i jjj li| jl) jjj "ill
" N e m a n in this j!j world eyeir~ fight- jj) fully gets more | than he gives." jji —Adams.
""Initiative is do- | ing what should 1| fee ndone without | | 1 betog told."
L Entered as second-class mail • matter 'on Janvaiy 27th, 1921, at lostoffice at Omaha, Nebraska,.-tinder;.the Act of March 3, 1S79.
Pastor Condemns Anti-Semitism —Calls It Treason to America.
What Awakened My Jewish Consciousness
Baltimore.— Attacks . of Henry ft* S,f i r r TOWHI The Feast of Weeks or Shabuoih Ford and others on Jews were decried will be observed this year in the as a form of treason here last Sunsynagogs on Sunday, June 12th, and day evening at the First Methodist in more orthodox congregations the Episcopal Church, by the'. Rev. Dr. By Prof. Albert Einstein following day also, June loth. 1 Figures Given Out by Govern- William E. Morgan;.; tfte pastor, in Chairman Lapidiag- of Campaign Originally Shabuoth was an agri- But Open Hearing is Asl«e4 to. ment in Regard to Restric- a sermon on "Race Prejudice: Why Asks Workers and Donors to cultural festival in which the gather- Give Accused Captain Chance to Re-establish Ris Honor • (Copyrighted) does Anti-Semitism Exist?" •. tions of Aliens; Jews "Put It Over the Top". ing of the spring wheat was used as (Jewish Correspondence Bureau.) "Monstrously cruel has been the Mostly Affected. an occasion for special services of Special to "TEE .7KWISK' PEKSS." Eighteen thousand dollars more is thanksgiving. A Jater tradition astreatment of the Jew- in- the pa&t," As I see it, anti-Semitism in AmerNew York, June S.—A motion foi needed to make the Jewish Welfare sociates this day with, the. revelation ' Washington.—(J. C. B. Service.) Dr. Morgan said, "but suspicion and ica has until recently assumed only discharge of bail in the case of CapFederation drive for §50,000 a grand Immigration officials began to-day fear ~can only; bred trouble in'the -a certain harmless, social character, of God at Mt. Sinai when the law tain Robert Eosenbluth, held on & enforcement of the Immigration Bill present. As .a Christian- and an whereas in Germany, the anti-Jewish was revealed unto Moses. By this success. charge of murdering Major Alexander restricting entry of aliens to 3 per American, I raise my-voice against feeling in society is far more "noticeIn order to do this, Chairman revelation Israel was summoned from P. Cronkhite,- on the strength of a Harry Lapidus of the drive called among tbe^ nations of the earth to cent, of the nationals of their anti-Semitism in- any- form. We able and far more important." I am a meeting of all -workers Tuesday become the: messenger of that law confession by Boland PotMer, orderly country in the United States at ^ the may: not like ; their manners, their of the opinion that in" their "relations night. . At this meeting the workers of humanity and Trader tbe inspira- to Major Cronkhits when the latter time of the" 1910 census. Only' 20 methods, their j materialism, their to the Gentile world, Jews in Gerwere assigned cards containing the tion of this election, to stay tne was killed, was mads in the Federal per cent, of the total quota of any ideals as we see them,- but we can-many should be continually. mindful names of those who have not yetfloods of sin and corruption that District Court here by Jonah J. Goldgiven country can enter each month. not be followers of Christ and as of the fact that they. constitute a contributed for the support of the threaten to sweep over the earth. As stein, counsel for Eosenbluth, in view separate race. They must draw the . Figures made public to-day show patriotic Americans encourage antiFederation. a result of his example of righteous- of the publication of a retraction of necessary and inevitable consequences that from Armenia 122 immigrants Semitism, which is a dangerous form "Pay once and that's All," is theness, the Jew hopes that zeal for thethe confession by Pothier. of this undeniable truism and permit will be permitted to arrive during of treason to America." working slogan" of the drive. "Once service of God, which is to do justly Notice of his intention to mate the the month of June and 1;5S8 for the He said that prejudice against .the it to influence them in their social you contribute to the Federation, you and to love mercy,'may become the life and in their cultural contribumotion was sent .by Mr. Goldstein to fiscal year beginning July ' 1st. : Jews had existed continuously in all do not have to contribute to any striving of ail mankind. tions. They should exercise a certain' Attorney General Harry M. Daugher• From Turkey, including the the countries of < the world. other Jewish charity or philanthropic restraint, and not be so anxious to | The Eeform Synagog stresses this ty last Saturday. After defining "tti«? Smyrna: district, fifty may enter "America has been comparatively force a social assimilation which their' institution in Omaha," said Chairman I historical feature of the Feast o: grounds on which a motion for the during the remainder of this month free from this, prejudice," Dr. Morgan neighbors 'are not inclined to accept Lapidus. "There will be no more Weeks as a service o_ f "dedfcatki of ^charge of bail, and hence from u v —, and 653 for the fiscal year. The continued,, "and yet it hes persisted readily nor to encourage. , tickets and no more balls. Pay once the Jew to tbe covenant imposed by r e s t ? w a s t o b c askefI > M r quota for Palestine for June is four also in this country. One reason is and that's alL" ' his Jewish ancestry on him, to be theasked the attorney general to grant and for the fiscal year fifty-six; for the: Jew's seeming superiority in Has Produced Results A list of those _vrho have con- teacher and exemplar of the law of a two-hoar open hearing at which Syria sixty-nine for-June and 905financial matters. But no Jew is Anti-Semitism In Germany has,' on j tributed to tne Federation for the love unto humanity. Captain Rosenbluth might opporfor the fiscal year; for other Asiatic equal to ah American Yankee in the other hand, produced results i year will be printed in The Jewish By means of this symbolization and \ tunity to present fully his side of the countries six for June and seventy- trade. The Jew's'financial success which the Jews should warmly wel-j Press as soon "as the drive ends. idealization of the Shabuoth. festival I case and to have Ms client cleared of eight for the fiscal year. is due to • the. fact that the works comei. I believe that the ^existence of Persons who' have not been ap- Congregations have utilized it as theall charges. Many will t e kept- from joining harder and longer, and not to in- Judaism in Germany is attributable proached by the volunteer workers Confirmation Day wherein the yo-ang In Ms letter Mr. Goldstein said: herent financial superority." almost wholly to the pressure of anti- that the "East-European Jews who are requested to make their con- men and women pledge themselves "Despite your direct orders to the their families in this- country. Semitism. In the past, religion has sought in Germany a haven of refuge tributions at the Jewish Welfare anew to continue the covenant of contrary, these 'confession sf—we beQuoting Jewish Tribune. inhibited a complete assimilation of from the hell of pogrom and persecu- office, third fioor, Lyric building. their fathers and to exemplify in lieve "vnthotrt the retraction—and other in regard to the law the Jewish. Jews with their surroundings. But as tion in Ukrainia and Russia, be extheir lives and conduct the spirit of papers were turned over to the proseTribune of New York said: their prosperity and culture grows, pelled immediately or interned. To justice and humanity to which they cuting attorney of Pierce county, base these rather unusual demands, No one in whose heart the so also do religious forms and tradihave been called by reason of their Washington, vho publicly stated that all manner of excuses are concoctect American tradition is deeply rooted tions dispappear. Anti-Semitism then Jewish birth. the ^evidence1 was such that he would •will consider it a law of the country; remains as tljg. only -differentiating There is the scarcity of dwellings, the not even go before a grand jury atifl he must • see in it a law which factor between Jews arid the rest of lack of food and the economic crisis in general. And manufactories of ask for return of indictment against destroys the sublime fundamentals Eepadiation of Administration of the community and It alone causes Captain Rosenbluth therewith." of our country; he must see in it Officers by 'Annual Convention the difference in their social life. public sentiment exaggerate these a Fordism instead of Americanism. B'nai B'rith Lodge of Omaha Without this differentiation there conditions in order to play • on the Results in Resignations. Scaring to Be Had, Refusing shelter to those who escape Pledges to Furnish Enough would come a complete amalgamation unfavorable attitude of . the populaThe reasons for which the open tion. The East-European Jews are to our shores from religious prosecu Cleveland,' June 8.—-Repudiation of "with their surroundings*. . Money to Save Lives of jj hearing is asked include thp used cs a scapegoat, and upon them the administration of the officers of tion, to those who strive to escape • Poor Wa]fs. I have myself experienced just this is heaped the blame for the present i of counsel for Captain Eosenbluth. and ( the clutch, of their murderers is unthing. Till a few years ago my entire breakdown of economic life in Ger- the'American Zionist orgaMssiioa by j Ms client to complete the record m American and inhuman.V ... ..'..' the 24th -annual', convention early Twenty-five tattered and torn, .life was spent in Switzerland where" many; in fact for the ..entire after^ cast, BOW, to establish the iane* Surely the mantle of some Europ- emaciated oijhans, ". in war-tora nothing occurred to influence my Jew- math of the. ivar. Political dema- yesterday resulted in the resignation 'disprove th® ish sentiments.;. In geaeral,.!_ was gogies .hLxk -exploited- "J£MS --"public. of Judge : Julian. W. Mack of Chicago ean anti-Semite .--must have fallen Europe, who now <Eave and "sue' other saScers of fhsT organhardly conscious ;bf my Jewish origin sentiment and when a particular , patiently, py, gi Upon" the shoulders -of some of our death," by Presimg directly from agents of th h they. wfllJKe flJK relieved from their because I was not made conscious of party is rushed into office on theization and S5 of tbe 50 rae'tnbers of law-makers.-With-this new law~~pur when dent Kraus, partment of justice concerning Rosen* both houses say ini so Tnany words suffering by the final call,- will soon it by others. But as soon, as I settled wave of this sentiment, the danger bluth's character of service during hte to Soviet Russia, Ukrainia, Poland be made happy and shown; that life in Berlin everything changed. There, to the homeless 'Jews is critically the national 'executive committee und Adolph Kraus, president of the enlistment, and to disclose to atits secretary. ' Peter J. Schweitzer, I saw immediately the /distress and and other Jew-baiting Countries; is again" worth living, by' the Omaha augmented. Independent Order of the B'nai torney general methods of procedure treasurer; of the organization, was mental want of the.ydunger Jewish lodge of the Independent .Order of "You wielders of the sword, murder-' Wrote Against Expulsion the only incumbent to retain his B'ritii, during the past week, an- which mfiy be avoided in future c4set» 7 " " ; •';' generation. I began to note that at ers of Jews, do .with the unoffensive B'nai B'rith. • ' nounced the appointment of Henry In a formal statement, after the moposition. - ' ray university, the atmosphere of The Omaha lodge at, the recent At one such juncture not so long and defenceless Jews as your hearts The resignations were announced Monsky to the administrative council tion in the Federal Court, Captain desire, we cannot assist you in your grand lodge convention of the B'nai anti-Semitism interfered with the ago when it was learned on good early this"' morning 'at the close of a of the B'nai B'rith. Eosenbluth said it was a sad comholy mission but we promise you not B'rith, held in Des Moines, pledged studies of the Jewish student and authority that the German governThe council is the working unit of mentary or$ the department of justice long night session by Judge Mack likewise with his economic existence, itself to take care of twenty-five orment was seriously considering the to save the victims from your bloody to such an extent that he found ex- expulsion of all Eastern Jews, I pen- after the' convention had voted, 15S the national executive committee and fox* a newspaper reporter to develop hands." This word-picture is drawn phans. The cost for each is $100. The grand lodge pledged itself to treme difficulty in maintaining him- ned an article for the '"Berliner Tage- to 71, to disapprove the president's meets from four to five times a year, the facts in the case which the aeaccurately; it represents the, true Chicago. A position o n ) p a r t m e n t «C0I,ki n o t o r w o l i W n o t » blatt" in which I indicated the cruelty annual report. Besides Judge Mack, image of \ this anti-American^ law. take care of .2,500 orphans and this self at college. this council is next in importance toj a t h e r i n Wo m o n t h s , Eeferrmg to Zionist • officials who relinThis is particularly true of • those and folly of such action, particularly American We cannot help calling a spade a number was divided-amongst the that of the President of tne interfearing, C apquished their offices are: . fte g t for a Q Jews who came from Eastern Europe if it were aimed against the students spade, we cannot find any other units of the grand-lodge.' • national order. The board acts as a Brandeis Quits Post. attending universities.' The delegates of the Omaha lodge since the armistice. Though, as far tain Eosenbluth predicted that "transuitable name* for it. The legislaJustice Louis D. Brandeis of Wash- "cabinet" to the president of the scending revelations" would be made. tion at this time creates the darkest were among the first to. respond to as I know, there is not a considerable I solicited and obtained the assist- ington, honorary president; Babbi order. of some of my Jewish and Genspot upon the horizon of American the/appeal made by'Former President number of them in Germany, public ance Mr. Monsky was elected president Me said: r Stephen S. Wise of New York, hone Mi Mannheimer and Secretary A. B. "I resoh ed at the beginning of this opinion has created a problem of j *^colleagues and together we orhistory, it darkens the luminous orary vice president; Harry Frieden- of Grand Lodge No. 6 at the B'nai their presence which has become an ganized special free courses for thewald of Baltimore, and Nathan B'rith annual convention held in Des proceeding, and am determined at thp principles of our great country. It Seelenfreund of the "Hundreds of our kin are slowly unending subject of discussion. Meet- Jewish students. The activities of our present time, that the only way to is law, of course, and the American Straus, New York, vica presidents; Moines recently. That placed him prevent my growing1 bitter tiirongh the dying because of lack of food and small group were assisted by the ings, conferences and the press deal people must uphold it, yet it is Jacob de Haas, secretary of. tne automatically on the executive com(Continued on page 2) •un-American, it is based not upon necessary clothing and shelter," said with it continually, often demanding Palestine department, and Reuben mittee of the international order for terrible injustice done me, is to tnxn this piTcate wrong Into a public tha principles of our fair minded Mr. Seelenfreund. "The reports we bis term of office. Horchow, assistant treasurer. received ars almost unbelievable. good." country: it is a strange sacrifice have ; Mr. Monsky passed through the President Harding Declares . Other executive committee memConvention of Jewish ConsumpWe all know how families were torn before the God of American free- apart; many were MHed and maimed bers "who resigned include Bernard chairs of the Omaha lodge and at . Captain Eoaenfclutli wss confident of tive Relief Society. Interest in Zionist Movement. receiving .full exoneration. He and dom. and homes plundered and destroyed. Washington, (J. C. B. Service).— Boston, Mass., (J. C. B. Service).— Flexner, New York; Felix Frank- one time was its president. Ms cotmse] believe that the retraction furter, Cambridge, Mass.; Nathan D. Tho President signed the Bill We now have a wonderful opportun- At a luncheon arranged by the Zionist The Jewish Consumptive Relief Soby Pothier was- occasioned by their What could he d o ? . Would it not ity to carry out the.cardinal prin- Organization of this city the' follow- ciety of Denver held its seventeenth Kaplan, Chicago; I. Irving Lipsitca, demand that - Potbier repeat fee JEWS HONOR ROGER ing; letter communicated to its sec- annual convention in Boston on June San Francisco; -Emanue! N. Mohl, ! havs been passed over his head? ciples of our order." charges in his confession in the presWILLIAMS. Jerusalem, Palestine; I. Eude, Denretary was read: 4th, jjth and 6th. All constituent We .will not be far from the truth ence of Captain Eosenbluth. White House, organizations elected delegates. It is ver; William Sauber, Green Bay, •Washington, (J. C. B. Service).— if we surmise that the President The Theta Bets Tsu fraternity, comPothier asserts that his lying conWis., and JonasEosenSeld, Dallas: June 1st, 1921 stated that this was the largest conaffixed his signature to it not be In contrast to the stormy demonposed of college men of the Jewish j fessior, was wrung from him through, Mr. Alexander Wolf, \sention in the history of the organcause he considered that law jdst strations which have takenplace • refaith, placed today s wreath at the j "third degree" treatment administered ization. Zionist Committee. V but wisdom dictated to'him the be peatedly since the opening of the base of the statue of Roger Williams j by officers of the department of JnsDear Sir:—I have " already 'com- The Society was organized in 1904 convention. Sunday afternoon during corning of a' cheerful loser and to i-Statuary Hall in. the Capitol' in j tice. An investigation has been orThe Mount of Holiness", will be municated to you my reget that it is continue at peace with the two by some consumptives, who' realized many heated arguments - there was commemoration of the fact that he , dared by the department.. houses.' His signature-;we consider Rabbi Frederick Cohn's-. subject at impossible for me to.be present at the the importance of providing proper extreme- quiet when the vote was" was the first to preach the doctrine o ..... • ,ltt : ; luncheon in honor of Dr. Chaim Weiz- treatment for sufferers. Since then announced. . a wice act of statesmanship. Y Temple Israel Friday! night.' . . of religious liberty on the American) |' E I N S T E I N ' S F A R E W E L L the Immigration Bill became law, This wa.s the theme of his first mann, head of the Zionist Commission it has handled about 4,000 cases and hemisphere. STATEMENT every good, citizen must submit to sermon delivered'/as a Rabbi twenty- to the United States, but I want to its splendid achievements have been WOMEN TO MEET " Representatives of the fraternity, add an expression of my most friendly recognized by the Jews throughout the it. However the American peopl five years ago. , York, (J, C. B. Service).—Prof. An important meeting of' the wo--which numbers about S,000 members, A I New Rabbi Cohn has been a resident of interest in and for the Zionist move- country. Starting with a few hundred must learn to- select real American; bert had charge of the exercises. Ad-i Einstein, who left fot England ment. It is impossible for one whomembers and an income of several men of the Talmud Torah will be to represent them in the future;" i Omaha for fifteen years. Th rsda : m a d e the held at -...„ 2:30 p. . „„ m.'Tuesday _ , _ in ™. the dresses were delivered by. Eepresen' 3 ' folIowmK te»r has studied at all the services of the thousand dollars it has developed into must become wiser in its selection.' weiI Arabs in Transjordania Revolt Y. M. H. A. rooms in the Lyric tative Welter B/Stiness of Rhode | statem«nt to the American Hebrew people to avoid the faith that an institution with a membership of eo e: Against Hedjas Prince. they will one day be restored to their 100,000 and a yearly budget of over building. At this meeting the women Island, representing the community in! I* *SPI am heartily grateful to that part ASSEMBLY OF "LEAGUE" TO Jerusalem. _ ( J . T ; Agency.) It is historic national home and th'ere enter will celebrate the '• third anniversary which. Eoger Williams Mred; Kep-J DEAL WITH NATURALIZATION. reported that. the inhabitants of on a new-and yet greater phase of a quarter of a million. The sanitorium of the women's organization. There resentative Theodore E. Burton of | o f t h e J e w i s h ^ e o P l e w1l!Ch , at Denver occupying close to 100 acres ' Paris, (J: T. Agensy).—The As Transjbrdania have risen in- revolt their contribution to the advance of has a capacity of 200 patients. In will be prominent' speakers on theOhio, and Representative Julius Kshn! America, and to the Atr.ericaai |»t*lic, program. -. • seinbly of the League of - Nations against their newly-appointed ruler, humanity. ' •". '...•• - of California. The Rev. Abraham! its scientists and oflidale, who sll here addition to curing consumptives the convenes in Geneva on. June; 16th^- the Emir Abdullah, third-son of the Please assure those who will be Society maintains the Eude Con- All members are urged to attend. Simon, President cf the Board o ! p T C B ffie E ^ warn recephnn. I It is announced that the Committee Hedjas Sheriff. ; The insurgents de- gathered at the luncheon to-day of rayvalescent Home for those who are not I Education of" the District, of Colum- htxe been deeply touched r\v tne "AGUDxVTH ' ISRAEL" RABBIS bia," delivered the invocation. of Jewish Delegations has received feated the Emir's,forces in a pitched continued concern for the V cause in strong enough to return to work. interest and sympathy which 1 have PROTEST AND JOIN permission to present its argumen battle, killing 130 of his men. Accord- which you are zealously laboring. „ found, here for the ../idea of ing to the dispatch; the rebels wish The convention opened with a on the question of the naturalization p Palestine as the Homeland of Most sincerely yours, to be governed by the British Adminreception Saturday evening, June 4th. Warsaw, ( J . T. Agency).—Three PEOTEST DICTATORSHIP OF BH Jewish law for Finland and Danzig." people, and for the ; Warren Gemaliel Harding. istration iri Palestine under Sir HerOn Sunday three sessions were held in well-known Polish Uabbis hare resignBOGEN AND LANBESCCh TCent of a Hebrew University in Jerubert. Samuel. . .^ Letters were also read from Vice- Ford Hall devoted to the presentation ed from t h e "Agudatb. Israel", as \lenna, (J. T. Agency).—The Zion-S salem, which I found not only GERMAN ;PAPER CURRENCY Presiflent Coolidge and the British o| ; the reports of last years work in protest against the resolutions adopted ist representatives,' the National | Jews, bnt also' among" non-Jews, S | J HIAS DENIES REPORT OF UTILIZED TO SPREAD Ambassador Auklarid Geddes. tie morning; a mass meeting in theby. its last conference in Vienna and Council, and the East-Galician Dels-! would like to add that the respert, ANTI-SEMITISM. UQUIDATIQN OF ACTIVITIES. a brilliant address by Dr.afternoon at "which Eabbi Saul Silber have joined t i e MizracM, Orthodox gation have announced their with- j eppreciatiom I always felt for Warsaw, (J. T. Agency). — A Weizmann and an appeal by Dr.. of Chicago spoke, and* a banquet ZIoaist party. drawal frosn the newly-created Vienna ican scientists has-been greatly inDanzig, (J. T. Agency).—A considerable qUteitity of German pape cable to this bureau from Warsaw Schmarya Levin, §20,000 in cash were in the evening. The last business "Joint" CJomsaittee, refusing to assume j creased ns a-result of my personal' currency in circulation, here canie states that the HIAS 'bureau there collected for the Keren Hayesod. Mr. sessions took place on Monday, June Warsaw, (J. Agency).—Dr..'' rcsponsib-'l;ty for the sudden liquiria-i contact with many of thnm. I have an imprint which reads, "Germans? has denied that it intends liquidating Berliner of Washington donated ?10,- 6th. Dr. Philip Hillkowitz and Dr.Bogen of the Araerican Join1 Diz- jj tics, of "Joint'" activities under the seen a sympathetic dealing' with free yourselves from the yoke of th its money transfer and telegraphing 000 towards the building of a Hebrew C. D. Spicak and the other national tribution. Coramitlee crrived here i dictatorship of Dr. Bcgen and Mr.theory of relativity and « Jews." agencies. • ' _ . . ' University in Jerusalem. officers were re-elected. detached scientific interest in %," rcsterday* Landesco.
^ ^ M ^ & l every Thursday a t Omalia, Nebras&n, by
/•; THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANT. : " : MORRIS E. JACOBS, Manager. ':../• ^> ••-'•:- Office, Four, Baird Bldg.—Telephone" DO uglas 2372. %£,
Subscription Price,: pne year,___..^.:__...._.. ............ T.?1.50 -. Advertising rates furnished on application. ,{ NQT PRINTED FOB PERSONAL PROFIT—Profits from the publication of The Jewish Press are to be given, to worthy communal causes* ; gtTe,both the ol* anduew;address; CHAN E. Off ADDRESS—Plenso • • . . . • ' : be snre ahtf sign yonr namiv :'
.__/- • "Our conntry has never failed to measure up to any demands j- ia behalf of humanity and it never wilL When it ceases to meet -( .^ these demands, it will no longer be our country; it will be, if that ! time ever corner the wretched and decaying memorial of another }••,/ civilizatidBi that hascniisbled,/of another idea! that has failed, of I -^ ansfher ambition of man's happiness that has somehow gone awry," ^__. ——From speech by Pres. Harding* 1
ed a science of anti-Semitism. This state of affairs is explained by the fact that the Jews of Germany exercise an influence upon the cultural life of their country altogether out e£ proportion to their nwtnerial strength. Though this ia often exaggerated to serve various proposes, it is nevertheless true that Jews exert a considerable and obvious influence upon the press, literature and science. There are those in Germany,, who view this circumstance .without evil prejudice, yet whp see in it a danger to their national individuality through the gradual encrouchraent of a EoriGerman people. I know that In England where the proportion of Jews is most equal to that of Germany, the situation is quite different, for, although Jews in Great Britain hold high and responsible offices in the government, they make a far lesser, impression on the culture of the land. We find here two antitheses. On the one isand Jews are a great intellectual influence but their political power is neglible. On the other. hand, they influence culture to a comparatively small extent, yet their social prestige.rises high.
>*••«• 9 *M
WIB m An organization 'aiming toward the centralization of contributions to Jewish charitable institutions and causes, instead of campaigning for each individual purpose, was formed by the Jewish people of Sioux City at the Hebrew Institute, Thursday evening. A central body will receive all contributions, which Jews in the city giye to various causes and this body will distribute these amounts proportionately, to the charitable institutions in this and other cities. Each Jewish home will be visited during the comjning month and subscriptions solicited. Mr. Edward Pill, sen of Mr. Max Pill, who has spent the past year in the study of journalism at the Columbia University, New York, has returned to spend the summer at home.
The President of these great United States stood on the brink A picnic of • the Sunday school of pi the graves of our soldier-hero-dead, last Decoration day and the Temple was held last Saturday at littered these wonderful words. They were pregnant with meanGrand view Park when gifts were ing, if sincere, but,regardless, they iwere beautiful indeed. presented by the Sisterhood to the teachers for their services during the The beautiful language, throbbing with 'patriotic fervor and 1 past year. k .the wonderful: delivery of the President enraptured his great audience which had assembled to pay tribute to those who.died The closing meeting of the Sister! so that tips nation ipightlive. /..''•.. . . .. - : - : >;; 3 hood of Mt. Sinai Temple was held Question of Political Policy But while:thePresident sent foirth-th^messja^ to the world; : Friday afternoon in the- Temple Germany, anti-Semitism is often rooms. . Mrs. Dreyfus .gave a short \ .—every news center on the globe received it—-, declaring to all that a In of political policy Qepend- paper on the life of Elina Elrich Le; this is "a nation that never fails to measure up to any demands ingquestion largely on the party to which vinger, well known writer of short I in "behalf of humanity," theinic was not yet'dry on the barbaric a particular individual may belong. stories of Jewish life, and read Mrs. immigration bill, now a, law. f'' Levinger's recent story, "Lady RabA Socialist, for instance, though per- bi." Mrs. Levinger is the wife of . ' Across the sea—in far-off Russia,now besmirched with the sonally a confirmed anti-Semite, will Lee Levinger, formerly of : blood of innocent souls—pogrom victims, into suffering Austria, never acknowledge it publicly because' Rabbi Sioux City, Miss Hannah Kauffman • Poland, Turkey, R-ance and other war-torn, suffering centers of such a stand is not fitting to the gave a recitation; Miss Delia Galins; hunsanity,—went this wonderful message. It rang with hope and, program of his party. A conserva- \ ky, dances; and Mrs. J. Newman tlod an inaeresting story, "Mistakes will in many instances brightened the spark of life still attempting-to tive, on the other hand, accepts anti-1 happen." . gain headway through the.stifling cloud caused^by hunger-pangs, Semitism sometimes in direct vari-i persecution and want. . ance. with his personal opinions, be-' The closing exercises of the SunBut the bill was.on its road to become a law and a law it cause he feels that, such tactics are day School of Mt. Sinai were held : became—and again the hope of the thousands of suffering human- desirable if he wishes to remain in last Sunday when certificates of honwere given to the highest graded popular favor. In England where the or ity went glimmering. • pupil of each class. The following influence is smaller and therefore the The beautiful thoughts of the President, wafted on the breezes received certificates; Doris Rosenthai, , of that sacred houi1, passed over "grave after grave" of hero-dead reaction, the old, deeply rooted liberal Jerald Cohen, Rosina Frank, Bernell Koolish, Alfred Cooper, Herman Le; .who came from across the sea to this country, seeking a home, tendencies of the English people pre- vy, Sarah Mossow. The following dominate and prevent anti-Semitism and they died in its defense. received gold metals for their high from getting free rein. . Once they too—these heroes now being honored by the words standing in studies: Henry Lindaw, I do not make these assertions out Hebrew; SoDhie Dvorkin, Religion; . of our great President-—were aliens. Weinberg, Prayer; Meyer of personal experience. I never "was Johanna But now they are heroes! Talmy, History. i What would these hero-dead have to say if they could but in England, yet I consider the atti' arise and discover much to their amazement that their alien- tude towards my theory of relativity The Junior Hadassah presented brethren^ bleeding from pogrom and political persecution; starv- as characteristic. German newspaper Rabbi Raphael Goldenstein with a ing from want of fot)d, dying for lack of clothing and shelter, un- criticism was divided according as diamond pin, in appreciation of his in the work of the organlike themselves, cannot rush to the bosom of America for protection they are divided in their views on the services ization during the past year. Jewish question. Anti-Semitic papers from the bludgeon of. the pogrom-fiend and the bony liand of • ' plague, and want, and hungei*-pangs? ' hold the theory as unfounded and ""• Miss Marie Courshon has returned Papers, favorably inclined from Minneapolis, where she aatendAmerica was the land of hope. America, many times, did incorrect. to the Jews, review the theory favor- ed school during the past year and ; meet the demands in behalf of suffering humanity—and America ably. In England, on the other hand, will spent the summer with her parhas benefited by it. scientists and publications were quite ents, Dr. and Mrs. B. Courshon. Now—this very minute—there is a tap-tap-tap on the doors objective in their judgment. of America. Bony arms are stretched across the sea,, pleading, I should Dr. Helfgott, local delegate, is in like to mention in tisis Cleveland attending the Zionist Conbegging, crying for entrance to this great asylum for the oppressed. connection the great contributions vention. We pay no hedd to their tearful, heart-rendering appeals. The which the English have made to- Miss Grace Baron entertained at a Immigration Restriction Bill is now a law! wards the development of our exact dinner party at her home, Thursday In this great crisis, are "we measuring up to the demands in sciences-. In their .treatment of my evening for two brides of the month, behalf of humanity". Humanity, across the sea,—but of flesh and theory they showed a marked under- Misses Sarah and Matilda Brodkey. ^ ' i/2efo#tMe"same~as we^are—-and a suffering humanity too, cries but standing and deep grasp of the high The "Jolly 14" met with Mrs. Louis '•o-us but our ears are deaf . laws of physics and mathematics. I E^on, Wednesday afternoon, when What is the sign? Is it like what President Harding said: was similarly impressed in America. bridge was played. Before my recent arrival in this country, I had formulated no definite opinion 'on; American science and scientists, but during my short stay here and through my personal and kind contact with many of the professors ; in -the American, "universities 'America missed a. glorious opportunity- to sho\y unto the and with scientists ia general, I have d that even in this great crisis, this nation is able to meet learned to respect and admire the [the demands in behalf of a suffering humanity. detached, truthful and able scientific mind that manifests itself here. \ OMAHA AND B'NAI B'RITHDOM. Favors Palestine University [':" The three "V's"—-vim, vigor, and vatility- -would well I found the- same detached and ! express the composition of the Omaha, delegation to the B'nai sympathetic-attitude among Gentiles, jiB';riih grand lodge convention, which was recently held in Des towards the project of a Hebrew uniLMoines, Iowa. . , versity in Jerusalem, the furthering i . Froni the time the Omahans reached the convention head- of which \^as the primary cause for quarters until they left, they were the center of attention. Very my trip to this country. A university 'rifew; conferences of any kind were held in which there was no in the resurrected and reconstructed '•representation from the Omaha delegation, Palestine will be the greatest instrui The Omaha and Chicago delegates composed the pivot from ment towards aiding free and infettered spiritual production by Jews. ich all activities of the convention radiated. \ "But-the Omaha delegation did hot hold its lofty position I regard it a most noble venture c because of sheer strength of numbers but because Omaha B'nai which should, in - the interests of fiB'rith has "done things",.and because of this has won the respect humanity,; he; crowded, with success. Likewise I-feel that the creation of a iof other lodges. ' normal-,-economic life by the : During the anti-defamation drive Omaha raised one^fifth of healthy, Jews in"Palestine-.will enrich the all the money raised in. the United States for this purpose. When world materially-i SncT spiritually. 'delegations were asked to pledge help to war-stricken orphans, p , We. livei ifivanage cf "exaggerated Omaha took OH more ^han its B^arei m h went nt i In ever every driv drive O Omaha ; nationalism; But my Zionism .does over the top p with flying yg colors;! '% •.':;:'.-\--r not exclude a Cosmopolitan -WeltThis brings ^ strength t This bringsbut ^ strength^ not caused numbers orrespect by political anschauung. .Ever.'mindful of the ipanipulations, by. a dignified andbywholesome and reality of Jewish: nationalism, I subsincere admiration from .other lodges. mit that Jews - also "have duties toThe Omaha delegation did bring home many honors—but they their • environment. But in .were honors won by hard, unselfish work and purses, loose-stringed, wards general, Zionism permits of manifold jto aid suffering humanity. interpretations. F o r ' the Jews of Ukrainia, Poland or Russia it has AWAKENED MY ,in, part and badly at that. Those who opened new possibilities and new JEWISH CONSCIOUSNESS maintain that the Jewish nationality hopes - for decent living, but to me, (Continued from Page 1) is, or is to be, limited to Palestine the outstanding feature of" the idea deny the existence of & Jewish peo- is that Zionism strengthen self pride Department of Instruction and re- ple. In that event they should, I feel, and selfrespect—qualities indispenceived its official "recognition and have the courage and consistency to sible to the continued existence of Sanction. work towards a thorough assimilation the Jewish people in Diaspora counj These and similar experiences awake in the Diaspora. tries. ^within me my national • Jewish conJews Felt Exclusive sciousness. I am a-nationalist in the Until a generation ago, the Jews ACCESSORIES FIRM sense that J regard the maintenance of Germany did not consider them OFFERS FREE ADVICE iof all nationalities as art important iaim in itself. I consider the Jewish selves a part of the Jewish people ON CAR LENSES nationality as an incontrovertible fact, They styled themselves "Germans o The National Accessories Co., Inc., the consequences of which all Jews the Mosaic Persuasion.". In fact are-bound to accept. . ThiSjindeed, is many of them stiil maintain them. 2012 Farnam street, has agreed rethe basis of my Zionism and the selves as such. I have found ihdee cently to co-operate with motorists motive for my Zionist activity. For that they are far more assimilated and law enforcing officials through nae, Zionism is not limited, ia any by their environment than the Jews the establishment o.f headlight testing colonizing effort in Palestine. Jewish of Russia. For, while in Russia, a' station in the rear of its building. At this station, motorists, -who are nationhood is a fact in both Palestine least before the outbreak of the war the , educated and cultured classes in doubt-as to whether their lights and the Diaspora and Jewish nationalism must develop wherever .Jews were opposed to and even fought the conform with the law which .tafe>E reside. Those Zionists who deny the anti-Semitic movement, the situation effect July 25, may receive expert existence of a Jewish nationality in in Germany was and is quite the advice regardless of the mako or tha. Diaspora or-those Zionists'who contrary. There the higher strata ofVtype of lens. refuse to participate, actively'' in its society are; the leaders-of ;.the" antii*' "Bed". Conn and, Leo Adler are the . reviyication are ddin« their work l>ut Jewish agitation and have even creat-proprietors of the accesories "When a country ceases ta meet the demands of humanity, it trill no longer be our country; it will be, if that time ever comes, i the "wretched and decaying memorial of another civilization that has crumbled; of another ideal that has failed, of another ambition of K dan's happiness that has somehow gone awry."
JEWISH DEPUTIES INTERCANADIAN -B'NAI B'RITH— RUPT PLANS - . " " MEMBEES VISIT HERE Sidney Goldstela end Lester Eicr, members fsf the B'nai B'rith. grand lodge convention, recently held 'in Des Moines, visited for several days in Omaha on tlieir return north. i n ,a letter to T i e Jewish Press, sent after lie returned to Winnipeg, Mr. Goldstein said: "Mr. Rice and myself wish to' thank the citizens of Omaha for their wonderful hospitality while .we were in their gra American city. • We were very much impressed with tfae progressiveness of Oraalxa and the hospitality; of its citizens."' •• • . Mr. Goldstein and MT, Rice were the guests of honor at many affairs "while- in this city.
Warsaw. (J. T. Agency.) Tb* Jewish Seim .deputies recently . issued a statement, that they will have s© further conferences with the Ministerial Commission on the Polish-Jewish agreement because that Commission is merely a veil for the' true antiSemitic tendencies of the presept government. On the other hand, the Deputies are willing and anxious to enter into ne-« gotiations with democratic leaders of the various Polish parties astf with' representatives of the Polish press with a view of working? out & satisfactory modus for friendly mutual relations. The '.Pulski Kurier" in its issue of May 15th reports that such conferences have • already begun.
How the tremendous problem of providing for the thousands of pogrom victims and other refugees who crowd into Constantinple from Russia and other estern European countries, was efficiently handled, is told in the annual report of Dr. I. TiomMn, director of the Joint Distribution Committee of the refugee work at Constantinople. In Ms report, made public by the American. Jewish Relief Committee, which, is seeking to raise §14,000,000 this year in order to maintain its relief and reconstruction work, Dr. Tiomkin said: r "Constantinople never, saw such an influx of refugees. Most of them were FIRST'SENTENCES IN eye-witnesses to continued pogroms, JAFFA EIOTS BELIEF COLLECTIONS of which no such similar ones had ever SUCCESSFUL London. (J.-T. Agency.) The first occurred. The yarrived here in rags, Vienna. (J. T. Agency.) The camjudgment against persons" arrested barefooted, their faces showing the paign here for relief funds for Ukrainduring and after the Jaffa riots were suffering. they' had endured. From published recently. Several Arabs ian refugees has been very successful. the day of their arrival they were, w e j J 8 £ e n t e n c e d t o s i s ^ ^ ^ ^ Orphans in public institutions have deforced to ask for aid. Many of them' onment for concealing objects taken cided to forego one meal a day for the vvere people of means in Eussia, but from pill&ged Jewish shops. One Jew benefit of the fund. ' owing to the almost collapse of the received a sentence of three months' Russian money system, their roubles imprisonment l o r carrying a revolver. were worthless. BUY DIRECT.—-Modern 8-room house, in good shape. Hanscons J. D. C. Only Helps • Arab demonstramts at Ssmlah "There was only one agency to help yesterday attempted to interrupt rail- Park district. Jewish neighborthem, the J. D. C , and thanks to its ways traffic "between Jerusalem and Jiood. Fine lawn and shade trees. emergency measures, a great catas- Jaffa, but their efforts were-frustrat- Close to two car lines. Only half trophe was averted." " ' j ed by the British, troops who hurriedly cash required. Phone, Hsrney 1273, evenings. • - '; Emergency relief was granted to arrived on the scene. 541 -persons and transportation and, other traveling expenses "were fur-j nished to 2970 t a 2970 refugees, most of the victims going to Palestine, the report 'says. Fifteen hundred persons received medical attention, the refugees arriving in a terrible condition physically and hygiencally. Because Constantinople is not an industrial town and because of language difficulties, tailors, carpenters and bootmakers' co-operat?ves .were established to furnish employment to the refugees. ;••••*• -Boy Your Sonmter Clothes Now
' •. • —Get-a FnH S e a s o n ' s W e a r Houses Built for Them To solve the housing problem, perPositively no further reductions this season, manent refugee homes were built in because at the very outset of this year, the suburbs. One of these homes, GREATER NEBRASKA marked all men's housing 300 persons, was comraendet! . clothing down to the last notch.—thus highly by Admiral Bristol, U. S. High Commissioner, and other officials. Hot food, milk and bread are given out at various kitchens particularly to the refugees passing through the city. "Present appropriations are . not adequate to handle this tremendous problem," Dr. Tiomkiii stated. "The COMPARE number of immigrants is increasing SEE GUH OOB VALUES W l ND..O.. W^ daily and the possibility of providing - TODAY. ALWAYS. work for them is becoming more remote. The high rosf of living shows no signs of soming down. All this makes it increasingly, important that j our appropriation from America be increased, so that we can provide for these suffering people who have 3IAYMEJ KRASNE PHOTO =COEEECT APFABEL FOB'MEN AND WOMSN escaped from the terrors of pogrom PLAY TO BE SHOWN HERE. lands. Mayme Krasne, who won the Metro photo play popularity contest Now playing—"YOU'RE IN LOVE" here, will be shr-wn: in moving pictures taken of her at the Metro X g man, nclferslty -graduate (degree of Arts and Scistudios in California. The Maymo ence), wits a wide knowledge of Krasne movie will be shown in conWEEK OF JUNE 12TE the Hebrew lscgnage and literatxspe and experienced in the junction with Viola Dana a t the teaching of same, -will accept position cs teacher in a Hebrew Moon, for one weefcstarting Sunday. Ecliool,' or do private tutoring. The original Bro-^fes Brothers saxo Write 3". KAMINSKT, SIM Corny Street, Telephone WEbster 4S75. an author's iuspmtios springs from the gutter. sextette will come ^to the Sxm theater in person, for one week, Matinees" T*>'--• Q1 Eve. Poptplar starting Sunday, June 12.
Are "Sale"
tWednesday l a y e r®n&s 25c—50c Matinees—SoiuI&F» rnnc
soc, 75c $1.00
••^ QUALITY COUNTS More and more Cadillacs are going into the hands* of careful buyers—because, in motor cars, as well ss in everything else, QUALITY, PERMANBKCE OF VALUE, and CONSTANT SATISFACTION w e . more important than price.
Week of June 12ih
in her latest production
America's greatest musical attraction —also—
JAMES OLIVER CURWOOD'S Wonder Story ef the North
Trip Through the i Metro Picture Studio's
And—among Cadillac owners you hear that Hangen'8 Service Station is economical, efficient-*-& safe place to have your Cadillac cared for. Think of QUALITY-—and your• answer will be C A D I L L A C . Buy from a firm that will reader $ - ••' gexrieeyow expect to receive.
X H. Haitsen Cadillac Co. and ~
Faraam at 26th.
Phone HA rn«F 07J.0
—THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1921.
Jrlqcday evening i n t h e lounge There will be a Shebuoth service at r TH;ORPEIAN NEWS [ of., t h e BlacfcstqQe hotel, t h e wedding Temple" Israel "Saturday Vevening ik o - — ? . - r ~ , \ i . _ • -.;; ,:_ ; ' , ; ; : ; . ; - - - - — Q A regular meeting of the Thorpe•of j ^ i s s Goldye Pred, youngest daugh- 8:00 o'clock and Sunday •morning at t e r of J$r. a n d Mrs. Boris Pred, t o 9:30. Eleven children will be' con-ian Athletic club was held Wednesday, June I. The resignation-of Mr. Mr, Mayer Spiesberger took place firmed. William ^hernis of Council fluffs, in t h e p r e s e n c e of t h e family, Rabbi The order of the confirmation which was at one time accepted, was Cohn. officiating. '••;•.•'• service is: : again brought up at this meeting and Mr. Mayer Cohn. w a s tHe best man, Prelude _.__ —Choir 'this time.was rejected, thereby reina n d . M r . Blaurice WoTowitz and M r Anthem—"Our . Father, We Beseech ...Choir stating Mr. Chernis into the ranks of Thy Grace" . S, H , Rabinowitch, a s ushers> stretch- Shebuoth Services ,...™ -Prayer Book, pp. 163-22T the Thorpeians. Mr. Marcus of the ed .the ribbons. Little Donald RabiProcessional—"STareh o t the Priests' ,nowitch carried the>ring on a lace .Organ South Side was unanimously voted membership.. cushion a n d M r s . Philip Woolfson, ENTKAJJCE OP GONFIBMAKTS A committee was appointed to arsister of bride, w a s h e r only attendOpening Prayer. -.-Isabel Graets range for a track meet to be held in ant. She wore a charming frock of Anthenv—"Blessed Redeemer" silver and tulle and carried a "shower Prayer of Acceptance. -Choir the near future. Another committee bouquet of pink roses and swansonia.' Marian Boseatbal was appointed to look up "the finances of the organization and report at the " T h e bride, entering oh t h e a r m of"And It Shall Come to Pass". __._._._»„ _ _.Leo Milton Bosencrans next meeting. • . heir father, wore a dress of silver £or5*G'od'V~Z™!IZZr_ The Thorpeians who were defeated tissue embroidered i n pearls a n d "The Lord, the —-—_X*o MUton Eosenerans ; ^.Choir in a game of baseball by the Y.-.M. covered with tulle. H e r veil which "Adonoi, Adono,1"__^ "The Torah" i—Jueo Milton- Kosencrana H. A., take this opportunity of chair w a ^ c o r o n e t shaped, was embroidered "Sh'ma. Yisroel" Class "Lecho Adonoi" ..Choir lenging the Y. M. H. A.-to another in pearls. . The Ten Commandments, .' ' [ A wedding supper followed f o r t h e SJice Adler and Class game. of BlessingCecelia Martin bridal . p a r t y , relatives a n d out-of- Prayer "O Magnify the Lora™-~ . L_.. The Young Judea Organization of —,—; —._ Leo Milton Kosencrans town guests. "Hodo al Eretz" ..___ ^_~__Choir Omaha presented the following progMr. and Mrs. Spiesberger left for "The I*aw of the. Lord",. ram Monday evening, Juna 6, at the Colorado Springs where they will "Eta Chayylm"__ _I<eo Alilton Rosencrans -Choir Swedish Auditorium to celebrate Naspend their honeymoon and upon FLOE AT, OFFERING tional Young Judea Dayr . their return will b e a t home a t t h e . .._._._ Audience Floral March— ~__"..™—.., r.™O r g a n Hatikvah P a i r v i e w . apartments."
HERE IS ZANG WILL POEM Israel Zangwill always writes out*>f a knowledge of Jewish life and a love of the Jewish people. NNot so widely known as .- his stories are his poems. Here is one:
JUDGE ROSENBLATT. RESIGNS order to be free to devote all his time New York. (J. C. B.Bfervice.) I t and energy to tifce work of the Keren was announced. this week that Judge "Hayesod., He leaves within a few Bernard Rosenblatt, who was appointdajrs to make a tour through the emmed several months ago as magistrate in this city, hss resigned his post in trv in the interests of that fund.
• * THE; INDICTiaENT" OF ISRAEL. '';.'.• Hear, 0 Israel, Jehovah, the.Lord our God, is One. But we, Jehovah, His people, are dual aid so undone. Slaves in eternal Egypts, baking their strawless bricks, At ease in successive Zions, prating their politics. Rotting in sunlit Soumania, pigging in Russian pale, Driving in Park, Bois and Prater, clinging to Fashion's tail; Reeling before, every rowdy, sore with a hundred stings, Clothed in fine linen and purple, loved at the courts of kings; Faithful friends to our foemen, slaves to a scornful clique, .; The only Christians in Europe, turning the other cheek;
* Wday
COMING FBOM WEST POINT, Miss Eose Weinberg left' Sunday Ben Stern, eon of Mr, and Mrs. L. - for pe&Moines^ where she-will spend JL Stern, .who attends .the .XJnited Bfrveral weeKs with Mr. and Mrs. '."AT States Military Academy at West BJank. ' Point, will arrive tomorrow to spend the summer vacation with his parMiss Sylvia Kulakofsky will enter- ents. He will return in the Fall to tain twenty guests" at her home Sat- enter tiff Junior year. urday afternoon for Miss Euth Gross, a bride of this month. WINS MILITARY HONOR Max Greenberg, son of Mr. and ,Mr. and Mrs. Leon Graetz will be Mrs. S. Greenberg of. this city, a a t home Sunday afternoon and eve^freshman a t the University of Nebnirig for their daughter, Isabel, who raska, won second honors i n the comW confined at Temple Israel. petitive drill of one thousand held there last week. He returned MonAt a regular meeting of the Hafik- day to spend his vacation with his voh Girls club, the following officers parents here. • 'were "elected:VMiss Gertrude Eomm, president; Miss Gertrude White, vice !• The Misses Esther and Yetta Napresident; Miss Zena Maizel,, secre- than* will entertain fifty guests at a tary;'Miss Kate Goldstein,-treasurer, Tea Sunday afternoon at the Blackand Miss Jennie Krestul, reporter. stone hotel, for Miss Eose Whitebook The new Council members are: Kate whose marriage to Mr. Louis, Nathan Goldstein, Tobie Eoss and Martha will take place on June 16. Hurwitz. Miss Berthe Leon entertained at Mrs. Mitchell Katleman entertain- her home Saturday afternoon for her ed Wednesday evening at the Bran- house, guest Miss, Sylvia Lewis of -deis theater followed by a supper Rock Island, Thirty were present. party at the Fonfenelle for Miss Eose Miss Esther Levitah of Madison, Wis.Kubinson, the house guest of Mr. and consin, "Miss Sheila Leaf of New Sirs. J. H. Kulakofsky; York and Miss Pannye Gellerman of Rock Island, who is the guest of Miss TKe Junior Welfare Organization Rose Whitebook, were the out-ofheld its last regular meeting of the town guests. Miss Lewis, who has year, Sunday afternoon, June 5, when been visiting * at Kansas City and Mrs. Leff-Caldwell, head resident Exqelsior Springs, will remain here •worker of the Social.-Settlement,'-, ad- for several weeks before returning to dressed the members on •"American- her home. ization. This organization is planning a picnic to be held during the Miss Fannie London left Saturday summer. The regular meetings will for-Atlanta, Georgia, where she will again be resumed in September. visit for several weeks.. ;
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Kendis and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky endaughter, Evelyn, who 'have been vis- tertained thirty guests informally at iting Mrs. Kendis' parents, Mr. and their home Saturday evening, for Mrs. I. Periman, left Wednesday for their house guest, Miss Rose Rubintheir home in Sedalia, Missouri. son of Des Moines. Miss Jeannette Shames, who underMrs. Sol Levitan and daughters, went a slight operation, is now im- the Misses Esther and Ethel Levitan, proved and at he:£ home. of Madison, Wisconsin, visited with friends here for several days. The wedding of Miss Euth Gross daughter of Mr. and Mrs; H. Gross, Mrs. B. Rosenblatt, who has spent to Mr. J. M. Malashock will take some time here visiting relatives will place-in the presence of the immedileave for her home in Los Angeles, ate family fit the Gross home, TuesCalifornia, Tuesday. day afterpqbn, June 21, 5:&0 o'clock, after which-a reception will be held at the Biackstone hotel. Two hundred -Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wertheimer-wiH and fifty, invitations have been ex- leave Saturday for Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, to join their sons, who tended for the reception. > are attending Northwestern Military Miss' Rose Bugenstein of Minnea- SchooL Pram ..there they, will go to g , ana,_o ..visit. iit.m Mr, polis is-the hdusaigues±Ti>f'JDr-..3nd.X!go»ier, Indisaa,.te 1 m WerfJwwn""*' 3frs. O. C. Goldner. •> - - « - •-*
Pious, fanatical zealots, throttled by Talmud-coil, Impious, lecherous skeptics, cynical stalkers of spoil; Wedded 'neath Hebrew awning, buried 'neath Hebrew sod, Between not a dream of duty, never a glimpse of God; Risking our lives for our countries, loving our nations' flags, Hounded therefrom in repayment, hugging our bloody rags; Blarneying, shivering, crawling, taking all colors and none, Lying a fox in the covert, leaping an ape in the sun.
. Miss Annette Fanger, daughter of rear and is standard Cadillac in every Mr. and Mrs. L. Fanger, is recover- r e s p e c t . •'•'-• ing at St. Catherine's hospital from In explaining the reason for this injuries received in an automobile exhibition, Mr. Hansen said: "The accident May 28. motor buying public is extremely interested in what it gets for its moMorris Margolin received his A.B.ney. It seems that everyone wants ta degree at the University of Nebras- make sure of purchasing a first-class'' ka last Monday, He will now con-article and receiving real value, so I tinue 'his-f studies • a t the tncdics^' col- decided to -show as many people as lege here. possible, prospective buyers, owners' of Cadillac cars and everyone interAn Alumni Association of all those ested, just how the Cadillac is conwho have been confirmed or Bar structed. We are finding many peoMitfcvab. at Temple Israel is to be ple interested in -purchasing wisely formed at the Temple Tuesday eve- and a great number of sales have ning, June 14, after which a recep- resulted from this unique exhibition." tion will be tendered to the 1921 " most interested members of evsry confirmation class. The Sisterhood is crowd, however, are the Cadillac sponsoring this first meeting and is owners who drive up in their Cadillac endeavoring to reach every confirm- <ars to learn more of the reasons ant of Temple Israel. Mrs. Nathan the Cadillac is so well-known for
f o r Europe.-.•':--;j.--^--"-"-j •:-•••-.>•:'
Ask the folks who trade if i
Priests of the household altar, blessing the bread and wine, Lords of the hells of GomorrahV licensed keepers of swine; Coughing o'er clattering treadles, saintly and underpaid, Ousting .the rough from Whitechapel—by learning the hooligan's trade;
~Kosaline Goldstein Floral Invocation.. Led by Fairies of Zion Octette. .._.. . _; Confirmants Piano Mottoes Solo : ; Ann Ruback Floral Prayer..__.^_Ha*rlette K. Fleishman - The marriage of Miss Marie Adler, Violin Solo.— . —.-.Miss Helen Sommer "Daughters of Zioa Clun"— Rose JXiukin, Leader. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Adler '•Love and Charity"-,.-,. ...Ruth Greenberj Recitation ! _ . Bettie Steinberg .: Ruth PoBaci "Lillies of 2Uon Club"—-Tina Altschuler, of this, city, to Mr. Ben Binder of St. Prayer of' Gratitude™, Tantalus-Proteus of Peoples, security comes from within; Leader. • -. ' Louis w a s solemnized in St. Louis -Where is the lion of Judah? Wearing an ass's skin! PROFESSION OF FAITH Vocal Solo j _. Sadie Drevich Accompanied by Mary Rnback. •• this afternoon. After a honeymoon Declaration of Principles...—.;._-_—— Hear, O Israel, Jehovahjthe Lord our God, is One, "Flowers ot Zion dab"—Barah Knback, __^ Lonlsc Marian Eosenthal Leader. . to Atlantic City, Mr. and Mrs. Bin• . But we, Jehova, His People, are dual and so undone.—Israel ZzngvriYL Confession of Faith_....._ Anne Goldberg Dnet, Jennie LeibQ'svitz, Lena Perlis der will be at home in New York. The Doctrines of Judaism— Confinnants Violin Accompanied by Sara Rae Fish. "Xoung Judaea Junior, Club"^-Mrs. Ben t Mr.-and. Mrs. Adler and their daugli Solo—"How Beantifnl ' Upon the Mountains" (Harker)— Miss Feller Handler, Leader. tor, Mrs. Win. Rips of Tulsa, Okla- Address and Awarding of Certificates -Kabbl Frederics Cohn Xoung Judaea and Its Program, Mr. Fred (Mantel, President of the Sisterhood, its dependability, •which after all is homa, who has been visiting here, Tfca _C<mfirmants White. . . ___ ..;•. said they were able to locate a prog- built right into the chassis." 'Poor left for St. Louis Tuesday, where ram first confirmation Whereever this chassis has been "Poor Mary Brown"—-Comedy in Two L of ~ * the « . - ««„*. -«^c™ j . : service _.:..~ CONSECRATION Acts, by HatitTali Girls. ; they will remain until the end, of the Coached by Miss Libby Jlinkin, Leader. of fifty years ago of which class Mr. shown, large attendance is reported, .,i__—Eabbl Cast ot Characters Blessing..... ~. - week. Mrs. Rips will then return to The Albert Cahn and Mrs. David Gross which, according to Mr. Hansen, ..Alice, Adler - in Order of Appearance: Prayer for Guidance—— Y Phyllis Hodson Bertha Kushner her home in Tulsa. Pollack ..Leo Closing Prayer—. '—— are the only members now residing proves that people are more interestZenobia Hodson Gertrude White Anthem—"I Waited for the Lord" Gertrude Eomp in Omaha. All confinnants of the ed in quality than in price. ...Choir • Miranda Hodson (Mendelssohn) .—;—__ .—Rabbi Mrs. Van Sittart (Aunt).._Tobie Eoss Temple are urged to attend this " Mr. and Mrs. B. Pred entertained Benediction.. .Organ Solo Dance -.^ PosUufle _ ; Estella Lapidus more than a hundred guest's at a meeting. Young Judaea Senior Club. • dinner dance Saturday evening, at Jewish Art Theater ia Berlin Eecitatioa Dorothy Reuben TO HAVE RECITAL - the Blackstona hotel, for their daugh"Herzl Girls"—Anne Greeuberg, Leader. Berlin. {J. C. B. Service.) A com. ter Miss Goldye Pred and her fiance, In his second piano recital of the Vocal Selections ._ Fairies ot Zion Octette CHASSIS EXHIBITED BY pany has been formed in in Berlin to Accompanied by Miss Mary Maizel, Leader CADILLAC CONCERN HERE -. Mr. Mayer Spiesberger. The. Orientel month, Mr. Harry Brayiroff will pres- Ruth,Green, establish a Yiddish Art Theater. Sophia' Spar, Esther Cohn, A Cadillac chassis, stripped, of its Negotiations have already been con' room, where the dinner was served, ent the following junior pupils from Freeda.Novey, HelenJanger.-KoseBaum, accessories, body, windshield, hood cluded and the first performance is was attractively hung with lanterns his class on, Wednesday" evening, June Francis Kobinson, Lillian Miller. * and gayly. colored balloons and the 15, at 8:15 o'clock at.his studio in the Jazz Impersonations _ H>srmine Hirschman and top, 13 being exhibited through to take place in the ."Deutsches Accompanied by Mrs. H. Hirschman. guests were seated at an H-shaped Lyric building: Ethel Simon, Gertrude Mock Trial Knights of Zion Club this territory by the J. H. .Hansen Theater" of Mas Keinhardt. The Judge , Isidore Mitchell Cadillac Co. Tins car is bemg driven c e l 6 b r a t e d V i l n a Company, whose Wintroub, Jeanette Levinson, Bess table which was beautifully decorated Attorney for Defense Nathan Adelsoa from town to town to show^the public m 0 £ t r e n 0 W B e d members Sam Minkia - with huge niounds of bride's roses. and Ida Newman, Bertha Slutzkin, Presocuting Attorney members have have alalm0£t ren0WBed Defendant Isidore Sasfcin = the. internal parts of the ^ u^ ^ffi present ] A tiny cupid emerged from a huge Frieda Adler, Lillian Chudacaff, Ida (Defendant accused of attending too many the parts of the high-grade high-grade II dd aa rr rr ii vv ee aa ii nn BeT u^ ^ffi BeT present motor car. Every - wedding cake, and after shooting an Babior, Ann Fogel, Eva Cohn, Esther Young Judaea meetings.)very piece of mechanism | +the . _i« plays. v_ Music by Sarah Warsaw. is visible from the front end to the arrow a t the honored couple, danced Paier, Dorothy Margolin, Bertha
off of the tables. There was dancing Margolin, Emma Eothkovitz, Betty Steinberg, Celia and • Sara Levine, in the ballroom. • ~~ Helen Winer, Harold Kehdis, Tibby Mrs. Herzberg i s confined to her Wolf son, Sophia Lezek, Louis Wintroub, Sara Janoffy Ida Tenenbaum, - Home, due to illness. Dorothy Wejner, Libby Eovitz, Albert Miss Mary Paper of S t Paul, who Finkel^ Edith Dolgoif and Edward ; : < will be remembered as the house Rosenblatt. - , •. -.. ; Betty Steinberg aiid Jeannette Le^ guest of Mr.:an'd;Mrs. J . H.*EuIak6fs B&y during, the pastrmrfcet,' sailsSaV vinsbn'will assist with recitations. ?.'•
For the Kb era! patronage accorded' this store
The Kosher Restaurant af 316 South Fii* ' teenth Street is now under the control of Mr. and Mrs. R. Goldstein well known Chicago Kosher restaurant caterers. • Mr. and Mrs. Goldstein Lave years of experience in the Kosher restaurant business
Real Home Cooking.. Cleanliness and reasonable prices
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^ ? 9 f a five -pssseoger, J. quality automobile, completely equipped and haying a powerful vaWe-in-heaci motor, for $645r Chevrolet Model "Four-Ninety" is the greatest automobile value of this or any other year.
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'ability'has mmrn the friendship Your comparison of this Barimdbm •thousoftds vf'&wners. A trunk built ' Wwdrobe Trmnic will be convfmdng*.for heavy•. travel* It is made especially fox Freling & Steinle and includes the exclusive Eaxtmssn opsa, cushion top,1 locking bar, rprine: lock, hangers, bendry bag , shoe box and fear roomy dr&wexs. Formerly priced s t £72.50. Now—!
Hearr Cushion Lift Top, staking all^ garments easy to r e t *.t. Toe- will bp. proud of thi? Hartinann Wardrobe. Very speeief at
Indading War Tax. Kartmsca Wardrp!>o Tran&i fk&l were $55-50, now, , § . Hartzaana Wardrobe Truafe* that were $47.50, B©W. , S 3 6 . 5 0 The evident preference for Kartmarm Wardrobe -rruxiks Kmoitg _, . d travelers is the result of exclusive conveniences and superiorities of construction* ,W8 now offer this convincing: demonstration "without obligation.
"Aar-iVi.-Mi£jM Timing Car. $645, / . e. b. Flirt, Mick.
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Many attended the closing social event of ,the season- here Tuesday evening at Eagle's halL An entertainment given by the,Junior Auxiliary of the Council of Jewish. Women was- the- feature of the evening. Immediately following the program a dance was given'by the Council of Jewish "Women. The hall was decorated .with flags and ribbons of various colors. The ribbons formed the "letters of "Council' Bluffs." Peonies, roses and flowers decorated the entrance to the large hall. • • There was a Varied Program. .As the curtain was raised, "The Gypsy Girl" dressed in Oriental costuine performed various "Alexander the Great" prophecies. The act of the "Misleading Lady" •brought forth laughter from the audience. The mysterious "Jaclc-iii-the-B.ox" with the "Dancing Doll'' was the center of attraction during, the evening. Miss Gertrude Marks coached the plays arid also took, a- leading part .in the •Toy shop." :\i'.i r; ^,.;. " . • The program follows: : . Act I. The Gypsy's Camp. . ' O v e r her caldron the gypsy broodB, ' She knows your thoughts; she knows ,•'.
5 DR. HIRSCK'S 70TH BIRTHDAY. all the heart must be stirred as Mrs., A. Rosenberg entertained the CALENDAR " Surrounded by loving friends and as the mind, and we .question whether Semi-monthly club Wednesday after56S1—-1920—-1921 noon at a luncheon. Out-of-town well-wishers, Dr. Emil G. Hirsch, an appeal strictly to reason can meet ' • • 1921' guests present were Miss Ruth Lethe greatest of the "older school" fee yearning of those who seek 18 Lag B'0mer....'........May> 26 Bowski of New -York and-Mrs. Ranch- ,;• Of*.' all the' dirtyJ spawn germinated swayed by race-prejudice has a mind of rabbis, whose fame is inter- spiritual aourislinient. —" Edit6i;lr* Sivan 1 Kosli-Chodesb. June 1 man' of Oakland, Calif. national,- the outstanding figure in Jewish .Criterion of Pittsburgh. . . • Sivan 6 First Day of Petecost • in the refuse left by- theGreat' War, that is not grown up. ; ,....«.....June IS To the Jewish race humanity owes the American pulpit, was honored on Miss Libby Snyder, daughter of Mr. one of the most curious species is the the occasion of his 70th birthday last HIAS ESTABLISHES BRANCHES; Ts.mm.nz Eosh-Chodesh ...July G~l 'scare that certain sensation mongers the Ten Commandments, which are the and Mrs. S. Snyder, Wednesday reSunday. Sinai Congregation, whose • IN ROUMAKIA j Tammuz 17 Fast of Tarnmia... July 23 ceived' her Bachelor of Arts Degrees . have endeavored to work up, that the foundation of all law throughout fame is linked up with, that of Dr. Warsaw. (J. T. Agency.) The Hias j 1 Eosh-Chodesh Aug. ,.f from Columbia University, New Yprk. /Jews are.and for centuries have been Christendom. To the'Jews we owe Hirech's, outdid itself to show its Delegation;.with'-Mr. Adolph .Held a s ' Av ! implicated in a plot to ' overturn all all the principles of morality we Av 9 Fast of Av '...Aug. P. appreciation and its regard for its its chief has just retumet to Warsaw Ellcl ' Rosh-Chodesh....Sept 3-*J - Mr. and- Mrs. Sam Goldberg1 will ^governments, conquer the world^ahd possess. revered and scholarly leader. frosn an' exteuted stay is Roumairia ' put a descendant,. of David on^^ie SGS2 I. •To the Jewish race mankind is inbe at home Sunday afternoon and - Dr. Hirsch was one. of the "free and Bessarabia where officers were 1 Rosh Hashana Oct.13 debted for Jesus Christ, its greatest lances", of the pulpit in respect to established to assist the Ukrainian! Tishri evening for their daughter, Anne, who ' throne. Oct. J | will be confirmed at Temple Israel. j Probably no respectable intelligence spiritual and cultural leader. emigrants in those countries. The Hias Tishri 10 Tom Kippur 'has been deceived by it; but then a Those who agitate against the Jews the fact of his refusing to be bound j headquarters and branches will -work FOR SALE—All modern house, vast number of intelligences are not) are fit companions to those crooked by ordinary congregational rules and! in conjunction with representatives of MORE THAN A QUARTER OF '% , MILLION JEWS IN ENGLAND 'i seven rooms and bath; furnished or respectable., sticks who are doing their utmost to regulations. He has always been a] the Emigrant Committees. The public has always been fond of work up an anti-British sentiment in law unto himself. When his congreLondon, {J. T. Agency).—In itj unfurnished. North -Side. Terms. deep laid plots and melodramatic the United States, and of those who gation wouldn't come en Saturday1 Address: 44, care of Jewish Press. last issue, the "Weekly DispatcHi" Danzig Elecfs Representative schemes of universal conquest. And warn us against the Negro and the he wouldn't hold Saturday services. brings, figures showing that there nti The Emigration Committee of this And to a ( large extent • there has alat present more than two hundred Erail Hirsch Professorship in the public had always been, readier to Japanese. • ways been a note of pessnv.ism in city has decided to participate in the and fifty thousand Jews in th; Jewish Theological Institute. follow its prejudices and passions than Nothing but evil can come out of conference at Brussels on June 9, and New York, (J. C. B. Service).—In its reason. Fiction is a good deal such mental filth. The sound common his relation to his people religiously has elected its representative. British Isles. speaking. One discerns it in his connection with ceremonies celebrating more interesting than fact, sense of American will surely purge it- sermons ' and lectures. And when SS3 ^5 the seventieth birthday of Dr. Emil i' Anti-Semitism, or Jew baiting, is a self of such vicious prejudices. aroused he has become exceedingly D. Hirsch of Temple Sinai of Chi- | constant quantity in Europe. It flour.SWKBUY SAFE cynical in his talks .to his congregacago, Dr. Stephen S. Wise, wh'o was ishes best'in those regions wfeere there *In Current Opinion! tions, and nothing arouses his ire so WflEN YOU BUY JEWELRY one of the speakers, made an appeal is the most ignorance. much and produces such a caustic I A German anti-Semitic writer manu-1 for the establishment of a chair in FROM IK, YOU "BUY SAFT It Pays to Get Our President of vein as when Jews chase the UnitJewish Theology at the proposed Jew- '• 'factored'a clumsy lie, to the feffect that Oar guarantee and our word is sid Over 6.000 Hoofs j r . Club, arian or Ethical Culture gods. We as good,as a bond. ish Institute of Religion in New York, ! ever since King Solomon's day the, 5,7?J, Our Roofs Are Our Proof* on have heard him inveigh in bitterest We have satisfied hundreds of Our Specialty in the name of Dr. Hirsch..The greater [Jews have been scheming to: rule the '" r. Park Fences. -eady Roofing over old shingle* \ '.-' .-::' -."• : " f -•'. terms against those Jews for whom j your friends. part of the fund has.'already been 'earth.. All Work CtiiaranteedWHen one sees the various fences he coined the word "Jewnitarians."-| This was supposed to be proved by subscribed by members of'the Free Tenns and billboards in Chicago that deface He is conceded to be the greatest Synagogue. In making the presenta- the discovery of' a document called Harney 2574 "The Protocols of the Wise Men of residence districts with their glaring Jewish scholar and the greatest tion, Dr. Wise said: OSiec apd Warehouse* 1514 Dodge Street. signs, for which the owner receives Jewish oraior in the pulpit. He has 3122 Leavcnworth "I. offer Dr. Hirsch a birthday gift Zion." This document was .fiction, -Phase: Douglas 5619in the name of the Free Synagogue. and poor, fiction at that, but it served a liberal compensation, one may be won national fame as a speaker both reminded that a Jew ia Pittsbui-gh in and out of the pulpit. But with • - • We are about to establish in New its purpose. it all we sometimes wonder if a York a Jewish Institute of Religion ;• These Jew-baiters ask us to believe for the training of men for the Liberal" that the Jews "are endeavoring to year by his refusal to permit adver- rabbi could not serve his mission as Jewish, ministry, young Jewish grad- introduce everywhere irreligion and tising on the fences that"-surround the •well.or better if he were blessed with uates of American colleges and uni- • moral,decadence.. . They work for the huge ball park that he owns. This a little less scholarship and a little j "is Barney Dreyfuss, president of more of the "pastor" spirit. After versities. As the founder, I offer Dr. 'economic disorganization and;ruin of Pittsburgh Baseball Club. The Hirsch the Honorary Presidency and Christian civilization, and hence are at j Baseball Park is the only a visiting. Professorship of Jewish • the bottom of all bolshevism, violence, j park of importance in the country that Omaha's Theology in this Institute. Long be- ' wars, strikes and revolutions." j doesn't carry advertising on the fences-; Newest and Finest Equiped fore this, with his profound and I t ^ a s the Jews, they would have us! Bath-House. versatile scholarship and his power of believe, that brought on the late war. that surround it. Covering a period! of possibly twenty years, this repreBaths., Massag*, Hot Packs, Elecinspiration over youth, Dr. Hirsch It was the Jews who were responsible tric Treatment, Iahalatorium. sents a loss in rentals of probably a •
Sent, by our .Council Bluffs Nevro bureau."
. . ; , . - •
- Ton cannot deceive her,- this mystic one, Do' not misjudge her'tls only ion. ^Ehe Gypsy - . .. Stella; Trochtenbers Songs ; -— Kina Snyder Art H. Scene fcfbm.the HlBleaiUng l a d y . Lady in. '..., ,,..,. ,—'.. , 'Inez Krasne in Blue Rose Xd in Rose .... " ,,' ,' , Natalie Natalie Nogg Nogg y iia • Lavendnr lieoaa Krasue Ld li K Xiady In Green—Jacqueline Cherniak Xady In Pink Mildred Solomon Xiady in lellotv ____ Xioretta Krasne l a d y in Pnrple _ L_ Marie GUinsky . MusiS ' Miss' • Janet, Gilinsky , Jdandolln" Solo ——Maurice Gilinsky ; Kecita'tion : Kathan Nogg -Act UX. The TOT Shop. ' . The' Shop Keeper - Gertrude Cherniafc JacK-in-the-Box •; Reva- Gilinsky The Soldier ' ' ' Freida Goldberg Xopsy • -' • - •"' Gertrude Marks Dancmg Boll -^____ S'Befra Snyder Singing Doll - _• Bina Snyder \Mias Janet GiUnsky Music
More Than Just Something to
cause to let Dr Hirsck come to us | The Jews are :human beings,' no and teach for at least one month • worse,;no better than the rest of us. Request That Jewish Workingmen be Released on Sabbath. J .'As a rule they are mentally alert, Paris. 4J. T. Agency.) A report themselves, for-his'calling, may sit at j thrifty, shrewd, generous and amiable. from Athens states that Greek-Jewhis feet." _' . '
Jerusalem. (J. C. B. Service.) The. Education Department I of the Palestine- has opened classes in Hebrew for the British officials now acting in Palestine. The first examination was held at the end of April.
and Harnij-.
2830 - . - : JDonglas 2333.
\ Miss Kina Snyder, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S.; Snyder, 300 Oakland avenue, who for the past six months had
Steiner" Electric Meatchopper and Coffee Mill. Usea Scales of All Maies for . Sale.
been in California, arrived home Sat.
• •
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Barry H. Lapldtas.-^Pres.-'SieaB.-'Jos. Pepper. Vicf>-P?esMest.-\ V!. G. Ure. Secretary." -
i Ire You :And Family Protected Against |
SSteeet &l Phone" Doue. 0409.
I =
• ' T h e Three; Table Card club held their meeting:-Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. L. Cherniack. -
I Omaha Fixture & f Supply Co. We occupy over 70.000 sonare feet Soothwest Corner derenth and Dooglns Streets. Phone: Donjrlag 2T24 OMAKA. STEB.
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Citr Bepresentatlve , SIS So. IBtU St. Phone DOoglas 3333
Is a real foo3s rich i s every-element that goes to. develop the bo(jy ^nd promote healti and rigor. It's the best loofl you can give year kiddies to make them sturdy—Reep them vreil snd bappy. " .It supplies protein—building material of tlie best ktofi-—ftjr-tb% • growtb and repair, of muscles aafi other tissues. It ••furnishes Sat and-«ugar—fael-or energy, enabliss fbe^Baftcljinery of -the body to do its work. It" provifies-"teinetsi- sisbstancas .srlJlcSi fe'eJp t© imiW bone - ttoi teeth antl regBlste tbs' boSy/processes. • • •• -•--•• ,-> It contains En abundance. of the life-etfsteinfng VKaminaiHprotective substances vrMch enable the body to resist disease and whicli promote the normal-'"grovtb. o£ children—without .srhicfo, scientists declare, our physical development would be stonted. Don't" think of Alamito Milfe as just "somet&ing to drifefc," Mcliide It as part of every meal—for ite food value. ;;
Dayton Money Weight and Detroit Automatic Scales and Meat Slicers
CONCANNON BROS., Props. 1401 Farnara St., Bssement Entrance. Telephone: Tyler 5731 OMAHA, NEB.
They have their share of croolcs and I ish leaders there have, requested a In response, Dr. Hirsch accepted the offer of Honorary.-Presidency and perverts, as do Catholics and Pro-Marge tobacco syndicate which emj ploys .thousands of Jews to release Visiting Professorship In the: Jewish 1' testants. from working on the Sabbath. Whoever allows' himself to be Institute of Religion and made an appeal for its support. Two members of Sinai immediately offered one thousand dollars1 each for the work.
The Tegular meeting of the Council Bluffs order of the B'nai B'rith •was held Wednesday evening at the Danish halL :
fnr thpv
'e~ closing exercises of the Sunday school was held- Sunday afteribon at the Danish halL Many of the fathers and mothers and friends of the pupils were, present to witness the closing: celebration: of .the Sunday school. The following pupils received certificates of honor, in. their respective classes: First class; Ruth Bernstein, Gwendolyn. Meyerson, Helen Steinberg and Eae Bernstein. Second class; Mariam Katelman and Earl Boss. Third classf Toby Katelman, Morton Eichards . and . Paul Brandeis. Fourth class; Tillie Markowitz, Rose Shyken and Charles Goldberg. :
urday. '[•',••••'•'.•:
Frank Crane
The tegular meeting of the Hebrew Educational Clulv of Council Bluffs was' held Monday evening at; the home of Misses Helen and Esther Gherniss, 1016 Sixth-avenue. It was decided that the d u b should hold two social meetings a month, during the months o£ July, and August. Election of officers will take place at the next regular meeting, which will be held at the home of Miss Jennie Katelman, 412 Oakland avenue, June 20. The program of the evening was as follows: Talk on "Judaism," Harry Perelmeter; Beading of Psalms, Freida Goldbergj "Shvuous, I f s Meaning and History," Mr. Philip Romanov.
OF CHARGE FREE TOURING INFORMATION . 1,800 Pairs! Sale'Confcieties Friday and Saturday The Styles—-Theo ties, l and 2-eyelet ties, oxfords, seamless pumps and. many other styles. The ties come in leather low heels only, the pumps have both Louis and Military jheels. ,
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