June 16, 1921

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i used to | | profit Today" will !l! accumulate power §1 for you Tomor-


1 I ~ jjj -~rIjf •&•%• 5*1 '

]?{. T o conquer one*®

II 1 self Is the first | al and noblest of si! 18 ii!1 fill- victories* —• Bea*' SL5 .Franklin.

»••• £ 3




VOL.1—NO. 27.

i second-class 'mall- matter on January 27th, .1921, at "t Omaha, Nebraska, under the Act of March 3, 1879.



Cok Celebrates thfearlsiabM; ire In

The Jewish National Fund and . Many Omaha Jews attended the 25 YEARS A RABBI Flower Day will be observed by Shrine convention, held in Des Omaha Jewry, Sunday, June 19. Momes Monday, Tuesday and WedThis is aa annual national custom. nesday. Among them -was Saul Levy, who is an' honorary thirtyFlowers will be sold in every third ; degree Mason,, 'one of the large city in the United States to highest degrees in the order. Mr. secure funds t o . purchase land in Levy is the only Jew in the state Silver Anniversary will be SunThe Public is Invited to Hear Palestine in the name of the Jew- Chicago Mae Will Head Shipish Commonwealth. All money Says Jews Have Been Inspira- holding this honors'-' ": •. . Discussion at Temple ping Board: Prommeni day ; Graduate of Hebrew deposited in the Jewish National - tion to Others in Giving; Special entertainment was proIsrael • in Politics, Union College and Cincinnati Fund Boxes during the past year Immigrants Erected vided for them * By Des Moines University. Building. Debate: "Resolved that Immigration will-be collected also, Sunday. Albert D. Lasker of Chicago, memShriners. Many went to Des Moines L. Kr.eeter will be in charge of ber of the American Jewish Committo Palestine Should be Restricted." by automobile and" camped in the Rabbi Frederick-Cohn of Temple Special to "TQE JEWISH PBESS." Place: Temple Israel, Park Avenue . the Omaha drive and will be assist- tee, president- and owner of the Lord p a r k s . : . • • • " : -.••-.• '• I > • Israel will celebrate his silver anniNew York, June 15.—The new builded by all Young Judaea Clubs. and Thomas Advertising Company of and Jackson Street., versary as a Eabbi Sunday, June 19. ing of the Hebrew Sheltering and Chicago, and one of the princips? ownTime: Sunday evening, June-19. Twenty-five year ago, Sunday, Eabbi Immigrant Aid Society was officially ers in many other big enterprisers, has The Public is Invited. Cohn delivered the valedictory at the opened- Here Sunday~ afternoon by been selected by President Harding' commencement exercises of his class President Harding who pressed a as chairman of the United States The Aleph Y debating team will at the Hebrew Union College in Cinbutton connected with t h e auditorium Shipping Board. Mr. Lasker is the again meet1 the Sioux City debating cinnati, Ohio. • . ' ": •" ' of the building.' This marked the be- Supt." of Omaha Federation to Be in first Jew named fay Harding to a place team Sunday evening at the Temple Following his graduation-he acceptginning of a week of ceremonies, in of. high responsibility in the adminisIsrael, Park avenue and Jackson ' Cpeclal to "THE JEWISH. PEESS." Attendance—Many Prominent ed the pulpit at Fort Wayne,'Indiana, honor of the -'-dedication."-' ' street. The Omaha team will uphold Cleveland, O., June 15.—Dr. Simon tration, where he remained until -1904.' Then Workers to Speak. President Harding sent the followthe negative side of' the question: Barucli, one of America's distinguishMr. Ls-skcr, noted as a s organizer, he came to Omaha where he has reing message: _ "Eesolved that Immigration to Palesed physicians, father of Bernard M. is the author of the famous Lsp"kcr sided ever since. • > . .: For the purpose of developing def"I wish to express to you my con- inite principles of Jewish social serv- The membership of the'Temple has tine Should be Eestricted." Baruch, financier, died Thursday at plan, by which the baseball warfaregratulations and good wishes on the ice, standardizing professional quali- doubled and a new struct?ire has been • The Omaha team defeated the Sioux his residence here. waged last year was finally settled. It occasion of the opening and dedication fications and presenting programs for acquired under the administration of City team at Sioux City, several weeks Dr. Simon Baruch's activities as was Lasker who advocated the selecof the new home of your society. Your the coming year, the National Con- Dr. Cohn. When, • Eabbi Cohn first ago. ' consulting physician and writer on tion of Judge Kenesaw Mountais Lanorganization has for more than a score medical subjects extended over a pe- dis as arbiter in national baseball. Mr. The following raen will represent came to Omaha the Temple was a of years carried on a most useful, ference of Jewish {Social Service will wooden structure a t Twenty-third and riod of nearly sixty years. He was Lasker. owns important interests in tue Omaha team: Israel Goodman, Rabbi Frederick Cohn. patriotic and humane service.and I be held in Milwaukee JuneM9-22: Harney streets. widely known as. a specialist in Qaaker oats, the Mitchell Motor Car Sam Beber and Fred-White. The Sioux • . • • Supt. S. H. Shaefer of the Jewish join with you in the hope that with the City team will be represented by: chronic diseases and in hydrotheropy. Company and Van Camp's, He is a Dr. Cohn has been very active in enlarged facilities you are_now secur- Welfare Federation here will attend civic and social work.-—He was one of Morris Piebus, Louis Pickus and Her- Dr. Barneh wss born in Germany. patron of baseball and owns stotik in - ' . ing you will be able to expend and the conference. man Saks.. The judges for the debate In his youth he came to the United the Chicago Nationals. the organizers of the city's board of In addition, t o the officially accredimprove it. The charity and liberality will be Eabbi Wappick and Mr. Willi- States and completed his education at For the past three years he was public welfare of which ha is ^now of the Hebrew people have always ited delegates from organizations, a chairman. He is a member of" the the Medical College of Virginia, feom prominent ia Illinois politics* being a aiu Grodinsky. been peculiarly notable and an inspir- large number of board members and directing boards of the Jewish Welstaunch supported of Will Hays when Many followers of the Sioux City which he was graduated in 1862, ation to Others. I want, you to know trustees of Social Service. Agencies, fare Federation, the Associated CharWhen the Civil War started Dr. the latter ran for Congress on the team will come' along with the team. of my earliest wish for the continu- numerous volunteer social -workers ities, the Wise Memorial hospital and Baruch joined the Confederate army, E ticket early in 1918.- I t is ance and enlargement of the splendid and interested lay citizens from every the Eed Cross society of which he is was assigned as a surgeon in the field, said lie also supported Hiram Johnson IMMIGRATION LIMITS FOR work you have done. part of the country, will attend. • with the rank of captain. In the bat- for President and helped finance the secretary. He was recently appointed ' 1921-22. "I am informed that the purchase of While essentially practical and in- chairman of the intellectual advance- Mrs. D. Gross, Confirmed Fifty tle of Bull Eun the brigade to which. latter's campaign. Moreover, his -was the new home- was, made possible structive, the conference is of a def- ment committee of the B'nai B'rith Years Ago Makes Talk; Washington Statement "Shows Maxi- he was attacked was sent to aid the outstanding brains of the RepubMilton Livington Elected through gifts from persons who came initely inspirational character and as grand lodge, No. 6. Stonewall Jackson's corps. When the lican advertising and publicity cammum Number of Admissions ; to America as immigrants. I t seems such i t is eager to draw to its ses-? First President. Confederate troops withdrew Dr. Ba- paign last year, and consequently from Each Country. He was born in Attleboro, Mass., to be there could be no more emphatic sions socially minded persons, even August 24, 1873. He was graduated nicli was left in charge of wounded came in intimate contact with tJis Milton livhigton was elected presi- • Washington, Jane.—Figures show- men and was captured by the Union President whose confidence lie gained. testimony to the usefulness and ef- those not- actually engaged in social from the High school at Providence, dent of the Alumni Association of the ing the number of immigrants who troops. fectiyeness of your society's work for service. . ,_. . . . . ; *./ ' . . . , Mr, Lasker is a montsrons mental E. L, and the University of Cincinnati. Temple Israel Sunday school at the can be admitted to this country during After several months' imprisonment djmamo, a man of quick decision and Americanization.1' The conference will go far in formfirst meeting of the association Tues- the fiscal year beginning July 1 ender there, was an exchange of prisoners penetrating judgment. It is qtifteMr. Leon Kamaiky, first vice-presi- ulating and delivering the message day night. | dent of the society, delivered the ad- of Jewish Social Service. No other the Diliingham percentage immigra- and Dr. Baruch took the field &gsin natural, therefore, thai the President: Other officers elected were: Mrs. H. tion law' have been announced- by W. with the Confederate array. On the should want the Lasker energy tarned dress of welcome after which the De- organization can, speak in the name Z. Rosenfelt, vice-president; William W. Husband; CoiaisissioBer af Immi- third day of the battle of Gettysburg on ilie shipping problrm. dication prayers were recited by Eab- of that service, and every; association Holziaan, honorary vice-president; gration. The list was-complete, it was he was again taken prisouer "while at-: He is-an active E'nai P'^iih bis M. S..Margoliek and: Herbert S. engaged in such work, and worthy of Charles Elgutter, secretary, and Miss Goldstein and Cantor Jos. Rosenblatt. its mission will: help- mako the contending to the wpoxtdedr He wm seai] • The East 'Side, famed a s t h e "start- Madaline Ci&^&seeretsry. -"Miss' .Cece- .stated,- wife,the. exception, of .figures to" Fort 'McHenry. •- ': '•'' •"""" - ference a helpful social authority; ~ ing' place" of poets, artists .arid polifor "Turkey and ^Southern Asia." "trader. ....,.... ,.Had Key Ceremony ... lia Feiler, William Degen, Miss Min-•During-the sixteen years-that folMr. Harry Fischel, Chairman of the • Among the; speakers, and leaders of ticians—and known far- and wide as nie; Wolf, Mitchel Goldsmith and Miss the law 77,206 immigrants will be al- lowed the close of the war Dr. Baruch lowed to enter from the United Kingdiscussions" will be" Charles Friend, Building fepmmittee, formally transthe home of poverty, old world trsge- Hanna Sommers were elected to t practiced medicine ia Camden, S. C. doia-during''the fiscal year; from Milwaukee; :Louis'H. Levin, Balti-* ferred the building and its key to.Mr. dy and uplift adventure—now claims entertainment committee. Throsghout that period he served as Norway, 12,110; Sweden, 19,956; DenJohn L. Bernstein. The.president, in more^ Pulius Epsenwald,. Chicago; new laurels in an unexpected field. Mrs. David Gross, a member of the' mark, 5,644;, the Netherlands, 3,602; president of the South Carolina Med- New York. (J. C. B. Service.) The 1 Howard Gans and Alexander .Kahn, accepting 'Bias Building^ paid a tri"What is the most philanthropic first, confirmation class—fifty years Association and as chairman of delegation of the nev-Jj- orpainzed bute1 to the indefatigable labors of both of New- York; Hon. Harry Fish- neighborhood in New York?" a. visit- ago—made a grief talk in which she Belgium, 1,557; Luxernburg, 92; ical the state board-of health. In 18S7 he "Agradath Israel" is in America for France, .5,692; Switzerland, 3,745; M*. Fischel who, in addition to being er and Lieutenant James H. Becker, ing social worker asked recently, and told of the. organization of the first discovered the decolorizing' effect of i ., . • ... „ Germany, 68,039; Danzig, 285; Finboth of Chicago;*Maurice B, Hexter, chairman of the Building committee, ., , . , .A f. , , the purpose of acquainting; American from one who knows came the an- class. upon tincture of I -,-,.,,,.' . * land,' 3,890; Africa, 120; Portugal, the hyposulphites has been treasurer; of the society for Boston; George L. Cohen, New York; swer: "East of Third, downtown." Jewry with the aims ana purposes o£ "We met in a little hall and because 2,269; Spain, 663; Italy, 42,021; RusEugene Warner>_Buffalo, and Hyman over thirty years. • the recently established or Uptown gives more when meas- we did not have a resident Rabbi then, sia, 34,247; Austria, 7,444; Hungary, 5 The key was presented to Mr.'Albert Kaplan, Cincinnati. ured in dollars, perhaps, but when we had to borrow one from, the east. 3,635; Roumsnia, 7,414; Bulgaria, S01; JEWISH WRITES HONORED The * Agadath Israel" has. nvouued Eosenblatt, chairman of the Building opposition and much hatyou consider the length of the period We gathered together at that time to Greece, 3,286; Jugo-Slavis, 6,405; BY FRENCH GOVERN- . considerable Fund committee, under whose direcred in East-European countries beof giving, and the proportion of the consecrate ourselves to Judaism and Czecho-Slovakia, 14,269; Albania, 287; MENT. tion, ove* $300,00 were raised for the JEWISH STUDENTS GIVEN total population to the nijmber of giv- the things Judaism stands for. The cause of its unfavorable Ptand toFiume, .71; Poland, with Western Mr. Ediaond Flegelheimer, who wards the Zionist Organisation snd ASSISTANCE BY AMERICA purchase' and remodelling of the services then, fifty years ago, were ers, the East Side can give the "Four Galicia, 5,781; Australia, 271; and writes under the name of Edmond buildhig. Mr. Eosenblatt suitably The problem of providing for desti- Hundred" cards and spades. towards fundamental Skmis!; aimsvery much alike the services of today. New Zealand, 50. Fleg and is a citizen of Switzerland, Much of the ideological basin of the responded. tute Jewish students exists in Belgium As I watched the confirmation service; On t h e E a s t Side, ^'giving" is has been appointed Chevalier of the The other speakers on Sunday after- as well as in Eastern'Europe. At presSunday, memories of that first service Legion of Honor in recognition of his "Ajrudath Israel" movement rests on noon Were the Honorable Oscar S. ent there are more than sixty such woven into the very fibre of every- came t o me and I could still see the • COUNCIL- OF JEWISHmnrt he he services to. French literature. Mr. t h e theory that Palesi-:**. mnrt Straus, Hon- G. Risloy, solicitor, de- students in. the universities of Bel- day lives, membership in this or.that little gronp in the little hall with the WOMEN. CONTINUES FlsgeJheimer, who is • distinguished f re-establislied as a «Tev.-^h fhppcracp. relief organization is practicably unipartment of Ir.bor; Hon. Leon Sanders, gium, whose conditions call for imGROWTH. strange Eabbi." in essence to I is i opposedd therefore hf both as a poet and a dramatist, is th£ It Judge Hugo Pain, who had that very mediate relief.; These cases,are being versal, and men, women and-even the The Council-of Jewish Women con- author of several poems of Jewish in- the secular nature ol tlie present Eabbi Cohan made a brief address children come to consider the conday returned from Europe whither handled by a committee which was in which he welcomed the new organ- tinues its remarkable expansion.' Three terest under the tile of 'tEueoute,, Is- Zionist Organization* he had gone as one of the Commis- recently organized in Brussels under tinuous social service activity as much ization. new sections have been added within rael!" He gained great success with s - Is Well Known Character. a part of their routine as; drawing sioners of Hias, Congressman Siegel the chairmanship' of Dr. L. Berlinn. a brief period making a total of nine- plsy season entitled "Ls Maison du Dr. Nathan Bimbam-n, thp liead of Mr. Holzman, president of the one's weekly pay envelope or visiting and Mr. Jacob Massol. Mr. Straus Mr. Felix Warburg, chairman of the '.•..•, , Temple, suggested that the main ob- teen new sections since the Denver Ban Dieu." I t shows the glory of true the delegation sent to America, is a highly praised the society's work. Joint Distribution Committee, has one's neighbors. ject of the association be to obtain Triennial. The new sections include national unity sad sentiment, and the well known" character in Jewish af» placed 50,000 francs in: the hands of greater attendance at the Temple on Port Arthur,- Texas, Mrs. Abe Gold- characters include ministers of the fairs is. Europe whoso reversal on the Belgium Committee. At least 16,Friday nights. Mr. Elgutter, who was berg, president, organized by Mrs. L. three religions—Jewish, Catholic and fundamental doctrines during Judge Eosenblatt Challenges OpponPETER SCHWEITZER 800 francs per annum are needed. The of • Beaumont, Texas; Scott- Protestant—united through the vmx LAUDS PALESTINE JEWRY Belgian government has suspended ents of Keren Hayesod to Debate. amongst the veteran confirmants, and Goldstein years is regarded fejT mor.< r^oplc ^s dale, Pa., Mrs. Wm. Bendiner, presiLeo Eoseicrans of the 1921 class made and living with the.common object of New York. (J. C. B. Service.) Mr. requirements for payment of univers- New York. (J. C. B. Service.) In dent, organized by -.Mrs. Jos. Ziskind alleviating the lot of the downtrodden quits phenomenal. Uiii.il the v/ai, Fetet Schweitzer, who just arrived ity fees by these students until better a ptSblic statement made last week short talks. I>r. BirHba«in was very lioye in spirit of Greensbtsrg;, and Coraopolis, Pa., sad oppressed. from a stay in Palestine, made the ;times. While some of - the students Judge Bernard A. Eosenblatt, presto tJi© radical isatioiialict tonflency ia S.- Leytou, president, organized RABBI COHN TO HEAD Mrs. following statement to a represent- had been in Belgium before the war, ident of the American Zion Cominonr Jewry, - jOuring" the -prs.r the influby Miss Miriam Schoafield of PittsJ E W A C C O R B E B • G R E A T ence of the tmgie eror-tp hroughocft GRAND LODGE ative of the Jewish Correspondence most of them are refugees from Rus- wealth, challenged the American Z burgh. \ • •-• COMMITTEE'. ' .' H O N G S I N .INDIA Bureau: . ; -..-. '.• ..' sia and > other countries of Eastern onists to appoint a representative the world skiing his miml to The first Jew to occupy, the position so that he became stricilv observant who would meet him in open debate .-•Rabbi Frederick Conn of Temple -.•-'••; "I left Palestine only four days Europe. on the question of the statutes 7of the Israel has been appointed chairman of JEWS I N . RUSSIA ARE. TAK of President. of the corporation of sad a firm adherent of Judaism. Dr. before the recent disturbances and - ING: U ? FARMING. . Bombay, India, is Sir Sassoon David. Keren Hayesod, the alleged unsatis- the intellectual advancement commit- . there were no symptoms of the comCADET STERN HERE is tls® author of - A Jewish organization, for the en- He has been a conscipuous figure i s tee of the B'nai B'rith grand lodge, factory nature of which has recently ing occurrences to be observed, exCadet Stern, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. works on sociology and coaragemest of agriculture in Sussia cept a desire expressed by a part of ,H. Stern, arrived fronv West Point been pointed out in a series of paid District No. 6, according to an an- has been functioned for some time in public affairs of Bombay for years, .Dr. nildesheitner, m\a «f his colthe Jewish population, for forming a Military Academy, Wednesday after- advertisements in the Yiddish press. nouncement made today by Henry that coantry. The latest reports is- and is prominent among the men who leagrucsj is & son of the well l^ave transformed the city into the self-defense. I am sorry to say that noon. Cadet Stern was a major of the Judge Eosenblatt suggests tl\at an Monsky, president of- the tiistrict. sued by .that organization contain the raodera center"of today.. He has for Babbi Hildesheimer. Mr. Monsky aso announced the aptherd i3 a Hebrew paper in Jerusa- "Central high school cadets before en- arbiter or judge be-selected to" fender information that in the* provinces'of lem called the "Doar Hayom," which tering the military - academy. Al- the decision.••- His first choice is Mr. pointment'of J. J. Greenberg as state Vitebsk, Minsk, Smolensk and MoMIs, years been government' representative X POSTPONES is encouraged by its Defeatists, the though Cadet Stern is only in his Louis Marshall, if that gentlercan deputy for Nebraska and Karl Bran- as well as in Ukraitiia, Jewish groups of the corporation, a magistrate of the city, and was sheriff in 1905. He rendeis as state deputy for Iowa. STATEMENT ON PALESTINE Arabs. They have disclosed all our second year at. the academy, he has consents to entertain the proposition. are engaged in farming on the, co- dered notable service in developing' the Loados. (J. *T. Agency.) Mr, Winwe&fcnesses, and the Arabs became received the 'appointment of a" serNo answer, has thus far been given Judge Eosalsky and Samuel Utoter-1 operative basis/ In ' the Vitebsk and Port, sad Harbor Trust, His public ston Churchill, minister of the Colonconvinced that there-.was a possibil- geant. Cadet Stern will act as one to the challenge. , Gomel regions," they cultivate 2700 spirit was'recognized by the British myer Contribute to Irish Belief. j acres ial Office,, hp$- p«st|>otied indefinitely of the judges in the . Central high ity of revising the mandate." of land, and*in'.-the Minsk provNew York. <J. C. B. 'Service.) [ ince about 200. -Agronomists and in- government with a knighthood be- the 'Statement I * vrps to mafce in th« He highly praised the spirit of the school competitive drill, which will be stowed upon him in 1905,., and a baron- House. of Commons on Ins trip to Judge Otto A. Ealasky and Samuel Jewish population in Palestine. He held Friday, at the cadet encampment. HEBREW UNION COLLEGE Uhtermyer were guests at the $100- structors-in agriculture are traveling etcy in 1911. and Palestine, ?-n<*. on a GRADUATES 73 RABBIS from place to place lecturing on meth- .. In the world of commerce, Sir Psvi told of new town quarters built by Stern will remain in the city one posed Britisa policy t«irard? The Hebrew Union College, which a?plate dinner given by the Ameri- ods of soil tilling. the Jews of Safed • and Tiberias, m o n t h . • - , • ' ; * ! . , - . - • •'••: • • ' • • • . Sassoon is knewn. as one of the ineris the only trained:school, for reform can-Irish Belief Committee at the Ho- In Ukrainia this movement has thus chsnt princes of India.: He is captain •two countries. The reason given for towns of which the Jewish world was rabbis in U. S.,' had severity-three tel Astor on May 26th. Each of the far had little success as the Jewish of the cotton yarn industry in Bom- the postponement is the delay In the accustomed to think as being only PUBLISHES HARDING'S gentlemen made a contribution of inhabited by Chaluka Jews living on LETTER QN ZIONISM students in 1920-21- Of these twenty- $1,000 to the-fund now being raised population there lives in constant fe&r bay, He is no less an ardent Jew than arrival of csrtais financial reports v of pogroms,, which has a detrimental a public man and eoir.mtereial leader. from Cairo and Jerasatem. charity only, London. (J. T. Agency.) The London four were from Ohio, and the other to relieve distress now in Ireland. effect on the economic rehabilitation He is president c-f thp Bombay branch sixty-six per cent were divided among "Daily Telegraph" today prints Pfes of the Jews. twenty-one states as folows: New of the AEclo-iTewish AsEOcict'Ois. WANT MORWAGE BANK ARGENTINE JEWS SEND FUNDS ident Basding's letter sent to the York, 13; Pennsylvania and Illinois, TRAVEL BETWEEN SYRIA AND Zionist Committee in Washington on The Joint Distribution Comtnittee Is , Paris. (J. T. Agency.) The local the occasion of its reception to Dr. 6 each; Maryland, 3 ; District of CoPALESTINE STOPPED SEEW FELIX WARBURG . negotiating L-ondoa vath Sida|[{t relief committee is inreceipt of- forty- Weizmann and declares it a sampl lumbia, Indiana, Missouri, Oregon and Jerusalem. (J. T. Agency.) The , ARRIVES 'TO-DAY Plane a.re now snder w&y io hsve authorities onv&the establishment of «. a Jewish section included in the Army five thousand francs sent by Argen- of America's sympathetic attitude to- Wisconsin, 2 each; California,Georgia, "British authorities here have forbidNew York. (J. T. Agency.) Mr. n-.ortgage bank m Palestiae. TJ» tine Central Jewish Belief Committee wards Zionism in contra-distinction to Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Min- den all travel from Syria into Pal- Felix Warburg arrived here today or. and Nary Hymnal and a. Committee 4 lief Committee, it is Gsceii&iwitkf with ystructions that the money be the views in.certain English quarters nesota, Mississipi, New Jersey, North estine. The prohibition aims 'to pre- the Aq'oitania, afisr a trip of several of Three of the Committee on Chapuseo. .or the purchase of medica- which favor the repudiation of the Carolina, Oklahoma and Tennessee, vent smuggling of anas into Pales- months through Europe in connection lains has been appointed to select the ready to assist to the extent ooa . • with relief one each. ments fas Ukrainian Baifoui\DecJaration,

First Class



'•,"•* ""it



Published evory Thursday at Omaha, Kebrasfca, by

THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. MORRIS E. JACOBS, Manager. Office/Four, Baird BIdg.—Telephone DO uglaa 2372.

PALESTIKB LEFT WITHOUT Famue Hurst Predicts That | ZIONIST LEASERS , Flapper of Today wIH be the Jeruafeletn, <J. T. Agency.) The O d l i i d Girl of To- departure of Dr. Arthur Ruppin for

Jaws Oi India Interestiit S

Jewish Lad of Brooklyn Astounds Teachers—Relativity Just a* Hobby-—Is Editor of If you work for a man, in heaven's Latin Bfagasine at School. Consist, cf Black and White name worli for him. If he pays

Europe lias given rise to censider&ble nervousness on tiie .part of local 4o Eemote Past.. Those who feel that the that supply" you your bread and but- If you think there are only twelve Jews because all Zionist affairs,, mul| Subscription' Price, one year....^™™-_.L.....»........™...™..~"-?l'5O cussed flapper is sounding the knell tiplied s s they sre et present, Are to ter, -work for him, speak"1 well of him, men in the world who understand the • ;; Advertising rates furnished on application. think well of him, stand by him andEinstein theory of relativity, you are When Vaseo de Gama first reached of the so-called old-fashioned woman be handled by Dr. Eder, the on!y_restand by the institution he represents. mistaken! Brooklyn boasts of a thir- India, the first person he met was a will be interested ia the following dec- m&ining' taemb&r of the Commission, NOT PRINTED FOR PERSONAL PROFIT—Profits from the publicaI think if I worked for a man I would teenth, Theodore—Oh, gift of the gods Jew. This acquaintance in a historical laration of Fannie Hurst: tion of The Jewish Press are to be given to worthy communal causes. who, it is feared, will hardly be able work for him. I would not work for —Herberg, who can give the others sense later led to a more than pass- "The girl of tomorrow will to cope With the sitaation. ~ 01? ADPB&S5—Please give both the old 6P(J new aaarcsa; » him a part of the time, but all of the cards and spades when it comes to ing interest in the Jews by the Inthe flapper as -fte regard the mid«Vicbe sure and sign your name. -• time. I would give him an undivided "explaining" what is relative to any-quisition, with the result that Vasco torian era of silk mitts and swoons." de Gama's new acquaintances had to REGULAR SAILINGS PROM service or none. If put to a pinch, an thing else. flee for their lives to Cochin. The The conversation, had turned to Lilly CONSTANTINOPLE* TO ODESSA . ounce of loyalty is worth a pound of THE JPtOWER TRIBIPTB, Theodore, who is a pupil at the remarkable part played by Cochin as Becker,- heroine of Miss Hurst's first cleverness. ', • ; Paris. (J. T.^ Agency.) (Hereafte* Boys' High School and is only six* Because The wife of a very prominent Omahan died recently. the place of refuge for the Jews per- &ovel, "Star Dust," sn& then, as if of her social position: and the standing of he!.' husband in the If you must vilify, condemn, and teen, reads books on physics and math- secuted in those' early days brings to by.force of gravity, to the flapper. steamers •wilt only ply regolarly be* business world, the family were the recipients of many beautiful eternally disparage, why, resign your ematics as other boys read Nick Car- our mind the history of the Jews of "In the eyes of the flapper, Lilly trween Constantinople and Black Sea floral offeiings—the most expensive creations of the florists' art. position and when you are outside, ter, l i e has, moreoter, the Einstein Cochin who have survived to this very Becker is a high conservative/' said ports. In the past Cha.lu.tzim on theii damn to your heart's content. But, I theory doped out to a T, and.recently They were tiibutes of the living for the dead. Miss Hursts "just as the flapper of way to Palestine from Crimea, Georday. • pray you, so long as you are a part of gia, and the Caucasus, were forced gava a practical demonstration of his In the midst of his hadness, on the day of sorrow* the hus- institution, do not condezan it. Not Among the different races and peo-today, whd stands on the brink, ss it knowledge before the faculty members ples who in the course of thousands of were of a new ethics! pool for women, to make the voyage to Constantinople band was handed a letter. In it was a note. I t lacked the an you •will injure the institution— which left the teachers mute with asbe the old-fashioned girl of to-in sailboats and other manner of frail beauty and charm of varied-colored nature's blooms. It lacked that centuries had migrated to the western not that—but when you disparage the craft. •. . the fragrance of pure scented sweet "peas and the wonderful concern of which you are a part, you tonishment. coast of India and found a new home, morrow. : Young Herberg graphically showed there were also Jews, who had settled perfume of-'the roses. "Ths nnrest ef tibe flapper is the But the thought it contained—"It was like the soothing1 song disparage yourself.—Elberfc Hubbard. certain calculations as revealed by the in Cochin. Here one distinguishes result of her being' the, griet hetween Michaelson Morly experiments with the black and the white Jew. The the millstones. There Is just enough of the nightingale in the night time of disappointment." An exquisite hope and love ran through its words like so many golden, DANGEROUS POLITICAL relation to speed. white Jews came after the second fall of the old generation snd enough of SYMPTONS. Before the teachers caught their of Judaism in the year 68 A. D. They the stirring consciousness of a new threads, woven into a blanket to keep away despair. The It has been truthfully said that the breath, he was explaining the Lorenz have preserved the purity of' their Music is the language of the "note read: ; ' : - . . • ' . •*' to' create an enormous tnsresk It Is soul which is best expressed in s •A "To perpetuate the memory of the deceased* a, gift to theanti-Semitic campaign of Eenry Ford Fitzgerald contraction formulas for racial,characteristics to a remarkable £ entirely a case of off -vriia the Eosenb2att?s masterpiece, is not so much a personal as a politi- bodies moving through spacer at a degree. Memorial Flower -Fund has been made by _.J-_^__.._—J^..^:..... S "ELOKAY NESHGNG," old and on with the netr but .s sort f s Thus* the name 6f the loved one will be recorded in thecal symptom. If i t were merely a per- great velocity, demonstrating in acEecord No. 55,125Skin is Fair compromise between both. .Tlie best ever sung by Memorial Flower Fund" of the Jewish Welfare Federation sonal matter TO might consider it cordance that a physical body of a Their skin is fair despite the fact of"We outgrow all institutions and all Eosenblatt. nothing more than the egotism of a known length would contract to a that for centuries they have been of Omaha." moralities all ethics, although 'Another big' treat to tlie JewThen a letter accompanying the card explained that the man who imagines that because ho -has point if the body ware to be moved subjected to the. effect of the blazing women haveand ish people of Omaha is Cantor been slow to cast off giving to charity in memory of the dead is in line with succeeded in one line of endeavor he with the velocity of light. sun of India. Many of' them, present •Mordechany Hivsehman's first ia competent to arrange the destinies record "EOCHEL MEVAKA OL Jewish traditions. In a playful manner, ha set out tothe appearance of pure Caucasian moss-grown tradition. The only instivrhich. has withstood change end BONAIHO" Now on sale here. 'The flowers—even the beautiful rose and scented sweet peas of the world. The symptoms that Mr. prove some of the consequences of rel- types. They live a comparatively tution He is known as the second •weathering and which lias not kept up Ford manifests belong to Ttha deepest nit and lose their fragrance.: stivity, one of the demonstrations go- prosperous life and bear themsslves —wilt fragrance. Theflorists*art can't hold "its •Caruso, and this record is a •with, tfie new demands is marriage.** and "worst political disturbance an<J with dignity, veea with pride, which great contribution to tfte musbeauty and charm; . There nature is supreme. But the wonder- will demoralize present conditions, as ing something like this: icial world. ful thought of the donor to the Memorial Flower Fund records "A ship is sailing from North to manifests itself in a decided unwill- "Would you wsat 'to see marriage These are a few of the new the name of the deceased forever and ever in the honor roll these same symptoms have' in the South, the wind is blowing from the ingness to pose for the photographer. cast off as aa institution?" Miss Yiddish records Jwst received. cent past bcfth in this country and In South, the earth is rolling round «n It is remarkable that despite their Exzrst iras asked. of upliftrrient. ' , 72,968-—^Homiz'AleJV ' : Europe. " '.'.'• What a wonderful tribute] • ' its axis from West to East, the cap-completely Isolated life—they do not "No, I would not," she replied | s 'IScMcf Mein Fcigcle." x tl "bt "bv.t th the truths th of f yester-jj | 12,619—"Tim Zwaita Wab." •'•• The donor received this message from the bereaved husband: It would take a big graveyard to tain is walking across the deck of the marry among or mingle with out- proinptly, "Ton Know What I '. "Thefloraltributes to my dear wife were massive, beautiful,hold the victims of just such conduct ship from East to West, while a siders; no physical effects of this isol- day are not necessarily the truths of i s Mean." are to be during the past decade. We should! wonderful, but yom*-tribute to her memory,; was the most beautoday. What we consider- the sclen,-ls» <%.72,958—"Ich AMin," monkey runs up to his shoulder . . ." the Impression of a physically strong have l^amed from the results of medtiful, the most wonderful of all." tific facts cf yesterday are in some "" "Jieira Palestine.* • - E As far as could be gathered, the dling intolerance in Europe, even question decided was the direction In and healthy race. It is also of inter- .cases ludicroas today.' In otSer words, The money obtained through the Memorial Flower Fund is though "We have the most complete American history did not teach used to put a little more sunshine, a little more joy, a little more the one institution, which has not stock of Jewish, Hebrew, and all the monkey was proceeding in est to ;lenow that "they never the lesson. I t is only a generation sunstrokes. . I t is generally. believed adapted itself to tlie social, moral, ecoVictor records in, the city. hope and a little more-happiness ior the hearts of those less us relation to all the other factors. Call Webster 2042 and we will that '•white people are subject to sunsince the intolerance of the Knowfortunate than their breathern. , Nothing movement. I t filled our cities Herberg explained. nomic* political and industrial'< be glad to deliver on approval because of a lack of black stroke any records you' might wish to '; What could be a greater tribute to one who has passed away? with rioting and murder. I t was di- Shaken and bewildered, the teachers ! Is marriage."- , in their hear, These Hindu v Contributions to the Memorial Flower Fund are made in rected "Wist is "wrongtrith i3ie sver&^e j ~ against Irish Catholics. The clung desperately to their chairs, while! jews also lack the pigment, yet they! " the names of Gentiles as well as Jews. • . natural result was a growing spirit the young scientist adjusted Ms can pass the entire day bareheaded'™K of today?" was esked. j~[ "It does not fit the new status of }ss glasses, and smilingly asked for quesglasses ques-! m^er the tropical sun rays "which <! of general intolerance, which resulted the tropical sun rays, which <!o HENRY FORD—THE PIKER. women," Miss Hurst declared. "The'fH 2043. •-5 tions. in Civil War, when thousands of those I not affect them in tlie least. ScJeij1624 North 24th Street. g ^ Henry" Ford has.been the subject of much discussion and North and South who could not tol- Relativity is only one. of the boy's! tists are inclined to believe this a re-|* h °e no longrer fits—the last, should fee5 comment in the Jewish press of the nation for many a day now. erate Irish Catholics met on the battle- hobbies. He is also editor of a Latin suit ef adaption on the one hand and changed. Bat," she added smilingly, 7IiMi§IffffIIItS8tSISiiiSiIIItli!llS5SSiIiS!Ht»lf His articles on the Jew in the Dearborn Independent have been field in armed and deadly intolerance magazine published at the school. He heredity on the other. "not discarded," ^ommente-d on from every dngle. of each other. I t is not a question of The creator of Lilly Becker then is a sketch artist. He leads the school Not Like Negroes : And even though the infamous, libelous, outrageous false- Jew or Catholic, but si question of in physics, mathematics and Latin, and In strikingg contrast to the (explained that doe to the various | hoods, incorporated in the Dearborn Independent articles have principle. Just so sure as a Jew-bait- though he could have graduated a year Jews are the black. JeTrs. They, are' emancipations, such as suffrage, iastruck at the very heart of the Jew, the treatment of Ford/per- ing campaign is continued in this coun- ago, has chosen to remain at school not quite as black as negroes and are j dustrial opportaniticf und education, sonally, by the press has not been laarsh. The press has consider- try there will flame up an intolerant to study "Greek and a few other sub- of the same complexion ss the Jews I woman has been dictated from chated him an ignorant, shallow, somewhat narrow-minded, but never- spirit that will find expression m jects." Otherwise," he is quite human, of Kurdistan. The live In another tel to individual. the-iess sincere individual. wider circles than those that encom- for -when a reporter went to see himsecluded part of -Cochin.- It is sufn- "Marriage is no longer a woman's .-.-—:. The blame ^ n d t h er i showers of "contempt have been con-pass I h e Semitic raee. «»S CoEee -SHU. .. , at tho Boys*. High -School $t was- in elect to observe their features to bewhole existence/' she said. "It is .a centrated on those men who surround Ford, and who the Jewconvinced that their forefathers had gymnasium that he was finally TJsefi Scales ct All fundamental part of her existence, If If we are to regain our moral and ish press of the nation thought had built» stonewall of confidence come to. India centuries before their: J0Vi Halves for. Sills, b u t o a s ^ ^ g ^ approaches iSJ-ound him and then filled him to the brim with lies about intellectual balance we must have not run to earth. vrttte brethren came.-Yet both grovpeifr : FRANK'"DEE B t t e r l y afferent manner irorn] the Jew. •••-. • -:.""- .••- - , - . : ; only a /united America, but a Chrish a i r locks j f^ering the j gi8ters o f tian civilization. The spirit that Ss _. That's what the .press thought until just two days ago. intolerant of racer or creed is not TURKISH JEWS P A C I F I C temples which, are so characteristic Duruig the Newberry congressional healing, now being held in Than* SOiurlaa S333 - f of the Polish or Galician Jews.- They l e s g COAST. .Washington, m which Ford is attempting to unseat his former Christian. We do not wish to go be- •By some curious "Lilly "Becker ssitectsted the age et chance tliQ largest have round faces and broad Roses, political^ opponent, testimony wag given, crediting Ford with hind the avowed professions of Mr.settlement of Turkish Jews in Amer- which point to the fact that through the tapper, she said. She \ras the making this remark: "A gang of Jews desiring to controll congress Ford, but we do most emphatically ica are on the Pacific Coast. They are intermarriage they have become as-standard bearer far • the first; gessrinsist that his campaign against the lined up behind Newberry and elected him." . Omaha's strongest iii Seattle, Portland and Los I similated with the native population. ation which- "was actually to emerge Newest end Finest Eqvsiped ^ The election took place months before Ford began his attack Jewish race, if it continue, will be Angeles, in Seattle, where there are! For this and the added reason that in from the chrysalis • of womb's serfBath-House. on the Jews, and from all outward appearance Ford was a close productive- of immeasurable harm.—- about two hundred.families, they have] the past £he black Jews could be mads dom. . "the Catholic Columbian." fnend of the Jewish people.Baths, Massagv Hot Packs, Elecan excellent organisation snd a syna-j slaves ef the white Jews, the latter "So the flapper condition of today tric Treatment, Inh&lat&riam. "To make such a change how was poor sportsmanship. A good tromifi. Tn Portifmd snA T,ns Angles «omsider the former as their inferiors is not a malignant ose. I t is the in- j gogue. In Portland and Los Angeles sportsman would tern* Ford a/'piker." Ford, when defeated by sad treat them, as such. evitable result cf the lid-off of years they have their own benevolent socie'TIS TRUE, 'TIS PITY AND NewbeiTy, should "have taken his medicine" like a good loser and Hindu historians speak of the .miof suppression and repression. ties arid are well organized. NaturalPITY 'TIS, 'TIS TRUE. should have "buried the hatchet/' but instead he puUed out his 'CONCAKNON' BEOS., Props. gration of. the first-Jews to India as. ly they use the Sephardic or Portu"The flapper Is merely mallet andW began to knock; and whine and make general charges, The following is from a recent issue 1401 Famata SU Basement having taken place after the coming hea guese ritual and are quite distinct riche. She suddenly Unas, .herself in • TV^^I? ^s^harges began to weaken at Washington, he of the '"London Saturday .Review": Entrance. of the Phoenicians, that is about 1000 possessioss of" liberties that she some- j made^the remark about the Jews. It was his final shot. The Prime Minister meets M. Bri-from the Asekenazim or German- B.C. Telephone; Tyler 5TS1 tist-es. turns into liceixsa, sne«ly beat Lympne, Sir Philip Sas- Polish Jews in many usages as well . . i t was^poor sportsmanship on Ford's part and using the term OMAEA, KEB, as in the fact that they speak either cause lief various femaitdpations hfeve of the good sportsman, it did brand him as a a "piker" piker II tt shnwfld soon's country house in.Kent. We re- Spanish, French or Ladino (a Spanish : rashed to her t&&4, teraiag it. 'HANSEN'S USED CAE SALS A gret extremely that Mr. Lloyd George and shallow. SUCCESS. does not select another rendezvous. jargon) instead of tha Yiddish, which "The flaFper vi'd soon get her bearis the common language of theRus. "Now that we have reduced our used ings, end instead of polr^ giddy en Surely there is sufficient official acHe's a "piker." commodation throughout the country sian and Polish Jews. Their communi- car prices to even below the com-new conditions, after she once accepts} such meetings-.'.as- these; and if ties are composed of an overwhelming parative reduction of many new cars, them, her new status %rf'l become »j •MANY JEWISH PROFESSORS delphia is a distinguished scholar; and for. nearness to the -French coast is an at-majority of men, but in late years they people are responding to their desires matter of course EB3 r e t cf neTrgp j IN AMERICAN COLLEGES Felix Adler is a weil-known writer traction, why not mcor- Hie palatial have brought over wives and sweet- to. own a car," said J. H. Hansen, of ."—Ne^r Tori1 Tritur.c According to a survey made by the and fepeaker on ethics 'and social Admirality yacht, "Enchantress" in hearts so that many families are now the J . H. Hansen Cadillac Company. The success of the sale is not ateditor of the American Jewish Year reform. Dover Roads? She has been fitted in existence. Their attitude • toward tributed by. Mr. Hanson to the fact their life in America is exemplary. Book, many of the most prominent out at great expense, and might be PLAIN SPEAKING. professors in American colleges are put to some'trseful purpose. The main They are usually good citizens. They that people are less conservative in Jews. Maurice Bloomfieid and Jacob Premier Lloyd George indulged: in objection, however, to Lympne is not are practically never engaged in liti- buying, but to* the fact that erery CHIBOPODIST AND BEAUTY H. Hollander occupy respectively the plain, speaking' in his Teference to that it is a private residence, but,that gation either with outsiders or with used car offered in this sale was put lV-y*-'" SHOP. -v----. . ir.to first-class condition in every way chairs ..of Sanskrit. and • comparative anti-Semites during' the "course, of an it belongs to Sir Philip Sasso'on.' We each other and are mutually helpful and the Hansen Cadillac poHc3* is bephilology and economics at Johns address delivered in the House of are not among the scaremongers who to a remarkable degree. They ask SSSS. hind each sale. , where David S. Commons. ' : • •' : Hopkins 1}'? see in every Jew a possible traitor, or for no assistance in a physical way Blondheim ia associate professor of "Singers of Jewish psalms on Sun-a veracious document an the protocols from their fellow-Jews, and, while political economy, Richard. J . H. Gott- days and pronouncers of' Jewish po- oi the Elders of Zion; but we can not taking care of their owa new 1 ECT SAFE heil .that of Semitic languages, and groms on the remaining days of the blink the fact that there axe many are excellent providers for their deJcs, Pcnrwr, Yhv peacleat3 in Europe and AsiaThey \ Franz Boas that of anthropology, at week is a close analysis of the aver- who believe in both possibilities, and XT, G," Vr^r P are intelligent, thrifty, honest and inColumbia university. - . age anti-Semitic mind." in the interests of English Jews, it Otaalia Fixture & Ernest Freund is a professor of law 1 And now comes the Premier with a would be well if the Prime Minister dustrious to a degree that is really It Pays to Get Osx Figures Curettarastw cj*d otrr word Is Laid Over-6.000 Roofs inOm&ha Supply Co. at the University of Chicago; Joseph few equally frank comments oh Po-anJ some of his colleagues were more remarkable. All in all^ it is a pleasure as £o&& as e horn. Are Our Proc£s Jastrow of psychology at the TJniver^ land. Iri reference to Poland's coup circumspect. There is a strong anti- to turn to their short history here STHI 1 Our Hoofs COMPLETE STOKE AND Ocr Specialty sity of-Wisconsin; Isaac Husik is as-in Silesia the Premier in - another Jewish feeling in some sections of the easy to foresee a future of great valae OFHCE OUTFITTERS Ready Rcsofing over old Ehisglcs sistantprofessor of philosophy at the House of Commons speech pointed out public today, as there always is In to themselves end of the country of All Work Guaranteed—EasyI Terns « m Southwest Cornet .University of Pennsylvania, where that Poland is the last country in Eu- every -war period, and in theso days their adoption.—"The Scribe." f Harney 2&T4 tut£ t Morris-Jastrow is professor of Semitic rope which should complain about the of nerves i t should have as little as OSce and Warehouse! tUism\n» S72* f • SSreet. languages; Jessica B. Peixotto is as-treaty and declared that t h e Poles possible to feed on. These flame-fanS122 L S6IS——• "LA JUIVE" IN YIDDISH sociate professor of social economics during the war had been divided—half ners might remember that i t was the at the University of California.1 Ed- of them fighting with the Germans. late King Edward Vrho first made New York. {J. C. B. Service.) Oa wit SI." Borchard is ptole'ssdi of I3W "Poland," he said, "did not win herextensive use of Je-a*ish hospitality, Friday eveaing, May 20th, th& first at Yale university; Nathan'E« Brill of liberty. I t was given her by Italy, and in spite of Colonel Repington's performsnee in this coantry of grand PHONE; DOUGLAS 2703. clinical--medicine'aft Columbia; Solo- Great Britain and Prance. There was caustic comments oh • the private opera in. Yiddish TVSS givea at Mrs. mon Solis Cohen of clinical medicine not a letter in the treaty that did opinion of their guests, the lavish Hammerstdn's Lexington theater. ' of Jefferson Medical College, Phila- not represent British, BVe'nca ana entertainments of rich Jews in this Quito appropriately the opera chosea Jra given delphia. Italian lives." Poland did not win he& etftmtry are still largely patronized. is "La Juive." It n ularly three nights a week for at David .Eeisman - is • professor of liberty. America* England, France, We suspect the Jews of nothing more least several weeks. Semion Tomars, clinical medicine at, the University of and Italy gave her tfiat liberty. Polish than of exercising their agile brains the founder of the J<swish-Am«iean. sad buy them &%• that the massa- for preferment and • the gaining of Opera Conspsny, first experimented Pennsylvania; Paul J . . Sachs of fine braggarts who believe 1 cring ana torturing of helpless old men riches, also the parading: of these i arts at.Harvard; Bertholdi. Uhman, with opera in Yiddish in London. His of Latin a t the -University of Pitts- jrio! wo'men- and cEildren reveal a prized possessions; Irat the ignorant success there prompted Kim to come burgh; Ernest L. Wilczynsld of mathe- spirit of heroism and valor need again fanatic sees in them a veritable to America where the field ia much SIS South I6flk Sttem matics, a t the University of Chicago, to be reminded of the fact. Poland serpent in the grass. English Jews larger. Sd Milton J. Rosenau^f. preventive may not be eager to. hear that -truth. would prefer 3 little less publicity than Max Bloch, a,tenor of the MetroFhose Boagks 34Q0 a£d Milton J. ^. But it is a truth that requires fre r they are receiving, and this might well politan Opera Company, features as a medicine at DroDsie Harvard. Cyrusa*Adler* star performer. ** Resident of College Phila- fluent telling.—"Jewish Independent." ha accorded U





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PAGE S—THE JEWISH PRESS; THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 1921. The confirmation exercises of' the Y. M. H. A. TO PLAY BLUFFS* POSEN ESELLING ITS JEWS groms in Ukraine, and the faces of City Talmud Torah will be held June Dansig. (J. T. Agency.) EMing these "little old people," depicted on B'NAI B'BITH 19, at B'nai Israel Synagogue, corner their photographs, tell the story of the last few days the Jews in the The Y. M. H. A. baseball team will Mrs. Herbert E. Marx and small of Eighteenth .and Chicago streets, at their experiences more vividly than province of Posen have been subjected meet the fast Council Bluffs B'nai con, left'Sunday for Chicago where to serious maltreatment of the part of words. B'rith team Sunday morning a t fee they -will remain for six •weeks. . officials who art ruthlessly expelling1 Following is the" program: Carter Lake diamond, for the chamTHIS BRIEF SKETCH OF THE ORIGIN OF THE GREAT Introduction of Chairman, Sir. N. S. Yaffe pionship of the Jewish teams in Counand forcing them to emigrate to Dr. Philip Sher INTERNATIONAL JEWISH ORDER IS BEING PRINTED BRtllSH RECEIVE REPORTS them Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Fleishman have OpeningHemarfca . "" " Class Coagress, Poland, _:.^_;—;;.;ii cil Bluffs and Omaha! The Y. M. H. A. ON CONTROVERSY Invocation Marcb moved into their new. home at 114 Processional FOLLOWING SEVERAL REQUESTS FROM PERSONS .. Sarah Morgan team claims the Jewish championship Flower Service :London.. (J. T. • Agencr.) It is South iPifty-third street. , DESIRING INFORMATION REGARDING THE FOUNDCome, X<B Faitifnli^Sunday 'School Choir .Responsive Readings, Rabbi Taxon and of the city, having defeated the Thorlearned here from a reliable .non-Jew- SYNAGOGUE m HOLLAND • - •. ING AND EARLY LIFE OF THE ORDER. peians. : ; ClasB; :•-•:.. IS 250 YEARS OLB, ish source that the British government Miss Angela Herzberg returned Hymn of Pralse_i_Sunday School Class The Y. M. H. A. team has thus fat The 250th anniversary of fte Great Benediction __—^™u~__.. Kabbi Taxon has been receiving official reports Tuesday from Ferry Hall, where she Address to Parents Sarah S, Kaplan Won three out of four: games played. Synagogue in the Amstei Straat, Amfrom Washington containing the views Saledirectory — ;—.'Jerome Diamond The 13th day of October, 1843, was' and harassed co-religionists from was graduated, and is with her par: Following is the record: Piand Solo _._ ^—u~-~ Anna Rubaek sterdam., Holland, was celebrated. The End attacks of the American Zionist the birthday of the Independent Order ents, Mr, and Mrs. A. Herzberg. .eastern Europe and the increased inMeaning o£ Religion ;.-. Buth .Trintroub Y.M. H.A. 19—Omaha Printing Comsynagogue is the oldest in existence Exposition. ot Decalogue :— of B'nai Brith. flux for immigration to this country, Organization agains the World Zionpany 6. CominanamGnta: in Western Europe, i&t Organization. On that day, in the city of Newnew lines of work presented themThe Pi Tau Pi Fraternity is planIrfna Laytin " .'..•-• Y.M.H.A.14 Thorpeian Athletic Sarah Kurtzmaa " York, the first formal session was selves to which the best winds in the ning a picnic and dance to, be given Anna Chorney Club 3. • .-. Nellie Snitzer " at Lake Manawa, Jtine 26. Y. M. H. A. 6' — Iowa School. for, the held, and steps were taken for the order addressed themselves. Rose Racusln; • - • •-• • • . • • establishment of a Jewish fraternal The order had its inception in the Bessie Peldman, Beaf 7. (12 innings.) , Ida Minkin * Mrs. S, H> Eabinowitch and Mrs. .. Gertrude Y. M. H. A. 19—Chevrolet Motor Com- order, patterned after the many needs of the second wave of Jewish Goldberg . friendly societies in this country, but immigration to this country; and the Clara Letbowifca Sam Kramer, who have been with pariy 10. Pearl Moshowitz" . ^ ••'•••'•• with a distinct purpose of its own. Jews in America and their descendtheir parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Playlet, "Jeplitha'a Vow/« The following men will probably Whether or not alleged discrimina- ants, trained in the lodges of the orSpiesberger, left Tuesday for their Cast of Characters: appear for their respective teams in tion against Jews in certain lodges der to the wider outlook and to the Uephtbab ^ ; Lester Lapidus I AM NOW ASSOCIATED WITH THE O'BRIEN homes in New York. Jephthai's- danghter__Dorothy Reuben the game Sunday morning. led to the fouiiclatlon of a Jewish or- conviction that all Jews were brethBiers: Jerome Diamond, Joe Lissitz. DAVIS-COAD AUTO COMPANY, .AGENTS FOR Maids: Sadie Drevich! Jeanette KatzY. M. H. A. Council Bluffs. der for Jews, is immaterial; as a mat- ren, came nobly to therescue of the D O D G E AUTOMOBILES. and Mrs. S. H. Schafer and berg> ArmaKuback, Madeline Spiegel. Morris Gilinsky,.. ter of fact, some of the very founders hapless arrivals in the eighties and Louis Basnik, Messenger .i-i™ Cha*le3 Lieb small son will leave Saturday for Class Prophecy Ross Rosenstein Captain . Captain. of the order had been admitted to the ninetiees." Cincinnati. The Schaefer's Will $top a t Vocal Solo I WILL BE MORE THAN PLEASED TO SHOW . . .. .... Miss Sopbye h "Wi "Weinsteln Arthur Freiden, Nathan Green, Presentation of Certificates _. Kabbi Taron Masonic Lodge. But it stands to reaMilwaukee where he will attend the Baccalaureate Address, Mr. Henry Honsky MY FRIENDS THE NEW DODGE MODELS. Manager son that not ..all of the immigrants OVER 6,000 JEWISH WAR ' National Conference of Social Work- Closing Ptayer J__^_^..^ C-t Lena Cnesno Manager Imie Krasne Hattikvab Class and Congregation Robert Kooper possessed the :,same degree of educa- ORPHANS WAIT ADOPTION ers. : Joe Krasne Louis, Somberg tion and of adaptability to new sur- The financial adoption plan for JewMr. I. Glick, who has been ill, is Moe Krasne Leon Mendelson roundings, and that most of them were ish war orphans is soon to be given an now returned to the home of his Mrs. Sam Meyerson and Mrs. HerLouis Cohen Harry Kneeter happiest in associating with their own intensive test in the states of Oregon, daughter, Mrs. Max Sommer, and is man Meyerson entertained twelve Israel Goodman Goodman Pill kind. Washington and California. It is Residence Telephone: WEbfeter 2125 guests at a theater party Saturday convalescent. Harry Cohen Arthur Swartz What actuated the twelve men who hoped that the progress of this work Office Telephone: HA rney 0123. afternoon for Mrs. Frank Ginsberg, aiffer as they might in education and in the Pacific Coast states will not Miss Bess Goldberg is visiting rel- Morris Idnsman Nathan Cohen yrho is the guest of H'rs. E. A. Meyer. Mrs. Ginsberg will return Saturday atives in Philadelphia and will remain David Slobodinsky Harry Perelmeter mentality, was the unanimous con- only result in the adoption of a great Rubin Brown Harold Cherniack. viction that. something, ought to be number of orphans, but will set an for several months. : to her home in Sioux City. Sam Green. , : done for the elevation of the social, inspiring example, for the' Jewish commoral and intellectual condition of munities in other states. A novel shower will be given by the Jlr. and Mrs. Sol Goldstrom had as - Through financial adoption, the their guests during the past week, Mr. Young Judaea Senior Club on Sunday BOSTON GIRL SINGS THREE the Jews in this country. contributor of $100 for orphan care arid Mrs. J. Shapin and daughter, Miss afternoon, June 26, at the Y- M. H. A. TONES ABOVE FARRAR* A .GEEAT SPECIAL PURCHASE OF Order Grows. Boston.—Moss Irene. Cohen* a fifbecomes the "guardian" of a Jewish Edyth Sara Shapin, of Louisville, club rooms. The purpose of this unique teen-year-old Lodges "were soon formed in other West End girl who has Kentucky, who are on the way to affair is to provide toys for the poor been studying singing but 6 months, cities; in Cincinnati in quick sneces- war orphan, whose came, record.and . children of Palestine. A good program photograph he receives ;the nanae and sl0 n w ere ^ Honolulu. . . **» . ^stalled, the second address of the guardian is seat to the has been arranged and the,price of already "hits" three tones higher than Miss Geraldine Farrar of fhe being the first lodge. of the order in child, who is encouraged to write to ' Sol Rosenblatt has returned from admission is a toy. Metropolitan and more than a tone •which the English language -was used, him, and thus direct contact is estabHarvard where he attended school, the German elsewhere being employed lished between the little waif in farMr. Sam Lesser, who spent the past and a half higher than Miss Rosa at first ind will spend the summer vacation Eaisa of the Chicago Opera. Moreoff Ukraine, Poland, Austria, Soumawith his.parents, Mr. and Mrs. MorriB week with Mr. Henry Mohskey, has over, this girl sings three complete The year 1848 brought to this cotin- nia, Hungary or Palestine, and the; returned to his home in San Francisco, Rosenblatt. octaves, striking four E's vrfth re- try a large number cs Jews who had "guardian" in America. In addition ' White Silks Fss-ta-si California.- \ markable buoyancy and clearness of taken part in the straggle for liberty. to the adqption by individuals, a large Tan Silks' Kumsa. Eumsi Mr. Mitchell Katleman who has been Conspicuotis among them -was Isidor number of organizations have drawn light Blue Silks Mr. and Mrs.- C. Horwich announce tone. Canton Crepe : at Exelsior .Springs for the past two Irene's teacher • says there is no Bosh, vrho immediately joined the from their, treasuries for the adoption the engagement of their daughter, Moos GI© Pinfc Silks weeks, will return tomorrow. ranks of the order. Aided by his preEose, to Mr. Nathan Kramer of this other dramatic soprano* in the United vious journalistic experience, he un-of one or more orphans. These organHere snfi There Copeti Silks States with a range that compares izations include sections cf the CounNovelty Silks Creye :-Mr. and Mrs. Fred "W. Walker of city. Mr. and Mrs. Horwich will give •with hers. She is a thorough musi- dertook to publish a Jetrish paper, cil of Jewish Women, fraternal orders, a reception at their home on Sunday Novelty Stripes Tal-Ir-ho Newark; Hew Jersey, are spending the ("Israel's Herald"), the first in the cian; having studied for eight years. such as B'nai Brith and Brith AbraPlaid Silks Baronet summer with Mrs. Walker's parents, evening from seven to ten o'clock, for L'_e probably .nil go to Italy, and if German language in this1 country, is: ham, social clubs, relief iasistations their daughter and Mr. Kramer. Mr. arid M M . B. Green* her program of study is fulfilled she •which articles appeared setting forth and children's groups. A third inethcd Magnificent Silk Shirts that you have been paying S15.00 •will make her debut before she hasthe aims of the-order; but the publi- of adoption is by special "units," four to ?20.00 for. One of the best purchases in our history— Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cohn will entertaiti cation "veas discontinued after a three oi ten or more people getting togethMr. and Mrs. S. A. Rice are at Des reached her eighteenth birthday. if you have a skirt to buy this gummer, here's the . couples at dinner at Jones SunMoines for the Shrine Convention, er, contributing equal amounts and Irene had' studied but three months months' triaL Say evening. opportunity of the season! where they -will be the guests of. Miss •when she showed the effect of her Bush soon removed to St. Louis, taking turns writing to "their child." TflHe.HascelL. >. \':. ,'. •:. ^ .. Women's Wearing Apparel—Entire Third Floor Bernhardt Wolf, son of Mrs, Cora splendid musicianship. In a single •where he became largely instrumental In the orphans' department ,estab—Mam BuHding. . . . lislied at its New York office by tha in promoting and developing the prinday she learned the chief aria of two ^ wedding of Miss Lee Zien, Wolf, will arrive tomorrow from operas—-namely, "Madama Butterfly" iciples and purposes of the order. In Joint Distribution Committee, comdaughter of Mx. L Zien of Milwaukee,' Northwestern Military School to arid "Tosea." Her memory of •words] 1850 the question of the admission of plete records of over sis: thousand to M£ Eliott Sandier of this city was spend the summer here. and ^musJc ivas faultless, • although f non-Jews -to" m-fesibexsMp in the order orphans are now i s the files, awaiting ^ftr iaka place this eveningadoption, and the records are pouring; naturally her rendition was far from "was decided in tke negative. at the hom,eof Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Mrs. I). Grossman and daughter, perfect, with but twenty-four hours New lodges were being formed and in weekly. The last records were of | OM*8*. KEtiT Bpasberg^bf.thJs city. MrssSdasberg" Etta, leave "tomorrow for St. Louis preparation. when L> 1851 the Constitution Grand orphans from the most recent poand Excelsior Springs for a months. will beiier.sisters' tody attendant and ±COEPvECT APPAEEL FOR MEN AND WOMEN And what will prove of further Lodge met, in conformity with the Mr. Phillip. Handler will act as best benefit the girl is well equipped in new constitution, a charter was grantMr. Harry Frankel entertained five j man. Following the wedding, a recepcouples at a dancing party for Miss the matter of languages. She specks e ^ for a District Grand Lodge No. 1, tion will be held* Sylvia Lewis of Rock Island, Illinois^ iTench and Italian with fluency, the located in the city of New York, and Matinees: Sunday, Wedncpinj-, Saturday. .wlia is the house guest of Miss Berthe two language^ required in opera. for a District Grand Ledge No. 2, to •Mr. and Mrs. 3.; B. Kaiz entertained More thanthis, she is fairly con-'be located in Cincinnati, fourteen guests at dinner, Saturday Leon. versant with the German, Russian and "I'The Constitution Grand Lodge beevening at the Fontenelle to celebrate YOU AHE IN NEED OF Hebrew. , came the highest tribunal of the orMiss Mildred Cohn will entertain at '• their wedding anniversary. a picnic Sunday for members of the der, communicating only with District THOUSANDS OF JEWS ARE Grand Lodges; Henry Jones was school set. Mrs. A. Melcher entertained at lunPOURING INTO TRIESTE elected president ("Grand Saar"). cheon at :her home Tuesday for l i r a To Hear Report. The Italian government has taken The first annual report named twelve Anselm Lebrecht of Kansas City and A mass meeting of the Zionist Orsteps to prevent the further accum- lodges in existence, with 1,202 mem•for MrsI Reuben Melcher, a recent ightful Qld-Fashiofted Love Storj% bride. There were thirty-six present. ganization will be held Tuesday eve- ulation in Trieste of Jews desiring to bers, and $19,134.23 of aggregate —Evensisj**-— —Matinees— ning, June 21,-at the Beth Hamedrash emigrate to Palestine, says a dispatch funds; $1,-100 had been disbursed dur25c and' 58c Hagodel Synagogue, Nineteenth and from Trieste. Despite the fact that ing that year for the support of the ^ Brotherhood of Temple Israel will give a dancing party at Peony Burt streets, to hear the report of the British administration has order-j sick and needy. In 1852 District Farm .on. Wednesday evening, June 29. Mr. Louis Kneeter, who recently re- ed the ports of Palestine closed for at Grand Lodge No. S -was instituted at turned from the convention at Cleve- least a fortnight as a result of thePhiladelphia. Thus after seven years aiad other articles in Mrs. Victor Bosewater and children land. A special program has been ar- recent disturbances in Jaffa, thous- of existence, the order entered upon ands of Jews continue to pour into its second epoch, during which it will leaireWednesday to join Mr.Eose- ranged. the s t a t i o n e r y line Trieste from all parts of Europe on spread rapidly. water" a i Washington, D. C., where COMMENCES EXCAVATING the way to Palestine. Many of thece The endowment and insurance feathey willrTemain for the summer. OF OLD BIBLICAL CITY. are without means and in danger of ture had to be dropped. The order Clarence Fisher, Curator of the starvation.. The Italian government had clearly oafgrown serving as s M ; L Hirschberg of El Paso, Tex., Egyptian section of the University of has ordered that no more intending mutual insurance society. The memis -visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pennsylvania Museum, will commence emigrants be permitted to enter bers, had learned that the order was B. Simon* .•.•-;-— . next week excavating the Biblical city Trieste until further notice; .-.•'•••• called upon to devote its energy and time and means to matters affecting Mrs. Edward Lang is at Des Moihes, of Beth' Shanat the eastern end'of the the larger household of Israel or hu^ HOLDS CONVENTION •%Kere she will spend, several weeks Valley of Isdraealbn.- Dr. FisHer" exmanity. With the growth of anti-Sempects to finds the ruins of seven anThe Independent; Order B'rith ShoTOth Mrs. Milton Goodman. cient cities on the same site repres- lom held its nineteenth annual con- itism in the culture lands of Europe, : At the meeting of the Youflg Judaea entiBg nine different civilizations. vention May 29 to June 6 at Balti- translating itself in countries of a Senior Club last Wednesday eveiimg Beth Shan (The House of the Sunmore, Md. Governor Ritchie and lower level of civilization into legal PRINTER AKD STATIONER and economic discrimination and oftaE^1 the" home of Miss Betty Sidman, a God) is- the modern city of Beisan on Mayor Broening addressed the dele- en enough into bloody massacres, ivith 118 So. 17th Street, Baird BMg. the Haifa-Damascus railway. K is gates at the opening" session." Btotion was passed to increase ^thethe forced" exile of our persecuted Phone ' JAcksoa 077C .• situated in one of the most fruitful raembership of this organization to Starts—Sunday, Starts—Sundry parts of Palestine and watered by WINS FIRST PRIZE ^ y members. The next meeting will 1 June IPth June Wth numerous tributaries of the Jordan A young Jewish student( Eugene held at "the home, of Miss Eose which likewise supply it with water Segal, won first prize for the best Priscilla Dean Minkih. power. Beth Shan is inentioned in short story submitted in the Prize Day contests, which were held last month . V.\ For Miss Euth Gross, whose marri-Kings 1, Chapter IV; 12. at the University of Cincinnati. The age to Mr. J. M. Malashock will take PRINCESS PLAYERS. title of his story was "The Valiant pjace next Tuesday, Mrs. A. B. Alpirn An adoption of Kate Douglas Wig- Never Die." P. Fede_* e&tertainpd said MrSi MrS David D p Also in their first and cr.ly NOW SELLING AT lixty guests a t luncheon Wednesday gin's littie comedy of home, "Mother ' at the home of Mrs. Alpirni followed Carey's Chickens/' is the offering this BUY DIRECT.—Modern 8-room fey bridge. Thursday,afternoon, Mrs.•tfeek of the. Princess Players at the house, in good shape. Hanscom : Harry Malashok will entertain &£• aBrandeis Theater. You will like "Mother Carey's Park district. Jewish neighbor.r ••: Bridge party for Mas bride-elect and Chickens,"—it is a play of sweet sim- hood. Fine lawn and shade trees. \ Saturday afternoon the Misses Sylvia -,: and Nell Moskqwitz will have a card plicity and sympathetic interest, and Close to two car lines. Only half l piarty for Miss Gross., ' not TOthdut its tonehes of true com- cash" required. Phone, Harney ;.» The wedding of Miss Gross and Mr. edy. You will laugh at old Ossian 1273, evenings. Malashock will take; place Tuesday Popham and a t little Joy and you will evening at 5:30 after which a recep- love NancyCarey, the eldest of Moth- ~ er Carey's Chickens. tion will be held at the Blackstone. Miss Warfield "Will be Nancy and Miss Lse Abfahsrasra entertained Mr. Nedell "will be Tom -with the other Sunday—Singer Midgets hi "Skirts" for thirty guests for Mr. and Mrs. D.members of the company cast in good I0IS Begen of Pittsbtirg, Kansas- Mrs. part* HM.-TBB.-Bil2cBnrkcin*"KaoiieBdiMht¥ ma. Degen was formerly- Miss Geraldine M Wed. and Thurs.—"Passionate Pilgrims -}jl pins Sfarks. The out-of-town guests were ZIONIST CONFERENCE SEPT. Fridav and Saturday—"Heliotrope" Mrs. M. Gi Meyejr of -Detroit/ t£i'< aid London. (J. T. • Agency.) I t 15th Street Mrs. F. "Welker of Newark, New Jer- definitely established that the next sey, and- Miss Lena Bordy of Colum- Zionist Cpngress will convene on September *~ bus, Nebraska.









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FAGE-4—IHE JEWISH PRESS THUBSDAY, TONE 16, 1921. "Now, by my hood, a gentile'and no front, and when its vogue passed he lites-ature from the time of Lyly downbridge. Wednesday the brides'-elec't Jew," spokea by Gratiano of Jessica, dropped back among the lesser fry and wards. Barham was one of the first "Were honor guests at a luncheon given Shylock's daughter, when she elopes finally disappeared from the stage. to «se it ss s verb for "cheat" in his by Miss Rose Baron' at the Country with her Christian lover, Lorenzo. It Tho words and music were by "C. •Ingoidsby Legend?-"—in "The Brothclub and in the evening Miss Rose' Sent by onr Council Bluffs News should not escape- notice that Shake- Morris/' and the music was eeri&iEly ers o£ B;rchington"-~ Jupt- us income* Grueskin entertained at a dancing A SYNONYM FOR CONTEMPT AND DISHONESTY speare puts these words into the bsttsr thai the words j it wss LauKt- quGnilr r,v,6 as gr&tui'tpnf^j" ct- did virparty. Miss Sarah Brodkey will leave mouth'of Gratiano immediately after ing and attractive and v a s popular &r tuallj- every dramatist of the J 7th and Thursday for Council Bluffs, where That the word "Jew? should be in composed include the following, in Jessica has said: s za&rck for some time. For some fif- ISta centuries, thus establishing a cusThe.Council'Blufis B'nai B'rith base- she will be an attendant at the Nathan- more or less general usage for centu- Chap. VHI: "I.will, make fast the doors, and gild teen years or so, "Sheeny" u a s in gen- tom to be perpetuated by the degenerbail team -will meet this; fast, Y. M.Whitebock wedding* ries as an opprbbrious epithet may be "Let him take heed also that he do • l i ate riffraff that followed t M r lead, H.:X team of Omaha. All the clubs a pitiful reflection on the sense pffair- not call his servants drunkards, With sdrae more ducats, aa<f be with eral uia, and Rudyard Kipling availed tmtll the term becsaae the. property of and-organizations of- Comicil Bluffs himself of it in his -"Soldiers Three," Miss- Mildred Zimman of Kansas thieves}\ villains, Jews, nor other such- ' . .-. you straight." . are urged to be -present a t this ball City is visiting at the home of her ness and-justice bi -peoples; , at the like names in the story, "In the Matter of a Pri- the race course prowler and other of reproach." same,time i t is not. so/easy to; explain game, as this is the first Jewish, ball sister, Mrs. A. Stein. Mrs. Stein" envate," published in 3888. Aboct 1900, sozzs. of modern times.—M. J*. L. in aad Shaw. team that has ever been organized* in tertained at a dancing party Friday its persistence. It may, logically First Figurative Use of the Term Tom Costello gang "The Sheer.y Coon" London Jewish Guardian. "Shakespeare may well have meant enough, be a tribute to the eternity of ; '•• the Slug's. The teams will play Snn>- evening:, for her sister. .; . -Jew.". . on the halls. Those were the days the Jew, for most other invidious Here then, ten years before Lyly, GrateLano's words to have been biting day morning at Carter Lake at Omaof the coon song, and with character- MOTSBE OF-WOMEN'S COUNCIL sarcasm, but that point has been terms of contempt have but fleeting ha., The following men •will represent Mr. Louis Pickus has returned from lives. The "pro-Boer" of a generation when there were no Jews in England, strangely overlooked. Quite apart istic music-hall irrelevance the "shee- TO'VISIT EUROPEAN COUNTRIES the local team: Arthur Freiden* mgr., Ames, Iowa, where he has been atwe have what appears to be the first ny" becEiae a coon. But "sheeny" and Sirs.'Hannah Solomon, the "mother • Morris <3ilinsky, capt., Inue Krasne, tending school, and- will spend the ago . is completely forgotten; th& figurative use of the term "Jew" in from "The Merchant of Venice," there coon languished together, and once of the Co'JT&cil of Jewish. Women,*" vdll^ Joe Krasne, MoeKrasne, Harry Cohen, summer with his. parents,: Mr. aid "Hun" and "Bosche"'of yesterday are the English literature, coming from a is brief but uncomplimentary use of again : "sheeny" has disappeared from spend the ' summer in Europe. In • already passing. These are but ephe- remarkable and tainted source. For the word Jew in six other of ShakeLouis Cohen, Nathan Cohen, Goodman Mrs. N. W. Pickus. July she willfoethe guest of the Fedmeral phrases which, years later, need Guevara is an important figure in speare's plays, a strangely insistent the language. Pill; Harry I^erehneter and Harold eration of Women's Clubs, which holds Bat the word "Jew," as nous, adjecinstance being Falstaff s' use of the explaining. Evea }iflimortiality in Cherniack. S :. '; . : ; Mr. Joe Rice and Abe Mason "will literature is no guarantee of popular Spanish literature, with whom the phrase, "An Eforew Jew" (Henry IV, tive or verb, to denote something ras- its convention in Vienna, She will re* Much rivalry exists between the two spend the week-end in Omaha and will favor. Who for instance, today uses world dealt exceeding well. A liber- Part I, Act 2, Sc. 4), Singularly cally End contemptible, is enshrined in turn home in October. • teams and it is expected that the local attend the Omaha-Sioux City debate. "Yahoo," Dean- Swift's wonderfully tine in his youth, he became a Fran- enough, Shaw, in "Annajanska, the ciscian monk, and, gaining Royal fa- Bolshevist Empress," a oae-act skit team will come home with all honors. simple inventio ? Gulliver's Travels The locals will be represented by two Sunday, June 19, National Flower are still read, but "hooligan" has vor, was appointed Bishop of Guadix produced in 1918, plagarizes Falstaff, and then of Mondonedo. He is desets of brothers, all-to-gether compris- Dayi will be observed in Sioux "City completely ousted the more , expres- scribed as "shamelessly intolerant and when he makes General Straramfest ing six on the ball team. by the Hadassah Club, when junior sive word. The tragic history of the refer to the fact that he is made Conimembers will canvass the city to re- Jewish people, in which the most cruel," and justified some unspeakable mander-in-Chief by his own solicitor, Arthur Snyder, son of Mr. and Mrs. ceive contributions toward the fund poignant feature is- the pitilessness of atrocity of the Inquisition in 1525. He "a Jew, s Hebrew," Bolshevism as Sam Snyder, 300 Oakland avenue, for the purchase of land in Palestine. the nations, may he "sufficient explana- was,' furthermore, one of the greatest the link between Shakespeare and •Wednesday received' his Bachelor of Miss Gertrude Shulkin is chairman of tion for the continuance of "Jew" as literary forgers in history, for his Shaw, by means of Lyly's Spanish euScience degrees at the University of the committees and Miss Mary Itkin a synonym for contempt and dis- "Eeloj de Principes," which appeared phuism, is a quaint caprice, a literary in 1525, is*a clever but impudent fabPennsylvania. is supervisor. honesty,-but it is a curious fact that rication passed off by him as a trans- wandering Jew. The Word "Sheeny." in the medieval Miracle plays, the lation from Marcus Aurelius. The imThe Three Table Card Club met crudely dramatic v Mysteries which posture was discovered later and ruth- Yet another disparaging euphuism Tuesday evening a t the. home of J. were the medium of teaching New lessly exposed, but this fact does not for Jew has cot "made good.** This Krasne, 519 Oakland aveaue. Twelve Testament religion to the unlettered! appear to have become known outside is the vrord "sheeny." Twice i t has members were present at the meeting. masses until Shakespeare's time, andf Spain where his work was highly come into the language, sad each time New York, May 25.—The import- were notoriously harsh in their r&-| prized for its style and for his moral has failed-to. gsin pennasenee. The Mr. Sam. Snyder left Thursday .for ance of the kosher meat trade in this presentation of the Jew as Judas, the; Guevara, who lives in the origin of 4he word is obscare, bat it Des Moines,' Iowa,; -where he will at- city is shown in recent government word itself was never used in the a l -teachings! |biographies as "Spanish historian and first appeared jost sbotft a century tend the Shrine convention. reports indicating that almost half of lusive sense. Nor was it so in the> moralist," died in 1545. Marcus Aure- sgo.' .Pierce Egaa, tine-elder, used it ' j iius, according to Graetz, bore the in his "Boxiana"- series in 1S2S. He the city's meat is kosher slaughtered. earlier writings. :-V NATHAN-WHTTEBOOK.' refers to "a good day's play 'smojig Yefin the final quarter of the 17th I . "During 1920," says the Market The wedding of Miss Rose "White- Reporter, issued by, • the Department century, the dazzling secular Eliza- j Jews no good will; "he seems even to the Sheenies." Egan was an authority book, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. of Agriculture, "there were slaugh- bethan literature, before which the have cherished a special aversion to on slang and brought many "cant" them." Whitebook, to Mr. Louis Nathan, of words into general use, but "sheeny" world still stands in awe, was replete Born in Spam. Omaha, -will take place this evening tered in New -York in round numbers with the word "Jew," connoting everyis not to be found in his edition of at Eagle's Hall at six o'clock. The 438,000 cattle, 517,000 calves and thing vile and contemptible. One nat- The use of "Jew" as a derogatory Grose's "Classical Dictionary of the 1,290,400 sheep and lambs. Of these bride will be attractively gowned in urally turns to the Eupues of John term appears to have been born in Vulgar Tongae" published in 1S23. It Every Basement Department Joins fc this Big Three crepe satin and will carry a bouquet approximately 98 per cent of the cat-Lyle, that brilliant "first" novel in the J Spain of the Inquisition,, of a putative has been suggested that:the Russian Day Basement Sale. It will fee. "&zs opportunity for tle, 98 per cent of the calves, and w of bride's roses and swansonia. She English language, which, in 1857, ush- j Roman father. Could anything be "zhid may be-its godfather in some every msn, woman sac! child in Omahs to obtain desir15 per cent of the sheep and the •will be attended by Miss Esther Naered in the later literature of Eliza-j more natural? Guevera probably but way, also that Portuguese Jews of a able goods at low prices. ^i£an as maid of honor, and "Miss Jen- lambs were slaughtered and dressed beth's reign, the Golden Period, and! transferred it to paper from the lan-century back who dealt in imitation ie Nathan, and Miss Sara Brodkey of in accordance with the Hebrew regu- exercised an immediate and a tremen- guage of the period, and through Lyly diamonds known as "sheenies" may Brandefs Stores clerks are obliging and glai to Sioux City, bridesmaids. * Miss Jean- lations. If in connection with the dous influence on 'writing and speech. it passed swiftly into English litera- have given rise to the word. It fell shoppers in everty possible WRJ. Shopping in our fcws©nette Marcus, Miss ; Stella Trochten- above there is taken into account the Sure enough, in the section, "Euphues, ture as convenient "euphuism." All into desuetude, however, and -was retaent Is s delight. fact that between 50 and 55per cent herg and the Misses Faye and Lottie and his Ephebus," in the first ipart off his contemporaries and successors vived in a music-hall song, "The SheeAlperin will stretch the ribbons and of the meat consumed in New York the work entitled "The Anatomy of. drank deep at the "Euphues" well of ny Man," about 18S8. This wss sung little Florence and Eddie Whitebook city is slaughtered locally, the import- Wit," Lyly wrote: Y. ' I inspiration. How closely ha .-was fol- by J. C. Rich, a comedian, -who gained •will strew rose petals. The bride's at- ance of kosher meats becomes appar- "Consider with thyself that thouart; lowed as a* model even by the greatest fame by it, and whose make-up and tendants./will be gowned in rainbow ent. a gentleman, yea; and a gentile, and of the writers of the time is evidenced gestures left nothing- to the imaginacolored organdy. Mr. Morris Wohlner Largest Market in World. if thou neglect thy calling, thou a r t , by Shakespeare's use of the phrase, tion. The song brought Rich to the " will act as best man, Mr. Jacob White- "While considerable numbers of live worse than a Jew." I book and Julius "will be the ushers. stock are koshered in almost every "Euphues and His, Ephebus" is a4! Eabbi Morris Taxon will officiate. A city of any considerable size, the almost literal translation of Plutarch's reception wiil. follow: the ceremony. trade naturally reaches its greatest tractate, "De Educatione Pueronrum," Mr. Nathan and his bride will spend volume in the great centers of popu- but the above remark, which appears their honeymoon at Estes Park and lation like New York, Jersey City, at the end of Lyle's section, is not in ...Colorado Springs and upon their re- Boston, Philadelphia and Chicago. Plutarch. Lily, however, was indebtThe^osEerEestaiirait at $W turn will make their home in Omaha. New York city with its Jewish pop- ed to other authors. One was Sir teentK Street is now under &® ulation of approximately 1,506,000, is Thomas North, the'translator and first the largest kosher meat market in the great master of English prose. In Mr. a£id Mrs^-.'R. Goldstein well United States and possibly in the 1557 he retranslated through the announce Chicago Kosher restaurant Celia D. Boss, Box 1316, Sta. A, world. French the Spanish work, "Deloj de. • B . 3652: Principles," by Antonio di Guevara, "The fact that the kosher trade a substantial redaction uses only the fore-quarters accounts whilh had "been firsttranslated in 1539 Mrs.; H. Garson entertained ten to a considerable extent for the large! by Lord Berners. North gave it the •Mr. and Mxs. Goldstebi hsve jasss couples at a dancing party at the number of animals required to supply title of "The Diall of Princesi" This perience in the.Kosher f»£asiraat Park pavillion in'honor of her daugh- that class of trade. The hihd-quar-1 work had a considerable vogue and in the prices of their cars ter Johanna who graduated High ters are always sold to the Gentile was several times reprinted. A new .school. Miss Gsrson left Saturday t r a d e - i n New York city and Phila- edition appeared in 1568, containing afternoon for Chicago, .where she will delphia the ribs are sold to Gentiles in addition to the three books into spend'her vacation. , in addition to the hind-quarters. This which the work had been first divided, leaves only the chucks and plates for a fourth entitled "The Favored CourR and Mrs. Seidman entertained the kosher trade, which represents tier," being a translation of Guevara's a number of friends; and relatives at about 43 per cent of, the carcass "Despertado de Cortesanos." The their home Sunday afternoon in honor weight. This is probably done for "moral" maximum of which it was of their daughter Lillian, who gradq r Cleanliness snd reasonable piiees ated High school. Lillian, who is only purely business reasons, as the rib is sixteen, is one of the few who com- wholly acceptable from a religious pleted the regular four year course of standpoint, and in most cities is used by the kosher trade along with the High school in three years. The first cost is practiceJy the last rest of the fore^quarter. Heavy, Fat Animals. A regular meting of the Chummy "The kosner trade is confined alclub/was held at the home of Miss Ruth Zolot, the evening was spent in most exclusively to heavy, fat animals, and for that reason kosher dancing. ' V slaughter produces a tonnage oi meat Miss Bessie Epstien left Friday per given number of animals much afternoon for Kiwanis camp at Mil- higher than the average resulting ford, Nebr.j where she "will spend six from slaughter for Gentile consumpOMAHA, NEB. COUNCIL BLUFFS, IA. weeks of her vacation. 103 SO. MAIN ST. HARNEY AT 28TH ST. tion." HARNEY 0123. COUNCIL BLUFFS 6S1 Describing the method of slaughter Mr. and Mrs. Earpin, and their two .of kosher meats, the government relittle sons motored to Des Moines. "Our Salesrooms Open Evenings and Sundays" port says: "The kosher system of slaughterMax and Coney Mozer, Miss Rose ing differs somewhat from the genMozer and Miss Esther Aronson mot- eral custom among Gentiles, and one ored to Des Moines, where they will of the prime requisites is that the attend the Shriner. convention. animal bleed thoroughly. According to Jewish belief, no blood should reAn interesting program is being main in the meat when consumed. prepared, by the Tuesday Night Bible For that reason the animal's throat A Banking Institution class to be given . on Confirmation is cut without first being stunned by that Meets with Your Ideas day, Sunday, June 19.' * * of Service and that Possesses a blow on the head, as is done in ; A Hartinann Wardrobe Trunk jlj "will add joy and comfort to III the Element of Secnrity other killing. I your outingv ' Essential J o Confidence., "While kosher slaughter is primarily of a religious nature, being perIts a regular Traveling Wardformed by the Rabbi, or his deputy, robe which you don't have to it is also a system of inspection and unpack and keeps your clothes <o Interest Paid on antedates the modern government infresh and free from wrinkles. Savings Accounts Many affairs are being given for spection by several thousand years. Miss Sarah Brodkey whose marriage The Schecter, or man who does the Four roomy drawers which Compounded quarterly. D e p o s i t s to Mr. Julius Arkin, of Omaha, will accepts or rejects it, depending upon made'on or before the 10th of the Deposits Protected can be locked;, shoe box, laundry month draw interest for entire month. by Depositor's Guartake place June .28, and for Miss Ma- accepts or rejects it, depneding upon bag, and all the features that Funds subject to withdrawal withanty Fund of the tilda Brodkey whose^marriage to Mr. whether or not it meets the requiremake Hartman Wardrobe Trunks I WE FUSNISH ALL FORRS OF out notics. . , State of Nebraska. " Esoch Grueskin "will take place on. the ments of the Hebrew law. so popular. I PERSONAL SEE¥I€E WHE EACH following d3y. The brides-elect are the daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Max Model illustrated, was $72.00, !.. § • POLICY — LARGE OB SMALL' Brodkey. . . now- $50.00. Others at the new |jj HOUSE FOR SALE price levels. \ "\ Saturday/Miss Isabel Baron enterx^i-XlC^lx^cULl wtClLG' : JL/ciXXxk-' tained twelre guests at luncheon for All modern house, seven rooms and bath; furnished the Misses Brodkey; Sunday after•• '-•••.:•- ' ;• ' - E I G H T E E N T H - A M D J * A E N A M ; S T R E E T S . or unfurnished. noon, Miss Mary Daskovsky enter\ D . W . Geisebaan,' President, ;• ; ".•.'"'.'•'••"•/D»-.C.V<5eiBeIman,.:'Cashier. NORTH SIDE. TERMS. | Tel Trl«r S1.60. tained informaly at her home; Mon1803 Farnam^Street, . '-••.•'; ._ •";.-. . " ; • . H . ' E f . • K r o g t i , ' A s $ t . C a s h i e r . . •• • • •. ' •• Address: 44, day, Mrs. Robert Sacks entertained H5 care of "Jewish Pressi. ":•:; '.. H e r e ; l 5 . y e a r s . ' / V smnmuitmmmummnmimnummmmauutmi &t luncheon/and Tuesday Miss-Esther ::: Goodsite had a luncheon followed by .V."..



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