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The secret-.of;j| success lies in the iff man and not the s t u f f he *£ % works on.—Brad- % %t9
si . B ford Torrey.
VOL. I.—NO. 25.
\ %ik^te
v as Becond-dnsB mall matter on January 27th, 1921, at postofflce at Omaha, Nebraska; under tha Act of March 3, 1879.
Thirty -Seven To Be Confirme
on the horizon and every Jewish [ OMAHAN HONORED heart today throbs with a hope a— ',:.,;—•——_—:—— that this order will lead us Thirty-seven boys and girls will be Madeline Spiegal. Charles Lieb. safely through the waves of Ida Minkdn. confirmed at Temple. Israel and the Kuth Wintroub. anti-Semitism. . ' Jerome Diaxaond. Ssrah Morgan.' City Talmud Torah during June. The City Tahnud Torah Confirma- The~ confirmation Service at Temple Names His- Candidate. tion Class of twenty-six will hold its Israel ender *the direction of Rabbi "And it behooves us, my exercises under the direction of Habbi Frederick Conn will take place Sunday, Will Leave Saturday For New Morris Taxon,-, Sunday afternoon, at morning, June 12, at 9 :S0 o'clock. Fol- Special Funeral 'Scrriccs At First Time Honor Ever Held brethern, in choosing a leader for our district to select a man d 0 P P. M Sunday fey • York; to •. Complete Arrange- '• 2 o'clock, 2:330 by Omahan; Meeting at th&B'nsi Israel lowing is the list of the Temple Israel in whom we have confidence and inents to Go to Bafin Lcgioss a»d Synagog; Nineteenth and Chicago confirmants: . ' a Grand Success. faith; to select a; nian whose .'.; Bsy district. B f « i B'rith. streets. The course of study for this Rosaline Goldstein, El Bender Apts. ability is; beyond question, class . consists _-of:- Biblical History, Alice Adler, 2201 Burdette streetBy MORRIS E. JACOBS. whose heart beats with unison The body of the first Dr. Victor E. Levine, professor at Jewish Ethics, Philosophy of Eeligion Isabel Israetz, 2215 Parker street Des Moines, la., June 1.— with Jewish ideas and- Jewish the CreigMon College of Medicine, and Religious- Catechism. Following Cecelia Martin, 1911 South Thirty- ka Jewish soldier to make Omaha "came, saw and conr traditions. "_•' •• \ slipreme sacrifice for his will leave Saturday for New York are the list of the Talmud Torah con- fourth. p quered" at the fifty-third an- "With these few thoughts in to complete arrangements for a trip firmants: . Leo Milton Eosencrans, S107 Nich- country on. the battlefields of '••'.nual convention of District mind, I deem i t : a great honor to the Bafbi Bay district, in the Gertrude Goldberg.'Anne Bernstein. olas street. France will, be laid in its lin&l No. 6 of the B'nai Brith, held and privilege to .place before extreme northern part of Canada, Jeanette- Katzherg. Anah Chorney. Euth Greenberg, 1541 South Twen- resting place in an Ojvuiha at Des Moines, May 30 to this convention, as a nominee 300 miles from the nearest white Lester A. Lapidus.; Mollie Stem. ty-fifth avenue. Jewish cemetery Sunday afterJune 1. for the office of president, the settlement. -Here he will live and Pearl Anne Goldberg, 551 Mill street, : Sadie Drevich. U.enry Monsky, prominent name of Henry Monsky. I need study the life of the Eskimo to Rose son , He is Archie Krupinsky, _ Bessie Feldman. Council Bluffs. Omaha attorney, was elected not tell you of the work he has ascertain causes of death, means of Dorothy Eeuben. Ida Greenhouse. Harriette R. Fleishman, 114 South!of. Sir. aUd Mrs. M. Krupinsky president of the district done for this order. The renutrition -and sex problems. Fifty-third street. •' • of Fremont and nephew of Mr. Kose Kaplan. • Rose Rosensteia. Henry Mons&y grand lodge, the highest of- ports that have been read beS. "If I come back alive out of that Anna Euback. Louise Rosenthal, 4912 Dodge street, SB'd" Mi .Sarah Kurtzmas. " "Handler, S16S fice of the convention. He fore this convention, time and wild north, I ought to have some Mary Shames, Ruth Pollack, 4201 Dodge street. CMcsg'o street. Lena Dayton. is the first Omahan to hold time again, testify to that. I It was" the night when the Leona Pollack. 4201 Dodge street. interesting' material," said Dr. Levine. Nellie Snitzer. Clara Iiebovitz. this office. , need not tell: you that during Following are the :B'nai- Brith The Eskimo breaks every law of famous charge of the battle of Sam Leon was elected s to his term of office as second delegations from Omaha, Council- nutrition and still lives. Their probTEN MEN OF DES MONIES the Marne took place that the general committee. He vice-president and as first vice- Bluffs, Des Moines and Lincoln: lems of death are radically different EACH GIVE $5,000 TOWARD Archie "Krupinsky, a corporal, Omaha: Harry H. Lapidus, J. J. from that in this country. The sex received the third highest president, - *he has travelled NEW -COMMUNITY CENTER met his death. When, the order vote, ranking ahead of many through the :entire district Greenberg, Dr. A. Greenberg, Han- problem there is very interesting. Des Moines, Iowa, June 1.—Thirty to go over the top was given doing work for .the order. His ry Monsky, S. JL Leon, Harry There are less "cases of'social diseases veterans of the committee. men in Des Moines already have Corporal - Krupinsky Jed his Harry, Lapidus was re- zeal .and fidelity are too well Friedman, A. Rosenblum, M. Mon- and a'higher "morality in the northpledged $100,000 toward the Jewish small squad in the final drive elected unanimously to the known by B'nai B'rith members heit,'Harry Malashock and J . . J . ern regions than in this country." Community Center building to be wich was bM death-dash. ."'"" ' board of trustees of the to need any elaborating by me. Slosberg. He was gassed and died built here. Ten men eack contributed Dr. Levine- said that their main Council Bluffs: A. Friedeiv.A. 1 Jewish Consumptive home at And brethera, I feel only too ; shortly after being removed to $5,000. : food on the trip will be dog meat While Resident Here He Took keenly the honor that is mine in Aginskee and Karl Brandeis. D,enver. -a smal* hospital behind the The committee in charge expects tc because as the party goes; farther • Active Part in Charities; Lineoln: Sidney Posca. . lines, . Arthur Rosehblum was having the happy privilege in raise the other $50,000 within a went. Foraded Free Loan Des. Moines: E. Mannheimer, L". and farther•- ihto. the interior of the elected to the court of ap- placing his name before you for Like thsfc of thousands of hi? comnorthern wilds, it becomes harder to Society. • ', H. Cohen, Joseph Brody, Eob %l peals. This court passes on your consideration." rades, the body of the Jewish soldierobtain food. ' Lappen, M. Silberman, E. Segel all appeals of members or hero arrived in Omaba vlih «n« As Mr; Leon "finished his brief and S. Rosenberg. Sol Brjodkey. philanthropist &nd To Have Sole Post. lodges. honor—the casket -was draped with address, and as President Mannof Various members of the party, lie charity worker, former 'resident : Omaha _ will be selected as heimer placed r the >name of an American -flag. said, will be stationed along a certain Omaha, now of Los Angeles, is • a convention if a summer re- Henry Monsky in nomination • A committee - from the B'rai B'rith visitor here. * • • ' • line of communication until he is the ,. , j Among- the' tvro lsndr«fl &nd fifty mad the American Legion has been ;•; sort is not chosen. , for _the office of president, a . " He only one left. He said bis post of his family moved to Lssf s t u d e n t ^ ? ^ u ^ J J |, e ^ t o t e i from sppsiistel to is&ke ajrrasKe&teiifcs to From the firing of the open- tumult of cheering and applause, duty will be more than 300 miles from Angeles : a year ago. led by the Omaha, delegation, pay ing gun. Monday, the convenhis residence of many yegrsj £ r e lmvisiu aai- tespeet to tlw any white past and by the stationing broke -forth and lasted for ; tion was well aware that the of i i i isevsssl.."^seconds. •- BfeiiiMoHsky be held :«t: 2:30-> in-, in: the ander: Oznaha delegation, -was one >of ities, he will be in constant touch •Merest: in ills'- Associated Jewish; Min&in, Bendce Kolakdfsfcy, Anefctc p&rlo?s p£ the Doddaj-d UnderCharities,' later'joined with the JewFanger, Anne Leaf, Estelle the chief -factors '.-iff"the con- soon • • afterward was declared with members of the party and with elected by acclamation. I t is eetftblisSunent, Twenty»thiird ish^Welfare .Federation; fee-founded p j -Goldstein Michse! Ste vention. Conferences were held aB by wireless teleCumlng streets. Rsbbi Predoi-kk the present^Free Lean Society, snd hejjnsJd Greenberg, Lotus Louis ombeg, So^herg~'hk continually with i^presentatiyeg the 'first \tiine ' . t h a t - Omaha Jewish, Immigrants in Poland n ^ . d Greenierg, L graph and telephone. has been: so" honored and Eabbi Morris Taxon will Must Leave But Have of other delegations who were Jewry : 1 1 the .originator of the idea^of a |W e 3 t a > Hgrryq Eobinson; ComeThe exploration and research woau Jwas t ^ n ^ H a rSidney rr e w i g l l Community Center buiMiBgi „ " " 1 ^ officiate Ko Place to Go seeking honors for meftiberS 6f he is the .youngest man to ever will keep Dr. Levine from Omaha OT W p v r p w T ^ t ^ L w w w . At ^ ^ J ^ t . i ^ T l hold such a position, in the Burial will- be ia the Beth Hamebuilding. At a 'A^ banquet their respective delegations! was held by the graduatuntil* October. The work will be social gathering .at his home, while a B'nai B'rith lodge. drosh Hsgodel cemetery, south sidp. Warsaw. (J. T. Agency.) The Enging class Tuesday evening, May SI, a* Helped Samuels. The only real contest of the lish Ambassador here today" wroteto done under the auspices and direction resident here, he made a plea for the the Field club.. Omahans were very active in election was in choosing be- the local Palestine Office informing its of the Association of Arctic Explorers building and obtained several thousMANY ORPHANS IN NEED ands of dollars in pledges. the election of Benjamin tween A. F. Mecklenburger and officials that he had received orders for Eesearch Problems. IN. PALESTINE NOW ROSENBLATT HONORED While in the east Dr. Levine Samuels of Chicago as second Benjamin Samuels for the po- from the London Foreign Office to in(Special to The Jewish Press.) ' There are SS60 Jewish war <y*ph.Ans> Will Culminate Soon vice-president. That is the first sition of second vice-president. struct English consuls not to visa^ attend the Zionist convention in The idea of Mr. Brodfcey's has not Boston, Mass., June 1.—Sol, A. Eo- in Palestine, according to p, step toward the president's The Chicago delegation was passports for Jewish immigrants de- • Cleveland and will visit wr& his yet been culminated but soon will be, senblattj son of Mr. and Sirs. M. Ko-received by the American parents in New York. chair!. Arthur Rosenblum made split and the Omaha delegation siring to go to Palestine. •' senblatt, was awarded the Harvard Relief Committee from Dr. David tfc Jewish Federation lears say. one of the speeches seconding probably cast the deciding vote. Distinction Degree Cum Lsyde in His^ The news has caused considerable MONSKY TO SPEAK "I was very happy (o hear that tory. There were seventeen distinc- Sola Pool, Palestinian relict direr; or the nomination of Samuels. Samuels was elected. consternation in Poland. It appears Henry Monsky, recently elected Omaha now ass 'complete federa- tions swarded in this division which for the Joint Distribution Committee Gustavus Loevinger, of St. Paul, Sam iLeon was nominated for now, according to dispatches, that president of the B7nai Brith Lodge, tion,' " said Mr. Brodkey. ""I Dr. Pool classifies t i e orphan*, «# felwho has been on B'nai Brith general committeeman by Mr. many of the refugees are in the imconsisted in the history of government lows: Full orphans, 1010; fatherless., will be the principal speaker at the had hoped for it. It is. the Ideal economics. programs in Omaha many times, Loevinger, now first vice- possible position of having to leave 1850; motherless, 1ST?; children dfse-r'i way in meeting the chsrlty work. went from second vice-president president. Mr. Leon made the Poland by July 1st, according to Pol-'isk Wm oe re at ei i J o f ft s e a s ( m f ft Mr. Rosenblatt was also elected to g I also want to co&irrsMate the Jew- the Delta Sigma Rho. He will eater ed by. their parents and tho»:e to first vice-president. ' nominating speech when - Mr. ish regulations and t a n g o neither to T i e mWoraei e e t i n s^ WeIfare b e h e I d Orgahization Tuesd ish citizens of Omaha for the won- the Harvard Law School in the fall. parents are insane, chronir Samuel Leon of Omaha made Monsky beat Mr. Loevinger for America, because American consuls j e r n o o n etc., 215. -n & c l u b E o o m s i n 2„ derful showing made in the recent the speech nominating Henry second •As the cost of. maintaining n orvice-president three now. refuse visas, nor to Palestine,- ber ! drive. Show yoa have the real stuff Monsky. phan for e Polish Ministers Disregard years ago. cause British consuls now refuse •: the Lyric Building, when all members by 'going over the top.' Make it is foiir are urged to be present, as Mr. M6nIt was brief but well deliverpounds, 8,520 pounds nre rccvirsd Minority Classes. If the convention is brought visas. '$50,000 or bast.'. With that goal • sky has a special message for them. ed, and very forceful. -Mr. Leon to Omaha next: year it will The statement by the British. Am-i Members are also being urged to reached, you will hsve put Omaha Warsaw. (J. T. Agency.) In answer n monthly budget to keep therv -said: "We were all impressed mean that Omaha Jewry must bassador is interpreted here as an settle'their dues for the past year. on the map" of Jewish philanthropy. to an interpellation by the Jewish Dr. Pool said. In pleading for fund? yesterday morning with the prepare to receive and entertain indication that the. stoppage, of imEveryone should help toward rais- deputies? in the Seim who demanded in order that the orphan wo^-ls will nr>t •, .. magnificent masterful message, the leaders of Jewish life in migration into Palestine will con-1 ing the remaining $16,090 to reach that the Naturalisation Law be put be destroyed, Br. Pool said: "You CONFER TO REPLACE <>f our president. His resume the central west. The Omaha into effect in accordance with the by cbnip&riEon •with the actual ihe $50,000 goal." "JOINT" ACTIVITIES Treaty of Versailles, Skolski, minister ditures in >reee»t months, ho of the work of our order for delegation already-has pledged tinue for more than two weeks, for if j that were not the case it would not I -Bureau.) On the tically we hgve curtailed OUT budpet. Mr. Brodkey, although now a resiof interior, repeated the the past year, expressed in the itself toward giving the del- be necessary to restrain immigrants | • . Conference of representa- dent of Los Angeles, .made a volun- interpretation of "domicile" as raean- This,- ia. itself, is a tragevty, iiiadr-. most beautiful language, must egates the "best time ever" leaving Warsaw when the trip -to ° have conveyed to your minds if they come to the metro- Palestine itself" must last .at least a j tives of the Jewish communities of tary substantial contribution to the Ing' "permanent residence." Jewish xteeesssry oy the lac|i of funds,* but j Latvia will take place here. The main Federation. *.;' deputies thereupon nestioned the there is, no describing the trajjsdy if as it-did-to-'mine,-the vast im- polis of Nebraska. fortnight. "s .....* i -!, question for discussion is the forma- Mr.. Brodkevj .while here, was vice- Prime Minister and Minister of For- the v*e r.r-w nsk for 1s not portance of this office—the ; ; The delegates began arriving Sunhighest within the gift of this day afternoon. The Fort Des Moines | SENATOR REED ON JEWS'°i tion of a Central Relief Committee to president of the Associated Jewish eign ' Affairs. The latter voiced his forthcoming,1" j take the place of the activities of the Charities and when it joined with the agreements giving.* definition which body, and the necessity for con- Hotel by Sunday night was a busy ' ' ' 'ARABS O3R5A3frZE FOOI> tinuing to fill that.: office "with place. President Mannheimer and Senator James A. Eeed, when speak- I.Tni-nt f . ^ Distribution Committee which Federation he • became • vice-president arbitrarily disregards the clauses is 1C ldates i t S W o r k i n L a t v i a o n J u n e of the Federation. .He .was active the Versailles Treaty on the naturalisBOYCOTT AGAINST JEWS our strongest, .best, and most Vice-President Monsky were Jbusy un- ing against the Immigration bill, said f member of the .board of directors of ation of minority. (J- T. Agrncy,) The capable brethern.'' til late nto the night making final the following in regard to the Jews: 1st, the Charities for more than twenty *. •wen-organ"The glorious and beneficent arrangements for the convention^ "Attacks have likewise been made '.GERMAN SYMPATHY FOE years. While with the Federation, he ihe Jews ized food bi^-cot FAST DAY FOR POGROM results of the activities of this The convention formally opened at upon the Jewish people who have was chairman of the. committee on JEWS MISINTERPRETED duiing ttt yast vefl,. li { ? • msmtainVICTIMS.. district are not the accidental 9:30 a..mi. Omaha and Council Bluffs ' crowded to our shores. -The spirit relief, one of the most important comthc-n brown days • Danzig. (J. T. Agency.) Because ed lor Jerusalem. (J. T. Agency.) The occurraiices that come• and go were well represented. Everyone of of intolerance has been 'especially mittees of the federation. the rabbis of Palestine have ' ordained a d o w n , b u ; $£?*••?& in our everyday life, but are the ten delegates ailoted to Omaha active as to them. At this hour a several German newspapers in Upper cf , ' m s or, Arab food Silesia recently appeared carrying Takes Lead m Los Angeles . , „ • eaua*Ui the logical consequences of con- were present. They were Henry man possessed of a mighty fortune, fagt dEy f o r J u n e to comm . articles against the mis- .Although he_has been a resident «fj t t e .death of the victims of the JsS &n& the rniplalrf of ihe H centrated labors and harmonious Monskey, Harry Lapidus, S. J. Leon, yet so illiterate and ignorant that j denunciatory reatel Los Angeles-.for, only a year he al•w-'hich did of inbaoitants by create pogrom on * May' 1st, 2nd and 3rd. Harry .Malashock/; H.. Monh4iit,_: H. he does not know the. history of our jB*;a v a r i aent of efforts. the Polish press, par ready has earned % reputation for Every Palestinian Jew will bs asked "My brethern, at no time %in Friedman, J. Jt Greenberg, Doctor A. country; is instigating a propagan- t l c u l a r f n troops, f has another m- philanthropic work.. He has been to contribute two shilling's towards* the turbulent history of our Greenberg, Arthur Eoseriblurn and J. da against' these people; but ,the s t a n c e y <? Warsaw, 10 all" the Jewish the upkeep of the families of the 1CA WILL AID RELIEF Jews who came here, the-victim of *» P ^ that the Jews and asked to re-orf aniss ; ' people have we faced a situation J. Slosberg. organizations' • of:. Lcs Angeles on a deceased. anzig-. {J, T. Astpncy.) ICA'S persecution and poverty, has neverGermans are working hand in hand which has demanded more the .The Council Bluffs delegation conbroad and' coraprehensiye scale into a a ainst rescni-Bxivc, Janofsky, tod&y interests in Upper theless made his way in every avo? sacrifices and the loyalty of the sisted of A. Friedman, A. Aginskee large working unit. Sllesia that thp Irs if tvRdy to- support th* cation of life. " At. the -bar, and on j and Karl Brandeis. ^ v FOREIGNERS -MUST LEAVE able leaders iif=* Judiasm. The "Although -I &m not a resident of relief inptitQtions JE that city if tkm' Following the-opening of the con- the_ bench,, in medicme, in art, in POLAND WITHIN 2 WEEKS pages of our history are stained Omaha any. mow,-I still hare a strong INSTALL NEW LABORATORY local community co-operates wita it. industry, in finance and science lie with the blood of our martyrs. vention, grand \fcvdge . degress were A Metabolic tie with this •-community," said Mr.--! • Warsaw. {J. T. Agency.) The gov' has left for Warstm has taken a high and honorable I laboratory has been inconferred on many past . presidents ernment has issued an order to -the We are a people living through j 5 t l t u t e d i n conjunction • .with-the de- Brodkey. "Evfirything- Omaha does, effect that all foreigners .'who have he V-'ill lmmth the jraciieal work centuries in a constant struggle whp" had not previously attended a place. Those who would, proscribe ; •interests • me. 1 am. glad to see the of the newly organized against bigotry, ignorance and convention. Among them, were: ;M. him are merely the advocates of the charge of Professorand Federation making such" a wonderful received permission to remain in 'the Cowwri3 for Poland, llie Cowscil V. E. Levine medieval intolerance." -, ; Monheit, J. J . Greenberg, • ; _ . Dr. A. M country till July,. must leave within superstition, continually driven •• — of the Department of Biological Chem- progress.**. . V two ^eeks. The erder was dated fqpa*& at the initiative- of Ute .lea. : from land to land, suffering in Greenberg, H. "A./Wolf -and Herman istry of Creighton University. -The de- • Mr. Barbdkey will be here for an- May IS. ' - . . Auerbach. Mr. Auerbacft and Wolf]silence, but ever praying/and EINSTEIN LEAVES SUNDAY j velopment of this, laboratory''will be other week', or'two. • --MOBE ATTACKS .OK JEWS ; hoping for the day when the •were not delegates 3)ut were permitted New York. {J. T. Agency.) Prof, j of great value to patients coming to Wvmyr. {!. T. Agency.) Follow*,. to receive the degrees; light of civilization willblot out LORD RALDANE HOST TO ing the pr«is.isj«ti0Jt Following the president's address Albert Einstein leaves this Sunday,the hospital for the study of nutri- SOKOLOW LEAVES FOR GEXEVA. the darkness of persecution. for ^England. Mr. Ussishkin, who In-1 tional disorders and for the many inJerusalem. (J. T. Agency.) Mr. EINSTEIN Society, numsKjue ^ttacfep oss And now, in this age, when-ive (Continued -on page 2) tended to sail with him has decided' definite and as yet imperfectly nnderNahiiui Sokolow left today for Geneva London. (J. T. Agency.) l»rof. Al- reported f&sm •prdviiicis 1 Bethought that the goal was withto remain in this' country .until after! stood disturbances in the chemical hzl~ to be present there during the meet- bert Einstein wiii stay at the home -ef Tb& Palm wse as theif al our grasp, the shadow of MOSE B'NAI B'R.ITH NEWS the Zionist Convention in Cleveland, j ance and dynamics of the-human ma- ing of the Mandate Commission of the Lord Ealdar.e during his forthcoming cry, -"P^Rth-te the-Jews wborao)d XZpZ - f Intolerance has again appeared1 which besriis June 5tb ' * ' china. visit to London League of Nation* ON. PAGE. 2.. . iter
' Office -to'.District-;.
PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS THURSDAY, JUNE 2,1921. *&.--.District treasury is amply able to manly, straightforward way in wMch provide for such an appropriation. the anti-Semitic attack upon the Jew I trust that the appropriation will in America has been successfully met Published every Thursday nt Omaha, Xebrasbfl; by Sent by our De3 Iloines News meet with your unanimous and en- and for the manner in which the real THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. ideals of Israel, the position of the thusiastic approval. bureau. .MORRIS E. JACOBS, Manager. But in addition to this appropria- Jew of America and his patriotic serOffice, Four, Baird Bldg.—Telephone DOuglas 2372. tion on the part of the Grand Lodge, vices in times of peace as in times of . A pretty May wedding took place Subscription.-."Price, onelyear... ._........—.—....-..-.— §1.50 every lodge in our district is expect- war have been, put before tfee Amer- Thursday afternoon, May 26, at the • Advertising-rates furnished on application. . . . ed to provide the funds to care for ican public. " home" of ..Mr. and Mrs. M. Silverman, The cooperaton of the lodges in when their daughter, Minnie, was marat least one orphan for; one year. It •' NOT PRINTED FOR PERSONAL PROFIT—Profits from.the publica> tlon of The JewishyPr.es5rare,.to be given to \vorthy communal causes. may perhaps be difficult for some of raising funds to carry on the. work ried to Mr. A. M.. Levey, of Los Anour smaller lodges id finance- such has been excellent in many commun- geles, Calif. CHANGE OP ADDRESS—Please give both' the old and new address; a proposition but in the majority of ities. In others it has been negligible. : be sure and-sign your name. The ceremony was performed by instances our lodges are in a posi- The total sum received to date from Rabbi Zeichik and Rabbi Berger in the RABBI SILVER'S DEFINITION OP AMERICA. tion to provide the fands not for the lodges of District No. 6 amounts presence of forty guests. Mr. Abe : to $22,523.10. But if the work is to Levey and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Levey -God built Him a Continent of Glory, and filled it with treas- one but for five, ten and even more be 2 continued effectively we must or- and Mr, and Mrs. Harry Silverman orphans. / ures untold. He studded it with sweet-flowing fountains and ganize for a collection campaign were the guests from Omaha. Cleveland Orphan Home traced1 it with Tong-windingr streams; He carpeted it with softthroughout district which will - Mr. and Mrs. Levey left the same rolling prairies anS columned it with thundering mountains. Under date of April 12, Brother will provide the the with more evening for Los Angeles, Calif., where He graced it with deeprshadowed forests and filled them, with.song. Seelenfreund, as Secretary of District ample funds whichLeague it must have. I they will make their home. Then He" called unto_ a thousand peoples and summoned, the Grand Lodge, No. 6, was in receipt of hope the Convention will go on record bravest among^tiieni. They canie from the ends of the earth, each a communication from the Cleveland in a very strong manner as favoring Miss Edith Bereovitz, whose marbearing a gift and a hope. The -glow of adventure was in their Orphan Home which read as follows: such a program. riage to Mr. Sam Cohen takes place eyes and in their hearts the glory of hope. • . "Whereas, the Jewish population of June 1, was guest of honor at a misAnd out of the bounty of earth and the labor of nien, out of Districts 2 and 6, I. 6 r B. B., have cellaneous shower given by Mrs. Wilthe longing of hearts and prayer of souls, out of-the memory grown to an ixtent to make the probliam Covich Tuesday. Twenty-five of ages and the hopes ;of the world, God fashioned a nation in love, lem of the, care of the orphan one guests attended. blessed it with purpose: sublime and called it—A ME H I C A* which each "district should solve for Seat by our Council Bluffs Newa itself, therefore, be it ' Mr. Louis Oransky announces the bureau. : "Resolved, that the Board of Trusengagement and approaching- marriage tees and Directors favor a separation of his daughter, Jennie, to Mr. Henry of Districts 2 and 6,1. O. B. B., in the The Junior Auxiliary of the Council R. Portis, sen of Mrs. Jane Perils, of affairs of the Jewish Orphan Home of Jewish Women will give an enter- Chicago. mentous days. Sacred duties towards of Cleveland, and he it further (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1.) tainment program . Tuesday evening, Miss Oransky is a former West our brethren in the lands of darkness "Resolved, that this resolution be June 7, at Eagle's hall. The program High student, graduating in the class delivered by Rabbi Mannheimer, the devolve upon us, which we shall dis- presented to" the District Grand willjbegin promptly at 9 o'clock. Mem- of 1312 and continuing her studies at appointment of committees 'were an- charge as true children of Israel. But Lodges for their approval of the bers of the Junior Auxiliary will par- Drake University and the University nounced. Omaha came in; for its more than this is.reqaired of us. We -central idea hereinbefore "stated and ticipate in the program. The pro- of Chicago . Mr. Portis is an alumtras share. Following were the .assign- must learn to understand the Jewish that each of said lodges: be requested gram will be immediately followed *of the University of Illinois and the - inents inade: Harry" Lapldusj state : of soul, our age-old.ideals and hopes, that to •ajpoirit two of its members who, by the dance which will be given .Michigan School of Mines, taking his the order and budget committees; Dr. our spirit may not fail us these crit- together with two representatives of by the Council of Jewish Women at degree from the latter schooL During , A. Greenberg,'propaganda committee; ical days. ; the Orphan Home appointed by its the same hall. This will be the con- the war he served as ensign. J. J. Greenberg, anti-defamation com- , The great light of our Mith must President from its Board of Directors, cluding affair for both organizations The marriage will take place June r : mittee; S. JJ Leon, president's mes- shine forth and fill our hearts with shall formulate definite plans and sub20, after which the young couple will sage committee} Arthur ; Rosenblum," hew courage. This is the task of our mit them to the District Grand Lodg- for the coining summer season. make their home in Chicago. central council committee and charit- syhagogs and schools throughout the es at their 1922 sessions.'* able institutions j J.~ «L Slosberg, in- land ;aiid it is also the task of the At a meeting of the General Com- The last meeting of the Council of Mr. and Mrs- Charles Adelman entellectual advancement committee; B'nai B'rith, the Order which has mittee held in,St. Paul on February Jewish :Women was held Thursday tertained twenty-four guests at dinHarry Malashock, mileage committee; pledged itself to the promotion of 22, the General Committee was in- afternoon at the home of Mrs. A. ner Tuesday evening for the latter's M. Monheit, state of order committal. love for bur heritage and to the de- formed that a motion had been made Gilinsky, 725 Mynster street. Elec- brother; A. M. Levey, of Los Angeles, Of the Council fluffs .delegation, fense of the Jewish name. and carried at a meeting of the Board tion of officers was held for the and Miss Minnie Silverman. .'Arthur Friedman was appointed to As director of the Intellectual Ad- of Trustees and Directors of the coming year. The following memthe budget committee;.Karl Brandeis vancement work of District No. 6, I Jewish Orphan Home that a commit- bers were elected: Mrs. M. Bern- ZAKGWILL WARNS .BRITAIN was appointed to tb,e excuse commit- therefore recommend that the lodges tee be appointed to consider the advis- stein, president; Mrs. S. Snyder, vice tee, and A. Agiiislcee to the mileage consider at their meetings- during the ability of the division of the assets of president; Mrs. A. Marowitz, secre- London. (J. T. Agency.) In a letter to the Times recently Israel Zancommittee. .."":•'.--.• ..'.-'• ""-"•• ensuing season some such fundamen- the Jewish Orphan Home of Cleveland tary; Mrs. M. Solomon, treasurer. gwill warns Great Britain that unless Rabbi C. D. Matt of Minneapolis tal problems as theJewish^^ Contribu- between Districts 2 and 6 with a view tion to -Civilization/' "The Jew in of enabling each district to maintain The final meeting of,-the Sunday its intention of establishing a Jewish opened the Monday meeting Dan Daniels, vice-president of the l.eo America," "Immigration and the its own orphan home. It was, there- school of Council Bluffs will be held national homeland in Palestine for the ; M. Levy hospital, appealed for more Jew," "The Roots of Anti-Semitism," fore, moved by Brother Sylvan E. Sunday afternoon at the Danish hall. Jews is firmly impressed on the Arab financial aid. ; . ': "Our Duties as Jews at this Hour," Hess that a committee of nine be ap- All mothers and fathers,and friends as irrevocable there will be no place in the country, and Palestine will be"Although District No, ^6 of the "The Golden Rule, or Jewish Ethics," pointed to consider the necessity of" the pupils of the Sunday school come a "second Egypt to England and B'nai Brith sent bne^fifth. of all the "What is Judaism," "The Prophets of and advisability of separation of Dis- are urged to be present at the exeranother ancient Egypt to the Jews." patients receivedat the- hospital • the. Israel/' "The Pharisees in \ the Light trict Grand Lodge, No. 6, fronvthe cises. Certificates of honor and prizes Mr. ZaBjgwill holds the present district only contributed $375," Sir.: of History, or A Defense of Rabbinic operation of the Jewish Orphan Home will be awarded to the pupils. The scheme as outlined in • the recently Daniels said in his speech Judaism," arid "The'Jews as Reflected of Cleveland.upon a satisfactory diviAt nobn Sloriddy a ' luncheon "was in English Literature." ;• :; • •. - sion of the assets of the Home and to following teachers' have charge of .published mandate, politically and their respective classes in-all the conthe^delegates and visitors. submit a full report to the local mem- tests that will be staged by the Sun- econonomicallv unworkable. In the afternoon there were memorial EXTRACTS FROM- THE: ; bers - of the General Committee for services for themembefs of the order their consideration, which motion was day school: Misses Esther Solomon, ' CAIRO- AUTHORITIES TO. .. *•• PRESIDENT^ SPEECH OP Freida Goldberg and Eeva Gilinsky •who died during the : past year. -DEPORT JEWS carried.' • A. Omahans remembered -were Phil This committee, at the time.of the and Mr. Philip Komonov. London. (J. T. Agency.) AdisFollowing are the important ^ex- writing of this message, had not as Aarons, I. Levy and Jacob Bernstein. paich from Cairo states that 158'JewThe memorial -address was .made by tracts, from the president's' speech of yet met and reported, but at the St. The next meeting of the Hebrew ish immigrants who had arrived there Rabbi Samuel Cohon of Chicago. The Rabbi Maniiheimer, outgoing .presi- Paul meeting of the General Commit- Educational club of Council Bluffs en route to Palestine will be returned ^memorial services "we're.very' impres- dent of the B'nai B'rith/ district tee, it was moved by Brother Gus. will be held at the home of Misses to Constantinople pending a reifiroval sive and- were-conducted by Dave No. 6: Loevinger that "it is/the sense of-the Helen and Esther Cherniss, 1016 Sixth of the Immigration bar recently set Frankel of Chicago and G.~ Ltfevinger \JA is with mingled feelings of pleas- General Committee that it favors an avenue. • At this meeting plans. will up by the British administration in : of Minneapolis.'.: .' ;. _; ure and regret that I stand here in equitable distribution of the assets of be made as to where the club will Palestine. In the eveningan"initiation of.can- this' moment to put before you my the Jewish Orphan Home of Cleveland hold its meetings during the coming didates was conducted by the Chicago Presidential Message and. with its with a view of establishing an orphan summer season. degree team. This team is said to be reading, to all practical intents and home to be conducted by District "one of thebest in the United States. purposes, to bring my term of office Grand Lodge, No. 6, within the terri_ Karl Brandeis,_ who left Council Sidney G.Kusworm, of Dayton, Ohio, to an end; torial limits of the District," which Bluffs as a delegate for the B'nai made the principal address Monday The pleasure of this, moment is motion was carried. Brith convention at Des Moines, Ia.,j No Springs—Honest Weight partly connected with the realization On His "basis of this last motion left Thursday for Excelsior Springs, The Des Moines B'nai B'rith mem- that in. a few short hours the burdens which prevailed in the General Com.HOB ART ELECTRIC Mo., where he will stay for over a bers .were the hosts, at a dinner dance and worries of office •'will drop from mittee, and understanding that the week. Following his vacation at the • GRINDERS, CHOPPERS - given for the delegates and the vis- my shoulders and I will be able to sit action of the special committee ap: Springs, Mr. Brandeis will attend the back with more or less care-free mind " itors -Tuesday night. At the banquet ". ' ; 'AND MISERS. , / pointed ' to consider the subject when Pisgah and Danville lodges were while my successor assumes these taken, will most probably be in favor National Grocers* convention at Kanswarded banners for making the best responsibilities. -But the greater and of such a division, I lay the matter be- sas City. Service and Sales: the more real pleasure %vhich is now fore you for your own careful conrecords in membership. The states in this district of the mine, is connected with the realization sideration with my own recommenda- Mr. and Mrs. L. Heeger and baby ISfh AND'JACKSON STREETS Phones: B'nai B'rith include Canada, Nebras-. that in leaving office, I am most for- tion that the Grand Lodge go on rec- son arrived from Sioux City Sunday tunate in being able to turn over the ka, Ipwa, South Dakota, North DakoToledo Scales Doug. 7682 ord as favoring such distribution. to spend several weeks with Mrs. ta, -Illinois, Michigan and Wisconsin. affairs of our beioved District to my Heeger's parents, Mr. and Mrs, S. Hobart Electri: Doug. 7S9S Should such action be taken, it will successor in such truly splendid condiFreiden, 737 Mynster street. be necessary for this Grand Lodge tion. ''- Recommendation Made for We have on hand Used and to appoint two representatives, or to Care of War Orphans Intellectual Advancement authorize the General Committee to The regular •meeting' of the Three Rebuilt Machines. As we all are aware, as "one of the appoint such representatives,- to Table .Card "club was held Tuesday At the B'nai B/ritH convention just closed, Samuel S, Cohon, director of saddest results of the devastation and confer, with the representatives of evening at the home of Mrs.. L. the Orphan Home and of District Braunstein.' Twelve members were the Intellectual Advancement commit- suffering caused by the great . war, the war-stricken portions' of No. 2 to, formulate a definite plan present- at tlie meeting. tee for the Grand Lodge, made the for the division, to be submitted to . following-recommendations:' ', Europe are crowded with hundreds of The Intellectual Advancement work thousands of Jewish orphans. '• No- the District Grand Lodge at.sts 1522. . Miss Lillian^Cherniss, Superintendof our QrdeFmusfc be intensive in na-" where can thiy look fer sjoccpr except session for its approval. ent of Schools at Springfield, Me, ture to answer the urgent needs of to the Jews of America. Unto" the arrived Sunday to £pend the summer Anti-Defamation League. the present day. The critical situation Jews of America their appeal for help vacation with relatives at Council There is no need for me to review of our brethren throughout the world has come. Here again is a field for Bluffs. • £g\\ ' and buy; them at [.^' humanitarian service on the part of for you at this moment the story of demands our deepest thought. Never our Order and he who knows our past the effort of Henry Ford and of othin ouf'p^st has our'horizon been so The Jewish Benevolent society of obscured by sombre shadows. The record of service in the cause of suf- ers with him to introduce the poison Council Bluffs will give a card club fering humanity, knows that we will of European anti-Semitism into the floods; of, destruction have not yet life of American democracy. Though Wednesday afternoon, June 8, at thei subsided War and pestilence still not fail to respond again. .. 319 South 16th Streev stalk through Surope. The Jewish At a meeting of the Executive Com- this anti-Semitic agitation and Manawa pavilion. Everybody is in~ Phone Douglas 3403 communities in Russia and in Poland, mittee of the,Order held in Washing- propaganda has undoubtedly, done vited. Which for many generations formed ton, D. C, on May 5 and 6, this sub- some damage, after a full year of The regular meeting of the Mogenthe bulwarks of Judaism, are threat- ject of the care, of Jewish War Or- its activity we are most assuredly ened with destruction. The proletarian phans received careful attention. It 1 in a position to say that it has not Dovid, Young Judea club, was held been- a success. Its dastardly effort Sunday afternoon. The next meeting upheaval which goes under-the name v:as determined that while the Order c£ Bolshevism is sweeping away the should offer it's cooperation to any and fo arouse the non-Jewish citizens of of the club will be held June 19. 6ld Jewish order,'while the Poles — all o'ther agencies interested in the America against their Jewish fel- Plans are being made by the club •, CHIEOPODIST AND BEAUTY maddened with victory—seem bent in care of these Jewish orphans, the low-citizen and to rob the Jew of to have B "Shavooth" party June 12. SHOP. the total'annihilation of the Polish Order as such, through its national America of his good name has failand Sisraey. and district organizations and through ed. Ort the credit side of the ledger, THOUSAND HELD AT TRIESTE the individual lodges, should raise its it. is to be recorded that, as nothing London. (J. T. Agency.) The Cobra-lilce,' AntUSemitism again own funds for its share in the work. ' raises its head; poisoning the minds The Executive Committee appropriat- else, this Artt5-Semitjc propaganda steamer ' "Comiolo," carrying one Omaha's $f alen in the Old and the New World, ed ;ths sum of ? 10,000 from its own has rallied many a hitherto jndiffer- thousand Jewish immigrants en route Newest and Finest Equiped snt Jew to tho defense of the good to Jaffa, has been forced to-remain at • With tfc.0 belief -that the Jew is the treasury to take care of 100 orphans Bath-House. name of Israel anil of true Jewish Trieste owing to the bar on immigra.ateh enemy of • humanity." Through for one year. Baths, BTasE2£*-Hot Pacts, Elecideals. The noble way in which tion into Palestine. news dispatches* editorials and magatric Treatment, Inhalatorium. many a non-Jew has risen in protest It appeals to the Districts and to —'-V atticies, ttie'lnalicious lies are DE LISMA RESIGNS FROM emfriated far and wide, slandering the lodges of the districts to provide against anti-Semitism as a menace, NATIONAL FUND maligning the Jew, and under- the funds to care for at least 400 not simply to the Jew but to ths CONCANNON BEDS., Props American ideals of democracy, has London. (J. T. Agency.) orphans more. In the tentative j tds existence, also been an inspiration. 14SI Farnsra St., -Bcseia De Liema, governor and managing diWkSte as & people Ve Jews are budget prepared by Brother SeslenEntrance. rector of the. Jewiah; N&tional Fund, freund, you will find provision for To the Anti-Defamation League, orthe optimism that is an appropriation of $5,000 by this has tcnaered his resignation owing to ganized by and functioning under thfe Telephone: Tyler 57S1 strong faith in the ultimate h of- God's cause \>f Justice,, we Grand Lodge for this orphan fund. supervision of our Order, belongs the his differences with, the land policy of OMAHA, NEE. mo-, fortunate are. we indeed -.that our greatest- share of the credits for the the Fund.
Das Mcines News
• . - ' - • •
ix uif Hews A meeting was held V\"ednesday evening at the Hebrew Institute in order to lay plans for a local Jewish. National Fund campaign, which is to be inaugurated next week. Mr. N. W. PicJnzs, chairman of fhe local Jewish National Fund, has recently received a large number of Bationsl fund bo:;es, which are to be distributed to all the Jewish homes. The Junior Hadassab. have undertaken the distribution of these boxes and will have entire charge of that work. All the contributions collected will be spent in the purchase of land in Palestine. The Jewish National Fursd is one of Hie most important factoi*s in-the Zionistwork. June 19 has been designated as National Flower Day. A meeting" will be held during the early part of Bext •week, when definite plans will' be made for the selling of. flowers on that day. The Ivre club were hosts to a delegation of twelve members of the Ivre club of Lincoln Sunday and Monday, A banquet was given at the West Hotel Sunday -evening . for thirty-two guests "when the initiation of officers took place. . On Monday evening, the local chapter honored their guests
with a dancing party, given at the Hebrew Institute. Am&ng th* guests from. Lincoln verc: Messrs. Cari Greenstone. Sam Goldflne, Ben Shapiro, Dcve Daviciron, Will Wolf, Abe Polick, Nathan Mosh<»\ Kalph Dworskj, Harry Licbrnon, EH Enanow, Sam Zolat and Harry Snader. Mr. Morris Feinberg of $Vorthington, Minn., was also a guest. • , • Mr. Herman Slotsky, who is attending the University of South Dakota, s^ent the week-end with his parents and was a guest at the. Ivre social function. Miss Grace Baron has returned from St. Paul, where she visited with friends.
15,000 BAGS OF MATZOH FLOUR ARE DISTRIBUTED The dark days of the stricken Jews in the hunger districts of Poland were brightened during- Passover, for they ate matzohs again, distributed by the Joint Distributing Committee. About 15,000 twsgs of matzo'h flour,' costing 10,000.000 marks, were shipped throughout Poland In plenty of time for Seder. They were distributed in the .districts of Brest Litovsk, Bialystok, Yilna, Lvrow, Cracow, Pinsk and the Ukraine. A special Passover appropriation of 10,000,000 marks for general relief was also given out in these districts at the same time.
Omaha Eeal Estate Is the same safe find soani! invert* raeni tfa&t it always has been.. ; • • \ There sre examples every week of money made by increasing values o£ Omaha Eeal Estate, Last week, Frsxsk KoEfsky bought the south-east corner of 24tk and O Streets for $17,500, through a Keattor, A few days, later;, throogh the same Realtor, he wfts offered $20,000 for the property. He refused She o$er.
' Realtors sre property experts. They cass make you ..:-• :-- - - ' fey real estate investments. -•--;'•': DO YOU OWN ^ . YOUR OF OMAHA.
aces FIELD Jane 2nd to 10th
AUTO MACES Saturday, June 11th
00 In Purses and Attractions and Auto
u f
WOMEN'S AUXILIARY L O. B. B. Will Hold Picnic at Elmwood Park Thursday, June 9., The Women's Auxiliary I. O. B. B. held a regular meeting Thursday, May '26. The following new members •were admitted to the Club: Miss Gertrude Castleman and Miss Sarah Faier, The Club contributed ?100 to the Jewish Welfare Federation. On account of the warm weather it •was decided not to have a hike, as was formerly planned, but to hold a picnic luncheon at Elmwood Park Thursday, June 9j for members only. The committee which "was to have served for the hike will make all arrangements for the picnic. Miss Rebecca Bercovici is chairman, and will be assisted by. the Misses Yetta Stiejflor, Bess Greenberg-, Celia Kooper, 'Stella Herman and Mrs. Ida Levin. : >V . .. —~ —: ~ THORPEIAN NEWS A regular meeting of the Thorpeian Athletic Club was held at their club rooms Wednesday, May 25. The committee on the renting-of a cottage reported unfavorably. The president appointed the following standing committee: ; Entertainment—Pin Wintraub, Will "Wintraub, Nathan. Eobinson, Ben Ellis, Mike Cohen. . ' - Initiation—Louis - Freiberg, Sam ., Harry Kavitz. Welfare—Isadore Levinson, Dave f,S;hwartz, Harry Osheroff. i* 1. Assistant Treasurer—Will Eacusen. Lester Myers and Will Levy were iated at this meeting. A committee was appointed to plan an outdoor entertainment. •
- •
Not only, is June the month of weddings, but of engagements, for up to today, three engagements have already been announced and there are rumors of more to come soon. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Brown announce the engagement of. their daughter, Ruth,-to Mr, Nathan Nogg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nogg, of Council Bluffs.. Both Miss Brown and Mr. Npgg are active in local Jewish organizations. Mr. and Mrs.% Louis Bessel announce the: engagement of , their daughter, Stella, to Mr...Max.; Levine of this city. No dates have been set for these weddings. ; •-.-•. v Mr. and Mrs. Egbert • Arenson of Lincoln announce the engagement of their daughter, Helen, to Mr. Henry Mittleinan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Mittleman of this city. Mrs. Hannah Solig has left for an extended trip jn.the East. She visited •with her daughter, Bernice, who is now attending an Art School in Chicago, and is now with her daughter, Mrs.E. Simon, at Madison, Wis. Miss Sylvia Lewis .of Rock Island is the house guest ede Miss Berthe Leon, having arrived today. Miss Leon will entertain thirty-two guests at her home for Miss Lewis Saturday afternoon. . . ; ••- • • Marvin Treller, son of Mr, and Mrs. Edward Treller, arrived Wednesday from Kemper Military; School to spend the summer vacation with his parents.^ Mrs. F. Hirschberg and daughter, Mrs. F. M. Krasne, leave today for Excelsior Springs for two weeks.
The Prkilla club meets today at (the clause contradicted the Balfouf A WONDERFUL WORLD BRITISH JEWS OPPOSE the home of Mrs. Harold Zadell. A little mere praise and a little less COMPULSORY CITIZENSHIP; declaration. ^ blame, London. (J. T. Agency.) At the | Many out-of-town guests will ar- A little more virtue, a little less annual meeting of the Lengue of BritIwb.aou LL^.C .vTF(S^E>i rive to attend the wedding of Miss shame, i&h Jews, a resolution vr^s passed :nTiu- Ko»hcr DcVicrlsszen store at Goldye Pred to Meyer_ Spiesberger, A little more thought for the other structing its Executhc Committee tr]Z".O Xorlh 'SAtrpni!, E-wt. formerly man's rights, which takes place Monday evening at approach the British governniert viib! ownefi by P;olci S WfinplPin, is ts«w the Blackstone Hotel in the presence A little less self in cur chase for a vjew of obtaining & modification of j under new ev.-Kcr&h^ . boinp ov.tied by delights, of the family. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Clause 129 in the Treaty of Sevres. I. Baitel, who has hod p poor! deal of Eabinowitch and Mrs. Sam Kramer A little more loving, a little less hate, according to which British subjects e:cperience along''the;» iiii<v=. Mr. Baiof New York city will arrive Friday Are all that is needed to make the taking up residence in Palestine ai-e tel says that the pl'-'xe v~,\\ he comworld great. 1 morning to remain with their parand compelled to surrender their British pletely remodeled a^-x -on ents, Mr.'and Mrs. N. Spiesberger, A little more boasting,, a little less citizenship and assume Palestine citi-jthat he will, handle n romi'Iote line of Jeering, until after the wedding. Mr. Joseph senship. Lord-Waithling declared that strictly kosher delicatessen. A little more trusting, a little less Schott of St. Loois, grandfather of fearing, . . . Mr. Spiesberger, will arrive Saturday as will Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weln- A little more patience in trouble aisd pain, stock of Chicago, who will be at the A little more kindness worked into Ralph F. Cohn, son, of Eabbi and Fontenelle. Mr. S. Glick, Mr. and the strife, Mrs. Frederick Cohn, who is attend- Sirs. Bilsky and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Are all that is needed to glorify life. ing the University of Michigan at Kahn of Chicago, and Mr. and Mrs. A little more honor, a little less greed, Ann Arbor, has been elected secretary George Miller of New York city will A little more service, a little Jess to the Jewish Student Council of the arrive Saturday and will be at the creed, University. Oniahans will also be in- Blackstone Hotel. A ittle more courage when path-ways terested to know that Leo Franklin, . - . are rough, J son of Eabbi and Mrs. Leo M. FrankMrs. j . 3.-Jacks of Lincoln is vis A little more action, a little less bluff, j lin, of: Detroit, was elected treasurer iting with: Mrs. -ft .& -Finkenstein. of A little more kindness ky you'and of this organization. These two this city for several weeks. by me, young men are room-mates at school. And, oh, what a wonderful world it Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky enwould be.—"Selected.' Mrs. Anna Eachmari of Oakland, tertained informally at their home Calif., is visiting her> sister, Mrs. Sunday evening for Mr. and Mrs PROTEST AGAINST IMMIGBAMorris Eosenblatt, and Mr. Rosen- I. -D. Ginsburg and Mr. and Mrs. TION STOPPAGE. blatt of this city. Abe. Dayidson of Des Moines. Miss Jerusalem- (J. T. Agency.) The] Rose Eubinson of Des Mpines arrived Vaad Ha-Leumi (National Council) of j Mrs. Louis Blotcky and sons, Myron today to be the house-guest of Mrs. Palestine met yesterday a.ii& express-"; and Frank, are planning an extensive Kulakofsky. Many affairs are being ed to High. Commissioner Samuel its] motor trip through Colorado and Yel- planned for Miss Rabinson, wbcrwill bitter complaint and emphatic protest' lowstone Park. They expect.to leave remain for several weeks, aijainst the suspension of immigration* about the middle of the month, ..reof Jews into Palestine. | I- maining away for the "summer. A son, Leonard, was: born to Mr. "Such.."a reply to armed assaults on] and. Mrs. Louis" Kulakofsky at the Jewish colonies .'was.hardly expected,"} Eabbi Cohn has been invited to give Stewart Hospital last Friday. the statement read. "Instead it would i the opening invocation at the convenbamore in order to bring those guilty !| tion of the Nebraska State Bankers' Mrs. Lester G. Heyn will entertain of violence to a speedy trial." TheJ Association to be held at Happy Hol- at a luncheon at the Blackstone Hotel suspension of immigration, continues! low club beginning Wednesday, June Friday for Miss Goldye Pred. the statement, eroneoasly imp»sses| 16. the •world-with the guilt of the Jews.| • The regular, meeting of the Junior The Vsad categoric&Ily demands "the | . Miss Mayme Levine of Kansas City Welfare Organization will be held immidiate cancellation of the ixaand Mr. A- L. Weinsteia of Omaha Sunday afternoon in the Club Eooms migration edict. surprised their friends by motoring iir the Lyric Building. Indications from Palestine are that to Lincoln Wednesday and getting though there have been no fresh married. TKeir engagement was andisturbances, considerable excitement BRITISH GOVERNMENT ^ nounced several months ago,.no date and unrest prevails among the Je-vrish ' INVESTIGATES being set for the wedding, and Miss population. A general .dissatisfaction \ 'UKRAINIAN POGROMS manifests ifeelf urith " a manner inLevine was the guest at the home of her fiance. Monday evening Missj Lohdon. (J. T. Agency.) The Brit- which the proceedings against Arabs; Sophye Weinstein entertained thirty ish government has received official arrested, in connection with the riots guests at her home for Mr. and Mrs. reports from Constantinople giving- are being conducted. 'It • is claimed details of the pogroms against Uk- that the -sentences are.far too lenient Al L. Weinstein. . rainian Jews during the last few and in sufneient to.sen r e as a lesson years; English represestatlves in against further'acts .of violence. Mrs. D. B. Gross arid ' daughters, Constantinople- have been instructed, Una and Naomi, left Saturday for the to investigate the-activities of fee LUZZATI APPOINTED East where they expect to spend the Ukrainian Committee there -of the . _ . ."..SENATOR-,;.. .. sTTmmer. They will visif at Mijwau- well known Ataman Eguel, and to kee -with 'Mrs;- Gross*7 brother, Mr. prevent these froin using Constanti-: Paris. (J. T. Agency;) A report Maurice Fromkin, and family, later nople as a base for further pogrom from Borne states Luigi Lazzati has be«i. appointed a senator by the going on to New- York and New preparations. ' Crown. There are now 20 Jews in the H a v e n . ' " ' ' .. . : • \ " ' : . - ' - ' . • Italian Senate. - •• AK-SAR-BEN RACE -jt. Oscar Weinstein, son of Sir. and ; The Ak-Sar-Bea Running Races will Mrs. H. B. Weinstein, returned Tues- be held June 10 at the Ak-Sar-Ben day from" the Kemper Military Acad- field.: On Saturday afternoon, June Harry H. Lapiaas.' Pres.-Treai. emy where he attended school for the 11, there will be automobile races. Jcs Teplier, Vice-Prefldent. past year. Mr. Weinstein won hon- There will be a $25,000 purse and addTf. G. Ore. Secretary. orable mention on the school football ed attraction each day. The races will j team, .won first prize for Artist's Pos- begin at 2:30 o'clock. ters and was appointed editor of the "Life and Jazz" edition pf the KemCOBIPLETE STOEE AND BUY DIRECT.—Modern 8-room per School paper. He was also stu• INTKOnUCING OUR NEW PACKAGE *' OFFICE OUTFITTERS dent director of the orchestra, where house, in good shape. Hanscom We occupy Park district. Jewish neighborcrer. T0>000 eanare feet he also played the cello. During the hood. ..--.-"". Hoisted a:>d packed by \ .. Fine lawn and shade trees. Soctibwest CorneT past two months this orchestra made Close to two car lines. Only half enth snii Douglas Streets. Phone: Douglas £724 concert trips to various cities in Kan- cash required. Phone, Harney OJUKA. NEB. sas-; and Missouri. Mr. Weinstein 1273, evenings. ieaves shortly for a six weeks'course at Fort Snellingv In the fall he will F E C N E : DOUGLAS 2793, resume his studies at Kemper. guests-of-honor. Thursday evening Mrs. A; R. MuEkin had eight guests at dinner for this visitor, and Friday afternoon Mrs, J&cob Blank entertained" at a theatre paily, and Saturday evening Mrs. Blank gave a dinner at her home for ten guests complimenting Mrs. Ginsburg. Yesterday afternoon Mrs. Meyer entertained sixteen at bridge for her house-guest, and today Mrs. Arthur Muskin will entertain at a- theatre party while' in the evening Mr. and Mrs. Meyer will have eight couples at dinner. ; Mn Ginsburg spent the week-end here with Mrs. Ginsburg and Mr. and Mrs. Mej>er. * ' . . . .•.
The Y. M. H. A. baseball team SatMr. and Mrs. Philip Enoch of St. urday afternoon will meet the team, of -he Iowa School for the Deaf at Coun- Louis, Mo., announce the. marriage of *.:1 Bluffs. The Iowa team has de- their daughter, Selma Lillian, to Mr. feated several of the high school Meyer E. Marowitz of this city, which ' wamsof this city. The team will also took place Wednesday evening, May olay Sunday morning at Carter Lake. 25, at the home of the bride's parTheir opponents in this game will be ents. The wedding'was followed by ; .he Chevrolet Motor Company team. a large reception. After a short honeymoon, Mr. and Mrs. Marowitz The game .will start at. 9:30 a...m. i The Aleph Y debating team will will reside in Omaha. again uphold the negative side of thsr debate, "Resolved,- That immigration Mrs. Herman Orschel left yesterto Palestine should be restricted." The day for Chicago, where shs will spend debate will be held in Omaha on June several months.'• '>.• 19. The exact place of where the debate will be held is not yet known. Mrs. Jack Koerpel, who has been According to communications from. visiting Mrs. Nathan Mantel, leaves Sioux City, a large number of mem- today for Lincoln, where she. will bers and friends of the Sioux City spend several-days with Mrs.' Mandebaters^ are: expected to come, ffith. tel'ssister^ 3Crs.lEugene_ Levy_,_Jater the team to™ Omaha on 'that" dayr 7 • •going on to her -home in N New Yorki Yki Thfr-next regular meeting of tb.e Alepli'Y will be held Monday evening : Mr. Spl. "Goldstrom was called to at the; Y. M. H. A. srooms in the Lyric Salt' Lake ;City, oil accoiint1 of the building. ; - . ' death of his uncle; -Henry Cohn, of that city. ' - " The Ydetes Club of the Y. W. H. A, held its regular meeting at the club Monday evening,'June 6, at 8 p.'m.> rooms, Tuesday, May 24. After a; Young" Judea will celebrate National short business meeting the chair was Yotmg Judea Day 'with a musical and turned over to Miss-Berta Newman, dramatic program at the : Swedish chairman of the entertainment com- Auditorium, Sixteenth and Chicago mitte'e, vrho introduced Miss Else streets. All those taking part on this Stern"who gave several vocal solos. program are local Young Judeans. She "was followed by Little ; Miss Solo dancing, musical numbers; Zelorme Spmberg'tyho.gave several sketches and dramatic readings will recitations, after which the meeting comprise the program. An orchestra adjourned. The next regular meeting made up entirely of members of this will be; held at the Hanscom -Park, the organization will furnish" the music date to be announced later. ,• This program will be presented, for the purpose of bringing before--the In place of the regular meeting of public the work that Young Judea is the - £ T. C. club Tuesday evening, doing for Jewish Youth of' this' tity. May, 31, an open meeting was held at the Glub Eooms for members and their Mr. and Mrs. Martin Sugarmanlnd!:•.•>**• H a r r y M a y and daughter, Miss friends when a program was presentMyrtle May, who have been spending ed, consisting of a solo dance by Sarah children and Mrs. Sugarman's father, the past two weeks here, left yesMr. Eugene C. Bondy, of New York, Janis, a story by Anne Selicow and a who is visiting here, motored to terday for Detroit, where they will violin solo by Meyer Shapiro. Tarkio, :Mo..f Saturday to/spend the remain for several weeks. They will return to Omaha to spend a few days week-end.: : ' ,:-•' ? i/ Thef marriage of Miss Lena T. on. their way to their home in Los Freedman of Boston, Mass.; to Mr. -~ ** : Mr. and Mrs.' Morton Marcus and Angeles,;. Calif. ; Morris Forbes of this city took place son, Jerome, spent the week-end in at Lincoln May 25. Mr. and Mrs. '•.-The Misses- Martye and Sophye Lincoln, - •. ,. Forbes returned today i from -their ^ pleasantly surprised their honeymoon and are at home at 3916 Miss Elizabeth Jane "Hart, who is -parents .Wednesday evening at their North Twenty-fifth street. '•'•'•/at the head of iSe Spanish Departs home to celebrate the-silver wedding ment of the Beatrice High School, at pf Mr. - and Mrs; -Weiristein. The controversy between the World Beatrice, Nebiy is visiting her parare well known here, hayZionist executives and the administra- ents, Mr. and Mrs. jT. H, X). Hart, of ling pig.de Omahal their home for the tion.: fof the American branch of the this city. . Miss Hart wilLremain here past" thirty years,, and were the rei movement is to be discussed at the for about two weeks, "when she will "cipients of many messages of conI Convjention of the Zionist Organiza- leave for Chicagp; to attend a sum- gratulation and gifts. About sixty tion 'b£ America to be held iii Cleve- mer, class in Spanish at the Univer- guests attended the reception. land;June 5 to 9. Mr. L. Knceter is sity of Chicago. Before returning tb thejiocal delegate. Omaha, Miss Hart will visit with The Knignts of Zion have. postMrs. Martin Gross at St. • Louis.'" Mrs. poned tHe dance to have been given Rabbi Frederick Conn of Temple Is- Gross will be remembered as Miss Monday evening, June 6, and the hike rael has been reappointed chairman of Pauline Davis, "formerly of Omaha. to have been given Sunday ^afternoon, the-Board of Public Welfare of this Miss Hart expects to resume tea'ching June 5, in order to help the Ycung city. Mayor Dahlman made the ap- at Beatrice in" the iall. ' - - -- Judeans celebrate their National Day. pointment. Eabbi Colin-has been a All. members of the Knights of Zion member of the Board for six years and are being urged to attend.the Young The closing exercises of the Temduring that time, Mayor Dahlman "Judea Council program to ba held at ple Israel Sunday School "will be held said, he has been very efficient in his Sunday,.June 5, at the Temple at" 10 the Swedish Auditorium Monday work. 1 o'clock when there . will be a short evening , Jane 6. program and a flower service. Dr. An alumni association of confirm. Mr. and. Mrs. JI. Fanger have as Cohn" will conduct the service. ants of the Temple Israel will be ortheir guest for the summer months ganized, in vestry of the Temple at 8 Many affairs are being given for Miss Ruth LeBowski of Ne-w York ' p. m. on June 14 under the direction Mrs. Frank Ginsburg, Sioux City, who city. of the Temple . Sicterhood.:' Conf innhas been the guest of-Mr. and Mrs. ants are asked to send in their names Ernest A. Meyer for the past two Miss Ann Blotcky is visiting her and their confirmation programs, if thJey.have them, to Mrs. Nathan Man- weeks. .Last Monday evening Mrs. sister, Mrs. Aaron Bergedo, and Mr. tel, :120 South Thirty-Seventh street, Louis Ziev entertained ten guests at Bergedo at Nashville, Tenn. jlhe Alumni Association will give a dinner for Mrs. Ginsburg. Tuesday Ben Fanger, son of Mr. and Mrs. reception soon to the 1921 confirma- afternoon Mrs. A. Katskee. entertained tion, class, which will be an annual sixteen guests at bridge at her home. M. Fanger, of this city, has,.returned event. • •" .- "'.-',. . ' > ' -~ Mr. and-Mrs. E<-Meyer were ..at home to spend his .summer vacation with' At the first meeting there will be informally for' Mrs. Ginsburg Wedhes.t his parents. He will return to New . an election of officers and committees day evening, when Mr. and Mrs. Sol. York in the fall to complete his last* * -
. . - ' . :
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ences -wherever possible. the next.best policy, which is to make peatedly issued circulars directing? ARABS A P P E A L TO P O P E BLAME FRENCH FOR JAFFA country. Thore would no objection, jf Also' I would ask that each lady the lives of the Jews so miserable as local officials to free interned re- London. <J. T^Ageney4 A dispatch •-•• - — -fifOTS "-*"-•' ' he sttyt, riinuld millionaires come I shpuld feel that this is her Council; to compel them to flee from Poland. fugees, to .allow .them freedom of [from Rome indicates that a delegation "Warsaw. (J. T. Agency.) At a there' with'their millions. The Chsl« that ^t requires her individual work He also condemns every attempt to movement in1 the country- arid to sent by tHe Haifa Arab Congress has i Zelra Zion mass meeting here a reso- utsim,' however, are considered by the to make it a success, arid that she arrive at>ah' amicable: understanding grant passports • to those - desiring petitioned the Pope to use his.ingu- lution was adopted condemning the Arabs as • competitors in the field 0I By MRS. FREDERICK COHN %vants to bring a friend-in to liejp her. between Jews, and Poles, 'according to to leave Rumania; but the local ence against the present British policy French for their EBti-Brltish and anti- labor.' Members of Omaha Section Council Only iit i&is way; can we grow; and the Warsaw^ correspondent 'of the authorities continue to arrest and to in Palestine which favors the intro- Jewish propaganda in Palestine which, •, ; • of. Jewish. Women, and Friends:; do, or hope to do, any part of the good Morning Journal. intern the refugees or to deport thenx duction, of Jewish inmigxants most of it was said, was responsible for the PROFESSOR BACKS PROFESSOR Warsaw. (J. T. Agency,) Profeswork planned for us. We have come to the end of .'our The Jewish members of the Diet) are back into the pogrom areas of the whoirf, says the Arabs, have Bolshe- agitation smong the Arabs that resor Petratzki of the Warsaw Univerfirst year of Council work," and it is And here'iet me say that if any lady preparing an interpellation upon the Ukraine, quite regardless of their vist proclivities. sulted in the .recent disturbances.. sity has resigned from the faculty be- ,, well to make a survey of what has feels she. is suited for, or is willing to occurances of May 1. nominal instructions to the contrary. csise the Board of Trustees refused been accomplished. ' " ' do any particular work, the board The Jewish National Council in PoURGES IMMEDIATE POLAND LIMITS RETURN to accept Professor Ashkenazi on the \ "To me it seems that one of the will be only too glad to have her vol- land;lias decided)to. take no part in British Colonies For Ukrainian RATIFICATION OF ; . OFREFUGESS Refugees. really best things done has been the unteer her services and assign her to new'conferences with representatives teaching staff. Professor Ashkenswi . PALESTINE MANDATE Warsaw. J. T. Agency.) M. Zagor. . bringing ^together of our Jewish that committee. of the government on Polish-Jewish A delegation consisting of Messrs. ski, the Polish consul at Dvinsk, exLondon. (J. T. Agency.) The Lon- as a Jew who is now representing Powomen, who in working for a common In conclusion, let me thank each relations, according to the Warsaw Stuart Samuel, Lucien Wolf,- and plaining his action in placing difficul- don Times' recently prints _j, letter land at the League of Nations Assera.cause learned to know each other bet- committee for the good work, and the correspondent of the Morning Journal. Claude Motefiore, representing the ties in. the way of Jewish refugees from, its Jerusalem correspondent in bly.ter, and to feel that whether Ortho- co-operation given to me; the memJoint Foreign Committee and the anxious to return to their homes in which he states that the best interests dox or Uefqrm, Zionist or anti-Zionist, bers, of the board for their advice and ICA, has* called on Under-Secretary Poland, stated he had instructions of Palestine demand s s immediate YIDDISH COKFEREN'CE JUNE 5, we have but one purpose, and that faithful attendance at the meetings, Wood, of the Colonial Office, to urge from his government to limit the ratification of the Palestine mandate • Warsaw. (J. T. Agency.) On the is helpfulness. , , ;-.- and all of the member's of the Coun.the government to open the British number of Jewish immigrants. by the. League of Nations. The corre- 16th of June a conference will take The Council's' program of helpful- cil who have helped to make our first colonies for refugees from the spondent writes farther thst the en- place here of representatives of all ness is large. It includes the deaf, year a success. Ukraine. The Under-Secrettary Court Martial for Commandants trance of Chalutzim into the 'country schools in Poland where Yiddish, is the The problem of directing Jewish the blind, the tubercular, the immiis responsible for the unrest in the language of instruction. of Prisoner Camps. emigrants into new channels, in the promised to give the matter favorgrants before and after arriving in able consideration, according to the Danzig. (J. T. Agency.) It is reevent of the passage of the antiour country; the providing, of proper ported from Vilna • that General's immigration .„ bill by Congress, is Jewish Correspondence Bureau. legislation for women and children, Tzakolo and Wagner are being tried giving the greatest concern to all both civic and national. It provides ZIONIST ACTIVISTS OPPOSE by court martial for permitting the Jewish relief organizations abroad, for class and home instruction, 'for Jews in the Ukraine and White according, to an interview in the torturing of Jewish .women and cfcijdLEADERS those who cannot avail themselves of " the existing school facilities. It pro- Russia are still in constant dread of Zeit .with Mr. Jacob' Massel, .of - the London. . (J.'T. Agency.) An open ren who were captured together with vides for religious instruction for all pogroms, according to an interview Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, who meeting of the Activist-group in the Bolshevists during the last Red olfienchildren and, above all, emphasizes in the Zeit with Mr. Chaim Salzman, has just returned from Europe, Zionist movement took place here re- sive on Warsaw, and were cruelly misthat we are Jewish women with a who has recently returned from a where he had conferred on the sub- cently. Mr. Vladjmer Jabotinsky pre- treated in the prisoner-of-war camps. wonderful heritage, and orges as, relief mission to Soviet Russia in ject with representatives of the ICA, sided. The address of the evening, was ICA CONFERENCE ON pleads with us. to live up to the glori- the interest of Canadian and British of the Alliance Israelite and of the delivered by Mr. Meyer Grossman who EMIGRATION ous teachings of our religion, and help relief organizations. Hilfsverein. The countries favorably criticized the leadership of Weizmann, Paris. (J. T. Agency. The ICA has Organized bands of murderers, considered as new centers of im- Sokolow, Ussishkin, and demanded to realize its unsurpassed ideals. : issued a call for a conference to be j remnants of the Balakhovich, Zelentheir resignations on the grounds of a This entire program we have not migration aro Argentinia, Australia, even tried t » follow, for we are new. yi and other guerrilla bands are Brazil,';and Palestine. Of these, lack of consistency in their political held at Brussels on Jane 9 for the Moreover, you chose for your lead- concealed in the woods and forests, Argentinia;- is, . m Mr. Massel-s- aims, and of : their' mistakes in prac- purpose of discussing the problems | er one who has many duties, who has whence they emerge from time to opinion,*, the" most,, important a t the tical work in Palestine. : The .'speaker of Jewish emigration . and Jewish • never been a club woman,'and Tvho time to raid the, neighboring Jewish presenfc.mament. In order to regulate declared that the next Zionist' Con- refugees. Invitations have been sent j has been unable to arrange for all the villages- The Soviet government, immigration,.ah' organization, model- gress would have to elect an entirely to the Joint Distribution Committee, i "Kaiss," and the Jewish communities I ' .• " . committees required to function prop- however, is active in pursuit and ed upon-\%tjte-^Immigrant Aid Society new executive. ; ; : and 'relief committees of New York, j v erly.-' ' .-: •• - v •• • . -.- increasingly successful in the ex- will have- to be. established in Arg•Mr. Jabotinsky, who recentlyjoined However, we have s gooi working termination of banditism. In the entina, for which financial aid from the executive, did not agree in all that Antwerp, Hague, Rotterdam, Paris, j committee on Education, on Ameri- meantime relief is urgently needed the Jews of tha United States will) was said, but maintained tuat free Berlin, Vienna, Prague, Danzig, Jena, canization and Local Welfare, which for * the victims of" the pogroms. be required. and open criticism was healthy and Trieste, Warsaw and Kisheaeff. '"is co-operating' -with the Ladies' Wel- Scores of towns have been totally useful. UKRAINIAN REFUGGEES IN DR. KOTKOVS ASSAILANT fare Federationr—on Immigration, on deserted by their inhabitants, and RUMANIA. FOUND GUILTY Religion, OH Civic and Communal Af- thousands of refugees are still homeDr. Nathan Birabasra end Colleagues New York. (J. C. B.-Service.) Jofairs, on Legislation and on Program, less. : Jake Janescu, the Rumanian Arrive in New York. ••••."-.• seph Alpano, one of the four men who with also ; the necessary cotnmittees The Soviet government finances Minister of Foreign Affairs, in an New York. (J. T. Agency.) Dr. Nafor a local organization which all the Moscow Relief Committee to the interview with a representative of the than Birnbadm and Dr. Hildesheimer assaulted and killed Dr. Kotkoy on the evening of February 3, was found dubs have. .•••'•' extent of 254 million rubles a month, Italian-Jewish Emigration Committee, arrived in New York recently as mem- guilty of first-degree manslaughter by | The chairman of each of these com- but in view of the economic situation has declared • tliat he will do every- bers of a delegation from the newlymittees will make her own report. in Russia, American relief on a large thing within' his* power to improve organized Agudath Israel, a union of a jury which deliberated nine hours' till it made its decision. Another of! . Aside from the; exceptionally excel- scale is essential; clothing, medical the condition of Ukrainian Jewish Orthodox Jews. \ the men has already been -convicted] lent program which oar program com- supplies, and equipment for children's refugees now passing through Ruwhile two are still awaiting trial. mittee has provided,,I have tried at homes are needed immediately. Mr. mania, regarding it as inhuman to PROTEST BOYCOTT IN We Try at Every Twra each business meeting to give you Salzman does not believe that the close Rumania's frontiers to the ; • • " To Slake Your C ; ---• VILNA one or; two musical or Kterary numvictims of pogroms,, reports., the -.-Danzig. (J. T. Agency.) A dispatch j plan to transport Ukrainian orphans With This Bank a bers, and have had read to. you two Jewish. Correspondence .Bureau, to America is feasible, as the Soviet from: Vilna that the Jewish press has Pleasant as Well as a of the,'papers presented af the TriThe impotence jt>f Rumanian begun a campaign against the muni- •; government .would not permit the PROFITABLE EXPERIENCE. ennial Convention in ; Denver- We national authorities in this respect, cipal officials who boycott Jewish j removal of .the orphans from. Russia. hzve had "a very instructive and inhowever, is pointed out in a report It Fays to Get Ovt Mjrses teresfing course of lectures in Jewish Moreover,, the plan, is uneconomical, from- Kishinev published in-; the>£eifc, merchants in purchasing food articles j Laid Over 6,008 Soofs is Omaha as the -vast--;sums required for its aiid other materials" '*foi; municipal 1 ; history by Dr. Coin, and it is a pity Oar RoofsAre Oar .Proofs The national•'.;• government has restores and Institutions. Oisr Spedslty ^,_tliat not more of our women ^vailed execution;. might be utilized, with, inPIaiaB our Bucceeg M Ready Roofing over old sltingle3 themselves of "the opportunity for in~ comparably greater effectiveness in s bSnking' institution depends <m All Work -Guaranteed—Easy immediate relief work in the Ukraine. the manner and to the extent that struction provided "fop them* ; . • M^.•Salzman: differs witht Div Frank . Terms .. . :''-.we ^ e able to FCTTTP you. Our.Religious Committee has under- Rosenblatt yi hist views of the MosEarney 2E71 INTEREST i*roitabl6—-Because ^n'y fey *nOlace and Warehousst •taken a most arduous'task. No one cow- . Relief Committee, Whatever ON coirapftg •BS'Stcrnatic and persisS122 L who has not worked with them can tent saving among: our patrons cm. Compounded j y changes raay have taken place in we demonstrate to them the power realize the amount of work they have Funds protected t-y Dethe-personnel and the organization for success that a substantial savpositors* Guaranty Fund done and have yet ,to do. ' of the Moscow Committee, Mr. Salzings account holds. of -tire Ststt of N e & k The • complete census of : Yon can begin s savings account man maintains, the situation with school children was obtained, and at this bank with as small a sum Fends' "subject t© withchecked up with the enrollment of our regard to relief work has remained as one dollar. drswal without notice. existing religious school. .It yet re- substantially unchanged, in so far as mains for us to see the parents of all it has always been, and is now, children who are not receiving religi- actually controlled by the Soviet ous, instruction, and urge them to send government. Mr» Salzmann believes Sttteer Electric Meat- Z- '-'z^-': the children to Sabbath School. Nor that relief work can be carried on Chopper and Coffte JJillshall we stop here, but follow up the effectively under these conditions, as : Used Scales of All ' Eighteenth • and F s r a a n i Streets. .-. •• ::'" cases until we succeed; for we feel is .demonstrated by the success of Makes for Sale. W. GEISELMAN, President. B. C. (5EISELSIAN, CasMer. the Society of Friends in Soviet that it is religion which mil guide : .... . H. M. EROGE, Assistant Cashier, : . FRANK -DEE • them on their path through life, will Russia. Va!r@s to City S?eprffsentatS*e aid them to choose the good and shun 510 So. lOtJi St. the evil, and make them better men Phone DOuglns S3S2 and women. •/ . - ' • Ladies, won't every one <of you con. sider yourself a member of this comBe quick and get your cKoice. mittee'on religion and plead with parent^ you know, who are depriving The minority rights which the new their childrea of this necessity of Polish Constitution grants to the Jews will convert Poland into a haven of r I t is my one great, intense desire refuge for the Jejss-bf Russia and the to make you feel the need for religion Ukraine, declared Prince Lubomirsky, in our Kve?. We all need its inspirav the Polish Minister, at Washington, tion and consolation, and if we can im- in a statement furnished to Mr. Herplant: the/teachings of religion and man Bernstein for the Jewish press the love for prayer, for silent, soulful several weeks ago. Poland's desire to 303 SOUTH 16th STR2ET SECURITIES BUILDING ^=thankfulness to, and communion with, establish friendly relations -with the People in this community buy the Cadillac as an investment.. •" our Maker,' in our children, we will Jews, added Prince Lubomirsky, is They buy it because they feel sure of it—sure of its performance demonstrated by the conferences indeed iave justified our existence • -sure of its freedom from trouble—sux-e of eveiy quality that In accordance with a request from which representatives of the Polish the National Chairman on. Religion, government have lately been holding makes, .an--automobile thoroughly satisfactory. we observed Council Sabbath March with Jewish:' representatives, both in ,19th. Two of the Council-Members, Poland and in this country. Strict Fine people hereafebuts also\kftew..c>f the permanent investas- well as^Dr. Cohn, addressed a good- orders have been issued by government we have made to render a real senire—seirice • that te ly number of our ladies who had come ment officials against attacks upon not a myth, or an advertising slogan. Jews,, and.offenders guilty.of,such atto worship. tacks will be tried by court martial. We also entertained eight delegates Our service station is open until 10 p. n , for the convenience on their way to the Tri-ennial Conven- On May 1, however, the police of of Cadillac owners. .Sunday service is avs.ilc.bls from 8 &. m. tion in Denver and Mrs. Caesar Warsaw brutally attacked, without Nuscli on her way home* from the warning, a procession of Jewish workto 6 p. m. .. • • • " • . • > , ' convention gave us a very wonderful ingmen, wounding five hundred or 'talk.'more, according to reports received Only the finest workmen are employed in our shops. They 'We also had a very Bucce?sful»card by the Jewish press of New York. do their work quickly sod efficiently, &nd they enjoy it. ft The anti-Semitic paper Dwa Grosza party. \ We appointed .a committee which published a list of the wounded under Our creed is the •fulfillment of our promise and each member had several meetings with the Com-the heading "Trotzky's Losses," reof our organisation hss made; a solemn resolution to continue -' mittee of the Jewish Welfare Federa- ports the Warsaw correspondents of to do his work and sell our cars in such-a manner that all of us tion, and succeeded in arranging our the Morning Journal. will grow more and more worthy of the wonderful allegiance wish that the two organizations may The streets of Warsaw have been work helpfully together and prevent placarded with posters signed by the of Cadillac custcmcis." Roswoj, the -militant "anti-Semitic orduplication. I should like to recommend that as ganization, in which the Jewish press WE FURNISH ALL FORMS OF INSURANCE. jiart 6t our program tor next year, of Europe and of America is blamed | in addition to what we are doing, we for the loss of Upper Silesia, which PERSONAL SERVICE WITH EACH give at intervals entertainments at the Poles are urged to avenge upon 1 5 POLICY ^ ~ LARGE OR SMALL the Jewish population, reports the OMAHA LINCOLN the. various institutions. We have tal1 Jewish Correspondence Bureau. ented young people, as well as our own members, who would be glad to In his lectures before Polish students, Father Lutislawsky, the notori-do fSaiB. > , , . ' _ 1 ' I stiould also again like to urge that ous anti-Semitic member of the Diet, 5th Floor Saunders-Kennedy BWg. I. wa- bectimg.- more • regular .attendants •preaches the wholesale expulsion of Tel. Tyler 3160. Jews -from Poland; but, Tie^adds, as at 'services; either Orth'odox or' Rethis would not be permitted by forform, as- oar consciences' dictate, and .expose ourselves : to religious influ-' eign sowers, the Poles should,
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