June 30, 1921

Page 1




y, "Some people i are • ' always at

'The man who si Hi .has learned the ::: Hi art of s e e i n g H things looks with. {§I his brain."


§ school, always storing up predons bits of \& knowledge."

Entered a B second-class mkll matter on January 27th, 1021, at yoBtofflce at Omaha,. Nebraafca, .under the Act of March 3, 187B.


Blind labM-Iero Disabled -Vets'nt^ Speaks on Courage Led Around by Hand of Sister; "He Is Ever Smiling'j, Says Jewish Press Writer. By KATE FREEDMAN.


More than 350 J e w i s h children will be the guests of the city Talmud Torah at a picnic to be held soon, according to an announcement made today by.N. S. Yaffe, president of the

Prof. Mossinsohn of Hebrew Myersity in Palestine Coming Here

school. .

Famous Scholar to Visit Omaha in Behalf of Keren Hayesod Organization of Zionists.

. •--.-.'

Plans for. the picnic were made at a meeting of the Board Wednesday evening on suggestion of Dr. Philip Sher. John Feldman, and Mrs. H. Levey,; have. been appointed to look after the details of the affair, >



This is the first of the series of fiction from , the pen of Elma Ehrlich Levinger, ' well-known story writer, to appear in "The Jewish Press".

.(Copyrighted, 1021, by EJma Ehrlich LeTinger. AH rigbtB reserved.)

SI: a;


SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, A YEAR, $ 1.50, The campaign for tools and machinery for the Jewish workers in Palestine is now in full swing1 in. Omaha. Appeal is being made to all Jewish families in this city to contribute. The officers of the Tools' campaign are: Dr. I. Dansky, chairman, S. Goldstein, treasurer; and J. L. Wolfson, secretary.

Crescent and Cross

FiAt 'Zionist Cause Christians and Mohammedan* in Holy Land Join Hands to Battle Jews. Special to "TKi: JEWISH PRESS."

Rome, June 29. — After waging Prof. Ben Z. Mossinsohn,- inter(Staff Correspondent of 'The Jewish fierce wars for centuries against each nationally known Zionist,, intimate Press" and the "Detroit Jewother for possession of the HolS friend of Weizmann. arid . Einstein, Thefiqfcmid-summer sun beat down! creasing girth. He might have been ish Chronicle^') good-looking if it had not been for upon the treeless Fair Grounds; it was j Land, the Christians and Mohamwill visit Omaha within the near fuan tincomingly warm "Fourth" and! the self-satisfied smirk on his fat ! medans in Palestine have now sealeo ture, according to word received here DETROIT, Mich., June 30.— even tfee apathetic "crackers," come face, though there was a strange unI the bond of friendship and allied by L. Kneeter, who was the local delSlightly built, proudly erect, easiness in his eyes when he addown from the hills with their wives < | themselves—against the Jews. Truly egate _-fco the recent Zionist convenbrown-haired, tanned, smiling, dressed his wife. and scrawny children bumping about' a strange story of history. ' ' ": tion. ever smiling—not the smile of "About time we had some sort of in theirrattling wagons, growled Simultaneously with Pope Benedicts "Professor Mossinsohn is a student irony or bitterness—nor yet the the heat as they drank dust- ^decent memorial even in a jay town sensational, protest against the Jewish pitiful smile of self-compassion, A chapter of the Zeta Beta Tan, > of language and a scholar of Hebrew. about coiored lemonade and ate meat-cakes like this," he addressed Marjorie. As No Indications of Opposition to position in Palestine, reports received nor the hopeless one of im- national Jewish fraternity,- will prob- He was a professor in language at and barbecued Vice-President to Succeed sandwiches at the usual he jeered at the town where his here from Jaffa indicate that a new potence or futility—but a smile, ably be installed at the University of the University of Switzerland for refreshment booths. President Rabbi father had built up his fortune. The real folks outbreak of anti-Zionist sentiment is many years. Later he migrated, to gently humorous, kindly, sym- Nebraska at Lincoln during the next Tason. imminent in the land which more Palestine, where he founded a Jewish of the town who had come up to the "We Should "Repay Boys for pathetic, warm, born of an un- school year. grounds in their own machines than anjr other should be the home conquerable spiritv t h a t soars The Zeta Beta Tau, which is a social Hebrew school. Out of this beginning fair, From all present indications William Fighting;" She Said. were hardly better off; elegant Mrs. of peace and good will. the present Hebrew University in above the plane of human organization, has chapters at all the Jack Lerner, the Mrs. Lerner, wife of "Yes, it's time we put up a few Grodinsky, vice-president of the local Christian and Mohammedan in' agonies and limitations, into large universities and colleges in the Palestine^ was founded. " one of Kentucky's' richest tobacco stones to pay our debt to the boys B'nai B'rith lodge, will be elected habitants' of Palestine have formed The visit of Professor Mossinsohn the infinite. United States. ••----- planters, who didn't look a bit Jewish rotting in France," answered his wife president of the order at the semi- a joint organization vrfth the object That is Michael Aaronsohn, The Oxnahar_ Council Bluffs and Lin-here will be in connection with the and went with the very first families, in a quietly bitter tone, so low it did annual election to be held tonight. of frustrating realisation of Zionist of a local branch of the cheerful, smiling "Mike", rab- coln boys who have applied for the Korganization was heard to declare to her daughter- not reach her mother-in-law's ear. There were no signs of opposition to ideals. This alliance has already * eren Hayesod, the Einstein-Weiz- in-law that nothing on earth would "Then we can forget everything with him last Thursday night when nombinical student at the Hebrew chapter include: Edwin-Katskee, Elia- j initiated ' s boycott of aH Jewish Union College, National Chap- jah Fogelson, Harry Diamond, Milton j m a n n ' branch of the Zionists. Since induce her to postgpona her trip to the a good conscience because the war's inations for the various offices in the merchants. It is preparing- stiH more lodge were in order. lain of the Disabled Veterans of Rosenbauns, David Lever, Abe Golden- the break between the Einstein and Lakes again" after the hot weather over," drastic measures, for its members are Weizmann group with Judge Mack the World War association, in berg, Millard Krasne, Maxwell Kline, had once set-in. Mortimer shifted his huge bulk un- The retiring president of the order sending their, families out of the and others two distinct Zionist camps is Rabbi Morris Taxon. attendance at the first annual Samuel Gordon, Saul Arenson, Meyer have been organized. Weiamann-Ein- Marjorie Lerner agreed with h?*r as easily. "I don't see why you get so Ralph Holzman, active member of country in prevision of violence end convention of that organization Beber and Louis Pinkelstein. blamednasty every time I mention usuaL* At the time of her marriage bloodshed." stein camp is known as the Keren in Detroit. Only the gentle tap Several members of the fraternity four years -before,' she, had been one the war," he complained. "Even if the intellectual advancement commit- A diplomatic mission, composed of Hayesod. . ' tee, probably will be elected viceof his stick against the hard 'reside in Omaha. They are Philip of the prettiest, brightest brides our your brother—" marble floor of the Hotel -Tuller Wolfson, Howard Green and Nathan During his stay here Professor town had ever- seen. The loss of her "I'm not bitter about him," she de- president. The work of the intellectual Christians and Moslems, is to be Lobby, headquarters of the con- E- Jacobs. Herman Friedman of Mossinsohn will probably make one younger brother during the war and clared with sudden spirit. "He wasn't advancement committee during the sent to Europe and America to address at the municipal auditorium past term has been highly commend- protest against England's exercise vention, told the story of his Council Bluffs alsd is » member. • some unpleasant talk about her hus--a slacker." of her mandate over Palestine in and will attend several conferences. blindness. That, and the rest- The Zeta Beta Tau fraternity was She,, turned her eyes, strangely tired ed. less movement of sensitive lids founded in New'York City College Several receptions also are being her mother-in-law attributed her poor for one so young, toward the strag- It is certain that Harry Silverman favor of Zionism and to demand the constitution of a national government planned in his honor. He may speak over artificial eyes. A livid, in 1898. health to the birth of Mortimer, Jr., glers who had come too late for seats will be re-elected secretary and H. with a parliament and responsive at the Universities of 'Creighton and angry gash at the left temple a curly-beaded lad of three who nowand wandered about the fringe of the Friedman will be elected treasurer. cabinet. Tlie mission is headed by Omaha. tells another mute tale of flyset percjied beside the chauffeur, eye- crowd. Suddenly her face grew tense, Mr. Friedman has been treasurer of the Orthodox Bishop of Acre, Basiliue ing shrapnel—of ligaments torn ing the-perspiring crowds . with a her eyes widened. "Who's that man, the old lodge since it was founded ORGANIZE KEREN HAYSOD naive delight.that many a blase spec- Mortimer?" she asked, nodding to- here. He has been treasurer also of Haggar, and a Moslem dignitary, awa y—of the skill of surgeons in the base hospitals of France Preliminary steps have been taken tator might have envied. Perhaps Mrs. ward a boy in shabby garments who the Jewish Welfare Federation and Abdul Hadi. It was the mission's other Jewish organizations sitsce their intention to go to London and submit —of. the reconstruction of a face Organize in New York to Concentrate toward he organization jii a branch Lerner, .Sr., being blest with a short had just limped past. its grievances to. the_Prinee. a£Jiales»-. mutilated and scarred beybnc of the Keren Haysod in*0maha. The memory! herself, never realized that -"One of tlie: downtovni gang," her origin. on Some Definite Work recognition. committee in . charge • has invited there r&^]?-*Eprae-_:?2iisgnided --mortals husband - eas^^sd -^Sifffcrfetly ;*" "you Wfth tlie elecjacsn of officers tonight but Sir Herbert Samae! explained in. Palestine. that the prince Was merely a young every. Jevdsh organization.;in Omaha who-never'forgive or forget. A pulse beat in the cheek, don'tespect me to.know every Jew-in the Omaha B'Eai B'rith lodge officer -without power to interfere in : : adjourn until September. Public into be represented by three delegates -visible to the eye, -tells of "a A . meeting' of th«T minority" Of th& town by namej do you? Why do you politics. Jack Lerner was the Chairman stallation of ofikers probably will be wound time has not healed. American Zionist <2£ganization, con- at an organization meeting to be want to know?" held 8 p. m. July 11, at the Lyric •of the Program Committee. sisting of the defeated administration And h e smiles! , • - •'-'•-'-• "I don't," she answered with her us- held at the first meeting following the adjournment. • Arab Delegation Leares for hich resigned at the' Cleveland con- Building. Mrs..Jack Lerner had delayed her ual indifference. Nothing Timid About'Him. vention after failing of majority supEngland and America. There is nothing halting or timid ort, and delegates who* backe3 them SAMUEL UNTERMAYER TO annual flitting north that she might - -She'felt she did not need to know Jen Jem. (J. T. Agency.) A delhis name. As she watched him leanbe present at the unveilingof the or fearful in the step of Michael a their„ opposition to the World LEAD KEREN HAYESOD egation sent by th© Arab. Congress ing against a post, brushing back the Soldier's Memorial Fountain in the Aaronsohn. There is nothing of the lionist leaders, was-held at New New York. (J. C. R. Service.) It leaves Jsffa today for England and damp curls: that clustered under the center of the fair grounds. 'Jack Lermartyr about him. He walks firmly, York City on June': 10 for. the purpose was announced at the .Zionist "conventhen America. The delegation is inrim of his shabby hat, Marjorie rener had been chosen chairman of the his head flung high, "at attention" of conducting "a vigorous policy of tion held in Cleveland lastrweek that program commitee, Jack Lerner was membered all too clearly the day she Only Women in State to Become structed to interview prominent into an inaudible command that is ;heir>own toward Palestine. dividuals and organizations with a ; in answer to a request, on the part to have one of the dedication speeches. had spoken to the boy for the first Lawyers. sanctifying his- life and the lives of "We are Zionists and members of of the present directors of the Keren Ha.wasn't an orator—Lerner himself and last time. She had never had a •view ,©£ anti-Zionist propaganda. The those who are privileged to come in- the organization, and our chief inter- Hayesod, Mr. Samuel Untermyer has knew that!—but he had headed the chance to know any of the Jews in The distinction of being the only Orthodox Bishop of Acco, Bassilius to contact with him. est is in Palestine," said A. H. From- consented to accept the leadership of subscription list for the memorial. As the little Kentucky town to which her Jewish girls who ever were admitted Haggar, heads the delegation. He came toward his interrogator, enson for the minority. i:We will not that fund in America. In-Ms letter for donations to the Red Cross and husband had brought her after their to practice law in the courts of Inhis arm linked in the arm of his irganize a militant" minority that will to the directors Mr. Untermyer stated the Y. M. C. A. and the hundred and wedding trip; his people had delib- diana is held by Miss Jessie Levy and Italian Press Disapproves Pope's sister, brown-eyed pretty Dora Aaron- oppose all acts of the present admin- that he was ready to serve ' in the one other worthy causes during the erately shunned even the well circum- Miss Ether Goldberg, who received - Palestine Speech. sohn, his constant companion and istration of the American Zionist Or- capacity for which he was drafted. war—well, even the most rabid anti- stanced group who attended the Tem- the degree of Batchelor of Laws upon Rom©. (J. T. Agency.) The remarks his "buddy" who sees for him ;anization. But we will not particiMr. Untermyer has been active m Semite had to agree that for a Jew ple on the hill, to say nothing of the their graduation from the Indiana of Pope Benedict in commenting ad' and guides him gently about! Dora pate in the organization as at present the last few weeks as an intermediary Lerner had shown himself a first-class hopelessly submerged "foreign" ele- Law School last week. versely on the proposed British manis attending the convention with her officered. attempting'to effect a' peace agree- American. Besides, people had al- nient who lived downtown above their During their attendance at the Lawdates for Palestine because of alleged brother, on leave of absence from the ment between the two opposing fac- most forgotten Lerner was a Jew; his pawn shops and cheap clothing stores- School both young women have been Jewish activities in that country, has Committee is Appointed Hebrew Union College where she "We have appointed, a committee to tions in American' Zionism. But on family and now his son's family as- But the war had for the time being engaged in legal work in the local caused a sensation here. Italian govtook a position as secretary so as to decide on a concrete piece of work to the failure of that peace to material- sociated almost entirely with gentiles. brought Democracy to Kentucky as courts. Miss Levy has been associat- ernment circles regard the Pope's be near him. be done in Palestine. It has been ize, Mr. Untermyer sent word that he The first oration of the day was well as to the world. The daughters ed with the Supreme and Appelate statement that Christian Holy places Much younger than her 22 years, suggested that we start a co-operative approved of the position of the sup-over, delivered by an imported orator. of the first families had planned a Courts of this state in the capacity of have been turned into places of she hovers over her brother like a wholesale • society, but that is merely porters of the World Zionist Organ- Senator from up-state, florid, and going-away" dance for the dear sol- law clerk, and is at present doing amusement as unfounded. Such sacrigentle mother, never obtrusive, never tentative. Whatever is done, it will ization and that he was ready to add white-haired, an "almost uncanny like- diers on the Fourth of July; they had secretarial work for Hon. Julius C. lege has occurred in the Lebanons, the aggressive. She seems to sense with be work that will not conflict with the his services towards the success of the ness in the flesh to what the movies given them comfort-kits and smokes' Travis, of the State Supreme Court correspondent observes. Italian circles a divine intuition his every unspoken Zionist Commission. We feel that all Palestine Foundation Fund as recently term "a Southern gentleman -of the and had actually danced with them. .Miss Goldberg has been a law clerk believe that a statement from an thought. With gentle tact she leads money appropriated . or raised for instituted by a public manifesto of old school." Nor was there anything And Marjorie, radiant in one -of the in the Appellate Court, being associat- official British source as to the exact him about, ever with him, a vivacious, work in Palestine' should go for a Dr. Weizmann, Mr. Ussishkin, Dr. modern about his speech with its fluffy white gowns from her trous- ed with Hon. Alofazo L. Nichols, Judge situation in Palestine would effectivecheerful smiling companion. definite object, which was the great Levin and Dr. Massinsohn. ly silence all criticism. flowery tributes to the flag, our hero seau, had helped to distribute smiles of that court. iiike's hand-claps"7are warm and cause of the split in the organization, The young lawyers have been ad- " The "Idea Nazional" of Rome asdead, our Southern womanhood. It and button-hole' boquets and fruit : strong and compelling. He looks you and by carrying out one piece of work BOLSHEVIKS SENTENCE was a pretty speech and his gestures punch to raw-boned "crackers from mitted to practice in the Supreme serts that the Pope's bitterness is sqilarely in the eye and you forget at a time we will try to show that the d pressers and Court of the state last Tuesday, and founded on political rather than reliCATHOLICS AND JEWS were right noble; he sat down to" the hillsand cutters and he cannot see. He took/ his seat methods we advocate _are the best. "Riga. (J. T. Agency.) The Petro- tremendous applause. Jack Lerner, as fish merchants like Jake Isenberg. are now considered active practioners. gious causes, and that the Pope prebeside a wall-length poster—a soldier, "On July 3 and 4 a conference of all grad "Pravda" reports that a revolu- was his right, spoke directly, after Miss Levy is the youngest woman to fers Turkish to British soveteignity in' haggard, bleeding, a severed leg be- those who sympathize with our po- tionary tribunal is Smolensk : tried the guest of honor. He made but one> Jake Asked Her If She was be admitted to practice in Indinana, Palestine. The "Oourierre Italia," the Jewish. , side him. "Through hell for Country" sition will be held in Pittsburgh, or representatives of the. Jewish and point and dwelt upon that with some and is one of the youngest women Vatican organ, states plainly that caption is. Buffalo, and at that time the definite Catholic clergy who where accused as eloquence; America was at peace "You're Jewish, aint you?" Jake lawyers in the country. Turkish rule would be better than the piece of work to be done by us will be counter-revolutionaries and,, particu- with the world, but let* the world be- had asked over the punch bowl. English rule of Palestine. The 'Tri"Sightless, Legless, Armless." larly for activity against the separa- ware! With our navy, our army, our Marjorie nodded, feeling a little Sightless men now tap their way planned." Dr. Bogen and Dr. Plotz in bune" interprets the Pope^s speech as Justice Louis D. Brandeis, who retion of church from state. It is re- sturdy manhood ready to shoulder the ashamed. "Yes, and at home I went implying that Zionism is simply being through the corridors. .Men, legless, Warsaw. signed as" honorary president with with Jews altogether. But here none ported that two of the rabbis as well used to cover British imperialism. gun for their beloved country—well, armless, twisted, bent by shot and Warsaw. (J. T. Agency.) Dr. Bogen shelL They had found the "war for Judge Julian S. Mack, the former as several members of the Jewish let foreign governments beware. He of the Jewish people have called—" and Dr. Harry Plotz, representatives president, was present at part of the community have been sentenced to and his fellow-townsmen along with Jake nodded understandingly. "I democracy" cruel, inglorious. It was meeting. ' * . / , two years imprisonment. The town the rest of America had made their know, Jews ain't good enough for of the American Joint Distribution Dr. Wise Undergoes Operation. "Through Hell for Country." synagogue has been confiscated and utmost sacrifice—they would do it your husband .and his family. Ever "Commitee, arrived here today after New York. (J. C. B. Service.) Dr. "Detroit is a beautiful .city, isn't "Times" Criticizes Churchill's made since they made their money and he an extended trip to Jewish centers in Stephen S, Wise of the Free Synainto a Communist meeting again. Europe. Both of them leave next gogue of this city, has undergone a it? I would love to walk a bit place. Statement. He sat down to tremendous ap- went off to some swell school in the for Lemberg to be present at the serious internal operation. His last Are you coming to hear ,the 'sing* London. '(J. T. Agency.) In a leader east. Folks say he was the only Jew plause. Comparatively cool and comtomorrow. You know I'm not such today the "Times'" attacks Herbert Joint Conference of East-Galician public appearance was on Monday First Real Menorah Found Near fortable in her own car, set apart there and he had to He. to get in. But workers. afternoon at the Zionist convention a bad singer, led a chorus of 24 at Samuel's policy' of his weakness; in Tiberaas. from the vulgar herd, Mrs. Jack Ler- that ain't your fault." where he spoke upholding the policies the Kabbinical college last year." Palestine and especially his actioii In Jerusalem. (J. T.\A.gency^) In con- ner nodded approvingly. Little Mar- She was glad to discuss even with of Mr. Brandeis and Judge Mack. Dr. This from Michael in the midst of closing the doors of that country to nection with'the construction of a road jorie leaned back against the linen a stranger the thing that had puz- Palestine Mandate Awaits Wise's voice was visibly affected by the reverie. Smiling Michael who immigrants. The "Times" finds that along the eastern sliore of the Sea of covered cushions rather wearily, a sa- zled her so much, since her new relaAmerican Reply. the mental strain of the coming shames you with his courage and his the greatest obstacle to peace in the Galilee by the British, - Dr. Nahum tirical smile about her lips. Sudden- tives had persistently avoided i t "Why Geneva. (J. T. Agency.) The Presioptimism and his will to "Carry on". Holy Land is the scepticism of dertain Sloiisch, member of the French Aca- ly a look of almost frigid reserve don't the Lerners like Jews?" dent of the Council of the League of physical ordeal. And spirit is typical of the government agents there as to the demy, has been conducting a series "of swept across her expressive,, face. "They want , to. get-on with the Nations announces that the considerahundreds of others of disabled- War possibility of a fruition of Zionist excavations among the ancient ruins "Junior," she said to little Morti- swells around here and you know what ation of the British mandate for "Joint*'' "Office Boy Disappears Veterans who assembled this week hopes. The editorial demands of the in t i e vdnity. He now. announces tha mer, "wave your hand. ^Papa's com- rishus there is against Yehadim in a Palestine has been postponed for With 1-5,000 Francs. to seek legislation for the protection British Colonial Office, not words but he has unearthed the first real Meno- ing." small town—or aaybe you don't, com- several days, pending the receipt of Paris. •{J. T. Agency.) A boy J>y th<j o£ themselves and those who" areactions that will indicate its real in- rah. ever found, a completed seven- Mortimer Lerner climbed into the ing from a city? Especially Jews- a. communication from the govern- name of SOverman who worked in fcb© dependent upon them. tention of creating a Jewish* National urned candalabra with all the flowers car and began to comment rather like my folks who ain't been here since ment of the United States on its posi- local office of tlie Joint Distribution Aaronsohn was a student at the Homeland in Palestine^ The i $ and buds as described in the Penta- noisily upon the program, the decor- the Civil Warl Why, I ain't taken out tion towards the general question of Committee has disappeared with 15,. University of Cincinnati' and- th* is adornment on Winston Churchill's teuch. Discoveries hitherto, accord- ations, the "Memorial itself. He wasmy papers yet," he confessed,"but mandates. The Palestine mandate was 000 francs of relief money. Efforts Hebrew Union College. He enlisted statement in Parliament on Britain's ing to Dr. Slousch, have been "of "en- about his wife's age, but looked old- I'm going to just the same. First my to have been the first under Class A made daring the past few days to dis(Continued on page 4) 'Continued oo' page 2.) to come up for discussion future policy in the Near , graving* or candelabras in bas-relief. er, possibly because of his ever-inr cover him have .met $ith no success*

University of lebrsska l a y Get Zefa Beta Tan

Defeated ZiomsteFlan New Organization In U. S.

Jewisfe (MB Admitted To


i::: i



THE JEWISH PRESS Published every Tttarsday at Omaha, Nebraska, by


THE. JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. ; MORRIS E. JACOBS, Manager. Office, Fqur/Baird Bldg.—Telephone DOuglas 2372. Subscription Price, one year.. ....$1.50 -Advertising, rates furnished on application. •! NOT PRINTED FOR PERSONAL JPROFIT—Profits from the publication of Th^g! Jewish Press are to be given to worthy communal causes.

Noted Jewish legend PHARAOH, TEE OPPRESSOR, WAS HEIST ANTI-SEMITE E. G. Pipp, editor of "Pipp's Weekly, traces attacks on ths Subject of Fhdtoplay Jew from the time of early biblical history. The "Golem" is Founded on Same Legend as Frankenstein by Mrs, Southey.'



From Berlin comes the story of a lawsuit, caused by anti-Semetism, Milwa\tkee.-«~JttliojSi Eosenwald, Chiwhich had s a amusing termination, Dietrich Eckard, sn anti-Semetic ed- cago, noted Jewish philanthropist, itor, recently offered a prise of 1,000 urged.the elimination of charities in marks if anyone would name him a an address before the annual meeting Jewish family that had tliree sons al of the National Conference of Jewish the front during the war. AtHanover Social Service in session^here. rabbi, Dr. Freund, claimed the prize, Their usefulness has ceased, he desending Eckard a list of twenty such clared, and as a substitution be urged families from his own congregation. that wherever possible, loans be made Eckard refused to pay the promised to those in need, as gifts make a deprize. The rabbi carried the matter to pendent out of their received court, meanwliile augmenting his list Lieut. James H. Becker, formerly with information from other congre- director of Jevrish relief work for the gations, Including families that had as Joint Distribution Committee, pleaded many as seven and eight sons at the for aid in maintaining an educational frost, and some who lost three sons system in Europe. in action. The court declared in favor "The Jews must have leaders of the the rabbi, ordering Eckard to tarn highest education and culture with ever to him the prize he had promised. the strong- Anti-Semetic feeling now The rabbi gave the money to Jewish prevalent in1 Eastern and Central Euwelfare organizations. rope," he emphasised.

By E. G. PIPP man. Mordecai's sole offense was The Hebrew people throughout their that he did not do reverence to Hahistory have demonstrated consistent inan, and for this Haman soaght to All are familiar with the story of characteristics, as has often been re- destroy all the Jews in the vast Per"Frankenstein," by Mrs. Southey, the marked. It is quite as evident that sian empire. tale of a German student who makes these characteristics have usually So in the Book of Esther, third CHANGE .Off. ADDRESS—Please jriva both the old and »ew address: a man in the dissecting room out of won them the high regard of leaders chapter, we read: ,, . be sure and Btga yonr name. corpses and brings it to life by gal- of thought and leaaers of human "And Haman said unto King vanism. , , ' -• 0 • WHOOP 'ER UP! benevolence. It can be said on the Ahasucrus, There is a certain However, the story of the Jewish other hand, that from their earliest In thp days of yore—when the hot sun beat down on unor "Golem" is almost history a consistent campaign has people scattered abroad and disprotected prairie—the Indians would increase their power of "Frankenstein" persed among the people in all as old as the Jewish race. European vision by holding a hand, palm-downward, just above their eyes. film producers have now woven it been carried on against them by the provinces of thy kingdom; This eliminated any interference of outside elements and concen- into a moving picture that is said to enemies. This campaign, strikingly and their laws are diverse from trated the vision on the object they wished to discern. >• . all people; neither keep thy the be the greatest artistic triumph of revived in recent times by Pastor Because of the romance and thrills that filled the every-day the season, cfabalistic in origin, it is Stocker, court preacher to Kaiser king's laws; therefore it is not life of the Red M6n, during those days when the present products based on a tradition that esoteric Wilhelm the Second of Germany, has for the king's profit to suffer tof civilization were undreamed of, "Indian playing" is one of the Hebrew science knew how to create been latterly given the name of Anti- them. * Joys of the American child. The youth of America loves life as it was created by the Deity Semitism. "If it please the king, let it be romance and especially thrills. * from clay, that the wise men cottfd The whole character of the Hebraic written that they may be deRemember how yoi?, as" healthy red-blooded American boys bring a statue to life by placing in people can be discerned through a stroyed; and I will pay ten thouand girls—chicken -feathers afixed to your hair, and mud- its breast a few secret words or let- study of the Old Testament. It is not sand talent of silver to the hands THEATRICAL MAN DEAD smeared faces for an Indian hue—''whooped 'er up" down side ters. There were, two inherent dif- surprising that the Old Testament of those that have the charge of GOURAD DISCUSSES SYRIAN QUESTION WITH Gustave Amberg:, who was well streets and across ; vacant lots, seeking another, scalp for ficulties in this procedure—the char- should also be recalled while study- the business, to bring it into the known in theatrical circles in this GENERAL ALLSNBY ing the modern campaign launched your belt? , V -— king's treasury." acter never could be complete; he was country, 'died in his apartment in the by the kaiser's court preacher. Bible London. (J. T. Agency.) A disRemember, just like the Indians, you used t o raise your either dumb or otherwise crippled, Thus a malignant and lying enemy hand jiist above your eyes when you searched the horizon1 for and his mentality never was above students, Jewish, Christian, or church- appealed to the sovereign Ahasuerus patcn from Cairo states that General St. Regis Hotel in New York' last the animal stage. Secondly, he had to less, r^h find the whole content of the as he -would today try to appeal to a Gourad, the French High Commis- Sunday following an attack of heart the enemy, food or camp? sioner, in Syria, raet General Allenby trouble. Mr. Amberg: was 77 years be returned within a set time to the Anti-Semitic movement, past and sovereign people. Let's play Indian again! old and for many years was one of present, concisely set forth in the clay from which he came, else he But this .time do not concentrate your vision on your It is written that Haman secured recently and discussed with, him the the best known of the older American English sttitade towards the French would .turn against his maker and terse records of ancient Israel. ienemies, food or camp but on Mn in distress. the king's permission. Yet he had Pharaoh, the X3ppressor» whom some no charges except that the Jews were position in. Syria. It is rumored, says impresarios. As manager of - the Raise your hand to your eyes! Look eastward across this1 become an engine of destruction. believe to .have been King Rameses different from others, the false ac- the dispatch, that they likewise dis- Thalia Theatre in 1873 he arranged, great land of ours, and then across the vast Atlantic ocean . Dreaming Brought Legend the Second, is revealed in the first cusation that they did not keep the cussed the common boundary between the first American production of JpConcentrate your gaze on the great countries of Europe—the hann Strauss' "The Bat." In 1889 abode of suffering humanity of the world—Europe still bleeding Dreaming and despairing.and hop- chapter of Exoxus as the first Anti- king's laws, and the miserable selfish Syria £nd Palestine. Mr. Amberg built the Amberg Theaing brought the legend to the mind Semite. The children of Israel had appeal that "it is not for the king's from thd~wounds of pillage, shot, shell and pogrom fiend. ter, now the Irving Place Theater, toof Jews in the medieval ages as a come into Egypt as the guests ^ ARRIVES IN WARSAW - Steady that gaze for just a moment on this spot! In the profit to suffer them." day given over to the Yiddish stage. Dr. Bogen of the American Joint (darkness dimly lighted by a shaft of light from this side of reality. So much so that to this day earlier Pharaoh. With Hamsn all originality among the Atlantic can't you see dim outlines and shadows of little there lies in' the ancient synagogue The children of Israel flourished in Anti-Semites ended. Ever since, Distribution Committee has arrived in ematiated children—father killed in war; mother a victim of of Prague, the oldest synagogue in Egypt, so that we read, in this first through dark and bloody ages, we Warsaw •where he will be actively en- AMERICAN "CONSUL IN WARpogrom fiend; no home, no food, clothing in rags—begging Europe, a remnant of stone andStlay chapter of Exodus: SAW ENFORCES IMMIGRAhave heard repeated the doctrine of gaged in the work of the J. D. C. which tradition says belonged to the for aid? And he (Pharaoh Rameses II) Pharaoh, the doctrine of Balak, or TION LAW. Can't you see their little,, bony, bare arms, stretched des- golem created by. Rabbi Lowe, who said onto his people, Behold, the the doctrine of Haman. Eadx of them JERUSALEM'S *KEW GOVERNOR Danzig. {J. T. Agency.) The Jewperately toward you as though their elbow joints would snap— brought it ot life and had it perform children of Israel are more and called, for .destruction of t£e Jews, Colonel Ronald Storrs, the new Mil- ish refugees in Warsaw are greatly pleading, begging, crying i o r just one morsel of bread, enough miracles and which saved the Jewish mighter than we: through oppression and the drovming itary Governor of Jerusalem, is one disturbed because the American Con» people from destruction in that city. Coiae now, let" us deal wisely of children; through elaborate curs- of the most accomplished adrdnis-i sul there has begun enumerating vises to stave off expected death a few moments more? . Cup your ear! Can't you hear a faint cry; smothered sobs; The dreamers of dreams, among the with them; lest they multiply, ing by hired prophets; or through traters i s the Far East. In spite of j before the immigration law went into moaning in distress" ?• The cry is faint for it is the voice of a Jews through their centuries of tor- and it come to pass, that, when plotted massacre. All of them made •what seemed an impassibility, he has effect. ture searched in cabalistic lore and there falleth out any war they starving child. a direct appeal to envy and to selfish- restored the Jews to Palestine, from Even the mighty, stoic Atlantic, which has stood witness found one ray of hope. ' If human join also to our enemies, and ness and a false appeal to patriotism. which they have been excluded for Joint Distribution Committee Closet to the most appalling tragedies/ has been touched by the moans flesh and blood <*>uld not oppose the fight against us, and so get them It is needless to remark that Pha- eighteen centuries past. He has esrFoisr Continental Branches. and cries of these suffering children. The waves of the great power of persecution, could not the np out of the land. raoh's oppression ended ia deliverance ried out zn acceptable administration Danzig. (J. T. Agency.) It is reocean, as it grinds the sands of its shores, seem to emit the Jews create a super or subhuman be- Pharaoh the Oppressor here planned for Israel, that when Balaam was among the seventy jarrir.g sects -which ported that the Amcrcan Joint Di»» wails of thousands upon thousands of these unfortunate babes. ing whom the lance of the tyrants a complete, Anti-Semitic campaign. asked to curse Israel he brought them inhabit the Holy Places. With the trlbution Committee has liquidated Even now their cry is being carried on the waves of the billowy could not injure and whose strength He made this barren accusation of an blessings, and that Hainan^ Anti- support tot the High. Commissioner of1 its branches in Bialstok, Lemberg, deep. Hear it!—"Food, food, we are dying, help us!" That's could destroy all those who persecuted imaginary disloyalty a pretext under Semitism ended in the exaltation of Palestine,'he has forbidden drinldng Brest and Rovno. places throughout the country, snd which he reduced the Israelites to the hero Mordecai. the way it sounds filong the ocean shore—if your heart tinder- the Jews? • ' • also prevented the possibility of deGolem means an inanimate creation slavery, and ordered all male children, stands. .; - , . vrith modern buildings • "War Orphans" they are called—innocent victims as a result in the likeness of a human being, a drowned. Court Preacher Stocker or Palestinian Workingmen's Bank facing the city1 in ttucco or corrugated jrpn. TJie his kaiser could not go so far. But statue. In Jewish slang it means a of warring nations. . They were too young to even understand Registered. colonel's enterprise has started anew, Stocker followed Pharaoh in creating stupid person, a "dummy." The latter what the war was all. about. . v CHIROPODIST AND BEAUTY Jerusalem. (J. T. Agency.) Last among. other occupations, tha'ancient a fear of Jewish control, by bringing word probably is the most nearly corWe played-.-a- stellar role in that war> and now it is our duty week the Jewish WorMngmen's Bank vreavii?g. craft and very necessary tile-. SHOP. , charges of imaginary disloyalty, and of Palestine was officially registered rect definition. to aid.these unfortunate victims. \ Established 1FS0 making industry. Through the revival i"fh and Earncy. _ JDocelas £333, by initiating oppression. ' ,. ^^^_At the repent .B'riaiB'rith. convention held in Des Moines, by the Palestine government as a pub- ox the l&tter, the dome of the hisevery lodge in District, No. 6: pledged to provide, for a, certain JEWS TAKE TO AGRICULNext in the iaglorious roll of Anti- lic company with permission to do TURE IN U . S . number of these chfldren."; Omaha pledged $2,500, enough to Semites appears Balak, King-ef Moab, business in Palestine, Syria and toric Mosque of Omar will be retiled During the past year, 1,030 Jewish whom the Israelites encountered in Egypt. The bank was initiated by the with. tiles made at kilns generations save twenty-frse, . ; ; ' H.irtT H Lnpirtiis, rree.-xreas. • Recent reports received state that the money is needed im- men were provided with-work on their wilderness journey. The story United Workingmen's Organization in old. Hence, it. -will sipin be> possible jos. Pepper. Viee-Prc*i<1ent. I to walk round the trails of the city farms by the'Jewisr Agricultural and W. G. lire, Secretary, • mediately. :While committees are discussing ways and means of Balaam, the prophet whom King Palestine, but assisted to the extent Industrial Aid Society, the latest re- Balak summoned is well known. But of 40,000 pounds by the World Zion- -«to walk aboHt Sios, tell her 'bulof'raising this money, thousands are dying. Omaha Fixture ^ The committee in charge of raising the $2,500 here should port of t£e organization shows. In since Pastor Stocker/s day there is ist Organization. The bank now be- warks &nd mark her towers from end to end," the charm of which defies Supply Co. take immediate action. Nothing should stand in their way. The addition, 171 farms were obtained for some special interest in the words gins a campaign for shares which sell COMPLETE STORE AND total amount should be sbuscribed within an hour-—for a cause Jews, and advice and: aid given to which' King Balak the Anti-Semite at $5 a piece. It is learned that sev- the touch of time. 1,736. Five hundred farms in ten used on that occasion: OFFICE OUTFITTERS eral of its representatives are soon to like this. ". . . ' ' states of the East and Middle West We occupy arrive in this country to take cnarge Like we "did in the old days when we played Indian, and "Behold, there is a people come ever 70.000 sovmre teet had been investigated before the 171 of the distribution of shares. hunted scalps; let us "whoop 'er up", and save Uves. Southwest Corner tracts now under cultivation were out from Egypt; behold, they cover the face of the earth, and Phpne: DoujjinR £724 JEWS MUST LEAVE " to write. We have learned how to located. BLIND BABBI-HEKO AT they abide over against xae: OMARA. POMERANIA| DISABLED* YET'S MEET eat," he said. "We have, learned how The report represents the most re"Come now, therefore, I pray Danzig. (J. T. Agency.) The Pec-j SPEAKS ON COURAGE to speak. ' We have learned to face cent stage in the remarkablef develop- thee. Corse me this people, for 1 (Continued from Page One.) the world' and to prepare ourselves ment of the "back-to-the-soil" move- they are too mighty for me; pies-Democratic part)' of Bromberg Stelcer Electrie Sleatpublishes a declaration demanding all _ for our re-entry into that society 'ment among Jews during the past 20 peradventure* I shall prevail, that puS Coffee Ki!l. BUY SAFE .•waiving- all exemption. Following a which' we willingly vacated 'in order years. Today there are approximate- we may smite them, that I may Jewish inhabitants to leave Pomeranis' Used Scales of ATI few months'; intensive training he to assume" our places in the ranks ly 50,000 successful Jewish farmsra drive them out of the land." within two weeks and threatens them Makes for Sale. was sent to' France. ..As ; sergeant of those who, went to serve the tilling more than one million acres of with bitter consequences if they do' Court PasiJbr Stocker and his folFRANK DEE major-of tfeev.. 147th infantry he wasj country and the nation." land in all parts of the country. In the not. The new anti-Semitic \rsve City Representative lowers have not added much to the Our guarantee End our wor4 fe struck by a shrapnel fragment in the The organization represent 10,000 early days of the Society's work, the seems to have beenl occasioned by the 516 So. IKii Pt. as good'&E a bond. Phone DOnglss S333 ' Argonne offensive. Here enters a disabled war-veterans in the United total number of Jews engaged in fears and hopes expressed by Balak. defeat Poland sustained in the UpWe have satisfied hundreds of curious coincidence. He was carried States. There are more than 240,000 farming comprised but a handful of In the long history of the Jews, en- per • Sslesian plebiscite. your friends. from the fjield: in a- JFreneh cart by wounded entitled to wear the Silver straggling toilers, whose efforts yield- vious men have been found in many Charles C. Quitman, another. Jewish Star and over 10,000* of that number ed them little more than the scorn of lands, men who Tiave imbibed Balak's Omaha's soldier of the medical detachment of are yet incapacitated to support the experienced farmers, and the pity fear of Israel. These men have often Newest and Finest Eg\iiped . l$sr outfit. ' Quitman could not themselves as the result of service, of the uninitiated. Such aid as that hired others to "curse me this peo1514 Bo&ge Street. Bsth-House. • distinguish tha features of his charge according to figures given out at rendered by the Society has enabled ple." In fact, this passage from Ba-% P h ; Dangles 561 Baths, Massage Hot Packs, Elecmany of the farmers to prosper. The lak, translated into German, must because of the wound and forgot the convention headquarters. tric Treatjnetit, Inhalatorlum. have reminded • the_ kaiser's Jewish incident-- after he had delivered More than 77,000 disabled men are organization maintains a staff of agri- subject very much of the sermons of cultural experts, who, last year, con'Aaronsonn to t i e base hospital. now being trained in 8,000 shops and Stocker. It might be remarked that BUY YOUR factories and 3,000 in colleges and ducted 135 demonstration, meetings Balak himself belonged to a Semite ,: Both Meet Again. BEOS., Props, ' Us and farmers* institutes in 64 communschools under the auspices of the Two ^ears later, while both meri ities. Agricultural college scholarships race, and professed a religion some,...140t FsnsEin SU Basement" •; Dntrance.. .were attending the University of Cin- Federal Board for Vocational Train- have been awarded to children of Jew- what akin to that of the early HeAsk your grocers. cinnati Jthey were companions on a ing. brews. Apti-Semitism is strange inTelepiioues Tyler 57S1" r \ 1:| Fx-om one of our three stsndsish farmers by the Society. The activboat trip on the Ohio- river. They ities of.,±he organization include, a'so deed in a Moabite or a Christian. OMAHA, 11" ^vere recalling war experiences and U. OF P. CURATOR EXthe maintenance of a bureau of sanita- Several centuries of Hebrew hisCAVATING NEAR-JORDAN tion, and a loan department for pros- tory passed, and many gr^at changes Quitman told of carrying a blinded Jerusalem. (J. T. Agency.) Clar- pective farmers. baddy from, the field in the Argonne took place, before typical Anti-Semit1 forest." / Farther conversation con- ence Fisher, Curator of the Egyptian ism of the Stocker type showed itself 11 vinced the two men they had met section of "the University of Pennagain. Then came the day ih< the 24ih snd. Farnam Streets p before,,~; and Aaronsohn. thanked his sylvania Museum, will commence next A NEW JEWISH WEEKLY. Persian capital of Shushan or Susa, New York. (J. C. B. Service.) Milbenefactor. Quitman,is one of the •week excavating the biblical city of when Mordecai, an aged Jew who had = 24th and Clark Streets. | founders of 'the nAtipnal organiza- jBeth Shan at the eastern end of the waukee will, within a few weeks, have saved the life of King Abasuerus, anits own English-Jewish -weekly. Action and is attending the convention Valley of Isdraealon. Dr. Fisher exm 5©th un4, Dodge Ste.—Xhjsdee. jf ijjl cording to an announcement, the new gered the king's cliief minister Ha-{ .here with delegates from. Cincinnati. pects to find the ruins of seven an- publication will appear under the ed;'- After hi? discharge from the base cient cities on.the same site rep-res' itorship of Mr. Nathan J. Gould and hospital, Aarpnsohn was sent to the senting nine different civilizations. Mr. Irving G. Rhodes, both men who i JAEVIS FREIDEN, American training school for the I SAM HORN, have won their spurs on the field of Beth Shan (the 'House of the Sun blind situated in a small village near ::| -Proprietors 'Jewish journalism. The paper will be the - shipping port, of St. Azores. God) is the modern city of Beiean on called "Wisconsin Jewish Times." la • . '|g Here he was taught' anew to read the Haifa-Damascus railway. It is and write. His instruction was situated in one of the most fruitful PHONE: DOUGLAS 2793. furthered at Evergreen, the school parts of Palestine and watered by nufor the blind in this country. Later merous tributaries from the" Jordan he resumed his studies at the Hebrew which likewise supply it with water Union College and will receive his power. Beth Shan is mentioned once Prices ranging from $25.00 tQ §275.00. in the Holy Scriptures in. Kings I, rabbinical degree in two years. chapter 4:12. Our terms are so easy, you can afford to be with one. Say They Have Courage. and tray them , <. -Mr* Come in and look them over -"^Rl ' In .his address '?victory Over Jews Destroy Paper Office. Blindness" delivered Tjefore. the na- Paris. (J. T. Agency.) It is reported tional convention on Tuesday, Aaron- from Athens that the Jews there sursohn paid tribute to Evergreen and rounded and destroyed the editorial 319 South 16th Street its founder, Mrs. Robert -Garrett, of offices of the "Tribuna," an antif 24th and Parker Streets. . Semitic paper which ha^s for some Baltimore.. • ' Phone Douglas 3400 . ' EXCLUSIVE VICTROLA SHOP. 'time been publishing virulent attacks "We have learned* how to .walk, have learned h o w to read* how against. Jews.



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Y.M. E l . Beats Soldiers

SELL FLOWERS Messrs. Israel Goodman, Louis Ras- followed by a dancing party at Stre- r -o turned to their home at Ce«J»r NEWS nick and Sam.Green will leave Friday low Club House, when sixty guests Following are the girls who helped Ia., Sunday, The WMtehoofo were make Flower Day for the Jewish A regular meeting of the Thorpe- to motor to Benton Harbor, Mich., will be present. Friday Miss Kulakguests at the WMtebook-Nathan wedBy NATHAN IV GREEN National Fund a success: ding held several weeks ago. Ian Athletic club was held June 22. also stopping at Minneapolis and Chi-of sky /will entertain at a luncheon at Seat by our Council Bl-u£ S NCV7£ cago. A narldsoB, the Athletic club, when' her house Rosa Faler, Sidney Barson was unanimously bareatt. And the Army couldn't keep them Sarjt Rubacfc, Ira Siese], guests and Mrs. M. E.. Handler, a reMiss Zelda Marks, daughter of Mv. • voted into membership. Bertba lilebowitz, Mrs. Belmont, back! ' • ' .. Ida Flelsher, Fay Alperin, The Misses Jeanette and Florence cent bride, and Miss Stella Wolfson, and Mrs. M. Marks, arrived home FriThe picnic held Sunday, June 26, The Y. Mr H, A. baseball team had luce -Fleisber, « Lena Jiacnsln, Shames will entertain at a dancing a bride-elect, will be the honor guests. day from Chicago Univarsity.. Miss Estherv Katlemnn, MoBj; Nits, was a success from every standpoint. shined up its ball bats and had preJULIUS UNGAR r Cella MHJer, party Friday evening, July 8, at Hans- Saturday evening Mrs. E. Meyer will Marks will remain for the summer. Various games and races we e staged lincille Stein, Esther Brodkey, pared for battle early Sunday mornMlnne Kaplan, Rubin, and the following werethe prize win- com Park pavilion for Mr. and Mrs.entertain for her niece, Miss Kulak- Where you wast bora I did not fcnevr. ing against the Fort Omaha team. Ethel £artt Passovoy, Lilliaa Margolin. your good name I heard of Mr. Ben. Harding and Mr. Morris ners: Dave Chesno, 50-yard back- J. M. Malashock, who are now in Col- ofsky, and her guests at a dancing But long Bessie Siporin, Cella Rosa, At the end of the battle th§ score was Sara Brodkey, Dorothy Gllinskyr orado spending their honeymoon. party at her home. Many other af- Only twice ago. Cohen, managers of the Liberty and you have spoken to me. ward dash; Wm, Wintraub, 100-yard Minnie Margolin, Bess Grsenbergr, 7 to 5 in favor of the Y, if. H, A. Still that iras enough to learn tbee. fairs are being planned for these the Strand theaters, respectively, left Kose Kaplan, Lena Berber, dash; Marie Racusen, 5Q-yaTd ladies' Of manners so pestle, affections mild, Bernstein again in the lineup helped Bertha Berger, Anne White. ! young people. :;'••'•'• Marie Klein entertained fourteen today to attend the Movie Theatei" In ivit a man,—simplicity a child; dash; Mam e Adler, ladies raffle; Sam Butb Winetroub, Rose Shaftoo, the Y. M. H. A. men gather-the vio- Minette A true comrade and a real friend, r Ann Bubacfc, Margolin, guests to celebrate her birthday TuesMen's Convention at Minneapolis, Friedel, men's raffle; Harry Ge stein, All through life and to the end. -Miriam Kubacfe, earned, for he. obtained four hits Edith Frleden, some free port of trade, day afternoon. ill!- tory Minn. Mrs. B. Brown spent the past week lake wheelbarrow race. Esther Fisber, Fanny I/evinson, Vour gate -was open to receive the in five times at bat, one being a three Anne Ida Mink in, Sellcow. with her son, Louis Brown, at Sioux freight. fistei bagger. The "Y' 'team as usual was Hose Gnttman, The Thorpeian Quartet gave several NeUie Snitzer, JCow,—only a few days ago. Dorothy liefkbvitz, Frances ffogg, The election of officers of the popular selections and the Gersteid At a meeting of the Flowers of City. She also visited with her son, Was thy face lit up with a smile in the very best of condition, playing Miss. Kaplan, Rose Singer, Zion, Sunday afternoon, the following of joy. Harry, in Norfolk, Neb., and joined Council Bluffs lodge of the B'ftsi Hose Shapiro, Aggies Boss, Brothers entertained on their banjos. a slugging game. Although with sev- Tobie Rops, Tsovr,—he lieth in peace a-sleep. Rose Zietchek, B'rith was held Thursday evening at With eyes once dark and deep. The feature of the afternoon was officers were elected: Presidnt, Nel- her son, Bert, at Fremont. Esther Gonick, Bomm) eral regular men of the "Y" team ab- Gertrude My friend, •when X learned that thon the Danish hall. Following arc tiie lie Snitzer; vice president, Sarah Mrs. Rlcklin, Zena Maizel, the watermelon eating contest, which dead. sent, the team still had the "Y^_spirit Mary Maizel, Mrs. Goldware. Brookenstein; secretary, Lena Lay- Mrs. S. Hirshberg and daughter, Say Trust elected: president, Harry vrast thou conscious of the tears officers was easily won by Daijfe Chesno. to play a tight game in order to gain I shed? tin; treasurer, Rose Rosenstein; re- Mrs. H. 'Hirschmaim, entertained Cherniss*, vice-president, Leo Krssne; little rites—a Terse receive, victory. Bernstein, who had played porter, Sadie Drevich. Mrs. B. Han-twenty guests at »• bridge lunchecn at These The first meeting of the W-A-M 'Tis all comrade, all a friend can give! financial secretary, O. Hochman; ALEPH Y NEWS with, the "Y" team in a previous Club was held at the home of Mrs. —By 3METEK KEAMEE. dler in place of Miss Ruback was the the Blackstone Hotel last Thursday recording secretary, L, H. Katelmsn; Council Bluffs, Iowa. game, and who has been out of the Ida Garber, Wednesday, June 22. The The Aleph Y club of the Y. M. H. A. leader.of tins meeting. for Mrs. I. Hirschberg of El Paso, treasurer, Arthur Freiden; guardian, city, has returned and vwill appear club consists of young married wo- held" its last meeting of the season Tex., and Miss Ruth LeBowski of New Maurice Gilinsky; trustees, Isadore Monday evening at the Y. M. H. A. regularly in a Y. M. H. A. uniform. men who will meet every Wednesday rooms in. the Lyric building. The Mrs. Fred Rosenstock and daugh York, Mrs. Frank Krasne of Fcller- Pearl Fox, 11-year-old daughter of Aginskee, Max and Sam Steinberg; Mr. and Mrs. Dare Fox, 10S North Several times the soldiers had afternoon to discuss social and curter, Jane, will spend the week-end at ton was an out-of-town guest. Eighth street, died early Thursday nionitor, Jay Cherniack. threatened to rally, but each time they rent topics. All interested in joining club voted that all meetings during Sioux City with Mr. and Mrs. Emil the months of July and August should morning, June 23, following a brief were repulsed. this club, call Atlantic 1475, Mrs.be suspended .The next meeting of Rosenstock. Mrs, D. Eearsh of Kansas City, Mrs. Max Klein and Mrs. C Zucker illness. The funeral was held ThursThe Y. SL H» A. team has thus far Konecky, ..'.'..'. entertained at a luncheon, followed day afternoon from the residence. Missouri, who has spent the pgst the club will be held on the. last Monplayed six games, winning five and 1 two weeks as the house giiest of day in August. .At this meeting, of- The Women's Welfare Organization by bridge, at the hojre of the former losing but one. The Y. M. H. A. team Mrs. I. Kosenthal and Mrs. Leo Ro-ficers will be nominated for theen. entertained a large crowd at a picnic- last Wednesday for Miss Ruth Le- Many of the young girl's friends snd Miss Jennie Kateiman, returned to holds the championship of the Jewish senthal entertained ten guests at lun- suing term. dance at Hanscom Park *last* Thurs- Bowski of New York, who is a guest school-mates attended the funeral. her home Saturday. teams in Nebraska and Iowa, having cheon Tuesday at the home of the day evening, when the members of at the M. Fanger home. Mrs. P. Or- Physicians and surgeons from Omaha and Council Bluffs had worked in the only rivals, the Thorpe- former. Mrs. Julius Kateiman and daughter, it defeated i Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Brown enter- the Young Women's Junior Welfare kin of Sioux City and Mrs. I. Hirsch- vain to attempt to save the life of ian Athletic Club of Omaha, and the Organization and Young Men's Junior Toby, left Saturday for Kansas City, berg of El Paso, Tex., were the outtained seventy-five guests at a recepthe young girl. According to the Council Bluffs B'nai B'rith. Melvin Goldstrom "entertained seven tion a t their home for their daughter, Welfare Organization were the guests. of-town guests. end Excelsior Springs, where they physicians, the child was suffering The "Y" team hopes to play the couples of the younger set at Carter will remain for several weeks. Ruth, whose engagement to Mr. Nafrom a general poisoning of the body. champion team of the Y. M. H. A. Lake Club Tuesday, evening. than L. Nogg of Council Bluffs was Mr. C. J. Simon of Chicago arrived f COLUMBUS NEWS The young girl was active in the baseball league at Kansas City, Mo. Sunday to spend several days with Mrs. B, GiUnsky who has been ill recently announced. Miss . Brown The game will be played SQTII$ time in Mrs. Simon, who has been visiting Guests at the S. Bordy home Sun- Young Judean clubs and was also an at a Ipcal hospital, is now con; leaves Friday for New York city, Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Miller left today honor pupil at the Council Bluffs SunSeptember at Kansas City. vslescent at her home , Mackinaw Island, later going to where she will remain for about four her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sol, Berg- day were Mr. asd Mrs. N. Benditzon day school. Following is the. lineup, of Sunday's for man. Mr. and Mrs. Simon and small Detroit by boat. They will be gone weeks. and children, of Pierce; Mr. and Mrs. game: daughter, Margery, left today for about two weeks. A- Bordy and Miss Sadie Bordy, of PALESTINE'S EXPORTS AND . Tira Three Table Card club met their home in Chicago. Y. M. H. A.: AB R H E An engagement of interest to OmaFremont; Mrs. Jack Swartz of Plain- Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. IMPOBTS. 2 0 . Mrs. R. Kulakofsky and daughter, hans that was announced during the fMendelson, 2b _ 5 2 view, Accompanied by 'Mr. S. Bordy, A. Gilinsky, 725 Mynster street Jerusalem. (J. C B. Service.) ImTwo engagements an^junced durI 2 Bernice, leave in two weeks for Cali- past week is that of Miss Margaret iGoodman, lb ..4 2 they left Monday for a motor trip ports to Palestine during February 3 0 fornia. They will visit on the way at Mock, daughter of Mrs. Charles Mock, ing the past week were that of Miss through Colorado. Mr. and Mrs. A. Jack Freiden, son of Mr. and Mrs.amounted to-460,307 pounds; represiKooper, C :._. 5 1 4 1 Denver, Colorado Springs, and Salt of Milwaukee, to Mr. Maurice Hexter Gertrude Stein to Mr. Sam Schlaifer Babendure and Mr. Minkin of Omaha JfBernstein, SS 5 2 Freiden, 7S7 Mynster street, re- enting an increase of 270,935 pounds 2 0 Lake City and throughout California. of Boston. Miss Mock is a sister of and Miss Celia D. Boss to Mr. Benja- were also guests. fSwartz, LF ; 5 0 turned from Ann Arbor, Mich., Thurs- over the corresponding month last 2 0 Later Miss Kulakofsky will enter the Mrs. Frederick Rosenstock of this min F. Margolin. The engagement iGreen, CP 5 0 day evening. He will remain here- year. Esporte from Palestine durof Miss Ross and Mr. Margolin is a Mr. Joseph Brown and daughter, 3 tSlobodisky, 3b 5 0 University of California to begin her city and has visited here several romance of the University of" Nebras- Miss Tibbie, of Omaha, were guests with his parents until the next school ing the e&mst month amounted to 0 times. §Brown, RF .1 . 3 59,553 pounds » a decrease ©£ 42fi63 0 i first year! ka where both attended school and of Mr. and Mrs. M. Weinstein Sun- semester. 1 uniier the iorresponding' 0 fSasnick, P ^_3 expect to return in the fall. day. Mr. Brown left Sunday evening year. Eugene Blazer, Herbert Harris and R Mr. and Mrs. D. Whitebook H Mrs. F. S. Cohen and daughter, ^ Fort Omaha: AB but Miss Brown will remain for some Morton Hiller leave Saturday on a 0 Martha, left today for Chicago to 2 §|Peters, C .—. —5 Mr, and Mrs. R. Kulakofsky will en- time . '•'. i " 0 spend several weeks with Mrs. motor trip. Mr. Blazer and Mr. Har-tertain at & house party over the _....,.5 1 |2asey, 3b . Mr. Sam Kurwitz and daughter, ris will go to Chicago where they vrill 0 Cohen's sister, Mrs. M. Stone. 4 1 week-end for their daughter, Bernice, Miss Sarah Hunrjtz, leave next week |povrd, l b remain for several weeks, and-Mr. 0 „ ..4 0, when the Misses Mpllie Kruger, EuIWeston, 2b 1 1 CEasirich, RF ...A Mr. and Mrs.. George Gross of Hiller will spend the week-end at Des nice Sampson, Rose Baron, Ruth Gil- for New York City, where they vrill 1 1 |Anderton, LF ,._,_..4 Galesburg, Illinois, spent several day> Moines. insky and Ann Mushkin of Sioux City visit for a month. X 1 ^Kinkaid, CF J. ...4 at the Blackstbne Hotel. '••••. will-arrive today -to attend. This Mr. and Mrs. Simon Bordy and Abe At the Toy Shower the following evening- Mrs. KulakSfsky will enter- Kavich of Maey will spend the Fourth 1 ?KelIy, SS , 4 i program was given by the Young 3u1 i : Meyers, P ... .-_.,—4 Miss Rose Weinberg entertained dea Senior club Sunday afternoon: tain at a dinner party for her guests, at the S. Kavich home. ; Score by Innings; fourteen guests for her niece, Miss Violin solo, Miss. Leona tPerjiss and ; 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9—R H E Gertrude Blank of "Sioux City, who is Miss Sarah Fish;. songs, Ann Hurtfmn Y.M.H^.. 3 0 4 0 0 0 0 0-0—7 18 6 visiting at the Weinberg home.. witz; recitation, Betty Steinberg; Ft.Omaha 0 3,0 1 0 1 0 0 0-^-5 9 5 dance, Miss Aim Rosenblatt, accomMr. and Mrs. Morris Rosenblatt en- panied i>y! Miss' Ann- Leaf, and a vocal rn^m Miss Helen Sommer and Miss Irma tertained ' Saturday- evening for their and dance number hy Ethel Hurvrite. II Gross left last week for New York; son, SoJ. Epsenblatt, who recently re- Mrs. Ben Handler pointed out the where they^ will attend summer class- turned from Harvard. purpose of the Toy Shower and also es of Columbia University. Miss Matold of the great need for toys for 1312 Farnam Street rie Gordon left with them to attend Mrs. B. A. Pollack will entertain at the poor children of Palestine. Miss WEEK STARTING BAYS ONLY classes at the University of Chicago. a lawn party at her home tomorrow Anne Selicow in a short talk suggestThey all spent the week-end in Chi* afternoon. SUNDAY ed that all Young Judea^ clubs have a Starting Sunday : cago with Miss Pauline Rosenberg, toy drive! soon, • TOM MIX In formerly of Omaha, who is now an Mr. and Mrs.. Morris Levy leave instructor at the University of Chi- Wednesday to spend several weeks in Miss Hazel Cooper entertained at cago.. the. East. ' - . , a luncheon - Thursday at the Omaha Athletic club for Mrs. Louis Heeger Miss Edna Levine, formerly of Mr. arid Mrs. Philip 'Nathan and of- Sioux City. Omaha, is now conducting a minia- daughters, Misses Esther and Yetta . . . by•» • ture newspaper for children, publish- Nathan, motored to Sioux City to atFriiJ^y and The next meeting of the X. T. C. IRVIN COBB ed daily on the editorial page of the tend the Arkin-Brodkey and GuerskinBUCK JOKES Chicago Evening Post. Miss Levine Brodkey. weddings on Tuesday and club will be in the form of a picnic is also writing a series of story games Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Na- at Hanscom Park on next Tuesday LARKY SEMON for children, which are being used m than, who just returned from their evening. many papers throughout the country. honeymoon, will accompany them to LYRIC QUARTETTE Mr. and llrs. Harry Lapidus and Sioux City. There'll be a crcnvd around owe suit cabinets -tomorrow & children will leave about the middle Dan Hirsch, a former student of the every mm that gets one of these genuine Palm Beach suits Central High School, who has been Mrs. D. Bluroenthal will entertain of July- for Colorado, where they will will get the bargain of his life. -«r..T.-'::-..'- \ remain for about a month, stopping attending Northwestern University, today, at a bridge luncheon for her spend last week in Omaha with his daughter, Mrs. Carl Studha of Kan- at various places. Upon their return sister, Mrs. Julius Stein. sas City and for ^Mrs. Max Studna, to Omaha, Miss IJstelle Lapidus will Ladies' Pure Silk who with Mr. Studna and their son, leave for Rockford, HI., where she Palm Beach , Miss Minnie Rabinowitz, who hasMorris, are visiting Mr, and Mrs. will enter Rockford College. Trousers - ' $2 Hose • ^P been with the Traveler's Aid Society William Milder. &. wonderful vsihue, 3.11 25 Closing them, out, rein New York for the past two years, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Levy>efiter.colors, buy tbexa Jjy the gardless of former valis expected to return early in July, The P. S. C. Cub entertained at an tained at dinner at Olive Crest Sunbos at this price— ues, at one price— informal dancing party Sunday eve- day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Abe Goldstein and ning at .the home of Ben Drevich, family will motor to Centerville, Iowa, 3027 Marcy Street. This is the first CLIMB into cool 'Athletic "Underwear and Saturday. Mr. Goldstein will go on of a series of dances that this club is forget the climbing thermometer. ' to New York aiid -opon their return planning. to Omaha late in July, the Goldstein's Nothing1 in the •world vrill snake you feel' will occupy their new home' tit 102 There will be a reunion of all memmore comfortable. J>on*t put it off another day-r= bers of the Menprah Society at ElmNorth Fifty-fourth. YOU ARE IN NEED OE wood Park Sunday afternoon, to which Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Holzman and all students of the tfniversity, of Neson, leave Saturday for Long Branch, braska are invited. New Jersey, where Mrs. Holsanan. and Fa jama Check son will remain for the remainder of The marriage of Miss Evelyn Tania Athletics the summer. Mr. Holzman will re- Goodspn, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Striped Madras turn in about two weeks. A. E. Goodson, to Leo Roy Krasne will AGiktics take place on Sunday evening, July Aero Square Athletics Dr. Sergius Morgulis, who has been 10, at the Blackstone Hotel. Rabbi Striped Ndusoofe on the faculty of tfie Creighton Medi- Taxon will officiate. Miss Esther Athletics cal College, has "resigned and TrIU4s Belmont will be Miss Goodson's atKegcntine Cloth the chair of Bio-Chemistry at the tendant and Mr. Millard Krasne will AtMetks and other articles in University of Nebraska Medical Col- act as best man to his brother. . Silk Stripe Crepe the s t a t i o n e r y line lege. Dr. and Mrs. Morgulis are Athletics spending the summer in Massachu Mr. and Mrs. Harry Malashock have Fib«r Silk Athletics setts. moved into their new home at 5202 Soie BnlMaEt Davenport street and were.at home -Athletics | W E FURNISH ALL FORMS OF'-INSURANCE. Members of the former B'nai Ami informally to their friends last SatJap Silk Athletics Club entertained two of their mem- urday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Mala a ' •' PERSONAL SERVICE WITH-EACH. bers, Maxweli PremkiB and ttvin shock have as their house guest Miss = POLICY • — LARGE O E SMALL Stalmaster at a banquet at the Fon- Ruth Kurtz of St. Joseph, Mo., who tenelle Hotel, Thursday evening, June came here to attend the Malashock23. Twenty-five were - present. The <3ross wedding of Zasfc week. She will two were recently graduated from thff remain about a week longer^. Creighton law school and passed the 5th 'Floor Saunders-Kesncdy Btate bar examinations."'..' Rabbi and Mrs. Frederick Cohn and PRINTER AND STATIONERTel. Tyler 3160. daughter, Mildred, left today for Lake 118 So. 17th Street, Baird BIdg. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Cohn returned Okobojl, where they will remam un=CORRECT APPAREL FOE MEN AND WOMEN Phone JAckscn 077a from California yesterday til Julv V '-• •



In a Final Close-Out Tomorrow







I Are. Yoa lad Family Protects Against

• Put It On Today;





Sizes 34 to SO


PAGE 4—THE JEWISH PRESS THURSDAY, JUNE SO, 1981. Miss Gertrude Adelman entertained who had "made the supreme sacriI V ' S-: , i • «i. > ' . ^ . ' . _ _ • „ ! : at a dinner party Saturday evening at fice," he had been reminded so many the Harris-Emery tearoom in honor times of "Flanders fields" and "pop(Continued from Page One.'t pies dyed with heroes' blood" arid a of her sisters, Mrs. Jay Seadler of Sent by our Des Moines News Although American Consuls havei words, Ws vise will be fieciaed only at the Chicago and Mrs. A. Chas. Silverman bureau. "grateful republic whose-life they enmother made a fuss and said she needthat term.toItsome is quite evident legally no right to refuse vises, except expiration of Detroit, Mich., who are the guests and it wasofadmitted confidants. ed me, but I ain't going to hide be- riched with their deaths.'' And as he The home ofk and" Mrs. Max to "anarchists" or enemy aliens, "It is intended sSmpty to put oft f of their mother, Mrs. R. Adelman. that tthis s sv p 0 hind no woman when folks are-just listened Imif-idly lie thought of a few Brodkey was the scene of two very GOLDSTEIN-ETTINGER clearly evident even to the casual ob- Jewish immigration until tlie time wheh waiting to say Jews ain't good for of the heroes he had known intimate- attractive weddingsyihis-week, when The marriage of Miss Libby, Goldserver . . . that anti-Semitism is ram- the new immigration bill w<nilfi' coine Into fighting. She can live with my mar- ly, his brother Max dying of consump- their daughter Sarah was united in stein, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. Lords Debate Zionist Policy. pant at the Vise Office . . .and at most force ana thus preclude their entry into ried sister and get along somehow. tion 6efore a grateful republic could marriage to Mr.^..Julius Arkin, of Goldstein, 1424 Ninth,1 to Mr. Sydney London. (J. T. Agency.) On Thurs- of the American consulates abroad," the United States. I just got to go.", "For thousands of ,TevrB to -whom nil find a place for him in her hospitals, Omaha, on Tuesday evening, and Ettinger of Chicago, took place at 5 day the House of Lords continued the charges Reuben Fink in the current tSese conditions hnre been matters ol his buddy, Mike Doohlan, shellshocked debate on the statement of Mr. ChurMarjorie's face glowed, her eyes Miss Matilda BroSkey to Mr. Esock o'clock Sunday afternoon at the bride's issue of The Nation. common knowledge, who found in sparkled; she was no longer Lady and forgotten, dragging out unheroic Grueskin, on Wednesday evening. home. Rabbi Burger performed the chill regarding England's future pol- "It is of course very difficult, if not im- America for the first- time religious end ' Bountiful being kind to the f'dear sol- ,days in a county alms house. . . . The ceremonies were " solemnized in ceremony in the presence of twenty- icy in Palestine. Lord Lamingtori op- possblie, to prove conclusively the charge political liberty, the erection of a. barrier diers." "We—I mean the Jewish peo- Brooding and absent-minded, Jake the presence o f : t h e immediate five intimate friends and relatives. posed the government's pro-Zionist of official anti-Semitism. But if there is for their kin overseas has been fraught ple ,here are going to be proud of strolled to the nearest booth. He'd families. Rabbi Kopstein officiated. The bride was dressed in a plain dark- tactics, declaring that it aggravates anything of which many Jews in America vrfth personal tragedy. But the individual at least many American Jews who have suffering is comparatively nnimportflnf. you," she said, warmly.- "My brother get a drink arid a sandwich, maybe The brides were /attractively attired blue tailored suit. The out of town the Arabian situation and made the or relatives abroad are convinced, it is that More serious, tind of concern to BJI Amerat home didn't wait to be drafted, two, he decided. The war was over in dresses of white canton crepe, and guests included' Mr. and Mrs. F. I. Arabs impossible to handle. The Arabs the Vise Office has shown ciear and lmmis- icans is the abolition of the Old America either. And my husband's going as and the ladies from the different carried a showerY<j£ brides roses. The Ettinger, parents of the groom, and would never be opposed to Great Brit- takeable prejudice against the Jewish as the haven, o' refuge for the oppressed soon as he can arrange for a substi- church societies wouldn't be urging tull veil of eadiXfnde was held in son, Norman; Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Et- ain if it were not for the possibility immigrant. Slowly but surely its regula- of nil lnncis." tions have been so manoeuvered as to effect tute- in the office.".' him to take another piece of pie or place with strands? of pearls. At- tinger, Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Perlstein of the establishment of' a Jewish practically and only the Jewish immiUKRAINIAN REFUGEES Jake's eyes narrowed a little. He another dish of ice cream as they used tendants for Sarah were, Mr. and daughter, Sarah; Mr. Milton Sei- Homeland in Palestine. The Duke of grant," he writes. SEEK HOMES IN MEXICO had heard a few things about the son to do. And he had to go light on and Mrs. M. Bernstein; Mr. and Mrs. gel, alt of Chicago, and Mr. Theodore Southerland," speaking for the gov- "This discrimination is particularly apparent in the official scrutiny of applicants Warsaw. (J. T. Agency.) Th< lunch, he reflected, if he wanted to ' of the house of Lerner, even if he did I. Dansky, and Miss Matilda Brodkey Goldstein of Walthill, Neb. Following ernment said that the agitation for Lithnanian, Latvian, Ukrainian or Central Ukrainian Committee hen live downtown on. the fringe of re- bring a few trifles home to Max's and Mr. Esock ••. Grueskin. Miss. a trip "through M'chigan, Mr. and the Arabs is merely temporary, re- with Russian passports, or those who present spectable society. But all he said kid. They were all living together Matilda's attendants included, Mr. Mrs. Ettinger will be at home at 5317 sulting from an exaggerated notion passports of any government but their has sent a delegation to Mexico i> was: "It's a good thing he's going. now and Max's wife was working and and Mrs. Julius-Arkin and Mr. andSouth MicMgan avenue, Chicago, 111.on Jewish immigration, which, he own. In Poland, where it was formerly investigate fthe possibilities for JewYou see," he added with the shrewd- his mother was taking care of the Mrs. Cabert Sacks. A reception at said, would be carefully regulated and 1possible to obtain vises more easily than ish immigration into that country. . these other countries, a new vise chief ness that accorded litfle with his boy; a bright little fellow, too, thought the Martin Hotel for more than 250 controlled. Lord Byrce advocated j in has promulgated regulations which partly GINSBERG EMPLOYES ALL DAY bright boyishness, "you see, when Mr. Uncle Jake who wished he could do guests" took place' on Wednesday settling Jews on unused ground. exclude Polish Jews also. The applicant Vienna. (J. T. Agency.) Many posf PICNIC SUNDAY Lerner gives a thousand to the Redmore for him. But he wasn't mak- evening. The "out-of-town guests inis given a so-called 'red ticket' with a office clerks have tampered with th 'number' on it. This number signifies the Cross, they don't say a word about ing much himself these days; he'd cluded: Mrs. Sarah: Arkin, Mr. Morris L. Ginsberg & Sons entertained the SUCCEEDS FREIBERG mails and have stolen a large amoun postponement of the applicant for the viee his religion. But if me or my brother lost his job while-overseas, and his Arkin, Misses 'Esther and Yetta 250 employes of the Ginsberg Furni- Cincinnati.—Charles M. Shohl, Cinfor from t&ree to twelve months.—In other of money in dollars and checks. tried to dodge the draft or got yellow stiff leg didn't fit him for active Nathan,, Mr. and-'-Mrs. S. Nathan, ture company and their amilies at an cinnati, vice president of the Union of over in France, people would say youwork at present. . Mr. and Mrs. L: Nathan, Mrs. M.all-day, picnic Sunday. Two of the American Hebrew Congregations, has couldn't trust a 'dirty Jew,' nohow. Thinking of a jumble of foolish Brodkey and family, Mr. and Mrs.largest G5nsberg trucks were detailed been chosen its president, succeeding Wouldn't they?" He held out a unrelated things, the party two years I. Dansky, Mr.and ;Mrs. S. Rice and to carry the lunch, and automobiles the late J. Walter Freiberg. He is strong, work-hardened hand with ago and a red balloon for the kid Mr. Al Wohlner,' of/Omaha; Mrs. S.were provided to take the guests to active in various Jewish movements. broken, somewhat dirty finger nails. and how stuck-up that young Mrs. Glendale Grove, southeast of Fort Des Maurice J. Freiberg, Cincinnati, was "I don't want to hog your time all Lerner looked sitting in her auto Sudow, of Aberdeen; Mrs. Shapiro selected to fill the vacancy on the Moines. and Mr. Ben Shapiro, of Lincoln; Mr. evening. Good-bye and good luck. with that slacker husband of hers, Executive Board caused by his Mothand Mrs. . M. Bernstein, of Council And, say, when your husband goes, Jake bumped squarely into two citLAWN PARTY AT A. B. CHAPMAN er's death. Sigmund Rheinstrom, CinBluffs; Mr. ,and Mrs. F. E. Krause, just smile it off like you're doing now. izens, first families and holders of HOME cinnati, was made vice president in That's what my brother' Max's wife liberty Bonds and all the rest. He of Fremont; Mrs. L Krasne and Mr. Mr. Shohl's place. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Chapman, 4038 Mose Krasne, of Oakland; Mr. and did and it helped a lot, he said. Will muttered an apology and limped on r Kingman bouleva d, were hosts SaturMrs. J. Baron and family and Miss you?" • followed by the amiable comment: Sara Perlstein, of Chicago; Mr. day evening to about fifty friends in 1500 Chaluzim Will Enter Marjorie promised gladly—an easy "Those Jews are always under foot! Meyer Silverman, of Des Moines; honor of Miss Inez Baror of Los AnPalestine. promise to make, for hadn't she been Why don't they stay on the other Mr. and Mrs. Louis Baron-Planking- gele8, who is their house guest The London. (J. T. Agency.) The dreaming for .the last three months side where they belong?" ton, Mr. and Mrs. Simon Baron of affair was in the nature of a lawn Colonial Office announces that 1500 just how brave she'd be when MortiJasper, Minn.; Mr. and Mrs. Meyer party and dance. Jewish immigrants actually en route mer would come to bid her bpod-bye, "We Wasn't Too Jewish to j Daskovsky and Mr. and Mrs. B. to Palestine will be permitted to enter Fight." dressed in his lieutenant's uniform. Daskovsky, of La.wton, la.; Mr. and The engagement of Miss Mary the country, despite the temporary He would go as a lieutenant, she de- "Me and Max wasn't too Jewish Mrs. M. Daskovsky, of Mondamin, Chapman, daughter of Mrs. William stoppage of immigration. sided, but when he came back—possi- to fight for 'em," thought Jake, then la., and Mr. David Gradute ,of Greenfield of Chicago, to Frank Sibly a colonel or something—and there laughed at his own indignation. "Hell, Kimball, So. Dak. 7 mon of Middletown, O., was an- FBEXCH NEWSPAPER ATTACKS aught to be two to greet him-—she the war's over," he said, and ordered nounced yestirday. EINSTEIN. koped it would be a boy—and she a lemon pop and a hamburger sandMiss Chapman, who is a niece of Paris. (J.T. Agency.) The "Action Mrs. J. Bolstein and daughter; smiled a warm, mysterious smile as wich. Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Chapman, has Fransaise," the organ of the French May, are spending several weeks in she thought of the time- when she "I know who that boy was," Marbeen making her home he r e, and the Royalists, in an article today severely would lay aside the-' Eed Cross ban- jorie told her husband suddenly. "I Manitow Springs, Colorado. wedding will take place in CMcago criticies Professor Einstein for delivdages for sewing of another sort. had a long talk with him the night the 28th. ering his lectures in German. It also But Mortimer never went to war. of the Fourth of July party for the Mr. Will Goodsite and Abe Baron Mr. Simon holds the reputation of criticizes Sir Alfred Mond for symLittle by little she had grown sus- soldiers. I wonder if he hurt Ms have returned to spend the summer belng the world's foremost cornetist. pathizing wit-i the Germans, picious, until at last he had told her leg." Something very like animation with their parents, after; a years In the store (silks escepted) grouped in sullenly but defiantly that he didn't shone in her wMte face. "I'm going stay at Ann Arbor. intend to enlist and had received de- to look Mm up the next time I'm two lots. You know .the standard brands ferred classification. "I got married downtown marketing and see how Miss Scydell Liberman, of Chicago, we cany. Many with collars attached, others with is visiting in the home of her sister, in time and we're expecting a baby," he's getting on." detached collars. We are'aJso including our Arrow he said, defending himself. . This Is an 1ustitntidn Wlere"For heaven's sake, Marjorie,' don't Mrs. L Levin and Mr. Levin. brand, Oxford :cloth, butti® down collar shirts in Marjorie whitened, "You told me," start doing settlement work among the sale. ..:'--'-'-, ^ in You Will Fwi the Parashe said at last, "you wanted to hurry those awful Jews down there," -ad- Miss Anne Mushkin has returned =Group our marriage, that I'd really belong to monished her mother-in-law. "Do to her home, after spending the past mount Idea Is'How Best ll you in- case there was trouble and your work with the Guild if .you year in school at Ann Arbor. She you had to go. Now you're going to want to, but keep away, from those will spend the summer months with Can Serf e Its Patrons. try to hide behind a woman," uncon- downtown Jews. Most of 'em are her parents, ::Mr. and Mrs. Max Mushkin. ' , -.v. sciously quoting the doughboy who foreigners and can't speak English . had chatted with her at' the Fourth of and have the dirtiest houses. Jews And "serve" in this instance July party. means not only adherence to a like that make all the rishus," she Polish Government Gathering "We got the baby to think of," he added, resorting in her earnestness safe, conservative, • yet proDafa Each insisted. gressive financial policy, trot.. to a favorite expression often em- Warsaw. J. T; Agency.) In answer "That's my job. Ill get on better, ployed by her own mother, a worthy to an interpellation by Deputy Greenthe constant endeavor to giva 4 per cent interest paid at .every turn an interest and ' "Three for $4.50 knowing you're doing your duty, woman in Israel. baum as to when'the Po'ish governisn't as though we were ,goor. If— on savings a courteousness in every de"I danced and talked with lots of ment intended to put into effect the group 2 if something happened to you, there'd downtown people at the canteen dur- rights granted minorities by the PoInterest compounded quar- partment "vrith -which you may terly. Deposits protected by come in contact. be more than enough for both of us." ing the war," said Marjorie. lish section of the Versailles treaty, Depositors' Guaranty Fund "You may just, as well stop nag- "But the war's over," her husband Premier Witos declared that the govof the state of Nebraska. You will find it a pleasant ging,'? he told her. "I've settled it "all reminded her, noting with relief that ernment was still-gathering data on connection to have yotsr acSour funds subject to •withwith father. He thinks, too, I'm bet-the.last speaker had finished. the question and was therefore not count with this bank. drawal •without notice, ter off staying at home, helping with yet in a position'-to'take any practical the Liberty Loan drives and everymeasures. The Polish agreement was thing. My lord, after a man's given COMPETITIVE PRIZE TO signed on June 28th, 1919. Each" as much to all the war charities as he ENCOURAGE JEWISH ART has, you can't expect me to go, too, A competitive prize for,and an exhibit of Jewish life and tradition in Mrs. Fels Cables $50,000 to Eighteenth and FJamam Ste. can you?" Three for §S.QO paintings and sculpture, was recomMinority Zionists. D. TF. Gelselraftn, President. P . €. Gelsetaan, Css&ier. 1 She Looked at Him in Strange mended in the report of the Commit- New York. {J. T. Agency.) It is H. 3L Krogfi, Asst. Cashier. ./ Manner. tee on Art Production of the National announced here; that Mrs. Mary Fels Hew Stock of Federation of Temple Sisterhoods at Marjorie did not answer. She who is now in-Jerusalem has cabled its convention in Buffalo last week. looked at him as though she were seethe sum of $5.0,000 to minority Zioning him for the first time for what he j This committee, acting on the sug-ists headed by Justice Brandeis and really was, then she quietly left the gestion of a Jewish art exhibitor, Judge Mack. The money is to be room. There was no outward break wrote to leading American Jewish art- used for the purposes of estabishing between them. When the baby came, ists and made the interesting discov- a wholesale co-operative here which she supervised the nurses who took ery that few Jewish artists were cre- will function in Palestine. charge of the heir of the Lerner foiv ating works of Jewish art for the reaPer Pair tune; she motored &jul went to the son that there was no market for such gold club with Mortimer in the sum-work. They would be more than will- niimiiiimiiiimsmiiimminmiimiiiiiii mer and in winter presided at his ing, however, to. participate in a com• dinner parties from which allr Jews, the glorious heritage of Judaism." The Kosher Restaurant at 316 South Fifexcept the . immediate family, were petitive exhibit, whose purpose would Music is the language of the E conscientiously excluded. Even crit- be to encourage Jewish art. Victor D. soul which is best expressed in 5 teenth Street is now. under the control of Brenner, Albert Eosenthal, Ephriam Rosenblatt's masterpiece, E ical Mrs. Lerner, Sr,, had to admit Keyser, William Auerbach-Levy and Mr. and Mrs. R. Goldstein well known that she made her darling .Mortie a J. Mortimer Lichtenauer were among "ELOKAYNESHONO," = Record No. 55,125. S good wife. Mortimer, however, when the artists consulted.' Chicago Kosher restaurant caterers. : The best {ever sung by "2 befuddled at the end of certain festive JRoseriblatt. E The committee recommended that parties of which his doting mother 789 Silk Knit Ties, all patterns in black Another,^ treat to the Jew- E knew nothing, used to lament that a the first exhibit be held at the next and colors, new, popular shapes and widths. While ish people of Omaha is Cantor S Mr. and Mrs. Goldstein have years of exMordechany Hirschman's first = single man doesn't know when he's biennial assembly of the National they last, each, record "ROCHEL MEVAKA OL S perience in the Kosher restaurant business well', off. Hadn't" he built his wife Federation of Temple Sisterhoods, BONAIHO" Now on sale here. = the swellest home in town and given that artists, art academies and art He is known .as the second = dealers of Europe and America be inCaruso, arid V this record is a S her one of the finest cars, and hadn't great contribution to the mus- 5 he kept out of the biggame, when he vited to participate in a competition icial world* :*;'. s prizes ranging from $500 to §250, was ever so anxious to go to France, for ; and totaling §2,000. The first prize ,r.I^f are/a few of the new S = just to please her? Yiddish records Just received. art price is to be placed in the Union 72,968—"Hotniz Alef.' ' 5 But you couldn't please some Museum. The report concludes: "Scnlnf Mein Feigele." E women, Mortimer always concluded. "The Jewish artist is ready to pro72,619—"Dus Zwaita Wab." = He told himself so today as he looked duce these works priyided a market ^Yoa Know What I = at his wife in her imported silk suit can be found, Mean." S Cleanliness and reasonable prices us, therefore, 72,956—"Ich Alain." = and drooping hat, a bitter smile play- awaken within our people a love for "Kein Palestins." = ing about her weary mouth.' His pet- works of art, Jewish in character, reWe have the most complete = ulencewould have given way to real flecting the symbolism of coir faith. stock of Jewish, Hebrew, and all = violence had he dreamed that just at Let us strive to stimulate the Jewish Victor records In the city. = Call Webster'2042 and we will S that moment she was comparing him patron to an appreciation of the works be glad to deliver on apnroval S to that low-down little Jew who hadof art emanating from his religion any records ^ou might wish to = just limped past—and to the Iatter's and to encourage the Jewish artist to hear. , = advantage. produce those works which will reveal 303 & 16th St. Securities' BIdg., 18th sad Faniam. Meanwhile Jake Isenberg was listening to the third speaker, a local Danzig. (J. T. Agency.) A dispatch Webster 2042. 1S24 North. 21th Street. minister,, with lazy disgust. He had states that the Hias office in Rovna heard so much about hie comrades has beeun its work. i



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