July 14, 1921

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man has learned to resist temptation. He lives up to the rules for good health. ~

VOL. L—NO. 31.


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Entered postoffice

Miss Ella Fleischman Appointed on Chief Board of Women's Overseas League: to Direct Publicity.

. X /




{j! work, will achieve {{f lii almost any mate1 rial thing in this world?


Omaha Girl Eonored ByNationallomen's Overseas League

i *.

"Work—-KWH*, | hard, h o n e s t m

The successful Hi •


I. •-





Ad-class mail matter on January 27th, 1921, at ha, Nebraska,' under the Act of March 3, 1879.

TO POSE FOR Y, JEWISH ARTIST. ssion to make the-first ph. of President Hardd at' his' "desk in the .o; offices "has been granted to Benjamin Grey, a wounded Jewish war veteran',of New York, trained in photography by the- Federal Government's Vocational Education System, The appointment was made by Chairman Kahn of the House Military Committee. -Grey i s - a member of the Jewish Valor. Legion, which is an organization to maintain American traditions, composed of American #cws, decorated for gallantry in action during, the World War.


"Money lasted" Says Mrs. Fels Following Journey to Palestine " R a p s " Zionist Organization; Says She Will Stand by 'Judge Mack; to Cohfrlbute Money for Palestine Development.


FledicalMepJiereTo loin in Aiding lew Omaha Physicians and Surgeons to Establish Permanent Branch of National Organization, Fulfilling Pledge to Einstein.

SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, A YEAR, $1.50. JEWISH GRAVE-DIGGERS IN SYMPATHY STRIKE. Warsaw. (J. T. Agency.)— The Jewish grave-diggers of Warsaw have decided to join the Jewish officials now on strike, if the Jewish community will not change her attitude towards the strikers.

Omaha Past Presidents of Women's Auxiliary Discuss Formation of Specif Order for District 6

A grand lodge, composed of womes. past presidents of auxiliaries of Omaha physicians and surgeons B'rith lodges, similar to the plan to organize a local branch of grand lodge, probably will be organthe American Jewish Physician's committee which, has started a campaign Justice Louis D. Brandeis Out- ized in Omaha if the next conventiom to raise furiSs in fulfillment of the lines Policy of New Group. of the grand lodge is held here. pledge made to Dr. Albert Einstein It is almost a certainty, officers of Judge Mack and Fellowthat the medical profession would conthe B'nai B'rith here say, that the el's in Attendance. tribute a fully equippedTnedical hos1922 B'nai B'rith convention will bepital to Palestine. Pittsburgh. (J. C. B. Service.) At held in this city. A meeting of the Omaha medical the close of the two-day conference The women's order which is becommen was held July 11 and a tem- of the Minority Zionist followers of ing a nation-wide activity, is known porary organization perfected. Dr. M. the former Brandeis-Mack adminis- as,the "Daughters of the Covenant* G. -Wohl was elected temporary pres- tration in American Zionism, Justice and it is planned that the women meet ident, and Dr. A. S. Eubnitz was elect- Louis D. Brandeis outlined the policy in convention at the same time that London. (J. T. Agency.) A repreed temporary secretatri*. of the group as being a concentration the regular grand _ lodge convention sentative of the Jewish CorresponThe second meeting of the doctors on practical work in Palestine rather meet*. dence Bureau interviewed Dr. Chaim One at St. Louis will be held within the near future. than a continuation of political work. Weizmann and asked him for a stateA branch of the "Daughters of One Dr. Einstein, before leaving this He criticised the European leaders for ment on the probable organization of Covenant" was organized recently '»C country, addressed a gathering of one not having realized this change in the the Zionist Executive to be elected by the grand lodge convention, No. 2 in Here is, Frank Schwartz* the Newhundred distinguished • Jewish physiZionist situation, and recommended the forthcoming Zionist congress. The St. Louis. cians and surgeons, to whom he reYork .Jewish boy-artist who recently that the Minority Zionists, because Zonist leader declared that, with one "I believe the organization of the was awarded Grand Prix de Rome. lated the hardships of thousands of of their temporary inability to conminor exception, the entire Executive The grand prize given for the best young men and women students in duct the affairs of the Zionist organ- "Daughters of the Covenant" in Dis~ would be elected by the Congress and painting of; the year came to him Europe. He said; "They are being ization, engage for the present, in tricfc No. 6 would be a very fine not by a few people as at the London just before his landlady was going to driven from pillar to post living on private constructive enterprises in thing-," said Henry Monsky, president conference. The Executive would coneject him for non-payment of rent. only with the hope that America will Palestine, beginning on a small scale of the district grand lodge. "I am sist of three sections r First, a politiThrough publicity in newspapers, help them continue their studies." and increasing as the means increased Fare that the men's organization cal and administrative section to rewould welcome them." and as time demanded. following the award, Frank was side in London;"", second, a financial located by his father, a waiter, who and economic section; third, a, PalesOnly a few ikoments before Justice A meeting of the past presidents of She was Overseas has not been able to locate him for tinian section, part of whose members Brandeis entered the hall to speak, the women's auxiliary will be caHei. She served overseas as a represeneight years. ' Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver of Cleveland during- the coming' week by Miss tative of the Jewish Welfare Board were to be elected by the Congress, and part by _ the Palestine "Vaad made an appeal for subscriptions to a Hanna Greenb'att, now president of and js the only representative of that Haleumi." • •'•'•'"•. one-quarter million dollar fund, with the women's auxiliary here. Miss board on the national body. IDEALS LEFT IN WILL A most interesting report has been which it was intended to launch a Greenblatt is very much enthused With Miss Fleischman head of the OF SOCIALIST LAWYER received by President Kraus of the wholesale to-operative in Palestine over the prospecte of organizing publicity committee, it is probable Morris Gest Was Prisoner in "Daughtei-s of the Covenant" here. B'nai E'rith from Mr. Archibald A. Kishineff. that all publicity of the organization New "York. (J. C. B.) Having few Maxx of New Orleans and Habbi Mar- during the next sixty days. Senator At the meeting of the past Word was received this week from will be sent from this city. material possessions to pass along to tin*"Zielonka of El Paso, a committee Nathan Straus, Jr., announced a con- dent here an inf orraal temporary or>tribution of §25,000 from his father Morris Gest, whq has been in Europe his decendents, Nicholas Alienikoff, of that organization who have in conganization will be formed. Comrcun~' for several months, that he had been Socialist lawyer,' bequeathed ' to his junction with Mr. Goulston of the Re- on condition that a sum ten times as icatios will then be carried oa WI'BJ RABBI SINGER TO imprisoned in *- Kishineff for three, family athjia'death recently his ideals. moval Office* been wol-king' in Mexico large be raised within thirty days. * sister lodges in the district and a r SPEAK IN MISSOURI days, and that .he had again failed t o These are explained by his eldest son, for nearly a- month in behalf of JewAlready Raise $215,000 rangements made for the sending of Alexander Alienikoff, assistant Cor- ish immigrants who have landed there. delegates t? the grand lodge convenBabbi Jacob .Singer will leave locate his parents in Odessa. Mr. This and other contributions made! poration Counsel. Among the ideals These gentlemen were sent to investi- a total of $215,000. Judge Mack as- jtion in 1922. The permanent organSunday for Columbia, Mo., where Gest,. who has-not seen his parents are: he is scheduled to deliver a series since before, the war, went abroad a gate conditions and to bring immedi- sured the gathering that within thirty ization will then be formed. year ago to endeavor to bring them of lectures befor^ the summer session ate assistance. After considerable days the Committee would have ?250,Government ownership of industry. to America. He tried to reach Odesof the University of' Missouri. • hard work, a meeting of representa- 000. The payment to workmen of a salJewish Initiates of Penitentiary These lectures are given under the sa through Constantinople, but failed. tive Jews of Mexico City was held on The Minority Zionists decided to orary commensurate, to their worth, Organize Keren Hayesod. On this occasion he went to Buchaauspices of the Jewish Chautauqua June" SO. There were in attendance ganize as a Palestine Development The Keren Hayesod Bureau received No profits or profit sharing by .any Society. The subjects are as follows: rest and thence to Kishinev, having about 30 of the most prominent mem- Council with local leagues in various a letter from the Jewish inmates of one. , ••" "Medieval Hebrew Poetry";''"Israel had assurance fr6m Soviet - officials bers of the Jewish community. It is parts of the country. All Jews inter- the Eastern State Penitentiary, PhilaAll men working for .the common Among the Nations", and "The Jew that his parents would be permitted good and paid proportionately as they believed that this is the first time in ested ^Palestine, Zionists as well as delphia, stating that they had decided to leave Russia. His-cablegram, rein American History." . the history of Mexico that such a non-Zionists, will be asked to parti- to do their share towards the rehabi!* serve. . After visiting friends in Cincinnati ceived'by Mrs. Gest yesterday, was as meeting where Jew met as a Jew was cipate. Resolutions introduced by itation. of Palestine. They have &up~ The obliteration of racial, religious { and Cleveland and his parents in follows: held. Mr. Robert Szold of Washington and mitted a. plan whereby the inmates . and color lines. ."Arrived safely Vienna today. T Sides With Judge Mack. Buffalo, Rabbi Singer will join his discussed by Judge Hugo Pam indicat- are to manufacture Jewish national ... An international brotherhood of The meeting was most succesful. family at,Mt. Washington Heights, Reached Kishineff. Impossible to "I am entirely with Judge Mack men. ed that the Wholesale Co-operative flags in the form of beads, to be soW A committee of nine was named "who Maine, where they will remain for communicate with" my parents in and his party. I know their integrity, will direct the affairs of the tempo- was merely the first of a series of to the Jews of Philadelphia and vicinthe summer. They plan to return Odessa. Kishineff under, martial law. their idealism, their intelligence,' and Mr. Alienikoff was one of the origin- rary organization. The committee met practical enterprises. There were ity. The proceeds will be turned over Detained in prison three days. Secur- their profound devotion to the ators of the Young Men's Benevolent about the middle of September. suggestions of a Housing Corporaed release through American Minister Zionist cause.- They would, I know, Association, now the Young Men's at once and elected the following of- tion, an Industrial Loan Association, to the Keren Hayesod Bureau— th« prisoners only reserving the actual Vopicka, who sent secretary with me do everything that could help the Hebrew Association. He also aided ficers: President, Dr. Sidney Ulfelder; and a farrners^Loan Bank. AWARDED SCHOLARSHIPS. cost of the material which is necesvice-president, J. Granat; treasurer, to Vienna. Arrive Paris Sunday; sail- cause. To think of their being parties in the founding of the Hebrew wee sary for the manufacture of the flags," Louis Loeb; secretary, Otto Ulfelder. Two Omaha Jewish girls have been ing immediately thereafter;" To Remain Zionists to - disruption when /there ought to Loan Society and was a member of The B'nai B'rith representatives The individual members of the new The prisoners carried on their neawarded scholarships, offered arinualthe' Advisory Board of the Jewish be union is impossible. I know that pledged the Order to finance a con- Palestine Development Council will gotiations with the Keren Hayesod • ly by the Association of Collegiate KEREN HAYESOD TO they have suffered keenly, by the Consumptive Relief Society. tribution fQS' the school for im- remain members of the Zionist Or- Bureau through Dr. Joseph Mfed^iT, Alumnae to the Omaha High CONDUCT DRIVE HERE hindrance of. their endeavors" to migrants and the taking care of the ganization of America. On the ques- their chaplain, as well as Mr, Isaac Schools. ' ' A steering committee" was appoint- preserve unity-and peace. There is FUNERAL OF J. H. GREEN sick in the hospitals for the first three tion of participation in the forthcom- Finestevn and Mr. Abram Oriow, who Miss Helen Riekes, daughter of ed Monday evening, July 11, at a no desire on their part to *boss ; the HEED IN KANSAS CITY months. . addressed the prisoners on the Keren . Mr. and Mrs. S. Riekes, was awarded The funeral of J. H. Green, Committees'were appointed to take ing World Zionist Congress, a serious Hayesod. the scholarship at Commercial High meeting held at the Lyric building. machine.' Judge Brandeis is aband lengthy discussion ensued, inSchool- and 'Miss Rose Minken, The committee will ^devise means solutely disinterested and has, I know, prominent Omaha business man, who charge of the establishing of a home dicating two divergent tendencies The Keren Hayesod Commission will daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. Minken, and ways of securing an Omaha refused to push himself forward, died last Saturday while watching for immigrants, for the reception ©f held by the conference. Eabfei Silver discuss the practicability of • was "the honored' student at Central quota for the Xerefi Hayesod drive, which he could have done had- he a baseball game in Chicago, was held sick at the American Hospital and for made a strong plea for participation proposition at its next meeting. been animated by any personal in Kansas City Wednesday. Burial was physicians to take care of immigrants. High; The scholarship prize is now in full swing In America. ambitions. I have the v fullest "con- in a Kansas City cemetery. The/committee will meet Monday A committee on employment' was in the Congress.' Rabbi Newman. of FOEMER OMAHA BOY awarded the student attaining the fidence in the ultimate triumph of The J. H. Green Clothing Company selected and provision made for the Philadelphia supported the same view. SKETCHES- BARTHELEMU8 highest grades in each of the re- eveningwJuly 18, at the Lyric buildAn opposite view was taken by the principles for which his party ing to discuss the drive, which will here was re-opened Wednesday establishment of a school for imspective schools for all of his high Maurice Leaf, former Omaha boy, Judge Mack, Professor Felix Franls» stands. The Jewish people are wise, include Zionists "as well as , nonmorning. It will be, operated under migrants. school, work. Miss Riekes expects son of Mrs. Charles B. Leaf, 17510 : furter and Jacob De Haas. Judge and love truth and- righteousness; and the direction of Howard Green. ' ,',_,' to enter the Omaha University and Zionists. Mr. Archibald A. Marx and Rabbi South Twenty-sixth street, is causing: Mack stated that he felt that the abtruth and righteousness will conquer Following is the committee: L. Miss Minken the University of Lawrence Green, the other son, a Zielonka addressed.a meeting of immuch comment, according to word wv* "., , Kneeter, temporary president; Fred in the end." Nebraska as a pre-medic. graduate of Harvard, will resume his migrants who are at the present time sence of Justice Brandeis and his as- ceived from New York, with ilia life White, temporary "secretary; A. Cohn, law practice in the East. Mrs. in Mexico and advised them as to the sociates from the Carlsbad Congress sketches of Richard Barihelemns^ B. Handler, H. .Lapidus, J. Shuker, recent laws on the subject and would be more effective than their famous movie star. National photoJewish and Masonic Rites Mark Dr. A. Greenberg, I. Goldstein, R. English Missionaries Protest Green .will continue to reside in most warned them ^against any attempt to presence. After considerable discus- play magazines recently carried page Omaha. _ Jacob A. Cantor's Funeral Anti-Semitic Propaganda Levinson, Wm. Grodinsky, Henry enter the .United States contrary to sion, the conference accepted Judge photographs of Mr. Leaf sketching }Jew York. (J. C. B.) Funeral ser- Monsky, Mrs. E. Handier, Mrs. S. London. J. T. Agency.) At, a conMack's view. law. Barthelemus, vices were held for J. A. Cantor, for- Eavitz, Rabbi Taxon/Mrs. S. Maizel, ference of British missionaries here, .- Celebrate 78th Birthday Justice Louis D. Brandeis was electRequests '"ere received from indivimer Borough President of Manhattan, A. Marcus, H. Lohrmah, Miss Sophye a resolution was adopted condemning Philadelphia. (J. C. B. Service.) Freiberg Leaves Money to s where he died Saturday morning in Weinstein, J. Feldman, Dr. Philip the anti-Semitic campaign now'being On Wednesday of last week ex-Judge duals to put them in touch with their ed as honorary chairman of the PalCharity his 67th year. Rabbi Harris of Tem- Sher. waged in the English.press, and in- Mayer Sulzberger celebrated his 78th relatives in the United States so that estine Development Council, and , ..-•. ; they may be assisted in gaining a Judge Mack its chairman. The Gounple Israel conducted the service, folCincinnati (J. C. B. Sen-ice.) $, The committee will; also make structed its executive-' to take steps •birthday at his home in Philadelphia. foothold in Mexico. That request is cil is to have a commission form of lowed immediately by the Masonic arrangements for the arrival of Dr. against it. . ;. The venerable Jew and Judge passed government consisting of Dr. Stephen Walter Freiberg, late president of iSuH fraternity ritual which was read in B. Zion Mossinsohn. the day receiving felicitations from a being complied with. Union of American-Hebrew Congrecommittee left for Vera Cruz S. Wise, Mrs. Mary Fels, Dr. Harry gations, left an estate of close to ,* the presence of prominent Masons. Soviet Officials Close Eight host of friends and admirers through- to The find out what assistance is neces- Friedenwald, Professor Felix Frank- half million dollars. By his will, beHe was elected Borough President Polish Jews Celebrate Professor out the country. He was also interSynagogues. furter, Sol Rasenblum, Nathan Straus sary there. of Manhattan in 1902 on a reform quests are made to the Home for th*s London. (J. T. Agency.) A report viewed by a representative of a PhilFriedlander*s Jahrzeit. and Judge Hugo Pam. ticket. In 1913 he was sent to conadelphia newspaper to whom he exAged and Infirm in Ciicciniiati, the frcm Riga states that the Soviet of Warsaw. (J. T. Agency.) The Jews gress from the 20th District. In 1918 ,of this city, as well as the Jewish Vitebsk has ordered the closing of pressed optimistic views on the pres- GALICIAN REFUGEES RUSH Jewish Hospital Association, United Mayor Hylan appointed him President communities of many towns in eastern eight Jewish synagogues and their ent world situation. Hebrew Charities, Union of American A WORLD CONGRESS TO LEAVE POLAND. of the Department of Taxes and As- Galicia and Volhynia, yesterday cele- transformation into army barracks. Hebrew Congregations, Jewish Or« OF JEWISH BOY SCOUTS Warsaw. (J. T. Agency.) Followsessments, which office he held at the brated the first Jahrzeit of Professor The reason adduced is" that Zionist Lemberg University Urges War ing the cessation of "Joint" relief ac- London. (J. T. Agency.) On the phan" Asylum in Cleveland, and tiw?. time of his death. Against Jews. tivities for refugees in Poland, thou- initiative of the Bar Koehba Society National Jewish Hospital for ConIsrael Friedlander and Rabbi Cantorr meetings were held in the places of worship. the American relief delegates --who Danzig. (J. T. Agency.) Placards sands of Galecian refugees in the of Antwerp, a Congress of Jewish sumptives at Denver, Red Cross Gives Medicaments were mysteriously murdered a twelvestamped with the official seal of the country are beseiging the Polish em- Boy Scout Eosieties in various parts POLISH MARK DROPS to Orphan Asylum. Criticized for Sympathy to Jews month ago. . Special services were University of Lemberg appeared in bassy liere in an effort to obtain visas of the world, will be convened in the " Warsaw. (J. T. Agency.) The held jp the Praga Synagogue in this Warsaw. (J. T. ^Agency.) "GIos the streets of Lemberg yesterday for their return, to their native coun- near future. The tentative program Warsaw. {J. T. A.) Due to the American Red Cross Branch here hars city .where ChiefvilabbiPoznanSky Naradu,'^ a Polish daily published in calling upon the Polish students of try. Traffic on the railways has be- includes the question of a world or- of 500 points in the Polish mark given to the local Jewish orphan- delivered the sermon. In Galicia sev- Cracow, prints a violent -attack the University, and on Polish students come so congested, doe to this latest ganization with headquarters in Pal- ing the last two days, the financial asylum a large supply of medicaments eral new orphan-asylums were official- against the Polish Minister of Inter- in general, to make war on Jewish in- development, that a considerable num- estine, and the gradually increased crisis has reached 'such a stage and children necessaries. Curator ly dedicated to the memory of Profes- nal Affairs for his sympathetic Atti- terests in Poland with a view of mak- ber of refugees are forced to make use of Hebrew as the anguage of the Diet is about to consider . Norzak has sent a message of special sor Friedlander. All relief offices tude towards and mild treatment of ing their existance in the country im* their way in carts and in open freight command in Boy Scout gymnastic so- geney action. The American is now selling at 2,580 cieties. thanks to the Americans. were closed for ahalf-day.. the Jewg, ' Miss Ella Fleischman, daughter of Rabbi E. Fleischman, has been appointed to the national directing board of the "A. W. O. L.," the w o m e n ' s overseas organization which responds to the American Legion Miss Ella for the service Fleischman. men. Miss Fleischman, -who is connected •with the Omaha Bee, has been appointed director of all publicity in the country for the organization, which is nation-wide in its scope. The women's service organization, whose official name-is the "Women's . Overseas Service League," held its national convention recently in Minneapolis. Miss Fleischman could, not •attend the convention' and an announcement of her appointment in a Minneapolis newspaper was the first knowledge she had of the honor.

Weizmann Interviewed onlew Executive

Special to "THE JEWISH PKESS".

New York, July 13.—Mrs., Mary Fels, Zionist and, philanthropist, in a statement in London following her return from Palestine said: "A great deal of money could have been saved and many grievous mistakes avoided if the Zionist organization had made greater use of the knowledge and experience of the men on the spot. I was distressed beyond measure to find that the money we raised with such labor and self-sacrifice in America had not produced greater results in Palesine." '. Following is her statement: • "Palestine is inevitable the Jewish homeland. It is an .impious thought to suggest otherwise. The country calls for our people, and' those who go there,cannot fail to be.stimulated and inspired. "The thing that filled me. with dismay," said Mrs. _Feis, "was the fact that the young Palestinians were leaving the country. The explanation was that no land was available whereon they could set up for themselves and continue their father's work. They are the best forces in Palestine. That made me decide that the land I proposed to purchase should be offered to the young. Palestinians in the. first place, and then/ to some Dutch colonists, in whom my friends, Mr. Van Vriesland, is interested, and to a goodly number of. Chajiilzim. There would' have been no Balfour Declaration without the Rothschild colonies. The new Palestine.owes its creation to the great Zionist devotion 4>f. Baron Edmond de-RofeschJld;-snd to the sacrifices and beautiful bravery of the colonists. The Zionist Organization is* large to blame for not having made greater use of the knowledge and experience of-the men on the spot. A great deal of money could have been saved, and many grievous mistakes avoided had-they done so. I was/distressed beyond find/that the money we raised with—such labor and selfsacrifice-in America had not produced greater results in Palestine.

LO.B.B. Immigrants'in exico




' colonies. The combination is being tion Relief officers in Warsaw have

Sweet Fancy roams the hills and dales, made by- Sheik Sulisaai AlfruTd, The been placed in the hands of Dr. Published every Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska, by Once more our halcyon days we -live book is to be translated in French Bo'gen. The strike, it now appears, broke out as a result of the attempt THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. "I scarcely like to even think of it," writes Charles Joseph, of And once again in thought revive and English and sent broadcast. on the part of "Joint" directors to MORRIS E. JACOBS, Manager. Pittsburgh, in Jiis syndicated, and by-*he-way, excellent editorial com- Strange memories of far-off tales. Office, Four, Baird Bldg.—Telephone DOuglas =2372. ment, "let alone put into print, the-Idea that the day is coming when Of. realms no searching may display, DOMBSKY REASSURES HERMAN refuse a bonus previously granted the oiScials to cover the increased cost BERNSTEIN. , Of azure skies and em'rald' seas ; there will be a division in American Jewry deeper and wider than most Subscription Price,.one year. . . .. ..$1.50 of living. Of crystal barques that ride the Warsaw. (J. T. Agency.) M. of us think possible at this time. I can see it coming very ^clearly." Advertising rates furnished on application. breeze Dombsky, Polish Under-Secretary of He continues: "The so-called German Jew—which in a sense is a NOT PRINTED" FOR PERSONAL PROFIT—Profits from the publicaAnd vanish at the break of day. Foreign Affairs, received Herman misnomer these days, but in the larger sense we designate as Reform ITALIAN KING ATTENDS tion of The Jewish Press are to be given to worthy communal causes. Bernstein and expressed the hope * * * Jew—will be -completely submerged, merged with, -assimilated by the SYNAGOGUE. In that dear Land of dream and trance that Polish-Jewish relations would so-called Kussian Jew—there is no doubt about it. And ihose who are i! CHANGE <JF ADDRESS—Please irfvo toth -the old u d new address: Eome. (J- T. Agency.) King Victor ] __ ^e Bare -itnd tilgn your, came. Faint shadows of our f ormeT selves soon become more amicable and that not assimilated with the Eussian Jew or his children will assimilate with the causes for the dissatisfaction on Emanuel ,the Minister of War, the With iridescent gnomes and elves non-Jews—and they will be found eventually with the Unitarians, 4 'TAPPED"—A WHITE JEW. . Ethical Culturists and other advanced religTous^rotrps, not Christian is. And pixies in the moonbeams dance* the part -of the Jews would soon Minister of Interior, the Mayor of Eome aad General Diaz attended I; : ^You're a white Jew!" What harmonies the Bluebells peal! disappear. the Orthodox sense. Not a bad idea to make a note of this—maybe you services _in the old synagogue here ; ' You have heard this remark, no doubt, and sometimes it is will live long enough to have a chance to check this statement." "The coruscating stars reply where & tablet was unveiled in (Jittered by persons -who are outwardly especially friendly to you. And answ'ring" melodies from high DR. BOGEN HANDLING memory of the Jews of the «ity who Adown the hillside gently steal. I How does this remark affect you? ; JOINT STRIKE. (The music of the elfin sphere : Are-you proud that you have been singled out from among THE PRESENT MEDICAL Warsaw. (J. T. Agency.) The died fighting' in the Italian army jan. your co-religionists and termed "white"—"different" than COLLEGE TO PALESTINE Those silent strains from fairy rings affairs of the strike -of Joint Distribu- during the World War. . | .they are? Does it make you feel -closer to the person makingThe which no mortal void of wings With the opening of the offices of i.the remark? Can e'er conceive nor list-ning hear.) the American Jewish Physicians'; ; -This happening prompts these questions: Committee j n ^ w Y c u l j , there is be- Around, around on tireless toes | A group of traveling jiien were playing cards in a Pullman gun the fulfillment «f a promise to A thousand fairy footsteps tread '.icoach. The game ended as the hour grew late and two of them, The publishing house of tJ. F . Put- Dr. Albert Einstein, i>y prominent Fantastic measures on the mead That Is Holding Business Back? jjj arm-in arm, marched down the aisle. nam's Sons has evidently come to the Jewish Physicians and Surgeons of In mystic circles^ lines and rows. j As they reached their berths one of them turned to the conclusion that the Jew is not respon- the United States, that the medical Dissolving here and forming there OH! COME ON 1 jtother and slapping him on the back said: "Abe, I like you. sible for all the woes of the world. professBon ^>f America would con- Kaleidoscopic patterns blend LET'S ALL STAET THE BALL ROLLING TOGETHER jjj j You're so different. You're a white Jew." According to a letter just written to tribute a fully equipped Medical Col- With myriad-tinted blooms that lend __ I F IT'S • I A mellow fragrance to the air. i _ The individual termed Abe grinned one of those ear-to-ear the Anti-Defamation League, the pub- lege to Palestine. •'ihings that makes one think of snakes, baboons, and alligators. lishers agree that '"The, Cause of Dr. Einstein, before leaving this * * * |*Tm all of that," replied Abei He was elated. His. face was vVorld Unrest" is "calculated to do in- this country, addressed 4a gathering 'Midst zephyrs redolent of musk jjcovered with a smile of utmost satisfaction. justice to the Jewish people of I3ie of one hundred distinguished Jewish They rest at last and sipping up IHe was as happy—as the lucky college man who is singled world" and have decided to print no physicians and surgeons, to whom he The nectar in the buttercup ;iout from all his "colleagues on the day when the most popular further supplies. This result was related the hardships ©f thousands of Distilled by glow-worms in the dusk, j Students are "tapped" for.various honorary college societies. On brought about through correspondence young men and women students in Trt "herein no alien eyes intrude I a certain day of every year in many colleges a grand field day passing between the publishers and Europe. He ssdd, "They are being Betake themselves to shadowed ncoks | is held. All the students turn out. Representatives of various the League within the past few days. driven irom pillar to post, living on In sheltered dells with rippling brooks ; honorary clubs pass among the crowd and "tap" certain men. It will be remembered that this pub- only with the hope that America will That sinuate the ghostly wood. WILL TREAT YOU LIKE A FRIEND. |.These men then are made members'of the honorary fraternity lishing house announced last fall that help them continue 43ieir studies." And ere the Queen of Night departs Baird Building. | 118 South 17th Street I svhich "tapped" them. It's quite an honor to be "tapped*'. And sunrays gild the topmost hill it was printing and would ^oon release I . Abe—and many others too, regretfully so—feel "tapped" a new edition of the ^Trotocols" which "Ten Lost Tribes" Hold Con- They melt into the silv'ry rill *sTSnnn2;HU5nHK:jnn;nH:Kn:::UHni;H | when they are termed "white Jews", by supposed-to-be friends. was intended as a companion volume And""vacant leave our aching hearts. vention in London. I Like the "tapped" student they feel highly honored that they to the previously published "Cause of —S. S.., in Israel's Messenger, ShangLondon. (J. T. Agency.) The so- hai, China. i should be singled out. They feel they are "white"—"different" World Unrest." In. deference to obcalled congress of British Israelites, ;• than.their co-religionists. jections that, were raised last No- composed entirely of Christians who REPORT DESTRUCTION OF ) Do you feel that;way too? Or when the remark is made, vember, the plans to publish the ProHEBREW VOLUMES BY I'do you feel like backing away in disgust? That's the way youtocols were abandoned. T3ie firm Tegard themselves descendents of the JEWISH BOLSHEVIKS ;! should feel for the remark is not made to describe your good however, continued: the publication Lost Ten Tribes -of Israel, opened f Character, culture or refinement. It is a term of flattery used and distribution of t h e "Cause . of here yesterday tinder the presidency London. <J. T. Agency.) Reports of Lord Gains"borough. The 'congress arriving here through Riga from MosI by some gentiles .who i a v e a kindly regard because of various World Unrest." sent a greeting to Xing George in BOW state that the Jewish Commun1 reasons for some person of Jewish descent. Because this In June of this .year, the publishers which the belief is expressed that His ists in control of numerous Hebrew, I individual Jew proves attractive for some reason or another, deferred to the objections raised by Majesty «its upon the Throne of Talmudic, Mishriiac and Biblical books | and other Jews do not, the particular Jewish individual is termed certain Christian Scientists to an David. Lord. Gainsborough, adressing ^because of their alleged reactionary I "white". The others are—well just term it "different". article criticizing Christian Science in I The term "white Jew" should be repulsive to us. We should one of their publications; the volume the congress said that the British ] character. The books hare been sent \ not encourage it's use. Rather we should discourage it's use.was recalled and another article in- Empire and the United States of Ito the paper ^factories where they will America were ipso facto members of serted in its place. In explaining the the British Israel Federation of the be unbound and used as raw material X TAKING CARE OF OUR OWN. reason for this iaction,- one of the Lost Ten Tribes, traces of which, ac- for new paper. The mass of Jewish citizenry of this great United States members of the firm stated that the to him, had been found in Philo-Jew Appointed Italian 'during the past fortnight again; demonstrated to the world that action had been taken "out-of a proper cording American and Anglo-Saxon races. Ambassador to Vienna. "we take care of our own". regard for the sensibility of people But-a short time ago the swift-flowing rivers of Colorado who_have accepted Christian Science Palestine Workers' Bank Sends, "Vienna. (J. T. Agency.) Marquis Torretta, well-*known. for his prostate suddenly became swollen and bulging with terrific rage. as their religious belief." Referring Three Delegates to America Jewish leanings and actions in beBent on destruction it-broke forth from its. regular course and to this action, the Governing Board in its fury swept its way across a. goodly portion of the state, of the League wrote the publishers on Jerusalem. (J. "T. Agency.) Beril half of Jews, has been appointed leaving in its path havoc and ruin ' Jane 29th as follows: -. • Katzenelson, leader of the "Achduin Italian ambassador to Vienna. The Homes, the solitary possession of many, were torn into bits "The liberal spirit disp^layed in.this, Batodah" snd editor of the "K«n-•Marquis is an old friend of the local by the frenzied waters; brick buildings: were -dashed to the matter encourages, us to present cur : tres," Mrs. Manya Shochet, founder •Chief Rabbi Chaies. ground; streets were made, impassable; electric light poles were protest against the continued publica- of the "Shomer" -organization of PalProfessor Ascoli a Suicide. torn asunder, throwing sections, of the state into darioiess. tion of another volume now being pub-; estine, And Joseph Baratz, a member Paris. (J. T. Agency.) It is reportChaos reigned! lished and distributed by your com-- of the original co-operative group at This is not a new picture to Omahans. Well do we remember pany which, displays, to say the least, Degania, left Jaffa today en route to ed frora Rome that Professor Moishs the appearance of our own city following the Easter Day a disregard for the sensibility of America where they intend to . sell: Ascoli, a leading figure- in the Jewtornado of 1913. ; - people who have accepted Judaism as shares for the newly established work- ish community in that city, and sonin-law of the late Ernest Nath&n, • Colorado in this • terrible plight was helpless. The wheels their religious belief. This book, ingmejl's bank in Palestine. committed suicide yesterday. Profesof her industries were at a standstill. Her citizens stood about "The Cause of World Unrest,' is an? Man Who Plans awed and dismayed by the extent of the destruction. A state attempt to prove the authenticity «f AUSTRALIAN LABOR CONGRESS sor Ascoli had been suffering from a prolonged and serious Illness. OPPOSES' I M J K I G R A T I O N . ' relief organization began its work. A campaign for funds 'was the Protocols by comparing the pro-; His Future Systematically launched; homeless were given temporary food and shelter; gram contained therein with the trend London. (J. T. Agency.) The anant Holds to His Plan streets were "cleared and cities were lighted. of current events. The thesis of the nual Congress of the Australian Arabs Publish Volume on Jaffa Persistently Disorders. lifeading Jews of Colorado immediately sensed their responsi- anonymous writer, as stated on page Labor Party now meetiBg a t Melbility in view of .the terrible plight of their brethern. Reform 92, is that the Protocols predict 'a bourne has adopted a. resolution Jerusalem. (J. T. Agency.) Th-j Will Attain Success as 'Jew and Orthodox; Zionist and non-Zionist; radical and conser- world revolution, and a world revolu- urging the government to cease Arab Committee of Jaffa is to pubNatural Course of 'Events yative—all joined to aid their eo-relijrionists. tion carried out by a Jewish organiza- giving state aid to immigrants and. lish a volume on the. recent disturA Savings Acco-ant is One •"We do not want aid from the state," they said. "We take tion, and that the revolution now in to take steps to discourage -immigra- bance in Jaffa and the surrounding tion as far as possible. • of these Essentials that Care of our own." progress,—the Bolshevist revolution, Thoughtful Man An appeal fat funds was made to co-religionists near and far. is in fact carried on mainly by Jews, Cannot be Disre•There, was an immediate response. The Jewish Welfare Fed- and is an attempt iat-a world revolu- BRINGING NAJIES OF 36,660 Interest on g if his Success is to 4%: eration of Omaha sent a substantial sum. Many individuals also tion.' As proof that Bolshevism is a UKRAINIAN POGROM VICTIMS. Interest compounded ^rti«trtep«y. JDeiM»»l*« !«•>• be a Certainty. [dispatched, pei*sonal contributions. Similar action ~was taken in Jewish movement, the writer presents London. <J. T. Agency.) A. Belkin, tected by I>cpo«Her«» ADLER & FORBES levery state in the union. < ' •Gflnranty Fni»<1 vt twe an astounding mass of half truths and the representative of the Canadian Remember It Takes Only $j. State «rf Jfel»»^i«Iti». Yomr BAKERY ' 'Now homes are being established for our unfortunate utter falsehoods. If the book had Relief Committeej left today for funds subject t o \rttfcto Start Your Account drawad wttlion* notice. forethern. 'Many are being re-established in business. There is been written by the most bitter anti- America carrying a list oi 30,000 have purchased a new bak& general feeling, of brotherly love and sacrifice. Semite for the purpose of inciting names of Ukrainian pogrom victims ery at 509 North Sixteenth But even great-tragedies as these are but ripples on the hatred against the Jew in this coun- who have relatives in the United street. great sea of life. Soon we will forget. But even so, the gentile try, it could not have been more in- States and Canada. tSr. Belkm will Eighteenth and Pamaia Streets Open for business July jworld" again has. been impressed and imbued with the idea that sidously presented to accomplish that make en attempt to bring relief to O. XT. Gciselman, President B. C. Ge!se!wa«. Cashier 14 with a full line of bakery "'the Jews take care of their own". "-'..' end. • ••'• *• the Jews of Ukralnia who are H. JR. Krog*, ASBlstnnt CasWer goods., "Should not the teen sense of fair economically! dependent. Keren Rayesodia-Philadelphia Churchill Presented With Torali play displayed in, the Christian Fresh bakery goods twice . ' ' . ' , . iFrom Palestine. - Science episode dictate a re-examina.. "Pledges $50,000 daily. London. (J. T. Agency.) ^Kahum tion by yom" Publishing Board of BU¥ SAFE Philadelphia. ' (J. C. B.) Four Sokolow presented Winston Chxirchill, "The Cause of World Unrest"? We, ADLER AND FORBES Hundred and. sixteen representatives Minister of Colonial Affairs, with a are confident that the members of the tof 300 Jewisli,;organizations in. PhilBAKERY Jadelphia attended the Keren Hayesod Torah sent the minister as^ a token Board Will make no invidious distinc24th and Clark Streets Conference at the Arch street theater of appreciation on the part of the tion between Jews and Christian Our guarantee and owr word is Palestine Jewry, forhis efforts on Scientists in exercising a proper reas good as a band. jon Wednesday last. The conference leceiyed a •marconigranv from Dr. behalf of Zionism. Churchill appear- gard for the sensibilities of a large . We have satisfied hundreds of your friends. [Weizmann on. board the- steamer ed deeply moved and in an enthosi- section of their fellow -citizens;" astic address reaffirmed his sympathy Omaha's In replying to this communication • After a strong^- appeal by Dr. for the Jewish people. Newest and Finest Equiped the publishers stated in part: Bath-House. JSchmarya Levin, pledges to §50,000 "We agree with you that the book Baths, Massage Sot Packs, Elec1514 Dodge Street. .were mad£ and ?5,000 in cash were PLEADS GUILT* OF in its entirety "is calculated to do intric Treatment, InhalatoriEaa. Phone: Douglas 5619—— C o l l e c t e d . - " .'••'•:" ••• KOTKOV MUBDEE justice to the Jewish people of the Rabbi H..L. Leventhai addressed the New York. <J. C B. Service.) world. We should, on more grounds •gathering and urged all Philadelphian Frank Cansassee of 249 NortfrEigat'h than one, not be interested in TCOJI3evrs. of whatever shade of opinion to street, Brooklyn, and Alphonse Vero- timimg the publication of the book CONCANNON BSOS., co-operate in the work for the "Keren na of-Woodhav«n have both pleaded in its present form, and we have de1401 Farnam St., Basement Entrance. guilty of the killing of Professor Kot- cided to print no further supplies." Hayesod.. ,: : ,, ; Telephone: Tyler 5731 Mr. Jacob" Ginsberg, editor of the kov of jthe Jewish Theological Setni•^Jewish World, ,was3 elected chairman nary of Manhattan. This brings the Major Morris Proceeding to OMAHA, NEB. Warsaw. * *>f the convention, and; Mr. "Martin O. list to four involved in the crime. . Levy, of the.Order B'rxthjSholom, its Two- others Jiave. already been con- , Vienna. ( J . T . Agency.) Major vidted and are; now in the deathi-house Morris, Chief of the Palestine Imsecretary.;. : at Sing Sing." migration Department proceed^ from I WE FUSKISH-ALL-FORMS OF IKSUiRANdB. ' • here to Warsaw. .40 Chalutzin tyho ' PoW Rejoice at S." • PERSONAL SERVICE WITH EACH For Either Boys "Joint" Offices in Warsaw received ."visas from, him whilefo&wa£ ,' Eetisioh. in this city are to proceed to Jaffa S POUCY — LARGE OR SMALL Reopened. Warsaw. (J- T. Agency:) In govor; Girls During daring the next week.' ; Warsaw. (J. T. Agency.) The local eminent .circles here there is considYour Sparfe Time erable satisfaction over^a decision by offices of the Joint Distribution Comthe Council of the League of Na- mittee, which had been closed since CALt OR WRITE tions, according to which complaints last week when, strike-breakers em5th jfloor Saunders-Kennedy Bldg. Heal Passsly Loaf forwarded by National' Minorities to ployed were discharged,' have been Tel.* Tyler B160. C H I R O P O D I S T A N D B E A U T Y the Council are to be published only reopened. New employees were acYota SH0P U^-ri' ' •*£&,;( 5n cases where the written, complaint cepted on condition that they might f-'M-.'r EstaWIsbca 1800 •"'•"'•"'• 207-9 'N. 13th S t , Omaha, Neb. is not officially answered by the gov-be removed at any time without adBA3QSTO OO. ICtb ;and Haratr. "Dontlii M33. JAY vance ernment against whom, it is made.


futman Publishers Cancel Anti-Semitic "ftotoc©!" feblieatioiis

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Girl Leaves For California

will have a fire that will remind us of the horrible doings in Europe. Are your dollars that you get for your work, worth it%,.. Haven't you something to account for that can't "be paid in dollars, .no" matter how -many Ford draws from his automobile business and pays you in his publication business ? Think about it, Billy, think about it hard, think about it in the light of all that you have stood for in the past and of 'the use you should •put your talents to In the future, a service that may not be measured by so much "jack" as you are reported as having expressed it, but a service that would leave you thinking more highly of yourself. Think about, it, Billy. And just another thing. I feel sure that when you sent special delivery letters to the daily papers saying that I had printed anything about you or your doing "with malice," yon didn't believe it yourself. You were ordered to do it, snd the source that ordered it controls the check you get at the end of the month.


PROMINENT JOHANNESBURG JEW DIES. London. (J. T. Agency.) David Stanfield, one of the leaders of the Jewish Community of Johannesburg, died there yesterday. Mr. Stanfield lias been active in the matter of 'Ukrainian refugees and has Twen instrumental in transferring a number

Mr. Mas Orkin and daughter, Miss Miss Bernice Kulakoisky, who took Carlyne, left Tuesday to spend active, charge of printing the Cen-was the first girl to be .honored with several weeks in New York and a t tral High School '"Register" follow- the position->of editor-in-chief of the That's what W. J. Cameron, editor of the "Dearborn ]] school paper. During her four years Atlantic City. . ing the: dismissal of the editor, left she was active in all high school Indepehclerif", Ford's anti-semltic -Journal, told friends i n ' Detroit. E. G. Pipp, of *Pipp's Weekly", recently broughtduring the past week for California enterprises. Nearly every -club dealout this fact in an open letter to Cameron which is here-! Mr. and Jars. S. H. Schaefer re- where she will enter the University ing with school activities carried with printed. f turned Tuesday- - after spending of California in the fall. She wasMiss Kulakofsky's name on its roster. of these to South Africa. several weeks in Milwaukee and accompanied by her mother, Mrs. R. She was one of the leading officers Cincinnati. " Kulakofsky, president of the Jewish at Camp Brewester and while she atJewish Relief Transports Dear Billy: . | you are using, study their progress Welfare organisation. tended camp, she edited the "Camp Arrive in Russia. I have Just read over the proof of •and their finish. Mr., and Mrs. Henry Rosenthal Miss Kulakofsky was voted the Brewster Goat," the official paper of the article in another part of this Paga. (J. T. Agency.) Soviet. If all -of your books are those of and daughter, Beatrice, and son, best girl executive in the school. She the cantp. authorities announce that during -the paper, and find it a little sharper anti-Semites, turn to the unbiased Robert, leave Friday to spend six last six months 125 carloads of food, letter than 1 ever expected to write Encyclopaedia Britannica, and read weeks in California. clothing and medicine sent by the Trim Omaha1 Bee Team to you in a public "way, and yet I feel the articles under the title of "AntiKRASNE-GOODSON. Jews of the United States and Canada that it is milder than it should be.' Semitism," and you will find enough The B'nai Ami Base Bali Club A ^ very pretty summer wedding Mr. Harry May and daughter, Miss have been distributed in Eufssia and A friend of yours who is also a there to convince you that there is Myrtle, are spending the week at the defeated the Omaha Daily Bee team was held Sunday evening at the the Ukraine. 125 add.itio-.ial carSunday, July 10, by a score of 19 "bloodshed in the campaign you are he was talkBlackstone Hotel, when Miss Evelyn friend of mine says that Henry Hiller home, before returning v loads have arrived in Baltic ports. . to 8. The B'nai Ami will play the waging if you continue it to its ing with you on your Jewish articles Tania Goodson, daughter of Dr. and to their home in Los Angeles. Thorpeian Athletic Crab a t Miller Mrs. A. E. Goodson. of Sacramento, in the Ford paper and that you declare logical end along the lines you have Park, Sunday, July 17 ' California, became the bride' of Leothat you dread it -every time you have been going. JEW APPOINTED JUSTICE Hiss Bertha Hardy will entertain to write one of them, and that your Campaigns of race hatred always Roy Krasne of Council Bluffs. The Mayor Hylan of New York City at a luncheon at her home Tuesday are accompanied by personal anihas announced the appointment of The Flowers of Zion held its in- bride was beautifully gowned in heart is not in the work. for Miss Stella Wcolfson, whose Moses Herman, a Jew, a;s Justice of marriage to Mr.' Meyer Friedman stallation of offcers at Ehnwood white satin embroidered in crystal His report is that lie asked yon why mosities. You can't prevent it any you do it then, and you stated that more than you can prevent the rays beads. Her veil, which was coronet the. Court of Special Sessions. The Park Sunday afternoon, after which takes place next Tursday. appointment is for a terra of 14 years gifts were presented to those mem- shaped, was of tulle over a long you '"are getting the jack for doing of the sun from burning the desert. it." • . .• : . It- takes but a fool act of some -one and carries \rith it a salary of §10,-. Mr. and Mrs. Boris Pred are at bers who were - graduated from court train of satin which was carto strike the flame that ends in horI am betraying no confidence in say; 000 per annum. ried by little Beverly Miller and Mount Clemens, Michigan, where public school this -year. \ •• _ rors and loss of lives. ing that you have -expressed your disPauline Bernstein. Miss Esther they will remain for several weeks, CHINESE JEWS PROTEST gust with the work many times, for Don't fool yourself into thinking Warsaw. (J. T. Agency.) Dr. later going on to New York. Mrs. Philip A. Belmont had as her Belmont, as maid-of-honor was you. have done i t with so many that that your campaign is not already SIBERIAN POGROMS. Bogen, chief of the relief work here, •charmingly gowned in pink and Miss guests for several days this week, London. J. T. Agency.) A report received representatives of striking it is almost common talk. bearing fruit of the most miserable ". Rabbi and Mrs. M. N. Taxon and her cousin, Miss Ida Cohn of New•Carrie Rosenthal of Norfolk as from Shanghai, 'China, tells of a huge officials of the Joint Distribution I don't think.yoa meant the last kind. family leave next "Wednesday to "be"York 'and Miss. Ann-Newjnark, who •bridesmaid in pink and silver. The line of that letter which- you sent to mass meeting held there as protest Committee and informed them that You are creating prejudice among gone until the later part of August. are on their-way to"'California to ribbon stretchers, Misses Ruth Bern- the papers of Detroit in which you many. The hundreds of thousands of against the massacres of 3evrs conhe -would never consent to pay them stein, Ruth KrasEB of Fullerton, They "will visit in Chicago, Leruis- spend severaF'nTonths. '• ~ Leah Krasne and Sara Eair, were stated I told about your proposed ar- papers you and Ford are sending out ducted by Baron Uugern, a counter- the bonus coveting Increased living ville, and Columbus, Ohio, later going gowned in rainbow hued chiffon. Mr. ticles against the Catholics "through are bringing pangs of sorrow to revolutionary general now in control costs 'unless he were forced to do so. on to Magnetic Springs, Ohio. Mrs. Sol Klein and children are Millard Krasne acted as best man malice." young Jewish men and yoting women of the Siberian province of Urga. Adat Lake Gkoboji. every day, young men and young miral Joseph Strauss was one of the I dont believe you can get your and Rabbi Morris Taxon officiated. Miss Rhea Fromkin, who has been women -and older men and elder wo- speakers at the last meeting. own family to believe that I would associated with the Refinite Com- Mrs. S. Hirschberg . entertained at Mr. and Mrs. Krasne left for have malice in any action toward you, men who even while you are at work pany of this city for some time, has dinner at her home on Tuesday for Colorado Springs and upon their or make any one -else believe it, any- in your campaign of "islander against SYRIA BATS ZIONISTS. been transferred to New York, where Mrs. AL Grombach and daughters return will be at home in Council one who knows anything about our them, are in gatherings of their Jerusalem. (J. T. Agency.) The she will take the position of office of Chicago, who are visiting here. Bluffs. relations -daring. the past eighteen own, working for a better citizenship, "Damascus Gazette"".reports that the manager of that district. striving for self-improvement and French officials in Syria have refused years. WINS FROM BLUFFS to•.permit' Jews desiring to go to developing kindliness 'and loyalty. : Disappointed, yes, that you should By Nathan Green Mrs. D. B. Gross and' daughters, Mrs. H. Hirschmann. and children ... a n d b u y t h e m " ' a t •-•' lend yourself to such an unholy cause The next time you get your pay Palestine to land a t Beirut. ColTJno and Naomi, are spending the are with Mrs. Hirschmann's sister, The Omahan's Y. M. H. A. defeated as stirring, up race and religious hat- check, have it cashed in dolhsr Mils. lections for the Jewish National Fund" summer at the seashore, air Wood- Mrs. F. M. Krasne, at Fullerion, the Council Bluffs' B'nai B'rith Sun- red in this tountry because Ford has Then take every doUar by itself, have also teen prohibited. •-.--•_ day by a seore of 8 to 4. mont and New Haven, Connecticut, N e b r a s k a . piled one raise after another on your hold each ill-gotten dollar in front The game was hotly played. Bat salary, when nearly everyone with of you and say to yourself: "For that: •with Mrs. Gross' sister, Mrs. George ROOM WANTED South leth Stree* Mr. and Mrs.- M. Solomon and the "Y" players still carried their bat- whom you have talked frsely knows L. "Weiss and Mr, ^Weiss of New Young man desires room in private dollar I made it harder for some family, formerly of Council Bluffs, ting togs and •again batted their way P&one Bonglas MOO Haven. . home of refined people. With or withthat you shrink from the task, when are now in their new home at 3606 to victory with the "heavy slugging of everyone knows you are misusing the Jewish girl hunting -a job {tto get that out "board. Box 341 Jewish Press. job," and for this dollar, l brought Bernstein, Slobodinsky and Swartz. splendid talents nature has given you about a feeling of prejudice in the The Omaha Junior Hadaasah Unit 3>avenport. Street. Bernstein again on the mound for the in going right contrary to the spirit heart of an employer so that a Jewhas discontinued regular meetings Mrs. J. Felson of Winnipeg, Can- "Y" team a t first seemed wild to the of Americanism, in trying to make ish young man had to hunt until the first Wednesday in Septemada, announced the engagement- of Iowans and in the second inning of this a country' in which at least those where,* and lor this dollar, ber, i her daughter, Bess, to Mr. Joe jShine the game, after allowing the Iowans Of one race shall not be free to wor- brought sorrow to the heart of Miss Edythe Freiden entertained of Spencer, la.- For the past several *° score once, allowed this next three ship God according ta the dictates of Jewish mother who thought, that hy sixteen at her home Sriday for Miss years Miss Felson has been making \ batters free passes to the initial bag-, their own consciences. coming to this land of the free her Tillie Polsky of Lincoln who as her home in Omaha. The wedding —but' he quickly recovered and vrfih You are fooling with the most dan- children vrould be freed from old visiting with Miss Faye Garelick. will probably talce place in Omaha in the aid of his team mates cfaickly re- gerous piece of fire that anyone has falsehoods," and for this dollar, "1 tired the next three batters without taken hold of in this country In a long the early fall. d e l i v e r s tills made some Jevrish patriarch •wonder allowing the men on bases to score. time. Miss -Sophye Weinstein, principal, '•» beautiful cabinet if this-really is the land he thought Mr. asd Mrs. Harry Wilinsky and Kooper again in the uniform of the I believe that if you rfealiy realized it was,?' and for this dollar, "I added of !the Sunday School of the City G r a f o : n . o 1 a to "Y" team, took his old place, receivTalmud Torah, has announced that children and Harry Green left today ing behind the bat, and "talked* up" what you are-, doing, what potential- t o ' bigotry where there should be your home. Your choice the children of the Sunday Scfiobi; on a-motto trip to Chicago, northern his team mates and kept them on ities there are of murder,. Tiot and tolerance," aad for this dollar, "1 of nialiogaur, \valirat of have presented to the Jewish Wei- Minnesota and Canada, massacre in the strife you are stirring created at least a little feeling of their feet throughout the game. g o l d e n oak finishes. fare Federation a check for ?50. up yoa wouldn't do it for several times hatred of Christian for Jew and of Manager J. Krasne of the Council TMs is the most popuMr. and Mrs. Al Dreyfoos will soon Bluffs team had greatly strengthened the .price you are getting, the dearest Jew for Christian," and for this dolRabbi Morris Taxon, in. accordance leave on a motor with Mr. and Mrs. lar, "I made a little kink in the conmoney you ever.earned. lar of all Columbia GvaMs team with the annexation of sevKv-ith his yearly custom, will .give a Louis Hiller to Colorado. stitution which guaxajvtuees religious And I believe that if Ford knew eral university students who are home fouolas and lias been reresume of the work of this year, freedom to all," and for this dollar for the summer vacation. The Bluffs l i e danger there is ia what he is doduced from $120 back Satnzday Kiorniftg a t the synagogue Mrs..' Ms • Rosensteia fe •visiting in "I have tried to bring a feeling of players however could only scrape up ing he would stop it right short. a± Nineteenth and Burt Streets. distrust toward men who served our to old-time prices as beNew York city and will 'remain -anti! seven scattered Mts throughout the Men's nature doesn't change very country well in time of war," and for ; fore the war. about the middle of August. game. Kensworthy on the mound for much*in a hundred years,"or'in a all these dollars together I have built Rose, Esther, Jeannette and Morris the Iowans held the Omahans in check, thousand years for that "matter, much a pile^f tinder, and all it needs is Zellikson of Tulsa, Oklahoma, formerDr. A. E. Goodson of Sacramento, striking out fifteen of the "Y" team- less in a half century. someone to strike a snatch and we ly of Omaha, motored here to spend California, who has been visiting at-men.* J. Krasne, catcher of the Bluffs ^ are not immune from the passeveral weeks with relatives. the hom« of Mrs. Philip Belmont, j team, gathered two of the seven hits sions, prejudices and mistakes of the Pay the balance at $1.50 per week. There is no reason for . that were allowed to that team. old world; We feel we have improved Mr. and Mrs. A. Lack, of Okamul- departed for his home today. any home to be "without music when we offer such & 'wonWith the defeat of the Bluffs team on them some, and we have, but right Office Hours 9 to 12 a. m.; gee, Oklahoma, returned to their derful saving as this, and our terras of $1 <knvn are in for the second time this season, at the in our own country are many of the home Sunday, after upending the 2 to 6 p. m. reacli of every purse. Call tomorrow, select year Gra•iTxai-rai., «iiw u « . ^ u . i.»u hands of the Omahans, the "Y?'.team same mentality that has broken out week here with Mrs. S. A. Rice. fonola and records and we deliver the complete outfit to J leave Saturday to spend several "copped" the championship of the in riots in Europe, and has broken your home. ; at Lake Okoboji. Jewish teams of Iowa and Nebraska. out in riots in this country. Miss Tillie Rice is in California Following is the line-up of the two 5,000 Columbia DouWe Disc Retired "Records, former Take your own campaign, the camspending the summer with Mr. and price $1.00, latest song ar.d instrumental hits by the Miss Florence Shames leaves Mon- teams: CHIROPODIST paign in which you are furnishing Mrs. D. Richards at Los Angeles. •world's famoas artists. NOW O3SJ day for Des Moines, where she will X. M. H. A. the brains. Ford the money, and AB H E SALE a t Telephone Douglas 5165 Somberg, l b 1 1 spend several weeks with Mr. and Liebold the prejudices, and see how Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hiller returnMendelson, 2b 1 1 1 0 Kooper, C your start compares With the starts, Room 294 Bashiaan Block ed Tuesday after spending the past Mrs. J . Shames and Mrs. Harry Bernstein, 4 2 2 0 P SehlesHigejy later she: will go to of similar campaigns in Europe. Read 5 2 0 Swartz, SS six monihs~in California. 16th and Douglas Sts. 1 2 0 kinsman, Bf Lake OkoTjoji.

"Say It.With



:, 6. S. OTCMii


Slobodisky, Sb


0 their arguments and see how they

Brown, Cf "2 O match to a T with the arguments ^ Miss Dora Wolowitz entertained ...1 0 0 Green, M „Miss Rose Lipman of: Bassett, Hose. U 0 0 sixteen guests informally at her home Sunday evening, for her house Nebraska, is the guest of Miss Rose Totals —37 12 8 3 guest, Hiss Erna Reitstein of Daven- Ruvel in Kansas City., Council Bluffs B'riai Erith H port, Iowa. Cheniact, Cf .—_; 4 Mrs. Harry Silv^rman entertained H. I. Krasne, l b _ Kaplan. SS 4 Mr. and Mrs. M. Krasne and Mr.at a bridge, luncheon last Thursday J. Krasne, C _^_ 3 iat lier home. A. Freiden, 3b . Sam Weinberg of Fremont, Nebraska, 4 Ec&nomiczl Trznsportstion-Bosenthal, 2b -~ and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Horn of Gilinsky. IX 4 D. Freidpn, Rf , The Misses. Florence and Jeannette 1 this city motored to Lake MinneKensworthy, P . —.3 4 tonka, Minnesota, for a four week Shames entertained one hundred -and J. Cberniacfc, IA twenty-five guests at a dancing party fishing trip. Totals.~— i Friday evening at Hanscom Park B H B Store.by Imaimrs: M. H. A. . 0 2 2 0 0 3 0 0 1—S 12 price of Chevrolet A dancing party was given Tues- pavilion for Mr. and Mrs. J . M. T. _0 1.2.0 0 0 0 1 O—4 7 B'nai B'rith day evening for Miss Gertrude Romm falashock j h o recently returned JL "Four*Ninety" gives you Summary: . Home Runs: Bernstein; Three, base hits: by fifteen couples to celebrate Miss from their honeymoon. fee opportunity to realise your Bernstein, Mendelson. Two base hits: Romm's birthday. Brown. Stolen liases: Mendelsoa, Kooper, .The Women's Auxiliary of the Bern'stelrv . Linsraan, SIobodisky, Brown, desire for a complete, dependI. Krasne, Kensworthy, 3. Krniinx:. Double Independent Order of the B'nai B'rith plays: Swartz to Mendelson to Somberfr. The engagement" of Miss Jewel able automobile whose first Hits: oil Bernstein 7, dfr.Kens-wortliy 12Strnckont: by Bernstein 13, by KensTucker of Bridgeport, Connecticut^ have adjourned until September 8. cost and maintenance you can worthy IS. Bases on balls: oft: Bernstein to Mr. A. Wolfson of this city has 5. oft" Kensworthy 4. Left on buses: T. M. Mr. and Mrs! H. G. Kantor, of H. A. 5, B'nai B'rith 4. Time of game: afford. been announced. The wedding will East Orange, New Jersey, have been one Sou* ana fifty minutes. take place in the early Fall. house guests a t the M. Fanger home Peoples Relief Sends 9th Relief The fiftieth wedding anniversary daring the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Kantor, who are on their honeymoon Ship to War Victims of Mr. and Mrs. A. Glick was trip, attended Columbia University New York. (J. C. B.) The steamer celebrated at the home of their daughter, Mrs. J. V. RosenWuai-and 'with. Ben Fanger during the past "Bredclide" left here for Danzig with Mr. Rosenblum, Sunday, when a year. Mr. Kantor and. Mr. Fanger a huge supply of foodstuffs and raifamily reunion was held. Mr. andare members of Sigma Alpha Mu, ment which will be distributed among the War and pogrom victims in ViMrs. Harry Glick of-Chicago were a•. national' fraternity., enna, Libau, Riga, Dwinsk, Kovno and the out-of-town guests. A daughter was bom to Mr. andLemberg. This is the 9th shipment Victor H. Eisler, son of Mr. andMrs. John Robinson of Norfolk, of the Peoples Relief Committee; preMrs. Albert Eisler, who has been Nebraska. ;-Mrs. Eobinson, formerly parations for two more are going on. very ill at the Nicholas Senn, is of Omaha, is the daughter of Mr, Berlin. (J. T. Agency.) Dr. Arand Mrs. E . Jacobs, of this city. now convalescing at home. thur Ruppin and Mr. M. M. UssishMr. and Mrs. Selwyn Jacobs and Harry and Nathan Robinson, Dave kin have been in th* city fer several small, son left today to motor to Ravitz and William and Phineas days. They leave, very shortly for Chicago where they will stay for Wintroub motored to Lake Okoboji the meeting of the,Greater Actions in several weeks. for several weeks. •





Phone Doug. 1623.





Days Starting A Sunday *x

Harry Carey m

"Desperate Trails"

greater than the THUBDSDAT


"The Mask"

PAGE 4—1HE JEWISH FRESS THURSDAY, JULY 14, f youths of their day left the quiet City.. .They will be gone for. about HEBREW UNION ELECTION tension; $37,000 for the executive cloisters of the college for the hardsix weeks. Cincinnati, Ohio.—Charles M. Shohl offices of the Union of American Heships of the camp and the terrors of of Cincinnati is the new President of brew Congregations, in the DuttonA Story of Early Newport. * ^ By Elma Ehrlich Levinger. the battlefield. And' to Lopez it was Sent by our Council Bluffs News Miss Rose RosenthaJ entertained the Union of-American Hebrew Con- hofer Building, Cincinnati; $27,000' ar. unfailing source of joy that even for ten guests Saturday night at a gregations. The union is the centra! for its New York offices, and $15,000 (Copyright, 1921, by Elma Ehrlich Levinger.) (AJ1 rights reserved.) bureau. in his' retreat he need not withhold slumber party. The following guests national governing body of the Re-for the Chicago offices; also §32,000 were present: Misses Bertha Mosow form Hebrews of America. Mr. Shohl, for the Union Bulletin, the official . Two men walked slowly up the West Indies.-1 do not boast idly when his. benefactions; to this day the-Leicester Academy stands.as a memorial The Hebrew Educational Club of of Sioux City, Gertrude Levine, Jen- who succeeds the late J. Walter Frei- monthly organ of the union. shady streets of Newport in the early I say that I and a number of my of the Jewish merchant's wide charity Council Bluffs will hold its first outnie Katelman, Rose Kraft, Rebecca berg, was chosen at a meeting of the .days of the bustling seaport town. brethren have done much to add to the and love for learning. ing this Sunday at Big Lake. This Bercovici, Molly Saltzman, Marie Executive Board held in Cincinnati. JEWS IN POLAND AWAIT In those untroubled times before the material wealth of this town.with our AMERICAN VISAS. Revolution. Newport far surpassed trading, our whale 'fisheries, our But his heart turned ever toward is the first of a series of outings and Racusln, B. Mitchell, Rose Rosen- He has been a member of the Boai'd Warsaw (J. T. Agency.) The Polish New York as a commercial center and manufucturing of sperm oil and cand- Newport and when peace was declared picnics that will be given for thethai arid Mrs. B. Abrahamson. of Governors of the Hebrew Union was a fair rival to other New England les we Jews of Lisbon did ourselves he set out for the little seaport town benefit of the members of the HeCollege and has been on other boards Government has granted passports to Mrs. Ike Kramer and children ar- prominently interested in Jewish 100,000 Jews in Poland who are still ports. And even those who had often introduce here. Nor is it the least of where but a handful of the Jewish brew Educational club, and also for sneered at Roger William's colony for my pride that my wealth has ever population remained. His heart sang friends of the members. At the last rived from Lincoln Sunday morning. affairs. awaiting Visas from the American taking in such scum as Quakers and been at the call of the sick and the with joy at the thought that his exile regular meeting of the club, com- Mrs. Kramer and children had been Maurice J. Freiberg, brother of the Consuls. But due to the unlikeliJews were forced to confess that it fatherless and all those in distress." was over; yet he felt vaguely troubled mittees were appointed for the affair. spending the week at Lincoln with late J. Walter Freiberg, was elected hood of the granting of many Visas, was Jewish gold brought from Spain friends.. a member of the Executive Board to the Polish Government has temporari"Both Jew and Christian," supple- and ill at ease. Nor were-his fears and Portugal, husbanded and increas- mented the clergyman warmly. "Like unfounded. A halt on the road as The city. Talmud Torah school fill the vacancy caused by his brother's ly interrupted the issiiance of passed by Jewish sagacity, that had help- Job of old you have fed the hungry they journeyed in_. their lumbering classes, composed of boys between Miss Rose Rosenthal of El Paso, (ieath. Sigmund Eheinstrom of Cin- ports. coach after the manner of travel in the ages qf six and fourteen have Texas, who had been the house guest ckmati wag elected vice-president to ed to fill the fair harbor with trading and clothed the naked." vessels, bound to the uttermost ends "Yea, I am respected by my people those days—a plunging horse—a mis- organized baseball teams for their of her uncle Mr. S. Rosenthal, left succeed Mr. Shohl. FATHER OF MADAM CURIE step into a bed of treacherous quick- respective classes. The pupils of theTuesday for Chicago and Detroit. of the earth. • , A tentative plan was adopted for WAS'JEW;-MOTHER, CHRISTIAN and yours," answered Lopez. "Instead sand It was only a lifeless body Madam Curie, who is just at presdisbursing pensions to retired rabbis The two who walked together under of life under the terrors of the Inqui- the mourners brought back to rest in Talmud Torah have arranged a reg"Born to Mr. and Mrs. Fred K. ular; schedule of games that will be ent holding the interest of the enfrom a fund of $100,000 donated some sition I know peace and plenty in this the broad-spreading trees presented flayed at the Mynster street park, Cherniss, July 1, a son, Stanley years ago.by the late Jacob H. SchifT. tire civilized world, is the daughter a strong contrast. The Reverend Ezra place which has been so hospitable to the Jewish cemetery at Newport. This provides for pensions ranging of a Polish professor, a born Jew, Stiles in his clerical garb with his sub- my unhappy race that your own Cot- They left him sleeping there beneath Sixth and Mynster streets. The first Robert. from $1,000 to $2,500, but not exceed- and a .Christian mother. dued voice and measured walk was a ton Mather has called Rhode Island, the epitaph his good friend, the Rev. game of the tournament was played last Sunday when the fourth and fifth A baby boy was born to Mr. and ing 50 per-cent of the last salary refine example of what has long been 'the common receptable of the con-Ezra Stiles had composed for him. known as the "New England type;" a victs of Jerusalem and the outcasts, "Hospitality, Liberality and Benevol- classes met on the field. The fourth Mrs. Harry Cohen Monday night. ceived. One Million Marks for Refugees Yankee^ born and bred, the - learned of the land.' So I have tried to show ence were his true characteristics," class easily defeated the fifth class Budget appropriations for the enVienna. (J. T. Agency.) The local president of Yale college was a my gratitude to you of another faith wrote the scholarly president of Yale by a score of 19 to 6. Ben ZcJorewill POLES AGITATE AGAINST suing year were- made. These exceed relief committee has assigned one College. "His knowledge in commerce and Solomon Michnick, manager and ENGLAND. worthy descendent of those students who have dealt so kindly .with me and $500,000 and include $113,500 for the million marks for the relief .of and gentlemen whose scholarly attain- mine. Perhaps some day I may bewas unbounded and his integrity ir- captain of the fourth class, led their Warsaw. (J. T. Agency.) Agita- Hebrew Union College, .Cincinnati; Ukrainian refugees in Galicia and ments and high ideals helped to layable to do more," he added, never reproachable." He paused in his writ- team to victory in the first contest. tion here against Great Britain con- $62,000 for synagogue and school exVohlinia. the foundations of our republic The' dreaming of the sacrifices he and ing and over the serenity of his Games will be played every week by tinues. England is accused of pera strange smile the Talmud Torah school classes at mitting the entrance of German man who walked at his • side was other patriots would soon be called delicate features shorter, somewhat stocky m figure, upon to make for the liberty-seeking flittered as his thoughtful eyes looked Mynster street park. troops into Upper Silesia and of swarthy as a Spaniard, who supple- colonies. "Surely, I should bj| right through his study window upon the working hand in hand with the Jews bright beauty of the spring landscape. Mrs. M. Krasne and daughter Leah in influencing world public opinion mented his rapdd^ colorful speech with happy." His mind-wandered back to those days quick, vivid gestures, strangely for"No man should be more grateful before the Revolution when he and his left Monday evening on a motor trip against Poland. eign in the quiet seacoast town. It for all the good things, that have come to Oakland, Nebraska, where they Jewish friend had talked together a t will remain with relatives during the took only a, glance to tell that.some- to him," agreed Ezra Stiles. STRIKING KEHILLAH OFFICIALS thing other than ties of blood and race . Aaron Lopez laughed and there was the gate of the Jewish cemetery. "His week. RECEIVE $2000 FROM AMERICA. cemented the friendship between the a hint of mockery in his laughter. faith was greater than mine," mused Warsaw. (J. T. Agency.) It was Reverend Ezra Stiles and his: fellow- "There is a legend among my people Stiles. "Why should I mourn one who Miss R. Nekitz of-New York City announced yesterday that the officials has found rest at last within his townsman, Aaron. Lopez. that we must fill a huge urn with our House of Life?" arrived Sunday morning as the house of the local Kehillah now on strike • "I had a strange dream about you, tears before our Messiah comes to reguest of her cousin, Mrs. J. Krasne. received $2000 from America to aid Mr. Lopez," said the minister, as they deem us," he said. "Perhaps that is Miss Nekitz will remain here during them in their struggle. The exact at prices VOTR have not paced slowly together, talking of why we Jews are given to weeping the summer. source of the money was not disk in fire years many things. "Last night I dreamed over—-much—that we may each conclosed. I died and though I stood in the courts tribute our share of the tears. Maybe Sent by our Des Moines News Miss' Rina Snyder left Sunday of Heaven I felt strangely sad andthat is why, although God gives us bureau. morning to visit with friends at JEWS ELECTED TO ITALIAN said to the angel who had brought me courage in days of darkness, we misWalthill, Nebr. Miss Snyder will rePARLIAMENT there: 'Will I not be lonely here after trust the little joy He sends us and main at Walthill for the week-end. Paris. (J. T. Agency.) A report all, even, though I join many of my fear even in our greatest gladness. As * The Misses Jeannette Lutz, from Rome states that eight - Jews loved ones who have gone before me?' I explained to you when you wondered and Minnie Friedman left Saturday Miss Ruth Krasne of Fullerton, elected to the Italian parliament in morning fo ra two weeks' outing at For all my life I have longed t o meet why a glass was- shattered when you Nebr., who arrived for the Krasne- the last election. those great pagan souls, Socrates and attended the wedding of one of my Lake Okoboji. GoOdson wedding, will remain in the Marcus Aurelius; and how can I feel 'nieces last month. For even, when we ; "Bluffs for the week-end and will then Miss Anne "Berlavieh, 508 Clark entirely a t home without such good rejoice with the.bride arid bridegroom return to her home at Fullerton. friends as you, Mr. Lopez, and Mr. we mourn the shattered fortunes of street, entertained at a week-end W-j Finest special Eagle weaves. Pas-see Percale, Riviera and the worthy Rabbi Kari- our Jerusalem and our scattered house party in Tionor of Miss 'Esther Mrs. S. Glazier and child arrived Cardiff cord, Calais cord, Margate jnadras, Kolgel? Surely, the delights of Paradise people . . So, perhaps, it is not strange Zalk of Omaha who ia the guest of from Fort Dodge, Iowa, today, to Miss Cecelia Lazarus. The weekrend should not be denied such upright'men that I, being a Jew, am sometimes so ton shirtings. Lustra -flilkcloth—a woarld o£ as you and your brethren of Newport, gloomy even in the midst of my was informally spent with six Couples send several weeks with her relatives. She was. accompanied by Miss Fannie bestrfifnl •. exclusive' patterns, fabrics, colorings. even if you still continue to deny the prosperity. For who knows when tlje motoring Monday to Colfax for an all One who came to save your race as darkness may fall upon us of Israel? day picnic. In the evening they re- Gilinsky. How can we ever hope to be at rest, turned for a porch dance at the Berwell as the whole world." The semi-monthly card club held!5 All Sizes, 14 to 17 even in this place of good-will and lovich home. Aaaron Lopez ^smiled almost indul- neighborly peace, till we rest forever its final, meeting Thursday evening j s gently a t his clerical friend's earnest^ in our House of Life?" Ask your grocers. Mrs. Michael Kohn of Chicago, at the home of Mrs. S. Mendelbaum. SEE SPECIAL SHJET WINDOWS ness. "There is truth in the old,fable formerly Miss Ethel Hillison of this Prizes were won by S. Whitebook, S. of the sun and the wind," he remark"Is it, seemly t^. doubt the Prov- city, who is visiting with Mrs. F. Neveloff and Mrs. K. Brandeis. ed. "Although the fires of persecu- idence of you?1.; God?" the minister Gordon and Mrs. Mose Jacobs, receivtion which, blazed about my brethren asked him a little sternly. ed her friends Saturday afternoon The Auction Bridge club held its in Spain and Portugal and drove us Aaron Lopez turned away from his from three to five o'clock at 718meeting this afternoon at the home to these friendly shores did not burn scmtiny of the low tombstones, his Forty-second street.' '•' OMAHA. : of Mrs. S. Snyder, 300 Oakland ave. away our., stubborn disbelief, the eyes somber .with brooding. "I do not ; CORRECT APPAEEL FOR MEN AND WOMEN Twelve mebers were present. warmth of such good Christians as doubt the God of Israel, blessed be Liebowitz-Cohen | 24th and Clark Streets. I Roger Williams and you is far more His Name," he answered. "I say only Mr. and Mrs. G. Liebowitz of New likely to melt away our hardness of that He who has blessed my people York City announce the engagement Mr. J. Krasne and son, Lawrence, P H O N E : DOUGLAS 2793. heart—of which our own. prophets and yours with peace and plenty may of their daughter, Lena, to Mr. Her-will leave during the- week for New have so often spoken." His eyes so some day withold His blessings. man Cohen, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. shrewdly keen, grew strangely -wist- Therefore do I say that the only hap- Cohen of this city, the date of the ful. "Some day many of our brethren py ones are those who sleep forever Wedding to be announced later. will forsake the faith of their fathers in the House of Life for neither storm and in the freedom of the new world nor misfortune can rouse them any Mr. and Mrs. J. Liebe and daughforget how in the,old world they died more." ' ter, Annette, of Omaha, who have that Israel might- live." He brushed It was but the inherited brooding of been visiting at . the R. Adelman his lace-befrilled hand across his eyes a persecuted race that caused Aaron home, left Sunday morning, motoras though brushing aside an unfortun- Lopez to indulge in gloomy forebodate vision. "But in that day you and ings that bright spring morning be- ing to Excelsior Springs. Mrs. AdelI, good friend, will be sleeping, each fore the Jewish cemetery. Yet the day man and daughter, Gertrude, accomin his own *House* of • Life,' and thecame and quickly when the peace of panied Mr. and Mrs. Liebe. trees that rustle above our headstone the pleasant country-side was broken GOMNERCIAl-pRIKTERS-LITHOGRAPHERS -STEElOlE EMBOSSERS will whisper only, happy tales to our by the sounds of battle and farmers Military Forces Wilna Jews tOCSE Ui&F ©EVtCES To Keep Sunday. ears." of Lexington and Concord stained Danzig. (J. T. Agency.) It is " 'The House of Life'!" the minister with their blood the land they had reported from Wilna that for some repeated doubtfully. "I .'do'not under- vowed to free forever from the tyrantime past, soldiers of General stand." ny of the English king. Zelgouski's army have forced Jewish The two in the course of their walk In the flourishing town of Newport had strolled to the entrance of theJewish history did but repeat itself. shopkeepers to remain closed on SunJewish cemetery where already slept For once again the sons of. Israel be- day. Representatives of the Jewish certain sons and daughters of Israel came exiles: and wanderers on the face Kehillah yesterday made representawho bad crossed the wide> seas to rest of the earth. The majority of the tions to the Minister of Internal at last in a : land their fathers never Jewish population in -that place ; was Affairs asking him to prevent the knew. I t was-, a peaceful place that made up of merchants, many of them further interference of the military bright spring morning, the stillness owning: the very vessels which • thearid to permit Jews to sell their Five Wash Any Cap, .broken ,only.by the. chirp of nest- king's forces siezed in the first months wares for several hours on Sunday. Ties ..._..-.. at building .birds,.the gates unguarded of the Revolution against England. 4 Pairs Fiber Silk One dozen 25c by those stately portals which Judah Because of its exposed position the Hose, 60c handkerchiefs Touro,^ that Jewish merchant of large town of Newport was an easy prey to values -.. fortune and generous heart,-was yet the British raiders who along with Whether sway «t college, on a vacation or Silk or Knit t c build as a gift to the city of hisother valuable property destroyed business trip, the hope folks will want to know Athletic Union Suits, Ties, $5.00 birth. -^ • • ; , - . . , • many of the possessions the Jewish how eveerything is going. worth $2.00 values .. "Yea, the TSouse of Life,'" answer- people had acquired through years of to $5.00 .Imagine the tingling gsstprise of the folks s t Stetaer Electric Bleated Lopez. "Your people speak of the thrift and toil. As merchants who Four Soft Collars, Chopper home at suddenly recesving your long distance and Coffee Mill. Jews as unbelievers because they do had protested against the'unfair taxAny Straw 50c to 60c greeting and the pleasure you will take in hearnot subscribe to the Christian creed- ation of England, many of them beDsed Scales of All values ........ Hat ........... ing their voices. Makes 'for Sale. came outlawed and were forced to of resurrection. Yet we believe so; even in bur darkest moments when we seek refuge in Massachusetts, among PRANK DEE Wherever you are, dKJfJ'into yotsr house and give back what we love' to the dust, them Aaron Lopez, whose vast forCity BepresentatJT* office for a few Eaimifcee each day over "Long oIG So. SOtU St. still do we praise the Lord of thetunes had greatly depreciated since Distance." . , .... Phone DOnclas 3331 whole earth and acknowledge His the ruin of American commerce and Bsites sre_.abo«t half tat wisdom. And so sure is our Jewish the seizures of the British crown. g<ts&©-to-ets,tion calls frotB S^30 p. m. to midnight; aboui onehope of life eternal that we call pur In the comparative safety of the No charges or deliveries during this sale. iourih midnigbt to 4:30 ». m. last resting place, not the Tomb, but town of Leicester, Lopez and" Riviera Hairy H. Lapidna, Pres.-TPE«». the 'House of Life.'" and others of their faith lived through JOB. Pepper, Vice-President. W. G. Ure. Secretary. The merchant's keen face grew wist- the dark days.of the Revolution. It NORTHWESTERN ful, his eyes wandered absently over was a cheering thought to the exiles BELL TELEPHONE Omaha Fixture & COMPANY the tombstones with their Hebrew in- from Spain and Portugal that they Supply Co. scriptions. " I am not the least of my now might testify through their finanCOMPLETE STORE AND brethren in this town," he said with a cial sacrifices a little of the love they OFFICE OUTFITTERS bore to the country that had given sort of simple pride, "and that is no We occupy little thing now that we number over them refuge, that the sons of their over 70,000 squars feet race from every colony, from Colonel Southwest Corner eleven hundred GOUIS, more Jews than Eleventh and Done!** fitrctta. Franks of New York to Pinto SECURITIES BUILDING 303 SOUTH 16lh STREET dwell in any other of the colonies.-1 Phone: Donjrlaa 2724 OMAHA. NEB. am the owner of thrity vessels en- brothers of Connecticut, those young gaged in trade with Europe and the students of Yale, had like so many





Des Moines News

Made'to sell this year at $2.50 to )6,sold last year at $3.50 to$7.50

I Fresh Milk Crust 1 | Bread Daily

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Sale of any Shirt i i Stock Fridaf-Saturday

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$1.39 1.39 $1.39

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Doo't -Forget-t

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