June 23, 1921

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jjj It is not neces- ill jjj sary to be rich, jjj IH or to be great, or !!! pj to be powerful, to jij jj! be h a p p y. The j|i I II! |j| III

I •

happy man is the 111 successful m a n . ill Joy is wealth.— IO v Robert Ingersoll. |'—'


I.—NO. 28.


:ji8 second-class mall matter on January 27th, 1921, at at Omaha, Nebraska,, nnder the Act ot March 3, 1879.

Make ReportwWork^ r Of Mti-Befamatioit; Exposelnti-Semite


League Brings to Light Treacherous Work of Boris L. Brasol, the Russian. Special to "THE JEWISH PKESS."


BLIND RABBI-HERO HONORED A blind Rabbi, a victim of the. recent world war, will be the center of attraction at the formal opening of the first annual convention of the Disabled American Veterans of the World War to be held .in Detroit, Michigan, next Monday. Of him a recent report of the Associated Press said: He is Michael Aaronson, rabbi and student of the Hebrew Union college, Cincinnati, who as chaplain of the Disabled American Veterans ^ will deliver the invocation at the first day's session of the veterans. ; Rabbi Aaronson at the outbreak of the war enlisted and served in the 147tfc; infantry. Both his eyes were blown out- wEea in the capture of Montfaucon m the ArgoiUie he was struck by a shell as he was bringing back wounded American soldiers. ? . .• In this Michigan city within a stohe*s throw of the great Ford industries; within a short wafe of the home of Henry Ford, the seat of anti-semitism,; this veteran of the war, who sacrificed, light for darkness "so that >this nation might. live" will deliver to ; his suffering, battle-stricken "buddies"—Jew and Gentile alike—a message of hope, brotherly love, and good-will. Why the veterans picked Detroit as their first meeting place is not.known. Some say these crippled heroes want to drive home to Henry Ford and his slacker-son, Edsel, the real message of the war. Edsel claimed exemption on the grounds that he was a necessity in his father's factory. In a recent issue of his libel-sheet, Ford said that the Jews did not do their duty in the recent war. When the convention opens let Ford ana his ilk count the Jews among the disabled ones. ? Governor Grosebeck of Michigan and ^Mayor Couzins of Detroit, both opposed to the propaganda of Ford, wiir address the veterans. Ford did not receive an invitation! -.

G r a p p l e the {If f i r s t difficulty | that comes up. IF: 1 Wrestle tfll you j | down it. if it 111 Hikes -till break fif of. flay. tGet on -1 top'.of It with J§ both feet. • Archer Brown. •



Parents Of ' Confirmants * . Praise Work Of Taxon

Nathan Rosenberg1, 39 years old, who came from Poland to this country nine Testimonial of Appreciation Signed years ago, was a member by Parents, of Children—Parof the graduating class of ents Give Him Parse. the Cass Public School last v.-eek. He is the oldest Says. Parents of children recently con- person ever graduated from English S t a t e s m a n Will Stand by Jews firmed at the Talmud Torah passed a primary school in this city. in Palestine. resolutions of appreciation of the He arrived in Omaha four work of Rabbi Morris N. Taxon. The years ago from Chicago. He London. (J, T. Agency.) A long1 resolutions were drawn and signed owns a small junk shop. awaited and oft-delayed statement on. following the confirmation exercises While he attended school, Great Britain's future policy, in Palwhich were held in the Syna- his wife watched o\7er their estine and Messopotamia, Mr. Wingogue at Eighteenth and Chicago business. ston Churchill, Colonial Secretary, restreets. Eosenberg is the father cently solemnly declared that England The parents of the children preof three children who at- meant to abide by its promise to cresented Rabbi Taxon with a purse and tended school with him. He ate iix Palestine a national Homeland the children and the parents gave spe- made the best record for for the Jewish people. The statecial gifts to the teachers of the con- the family, however, gradument made in the House of Commons firmation class, Misses Sophye Weinating with highest honors. gave the lie to rumors of recent curstein and Ivie Siegel. His ambition is to secure that the Balfour Declaration" The synagogue was crowded to its a good an education as pos- rency was a dead letter in British, foreign capacity with parents. Among sible here. Next fall Rosenpolitics. the "speakers were Dr. Philip Sher and Harry Lapidus V Both emphasized berg intends to teach forDiscusses Question Frankly. eigners primary E n g l i s h the importance of parent* taking an Mr. Churchill discussed frankly the interest in the Talmud Torah and while he attends the Central difficulties of & Zionist policy. It was, High School. . urged them to visit the school frestated, contrary to England's The Rosenberg's live at he quently. avowed policy of consulting the views 1008 North Sixteenth street. of the population in the territories it "In air my past speeches I always

Chicago, III,, June 22.—During the past year the Anti-Defamation League has distributed among educators, public officials, clergymen, publicists and public libraries, nearly. 300,000 pieces of literature in which the nefarious activities of anti-Semetic agencies in this country have been exposed and the charges which they have made, conclusively answered. Their international character of the attacks has made it necessary to establish branches of the league in other countries. •' Since July 1, 1920, the governing board of the league has held fortysix'meetings in Chicago. In addition to the.B'nai B'rith, the following organizations were represented at these Stores of Iowa -City Close Doors Dur.meetings: Council of Jewish Women, said, 'I am sorry that more parents ing Funeral of Leader in Jewruled, but the undertaking' had once Central Conference of American Rabare not here," said Dr. Sher, presiish Activities. been made and could sot be denied if bis. The Union of American Hebrew dent of the school, "but today you England's word was to count for Congregations and the American Zihave stolen my set speech. I am glad aught in the Near East. Th|p Arabs All Council Bluffs paid tribute to J onist Organization. Nearly 400 com- Julius- Ungar,- Council Bluffs merto see so many of you here." in Palestine, he said, were uniluly explaints of defamation and discrimina- chant, who died suddenly early SatFollowing is the testimonial of apercised over the prospects of \a mass tion were acted upon and in addition urday morning,:at his home, 227 South preciation: immigration of Jews into the country. Mr. Archibald A. Marx of New Or- But, and in this he concurred as he the Board superintended the conduct Seventh street. Every business house WHEKEAS, Rabbi Morris X. Taxon. leans and Babbi Martin Zielonka of stated with the recent announcement of the educational program which the and industry affiliated with the Rehas merited the appreciation and gratitude of all members of the community interest- El Paso, Tex., left this week for Mex- of Sir Herbert Samuel, immigration league is carrying out to bring about tail Merchants' association closed its ed in communal service end he' has ico City. "better understanding between Jew doors during the funeral services Monwould be limited in proportion to the especially vron the respect, esteem and afThey are being sent by the Execu- ever-increasing receptwe powers of and non-Jew. day. fections of the .parentK of the children constituting the confirmation class of this tive Committee of the B'nai B'rith to the land. The funeral services were conducted League Keeps Informed. investigate the condition of Jewish 1'ear. by Rabbi Frederick Cohn of Omaha. Need Military Force. The league is informed of the per- Beautiful floral tributes iromthe many AXD, WHEREAS, KaJibi Morris X. immigrants who have been coming to The unwarranted antagonism of tihe Tason, in ihis particular branch of sonnel and. financial backers of the friends and organizations with which Mexico in ever-increasing numbers Special to "TIDE JEWISII PRESS." Special to "THE JEWISH PKESS." ' Rabrhlcnl endeavor,—nnmely, confirmation since the restrictive bars were placed Arabs, Mr. Churchill declared, made various anti-Seinetic organizations Mr. Ungar was a member filled the this year confirmed the onenecessary the retention of an unusuChicago, HL, June 22.—A. B. Seel- —hr.s Cincinnati, June 22.—J. Walter active in this country. Their plan of Ungar home. The honorary pallbearhundreth child in four annual confirma- upon immigration to the United] enfreund, Executive Secretary of the Freiberg, president of the Union of action J s thoroughly understood so ers and the organizations they repThe Jewish community in j ally large military force which would tions since he has assumed the Kabl)mate States. that it. is possible in many instances resented were: Emmet Tinley, Elks; American Hebrew Congregations, died B'nai B'rith, :s now in Europe where in our commnnit jv ' Mexico City -will be organised by them be reduced only as soon as conditions he will remain for about three months, XOW, THEREFORE, in token of our suddenly Thursday, June 9. to forestall and render harmless the Harlie Norris,- Chamber of Commerce; with a view to relieving the distress made that possible, for, the •minister Mr. Freiberg was connected with extending 'the relief organisation of appreciation of Ms untiring: efforts, and of recent immigrants and aiding- them stated, England was adamant in its efforts which are being made to John B. Long, Retail Merchants' Asespecially the personal attention accorded arouse hatred and fear of the Jew. sociation; Theodore Laskowski, Ro- the Union for the last twenty, years the Order and establishing local con- our chHelren in this confirmation class to become self-sustaining and useful determination to protect Jewish life and property, especially the Jewish. tact between the B'nai B'rith Lodges and was president for the past ten A typical instance occurred during tary club; O. Hockman, B'nai B'rith. and other children in our comimiiiitT, we, citizens of that country. The Hebrew from"" in' Europe and Jewish war orphans the undersigned, parents of the children Sheltering and Immigrant Aid Soci- colonies which he praised highly, y e a r s . - . •.' ..'•. '. •*'.•". the past few weeks. The National 1 any stt&cks on the part of fanatical The active pallbearers were Albert in the class, do hereby take this opwho are being supported by donations :His death will be a great Joss to the ; Civic Federation is engaged through ety is co-operating with the Order in 1 i to Vxjiress oar sentiments of and agitated Arabs. ••;.'-'. ^ its Department ;«£ Revolutionary: Ac^ Cahn^^A. EL AbraJjanis^James ,-Yesjfi -o2g anizatian~and to-the J&wish, cSESe-^&m:-Ams&a£$i&''xiaZ~'B*ri\.h Lodges.' jiortnnify this work. appreciation' End deepest gratitude for his . -"• . ~ Mr. Seelenfreund will also endeavor splendid •work. • tivities in an investigation of radical er7 Frank Converse, Worlsey"Smith, In America. Churchill Praises Samuel. "' 'Through the Charge d'Affairs at Joe P. Gahn. ~~ - < to prevent*, as far as possible, the activities in the United States.. The and Respectfully submitted, The Englisli press receiver Church: Washington, an appeal was sent by Mr. Ungar, who was 52 years old, sending of immigrants to America, Harry ;H. Lapidus, Max Shntner, ill's statement on Palestine with mmh ^ investigation is in the hands of men was very active in business and civic President Kraus to the Mexican gov" N. Katzberj;. who under the present Immigration J. Lieb, who ^are absolutely sincere and who affairs in Council Bluffs and -was well ernment. It prayed that immigrants* satisfaction. The general view is that Joe Hargan. • : Morris Rosenstein, Act, could not be admitted to, this Mrs. A. H. Diamond.A. Chesno, would publish nothing which they did known in Omaha Jewish circles. He fleeing from persecution in Central a policy of firmness will be instrucountry. Max Drerich,. Max Feldman, not believe to be true. Strange to was president of the Continental FurEurope be favorably received in Mex- mental in obviating much of the fric3Iax Kurtzman, H. Moskoritz, say, however, they came to rely for juture company. He was very active ico and stated that the Order would tions that has arisen between the JewThe Sioux City Young Judean deJoseph Euback, ilrs. J. Kaplan, information as to Bolshevik propa- in the Chamber of^Commerce, and the bating team defeated the Aleph Y do whatever it could to aid them in ish and Arab elements, and vrill do Mrs. Chas. Iieiliovltz, H. Rtiebin, ganda upon a man who has been cred- trade excursion which he had been team of Omaha by a decision of 2 to becoming self-sustaining. In acknowl- much to re-establish British prestige Sirs. Morris Wintroub, s Greenhouse, ited as t i e leader in much of the engineering was called off at the time 1 before a large gathering at Temple edging the communication the Charge in the Near East. H Racusin, ' American Legion Wants Eagle Hill a S. liayton, anti-Semetic propaganda which has of his death.. ; • d'Affairs wrote as follows: Israel Sunday evening. The question Memorialfor East Boston Boys, S. Slargnltz. . Mrs. Channey, been distributed in this country dur"I am in receipt of your esteemed Mr. Ungar was a member of the of the debate was, "Resolved, That Max Minken, ' M. Snifzer. and Colonial Societies Would . ing the past two years. This man, Elks, Odd Fellows, and the B'nai immigration to Palestine should be refavor of the 19th instant, which came Preserve Charlestown Heigths Boris L. Brasol, is at the head of B'rith. He also was a member of stricted." The judges were: Rabbi to confirm what the Hon. Simon Wolf several reactionary Russian societies Temple Israel/ Omaha. In December, Frederick Cohn, Isadore Ziegler and personally expressed toroein regard Special to "THE JXTTISU PRESS." . having head<iuarters in New York, 1895, he was married to Miss Anna William Grodinsky. to the situation of some Jewish imBoston, Massachusetts, June 22. — New York. (J. T. Agency.) Rabin which are, of course, bitterly anti- Rosenfield, in Council Bluffs. migrants in Mexico and to the inten- Jacob L. Fishman, a leader of the The Sioux City debaters upholding There was much opposition at the Bolshevik, but which are also bitterly tions of your organization to cozne to Mizrachi organisation in Palestine, arHe is survived by his widow and the affirmative side of the question hearings given by the park commisopposed to any form of government one son, Leo. M. Ungar. argued that there would be better sioner yesterday to the petitions seek- Orthodox Church Head in Second their assistance. rived recently in this city, bringing in substitution for Bolshevism which economical and social conditions in ing the change of the name of Eagle "In due reply I beg to inform you with him a letter written to him by Class Goes to Steerage for does not restore the autocracy of the Palestine by the restriction of immi- Hill Park, East Boston, to David I. that complying with your -request, a Sir Herbert, Samuel in autograph. The Services. noble classes. ' LEAVES PULPIT FOR gration. The Sioux City debaters em- Hoffmaa Playground, and to change! translation of your letter has been letter reads as follows: BUSINESS CAREER HERE phasized the existing conditions in that of Charlestown Heights Park to New York.—When the little son, transmitted to the appropriate authorAll Facts Are Re-examined. I trust you will convey to those Rabbi H. M. Cohen, formerly of Palestine today; the nature of the George F. Meehan Playground. ity of my government for its considerThe facts in reference to Brasol whom you will meet on the ocstill in pinafores, of Isko Purman and were brought to the notice of all the Kansas City, resigned from the Rab- climate, the classes of people, and the Ensign Hoffman's exploits were re- his wife, Jewish immigrants from Po- ation send to state, as I told Mr. Wolf, casion of your visit to America^ members of the Executive Council of binate to become associated with R. amount of land that is tillable. On counted by Dr. J. J. McNamara. nn expression of my hope that all land, died in mid-ocean aboard the that no foreigner is deported from Mexico without substantial reasons "sections of the Jewish community the Nationy.1 Civic Federation. Proof Bingham & Son, a fruit and vegetable the other hand, the Omaha debaters Red Star liner Lapland, the parents Gerald A. McCarthy said that the ' was siibmatted to show that Bresol commission firm at 1013 Howard argued that,unless the Jews obtained will take their part in the meas* only opposition to honoring Hoff- begged permission to bring the body and that no religious or racial prea majority in Palestine as soon as judice prevail in Mexico. was a leader in the Black Hundred street. ures that are necessary to proto America and have it buried here ma was because he was a Hebrew. movement in Russia, that he was one Rabbi Cohen is a son-in-law of Mr. possible, the Jews living in that counmote the upbuilding of Palestine "As soon as reply is received on with orthodox. Jewish rites. The regMiss Mildred Levine of the Jewish try would not be safe, nor would they of the government prosecutors in the and Mrs. M. Kulakofsky. and the spiritual and economic this matter, I shall be glad to commuulations of the ship forbade this, as Welfare Center, East Boston, said infamous Beilis case, that it was he The Bingham company was recently be able to advance the aims of Ziondevelopment of its population the boy died of a contagious disease ; nicate with you again." '. that she represented 3000 Jewish who brought the forged Protocols to reorganized. The directors of the cor- ism. The Omaha debaters cited the measles. ' • people, who favored the proposed this country, and persuaded certain poration are now A. iKatskee, Phil many pogroms in Palestine and the honor to Hoffman. George T. Ahearn Sympathetic orthodox Jews aboard REGISTER WORKMEN'S REFUGEES MAY EEMAIN • headers of American public opinion Saks, H. H. Katskee, W. W. Binghain wholesale murder of Jews in many and Adjutant Fred Benker of Orient learned that there-was a rabbi in the European countries because the Jews •IN CZECHO-SLOTAKL BANK IN PALESTINE that they paralleled present day con- and H. M. Cohen. The Bingham comHeights Post, American Legion, ad- second cabin, the.Rev. Mpisze Berman, were in the minority. Paris. (J. T. Agency.) Inansw*. Jerusalem. <J. T. Agency.) It is ditions in Russia, that he was par- pany, which is one of the oldest fruit covated making the park a mem- and he conducted the burial sen-ice The Omaha team was represented tially responsible for the a?ti-Semetic and vegetable commission houses in orial for all East Boston boys who in the orthodox way while the ship announced that the Jewish Working- to its intervention, the Committee o>, policy of a Michigan publication, and Nebraska, was established in 1874. by Israel Goodman, Sam Beber. and died in the war. Other demonstrants stopped and the coffined body was men's Bank in Palestine, initiated by Jewish Delegations here h$»s received Fred White, three former Central the Poali-Zion Organization and par- an official communique from-the Czethat he is constantly engaged through included former Representative lowered over the side. High ichool debaters. ' ;• ticipated in to the extent of 40,000 cho-S3ovakian government lit Prague the various Russian organizations George Murphy, L. L. Jenkins, Jas. On the day the boy died the ship's , The Sioux City team was represent- E. Maguire, Miss Agnes Godbold hereafter Jewish refugees will be which he controls, in preacliing his RUSSIANS INTERRUPT company was balanced by the birth pounds by the World Zionist Organ- that permitted to enter and remain in ANTI-POGROM SPEECH ed by Herman Saks and Louis and and Miss Florence Cook. ioctrine tha$ Boshevism is a conflict, ization has been registered as an ofof a boy to Mrs. Isaac Behman, who . Czecho-SIovakla, provided they are Paris. (J. T. Agency.) At theorris Pickus. io Use his words, of "Judas vs. named the. baby Lapland, for the ship ficial Palestinian company, and has ;As to Charlestown Heights, Councillor in which he saw t i e light. A daugh- started a campaign for the sale of not-found to be prejudicial to the safeJesus."; • ' . - . . Russian National Congress, a selftv of the state. who introduced the order in the ter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Brostet, shares at a price of $5 each. A jjrotest was made by the league constituted • body claiming to be thePOPE ANXIOUS ON PALES-Pord, council for the change of name, said Constituent Assembly of Russia, DaTINE MANDATE. traveling in the second cabin. igainet using Brasol as an authority London. (J. T. Agency.) The-Rome he had no intention of stripping any in any investigation conducted by t*he vid Posmanik, a well known Zionist of historial significance; but RABBI HIRSCH GIVEN Federation, with the result that all the and counter-revolutibnary, was fre-correspondent of the Times reports landmark the heights were of no great historical quently interrupted by the majority that at a secret meeting, at which all material • which he has submitted to . ' "-. CHECK FOR 110,000 value. William G. C H a r a , grand when he attempted to speak against takes great pleasure in announcing to its readers that the Cardinals of the Papal Council the Federation was re-examined by The Sinai Congregation of Chicago of the Bunker Hill Council, K. presented it will publish stories of American Jewish life from the Chairman of the Executive Coun- pogroms in Russia. Members of the were present, the Pope expresse'd his knight Rabbi Emil G. Hirsch with majority heckled the speaker and in- uneasiness over the situation in Pal- of C, and Commaader John P. Buck- a check of $10,000 last Sunday night cil. the pen of terjected venomous anti-Jewish re- estine, resulting from tlie granting of ley of the Bunker Hill Post, American at the annual dinner. The presentamarks to such an extent that Pos- special privileges to Jews, which he Legion, paid tribute to Meehan'. tion speech was made by Moses E. EINSTEIN HONORED IN raariik was forced to leave the plat- regarded as detrimental to Christian Among those in opposition were Ver- Greenebaum, president of Sinai Conwell-known story writer. non A. Field, Mrs. James B. Brown, gregation. Dr. Hirsch recently celeform. LONDON. interests in the Holy Land. " Mrs. Levinger, wife of Rabbi Lee J. Levinger of London, (J. TV. Agencyl) ProfesThe Pope declared that he would an army nurse in the Civil War; Chas. brated his seventieth birthday. New York, is gaining nation-wide fame for her pen F. Read of the Bostonian Society, sor Albert Einstein, and his wife ar- RIOTS IN JAFf A RENEWED. bring the attention of the Christian portrayals of Jewish life, and her short stories are classed amongst the best of modern fia»&n. Her stories, rived here on the 13th. Prominent Jaffa. (J. T. Agency.) One Arab powers to this state of affairs, and Walter K. Watkins of the Society BOYCOTT JEWISH DENTISTS appear in the best of the Jewish periodicals in the members of the British Astronomical arid two Jews, a father and son; nameH urge them to examine the mandate of Colonial Wars and George Hale Warsaw. (J, T.;: Agency.) "Dwa •United States. Society welcomed the great scientists Wollender,, were Sailed here recently closely before it was ratified by theNutting, president of the Massachu- •Grosza," the well known anti-Semetic 1 setts Society, S. A. R. Her first story at the pier. He went immediately to in a renewal of riota in the -Jewish League of Nations. Polish journal, advises Polish academ1 .*» a reception arranged by Lord Haldane, quarter. During the; excitement that ?r youth to enter the dental institute SOKOLOW IN PARIS at which the Archbishop of Canter-* followed, four -Jews .were severely in large numbers so as gradually to London. (J. T. Agency.) ; Sir Berwill appear in the next issue of "The Jewish Press"'.*. bury, Bernard Shaw and many,of the wounded.* Government authorities re- nard Oppenheim, a leading figure in Paris. (J. T. Agency.) Nakum limit the number of Jews attending1 it, Watch for it!—EDITOR. Deans of Cambridge and Oxford Were port that calm has been "restored. The the diamond industry of Europe, died Sokolow arrived here on his return and ultimately to rid Poland of its present. • military are in contr^1 Jewish dentists" here a t the age of 55. trip from Palestine.

Bluffs fays Mirate To Julius Ungar, Who Died

J. Walter Freiberg Oi Hebrew Congregations Dead

Now In Europe To Give

Sioux City Debaters Win OverJfimkns

Oppose Honor For ieroes

Rabbi Conducts Jewish Boy's Funeral at Ssa


Elma Elirlich- Levinger


r ..." -




though momentarily unpleasing, because you. feel you owe it to do; owe it to your children, your community, your soul? Would you improve your self-knowledge and sharpen its tool, your conscience ? Practice sacrificing your personal whims or wishes to Jewish duty wherever the two opirose one another. More and more will it become your pleasure to do youi' duty. Greater and greater will be your satisfaction., as pleasure and duty combine more and more; to elevate your soul and glorify God and Judaism by the push of your personality,—Rabbi Geo. Benedict, Tampa, Fla.


The desire to lje real is t h e natural desire of all honest people; the desire THE' JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. to be what we are, or think ourselves MORRIS E.JACOBS, Manager. to %e, not In name only, but iri' actual By THEODORE G. RISLY Visited the Pyramids of Egypt and fact and performance. \ I Office, Foxii-,'Baird Bldg.—Telephone BOuglas 2372. Solicitor Department of Labor and Actinsr Paris. Standing upright, ^fee-soulWd man Secretary of the Department. . . ..$1.50 Subscription. Price,, ohe year. : '. -.— or woman, facing squsrely evejfy, way, S&eciai t* "THE JEWISH PRESS." . , Advertising rates furnished on application. Among the peoples of the world which has preserved where called to take & stand. This is Fremont, Nebraska, June 22.— its individuality, through innumerable vicissitudes and to be real, and it is the proper pride NOT PRINTED.FOB"PERSONAL PROFIT—Profits from the publica- ' Ephriam Weinberg, the Fremont tiori of The Jewish Press are to be given to worthy communal causes. harrowing persecutions for ages, there is one which has clothing merchant who left for Pal- of every self-respecting human being exhibited marvelous persistence. I t is a little people, but CHANGE" OF ADDRESS-^Please give both the old and new address: estine on the 13th day of February, so to "be. To be so takes TcnowletLtT:?; it has done great things. It was first to conceive the sub- returned "b6 sare and sfgn >our name. ' • after a trip of four months. especially the kind of knowledge wh:eh .lime idea of one only and supreme-Ruler of the universe. He is glad to be home and is more the greatest of Greeks, Socrates, said It raised up the first great law givers and the greatest of MISTER NATHAN ROSENBERG. thoroughly convinced than ever that was the greatest knowledge:"" Selfall the prophets. They are a people, who in all ages and Folks, did you read: the story of Nathan Eosenberg-, thirtythe United States is the best country knowledge. under all circumstances, have displayed, an intellectual Self-knowledge is great, because it on the globe in which to live. nine years old, father of three children, who was graduated pre-eminence and been renowned for their scholarly and is difficult; for all great things are as recently from -thVCass School? ' There was only one regret on the difficult as they are rare. It is a dif-f scientific, achievements. They were the first to manifest He is the oldest adult that ever received a grade school •whole trip and that was the traveler's ficult knowledge because it is not the POLAND TO ASK U. S. TO a deep and scientific interest in the care, social and moral certificate of graduation—and his thrie children attended school inability to visit his father who lives kind of knowledge'books or professors training of their youth, and to provide for their poor and ASSIST REFUGEES in Poland. That was one of the obthe same time he did! , can give you. For the chief measure hapless brethren. The Leviticus law provided, jects'of the journey, but it was known Warsaw. (J. T. Agency.) The PolHand in hand, every morning, the four would hurry to of self-knowledge, Athe constant tool that it would have to be • dispensed ish government has decided 'to ask school in order to'teach there "before the gong rang". At the "And when ye reap the harvest of your land thou with before sailing from New York that must be to your hand to; shape the American representative here to door of the school building, they separated. Proudly the father thou shalt not wholly reap the corners of thy field, for ths government would not issue a self-knowledge lies In your own bo-use his good offices with the authorneither shalt thou gather the gleanings of thy harvest. would go up the stairs to his school room. The three.kiddies j passport into that country on account som; your conscience is that topi. with a "Good-by, Daddy! Don't forget to meet us after school", ities in Washington to remove the "And thou shalt not glean thy vineyard, neither shallTo become a real Jew, therefore,' of war regulations. Mr. Weinberg thou gather every grape of thy vineyard, thou shalt would go to theirs. • . . " ' ; restrictions against the immigration thought that it might be possible for you must use your conscience as a of Jewish Ukrainian refugees, a great leave theni for thy poor and stranger." The father is now.a graduate and will enter high school Jew. You must discriminate between his father to get out of the country next year. ' .' . •/ number of whom are now concenWith them sobriety and cleanliness has ever been an so that he could meet him, but the pleasure and duty, and not deceive trated in numerous parts of Poland Do you get the.significance of this? Doesn't it make you unwritten law, faithfully observed. Such in part has there took the same stand yourself by thinking you are doing where their presence has given rise feel like wanting to slap Nathan Rosenberg on the back and say: been some of the predominating facts in the life and his- _ government on the issuing of the necessary papers something for Judaism when you are "Biilly for you, old boy! You've got the stuff that has made our only doing it for some other reason. to untold sufferings to the native tory of the Jewish people.» In conformity with the spirit ~ as did this country. rac% a sturdy" and reliable, one, and has placed our co-religionists The test lies here: Do you do it only population aiul to the refugees themof their ancient laws and the customs of their revered Palestine is about the size of Ne- when it pleases you to do it or also, selves. amongst the peers of men in all climes and in all lands!" fathers, they have established this beneficent institution and he found that there were But Nathan Rosenbergdoes not deserve, all the credit. for the care, moral and intellectual improvement of those \ braska great -colonies of the Jewish people While lie is at school "grappling with his three " R V , his wife— of their brethren who shall seek an asylum and a new scattered over the country engaged in the. type of the early pioneers^—courageous and loyal—watches heritage, on the benefaction they will not help those who agriculture and in business. There over their little junk shop, doing her bit to keep the wolf from shall receive its kindly ministrations, but render an equal was a big contrast in the" fanning opthe door until her husband "has gained a "toehold" on. education. service to our country. This is not only an act of philaneration of the Arabs and the Jews. We don't know what* Mr. Nathan Rosenberg aspires to be. thropy, but a service of patriotism, The former were still using the old But we do know tfiis—he is going"to be a SUCCESS. No man •fcooden plows and other antiquated can fail if he follows the example of Nathan Rosenberg. -He has machinery \vh:e the Jewish people courage. He is persistent. He. is willing to work and sacrifice. were equipped with modern machinHe has a real helpmate: • ' ery from the United States, including THAT WILLIAM WXNTROUB IS NOW ''There is no secret to success," once wrote the late Henry mammoth tractors. C. Frick, millionaire philanthropist. He said: ASSOCIATED WITH THE O'BRIENJerusalem he found to be a city of about 140,000' population with 100,DAVIS-COAD CO., AGENTS FOR "Success simply calls for hard work, devotion to tO the 000 Jews, 20,000 Mohammedans and your business at all times, day and night. I was very D O D G E AUTOMOBILES? poor and my education was limited, but I worked very POLAND'S CONDITION CAN RABBI WISE URGES DISARMA- 20,000 Christians, with all modern conveniences when everything had hard and always: sought opportunities. IMPROVE ONLY THROUGH - MENT beea crude and backward on his.preI WILL BE MORE THAN PLEASED JUSTICE, SAYS POLSKY New York. (J. C. B.< Service.) Ste- vious visit. General prosperity Avas "To win in the.battle of life a man needs, in addiWarsaw. (J. T. Agency.) In a TO SHOW'MY FRIENDS THE NEW phen S. Wise in his Sunday sermon at tion to whatever ability he possesses, courage, tenacity, being enjoyed. long editorial recently the "Courier, the Free Synagogue advocated a disand deliberation. Tie must learn never to lose his head. DODGE MODELS. In Egypt ha visited the city of AlPolsky criticizes the government for ] armament conference of Great Brit- t exandria and many of the smaller But above aH, hard wj>rk is the thing." searching out all sorts of excuses and am, United States and Japan to disThe most iiuportant thing for a young man starting life is always accusing various elements of jcuss the question of a gradual'disarm-1 • ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ „ to establrsiijsredit—a reputation, character.—John D. Rockefeller. the population for government crisis ament of those and other great pow- ridis Tbat i s tbe only practical and for the general unfavorable con- ers. er S . "The x>ne way," said Dr. Wise, m o d e £ c o n v e y a n c e o v e r a p a r t o f A i 1 J V J Office Telephone—Harney 0123. v dition in the country. The paper * " " " ~ — " 'to end the intolerable and hideous , the country on account of the deep The ycung man who applies himself to thinking will, by and such action irresponsible and anti-British conspiracy in America is by, be amazed to find how much there is to think about.— calls •warns the authorities that Poland's to enter into o conference e c with Great; u Otto H. Kahn. • v. condition will not improve until equal- Britain and Japan touching the possi-J H 0 U S E 0 F L 0 R D S T O D I S C U s S ity and justice is vouchsafed to all bilities of disarmament—a conference PALESTINE QUESTIONS THANKS, BES MOINES! which may prove to be decisive for the citizens of the land. London. (J. A. Agency.) On • During the recent Shrine convention, as during the B'nai world peace." : Wednesday, June 8, Lord Sydcham B'rith convention, Des Moines Jewry .extended. the glad hand ARGENTINE COUNCIL will raise the question of the Jaffa of welcome to Omaha Jewry. " : ARRIVES IN WARSAW BANQUET TO HARRY FISCHEL riots in the House of Lords. Lord This isn't new -and startling information for the Jewish Warsaw. (J. T. Agency.) The On Monday evening, June 27, the Lamington will question the govern- j people of the Iowa <ity always put out the welcome mat for their first Council sent by Argentina to Board of Directors of the Hehrew • ment with reference to immigration I co-religionists from the Nebraska side of the river. , t Sheltering and Immigrant Aid Society! into Palestine and also, to the appoint'~ But this is an editorial of thanks; prompted by the praises Poland has arrived here. of America will tender^ to Mr. Harry ments to be1 made by the Palestine of the Iowans by the many Omaha readers of "The Jewish MOSLEMS REFUSE TO That emphasize the fact that Greater Nebraska Fischel, Treasurer of the Society and administration. is leading the forces in the drive -for iower prices. Press", .for- their..wonderful hospitality shown during the.two ATTEND iWARSHIP BANQUET Chairman of the Building Corninittee. recent conventions and on other occasions. •;..•". SELLING AT HOCK BOTTOM Jerusalem. (J, T. Agency.) The The banquet, which will.take place at USSISHKIN AND NAIDITCH For the many"Nebraskans ^to>whom you extended the,i Moslems invited to attend the ban- Hias Building, New York city, is givNOW—TODAY LEAVE FOR ENGLAND " hospitality, of -your homes., and foi-•services rendered, "The Jew- quet on the" British "warship "Iron en to Mr. Fischel in recognition of Instead of New York. (J. T. Agency.) .Mr. Finest ish Press" extends you utmost thanks;':, Duke" held in the Jaffa 'harbor re- the services he has rendered to the Manachim M. Ussishkin and Isaac $50 to $75 "to Suits— fused, to attend in. order to "avoid Society as Chairman of the Building Naiditch, president, of the Keren Instead of OO Worsted are' no'w..•wandering all over Eastern meeting the; Jews who were invited. Committee of the New Home, and Hayesod, left recently on board the §35 and $40 to E u r o p e . ' -'\-^ ';'~''• •••• • • • - ^ :; prior to his departure with Mrs. Fis- Acquitania for England. Before leavInstead of Palm Beach 5# The Joint Distribution Committee chel and Miss Rose Fischel on a visit ing, Mr. Ussishkin expressed satisfac$18 to SSO POGROM PANIC IN LODZ to S u i t s has also launched extensive activities to Palestine. tion with the visit of the European YarsawV (J. T. Agency.) The Tropical '. Instead of in behalf of the thousands of Jewish Mr. Fischel has been Treasurer of Delegation, and his confirmed belief Funds to Be Used for Permanent Con- refugees: and "wanderers in Rumania, Jewish population of vLodz has been ?25 to §50 Tuits— to the Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant that American Jewry would contribstruction Work—Palliatives Galieia;. Lutyia and other countries. in; constant dread of a pogrom during Aid Society of America for thirty- ute the greatest portion towards the Prices last year on the JSnest s«its were Being Abandoned. ' The sum of $225,000 has already been the last few days.' Recently agitat- on years. $60.0D*to $90.00. Please reflect and realize funds needed for the upbuilding of what this store is striving to do for you. appropriated to care for them. But ors passed through the streets calling Palestine. Mr. Ussishkin intimated Cable dispatches arid. Reports have this sum is too small to mitigate the on the Gentiles to attack and murder that before going to Palestine to take WRITES AUTOBIOGRAPHY STRAW HATS—COOL SHIRTS recently, appeared in the Yiddish press unspeakable distress of the- hosts of Jews. Most of the Jews fled to their UNDERWEAIU-BATEUNG. SUITS to the' effect that the'offices of the refugees. We must assist those who houses, but five"were seized and bru- Jacob Wasserhiahi author of "The iap his position as head of the Zionist Joint Distribution Committee in vari- return to their old homes and find tally beaten. Two of the pogrom World's Illusion," has written his Commission, he would make a short Prices throughout the store are less, often oneous, places in, Europe are being closed. everything they once possessed in agitators were arrested. sutobiograpliy, giving it the; title, trip through Germany to consult with third less than the new lower levels.. •fee leading Zionists in that country. These reports were circulated to pro- ruins. "Mein Weg" als Deutscher und Jude." • duce the impression, that the work of VILNA JEWISBTPRESS URGES AH these measures are the most the ; Joint Distribution • Committee PERMIT CONVENTION JEWISH GRAVE-DIGGERS PEACE v thorough going and important since would all be liquidated about July 1. IN SYMPATHY STRIKE The British Administration in JeruWarsaw. (J. T. Agency.) The Jewthe : relief work began. The Joint This is absolutely contrary to the Distribution Committee is preparing ish newspapers of Vilna are making OMAHA- 3*Els. Warsaw. (J. T. Agency.) The Jew- salem M s granted permission for the facts as appears from 'the decision with renewed energy to carry out this continual appeals to the various na- ish, grave-diggers of Warsaw have convening of an Arab congress in that =CORKECT APPAEEL FOR MEN AND WOMEN Executive;; C Committee reconstruction program, in order'~to tionalities residing in Lithuania to decided to join the Jewish officials city. The first congress, held at Haifa adopted" b 1 i C f th J of the Joint Distribution Committee. complete in a.- worthy manner the striy;e for an understanding between now on strike, if Ihe Jewish commu- in December last, was refused official The American' Jewish Relief Commit- great relief work which the Jews of Poland and Lithuania so as to obviate nity will not change her attitude to- recognition by the Palestinian High unnecessary bloodshed arid c'.ril war. wards the strikers. tee, the Central •Relief ^Committee and America began during the war. Commissioner. the People's Keiief ^Committee, to - institute a most energetic and nationDEMONSTRATIONS AGAINST lii wide" campaign. The Budget of the JEWS IN OSTROV Joint- Distribution Committee requires 'For Mconomieai Tr&nsporUttion • Warsaw. (J. T. Agency.) The lothat -pot" less": than, ~foiirteen 'million cal Polish agency, ^"East Express," re"im*r™f[tTrrr*r*Tir n *r**—"—"r" year m vdoHa,rs fee raised in- the present ports that workmen of Ostrbv, Posen, ; Wonten • Shpuld Consecrate Talso that relief work mights go' on, so made demonstrations against Jew8 ents io Most Exalted Prothat .'Jewish, life in the. war stricken and Germans. Irresponsible elements fession. countries,.may be helped.,.resumeJita^ have stirred up the populace to males normal course. ,. ..'•'••:' '.'•'••. a pogrom upon the Jews and the house At the National Federation of Sis- of a family called Greenberg.was The. reduced budget ior relief work . until ;; July 1, -wlu'ch the: Committee terhoods.recently held in Buffalo, Mrs. plundered. Peace was finally Testofea ? " workers adopted .at the Vienna con-, Abram. Simon of Washington, D. C , by the police. ' • We have for sale a number of onefereijce, concerned _ only the so-called wife of Rabbi Simon, urged Jewish fjf palliative relief, given .in. the ioiia, of •women to study the ministry. fourth interests in REAL oil leases, IS SCION OF WELL W tooif. Mtchens, clothing and .other .•- "Are ttiere not Jewish young women SIMON GRATZ : K N O W N ' F A M I L Y ; .•.:•' • situated in Pawnee County, Oklahoma. Jdnd^L of., aid: intended to-^tisfy^tha in.our land whose.intensity of reli- " •;; Simon^ Gratz, who recently resigned immediate needs of the war suffer- gious feeling is such, and whose men.ers". With the cessationiqf hostilities tal outlook is broad enough, to urge from the Board of Education of the We are now drilling well Number 2 City -of rPhiladelphia^ after a continuthe r^turn^;pf,peacein most of %the.,them to enter the Jewish ministry? ous meriibership of fifty-otte years, is which is ready to be taken over by & war countries the need; for. such, aid asked Mrs. Simon. "Save, we not a scion of that historic^Jewish family has ceased to be urgent. It is' thisi-*' women who are willing to consecrate which Rebecca Grate, the prototype of 2659 Faraam St. , Hai-ney syndicate. . . kind of relief which is to be liquidated, their talents to the profession which the Rebecca in Scott's "Ivanhoe," made on July 1. •"••. The- Joint- Distribution is to the;Jew the most exalted in the famous. . .' • '.- . . Committee is/ hojyever, preparing to -world? It is not enough that she conWe want men to sell interests in undertake other, forms of relief work, •tribute her husband and sons. Why the leases. This is not a stock selling not of temporary," but of-a permanent 'mayrwe not stimulate our daughters FAVORS RESIGNATION OF SIR HERBERT SAMUEL. nature; and it is for this, work that -toj preach the Jewish religion? sale biit a legitimate land lease with full London. (J-T. Agency.) The "Mornthe Committee is .urging, the new drive ''Qffcourse, we will have a hundred "and ohe objections where traditional ing Post" considers the defeat of Sir oil rights. A good chance to make some for funds. - : '.. ' The budget for the new relief work Jew and sex distinction register Herbert Jesse! for Member of Parliamoney . \ calls for fourteen million dollars, against the proposition, and you will ment as a defeat for Jewish interests in Palestine and of Lloyd George's hear ^argument and ridicule of all which -will be used to rehabilitate the -kinds against. it, but the practical pro-Semitic -policy. It declares that Jewish war sufferers economically, to Lvalue of stimulating our women into the logical consequence of the failure X628 Pinkney St., OMAHA, NEB. Phone Webster 0113 improve their .health, and sanitary con^ t'ype"~t>£~ constructive leadership of Jessel's election, should be the reditions, to care for the' homeless chil- will outweigh—anything that can be signation- of Sir^Hexbert Samuel as CA««r»lrf "Four-Ninas" Ttmring Car. $645,/. «. 5. Fttnt, Mich, dren and orphans, and to provide for • « • ; » • « • High Commissioner at Palestine, ta ilia the t&ousan~d3 Published every. Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska, by '-


From Palestine






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Money - Making Proposition


TN price, in quality and m •^ economy of operation the Chevrolet Model "FourN " is in a class alone.

Chevrolet Motor Co.





Y. M. E. A. Beats Bluffis

THURSDAY, JUNE 23, 1921.

MALASHOCK-GftOSS on the perseverance of the class, and vanced by^ the New York delegation KA-jDEE-MQ NEWS The marriage of Miss Buth Gross, the honor of being graduated from to build "A' wing cm the Daughters of (By. Nathan E. Green.) daughter of Mir. and Mrs, Harry Gross, us. a religious school. , Jacob Home in that city. The Y. M. H. A. basebail team now tp Jacob M. Malashock, son. of Mr. The ,Ka-Dee-Mo club plans a big Sent by our Council Bluffs News Refreshments were served by the The following officers were elected: holds the championship/title of the and Mrs. I. Malashqck, was solem-. surprise for its members next MonMother's Club. Samuel Borf, New York, Grand Masbureau. day night, June. 26th, at the home of A very interesting program sad Jewish teams in both Council Bluffs nized Tuesday evening at the home of ter; Moms M. Green, New York, First Brother Wplfson. dance was given by, the Hebrew Eduand Omaha, iaving defeated the fast the bride, 2408, Burt; street, in the The Hebrew Educational Cktb Deputy-Grand Master; Charles HamBluffs B'nai B'rith team Sunday presence, of the immediate families. During the last month the Ka-Dee- Tha Council Bluffs B'nai B'rith cational Club Thursday- evening, donated $50.00 to the Library fund. burger, Atlantic City, Second Deputy Mo club has only been mildly active baseball team met defeat for the first j June is, at the K. K. Hall. A short morning at the Carter Lake diamond Rabbi Morris M. Taxon officiated. Grand Master; Jacob Gould, Minneby the score of 13 to 3. At no time Mrs. D, P. Seder, cousin' of the in its various activities but at a rally- time this season when they played one-act Jewish play was presented ! apolis, .Third Deputy Grsnd Master; ing meeting held last Monday, a the crack Omaha Y. M. H. A. team by the following four:—"Channa", New York. (J. C, B. Service.) Antiwere the Omaha boys in any danger bride, sang "For You Alone," and Max Fein, Fourth Deputy Grand Masof losing the game. They took the Miss Bose Dabnoff .played the violin spirit of enthusiasm was infused Sunday morning at Carter Lake. The the daughter, played by Rebekah Jewish attacks in various publications ter; Frank Revson, Atlanta, Fifth lead in the very first inning of the obligate preceding the entrance of the that will go far to awaken the mem- final score was 13 to 3 with the locals Rosenberg, "Peshe"* the mother, by were assailed in a resolution adopted Deputy Grand Master; Moses Reinbers to their responsibilities, members at the low end of the score. game when Pill, Star hurler for the jjridal party; Jeannie Evnen, "Garshon". the recently at the closing session of the heimer, San Francisco, Sixth Deputy : say. Iowans, allowed three men free father, by Abe Pollick, and the annual convention of the United States Grand Master; George W. heisersokn. The^bride wore a dress of white The Mogen-Dovid club will hold its friendly neighbor "Dovid", by Louis Grand Lodge, Order of B'rith Abrapasses to the first bag. A single by lace and net over flesh colored satin THORPEIAN PICNIC New York, Grand Secretary; Barnet next regular meeting Sunday morn- Finkelstein. Swartz for the Omaha team then made short with a full skirt. Her tulle ham. It called on the Jews to organ- Freedm&n, New York, Grand TreasThe Thorpeian Athletic dub is plan- ing, July 3.' Plans will be made at The latter part of the evening .was ize, declaring that "only by a united brought in two tallies for that side. veil Was held in place with, orange ning a picnic to be held at EJmwood urer; Mix Eedzierek, New York, EnThe Omaha team tallied in every blossoms, and she carried a shower j p a r ]j Sunday, June 26, members and this meeting for a Fourth of July spent in dancing. There were a front against malicious propaganda dowment .Treasurer; W. Trautman, party. number of booths, selling, candy, ice inning of-the game. Three pitchers of bride's,roses. Mrs. I. Rosenblum, their friends to meet at the park at feat is being used to poison the minds cream, cake, and punch, and all sorts of the American public against the New York, Chairman of and two catchers were used by the of Kansas City, sister of the bride, 12 o'clock. Various games are to be The regular meeting of the of "horns, whistles, and many other Jews can this sort of insidious as- Committee. Io\Vans in the attempt to stop the was the' only attendant.. , played and, through the courtesy of scoring of the Y. M. H. A. men. RasA reception at the Blackstone for Phineas Wintroub, moving pictures Hebrew Educational club was held (devices to make noise and fun. The sault be met properly." .Monday evening at the home ofi p r o c e e ds are to be given to the The Order voted to establish a nik, pitching for the Y. M. H. A., was more than 250 guests followed the are to be shown. HUNGARIAN RABBIS MEET Miss Jennie Katelman, 412 Oakland' Library fund, recently started with Young1 Friends' Lodge, so that the jun- Vienna. (J. T, Agency.) June 17, the in superb condition, allowing but one ceremony. . • . . avenue. Election of officers took] the donations of the Sunday School iors of both sexes might become affil- Hungarian Rabbis Congress will take free pass and striking out nine of the PLAYS IN STOCK HERE The out-of-town - guests included: Bluffs men. ' iated with the B'rith Abraham. Dele- place in Budapest. The excommunicaMr. and Mrs. I. Rosenblum, Mr. and! Miss Esther Newman, daughter of place at this meeting. The entire! Class. — Joe Kxasne, catcher for the Council Mrs. B. Glatt,Mrs. M. Rosenblum, all Mr.'and.Mrs. David Newman, is tak- executive body of the club will] gates also agreed to a proposal ad- tion «f Zionism will -be considered. consist • of new members, many of Bluffs team, was the mainstay of the of Kansas Gity; Mr.jand.Mrs. S.Mai-j™g t h e P^rt of Lally Joy, Mr. Harold Farber -of Omaha is Iowans, having obtained two hits. He shock, Mrs. William Saferstein, Miss Princess Players at the Brandeis the- the former officers not being at the a Lincoln visitor. 'He is visiting Sir. brought in two of the three Tuns ob- Ruth Kurtz of St. \ Joseph, and "Mr. ater this week, the play being "Moth- meeting. The following members Sam Zolot, 500 South 27th street. tained by their side. The Council and Mrs. Henry Roth of Davenport, er Carey's Chickens." Miss Newman, were elected: Isadore Aginskee, preswho has the comedienne role, is a ident; Esther Cherniss, vice-presi- Flower Day in Lincoln was indeed Bluffs team was well represented by Iowa. : : the fans' who came to cheer them to .. Mr. and Mrs. Malashock left for graduate of the Dramatic Art and dent; Gertrude Gilinsky, secretary; a SUCCESS. Mr. , Abe Pollick was victory and, as each Bluffs man took Colorado Springs following the recep- School of Journalism of Columbia Stella Trochtenberg1, treasurer; Joe chairman of the committee. The his place at the bat, the tooting of fc'on. They ;will be at home in the University, aad was with the ITamous Katelman, sergeant-at-arms. The following committees canvassed the horns and klaxons of the automobiles Coroiiado Apartments after July 15. Lasky players in New York during next meeting will be a social meet- cityTsy Touted lists: Minnie Gerstien, the winter. She will be seen with showed that the Bluffs players were Sarah Levine, Eva Gerstien, Jenrae Alice Brady in the picture, "In Little ing. backed to the^last. Wolff, Ruth. Evnen, Bessie Levifce, To Enter! West Point Italy," to be released here in July. The Kosher Restaurant at 316 tSmrtk FifThe Y. M. H. A. team has booked a Mr. Hymaii Ferer, son of,Mr. and Mrs. H. Carlson of Dow City, la., Ruth Bulrin and Jennie Evsen. game with the fast Metcalfe Clothing Mrs. A. Ferer, left for a trip through arrived to spend several days in teenth Street is now under the control of GITLIN-HOLLAND team of Council Bluffs to be played the East,.after.which he will enter the Council Bluffs. Mrs. Carlson will The Sunday School classes t>f the The marriage of Miss Anne HolMr. and Mrs. R. Goldstein ..wefl known - at the Bluffs Sunday, July IT. Fol- United States Military Academy at graduated seventeen land, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. leave Thursday for Sioux City, la. Synagogue lowing is the lineup of both teams: West Point. ? ': young men and women Sunday, <• Chicago Kosher restaurant catesrets* Holland, of New York city, to Jack Cherniak, 2b-3b. Somberg, lb. Gitlin, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Git- Miss Rose Rosenthal of El Paso, j 19th. This was the first graduation Mr. Sam Cohan, police court clerk, lin, was solemnized at' the. Twenty- Texas, will be the house guest ofjin the history of Lincoln Orthodox Perimeter, rf. Goodman, 2b. returned from Colorado, where he fourth and- Nicholas Streets Syna- her uncle, Mr. S. Rosenthal. Miss Jews. The following received the L. Cohen, ss-p. Mr. and Mrs. Goldstein have years of exBlooper, c. spent several weeks. ?/ • J. Krasne, c. gogue, Sunday evening, June 19, Rab- Rosenthal will remain here for the'diplomas: Mae Shapiro, Jeanaie Slobodisky> 3b. perience in the Kosher restaurant business remainder of the summer. Evnen, Kuth Evnen, Hyman Evnen, .- i Freiden, 3b-2b. bi Grodinsky officiating1. Swartz, If. Miss Fannie Grodinskyis attending ; Jenne "Wolff, Fannie Wolff, Bertha pm, p. Miss Sara Cohen was maid of honor the National Coherence of Social and the bridesmaids were Misses Eliz- Mr. and Mrs. L. Cornbleth and Barney, Lena Shapiro, Edith Bukun, H. Cohen, cf. Linsman, rf. Workers at Milwaukee. Later she will abeth and Eva Goldberg and Celia daughter, who have been' in Hot' Julius Zelen, Max Greenberg, Jake I. Xrasne, lb. Mendelson, ss. visit with her sister, Miss Helen Gro- Stoler . Messrs. Jack Horowitz, Harry Springs, Gilinsky, If. returned to their s Finkelstein, Horris Shapiro j Joe Green, cf. dinsky, superintendent of charities at Stoler and Harry Finkenstein acted home in the Bluffs. Katelman, c. Mozer, Max Zellen, Joe Levine, and 'Easnik, p. ' St. PauL I •M;-, Nogg, lb ' Florence Fin:elstein. as ushers, and Ida and Anna Gitlin Kneeter, 3b. '• '"Michnik, cf. and Sara Stoler were the flower girls. Mr. and Mrs. S. Snyder and The program of the exercises were Rabbi Frederick Cohn is at Iowa -. J. Cherniak, rf." Brown, rf. A reception was held at the Swedish daughters, Sunday morning motored!as follows:— City, where he.will deliver a series of auditorium after the ceremony for to WalthilL Neb., where they were Opening by the Chairman, Mr. JJ. ',' Score by innings: Cleanliness and reasonable prices one hundred and fifty guests. The guests at a dinner " — party " in " honor j Shapiro. B'nai B'rith „._...() 0 0 1 0 2 0— • 3 5 5 lectures at the University of Iowa. out-of-town guests were Mr. and Mrs. of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sesf. Mrs. j Music by Professor Babich acY. M. H. A..._.._.^"21431 *—13 l l % TO HAVE TOY SHOWER B. Holland of New York City and Sesf was formerly Miss Mandelsteini companied by Mr. Ockenoof. ; Mr. Lou Shames of LaSalle, Illinois, , At- the Toy Shower of the Young Mrs. A. Jacobs of Brooklyn. of Walthill. "• Address by Eabbi Mandelbaum. to spent the week-end here with his par- j J « d a e a S e n J o r Response in behalf of the Sunday afternoon, June 26> at the Y. M. H. A. Adolphus A. Berger, student at the M£ and Mrs. M. Krasne left Tues- School Gass by Jacob Finkelstein. ents. club rooms, the following program University of Missouri School of Meday for Fremont, Neb., where they Eesponse in l>ehalf of the Tueswill, he given: Address by Mrs. Ben Mr. and Mrs. William L. Holzm'an Handler; violin and piano duet by dicine, visited in Omaha* during the will spend several days. Mr. and J day Night Class by Mae Shapiro, are occupying their summer liome at Sarah Somberg and M. Shapiro; solo past week with Howard Green and Mrs. Krasne will also spend a few; Singing of Hymns, but "Sbe stuNathan Jacobs, both members of the Carter Lake. dents of the Cbader, and assembly. dance by" Ann Rosenblatt; recitation, Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity' of which days at Oakland, Neb. < The program was opened by Horn; violin duet by Jennie Mr* Berger is also a member. ;Babbi Louis-Bernstein of Congrega- Bess J Mrs. Mrs. Dave Hearsh of Kansas City, "America". Mr. Fog^ison presented Liebowitz and Lepna Perliss; and tion Har Sinai, Baltimore, will deliver Mo., is the house guest of Miss Jen- the diplomas and gave a short talk by Ann and Ethel Hurwitz. ,.,Miss Bertha, Liebowitz and Miss nie KatelmSnr: ~ Numerous affairs ,a series of lectures before the' Univer- dancing T h e pubEc is invited. '' *• Louiss Louise Schonberger returned have been held in honor of Mrs. sity of Nebraska summer school at Saturday from California, where they Lincoln. Rabbi Bernstein, who is a Heaish, among these were: a bridge Ralph Cohn, son of Rabbi and Mrs. have been for the past month. farmer Omahan, will probably spend party given by Mrs. S. H. Katleman, Frederick Cohn, will arrive from Ann some time here- with the Bernstein Arbor, Michigan, tomorrow to spend Mrs. J. M. Ennan entertained at a Wednesday evening at her home, IS family. the summer with his" parents. theater party at the Brandeis Satur- South Eighth street. Miss Frieda day afternoon for Mrs. A. L. Weiri- Goldberg gave a dinner party Thurs- J Mrs. Moritz Meyer and son, Sidney day evening, which was followed by Mr, and "Mrs. Morton Marcus and stein, a recent bride. Meyer, left Wednesday to motor to a dance at the Peony farm. Mrs. son, Jerome, spent the week-end at Chicago. Mrs. Meyer will remain in Des Moines. Miss Bess Fox is visiting with Hearsh will remain in the Bluffs Chicago with her daughter, Mrs. H. Sfee He&l Lcs£ until Sunday.' friends at Rock Island, HL ''Joseph Cohn, while Mr. Meyer will go dpi to New York; where he will attend Mrs. David Newman entertained ten Mr. and Mrs. Mayer Spiesberger ARAB DELEGATION GOING TO :&e Fox Convention. They will be guests at the Brandeis Theater WedJAY EXJEES &&SXK8 09. LONDON. nesday afternoon. have returned from their honeymoon 'gone about three weeks. London, (J. T. Agency.) According and are at the Blackstone Hotel. to advices from Jaffa, an Arab delegaMiss: Lena Bordy, who has been Misses Betty and Eva Cohn are tion headed by ihe well-known Moslem spending several weeks here, returned Mrs. Jess Pregler is visiting her spending several weeks in Denver and tt&rry S . Litslfiu*, tTE8.-Treft8. leader, Musa Kasim, will leav. shortSaturday to her home at Columbus, parents in Chicago. JOB. Pepper, "Viee-President. -Colorado Springs. ly for- London,' in order to present to W. G. Drte, Secreiaiy. Nebraska. -- Many affairs were given the English government the grievfor Miss Bbrdy while here. Mrs. J. J. Friedman is at Washing-( Rabbi and Mrs. Frederick Cohn and Omaha Fixture &, ton, D. C, where she will spend the ances of the .Arabs against Zionism. daughter, Mildred, leave next ThursSupplyCOday for Lake Okoboji, where they will Mr. and Mrs. O. Philip Wolf son have summer with her parents. HEBREW TEACHER COMPLETE STORE AND taken an apartment at the Fairview. i^emain for about three weeks. Miss Young man, university graduate, OFFICE OtTTFITTEBS • DEDICATE SCHIFF, PARKWAY :Mildred Cohn goes to ; Okoboji-as a Miss Pauline Herzberg, who has New York. (J. C. B.'Service.) The (degree of Arts and Science), experiWe occupy {delegate from Central High School to •ver 70,000 sanare feet been attending school at Wheeling, enced Hebrew teacher, gives instrucweek of June 14 to the 21 was celeJSontuwait Corner attend the Conference of Student We'st Virginia, is spending the sumEleventh and Donslss Bt brated in New York as Schiff Park- tion in the Hebrew language and litClubs.. Phone: DOBCIHS 2724 mer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. way Week, during which Schiff Park- erature and Jewish history. J. KaOMAKA. ' / way was dedicated as a memorial to minsky, 3101 Gorby street, Telephone ": •; Twenty-five girls attended the picnic M. Herzberg. thp great Jewish philanthropist. Webster 4875. * giveii by the Women's Auxiliary ;L O. Children need plenty of pure, fresh, etettn milk frith thoir •"RT-Br'-dt Elmwood Park, Tuesday at Mrs. Mose Yousem and daughter, IDelancy Street is the busiest meals and in-between-times. No other" article oi food can six p. m., June 14. After lunch, pre- Bernice, left Sunday for New York thoroughfare in the East Side — the take' its ; place in supplying the nutriment required to pro• • • • . - . : . • . . busiest Jewish,, community in the pared by the committee, the girls c i t y . mote good health and sturdy .growth. . •' world. Now Delancy Street has beWANTED GIRL participated in athletic games. Prizes But, l>e SUES It's pure anti SAFE— vlwere won by the Misses Stella Her- • Lester New is visiting his parents, come history; the name has been torn AS CASHIER; man and Josephine Steam 'and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. L New at Council Bluffs. down and Schiff Parkway has been put in its place as_ a fitting rememEXPERIENCE Mollie Rothenberg. Miss Carlyne Orkin is with "her brance of the great services towards ESSENTIAL. The regular meeting of the Women's father, Max Orkin, at the. Blackstone Jewry in general and the East Side and buy them-at Auxiliary I. O. B. B. which was to be Hotel. Miss OrHn, who formerly Jewry in particular by the late Jacob You can give this delicious nourishing milk, to the youngest " held Thursday, June 23rd;'was post- made her home in this city, will go to H. Schiff.; -.' member of year ^ family v:ith perfect-satety—secure in the New York for a short time, before TeSchiff Week opened with special poned on account of the picnic and 4910 So. Twenty-fourth St. Icnowledge that it is of absolute dependable quality—pure, dancing party given by' the Jewish turning to her home in Los Angeles- services at; which ;• Mayor Hylan of South Side. clean, wholesome. For Are make it osr business to get good 319 South 16th Street New, York made the official announceWelfare Organization at Hanscom milk in the first place and—in the second place, we make it Miss Dora Wolowitz returned Sun- ment "of the change in the name of the Phone Douglas S400 -Park. The meeting will be held our business to keep it good until it reaches your home. Thursday, June 3, at the club rpoms. day from Davenport, Iowa, where she celebrated street. Other speakers on the same occasion were Louis MarThis will be the last business meeting has been visiting for the past two shafli ^Justice Irving Lehman, Rabbi weeks.-; . this season. . S. S. Margolies and ; .Rabbi Samuel For its first affair of the summery Schulman of the Temple Beth-El. On Mrs. Mogy Bernstein and daughter, Le&venworfch Sfc-at 28th. CHIROPODIST AND BEAUTY Amy, of Chicago, are visiting friends the Brotherhood of Temple Israel has the next day, 10,000 Jewish school:,->•>• S H O P . : ••!.» children paraded through Schiff Parkin Omaha. Mrs. Helen Bernstein, an- rented Peony Farm for next Wednes"; '"'"_ Established, 1800 v No Springs—-Honest Weight other daughter, is remaining in Chi- day evening, when they will give a way. • • . : ' : . ' , . : . - . 3333. tSOx and .Earner. ! '. Arrangements for the week's celedance. cago, where she is finishing her freshPHONE: DOUGIAS"2t93. bration were in the hands of the DeHQBART ELECTRIC man year at the University-of ChiMr. and Mrs. S. Davidson and son, lancey Street Merchants* Association - c a g o . .::-'r:^ •'"••' ,. ": '/ GRINDERS, CHOPPERS BUY Hyman, arrived today tjo spend several which took care of the'decorations, A N D M I N E R S . ••• v days with Mr." and Mrs. J. H.7Kula- prepared the program for the week" ~ * Sommer-ScHffer WHEN YOU BUY JEWELRY and staged interesting features in the to leave The marriage of Miss Irene Schiffer Tcofsky. They are all planning : • Service and.Sales: FKOMUSJOO "BOY SAFE" and Harry L.Sommer took place :Sxm- Sunday, to jnotpjr-tp' Kansas City to open, depicting the life of Mr. Schiff. Our guarantee "and our word is 13th AND JACKSON STREETS day afternoon at the home of.-"-the spend a wepk with Mrs. Kulakofsky's " -Mrs. Schiff and the whole Schiff family, including Mr. and Mrs. Felix as good as a bond. bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Morris sister, Mrs. T. L Levitt. Pii ones: Warburg, who came from Europe We hare satisfied hundreds "of Schiffer. Rabbi Frederick Cohn offiToledo Scales Doug. T6S2 ciated. Only relatives were--present.' The Daughters of IsraerAid Society specially to be present at the dedica- your friends. Eobart Eleetri:". Doug. 7396 Out-of-town guests at the. wedding will hold &• special ,nieeting, Monday tion of the Parkway, participated in the celebration, Mr. William Edlin, afternoon,.at .the Old Peoples' Home were Dr. and Mrs. CharLes.-.Si]k_-!>f editor of the "Day", was chairman of We have on hand Used and Perth Amboy, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. at 2504 Charles. 1514 Dodge Street. • Rebuilt Machines. Sommer will reside a t , US-South i.. The -»ew .plans, of. the.Jewish, W.eK .the... Mayor's,. Schiff Parkway CornPhone: Douglas 5619^ L: Vi>At>rat.ion will be discussed. mitten




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AFTERNOON PARTY HONORS STATUE OF JACOB SCHIFF Municipal Art Commission and believe that this body will approve. The BRIDE OF MONTH PLANNED BY N. Y. chairman of the committee is S. W. Mrs. Sam D. Chapman of 2500 KingBANKERS. Brasch, president of the People's Comman boulevard entertained at an aftSent by our Des Moines News New York.—The erection of a mercial Bank. The committee includes ernoon tea and auction party Saturday bureau. -•.•'••• AND AMERICAN JUSTICE DESPITE IGNORANT v pREJUDI% • ~ • at Hotel Savery III, in prenuptial bronze statue of the late Jacob H. Julius Marcus, president of the Bank compliment to Miss Elizabeth Gold- Schiff is planned by East Side bank- of United States; Charles Rose of the : One hundred dollars was cleared at stein, whose marriage to the hostess' ers, who: will start a movement for Exchange firm of Zimmerman & For"Get out of.hef^'aiid don't you ever "Munick, pick upf those pennies, they . The Jew. a benefit card party given recently by brother, Sidney A.- Ettinger, takes funds following the dedication of shay, and H. Weinberg, publisher of come to pay the" •W^.tisr bills again!" belong to you." the Junior Hadassah. The money, will place June 26. ' There is a Jew in Durham, N. C , Schiff Parkway. It is expected to the Warheit and Der Tagg, be used for the nurses* training school by the name of Munick, who keeps . "Mr. Bolton, those pennies belong • 1 And the^Judge." : place it in a prominent position, probDuring the afternoon, which was in Palestine. a grocery store and, makes a living to you ,not to me." ably in one of the colonnades at the Munick brought $uit against Mr. spent with cards, the guests, who in"Munick, pick up those pennies, they CALENDAR for himself and a family of four. entrance of Williamsburg Bridge. Bolton in the criminalcourt. Mr. Bol- The Junior Hadassah held their last cluded intimate friends of the bride5681—1920—1921 During the eleven years that he has belong to you." The dedication of Schiff Parkway "The bill is paid," replied Munick, ton was convicted but merely fined. meeting of the season, at which they elect, presented her with a kitchen has been delayed a few days in order 1921 been in this country, he has been Inasmuch as Mr. Bolton committed the shower in the form of a serial set. saving for a home, for a family abotle, "and those pennies are yours. They offense.in the capacity of a city offi- elected officers for the ensuing year. Tammuz, Rosh-Chodesh, July 6-11. that members of Mr. Schiff's family, The following officers were elected: for a place where a Jew can be him- are just as good as dollars." Tammuz, 17 Fast of Tammuz, July who are at present in Europe, may ORANSKY-PORTIS : Mr. Bolton then locked the front cial, suit was brought, against the City •Prsident, Helen Silberman; vice presself without stepping on the corns of 28. Simplicity will mark- the wedding have time to reach New York. With prejuidiced 'or irascible neighbors. Mr. door, seized Mr. Munick by the coat, of Durham. The defendant offered no ident, Jeanette Lutz; treasurer, Helen of Miss Jennie Oransky, daughter of the completion of this formality a Av, 1 Eosh-Chodesh, Aug. 5. ; evidence, but moved for a judgment Chapman; corresponding secretary, Munick has his home now. In fact, and said: Av, 9 Fast of Av, Aug. IS. delegation composed principally of Mr. Louis Oransky, and Mr. Henry he has a house or twp more. There "You : Jew! Give me back of non-suit. The judgment was grant- Alice Garber; recording secretary, R. Portis, son of Mrs. Jane Portis, of bankers of • the East Side will call Ellul, Rosh-Chodesh, Sept. 3-4. ed and the plaintiff appealed. Chief Irene Toubes. is water in his houses that is supplied my receipt." 5682 Chicago, which will take place Mon- upon Mayor Hylan and asK permission Justice Clark of the supreme court of by the City ^of Durham which owns Munick said nothing and received a north- Carolina, in rendering his deTishri, 1 Rosh-Hashna, Oct. 8. • to erect the statue. They expect the day afternoon at 5 o'clock. The cereMRS. J. HILL OF ROCK ISLAND the waterworks.. One day Mr. Mun- blow in his face. Then someone tried Tichri, 10 Yom Kippur, Oct. 12» mayor to refer the request to the mony will be performed at the home cision on the appeal, said in part: GUEST AT EVENING PARTY ick received several bills for water to open the door from the outside. of the officiating rabbi, Eugene Mannservice amounting to $4.60. Mr. Mun- Mr. Bolton ran up and opened it and ^'There.is no explanation of the conMr. and Mrs. Saul Davidson enterick had been receiving such bills in let in a man who came to pay a bill; duct of the company's superintendent tained Thursday evening at their home heimer, 1808 Ingersoll avenue. The only guests will be the immethe past and had been paying them When the man was gone, Mr. Bolton and the only provocation given .which on Oakland avenue in honor of; Mrs. either personally or by sending the locked the door again .and returned to we can infer ffoiii 1;he language used J. Hill of Rock Island* III., and their diate family and the bridegroom's money over with his children. It was Munick. •S3 by Superintenden&Boltoh/is the fact son and daughter, Mr: and Mrs. T. L mother and brother, Dr. Milton M. Portis, of* Chicago. spring. The weather was warm and that the plaintiff $&&. 3;Jew. He made Levitt of Kansas City, who were in "Please let me go!" pleaded Munick. Mr. Portis and his bride will leave balmy. And so Mr. Munick decided to "I have to go home." no other charged iThe'treatment which the city during the Schrine conclave. following their marriage for Lake .take a walk and pay the bill himself. Mr. Bolton dragged Munick into a the plaintiff .received is paralleled by ' • Other out-of-town guests were Mrs. When he came to the office he saw room in the back, grasped him by the by that which ik portrayed by Scott M. Davidson, Miss Annette Cohen, Mr. Placid, N. Y., where they will spend a lady at the collector's window. He neck and began choking him. He let in Ivanhoe in the treatment of Isaac Langer, Mr. and Mrs. Al- Epstein, all their honeymoon. After August 1, took out the water bills, three one his victim go for.about five minutes, of York seven centuries ago an4 by of Chicago; Mrs. Sol Algates of Wa- they will be at home at the Edgedollar bills, one silver dollar and fifty then began strangling him anew. Shakespeare »s met£d ,out to Jews in terloo, Mrs. Abe Isaacson of Alliance, water Beach hotel, Chicago. cents in pennies wrapped up in paper 'The Merchant of "Venice,' also centu- Neb., Mrs. J. Smith of Muscatine, la., "Let me go!" said the Jewish taxand gavevifc all to the lady collector. ries ago. The world lias long outlived JMisses Ida and Ann Seff, Mr. Nate The lady took the money and the-bills payer. this treatment of a historic race, ex- ^ and Mr. and Mrs. Sol Krueger, When he turned Munick loose, for and gave Munick a receipt. Then she cept perhaps in 'darkest Russia" when the second time, Mr. Bolton shouted ^ Lincoln, Neb., Miss Florence began counting the pennies.." Munick under the Czars; into the next room: . Livingston of Rock Island, Mr. Saul in the meantime started to leave the A few miles away or eereral hundred,—it is all the "When Disraeli, later prime minis- Levy of Omaha, Mr. and Mrs. J. Ro"Bring me a toweL" office. Presently MxJ^Boiton, the asme by "Long Distance." A man came in I carrying a towel. ter of the British empire, was re- senberg of St. Paul, Mr. Ben Miller of t manager of the waterworks, entered. Mr. Bolton took the towel and proached in parliamfent.for being a Duluth and Mr. Sunberg of Utica, 111. Stelner Electric MeatTo keep in touch with home or business, to get infOTChopper Jew, he made the memorable reply: wrapped it around Munick's face. mstionquickly, to avoid expensive trips, or for any busiand Coffee Mill. The "Jingle." Munick began panting for breath. 'When the ancestors of the Right Honness or social purpose, "Long Distrnce" is the best way. Used Scales of All "What are you counting?" he asked. "Mr. Bolton, please let me go! May- orable gentleman were painted savMutes for Sale. Approximately half rates apply beyond certain disthe lady, "nickels or dimes?" Want man or woman with be I got a dollar. I will take the ages, roaming naked in the forests of FRANK DEE tances for 8tatk>n-to-6tation calls after 8:30 p. m. and "Mr v Munick gave me fifty pen- pennies back." Germany, my ancestors were princes -$2,000 more or less to go to <City Representative approEaaatelT quarter rates from midnight to 4 «£0 fc.m. nies," she answered. • California with me, opening Munick found a paper dollar in his in Israel and high priests in the TemSl» So. X6ih St. Phone DQosUs S332 Without a word Mr. Bolton then pocket. ple of Solomon.' " another branch of very profAak "Lent Distance" for the rate for any eian of Msrice, si aas •walked around the counter inside the itable business, now estab"I am glad I got a dollar to settle "Every voter, every' witness and fane, te BBF JK&& office and pushed the p.ennies off the with you," he said. lished in Omaha. Should pay every official takes an' oath upon a $4,000 first year. ;Mr. Parkcounter to the floor. Then he came Mr. Bolton took the dollar and gave sacred book, every sentence and word Omaha's .. er, 411 McCague Bldg. back again, -walked up to Munick and Munick the fifty cents. Then he in which was written by a Jew." NORTHWESTERN Newest and Finest Equiped BEU. TELEPHONE opened the door and said: said: The chief justice then ordered a reBath-House.' COMPANY hearing. • Baths, Massage Hot Packs, Electric Treatment, Inhalatorium.


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Judge Rosenblatt Will Devote Whole On Monday noon, Miss Sarah and Time to Keren Hayesod. Matilda Brodkey, brides of next week, were honored guests at a luncheon New York, June 22.—Judge Bernard given at the Martin Hotel, with Miss A. .Rosenblatt of New York will not Rose Pill and Mrs. Abe /Pill as hos- be a candidate for re-election as city tesses. In the evening Miss Rebecca magistrate, but will devote himself to Courshon entertained the brides-to-be the raising of funds for the Keren at an informal party. Hayesod, in accordance with the wishes of Dr. Weizmann, president of -Tuesday noon-Miss Bertha Seff en- the World Zionist Organization. tertained at a luncheon, honoring her "I have found the work extremely sister Anna, who will soon become the pleasant," declared Magistrate Rosenbride of Mr. Mark Krueger, and the blatt in a letter to Mayor Hylan, 'Taut Misses Brodkey. Tuesday evening I must deny myself the pleasure of Mr. and, Mrs. Bernard Baron enter- continuing to serve at this time in tained at a family dinner in compli- deference to a very important call ment to the two brides. Wednesday which Dr. Chaim Weizmann, president Mrs. Brodkey, mother of the brides-to- of the World Zionist Organization, has be, entertained at a luncheon in -her made upon me. home, and in the evening, Mrs. Adolph "I am in the midst of some very Rosenfeld entertained informally for important Jewish work which will rethe brides. Thursday, Mr. and. Mrs. quire all my~attention for some time John Brodkey were hosts at a family to come, including numerous trips out ; dinner.; Friday evening the brides-to- of town, for Zionist purposes,' in conbe will entertain at a trousseau party. nection with the visit of Dr. Weiz-, Saturday evening Mrs. Abe Brodkey mann to the United States, and. itj will entertain at dinner for the brides would, therefore, not be possible and their .fiancees. for me to accept any further appoint-, ment at this time." '\ Mr. Abe Brodkey has returned home to spend the summer with his parents, POGROM GENERAL TO Mr. and Mrs. Max Brodkey, after a BE TRIED. year's study at Ann Arbor, Michigan. Warsaw. (J. T. Agency.) In anMiss Donna Seff left for Los Ange- swer to an interpellation by the Poles, California, where she will spend lish Socialist party in the Seim, the: Minister of war declared that it is the summer. • now legally possible to try General Mrs. Sam Sudow and children of Balakhowiteh, his officers and soldiers Aberdeen,' £>outh Dakota, are visiting for their excesses against Jews and in the home/of .Mrs, Suddw's parents, the many pogroms for which they were responsible. During the war, the Mr. and Mrs. Sam Baron. Minister declared, Balakhowiteh had Teams are continuing their work in established his own courts and enthe drive for the Federated Charities. joyed extra-territorial rights, but now A campaign for $15,000-has been in- that the peace between Poland and stituted, and many of the working Russia is signed, the; Minister of Justeams nave already attained, their tice has given'orders to "the. highest quota. To the.-present time, the work civil court in Eastern Poland to bring has proven successful, and the con- the pogromi'sts to trial. tributions have been given liberally. It is hoped that the teams will com- DR. MAX NORDAU WRITES plete their work soon, with the desigHIS MEMOIRS. nated quota of $15,000 attained, with Paris. (J. T. Agency.) Since his which to supply the charitable needs arrival here, Dr. Max Nordau, in comof local Jewry. pliance with his doctor's orders, has been living in the strictest seclusion, Miss Bess Prusiner has departed devoting all his time to writing his for Casper, Wyoming, for a visit with Memoirs. • friends. Before returning home, she will visit in Yellowstone Park for BECOMES RABBI several d a y s . . Milton M. Ellis, who will be graduated from the Hebrew Union College Mrs. J. N. Krueger and Mrs. Prusi- this month, has been elected by Conner are visiting _ i n Atkinson, Nebr., gregation Beth-El of New York city with Mrs. Krueger's daughter, Mrs. to become the assistant rabbi of Rev. Sam Bailin and Mr. Bailin. Dr. Samuel Schulman, whole predecessor was Dr. K. Kohler. Beth-El is one of the leading congregations of New AMERICAN AMBASSADOR York city. _ AT SYNAGOGUE


Paris. (J. T. Agency.) Ambassador Wallace attended solemn services held at the Jewish Synagogue in • honor of the American soldiers buried on the fields of France. Mr. Wallace made a brief address from > the pulpit.

CHRISTIAN PEASANTS ENLIST IN PALESTINE SERVICE Danzig. (J. T. Agency.) Four Christian peasants from Bavaria have applied at the local Palestine Office for enlistment for the Palestine service as Chalutzim. *

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