"The lazy man i
ii! h a s always failed -HI
Wt do anything that jjj
*Any man can ! |
HI in every spot and fS 111 in everything." pi
' « he really wants m
1 to do."
VOL. I.—NO. 30.
Entered as second-class •_ postofflce at Omaha, Ne.
Grodinsky Is few B'nai B'rith lead; Appoints Committees
Wtter on January 27th, 1921. at i under .toe Act ot March £, 1879.
ox Synagogue
"I hope that all America will catch the spirit of I B'nai B'rith in campaigning against ignorance, intol- ^ erance, against all the movements aimed to rend the | | concord of American citizenship/' Following i s Ian exclusive story on "President Harding and the Jews" by Mr. Gus J. Karger, one of the foremost political writers in the country and dean of the Correspondents at Washington. He is a personal friend of the President
William Grodinsky, newly' elected president of the local lodge of the B'nai B'rith, today announced the committees for the coming term of the order. The complete list appears in today's issue of The Jewish. Press. Grodinsky,-^who was vice president of the order during the past six montfos, "was elevated to the presidency without opposition. The election of Irving Stalmaster as vice president was the surprise of the evening. He defeated Ealph Holzman, active member of the intellectual advancement committee. Friends of Holzman made an eleventh Shmul Gang hour attempt to elect him, but to no Introducing Shmul Gang, 10 year avail. Stalmaster's friends stood fast old, a war orphan who was adopted and elected him by a big majority. by the Temple Israel Sunday school! Other officers elected were: Many of the children of the Temple Secretary—Harry Silverman; who helped defray the expense' of Theastirer—H. Friedman; Warden—S. J . Leon: Shmul's keep are now in corresponGuardian—Abe Silvernjan: dence with him. ~ ' Monitor—Rabbi Morris N. Taxon. Trustees—Sam Levy, Max Fromkln ana Shmuf is now living in Luck, Polish Arthur Rosenblum. Ukraine. He is attending school. Following are the committees an- Both his father and mother were the nounced by President Grodinsky: victims of the world war and pogrom fiends. Membership-Finance Committe J. J. Greenberg, chairman, One hundred dollars will save the Dave Greenbergr, vice-chairman ife of a war orphan. The Jewish charge of finance, Ahe Silverman, Welfare Federation will handle adop:D. B. Gross, tions for any organization or indiviDr. A. Greenborg, Irving Stal master, dual. Save the life, of an orphan! Abner Kairaan.
Social Service Committee— Dr. Philip Sher, chairman. Rabbi Frederick Cohn, Harry SUvennan, Henry >Monsky, S.-H,..8» J»a«fpr. : "Rabbt Morris X. Taxon, - ~ *"• I.eo Ros9«thal.
Surprise of Election is Victory of Stalmaster Over Ralph Holzman for VicePresident.
Intellectual Advancement Co;— * - Irvi.np Stalmaster, Mas Fromkin, Ralph Holzman, Morris E. Jacobs, Sam Levy, M. Monheit, Morris. TVarsa-tv,
[nvite Americans To Anti-Semite Meeting; W i Be f orld-Wide T
£-iry. Ford and . Others irons U. S. Issued l a c t a t i o n s for J e w - Baiters Convention in Budapest, Sept., 1921
|jjii^|pi^^ The followihR story: "President Harding and the Jetvs" was written I>y Mr. Gns J. Knrper, intimate friend of the President and - dean of the political writers in Washington, exclusively for "The Jewish Tribune" of New York, and is printed in "The Jewish Press" today with the permission of "The Tribune". The story is tne first of its kiacj ever written and is of tremendous news value. ; "' . ' "The Jewish Tribune" requested Mr. Karger to.tirrite the following article upon President Harding and his relations to American Jewry, because there are few men, who know the President a s intimately as Mr. Karger and few who could write with tho acenracy/ and personal touch that come from such close friendehip: Mr. Harder is one of the ablest political writers in this country and because of his knowledge of national and international politics, he has been offered many important povernmental posts, all of which he has declined in order not to desert his profession.—(Editor's Note.) [Copyright, 1021, by The Jewish Tribune. Inc.]
By GUS J. KARGER. "Why, .some of my best friends are Jews." You've heard the expression—-perhaps from one of YOUR best friends. It's common enough. Even Heinrich Ford employs it. Sometimes it serves as an alibi; often it carries the note of conviction. Those who have a genuine claim to it rarely use it. Warren G. Harding, President of the United States, "employs it net at all. He has a perfect claim on it—"some of his best friends are Jews." Discussing' the relationship between a President of the United States and his Jewish fellow citizens, one may well divide the subject into two, parts—his persona] and social relations and his official and public relations. Mr. Harding, it may be said, never has cultivated the personal friendship of a man because that man is a Jew; nor, on the other hand, has he ever denied his personal friendship to a man because that man is a Jew. I t simply never occurred to him that there should be a distinction. "I was reared in a small town," he once said to a friend/ "in which there was no semblance of anti-Semitic sentiment. Men and women of differing religions mingled in close social and business intimacy. Jews were welcome visitors at the homes of Gentiles; and viceTersa." Perhaps his middle name, Gamaliel, exercised a subtle influence on his character and breadth of thought. I t -was Gamaliel, celebrated doctor of the law, son^ and grandson of a rabbi, president of the Sanhedriri, who served as preceptor to St. Paul. ; Part of His Life at Marion Not long ago a delegation of Marion friends called a t the White House, just to pay respects apd shake hands. ^"Fhere-isn't-aJerwin^Marion,"5aiadhe"oftffenirtlie~others nodding approval, "who isn't Warren G. Harding's friend. I don't mean merely in a perfunctory way. There's Rosenberg, and Oppenheimer, and the Strelitz's and Sam and Ben
Choir 0! IE Voices
i New Administrative
Kleinmaier and old man Marks, and there's the Lazarus family in Columbus and—oh what's the use of trying- to name them. They are too numerous. They have played cards together — Mitchell Strelitz, now retired, has frequently been his partner at bridge—they have served on boards together in local industries—there's Sam and Ben Kleinmaier—they have been in business, in sports, in amusements, in civic pursuits together. They have been a part of his life at home." ' Once, during his stay in Marion after the Chicago convention had nominated him to be the presidential candidate, Senator Harding paid a visit to the city's B'nai B'rith lodge, having been asked to attend its institu- , tion. He responded to the invitation to say a few words and conveyed to his hearers, all of whom knew him personally and well, the outlines of his philosophy. Those who heard him speak on that occasion recall his words; they recall many of them with some degree of emotion. "I hope," he said, "that America will catch the spirit of B'nai' B'rith in campaigning against ignorance, intolerance and defamation, against all the movements aimed to rend the concord of American citizenship. Fraternity, helpfullness and service must be the abiding purpose of our people, and the compensations that come of this consciousness of helping one's fellow men contribute more to the happiness of self than success, distinction, aad all the other triumphs of life." And tJsen, inspired by fie presence of so many of his Jewish fellow townsmen, he spoke feelingly of the splendid part the Jewish citizenship of Marion had played in both war and peace. He spoke of Julius Strelitz, who had coaae to Marion decades ago, "with a pack on his back," of Ms straggles, bis successes, his services, his services, of the growing respect, confidence and affection of his fellow citizens that manifested itself in his election to the office of county treasurer. He singled-out Sol Oppenheimer, who had come to Marion a poor boy and who had become chairman of the Board of Education; he mentioned several others by name. Not an officer of that lodge—Henry Strelitz, Harry Eessel, S. Freed, George G. Kleinmaier, A. Schoen, David Ellison, M. Hess, Frank Svidlow—who didnot thank him for the tokens of his kindly esteem. And they didnt call him "Mr. President," either; on that occasion he remained to them just plain "Warren." Of-course, it's ..President,^-now. --Even -? Mark Hanna called William McKinley "Mr. President." The high respect due to the-office interdicts the little familiarities of ordinary intercourse. (Continued on page 2.)
Commission of Chevra B'nai Israel . Discusses Additional Feature.
A permanent choii- of from twelv« voices may soon be instituted at the Chevrah B'nai Israel Synagogue, Eighteenth and Chicago streets, according to an announcement made to« day by Morris M. Rosenblatt, president of the synagogue. At the last meeting af the commission which is the governing body of the synagogue, M. Blank, chairman of the Rabbinical and Cantor committee, was instructed to formulate plans toward the establishment of the permanent choir. If this step is taken, the Chevra B'nai Israel Synagogue will be the first orthodox synagoguS* to maintain a choir. The choirs in many orthodox synagogues in the larger cities are a great attraction and increase attendance, members of the commission stated. The commission form of administrating the affairs of the synagogue is a very unique and original one. The governing body is in the form of a commission, composed of seven men, similar to that of the city commission form of government. Each member of the commission is delegated to supervise the work of a specific branch of the work of the synagogue. Following' are the present members of the synagogue commission: President, Morris M. Rosenblattj Bible Reading, A. B. Alplrnj Finance, S. Ravitz; Rabbinical and Cantor, M. Blank; Bidding and Membership, A. Wolf; Religion, A. Cohenj Cemetery, J. Katleman.
An appeal to Omaha Jews -to stand behind the Jewish Congress movement has been received from Chairman Nathan Straus. The appeal, which fol(Special Cable by. Jewish Telegraphic lows, tells of the objects of the orAerency.) ganization: Ordered Out for Room Jewish "Greenhorn" London, July 5.—Henry Ford and HEY KIDS, LET'S ALL GO TO THE PICNIC! Rent Arrears; Notified We have the privilege of addressing other American anti-Semites have Passes Edison's Test Central Council Committ of Award for ..Painting you again on the subject of unity of been invited to attend a world con• The children's picnic of the Talmud Torah will be held ThursThomas Edison, the wizard, Eil Simon; chairman, .Take Slosberg:, action on the part of American. Jewry Frank Schwartz, formerly a' gress of anti-Semites to be convened day, July 14, at Krug Park. The Sunday school children and all has created quite a stir among J. J . Friedman. poor West End lodger, has met in Budapest in September 1921. It parents are invited to be the guests of the Talmud Torah. engineering students and edu- in all such matters which involve Publicity Commit! either the protection of tlie rights of with fortune—"all in a bunch." has not been stated whether Ford will cators by his sets of questions Tickets and admission badges will be given out from S a. m. Joe Jacobs. : our brethren abroad or the preserva He has been notified that he Morris E. Jacobs, accept the invitation. , • which applicants for a position until noon Wednesday by Superintendent Gordon of the school. Harry Silverman. tion of the fair name of our people has received the highest award The callng of the congress of with his concern must answer Those going to the picnic will meet at noon at Twenty-first House Commltte in this country? from the American Academy in Jew-baiters was announced by the before they are engaged. The and Cuming streets, "where special street cars will await them. Arthur Friedman, Rome for his oil. painting enEeceut events have with significant Robert Kooper, ' -" "Plain English," a local weekly. This questions have been ridiculed Those in charge of the picnic are John Feldman and Mrs. Ruben Brown. titled "A Tribute to Heroism." force illustrated anew the need of a same publication contains the inforby some and praised by others. Dr. Philip Sher. . _ l By-I*awf* Committee central organization to speak and to Young Schwkartz lives In mation that, owing to the pressure But there is at least one stuMr. Feldman will furnish each child with a horn and Nathan A. Rosenblum, chairman, act for all the different "groups of New York, where, in obscure of the anti-Semites, the Hungarian dent, a Jew and a "greenhorn" Sam Cohan, S. Yaffe, President of the Talmud Torah, will furnish the badges. L. Harris. • American Israel. Abroad our sorely poverty, he followed his artistic government has postponed the intendat that, who neither censures tried and harrassed brethren of Eastmuse until the arrears in his' Denver Hospital Committeded change in its hitherto unfavorable nor praises the questions but Harry Lapidus, chairman. ern Europe look to us for assistance room rose to $12, whereupon policy towards Jews. simpjy answers them without Dr. Charles Rosewater, The conference for the local INSTALL OFFICERS. in helping them to maintain the rights H. Friedman. the landlord served notice that trouble and with dispatch. Jewish leaders here fear that the Keren Hayesod will be held gained at the Peace Conference and he would have to vacate today. The • Omaha Hebrew Club calling of the congress will reawaken Cleveland Orphans Home Committee— The student is Herman AltMonday night, July 11, at the S. J . Leon, chairman, to further the efforts to have brought The young artist didn't know Sunday installed the following the pogrom-fiend of Europe and will weil, a recent arrival in this M. Fanger. Lyric building. Each Jewish into effect the clauses in the Treaties what to do. Despondent ana • S. H. Schaefer. . officers: stimulate them to further destruccountry. When he was taken organization, congregation, sointended to safeguard their rights alone, Schwartz was on the President—M. Blank. tion.to Ellis Island he overheard a Memorial Hospital Committ ciety or club will be representwhich still remain dead letters. At point of despair when the post• Dr. Hlrschmann, chairman, Vice-President—Dr. A. GreenThe calling of the congress is genreporter suggest in a jocular ed by two or three delegates. Dr. A. Romm. home the mediaeval menace of antiman delivered to him a formal berg. erally known, even among the poorer way that the immigrants be Dr. JVL Grodinsky, Officers of each organization Semitism has reared its ugly head. notice of his good fortune. The classes of the smaller, countries of the Secretary—Sol. Rosenberg. given a set of Edison's quesDepre« Team Committee— •" are requested to appoint dele"Prix de Rome" was his. UnThe historic opportunity which is S. J . Leon, chairman, • continent and many of the Jewish intions. Those who answer them Treasurer—S. Novitsky. gates to the conference. •A. Hosenblum, der the terms of the award now offered for the) rebuilding Of habitants live in constant fear. shall be admitted to this counTrustees—A. Cohn, A. Hosen31. Monheit. Schwartz will receive a thi'eePalestine imposes new duties upon the try, and those failing to do so blum, and A. Richards. KeBolutlons Committee— year scholarship enabling him organized Jews of this and other NEW ROUMANIAN EDICT Dr. N. Dansky,. chairman, shall be returned to study tip Dr. Henry Berkbwitz Resigns Sam Beber. • to study at Rome and, in addilands. But the Jewries of European on "copra," "dry rivers," AGAINST REFUGEES. Israel Goodman. From Pulpit JEWS MAY EMIGRATE FROM tion, $1,000 a year for liipng lands for the most part are still brok"French Absinthe," etc. AltParis. (J. T. Agency.) The Central Philadelphia. (J. C. B. Service.) SOVIET RUSSIA. expenses. He sails for Rome en and impoverished as a result of weil stepped forward and in Dr. Morris Jastrow, Semitic Dr.. Henry M. Berkowitz, for 29 Riga. (J. T. Agency.) It is r e - Relief Committee here reports a new September 1. the great war and tens of thousands excellent English offered to Scholar, Dead. years Rabbi of ?the Rodeph Sholom ported from Moscow that at a con-order issued by the" Roumanian govof refugees crowding into capitate of take the test. He was asked Philadelphia. (J. C. B. Service.) Congregation of Philadelphia,, last ference there of 4 commissariats, it ernment to the effect . that all many lands and. seeking a haven of 77 questions and answered all Ukrainian refugees found within 10 Dr. Morris Jastrow, Professor of week announced his resignation, fol- NATHAN STRAUSS JR. NAMED was decided to permit the emigration rest and a place of fruitful labor conof them correctly. Semitic Languages and Semitic lowing recommendations from' his from Russia of all persons, be they miles of the frontier will be expelled. stitute a difficult problem for themFOR HIGH POST. The immigration officials Literature in the University of physicians that he retire from activS liable to conscription for the army The new order has caused considerselves which is urgently pressing for patted Altweil on the shoulder New York. (J. C. B. Service.) or labor battalions, or not, provided able chaos among the thousands of Pennsylvania, died last week of a public work immediately. The Board solution. and told him that not only had of Directors of the Congregation State Senator Nathan Strauss, Jr., son they obtain vises from the govern- refugees in Roumania since the order sudden attack of heart disease. In this solemn and fateful hour we he a right to be admitted to for eviction was put into effect withof the well-known philanthropist, is ment of the country which is their Dr. Jastrow was 59 years of age regretfully accepted the resignation call upon your organization and upoa America, but he was also entiout warning, and worked particularly a native of Warsaw where his father and appointed the Rev. Dr. Harry W. to be nominated by the Democratic destination and on condition that havoc in view of the fact that many all other Jewish organizations and tled to a position with Edison's •was a Reform Eabbi. Mr. Jastrow Ettleson, former .Associate Rabbi, Party for the presidency of the Board that government, or some public of the refugee camps were situated communities in local Congress Comconcern. , received his early education in private as the spiritual leader of the Con-of Aldermen of New York. Elections organization, take care of them after near the border. The relief committees in this country to join us in will take place during the coming they cross the Russian border. The schools and graduated from the gregation. the effort to irnster all Jewish forces mittee further reports that owing to • United States having no consular University of Pennsylvania in 1881 Dr. Beirkowitz is 64 years of age.fall. : in behalf of the safety, the welfare MANY TO ATTEND MEET Senator Strauss is a newcomer in officials in Russia, it will, for the the legal and economic status of the He then left for Germany where he In 1893 he founded the Jewish and the good name of Israel. refugees in Bessarabia, conditions are continued his studies in Orienta Chautauqua Society of which he is state politics serving only his first time being, be impossible for Jews continually growing worse, and are A Conference will be held in Kan- After the Second Session of the sas City on July 24-25-26 to organize languages and literature. at present the Chancellor. He hasterm in the Senate, but his abilities to obtain permission for a direct, aggravated by the failure of the an original unit for the middle west- American Jewish Congress the foiinwere soon recognized and his recomtrip to this country. Dr. Jastrow was a well known been active in numerous religious, arrival of relief funds for some time ern states of local Zionist, districts. dation was laid for a permanent oranti-Zionist and wrote numerous educational and charitable move- mendation for the new post is a ganization of American Jewry- The past. Hundreds of the refugees are ments,' is one of the editors of the quick and- high step in the youthful RABBI LOEW TO BE TRIED. attempting to find work, and have Mr. and Mrs. Ben Handler, Messrs. delegates assembled in Philadelphia articles against the movement. A. Cohn, L. Kneeter, Frank Dee and Reform Prayer Book and has written scion's career. Vienna. (J. T. Agency.) Chief organized industrial cooperatives. L GoWstein are the Omahans who are last May formed the Provisional Orconsiderably of educational problems. ganisation for an American Jewish RABBI WISE'S CONDITION Rabbi Loew, arrested a number of planning to attend. Congress with authority to carry fomTO TOUR EUROPE IMPROVED. months ago on the charge of conward the work for Jewish emancipaHELP FLOOD VICTIMS. Mr. David Gross and Mr. Louis spiring against the Hungarian gov- DIRECT AIR ROUTE BETWEEN New York. (J. C. B. Service.) Dr. tion and instructions to take «p the Hears From Mother. In response to a nation-wide appeal Sommer leave Sunday for New York ernment, will be tried on' July 29th PALESTINE AND MESOPOTAMIA. Stephen S. Wise of the Fre work of organization for a permanent, N. S. Yaffe, who has been attemptLondon. (J. T. Agency.) The Air • Synagogue, xrho was opented on from the flood districts of Colorado from where they will sail on at Zekedin, Hungary. The accusation Olympic for Europe on against the Rabbi is that he gave' Ministry here announces the opening ing to get in communication with his Congress. These tasks have been fullast week at the Moun. Sinai the executive committee of-the Jew- the Hospital, passed through it. j? Access ish Welfare Federation! voted a sub- the 15th to be gone until the mid-out an interview to a Dutch cor-j of a direct air route across the desert mother since the war, has received filled to the best of the ability and , stantial contribution^ The money dle of September. They expect to respondent in which he attacked the between Palestine and Mesopotamia. a letter from "Ser in which she asked means •which we had at the command fully and is now recovering already has been sent. Similar action stop at Paris and some of the larger Hungarian government for conniving Airplanes will start from the hangars for clothes for herself and others. of our organization; but the time haft rapidly. Dr. Wise will be % p is being taken by welfare" federations cities and visit with relatives in Aus- at • anti-Jewish demonstrations and in Vamieh near Jaffa and go directly The letter was in reply to a cable now come for more comprehensive «*»", h resume his Rabbinical work earJW in (Continued on Page 4.) , ivi*\; tria, - _ _ - . sent by Mr. Yaffe. . •. in other jiarts - of the -country. the ffall. oa Jew* to th ll
Vlsllance Commiite Win. Holzman, chairman. Rabbi Frederick Cohn, N. P. Fell. Carl C. Katleman, Harry Lapidus, ' Sam Levy, Ed. Kraus.
{ - •
PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS THURSDAY, JULY 7, 1921. ment ior it, then a Burner who does not profit fey: the occasion is a fool as weli as a rogue." Pnblished,. eyery Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska, by O , : O "The raoiiey we send to feed the E JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. Rabbi The June issue of The Eecord of the children is thus not so much alms as MOJSRIS E. JACOBS, Manager. geles lectured on, ''Who Crucified Je- only Jews connected with the affair Slarie Galpern, 14 Years Old, Is Win- Save the Children Fund contains an blood-money. It is the compensation * Office, Four, Baird Bldg.—Telephone DO uglas '2372. . sus?" recently in order to obtain -a were the Chief Priests, who were Roarticle by Mr. Zangwill, entitled "Bar- which the Koran and other codes have ner of Colonial Darnes* Medal. modification of the Pilgrimage Play manized or renegade Jews, appointed gains in Beneficence," from which we allowed to be paid for murder. And Subscription Price, one iyear. : —..-; $1.50 which will soon again be presented in to their official positions by Pontius Marie Galpern, 14 years old, is thequote the following extracts: Advertising rates furnished on application. tens o£ thousands of little ones have "The bargain habit is so ingrained already passed beyond our provision1 NOT PRINTED FOR PERSONAL PROFIT—Profits from the publica- the Hollywood Hills, California. He Pilate and who Were thoroughly hated •winner of the Colonial Dames' medal is attempting to' have^he play con- and abhorred by the Jewish people at for the best essay by public school in human nature that I am astonished ing. But "blood-money voluntarily and i tion of The Jewish Press are to be given to worthy communal causes. form with the new facts as to thelarge. that all England does not rush at the not by dint of a code is conscience children on "Americanism." 1 : CHANGE OP ADDRESS—Please give 'both the dia *nd "new These priests were politicians and •Marie, the daughter of Mrs.' Leah •unexampled opportunities of virtue on money, compensation that may sejve death of Jesus. . . ._ • ' . . - • . : . . . ._*,-be sure and 'sigh; your name. :;• - Following the lecture, which was •profiteers and they feared to lose Galpern and the late Kobel Galpern, the cheap now at our command in soto cancel the crime of the past. It is attended' mostly by, Gentiles, there: their money and influence, and soborn in Russian Poland, came to many parts of Europe. With, for ex- sowing the preciovis seeds of gratiwas applause, rep'orts state. played into the hands of Pilate, who America two years ago. Her first ample, some two thousand crowns ob- tude and amity, preparing the recon-The Jewish Criterion, an influential Anglo-Jewish periodical The vociferous . play, it is believed, will be wanted to discredit and degrade all knowledge of America was gained as' tainable in Austria for an English ciliation of the peoples. Even those of Pittsburgh recently printed the following comment: changed to conform with the views, Jews. Jesus was scourged as a Jew a refugee wandering from war-strick- pound, a perfect orgie of righteous- who do not feel themselves nationally ',.••• The B'nai B'rith seems to [have iiad sorne sort of salt expressed by Dr. Myers. to show that the Jews were slaves. en Lodz to Copenhagen, Denmark. It ness is possible for a few Treasury- guilty should yield to the call of meri- solution administered to it because it surely -Ms'talven on According to the evidence which The title "King of Jews" was placed is a far cry from a little town in! notes. Aspiring philanthropists can cy. "Mercy for his enemy" is set i- a new lease of life. It seems as if .tiie .anti-Semitic agita- has.. been. compiled . by Rabbi Myers, above the cross, not as a personal Russia to Chicago, and two years is even" think in millions, and with a down by John Masefield as one of v .tions, Henry Ford, the Jewish comedians, the hotel re- Pontius-Pilate, the Koman procurator, slur, but as a mark of degradation a very short time to become Amer-; thousand pounds endow orphanages Englishmen's- ruling traits. A •> \ strictions have all operated to the advantage of the Order was responsible for the death of Jesus to all of the Jewish people, Jesus icanized, yet Marie in her essay has and infant asylums in perpetunity. the still greater English poet has affirmed [ by giving its Anti-Xtefamation League a great deal to do. Christ, who suffered death as a rebel Christ being a Jew. Shown a greater comprehension of Never in fact in all history have men that "the quality of mercy is . . . And in truth i t has done very well indeed. America than even those children of moderate means been in such a twice blessed," for "it blesseth him whose American ancestry dates back position to play the Carnegie or thethat gives and him that takes." And A reprint of this, without comment, appeared iri the last Peabody and the opportunity should never was this double blessing more to pre-revolutionary days. issue of The B'nai B'rith News, the official organ of the order. appeal to all persons of imagination. apparent than today. Mercy for the The Galpern family, which consists . Why the editor of the B'nai B'rith News saw fit to use (Continued from page 1.) of Marie, her mother and a brother,' Bis dat qui clto dat is a proverb quite enemy's children is the best means of valuable white space in reprinting this comment, which on its President Harding himself recalls that B'nai B'rith .gathering Michael, lives at 6717 Glenwood ave-obsolete. He who gives quickly in warding off the otherwise inevitable very face is ridiculous and absurd is beyond the understanding with pleasure, recalls its individual members with sentiments of nue. Marie first went to the G-owdy' Austria gives not twice but a hun- revenge. For it is impossible that of, the normal mind. Brit eveneditors nave been known to do friendship and high regard. Nor will he deny those little seances school, and later to the Eugene Field' dred times. peculiar things. children, fed by their former foe, can at auction bridge with Mitchell Strelitz as partner or opponent. school. She was inspired in her "It is surely a mistake to let slip grow up with that unrelieved hatred However, one can never tell. Maybe the B'nai B'rith editor The memories call forth that ready, charming smile, which even the ideals, she said, by the fact that her such chances of unearned spiritual which, Instilled at the hearth, is the received the Criterion's comment- as' a tribute to the great perplexities of patronage problems have neither dimmed nor fellow students never made fun ofincrement, which are not likely to re- germ of the wars of the future. It fraternal order—a 3iosegay", as the American Israelight vainly hardened. her for being a foreigner, but ac-cur in our lifetime. Fancy feeding a has been said that all wars are won refers to favorable/comment about itself. • child for a florin a week. Yet this can on the stomach. Suppose we tried foi Other spontaneous demonstrations of a sympathetic consideracepted her with true democracy. Or perhaps the "fraternal editor has '..a broad streak of wit tion of his Jewish fellow-citizens are not lacking. It was not by The contrast between this little girl be done, even in Germany, where j once to win peace on it!" and sarcasm foi* he headed the reprintecl item "A Solution". chance that his lips-kissed Micah 6:8 when he took the oath of-office and the group, the Colonial Dames, humanitarian bargains are not to be Regardless "what his motive was in reprinting the' item, it is as President of the United States. To do justice, love mercy and who awarded the medal, is aptly put picked up so easily as in Austria. At beyond belief that Tie iwas sincere. If he did consider the walk humble before God is to him the very cornerstone of all modern Miss Sheila Leaf leaves Thursday forth in Elias Lieberman's prose least one good meal a day can be Criterion comment in a favorable light, then he join's with that given the famished little" Gretchen, for California to spend several religious 'philosophy—the embodiment of all higher, nobler thought poem: "I Am an. American." ieditor in a general indictment of the complete Independent Order enough to keep the poor mite in be-months. —the great ideal toward which he would help move the nations of I am an American. Of B!nai.B'rith. ; . . ; • • ; : the earth. I t was a tribute, an unconscious tribute, perhaps, to the My father belongs to the Sons of ing. The editor of jthe Criterion with a, touch ofv would-be sublimest Jewish thought and aspiration. the Revolution; my mother, to the "One seems to see the placards or Sarcasm says the order- must have been administered a salt the advertisements of the Great White is •§ Colonial Dames. Lauds J. Water Freiberg solution of some sort for it has taken a new lease of life and ' One of my ancestors pitched tea Sale: On other occasions Jewish thought and aspiration have attracted .that the reawakening was caused by the Opposition to the overboard harbor, another stood his "Try, Our Cheap Charity—Certified ! SS him. For instance when, contemplating the beautiful life and ex— S anti-Semitic wave which, has been spread over this country. ground with Warren; another hunample of J. Walter Freiberg of Cincinnati, president 6f the Union Pure." > Whether the editor of the Jewish Criterion is a member gered with Washington at Valley of American Hebrew Congregations, he sent condolences to the 'Ten Thousand War Orphans— of the B'nai B'rith does not matter very much, for there are Forge. "widow, describing his loss as "a real misfortune to the public;" and many members, of the B'nai B'rith, and regretfully so, who Gaaranteed Genuine." _ My forefathers were Americans hi again when, unable to attend the luncheon given in honor of Dr. have: no idea of the -wonderful work that has been done and "Good Deeds at a Unique Discount." s the making; they spoke in her counGhainr Weizmann; the Zionist leader, he wrote to Mr. Alex. Wolf, is being done by this great international Jewish order. "A Million Perishing' Infants—-Save E j E cil halls; they died on her battlethe chairman, an expression "of my most friendly interest in and However there might be..some forgiveness in the Mart Hundred Per Cent." |S fields; they commanded her ships;, for the Zionist movement." Whether Zionist, anti-Zionist, or nonAsk jTour grocers. ;When it comes to the average member's intelligence in regard "Kemnants—Faded but Easily JE they cleared her forests. Dawns redZionist, no Jew could acknowledge other than with pride land satisfacto the objects arid activities of the. order for the average Restored." S dened and paled. Staunch hearts of tion his wish that, when "restored to their historical national home," individual has plenty to worry about.in Ms own business— mine beat fast a t each new star in "Happiness a t Half-Price—Buy Now j E the Jews might there "enter on a new and yet greater phase of their especiaUy in these'ames. ...;'' nation's flag. Keen eyes of mine and Save Your. Souis." 5 contribution to the advances of humanity." Completer reply to antis. But in l-egard t o an editor—that is different. It is his foresaw her greater glory; the swesp "We already knew that Charity was j 5 Semitic propaganda could not well be compressed into compaeter business to know what is going on about .him. He must keep : of her seas, the plenty of her plains, a cloak to cover a multitude of sins, j E phrase. His letter to John Spargo, in full approval of the nonhis hand on ; the pulse of the people-^-especially those whom the manhives in her billion-wired But today Charity stretches to a! E Jewish antidote to the Ford poison, was no more concise nor to his periodical vitafiy concerns.; And no matter how little he cities. Every drop of blood in mewhole wardrobe, and if it not only. EE the point.' knows of the world's: activities, lie should* if he is of the normal is thz heritage of patriotism. I am covers sin, but also—as a Hebrew j |Sj 24ih-SJid Clark Streets. H His recognition of the Jew as a factor in American public life mind, have" some knowledge of. what is happening in his little proud of my past. I am an American! liturgist taught—averts the punish- ' | conveys as high a compliment as did that of Theodore Roosevelt. circle t o -whom he caters for ,his daily bread. I am an American! My father was It was Col: Roosevelt who for the first time in history elevated a What a great and wonderful informant our writer-friend an atom of dust; my mother was a •Jew to a place in the President's Cabinet. "I selected Oscar Straus of the Criterion has-become! He tells us that the order "has I": straw in the "Rind to his serene majh> be Secretary of Commerce and Labor," President Roosevelt said done very well indeed" in. curbing anti-Semitism. We-wonder esty. One of my ancestors died in at that #me, "not because he was the Jew best fitted for the place. from whence he came with such enlightening "information. i the mines of Siberia; another was I chose him because I regarded him as the American best fitted Perchance the editor of the Criterion never lias heard of crippled for life by twenty blows of That Is Holding; Business Back? f o r it.'? • ' • • • • • - , . the Cleveland Orphanage where Jewish waifs are reared to manthe knout; another was killed defendWanted Lasker in Cabinet OH! COME ON hood. We'd bet'a five dollar bilj to a peanut that in the editor's ing his home during- the massacres. President Harding makes his selections for office on the same own city there lire some successful business men who were LET'S ALL START THE BALL ROLLING TOGETHER The history of my ancestors is a trail principle. For A. D. Lasker of Chicago, who served in a highly brought up in' that wonderful American-citizen-building-factory •__ — I F IT'S of blood to the palace gate of the J important capacity in his campaign organization, he has always in Cleveland which is maintained by Districts number two and great white czar. But then the dream j entertained a warm friendsMp and admiration. He is, to him, the number six <>f the Independent brder "of B'nai B'rith. "'•/ came—the dream of America. In the exemplar of the best type of the American "live wire." It is betraylight of the liberty torch the atom In Omaha we -know of two successful men and one v ing no'secret to say that he desired to make him a member of the of dust became a man and the straw successful business woman who spent their, childhoods in cabinet, but that the complicated and interrelated moves on t h e in the wind became a woman for the that home. This home has been maintained for years and political chessboard finally made the choice not feasible. But he first time. _ vears by the IPnai B'rith. " drafted Mr. Lasker for service equally important and conspicuous as "See," said my father, pointing to , I s this a sign that the order has been "dead" ? : chairman of the U. S. Shipping-Board, not because he looks upon the flag that .fluttered near. "That him as the Jew best fitted for the task, but as the one American in ' Perchance tlie: editor of the Criterion never has heard of flag of stars and stripes is yours; it more than a hundred million who most'accurately conforms to the the hospitals' for tuberculosis^. sponsored • by the B'nai B'rith is the emblem of trie promised land. WILL TREAT YOU LIKE A FRIEND. exacting specifications. He appointed Meyer Lissner of California near Deliver where thousands bf men, ^vomen and children have It means, rny son, the hope of huIIS.South ITth Street Baird Building. ::: -a member of the "board; he made Eugene Meyer, Jr., chairman of the had. their bodies.rebuilt and given a fair chance to battle their manity. Live for it—die for it I" UnWar finance Corporation, for the same reasons. When Judge Julius .way through the worlds Every day men and women, bent with der the open sky of myy new country' Mayer of New.York is promoted to a Federal Circuit. judgeship, pam and suffering1,'enter the hospital. They ;have lost their I swore to do so; and every drop of morale and never hope to assume their proud positions in the when Oscar Straus of New York is recalled to public service, again blood ift me will keep that vow. I am eHIlSEi!S!!SfiiI!!SliSi:iSiSiIlli:31iSSI!133:ii!S3!I3333]3Sli!ISU!3iHHHiII!ll!IUU!HI!UiSUimg it will be for the same reasons. world again. Even death is welcomed by them. But under the proud of my future. I am an Ameres And higher• compliment than that no man—not even the President, care of experts £hd with the aid of the good <5od and Mother ican." of the United States—could, pay to. the American J£w. Which is one Nature, they are given health again and sent.back to re-assume their plates in the world. It was once said that aiding a man 'reason,"perhaps,* why, in the case/of President Warren G. Harding, SUCCEEDS SEELENFREUND. ...when he-is sick is the most wonderful philanthropic, work of all. . "so many of his best friends are-Jews." EH:an Voorsanger, son of the late Is this a sign that ine B'nai B'rith order has been Rabbi Voorsanger of San Francisco, CARE OF ORPHANS FULL OF up race and religious prejudice \\i ''dead'*? ",.,-\z/: > ' • • ' X '':•'•'• ':"' ;"" ' ' . ' . •- " • : will soon resume the duties of meet with the failure it so richly dePerchance; the;editor never fh^s. heardof the Leo NV Levi Executive Secretary of the B'nai serves. . - . . ' . :; x ., Hospital at Hot Sprijigs,'-Arkansas... Thet;e men arid, women The 'care of the. \tfar and. pogrom I have carefully examined the "pro- B'rith, to take the place of A. B. r, are literally: rescued-from the; brinks of graves. The B'nai orphans abounds in. many tragedies, tocols" upon which the calumnies Seelenfreund, who sailed for Europe " B'rith and its members are the mainstays of that institution. which it wilt be possible to obviate against thef'Jews are now being based, to do relief work for the B'nai B'rith. Perchance he never has heard of the work being done by only, if the funds for this work are and 1 unhesitatingly pronounce these Mr. Voorsanger was overseas as ! jthe B'nai B'rith order among the war orphans, of Europe or increaseddocuments spurious and entirely un- chaplain of the Seventy-seventh among the orphans-in. Canada; We Wbiider whether he has ...A,- fe^Y...y.l??y_..t?ui:Wng facts' are worthy of consideration. Moreover, I Division and was later Director of iheard of those summer camps for children..,the oider has been cited.in the, latest.report which the believe the statements made about the the Jewish Welfare Board in France. E sponsoring. We. wonder whether the Criterion editor knows of Joint Distribution Committee has re-connection of Jews \vith the Russian He later went to Poland for the the wonderful work done by the order among the soldier boys ceived from Dr. : Simon Peiser, its revolution and with radical movements Joint Distribution Committee, return. d u r i n g t h e w a r . ••• { • ' , • • : ..•''•'. European Director i o r .Child Care. in this.and- other countries to be in-ing about six months ago. correct. . : ' I) Is this a sign that the order has befcn "dead" &nd a salt H e - w r i t e s : - - • ' • . . • • .. "In the KOTCI district, for examOur ^civilization owes much of its it solution was heeded to give it anew lease on life? " .... ple, our means permitted; us to take i beginnings to the "Jewish race. If \' And these are '.only the^outstanding, greater -work of the the care of the Joint Distribu- what the Jews contributed to it were s WE 'FURNISH ALL FORMS OF INSURANCE.. ! order—-the more.materialistic, if you please. -Ever since it wasunder s tion Committee only 20 per cent of taken away, little,would be left. Hisfounded, in 1843, the B'nai B'rith has been the standard bearer the : orphans. Naturally, it .was nec- tory shows the Jews- to have always 1 . -. PERSONAL SERVICE WITH-EACli i of Judaism. ; essary to select the neediest among been a constructive and not a destruct• § . • , POLICY — 'LARGE OR. SMALL " s THE LESSONS IT TEACHES* ALONE, WARRANTS ITS them, that is, orphans without father ive force. They are patient, industrii EXISTENCE! ' " ) ' ' •". - • ' and mother who. were in the worst ous and thrifty. They make good citiand buy them-at However a reaving stimulant has been: used. Sure enough. condition. But it was necessary to zens and their family life is exemv And it has been "spirits" too. [ ^ : discriminate even; among these, be- plary. They are kind and generous to It has been the spirit, of the B'nai B'rith lodges and itscause, not all belonging td this cate- ^the S, . , 5th Floor' Sauriders-E&nfae'dy Bldg. of their own race and members in giving new leases of life, not to the order, but gory could be provided for. Unin- theirhelpless 1 ..•.-• Tel tyler 3180.. philanthropy extends to. all hunew leases of life to suffering tuberculosis-affected mea and 319 South 16th Street tentionally the impression was pro-manity. women; emaciated, tenentent-district bftys and girls; helpless duced that a certain number of chil- As a sincere admirer of the Jewish Phoiie Douglas 3400 orphans and dependent children in this country; starved war dren were being, provided for at the people for their many excellent qualorphans in battle-scarred Europe—and to the rank and file of expense of others. It is ; impossible ities of head"*and heart, I take pleasP H O N E : DOUGLAS our Jewry in teaching them the three cardinal principles of to describe the sense; <5f sorrow and in assuring them that it is my ideal living—BENEVOLENCE,- BROTHERLY LOVE AND pain with which the work is :carried ure belief that they will not suffer in the HARMONY. . - . - V J . • ; ; . ; - : . • [ • > ; • > • : . - • .;; on under such circumstances} but our esteem, of the American public bemeans do not permit us to care for cause of the unfair and unjust attacks Seeks; New Fields for Jewish Ukrainian Government Asks 1 "children. The same is true to which they are being subjected.— Immigrants. ^ Roumania to Admit Refugees more everywhere." Bortaventure' F. Broderick, Titular London. (J^T. Agency.) The British Riga. (J^T. Agency.) It is reported Bishop of Juliopolis, New York, Dethat the Soviet government of UkraiJoint Foreign Committee is' negotiatSteSner cember 15, i?20; in the New York Bishop Broderick Expresses nia has requested the Roumanian ing with officials of the.Colonial OfChopper. . Times.' Abhorrence of Anti Jewish ana Coffee M fice on the question of the iiitrodtid- Ministry of the Interior to admit UsotI Scal?s of Campaign. ' tion of large numbers of Jews ittto Jnunejcous emigrants who have asKates for Sale. Warsaw. (J. T. Agency.) It is sembed-near the Roumanian border Please permit ".me to express the various dominions "and cdlonies df FRAftK BEE the British Empire. The Foreign and are' in a helpless condition because through the columns of your newspa- announced here that the American; rif.v Ijepresehtative per my abhorrence of the anti-Jewish Joint Distribution Comtnittee HaS asof the refusal of the Roumanian govCommittee has 'especially in mind, the 510 Sti. I«tU St. . CBMftERCtAl PKSKURS -LSTtf OGRAPHERS - STEflOlEEHBOfStlS campaign now being conducted in this' signed $70,000 for sanitation in PaPhone COoRlns 333S tliCUsaridB of Jewish emigrants from ernment to permit them to enter the ( A toosc Uhr ocviccs • country. Sure) v ^attemp't to stir', land. ' country. . / [Ukrairiifc
Young Jewish Girl Wins WHO CRUCIFIED JESUS? : '"faericaitisisi" Medal against the Roman government. The Isidore Myers of Los An-
President Harding and the Jews
il Fresh Milk Crust I \
Bread Daily
Adler & Forbes 1 -•
Printing and Stationery CALL JACKSON 0770
V._ ,
"Say It With Flowers"
I . t t A . WOLF COMPANY i
JtaytonMoney Weight and' Detroit.Automatic Scales
i M.
again beginning the first Tuesday of r September* - ' .
£RASNE-GOODSON Many parties h'aye been given, for Miss Evelyn Goodsbn; -whose marriage to Mr. Leo Krasne of Cbuiifcil Bluffs will take plaice Sunday 'evenifig at the Blackstone Hotel. Sunday Miss Gertrude ;Chernia«ik of Council Bluffs entertained at her home infotttially for twelve guests. Tuesday evening the Misses Rina and S'^eva Snyder entertained fifteen guests at a dinner dance at their home for. Miss Goodson and Mr. Krasne. Thursday Mrs. J. Krasne entertained thirty guests at a bridge luncheon and" on Saturday afternoon
Miss/Ami' Rosenblatt arid jjiaster Herman Rosenblatt left Wednesday for Coin, la., to spend several weeks ball; nine at Thirey-first and Ames street diamond by the score of 5 to 4. on a farrii. ' '" ' ' : The B'riai Ami club reorganised the pi. M. J . Lipp, who recehtly grad- baseball 'team for the purpose.of tryuated from the University of Nebras- ing to stop the rush of the "Y" team, ka School.''of Medicine, left for Sac-, Avhich has only lost one game this ramehtb fibspI^Vfor the coming year. season. • ; George Bernstein, whsn' sent in as : : a relief pitcher in the sixth inning of • Mrs. M. Bugeristeih of Cedar the game with bases full and no outs Rapids, la., is the house guest of'Mr. quickly eliminated the next three batand Mrs. Si Guttman. ters and saVed the •, day for the "Y" team. The winning score of,the lit. and Mrs. Paul Shay and chilgame cariie with the aid of the Swartz dren are at Michigan City for a brothers at the bat. J,. Swartz, catchmonth. ing for the "Y" team, hit the first ball pitched in the ninth inning" for Mr. I. Levey is on' a fishing trip in a single,, stealing second arid then Minnesota. :. third. The next £wo batters for the "Y" team had been put out via the James Abrose leaves today lo visit first.base route. A. Swartz, the next with his parents at New Haven and batter for the "Y" team, after fouling .to spend several weeks in New York. several along the third base line, in He mil return about the first of Augthe attempt to score his brother, who ust. - • . was still on third, finally connected with the pill for a clean single over A wedding announcement of inter- second. •• • ; est to Omahafls is that of Miss Pauline Following is the box-score: Adler» daughter of Mri and Mrs. SamE X. M. H. A.— AB It H uel A. Adler, to Mr.. Max Wright. Monheit, 0 0 lb 4 3 0 Both Miss Adler and Mr. Wright are •\Veitz, 2b...._...._r..._......._ 4 3 1 J . S-nrartz, ;31i—C. _._.- 5 former Omahans who have been mak- Bernstein, SS-P 3 1 5 1" 2 0 A. Swiirtz, C-IA''.-.-..--... 4 ing their homes in Los Angeles. The Slobodlsky, o 1 0 LF-3b t 0 wedding took place Saturday morning Green, RP.... _... 0 ._ 3 1 0 Linsman. GF-SS 4 at the home of the bride's parents in Bro-svn, P-GF; u-. 0 3 0 the presence of the immediate famTOTALS ilies, after which Mr. and Mrs. Wright B'NAI AMI— left for Portland by boat. They will Perelman, 3b... Youscni, ~SS.;.~.i. reside in Los Angeles. Triistoh, C. .._...
- -
- • • - . • • • x
Leah krasneentertained for
Goodson. Tuesday (^vening Srif. and Mrs. B. A. Siinon entertained at dinner at their home and tbhight thfe Misses Gertrude, Zelda and Evelyn Marks of Council Bluffs \rill give a lawn party for Miss Goodson and Mr. Krasne af their; Mffi£. ~ ' "two hundred .and fifty invitations have been issued for this -wedding and .several out-of-town guests will serve as wedding attendants. Besides Miss Esther Belihont, who will be the maid of- honor, and Mr. Millard Krasne, who will act as best man, Miss Carrie Eosenthal of Norfolk will beTthe" bridesmaid and Mr; Laurence --.Krasne, usher. Miss Ruth Bernstein &nd Miss Ruth Krasne of Fullerton, Keb.;/"Miss Leah Krasne of' Council Bluffs and Sara Fair of Omaha will stretch the ribbons and little Beverly Miller and Pauline Bernstein will carry the.bride's train. The ceremony \vill be performed before an improvised, altar of roses and ;£alms, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fellheimer are RabbJ Morris Taxon will read the marriage lines after which there will spending several weeks _ in Chicago and Milwaukee, be dancing.
Christian Deputy Bealen f br 3EWS TO -FINANCE LEGION Henry Morgenthau Makes Taunting Anti-Semites. FOR PALESTINE Vienna. (J..T. Agency.) According London. T. Agency.) In a deThe Y. M. H. A. baseball team SunAttack GR Zionism to a report from Budapest, a stormy bate on the(J.Near Eastern question day defeated the fast B'nai Ami base-"Y" Y" WINS AGAIN
New York. {J. C. B. Service.) In a n ' article in the current issue of "World's Work", Henry Morgenthau, former t j . Es. Ambassador to Turkey, veheiriently attacks the basic principles of Zionism and the program of the Zionist Organization, declaring it visionary and calculated to mislead a people blindly seeking their way out of age-long miseries. In a foreword, the editor of "World's Work" states that" the article came to be written as the^ resuit of the developments of the recent Cleveland Convention where JJie Minority American leaders were ousted from office and pefsons,. "in thorough agreement with the World leaders, inst^ileil. • _ Mr. Morgenthau calls Zionism "a surrender and riot a solution"} "a retrogression into the blactoe$t error and progress toward the- light"; "fantastic" because Great Britain will never permit the establishment of a Jewish -government in Palestine no matter what its name. The article declares that the Jews in most of the countries of the world have found those countries their Ziori. To Mr. Morgenthau America is his Zibn, and it is unwise therefore politically as well as economically to attempt to overcome most unsurmbutltable barriers "towards the accomplishment of an ideal which can bring rto benefit to a deluded 'people^ ' The former Ambassador argues that Zionism is a political fantasy and its diplomatic successes, due rather to Great Britain's political interests in the Near East than to 2 any favoritism to the Jewish people.
M. Alprin, E F . . Roseabertr, P..'._.. Cohen, CF. M. Katelraan, LF.... 4 A. Alprin, ib_ ..„ 4 E. Yousenii 2b... <. ±
' TOTALS :._ ;::..37 T ~5Miss Annette Fanger entertained Score by inntngs—' ' ' K. H. B. » The Thorpeian -Athletic club are T. XI. H. A..__;.i 0.0 0 0 0 1 0 1-^5 1?, 3 planning a hike for Sunday when they at a luncheon at the Papio Heights B'nai Ami ...^..0 0 0 1 1 2 0 9 0—4 5 2
expect to-go to 'Child's Point for a jjviensr roast. They are also planning £ series of dances, the first to be j|iven at an early date. •-•'.\ Miss Evelyn Shanfarber. leaves Sat"today. foi* New York where she will spend several weeks, later going to Cleveland to spend some time with brother there. Miss Stella Woolfsori has chosen "Thursday, July 21, as the? day for her wedding to Mr. Meyer Friedman of Council Bluffs. The ceremony will ; take place, in the presence of the family at the home of the bride's parents and wilt be followed by a reception. JaBsBhea •"Friedman of Chicago> sist e r of the groom, will be Miss Woolfwjii's only attendant and Mr. Herman : Friedman will act as best man to" his brother. Miss Janet Gilinsky and Mr. iPhilip Krasne will-play the wedding : jinarfehes. -. ^ Many affairs are being planned for : Miss Woolfson. Saturday Mrs. L.Le-. Vey: entertained twelve guests at a bridge luncheon at her home. In the evening Miss Diana Gross entertained fourteen guests at the Athletic club roof for Miss Woolfson and Mr. Fried'man. . : Justin Wolf, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wolf, left last week for Camp Lake, a boys' camp in Minnesota, to the remainder of the summer.
club Monday, when Miss Bernice Kulakofsky and her house guests, and NEW YORK STUDENT WINS Miss Stella Woolfson, and Miss Ruth BRAftDElS LeBowski of New York were the comNew York. <J. ( j . B , Service.) The plimented guests. annual prize given by- Justice Louis D. Brandeis for an original essay on Miss Selda Brown and her brother, some phase of Palestinean activity Mr. I. H. Brown .of Norfolk motored has been, awarded, to- Oscar I. to Fremont to spend the week-end Janovsky, a student -in .the College with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Block there; of the City of New York, for an essiay entitled "Economic Palestine; Mrs. Frankel of Rock Island, 111., Present and Future"; The judges is visiting, with her son and daughter, were Professor Mordecai M. Kaplan, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Frankel. 'v Dr. Leo Scharfman, and Dr. Max L. Margolis. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Leon and children are leaving July 12 for a month's vacation at Far Rockaway Beach, Yiddish Conference in Warsaw. Warsaw. (J. T. Agency.) 400 delN . Y . ••' ":;. egates attended the opening session Mrs. J. S. Slate and daughter, Dor- today of the Yiddishists coiiference, othy, of Des Mpines,.Ia.j are visiting in Poland. Zerubabel, the 'well-known Mrs. Slate's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Poalei-Ziitnist, received the highest A. Wolf. Mr. Slate spend the Fourth here with his family."
Paris. (J. T. Agency.) Baron EdMrs. D&n Marks and children of mund Rotschild announces a gift of Cleveland, 0., are the house guests §800,000 to the French Academy of of Mr. and Mrs: Joe Wolf. Science for the purpose of stimulatMr.! arid Mrs. Julius. Rosehfeld are ing the study of the exact sciences. spending the week in. Chicago. OTTO KAHN KING ALBERT'S GUEST Mrs. Ira Roseribloom, who has been Brussels, June 29.-^-Otto Kahn, the visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. arid Mrs. .Hi Gross, returned to American financier, was entertained at dinner last night in the Royal her home in Kansas City Saturday. Palace ..of King Albert and Queen Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Malashock have Elizabeth. The King and Queen. exreturned from their honeymoon and pressed their thanks to Mr. Kahn for are at home at the Cororiado apart- the generosity of Americans to. Belgium. • ments."
: Mrs. Clarence "Bergman and daughter, Frances Shirley, will leave Saturday to spend several weeks in Chicago with Mrs. Bergman's sister, Mrs. Several Omahans spent the weekC. Stoddard, and Mr. Stoddard. Later end at Lincoln, among them being they will go on to Paw Paw Lake tb Mr. Max Levine and his fiancee, Miss remain or some time with Mrs. BergStella Bessel, who motored down, to man's aunt, Mrs. Louis Greenberg. be with Miss BesseFs sister, Mrs. Beiv Polski, and Mr~..Polski. Miss Yetta ~:'.Mrs. Morris Cohn and -daughtery Steifier was with the Misses Hanna Eva, are leaving today to spend a and Sara Waxman. Miss Doris Gross month in Denver and Colorado* aisoispent the.Fourth at Lincoln. Spririgs. . . . ...•.- : ;.. Mrs; %; Sherman feiifertalaed at -her Dr, and Mrs.. 6* C. Goldner enteff libme Tuesday afternoon informally tamed, thirty guests Friday evening forTMr|^L. *)iTOsh of Dallas, Tex.,; at y si iawn party at their home-for' wh5 will' speri3T a. month with her their; house guest, Miss Rose ^ mother, .^Mrs. L. Hoffman. Mrs. Or-^ ; 8tein> of Minneapolis. riish ^ a s fpfttferly Miss Hannah Hoffc man s of "Omaha. "% Miss Faye Gerelick spent the week-end at Lincoln with MissTTillie TolsicyV | M s i S l l r i e ^ t a t»egdhj; daughter of whV returned with Miss Gerelick and Mr. and Mrs. Davgvpegan of New' will remain here or the week.; York, formerly of Omaha, is visiting: at the home of Dr". and Mrs. James Misi jRqse Guttmah and Mr. Sam Goetz. Many: parties are being Gutti&an, Jr.>: spent the week-end over, planned f6r ^irss Degani: who will thfe; -Fourth at Denver visiting with spend most of the summer heie. : Last friends. Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rosenthal and their daughter, BeaM£ Morris Weisehnah of Los An- trice, entertained ten guests dt the geleij Calif., is visiting with his par- Athletic club. ..Tuesday evening Mr.! ents;; Mr. and Mrs. J; Weiselman.. Goetz entertained at a garden party for her guest. Saturday evening' Miss Miss Esther Newman left yesterday Hazeile Degari will ehtertaiii at the for'Camp Lobkih, near Fremont,; to, Lakoma Country club for this young spend'several weeks. . v i s i t b r ; •;• •-• "" ' "•;••'••• • •"•• ; :
' • .
which took place recently in the House of Commons, Colonel Wedgewood, Labor M. P., declared that he had information to the effect that several rich Jews were ready to take over the financial responsibilities for a Jewish militiS. of several thousand in Palestine if the British government consented. We learn that one such offer came from America.
Punished for Adopting Polish
.White-Russian Bandits Attack Jewish Refugees
. ••
Miss Ami Biotcky arid. Mr. Paul ME Max iiarigiliaiiji fbrriierly of Blotcky ^yil! entertaiiii twelve guests Omaha> aiid now residing at Ionai' at the Athletic club, tonight for M^ Mich., is" here for several weeks. : James Abrosej. who- leaves tomorrow ; for New' Y-orkl '* TAKES OVfeR BOTTLING ;
J. Mendelson of Council Bluffs has purchased the Mineral Springs Bottl-1 iiig Works at 1015 West Broadway. This plant was the-fLrst.bottling works in Council Bluffs. It has been operated for the past fifteen years.
.. .•
Warsaw. (J. T. Agency.) A court martial here has convicted a Jewish Woman physician, "Rebecca Ukrainic, for making use of the Polish name "Ludviga." .. ...,••
Warsaw. (J. T. Agency.) Jewish refugess arriving here tell of continued attacks upon Jewish refugees in the neighborhood of Slutsk where thousands of White-Russian bandits hide in the thick woods and lay in wait for groups of refugees en route Bergson Retires. Paris. (J. T. Agency.) Professor to Poland. The Soviet officials are Henri Bergson announces- that he is powerless against the assailants. retiring from membership on the faculty of the College de-France- and AMERICAN RELIEF WORKERS THREATEN STRIKE will occupy himself with, Only private Warsaw. (J. T. Agency.) Officials studies. "; .-•• -..." of the American Joint Distribution Morning Post Attacks ZangwiU. Committee here threaten to go on '"London. (J. T. Agency.) The Mor- strike if their demands for higher ning1 Post today prints a vigorous wages are not satisfied within three attack against Israel Zangwill for his days. Some of the officials are recent speech in which he censured Americans who" came here as a unit Great Britain for limiting the rights some time ago. and concessions granted to Jews and for not taking more drastic measures EINSTEIN ARRIVES IN against the Arabs. The "Post" accuses BERLIN Zangwill of being "inhumane, unBerlin. (J. T. Agency.) Professor liberal and ungrateful to England." Albert Einstein and Madam Einstein arrived here recently from London. Polish Socialist Organ Attack? There was no public reception. They were iiet at the" station by only a Anti-Semites. Warsaw. (J. T. Agency.) "Eobo- group of intimate friends. tink," the official organ of the Polish Socialist Party, criticizes the reac- Motid to Become -Vice-president tionary elements in Poland for their of English Zionists. systematic anti-Semitic attacks deLondon. (J. T. Agency.) Sir Alfred claring that the attitude has a demo- Mond has agreed to become viceralizing affect on Polish society and president of the Federation of Engespecially on the youth of the coun- lish Zionists under the presidency of try. Dr. Chaim Weizmann.
Warsaw. (J. T. Agency.) The Po- family. lish government has written to the Swartz. Hungarian -Minister of the Interior Warsaw. ^.(J. T. Agency.) Premier requesting him to improve the conWitos yesterday called a conference ditions of Polish-Jewish citizens livof Polish and foreign press represen- ing in the internment camps there. tatives and discussed with them the critical international status of PoReport Pogroms in Minsk land's affairs. Government. Warsaw. (J. T. Agency.) Belated Polish Socialists Defending Jew- reports reaching here tell of wholeish Interests. sale massacres in the Minsk govern..Warsaw. (J. T. Agency.) The Cen- ment during the third week of June. tral Committee of the Polish Socialist No details are a\»ailable owing to the Party has appointed a permanent strict censorship. committee and instructed it to get in touch with the Jewish Seim Club with a view of cooperating with the Jewish Omaha's Newest arid Finest Equiped deputies on all questions concerning Bath-House. * Jews. The committee has likewise j Baths, Massage Hot Packs, Elecbeen given the task of preparing a tric- Treatment, Inhalatorium. memorandum on the settlement of the Jewish question in Poland.
Polish Premier Discusses Political Situation.
Paxton Hotel Turkish Batlis
Jews Battle With Algerians.
Paris. (J. T. Agency.) It is reported that in Cbnstantine, Algeria, natives have participated in violent attacks against the Jewish population during the past^ few days.. Many Jewish houses were robbed, and a large part of the ; Jewish community has been forced to take up fortified positions, in special buildings which are under continuous revolver fire. The Jews, it is DR. ADLER MEMBER OF SCHOOL said, are defending themselves valiBOARD antly. Dr. Cyrus Adler, president of Dropsie College, Philadelphia, and acting Untermyer in England. president of the Jewish Theological London. (J. T. Agency.) Sa Seminary of New York, has been apUntermyer arrived here on July 1. He pointed >a member of the Philadelphia received many telegrams of welcome Board of Education^ from noted jurists and prominent Jews. . •. — FANNIE HURST'S PLAY Fannie Hurst, author of Humoresque, has written a play entitled "Back Pay," which will be presented at the Eltinge theater in New York early in Septeniber by A. H. Woods. Helen MacKeller will act the leading part. *. .•.'..'"•'
Lotidon. (J. T. Agency.) The British Foreign Office, it is reported, has sent instructions to all its Ambassadors that Consuls may hereafter gfiint Vists to persons desiring to go to Palestine, if. such persons come within the grdttps named by Sir Herb'ei-t Sarriiiel in the statement he mads When announcing the reopening of immigration to Palestine. A WONDERFUL DISCOVERY It is possible for a man to live in our Christian land in a very fair sort of moral respectability, and yet be a regular heathen, as far as any faith in Jesus Christ is concerned, and have no more spiritual knowledge of God, or assurance as to the future, than if Jesus Christ had never told \is the truth and had never died to save all who believe.—Herald and Presbyter.
Polish Government Requests For Rent—Two unfurnished rooms Hungary to Aid Jewish Citizens and one furnished room, with private
CdNCANNQN BROS., Props. 1401 Farnam St., Basement .Entrance. Telephone: Tyler 5731 OMAHA, NEB.
EINSTEIN SPEAKS AT ZIONIST MEETING IN BERLIN. Berlin.- (J. T. Agency.) Professor Albert Einstein addressed a large Zionist meeting here, and stated that Palestine was now . the central question in American-Jewish ,life. He expressed his supreme satisfaction with the spirit of the American Jews, arid said: "The Jewish people can, must, and will built a Hebrew University in Jerusalem despite the greatest sacrifices it requires."•-- '
1203 Douglas
Entry H. LapWrn, tres.-TTeM. Jos, Pepper, Tic^-Preflflent. W. G. Ure, Secretary.
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The X. T. C. club held a picnic supper- iat Hanscom Park Tuesday evening, which .tooji .the place of the last regularTfiietlMg-for-fche summer. Both this club and the Ydetes club of the Y. W. H. A. will resume activities
Rothschild Gives §800,000 to French Academy-
Hias Opens New Branches. Warsaw.' (J. T. Agency.) Mr. Shulman, representative of the "Hias " returned today to Warsaw and reported that he had established branch offices in Kovrio, Latvia and Vbhlinia where many emigrants have been cheated by private agents. .
scene took place in the Hungarian Cabinet when a block of deputies demanded the dismissial of all Jewish professors, from iiungarian universities. Deputy Andhazi,' a celebrated painter, upon interjecting ironically, "That is what you call being Christians," was beaten by several deputies and violently ejected from the assembly hall.
'' GRANT PALfeSTlft!5 VI £ AS
Sioux City Jews
COUNCIL BLUFFS HEWS Sent by our Council Bluffs News bureau.
Decries German Enmity " To The Eastern Jew
Appeal Made To Omaha lend the weight of your counsel and Jews By New Congress influence to the furtherance of the (Continued.From Page 1.)
great task which is before us. Respectfully yours,
:l:::::::::::::::i:::::::::::i::::::::::::::::S:::i::=: (Special tO the Pre5s)::::::»:::::^:::Ii:;::::::H:::::::::::::;:::;;:;::::: tion to assure' the establishment of a NATHAN STRAUS. Chairman; Berlin. ( J . T . Agency.) Dr. Oscar permanent' organization on" a sound STEPHEN S. WISE, WORLD CONGRESS OF ZIONIST Kohn, Socialist' Deputy, addressed I,EON SANDEKS. SAILS TO AID UKRAINIAN Di\ M. A. Helfgott, who attended and all-embracing foundation. M. S. MAKGOMES. STUDENTS AT CARLSBAD. the Prussian Landtag. attacking the JEWS. GEDAL.IA BTJBLICIC, the Zionist convention which was held The Council Bluffs . B'nai B'rith GINSBERG. New York. (J. C. B. Service.) In The historic achievement of the JACOB at Cleveland, O., June 5 to 10, re-baseball team, which met defeat some government for not having taken the London. (J. T. Agency.) I t is anAmerican Jewish Congress through SOLOMON BLOOMGAETEN Vice-ChaSrmen: turned Saturday. • One of the import- time ago at the hands of the fast Y. proper precautions against attacks nounced here that all college and response to an urgent call for help, its Delegation at the Peace Confer- MORRIS ROTHENBERG, ant actions taken by the convention M. H. A. team of Omaha, has been on Eastern Jews in various parts of university Zionist, societies, in dif- Dr. Krimsky, chairman of the Uk- ence in obtaining the inclusion in. the Chairman, Executive Committee ferent parts of the world, are pre- rainian Federation, will shortly leave BEKNAKD G. EICHAKDS. was the. forming of a commission of reorganized and will attempt to even the province. Executive Secretary; Dr. Kohn related an instance where paring to send representatives to a *«"*«' — - - " , • » " —""v ' 7 1 " ! Peace treaties with various countries the Jewish physicians- who pledged up with the Omaha team Sunday , for the war-ridden lands with a con. • world Zionist students conference siderable sum of money collected from themselves to raise $1,000,000 for the morning when they will again cross German soldiers restrained interned ISAAC ALLEN. • m Eastern Europe of provisions grant- MAX which will meet in Carlsbad during L. HOLLANDER. Ukrainian Jews in this country. He Jews from rescuing themselves from completion of a university at Jeru- bats. The game will be played at the Honorary Associate Secretaries. ing equal rights and protection to salem. The corner stone of the uni-Thirty-fifth and Broadway street dia- fire in their camp. He showed that the first week in September next. • will endeavor so far as he can to minority nationalities in. those lands, ameliorate existing conditions. A only a small percentage of Eastversity has. been laid. mond, Council Bluffs. ' ; ' Dr. Weizmann to Dine Jewish European Jews had actually migrated POGROM AGITATION GROWS farewell banquet is to be tendered and the great influence £hat the DelThe Bluffs team has been greatly egation exercised in bringing about Jsraralists,. -V him at Hotel Astor on Wednesday, IN GALICIA. Mr. and Mrs. M, Klein, Mr. andstrengthened by the addition of sev- into Germany whereas the greatest the recognition by the Peace ConferNew York. (J. T. Agency.) Dr. Danzig. (J. T: Agency.) It is re- June 21. Dr. Krimsky was for a yeaT ence of our claims to the establish- Chaim Weizmann, president of the Mrs. Zucher and Mr. and Mrs. M.eral men who have returned from uni- part consisted of those who had been a member of the American Zionist Fanger of Omaha motored here for versities. With the aid of these men, conscripted in Poland, Galicia and ported from Lemberg that antiment of a Jewish National Home in World Zionist Organization, is giving the 4th and were guests in the P. the Bluffs. B'nai B'rith expects to elsewhere, and forced, during the Semitic agitation calling for pogroms Medical Unit. Palestine, are potent illustrations of a luncheon on Friday noon to Jewish war, to come into Germany and work upon Jews has.increased considerably Orkin home. take the Omahans into camp. in the munition factories. Dr. Kohn in the last few weeks. Numerous DISCOVER PLOT TO KILL what may be accomplished by unity journalists of New York City. Dr. of action for the welfare of our peo- Wcizinann leaves America on the UKRAINIAN JEWS. Mr. and. Mrs. Abner Kaiman of According to the statements of the demanded an, immediate investiga- proclamations are being distributed ple. - we rest contented with the 25thf accompanied by Mr. Samuel Shall Omafia visited over the week-end at grown-ups and the yourfg ones, the tion of the situation. urging: the Gentile population to Riga. (J. T. Agency.) Soviet officials mere formal recognition of just rights, Untermyer. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pill. picnic which was given by the Jewish Minister Dominicus speaking for attack the Jews. The Jewish popula- in Swenigrodka, Ukrainia, have dis- however important that may be, or During their visit they, were guests Sisterhood of Council Bluffs for the the government answered- that the tion is in a very perturbed condition. covered a plot to conduct a series of shall we renew our labors and our attacks upon Jews in Ukrainia with a at a luncheon with Mr. Max Pill and Sunday school, was a great success. immigration of East=European Jews purpose of exterminating them whole- energies for their actual and final was a danger to the German Empire Mrs. Philip Hertzog as hostess. "JOINT" STRIKE BRINGS POLICE Many prizes were awarded. "The picsale. 200 persons suspected of im- attainment. INTERVENTION. nic was held at Lake Manawa and that he considered their internAND BEAUTY: We earnestly hope that as a matter ment a political and economic necesA meeting of the H. L. F. Society Wednesday. Danzig. (J. T. Agency.) The Polish plication in the plot have been ar- of your devotion to the interests of sity. ' \- • ' was held Tuesday afternoon at North press, of Warsaw reports that the rested. our people you will not fail them in Established Riverside. Regular monthly business Mrs. Carl Studna, who has been chie& of the "Joint" relief office in this crucial hour and that you will DANIEL DEPASS READ matters were discussed at the meet- visiting relatives and friends in Coun- POLAND PROMISES PROTECTION Warsaw has called in the police in ing. :'••'• FOR JEWS IN POSEN. London. (J. T. Agency.) Daniel order to remove from his office three cil Bluffs and Omaha, returned to Warsaw. (J. T. Agency.) M. officials on strike toho terrorized those Depass, a well-known philanthropist her home at Kansas City, Mo. . Kuranski, Polish Minister for Posen, who refused to quit work.- The same who died here, left 5,318 pounds for The final report of the drive for the Federated Charities was given Mr. and Mrs. S. Katelman ana when interviewed by Deputy Dr. papers state that the three officials Jewish, charitable institutions. Wednesday evening at the Hebrew In- daughter, Leona, Sunday motored to Farbstein promised that the govern- have been placed under arrest. stitute. Captains of all the teams Lincoln, Neb., to spend the Fourth ment would take steps to prevent UKRAINIAN ORPHANS EN reported their quotas for their dis- of July, holiday. further excesses against Jews in DEMAND JEWS SPEAK POLISH ROUTE TO CANADA ; tricts, and a printed report will be Posen. Vienna. (J. T. Agency.) Mr. HirschOR GO TO PALESTINE. given as soon as possible. The drive Mr. I. Gilinsky announced the enDanzig. (J. T. Agency.) A dispatch man, a representative of the Canadian SPECIAL MINERAL WATER was designated for a $15,000 budget, gagement of his daughter, Fannie, to JEWISH DOCTOR SENTENCED from Lemberg states that placards Relief Committee, has arrived in Viand from the present report it has Mr. Harry Shulkin of Sioux City, la. USED IN OUR POP. BY MILITARY COURT. have been placed in the railroad cars enna with 50 Ukrainian orphans. He been attained. Danzig. (J. T. Agency.) A report] The,date of the wedding has not yet and tramways of' that city, calling will proceed to Canada within a few beeir decided. Miss Gilinsky and Mr. from. Rovno states that a Jewish doc- on Polish soldiers, artisans and weeks, after the children have receivOn Thursday evening a meeting of Shulkin are at present guests of Mr. tor, named Siegel, has been accused intellectuals to force Jews to speak ed medical treatment. the Zionist Organization was held at and Mrs. Ben Glazier at Fort Dodge, of Bolshevism, and has been sentenced Polish or to insist that they leave by the military court to five years the Hebrew Institute. Dr. M. A. Helf7 la. NEWARK GETS FREE the country and go to Palestine. We will fill special orders for Wedhard labor. gott gave the report of the matters .SYNAGOGUE BUILDING discussed at .the recent Zionist con- Miss Leah Robinow of Sioux ^City, dings, Bar-Mitzvos, Pieties and EnterNew York. (J. C. B. Service.) The CONFERENCE CLOSES. vention. . . • * • .' Newark Free Synagogue, which was la., is the guest of Mr. I. Aginskee, 150 POGROM-MAKING BANDS IN Warsaw. (J. T. Agency.) The containments. WOHLIN. organized exactly a year ago and ha's 210 Frank street, Council Bluffs. FREMONT NEWS Danzig. (J.T.Agency.) The Warsaw ference of representatives of Yiddish- from its beginning been under the Miss Ann Verbin and brother, Empaper Dwa Grosza reports that there ist schools, which has been meeting leadership of Dr. Sidney E. Goldstein anual, left for Denver and Colorado Miss Carrie Rosenthal of Norfolk, exist in Wohlin 150 bandit bands, here for several days, concluded its of its Rabbinate, has purchased a Springs. The former.will remain in- Neb., arrived Saturday for the Good- making pogroms upon the Jews. The sessions today. It elected a coalition large home, which is to serve as its BOTTLED IN ALL FLAVORS son-Krasne wedding, which will be definitely with friends, while Eman- held in Omaha Sunday evening. Bolsheviki do not attempt to stop executive consisting of 6 Poalei- Centre for Community Service. The Zionists, 3 "vereinigte" and one reiaal will return after two weeks. ._. them. new synagogue is in the heart of presentative from each of the other Newark, and it is expected that all Walter Glickman of. Fort Dodge, parties. YOUNG JUDEA ANNUAL la., arrived in Council Bluffs Sunday TURKISH NATIONALISTS activities of the Newark Free SynaMAKING TROUBLE CONVENTION. gogue will be housed there with the afternoon. Mr. Glickman will visit London. (J. T. Agency.) The SHAKESPEARE BLANK VERSE exception of the Sunday and Holiday] New York. (J. C. B. Service.) The friends for the week-end. IN HEBREW. Turkish Nationalist government at Services. annual convention of Young Judea i b l 5 West Broadway, Council Bluffs, Iowa. Angora has sent propagandists .into London. (I. T. Agency.) Chaim N will meet at Lake Hopatcong, New Mrs. A. Gilinsky and children will Under New Management. J. Mendelson, Proprietor. Jersey, on June 24. Many delegates leave Thursday morning on a motor Mesopotamia and Palestine with in- Bialik, the national' Hebrew poet VILNA JEWISH BANK APPEALS have already been elected, and the trip to Webster City, la., where they structions to stir up trouble in those who is in Constantinople enroute TO ICA FOR AID — Tel. Council Bluffs 386 National Executive Committee expects will visit with Mrs. Gilinsky's moth- countries for the British. to Palestine, announces that he Warsaw. (J. T. Agency.) It is rethis convention to.be the largest of er, Mrs. Brin. They will be gone for has completed a - translation of ported- from Vilna tb*vt the Jewish the history of the Junior Zionist as- several weeks. ARAB CONGRESS IN JERUSALEM Shakespeare's Julius Caesar and of People's Bank of that city is in bad { ^ ^ ^ sociation.. Jerusalem. (J. T. Agency.) The Schiller's William Tell. These wil financial straits and has appealed to the I. C. A. for a loan of 40,000 francs. >, • It is expected that the convention Ted Mandelstein of Walthill, Neb., British administration here has grant- be published in Jerusalem. will deal with the changed relation of was the guest at the home of 'Mr. ed permission for the convening of Young Judea to the American Zionist and Mrs. S. Snyder. an Arab congress in this city. The TURKISH NATIONALISTS BREAK IS57 BOLT COMMITTEE Federation, now that a new adminisWITH FRANCE. first congress, held at Haifa in De- The Zionist representatives, the Natration is in office. London, (J. T. Agency.) Reports Miss Freida N Goldberg, 551 Mill cember last, was refused official rec- tional Council, and the East-Galician street, is spending several weeks at ognition by the Palestine High Com- Delegation have announced their with- from Constantinople state that the Jew Introduces Bill, Providing Colorado Springs, Colo. Miss Gold- missioner. drawal from the newly-created Vienna French negotiations with the Turkish "Joint" Committee, refusing to as- Nationalists at Angora have been for Support of Parents berg has been visiting, throughout sume responsibility" for the sudden severed. Serious outbreaks are expectin Old Age. FAREWELL TO WEIZMANN Colorado. She has also visited Estes Henry Abrams of Indianapolis, a Park. She- will arrive home in a cou- New York. (J. C. B. Service.) Pre- liquidation of "Joint" activities under ed in Syria. parations are now under way for the the dictatorship of Dr. Bogen and lawyer and a member of the Indiana ple of weeks. FEISAL'S STAFF ARRIVES IN farewell reception to Dr. Chaim Weiz- Mr.'Xandesco. legislature, introduced a bill making BAGDAD. it obligatory for any. person of full Mr. Ben Goldberg will leave Sunday mann which is scheduled to be held Jerusalem (J. T. Agency.) The age and financially able, to support for a trip to Chicago and St. Louis, on Thursday, June 2§rd, at Carnegie Congregation Aids Masaryk staff of the Emir Feisal has arrived his or her parents who have grown Mo. He will also visit along the Gulf Hall. Students Fund. too old to work and support them- of Mexico. in Bagdad to participate in the It is intended that this reception Prague. (J. T. Agency.) On the selves, or who are unable to work beshall serve as a fitting climax to the occasion of the birthday of Dr. Mas- general Assembly of Mesopotamia f11 cause of some physical or mental invisit of Dr. Chaim Weizmaun, presi- saryk, president of Czecho-Slovakia, which will be convened here shortly. MAKES DEBUT capacity. This bill was passed by the A younger singer, Mina Elman, sis- dent of the World Zionist Organiza- the Jewish congregation in Michalov- It is expected that the Assembly legislature, signed by the governor, ter of Mischa Elman, made her debut tion and head of the Zionist Delega- ce, Slovakia, has donated 25,000 will elect Feisal, King of the country. and is now a law in Indiana. This to tion to America. crowns towards a fund for Jewish Feisal himself is at present in Mecca our knowledge is the first legislation recently at a recital in Aeolian hall, Many out-of-town delegations will students, maintained by Dr. Massaryk visiting "his father, the Sheriff of New York. The Times critic says of the kind ever passed in this counparticipate in this farewell reception. out of his own personal income. the Hedjas.' .fery and is in harmony with the tra-that while she has yet much'to learn, The speakers, besides "the guest of she has great promise. ditions of the Jewish home where the reception and his associates Dr. children invariably assist in the supLevin and Dr. Mossensohn, will inBa port of their aged parents, but with- "Jewish Immigrants Are Not clude Mr. Samuel Untermyer, chairBolsheviks," Says Duke. out the necessity of the governmental man of the American Board of TrusEliaaiSJ3ISS!aiiMSIMEJSiaJ5IMISiaiJMfBJ3I3l3!SJ3Ifflc London. (J. T. Agency.) In the tees of the Keren Hayesod. Dr. Weizinterference. They do it as a matter of course. It is interesting to note House of Lords yesterday, the Duke mann leaves America on June 25. that it was a Jew who introduced the of Southerland stated that two BritbilL ish officers who had been sent by the Untermyer to Accompany WeizPalestine Immigration Department to mann to Europe. UNCOVER HERODIAN RUINS AT Constantinople and Trieste, there to New York. (J. T. Agency.) It is •'•-••• ASCALON. V select the persons en route to Pales- announced that Samuel Untermyer, Jerusalem. (J. T. Agency.^ Excava- tine who are suitable for settlement who has accepted the. leadership of tions recently undertaken by the Brit- in that country, brought back the re-the Keren Hayesod movement in this ish Archeological Society are reported port that the rumors of. Bolshevist in country, will accompany Dr. Chaim to have resulted in the discovery of fection on the part of any of the Jew- Weizmann when the latter leaves for numerous ruins dating back to the ish immigrants were totally without Europe on June 25th. time of King Herold. There has been foundation. Warsaw. (J. T. Agency.) The louncovered a historical cloister built in cal newspaper, "Courier Polsky," ediPolice Breaks Up Jewish Meetthe center of a large paved court and torially criticises the un-heard-of inting. attributed to Herod. Statues of Apollo, difference -of. the Polish community Warsaw. (J. T. Agency.) The local Venus and Herod were also found in police yesterday broke up a meeting towards the Jewish question and the and the price lowering cama fairly well preserved state. paign extends to underwear where Dr. Silverfarb was delivering ignorance of a Jewish life in that here. Largest showing in the a lecture on the question of Jewish country. The writer' states that this WALTER RATHENAU A city. national autocracy in Ukrainia. • The a separate community within a comMILLIONAIRE COMMUNIST meeting was held by permission of the munity is created and that such an Paris. (J. T. Agency.) The French municipal authorities but the police attitude towards Jewish questions Silk madras and fine silk lisles and press greets .the news of Walter refused to take cognizance of the fact. weakens the state now more than ever with regard to the Vilna problem. Ratheriau's appointment as Minister of Reconstruction in the German Cab- Polish Minister Declares Jewish Lawyers Untrustworthy. inet with an attack upon him in which it is maintained that he is a Jewish Warsaw. (J. T. Agency.) In answer BUY SAFE millionaire with communist ideals and to an interpellation by the Socialist Deputy, Lieberman, as to why Jewish tendencies. length, S 1 . 0 0 to § 3 . 5 0 . lawyers were not permitted to appear HEADQUARTERS FOR VASSAB AMERICAN COMMITTEE TO in court niartials, the War Minister Our guarantee and our word is AND SUPERIOR UNION SUITS. HELP ESTABLISH BANK declared that he had given the order as good as a bond. A Drama for Men and Sissies With We have satisfied hundreds of London. (J. T. Agency.) The to that effect because he'considered your friends. Jewish lawyers untrustworthy and Thrills. Joint Distribution Committee is negoWomen. tiating with Zionist authorities on the disloyal. This open insult caused establishment of a mortgage bank in considerable agitation among the population here which Palestine. ' T h e Relief Committee is*'Jewish 1514 Dodge Street. =CORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN -Phone: Douglas 5619 ready to as^Isi to/ the . extent of demands that the Minister retract his • statement . $400,000.
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