman. Jos. Pep-per, Vice-Preaiacat. can still be bought st . W. « . Cre, Secretarr. - • .Mrs. Ralph Rothschild had two ;: ! Omaha Fixture & U Pays to Get Our Figures tables of bridge at her home TuesThe unknimour verdict h that this Laid Over 6,000 Roofs in Omaha day afternoon for Miss Rita Mayer / Supply Co. Our Roofs Are Our Proofs is indeed—*. ' of Lincoln, who is spending the Our Specialty COMPLETE STORE AND >Ready Roofing over ole! shingles -week in Omaha in order to organize OFFICE OUTFITTERS All Work Guaranteed—Easy Wft occupy 'a.Simmons College club.in this city. Terms over 70,000 sauara:. feet A FEW SLIGHTLY HIGKEK •A meeting of the aluriinae of this Soutbnrest Corner * Harney 257-$ Eleventh and Donslas Streets. -college was held Wednesday afterTERMS! 9S5.WJ to $50.00 down en *ma1tS tttwiB? S% »» **% Office and Warehousg* PSd D ^ l n a S721 trocfii «a«I «h»y moftiStlj- p«jBte»is. > » inters* et 1**** "no'on at Happy Hollow club, when 3122 Leavcntvorth NEB. Tt-OS ESTATK ACR **?**** *» ACRES i>rp h»'D)t>ai .Miss Mayer was in charge of the CSa tit Crtonty, Itotwppn Fort Own* Btxilevftrd fttul Gilmorp Krifed. IK meeting. CHIliDS" ACKKS. co fo USP fm! «-r {hp A5htipbt car line i>« Snuift mot-
i —\
Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Rosenberg of .Minneapolis are spending several weeks at the Biackstone Hotel enroute from California. Mrs.. Rosenberg is a sister of Mrs. Sol. Leon . of this city, and many affairs are being planned for them.' Mr. and : Mrs. A. Wolf entertained sixteen guests at dinner at their home Mon.'• day evening for these guests and •=Mrs. Mark Leon entertained h.t a }r;theater. party followed by a tea at the Athletic club for Mrs. Rosenberg
or to CliiUiB' OroBBinp on ihp l'ort Cvor* Interurbau. will call for yvu pr meet j-o« st «"s l
n lone? Weight aid *.
Strfner latctrlc MeatChopper . sad Coffee 5I11L TJ3c<l Scales oi AH' . .Makes -tor' Sale.
SJO .So.<10th St. Phone n l tS
t i
Thone \\a mi4 we
? '
mightiest of all sales ttowd$ are helping themselves to
St you want one ft
SCHULER & GARY 282L Keeiine Blag,
AMitiim Market
- fi
A "Sioux City. Hews
next weuk in "A Ridin' Romeo." In which Neil Burgess starred all over SEEKING NEW FIELDS "So They're Dying, Quietly, and Cleanly," ~ ; / FOR IMMIGRATION this picture Tom dees some new stunts the country for many seasons. It is •Paris. (J. T. Agency.) The Com-that will make you "laugh wMle they "»ne of those studies of rural American % , Author Says of Austrian, ifoargoisie mittee of Jewish Delegations here give you a thrill. Tom wrote the play life which are chuck full of heart
The play offered -by the Princess Players for the week starting Sunday, Kay EPtfc, at tbe Brandeis Theater i? Binncy's purrpss, "39 Eabt." himself, so you ccn realize that he has interest, quaint humor and all the ex- Co^stence v to put into it all the .things he likes citement ircj&pr.i tp,a ds.y at a county Ti c- yrcscr-teiiov of ihir. cotnedy b^ to do sjjd besides, Tom would just fair artd_ vd^dir.gf up with a thrilling the princes? Flayers is? a peculiar cirnaturally write into a story more horse race J2j_vh"ch ih£ c^try of the comstance in that Theodora Warfield, daredeviltry than an ordinary writer leading -characters net only triumphs the leading voman wit?*, (he company, might imagine he could do. You see,over the crecVcd schemers in win- played the leading; roU with the big Tom has done probably bigger thrill- ning the ercnt but taking down a eitr corppany chosen by Tiachel ers on the range when he was a cow- purse ihzi saves the farm for Aunt- Crothers', the author and director, to boy" and-Vhen no one was watching Ab:grail and htt deserving^ associate's. play Boston," Baltimore, Washington him thap he ever has put on the It has been likened to a trip to ,the and the Kg-eastern cities. screen. country en a svreet srammef day and• "39 East" opens with Sunday's mat* He has written himself into all kinds has takes the motioi picture world iness and will play all week with matinees Wednesday and Saturday as well. of Mischievous trouble in "A Ridin' by storm.' Romeo."
"The middle and upper classes of land is mostly refugees, who have has requested the officers* of the Austria are flowly- starving -in a W ^ e n in the'p3$rof "-seven aiTOncfeg- Canadian Jewish Congress to negoThe .lyre;" Club held its regular •>j*'-armies1 each or-whieh-hsspicked taesa tiate with the Canadian government meetings Sunday^at the-Hebrew Instil ;•' v,, •'". -----'n^ "• * • tute, at~whicli time plans were com- ^eeteble^ouier... TCney area growl. a ^ ^ ^ ^ V ^ y % & on-tRe concerning the introduction of* a pleted for the reception to be given people, and they do not parade their, v e r g e ? f starvation—Irving' qn-BJmq large number of Jewish immigrants to the,Iyre\delegation from Lincoln misery- in the streets. A casual observ-1 grass and acorns, ground into • flour into Canada, and to approach the .next Sundav* Mr. Jake "and Louis er who goes to Vienna or Budapest or and baked into bread that Jooks like governments of Brazil, Argentina and Cohen were jrevrly elected .members .of l any other >»rge city in Central Eu- cobblestones. The men and women- Chile with a similar, proposition. the club/ "3 rope and sees only, the neat exterior can keep alive in some' fashion, but The Ivre rClub will be hosts to the of the streets, may come away with the boys and girls will actually die ANITA MULLER FOR UKRAINIAN Ivre delegation from Lincoln next the impression that there is no suffer- of starvation without our: help. ORPHANS ! Sunday "and. Honday. Upon the ar- ] ing or need there. Everything is sol "Agriculture is the chief industry Vienna. (J. T. Agency.) Anita rival o£-the guests, Sunday noon, they neat, jilgM..and trim—on the outside, of rural Poland." But with theii-Tfarm Muller is touring Jugoslavia in an will be invited^hy the local organiza- But"go inside; Their rooms are picked implements gone, their cattle killed, tion for'dinsier, and in the afternoon bare. Everything of the slightest and their houses destroyed, how canattempt to haye the Jews there adopt the two clubs will share €\eir inter- value has* been pawned. Now they they make a living ? They are willing Ukrainian orphans. She has already BROWN BROTHERS COMING ests at a j'oint^meeting to be held in have-nothing left. So they are dying> to work, but they have no tools. So been successful in placing 500. The Prown Brothers' famous sex•OMAHA'S FAVOEITE PHOTOPLAY THEATRES the Hebrew Institute. Sunday even- quietly, and cleanly." | they are living like "foxes in holes in KORFANTI'S REBELS MURDER tette will appear in Omaha June 12 ing a private banquet will be given at t&e Moon theater, according to an That" is the picture Conigsby Daw- the ground. • /JEWS at the'West Hotel, honoring the vis-son, widely known author and soldier, I "In the cities the problem is largely announcement made today by,Publiciting club members. Monday there paints of conditions as he saw them in the starvation of the middle classes Danzig. (J. T. Agency.) It is re- ity "Manager Frudenfelt of the Sun will be an outing at Crystal Lake, to Europe—a people dying, quietly and and of those who formerly were rich, ported that in Rublik, Province of and* Moon theaters. They will show f xr a? be followed by'a dance in the evening. cleanly. Mr. Dawson made a six The people .of fixed' salaries—the Ratibor, Upper-Silesia, several Jews here in conjunction with James Oliver A delegation of fifteen members from weeks' trip through Eastern and Cen- 'school teachers, professors, etc.—are were kilteq" by soldiers ?of Korfanti on Kerwood's photoplay "Kazan." Lincoln is expected, to be here for the tral Europe to report on hond'itions to absolutely unable to survive ohtheir the pretext that they were sympareception. Herbert; Hoover. He says of Poland: present income. At the present;/ rate thetic to the Garmans. "COUNTY "FAIR" A WINNER "Half a million children in the dev-' of 600 crowns to the dollar they canMaurice Tourneur's "The County Mr. Louis Slatsky arrived from Des astated regions of-Poland,,would .die not buy Jhe barest essentials of life, TOM MIX, DAREDEVIL, STARTS SUNDAY, MAY 29 STARTS' SUNDAY, MAY 29; Fair" is announced for a special enMoines where he attended a conven- if the feeding stations: were not-main- "And so" they-are slowly starving to HERE IN NEW PLAY gagement a t the Sun Theater comtion of insurance men. tained there. The population of Po-'death." : mencing Sunday. Tom Mix, the Fox daredevil of the Ktissia and Ukraine 1,039,142.69 RELIEF DISBURSEMENTS The story is taken from the play inMiss Esther jBrodftey of Omaha is screen, is coming to the Moon theater Siberia ( W a r < ' .-' ; ALMOST $11,000,000 FOR visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. JEWISH RELIEF IN 1920 % Prisoners) :........;.. 4 302,298.99 J. Brodkey, and will remaiit'here for Switzerland :<Eefr * . Almost §11,000,000 was appropriatseveral vreeksi ~" ugeeS) ..„.........._.- 20,781.77 ed for relief work in over a score of Turkey ....:.: .„.. : 278,487.46 STARTING—Sunday, Matinee, -Rfay, 29th Miss Rose'Fillsentertained, the mem- countries during 1920, the annual reYokohama (Kef- . ' ' bers of the G, S. C. in her home Sun- port of the Joint Distribution CommitM A T I N E E : Sunday, ugfeesj,...:...-......._ ;, 5,002.50 day afternoon.' The hours were spent tee shows. Poland, (receiving nearly , '.Wednesday, Saturday. Miscellaneous. T.?...il . 2,545.22 inforoiaUy* after which a light lunch- $5,000,000, wasthe largest beneficiary WITH eon was "served. of American generosity.. Because* of Rachel Crothers* delightfnl comedy . in the critical condition of the Joint Dis- "•'•J'. . '•'.''_',•••? , ^ 1 0 , 6 2 0 , 0 9 2 . 9 7 / - whose special company Theodora Warfield Mr. Louis Agranoff, Mr. Harry •tribution Committee, many of the re- •Includes $250,000 for loan societies. originally starred. ' IN Goldblatt arid Mr. Barney "Rubel vis- lief appropriations for 1920 have not **Includes $300,000 for reconstrucbeen ..carried out,., funds not being ited in Omaha during the week-end. tion work. ,'tr.. (FRECKLES) Featuring SIISS WARFIELD and available. Part of, the money being the incomparable Princess Players. ; The Auditorium was the scene of a raised by the 1921 appeal of the Amervery pleasmg entertainment Tuesday ican Jewish Relief Committee will go ;.\ PALESTINE A MQDEL FOR Matinee: 25c and 50c. "; : COLONIAL SETTTLEMENTS. evening, May 24th, when the -Mt. Si- to cover existing deficits. : Berlin." (J. C. B. Service.) ' i n an Eve.: 50c, 75c and $1.00. AND AN ALL "STAR CAST nai Brotherhood - had ' charge of a Appropriations by counties for 1920 v editorial in the ; "Berliner Tageblatt," "real carnival." There was a variety follow: v . of entertainment, including jazz mur .Austria V - - - — - - - - ? 777,991.93 Professor- Dr. Schuecking,, the weUsic, side'shows, paddlewheels and lo- •Baltic Provinces ...._ 143,398.46 knQwn authority on" International cal talent,-with dancing and singing. Belgium .•„...„._... 2,500.00 Law, discussed, with reference to ayj^jsaaug^aagygua^s^^^ President , Harding's message, the Misses Nettie Krueger and Gertrude „ Central Europe _.... 100,000.00 duties of a genuine League of Na Blank presented a specialty act of " Czecho-Slovakia ..... 132,303.86 singing and dancing; Misses . Hose "Danzig (Refugees):. . 10,012,25 tions, defining the problem of inter Baron and Mosceline Baldwjn^ shared 6,035.00 national migration as the duty of Prance (Refugees}honors in. an o'riginal vaudeville act, •" Germany ..-„.„„....'._ 358,681.60 socialized establishment of colonie ; and a chorus of \ young boys, including Greece ......-:.„_:...:..... . 19,000.00 •which without infringing the rights o Sherill Cohen, Ben Brodkey, JackLan- Hungary ...:._.. .._ 285,192.31' present owners"could obtain.: -auto don, Lawrence Sampson and Herman for ; the promotion of their own 3,943.61;^ Italy.(Refugees) .„. Sachs, presented an original enter- LithuaniaV::.2;..';-:.....^ nal ciulftiro under the protectio $ £ £ tainment. The purpose of the carni- Palestine and ; Syria^ ^22,420.24^ :' jbtrthj* te^gue"- of .Nations." ^fe th val was to raise funds for an addition Stoist VComirainW tof;: Palestine w. •Poland ...;..._:.:.™^ 4,746,620.98 to the Temple. *" see how this can bs dorig,";h&iaid. **Roumania _. 916,829.91 .
39 EAST"
& Of^ This Hemarkabl© Bargain Offering
Calumet-^Qld. Landmark,' If as Passed Into * History. • ]
"In this photoplay If Is nolffSii^&itentioh to solve this mighty proMem, bnl?;io present It through the piciiif izatioii of Wm, J.-Locked much discussed hook "Idols/* which is now called
\\ V
"KObcro -ThonsandB Met and v Ate, Quit Bitslnesa Last .NIght—Housed Notables and.OtheraJ
The Star Shoe Co. Will Its Floor Space ajoo Square Feet
We win begin very soon reraofleHnsr ef 8,400 square feat to be taken over from the old Calumet Restaurant.
It is the story of the secret love of a pretty Jewish maiden for 3 Gentile. Miima\H&rt loves her dear father, Israel Hart, wealthy Jewish banket-—but she has divided her heart with another man—a QentiJe.
We waait to reduce our Stock during this Remodeling Period and'in many, cases have cut prices below whole- 3% sale cq.sts. ( . - -
Here hinges the story—©spectacular human interest portrayal of the> true Jewish "fueling on the great complex question of intermarriage. .'-.;.: • , ferael'Hart says: "I would rather see my daughter dead at my feet than married to a Gentile."
'••'•'"/ •'•
Values up to ?15, Values up.to ?12, , at S8.PS at § 6 . 9 3 Values tip to ?10, Values up to 18,' at-.S4.OS
Minna H a r t s a y s :
You may mock; the^.ties that hold you. You may scon! at the vows you made. But the oath of love is all oaths above, And too strong the bond: for the blade That would rasp in twain' that anchoring chain By the current of doubting swayed.
Eight at the Time WKen You Want Them the Host Straw Hats 16 Hata S3.S5 $5 Hats S3.45 14 Hate §3.85 Hose , 35c val« now 1 9 ^ ilOc val., now 3 9 ^ 25 vaL, now 7©^
• ••
6 for .......&1.5® Athletic pnd?r- . wear 51 reins, "now 8 5 ^
-Don't fail to see this wonderful photo-play
Neckwear $1.50 val., now f ©(4
?3.50 Tfll., S 1 . 6 5 S5.00 val., S 2 . S 5 57.50 val., § 3 . 8 5
Stiff Collars 3 for ..*.......50$
Wash Ties Bach .2&<£
.f41Sf QgJHftus' !
, - • • }