July 28, 1921

Page 1


i. \

"Whatever you si do, no m a t t e r IB how unimportant, 52 do thoroughly— with a l l y o u r might, with your whole heart and souL"

§ |j I jg § Si


*The executive should surround h i m s e l f with a sufficient s t a f f , and then content liimself with giving genera! instructions,"


VOL. I.—NO. 33.

„ S Entered as second-class maU matter en January 27th, 1921, at "*• gostofflce at Omaha, Nebraska, under the Act ot March 3, 187B. 5



Relief Ship, Carry! aothes To Suffei ^ y Sinks; Crew DroMied

Xlsts of Persons In GaJlcla Seeking Relatives In Omaha, Nebraska. L-10505 Naum Bran, i Itubinsteln, Irsvow, Omaha* Nebr. Brojerorska 10 GL-246 Mordko Feratman, A. Maltz. Ram, 121 No. 12th Str. Lemberg -• Omaha, Xebr. Xlsts of Persons in Vienna Seeking Relatives In Nebraska. V-345b Eejda, X«o Imfcis Voorhes, 22 SeUerstatte north Platte, Nebraska "Wlen 1

Omaha Contributions May Have "Been Aboard Fatal Vessel; Floating Mine is the Cause. v-us


An article by the famous writer, Israel Zangwill, containing sparkling1, anecdotes, taken from Yiddish stories. (Copyr.'silted 1921 by Jewish Correspondence Bureau.


Bnsehlnger, Pauline Adalbert Kodin. 5-18 1411 Hnrney str.. WienBurghartgasse XX Omaha, Kelir.















Einstein Denies Slur Against America; Says Paper Misquoted ffim

f M fightitt Forces in World War From New York City

All rights reserved.)


Dr. Gottfried Deutsch, of Cincinnati, who makes SPECIAL BULLETIN. a specialty of omniscience in Jewish history, say?; of V-335 me in his latest book, "Jew and Gentile": 'JTo him By Jewish Telegraphic Agency. Kruba, Rozalia »p Hlava, nee Musil "Nebraska, international vocabulary is indebted for the invention Constantinople, July 26. Nd 7 PrendteftESe of the term "Yiddish*. I t is the best name foe a "Wien XIII —According to reports redialect which in its previous form of Judeo-GensaTi V-3335c -' ceived here the steamer, Kozulia Josef KaTaii. Krnba. is awkward, and under the name of Jargon, unjust." "Ma,p.a.e n" of the InterNebraska, 7 Preindsnsse, Nevada. : "Wien XIII Far be i t from me to contradict a savant who is national Transport comT-70S ' usually in the right. But if I invented the term it pany, carrying $125,000 Schneider, Josef Ferdinand Schindler, was inadvertently. Presumably, it was in "Children worth of clothes and med- 25 Brunerstr. Nebraska. • of the Ghetto," published in 1892. At any rate, the _ icaments from the United Wlen XXI term was adopted by Alexander Harkavy of New States to the Jewish populaYork, whose "Dictionary of the Yiddish Language" is tion of Kishineff in the dated 1898, and it may be said to have been finally U:raine, struck a floating fixed when, in 1899, Leo Weiner, instructing in the mine off the coast of BulSlavic languages a t Harvard "University, published garia in the Black Sea and his excellent "History of Yiddish Literature in the sunk immediately. Nineteenth Century". , • Aboard the ship were The actual word "Yiddish" has, however, been many relief workers and a adopted into French by M. Pierre Mille in his transf ull crew. I t Is not known for certain whether any of Send Cable to American Zionist lation of "Children of the-Ghetto." On looking up Organization Containing the "Standard Dictionary of the English Language," the relief workers were Denial of Charges published by Funk and Wagnall, of New York, as early drowned, but it is known as 1903, I found, to my surprise, the word "Yiddish" for certain that none of New York. (J. C. Bureau.) The included, though it is inacurately explained as: ""a corthe crew was saved. Zionist Organization of America is in rupt form of Hebrew, a polyglot jargon used for, the receipt of a cable, from Professor AlJThere is a possible chance bert Einstein in which, he emphatically intercommunication by Jews from different nations." that some of the clothing disclaims the interview he is alleged Our recent "Oxford Dictionary," which also includes and medicaments collected to have given a Dutch journalist in it, is not much more accurate, for it defines it as "a from Omaha Jewry in the which he criticized unfavorably some mixture of Hebrew and other languages used by or to the Jews." recent People's Relief and of the institutions he observed in this special Ukrainian drives country. The text of Prof essor EinNEARLY ALL IS GERMAN. were aboard the fatal ship, stein's cable as giyen but by the ZionTo the study of this comparatively unknown tosgue, according to M. Selicow, ist Organization follows: wlic •real basis ^is, of course—despite its Hebrew' who was chairman of the '"I. disclaim responsibility for unaulettering—mediaeval German, with only 20 per cent local People's Relief drive. thorized reports concerning myself Hebrew and 10 per cent of Slavic, etc, Dr. Immaauel A carload <>f clothing, and my view with' regard to America. of Olsvaifger, of Cape Town, has now made a valuable soap and medicine was sent I particularly wish to deny the veraccontribution under a title conceived in the true Hebraic from Omaha to New York ity of statements credited to me in spirit—".Raisins and Almonds." (Rosinkess ,Mit where they were loaded one of the Dutch newspapers which Mandlen.) Unfortunately he has written in German, aboard ships bound for seem to be base^d on a private conso that the makers of English dictionaries will not be Europe* versation,", horribly distorted. much enlightened. This is a pity, for Dr. Olsvanger *T am not disappointed with Amer- has put together one of the most interesting and ajior with the resultsof thejtiissfon of the Zionist delegation, _of which -aimiiing' books'in any language, and the •members-of the. Swiss Commission for Jewish'Folk-Lore, under Dr., Chaim Welzmanii was the head. whose auspices it is published, are sincerely to be conThe tour of Dr. Weizmann in America gratulated on their enterprise. It was in Switzerland, was a great spiritual and ..financial in fact, that all these anecdotes, folk-songs, riddles success... In general,. I may say that and proverbs were originally gathered. For Switzermy entire impression of America was land is a stage on the road to America, as well as a most favorable." ., " place of study and business for Russian and Galician 2,500 of Them from Metropolis Jews. The students and business men settled in that Fought the Kaiser, Says country had therefore special facilities for collecting NEW SOVIET JDECREE ON

War Record Bureau.


a W M i M H M M M M B K a i M ^ — _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

SEEK RELATIVES The Jewish Welfare Federation has received a message for Lazar Kaganowich and Eliliu Fischet Saks both of Omaha, but exact address unknown, from relatives abroad. Any information relative to the whereL. Kneeter Elected Second Vice* abouts of these men should be P r e h e a t of Regional Board; communicated at once to the To Raise $3,000,000. Federation, Lyric Bldg. Special to "THE JEWISH FEES*".

from their transient visitors the stories and sayings -rrhich make the book a rich feast of humour, as well as a valuable historical mirror of the Jewish life and the Jewish soul in the Judengassen of Eastern Europe. It is comedy and the joy .of Jewish life which are the dominant notes of this collection, and therefore it is the more tragic that the bulk of it should have been taken down from the mouth of Jewish refugees from Jerusalem on their flight to America.

Kansas City, Mo., June 27.—Omahans a t the Kansas City meeting of the Zionists' district of ihe Southwest made quite an impression during the conference. L. Kneeter was appointed to t h e committee on resolutions and organisations. Mr. Kneeter also was electRecords Show 628 Pogroms in ed second vice-president of the regional district. Among the Executives HARD TO PICK FROM BAG. 459 Different Cities; Mass is I. Goldstein, and B. Handler was Immigration Needed. Dr. Olsvang-er, who has written out all the stories appointed to the executive committee. in the Roman alphabet, according to a careful phonetic Mr. Handler also was appointed to th* Montreal. (J. C. B. Service.) Mr. system, has provided elaborate explanatory notes, an committtee on nominations. historical and grammatical introduction, and a full S. Belkin, delegate of the Canadian The district decided to raise $3,* Relief Committee for Ukrainian Jews, vocabulary of words differing considerably from t i e 000,000 for the Keren Bayesod a t i returned last ."week from a lengthy old German groundwork of this dialect. It is different to choose from such a rich bag of almonds and raisins, tour through Eastern and Central voted to stand behind Weizrnann and! One can only dip Okie's hand in at random, certain of Europe, and addressed a large mass Einstein, meeting where he reported on con- Delegates will be sent to the infinding something toothsome. ditions in the war and pogrom-ridden ternational congress at Cai-lsbad. It was in this book, to tell a secret, that I found countries. Following are the Regional offices; the anecdote applied in my last Speech to Sir Herbert President, selection left to executive According to carefully compiled Samuel and his handling of the Arab-Jewish question statistics which Mr. Belkin has in his committee; secretary, Gustave Klausin Palestine,—the -anecdote of the Rabbi who says that possession, 600,000 Jews were killed ner, St. Louis; first %-ice-president, Dr, both the litigants are right, and when reminded by in pogroms or died through epidemics B. Belove, Kansas City, Mo.; second his wife that this cannot be, replies equally, "You are which took place since the outbreak vice-president, Louis Kneeter, and right." I can cordially recommend other speakers to of the World War. Officials records treasurer, A. A. Smith. Kansas City.

dip as I did. The only fault I have to find with the compilation —or is this perhaps a merit?—is.that there are many stories or jests -which lack an old historical background, and are too new to have become already folk-lore. Thus the joke involved in the story of "The Short Telegram" is obviously not antique. A boy was born to a young wife and there was rejoicing in the room— The happy husband wished to telegraph to his mother... He took a piece of paper and wrote a telegram: Tanny happily delivered of a boy.'.. He showed it to his father-in-law, who gave a glance at it and said: "You are certainly no business man... Fancy sending such a long telegrm... Look how many unnecessary words you have put... First, "Fanny.' Do you suppose your mother will imagine you have telegraphed 4o her about a... strange woman? Second, 'happily.* Could you positively have telegraphed 'unhappily'? Obviously your telegraphing at all means that you are happy about it... Then the next phrase, 'delivered of.' Surely your mother will understand that... She will not think the boy has fallen from heaven. And,finally,why put 4a boy'7 The very fact that one troubles to telegraph shows that it is a boy. A daughter would have been no rejoicing."

(Continued on page 2)


show that 628 pogroms occured in Commitlp on Kcsolntions nnrt tirfcanizatlon* 459 different cities in Ukraine. Dr. B. Relove, Chixirnian, Knnsas Cify, Seventy percent of those who suf- Missouri. Brodkey, Sionx City, Iowa. fered violent deaths at the hands of M. M. Horritz. St. Loins, Missouri. pogromists were men, with the result- I. S. Ualiteky, Topfkn, KniiRas. Kneeter, Omnlm, Xeliraskn. ant condition that the number of des- li. I<. 'SCrn.TJitl, St. 'Louis. Missouri. I \ *l. Tulsa. Oklnhomn. titute widows and orphans is most ap- Morris Travis, Fine, St. Jt>£opli, Missouri. palling. One hundredandfiftythousand urohi. PIoEt. o . TulsfK s Oklahoma. orphans, said Mr. Belkin, have no par- S. J . Cinnomnn, Ci K Kansas Ci City, ents at all; are absolutely without Poaie Kion. Sirs. E. Solomon, T.HISH, Oklnlioma. support, are subject to innumerable Committee e« N<Mnin«ti«»» diseases and recurrent epidemics, and S. K. Travis, Cliairmnn. Tu fsn, Ofet»i»oin«r are dying off by the hundreds and Babbi BwKia. St. Jospph, Minsnim MtB. M. BloGinraigrarten, Ki'nMiv City. Miathousands. FO11T1. Prof. G. KJouBner, St. I»oui». Missouri. Mr. Belkin saw no hope in the Ben Knnfilpf, Oronhn, Ne present situation and BO prospect of J. Kobia, Sioux CitF, l o w improvement in.-the.-'- nter fqtnra X i Krassner, Tulsa, Oklahoma -'Adviiieri Committee Whatever can be done, he maintains, H. Appleronu. Tuisn. Oklalioi.m, srist Be done fox the Jews in Ukraine Rabbi S, Glasiex, Knnsns City. Max Scholman, Clilcngo. Illinois. and surrounding countries, but he S. E. Travis, Tulm, l regarded the only solution as being F»llowip.gr Are Ihe DWrlrf Offl<*«r#t mass immigration to such countries Chairman, S. It. Travis, Tuiea, Okln, Vice Chairman, CHas. Pilvermau, as would permit it. MoineB, levwft-

Second Vice Chairman, to be selected W St. Louis. Treasurer, H. Applemnn. Tulsa, Ofelft. Secretary, I>OIIIP riost. Tulsa, Oktft. Honorary Sec, I>r. M. A. ElFtpin, Knfia*« Paris, July 22. (I. T, A.) Despite Cirty. Following- Are the 15.\ecutlvMt the intervention of the Polish Am- Missouri: Max Snidnn. KntiMg City. bassador in Prague, the CzechoSt. Louis to select second man, lown: A. I,. GftHneky, Sioux CJtj^ Slovakian government has begun a Thilip liipson. wholesale expulsion from the country, Nebraska: I . Goldstein, Omnlm. I. Schostak. Lincoln. of Polish Jews, not sparing those Eamrait: Mrs. H. HownMoom, WltcIsIISfc. I. S. GalittREky, Toppkn. domiciled in the country before the Oklahoma: A. S. Knplnn, TtnrtleBvlHe.. war. The Government has likewise One to be selected by S. 11. Trnvie. ordered the immediate registration of Follcwlnpr is the F^ecntive Committee? IT. M. Golhsml. St. LotrU. all emigrants and homeless now in the Missouri: I,onii> Krnnltz. Si. Joseph. Frank Josenhsou, Knnwis City. border cities and intends transferring Kansas: H. Werby. Kanpns Cifr. them further inland. The Jewish UkI. OllNrt, Topekn. B. Kniwnetszky.' Yl'ltelbltn. rainien Committee of Czecho-Slovakia Oklahoma: 23. K. Travis. Tuisa. is arranging the evacuation of Jews Mrs. .E. Solomon, Tu!«n. Oklahoma City name to hv supplied fty from the border districts. S. Travis. : B. Hnmilrr, Omnlir,. etiifr n«m«s to be mipi>li<p(i by Mr. flnmllPT. French Labor Leader Promises Interlown : M. "W. Piokns. Sioux Ciiy. vention Against French Intrigues F.zrn Broutle. Des Moines. Ofte nnnae to he supplied by max in Palestine.

Czecho-Slovakia Expels FoKsfi Jews.

Riga. (J. T. A.) I t is reported Special to The Jewish Press. Boys of the Y. M. H. A. clubs from Moscow that the Soviet authorwill hold a picnic at Camp GifNew York, July 27.—Cohens led ities have decreed the nationalization ford, next Sunday. The boys New York's fighting forces in i h e of all churches, mosques, synagogues will meet at the club rooms world war. and Yeshivoth in the country, as well Warsaw. (J. T. A.) Attacks by walk to the Burlington Station Warsaw. (J. T. Agency.) Dr. The War Record Bureau of theas of other religious property. The armed civilian bands as well as by State Bonus Commission has found sale of religious buildings, without Bogen, now here as delegate of the and take the 9 o'clock train for returning soldiers of Korfanty's inCamp Gifford. They will hike American Joint Distribution Committhat more soldiers and sailors of that the official permission of the governsurgent army, took place yesterday name than any other were in thement, is prohibited, but religious tee, announced today that he was re- back through Fontenelle Forest at Bendzin, Cosnovski and Graniza. to the end of the Albright car groups formerly in possession of any turning to the- United States where service from the metropolis. Meyer Zayonz was severly wounded. line. Members of the Boy The Smiths, however, are ahead in structures may continue to use them he would make an effort to get 50,Another disturbance has occured in Scouts, the Junior Boy Scouts, 000 Jewish, households to adopt one the entire State. The Bonus Com- on the payment of a fee except in Czenstochova where among others, the Newsboys Club, the Young mission, estimates that about 5,000 of cases where the buildings are contin- Polish orphan each, thus to solve the Aaron Lastman, €0 years old, Jacob them wore the uniform of the United ually in use by large audiences. Ac- terrible problem of homeless, des- Maccabees and the Ben Zion Bergman, and Moishe Weisskopf, 70 Club will make up the party. titutes, among whom the mortality States while the Hindenburg line was cording to the^ decree, all buildings years old, were brutally beaten on is distressingly great. , must be at the. disposal of the govSeventy-five boys will make being smashed. Sunday evening. Several hundred ernment for meetings, conferences and the "trip. Any boy between the In the State the Cohens numbered hooligans attacked the town synagoge. ages of 9 and 15 (whether a 2,500. There were 2,400 Millers, 2,000 educational courses when no religious HARDING RECEIVES They demanded that the doors be un- Paris. (J. T. Agency.) Beril Katzservices are taking place in them. member of the above clubs or Sullivans and 1,800 Joneses. barred and that the Rabbi surrender enellenson, leader of the Achdut-Ha- French Governm ent Honors ZIONIST DELEGATION. not) wishing to go should see Adjutant-General J. Leslie Kincaid, to them. avodah (Labor Party in Palestine), Washington. (Special J. C.B, ServMr. Schaefer at the Y. Clubchairman of the Bonus Commission, PROPOSES CONSTRUCTIVE Jewish Welfare Board. conferred yesterday with Jean Lonice.) For the first time in the hisrooms before Saturday evening. said today that the war records show RELIEF IN CZECHO SLOVAKIA New York. J. T. A,) Justice Irthe French Socialist, and re10,000 Jewish Refugees in guet, that every nationality was well repre- Vienna; (J. C. B;} Mr. Kramer, a tory of the United States, the acving Lehman has been notified by the quested him to use his good offices to sented in the regiments that went out delegate of the Carlsbad Central Re- credited representatives of the Zionist POLISH ZIONISTS PROTEST French Ambassador Jwsserand that Lemberg Must Register. stop the anti-Jewish intrigues of the from this State to fight the legions lief Organization, addressed a meet- Organization of America were rethe American Jewish Welfare BomrS. Warsaw, July 21. (J. C. B.) The French in Palestine which, according of the Kaiser. ing in Prague in which he advocated ceived by the highest official of this ACTION OF MAJOR MORRIS. municipal authorities in Lemberg to Mr. Katzenellensos, were in part is to be honored by ihe French gov-. when President Harding On the same subject the Grand the organization of a central relief country, granted an audience to the newly Warsaw. (J. C. B.) Major Morris, have ordered all foreigners' in Lem- responsible for the recent Arab dis- eminent'with the Medal of Gratitswie Rapids Herald said: (first class) in appreciation of its excommittee for Ukrainian refugees on elected Zionist Administrative Com- head of the Palestine Immigration berg to register within the next three Let credit go where due!* The "Co- the order of the belief committee tjiat mittee. The reception was held Department, who arrived here several days. The order has caused consider- turbances in Jaffe and its environs. cellent services during the WorM Longnet promised to bring the matter hens" led New York's fighting forces had been organized, in Austria, which in the White House. The Zionists days ago, has approved the vises of able panic and gives rise to the fear up in the French Chamber of Depu- War. Ambassador JasseranS's notifiin the World War! This is the testi- operates independently of' the Ameri- present were Louis Lipsky, Peter S. 126 Chaluzim who may now proceed cation to Justice Lehman reads as folefa e s e l l e d ties. mony of the New York War Record can Joint Distribution Committee and Schweitzer, Louis Robeson, Ab. Gold- to Palestine. He however refused 173 from therCity, lows: ' The number of JewBureau. More soldiers and sailors of with the contributions of local Jewish berg, Herman Conheim, Judge Rosen- the documents necessary to their en- ish refugees in the cotmtry is ap"Full of gratitude for the services "Joint" Sends Relief to Kosov. rendered during the great war by tbsj that name than of any other served committees rather than depending on blatt and Morris Rothenberg of thetrance y into Palestine. Mr. Podli- proximately 10,000. Warsaw, July 21. (Jewish C. B.)Jewish Welfare Board, not only M* from the metropolis. So much for the the contributions coming from foreign Administrative Committee, as well as schevsky in the name of the Polish The local Joint Distribution Commit- their own compatriotes but to owrs, toti-American Semite menace! Will countries. Capt. Julius Peizer and Alexander Greater Actions Committee members, . KIEV RABBI RELEASED. tee branch has sent s transport of my Government has decided to bestow JOumel in the name of the Polish Mr. Ford's "Dearborn Independent Wolf of Washington. Warsaw. (J. T. A.) Rabbi Aron- food and clothing to the town of on your association the medal *(£ Zionist Organization, and Kornblum please copy? The meeting was arranged by Mr. FOMATTON OF, JEWISH DEPARTMENT PREMATURE. Herman Conheim and Mr. Ab. Gold- in behalf of the Palestine Office here, sohn, the Kiev Rabbi who was arrest- Kosov where 93 Jewish families are French Gratitude of the First Class. ed several days ago because he crossWarsaw. (J. C. B.) The Minister berg when they were in this city last have protested to Major Morris ed the Polish frontier and thus in dire distress as a result of a fire A decree to that effect signed by A QUEER STORY against this action and demand that which swept the town yesterday. President of the republic has of the Interior yesterday declared that week. The two gentlemen interviewed violated a recent decree closing the. the Chaluzim be permitted to proceed. New York. (J. C. B.) That a Senator Boies Penrose of Pnnsylvania pnbliEhed in the Journal Official n* the notice which appeared in the Yidborder, was released yesterday by the so-called and perhaps selfJune 2S." SEEKS BROTHER dish press here to the effect that a and Postmaster-General Hays. Polish officials. His right to asylum styled "Soviet Russia" agent, Justice Lehman sent the following Jewish Department "was,to be organLazer Grodnensky, bora in in Poland as a rfugee from Ukrainian POLISH HOOLIGANS whose name is variously given Roszman, c. o. Judishe Gemeinreply to the French Ambassador: ized within his ministry,'was prema- Jewish Candidate For as Solomon or Schulmanr want-, de, Konigsberg, Lindenstrasse Mayor Protests Against ATTACK RABBI persecutions has been recognized. "I sm sure that 1 need not tell you ture. ' ', . 14-15 (New Synagogue), Gered to construct a Jewish city in Anti-Semitic Police Official Warsaw. (J. C. Bureau.) A second that all American Jews have alway* many, desires to commanicste Michigan,, is the latest gibe the regarded the French Eepublic with % Polish-Jewish. "Understanding. New York. (J, C. B.) Judge Jacob attack on Jews took place at Bendin PROGRESS IN PALESTINE. with his brother Elchik Grodpapers carry. This gentleman aensky born in Eiga and residdeep admiration and affection, for of: Warsaw. (J. C. Bureau.) General Pankin, socialist candidate for mayor yesterday. Rabbi Spiro of Czenstoch(J. C. B.) The official bulletin whose center of activity was ing1 in the United States for the nil the European countries Babiamsky has organized a committee of New York City, last week ad- ova, who happened to be at the rail- of the Zionist Commission in Palespast 16 years. Chicago, appears to have first bestowed upon its Jewish of prominent citizens which will strive dressed a letter to Mayor Hylan of road station at the time, was severely tine reports. that during the month Those knowing the wheresought to place contracts' with full civic rights and liberties. to effect an amicable* understanding New York City, protesting against the beaten, and only with difficulty saved of June, 48 new telephones were inabouts of Elchik Grodnensky American firms for shipment to "It is, therefore, gratifying are requested to conuonaicate between the Jewish population'in the action of Police Lieutenant Charles from certain death. stalled throughout the country- There Bolshevik Eussia. And as a with the Hebrew Sheltering and the Jewish Welfare Board, country'and the Polish government. A. Becker, in inserting an advertise- On the railroad line between Cracow has been considerable traffic between Immigrant Aid Society of Aim- ing in behalf of all the Jews of . side line he is said to have planThis attempt thus to solve the Jewish ment in the local newspapers which and Eiumkovifcch, Jews were thrown Palestine and the Island of Cypress, erica, 425-437 Lafayette Street, ned the building of a city to problem in Poland liasthe-hacking of stated that only Christian tenants from an express train. Jewish pas- to which dealers have gone to buy New York City, N. Y. This is erica, to receive from Jh hold 20,000 Jews. public this generoqg token of very important. many prominent clergymen and fam- would be accepted In the pronerty he sengers on the train, were badly muti- cattle, horses and other domestic tkaj of its * owns.-, . : . s . . >, ous literati. , ~ t •=«••-

Wants 50,000 Polish Orphans Adopted Here

Further Attack m -• Jews k Poland



THE JEWISH PRESS every Thursday: at Omaha, Nebraska, by

THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. MOREIS E. JACOBS, Manager. .• Office, Four, Baird Bldg.—Telephone Jackson 5372. "Subscription .Price, one"year. „ L._ .—-.......§2.50 Advertising rates furnished on application. • NOTPEINTED -FOR PERSONAL PROFIT—Profits from the publication of The Jewish Press are to be given to worthy communal causes. _

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charge of filling- Major of Vengeance, leave the Vengeance to Him, while they dropped there, of course," occupy themselves with Love; while Christendom, havCaptain Rosenbluth was arrested in Mr. Selden eaid. "However I will exing a God of Love, leaves aH the work of love to Him, New York March 23 last. The shoot- amine carefully all the additional evi(Continued from page 1) and concentrates on Vengeance. ing occurred at Camp Lewis in 1918dence' and papers the government may In another too modern story called "The Cleverest and an army board of inquiry found turn over to me." Man", it is perhaps only the matter that is new, while Tells Warsaw Joke. that Major Cronkhite had accidentally the form of the humour is old and characteristically After compaining that some of the stories are too shot himself while practicing with a Russian Zionists Will ProbablyJewish. -." "Would you know who is the cleverest man Be Represented a t Carlsbad ' alive? Well ,1 will tell-you. The cleverest people of all up-to-date, it would be unfair to complain that others are revolver. Riga, July 21. (J. T. A.) Russiani Subsequent, investigation by the people are the Jews. That everybody knows. And the too well-known to me. The wonder is that so many cleverest Jews certainly are the Zionists—there is no should be unknown. But one called "A Lie", if familiar, Justice Department resulted in tho > r- Zionists intend sending- 70 delegatesrest of Sergeant Pothier in Previ- araong them 18 Zeiri Zionist, to th* doubt of that. And, furthermore, the cleverst Zionists is also one- of the subtlest of all Jewish jokes. In this, a business man tells a rival that he is off to dence and a series of statements by Cai'lsbad Congress. The Central Comare the Russian Zionists,—who else? And of the Russian Zionists, the cleverest are surely those of the Central buy goods in Warsaw, and the other retorts: "Why do him, some of which were contradic- mittee has appealed to the Soviet Auyou try to fool me?.. You only say you are going to tory, charging that he had bean or- thorities for permission "and there if Committee; for if they had not been the cleverest, they Warsaw because you wxnt to make me believe you are dered by Captain Rosenbluth to "get" considerable hope that the permission would not have been taken on the Central Committee. going to Lodz. But I KNOW you are going to War- Major Cronkhite. The Captain's ar- will be granted. And, on the same ground, it is clear that the cleverest saw, so what it the use of lying about i t ? " rest followed. man of the Central Committee is the President. And he, I do not know if you have laughed at this, but the Major Cronkhite was the son of BlizracM to Nominate Berlin for mark you, is so stupid the world cannot show his equal." book begins,with a piece of psychology which may be Major General Adelbert Cronkhite, The Shadchen, or marriage-broker stories are parWorld Executive. commanded the Eighteenth ticularly amusing, though I am not certain that at least worth repeating, smacking as it does, of the soil of the who London, July 22. (J. C. B.) The one does not come by a round-about way from a story Pale: "When you tell a story to a peasant, he laughs Division during the war, and the presCentral Misrachi Organization •will 1 of my own. It will be a righteous revenge to annex some three times: the first time he laughs when you tell him ent investigation of the shooting be- propose to the Zionist Congress at of the others in future stories. Closely related to the the story, the second time when you explain it, and the gan after the General's return from Carlsbad that Eabbi Mayer Berlin be Shadchen stories are the stories about bridgegrooms, of third time when he understands it. A landed proprietor France. elected on the Executive Committee laughs only twice. Once when you tell him the story, which an example is called "Philosophy." State Authorities Will Not Act Un- of the World Zionist Organization and that Professor Pick, President of A shy young man who was sent to make the ac- and the second time when y*ou explain it. As for under. less Clear Case is Presented. the World Mizrachi, be named a memquaintance of a proposed bride was advised by hi > standing it, that, in any case, he never does. An officer Tacoma, Wash-, July 16.—Prosefather to speak to her first of love, second of family laughs only once—when one tells him a story, because cutor J. W. Selden of Pierce county, ber of the Zionist Commission in ^ affairs, and finally to4 throw in a little philosophy. to have anything explained to him he' will not allow, and when informed today that federal Palestine. After the dinner ,when the other guests had departed understand he never does. A Jew, when you tell him a charges against Captain Robert Roand left the couple alone, the young man proceeded to story, says 'Pooh, old story!' and can tell it better." senbluth and Sergeant Roland Pothier follow his father's advice. First he said: *'Do you A similar joyous note runs through the Folk Songs, were to be dismissed, said he would love LOKSCHEN? (macaroni) ..On her replying, he despite one long lament called, "On the Green Field," have to convince there was a case proceeded: "Have you a brother?" And when she describing a dead soldier. "It is good to be a Jew" runs against the tnen before filing state replied that she had not, he felt that love and family the. general refrain. Let us take as an example, charges. matters being exhausted, the time had come for philo- "Schabess." A few verses will show the spirit. "All the papers I have in the case sophy. So he said, "Supposing you had a brother, have not convinced me. Rosenbluth "Trouble have I all the week, would he have loved LOKSCHEN?" and Pothier should be tried on the and hxij them Hard it is my bread to seek. Exactly the same dialogue is, however, with the subBut SCHABESS, stitution of cheese for lokschen, put into the mouth of The Sabbath Day, the day of rest, FOR RENT. I Lord Dundreary in the famous English comedy of "Our But SCHABESS ..! Large, "well furnished, strictAmerican Cousin," first produced in 1858, and the quesly modern rpom •with kitcheS19 South 16th Street "No roof the wind or snow forbids, tion arises whether it originally came into the play out nette. No children. My room is fall of sickly kids, of the Galician Ghetto, or into the Galician Ghetto out Phone Douglas 8400 1919 Burt Street. But SCHABESS, etc. of the play, to find its way back to London by way of Jerusalem, Basle and Cape Town. "The room is dark, and on the dish, In any case, one touch of humour makes the whole The eye sees neither meat nor fish. world kin-. But if the philosophy of this lover is as But SCHABESS, etc. shallow as his idea of love, there is quite profound philosophy in the Rabbi's reply to the complaint of a It is from the loss of this joy in Judaism rader . kindly Christian that the Jews have a God of Venge- modern economic conditions that the real danger of the ance while the Christians have a God of Love. It is old faith lies. Perhaps, indeed, in these Western lands perfectly true, admits the Rabbi. Jews, having a God Judaism cannot survive Yiddish.

The Humor of Yiddish


FIGHTING AND FIGHTING. Just the other day. a local Jewish pugilist, who is gaining much fame in the business of fistcuffs, was the center of attraction in a ten-round prize-fight/ It was not a fight for the supremacy of anything especially, but for money. .. Fighting is his respected business and in that occupation he has won: credit for himself. No one begrudges him his deserved glory or his monetary returns. Eather the message to him is: "More power to you." . Because he is of Jewish faith there was a large number of Jewish men, most of them of the younger set, sitting within voice of the ringside to urge him on to victory. As he landed blow after blow on the already bruised body of his opponent, they yelled to him: "Give him the knock-out. Let him have it." And when his adversary showed streaks of speed, they yelled words of encouragement. They wanted him to win Because he was a Jew. There is nothing strange about this. It is true^f nearly every race, but especially the Jewish race because it follows the old idea of brotherly love brought about by common sorrow and suffering of a persecuted people. These Jewish followers of the local boxer paid several dollars each to see him test his cleverness, strength, and ability with another fighter. And the fight held their interest from the very first minute for it was a battle of the survival of the fittest. In Omaha, right within our own midst, there is another fight, but this one is not a staged affair. It is a continual battle. But many of those who displayed so much interest in1 the prize fight show no interest in this one. Maybe.it is because this one is not a fight of the survival of the fittest but a ."fight for existence by the Weakest". ,r Every day, every hour, every minute, men, women, '}•' and yes, even children'are fighting, not like the two prize \ fighters mentioned, until the end of ten rounds, but they , are fighting to live. Tliey cannot stand the strain of the prize ring of life because they are the dependents. They are the sick, the crippled, the poor., Iho uniovtunaco victims in many cases of society. . ; So' their fight ia r.ct under the glaring white light or explanation is unworthy of the Deof electric bulbs, but it is an unMll battle in the darkpartment of Justice of a great Na' ness of adversity. tion." r ; W. Selden, Prosecuting Attorney Some of these y, ho paid several dollars for a ticket to the Charges against Captain Rosenbluth, charged with murder of his of J.Pierre County in a letter to Mr. commanding officer dropped, but officials not big enough, prize fight refused to contribute $5.00 for a whole year's memberGoldstein on July 6, in answer to a manly enough* and American enough to admit their sad ship to the Omaha Jewish Welfare Federation who are acting as "hunch" from Mr. Goldstein that the mistake, says officer's counsel. "seconds" and "trainers" for their less unfortunate breathern Department would probably pass the who-are fighters of a different sort. case back to the local authorities, By Special Writer for Jewish Tribune,' army officer without completely rThey^ai^-figitang Old Man Poverty! ••••=• ;* ex- wrote: ; New York. oaerating him? These unfortunate men, women and children also make better "If your Tranch' is correct and the progress in their battle when yelled words of good cheer and An Unworthy Action Department does leave this matter in NEW YORK, July 27. encouragement. To them you can yell too: "Give him the knockWhen asked about this phase of the my hands, there will certainly have to "Why can't the Department -of rut. Let him.have, it." Their opponent is not a gladiator of Justice be big enough and manly case, Mr. Goldstein said: "My be something more substantial to it tlie prize ring, but still he ought to get the knock-out. are best expressed by an than I have received up to the present And Old Man Poverty is winning, top because many of these enough and American enough to thoughts editorial in the New York World of time, in order to induce any action on come out and say that the governvery 3-ounrj men, who claim real sporting blood failed to show July 18th." He quoted the editorial the part of this office. From all of "their real oclcrs" when solicitors called on them during the ment had made a sad mistake?" as follows: the information and reports that I recent jsr/is'h Welfare Federation drive. This was the declaration of Jonah "All published evidence jn the case have been able to gather it seems to / s r. "ZZVLM The Federation is now $13,000 short in its J. Goldstein, counsel for Captain against Captain Rosenbluth indicates me as though this whole case should

Stenographers and Bookkeepers TO KNOW THAT

Injustice of Department of Justice

1 9 2 1 •&'•;.-•-'•.

-i' V



V '

P-Iro Sglitlng.is popular, and there is no reason why , it chGul-lr/t bs for all of us like a good, clean fight, whether it be business or prize ring competition, but we shouldn't center all of our attention on these kinds of fights and forget the battle of our unfortunate brethern with|n our own midstr

Jewish Home Life Is Shown In Movie In Which Carmel Myers Stars

Robert Rosenbluth, when asked by that the Department of Justice has be a closed incident a t this time." THE JEWISH TRIBUNE to comment acted wisely in dismissing the pro- In later press dispatches from upon the dropping of proceedings ceedings, but it is to be regretted that Tacoiaa, Mr. Selden emphasized that against Captain Rosenbluth in con- no opinion was expressed. If the de- he would have to be convinced that nection with the . death of Major partment is convinced of Rosenbluth's there is a case against the men before Alexander Cronkhite at Camp Lewis, innocence and it must be, or its action filing State charges. Wash., whom an army board found would be inexcusable—why is the "I am sorry that the Department had accidentally killed himself. record turned over to the local au- of Justice has not seen fit to exonAttorney-General Daugherty an- thorities of the State of Washington erate me," said Mr. Rosenbluth. "If nounced Saturday that the case who. have already announced their in- the published reports are true,.they against Captain Rosenbluth and also ability to continue the^ investigation? are simply .getting rid of an unwelagainst Sergeant Roland Pothier, To drop an accusation of murder in- come case by passing it to the local whose statements last March resulted volving an officer without exoneration Prosecutor in Tacoma. It will be in the arrest of the Captain, had been dropped. The manner in which the Bureau of Investigation and the Department of Justice handled the investigation has- caused wide-spread Office \J ^iii|»n i resentment and ugly charges against Lettering various officials connected with the Glass & Metal proceedings, have been made and inSigns timated. The conduct of the investiCard gation caused many to ask if the proceedings were not to develop into anand Muslin other Dreyfus case. Signs

Lighted candle?, dials, gefulte fish, noodle soup- and everything that goes with a true Orthodox Friday night dinner graced the table in a scene of a moving picture in -which Carmel Myers, movie star, daughter of Rabbi Isidore Myers of Los Angeles-, is playing the leading role. And everything was according to the rules for the mother of the movie star was "director" for the evening. '•My, mother's suggestions have been invaluable in getting the correct details and Jewish atmosphere for this picture," said Miss Myers. — "Cheated Love".is the title of the picture;y A reporter for the "B'nai B'rith Messenger" of Los Angeles wrote: "While strolling.through the huge grounds of Universal City.on a very 1314DodgfeSt ^ g g y g ^ Qmaha,Nebft Rosenbluth Greatly Wronged hot day: not"so long ago my attention was drawirto-a quaint little figure with* a woolen shawly about her shoulder and a kerchief tied jaround her Pictorial Work a Specialty. Window Backgrounds. "My client, Captain"Rosenbluth, has liead. A& % caught up with her and looked into her face I recognized been greatly wronged and-injured by the Bureau of Investigation," Mr. C a r m e l M y e r s . '.; •'•:, .-.'." • '... '.-.- ..'••' '.'- . ,-, ; "I said, 'Hello, Miss Myers,"what is the reason for this quaint get- Goldstein* continued. "Ten or 20 years up? Did you just arrive from Ellis Island? I see your number is 92.' fromrtiow if Captain Rosenbluth tries ". 'Ninety-two is my number all right, but you are a. bit premature, to advance his position in the world, it will be said: 'Q, you. are the man ipome to my set and you can see me arriving/ she replied. '; "So off we trotte^ to the set, where a number of distinct types usually who was mixed up in that Cronkhite vi seen around Ellis Island were grouped. Carmel took her place among killing.' them in due time. \ I heard her teaching her screen father the words of "I do not want to be understood as the Jewish benediction that the old man -uttered as lie placed his hands criticizing the government. My reon the'little girl's head and bestowed his blessing. The-camera then marks are directed against the cranked, on a'.'touching, human scene where the little Russian girl is met Bureau of Investigation and the Deby her father, now an East Side Jewish storekeeper, after a separation partment of Justice, which made a terrible mistake in this case. of several years. • . • „ • . "'It's too bad,' Carmel said after tha.t scene Was finished, 'you can't "In years past Rosenbluth gave the Bee our Friday night scene, which we will do tomorrow. We are going to best that was in him m service to the h a v e t h e F r i d a y nightcandlesy chale and gefulte fish, noodle soup and government. It would help restore confidence: in . the Department of everything' t$i$ goes.;with- a Friday night meal. Justice to have the Department say: '"'"'•""*? fAnd you know,''. said Carmel, 'my mother's suggestions have" been, fetvaluable in getting the correct details and' Jewish' atmosphere for this "We are sorry, we made a mistake." "No one is too big to admit an er(Slcitti'C. . . - - • • WTr " y*is this the;'.first Jewish character you have ever portrayed?' I asked ror.'V Attorney-G, eneral Daugherty's stateMiss Myers. • . . .•"•.•. . . . T 1 ment in announcing the dismissal of "'Yes; and I certajnly enjoy every minute of characterization. I love charges against Captain Rosenbluth these funny clothes,',sa"id Parmel, as she surveyed her quaint'outfit, familiar that "all the evidence procurred by ;= WE FURNISH ALL FORMS OF INSURANGE. to those who ^tch'European immigrant to those who ^tch'European immigrant "women landing in this country. the department, with the names of all "I left Carmel, and Jhmeefang others that I jjenew at the studio was I PERSONAL SERVICE WITH EACH informedi-^atTCarm^^a^cteri?ation informedi'-^atTCarm'^'^a^cteri?ation'in''Oieated Love' was the best witnesses who have any material knowledge of the case, will be sent to g POtJCV — X.ARGE OR SMALL thing she has dope in jjer. cqreer."', the Prosecuting Attorney for Pierce ,pn. ( J. T. A.) The first gen- County, Washington, for such action V Warsaw.: (3. T.;J A.) . The eral world conference of the Jewish as he deems proper,'!, has given rise fpiown Anti-Semitic .Polish newspaper, National Fund will take place in to the question as to why the Depart"Dwa Groshe/';in art (editorial, accuses Carlsbad-on August 28. Arthur Hant- mentis obviously trying to "pass the = 5th Floor Sounders-Kennedy Bldg. the-:jew^h^pulatio& : in Posen 'for ke is prominently^ nientioned - as' buck^' tack* to' athe .local. 'authorities creating: 'the reda& '^tirbane'es • iff candidate for "National" Ftind: director- and: whir, the Departnient is .dismissing slug recently; vacated by; b e Liema, a murder, charge against a former. ImiijiiijUiiim^

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Three Bays Starting Thursday, August 4th.

•f. ••--•a zTZ&t

?AGE 3—THE JEWISH PRESS THURSDAY, JULY, 23, 1921. "Y» TRIMS B'NAI AMI LET MOTHERS TRY IT. Latvian Jewish Seminary to Be Jerusalem National Library Re- provinces of Sorotova and Samars, The Y .M. H. A. baseball team ceives Gifts From America. there is " being felt an agitation Religious Institution. Allow Your Daughters to Run -the again defeated the B'nai Ami baseball New York. (J. C. B, Sen-ice.) Dr. against Jews, who are being accused Mrs. Keuben Melcher has as her team, Sunday morning at Elmwocrt! Riga. (J. - T. A.) The conference House. Hugo Bergman, curator of the Jewish of causing the famine. In Siberian guest her sister, Miss Rosa Lebrecht park, by a score of S to 0. . of Jewish Kehillas has decided that A group of Jewish girls seated on of Kansas City, who 'will be here for London, July 23. (J. T. Agency.) the Jewish Teachers' Seminary of National Library in Jerusalem an- circles attempts were made to inthe porch of a house of a friend were With the defeat of the B'nai Ami the remaincier of the summer. protest of the Waad Ha-Leumi Latvia is to be conducted on strictly nounces that during the past quarter, stitute pogroms against the Jews, but team Sunday morning, the Y team discussing their plans for the future The against the proposed Parliament in religious lines and to be maintained valuable donations of books, pamph- they were quickly put down. the championship of the Jew- and were overheard by the mother of Palestine Mrs. E. Hill and children of Lincoln cinched Sir Herbert Samuel as an orthodox institution: Follow- lets, and manuscripts have been re- Recently arrived Jewish refugees ish, teams in Nebraska, as the B'nai one of the girls, who thoroughly en- in a very places difficult position. We have ing the adoption of this decision, Pro- ceived from the American Jewi&h from Soviet Russia declare that ire-are spending a week with Mrs. Hill's Ami team had defeated the Thorpeian joyed listening to the youngsters' amparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Nackenoff. Athletic club team several weeks ago bitious programs. One was going it from a reliable source that the High fessor Lszawson, director of the Committee, the American Jewish mediate and wholesale assistance is Congress Organization, and the Zion- necessary for the famine-striclcon in is much put put by the Seminary, resigned his post. by the score of 10 to 6. The Y also to be a doctor, one an artist, one a Commissioner ist Federation of the United States. the Volga region,—if possible to continued opposition of Palestine Mrs. J. Rosenblatt entertained has a victory over £he Thorpeians. teacher and the other, after a mil in Contributions are continually being transfer the Jews from that section; Jews to his policies. The Arabs have twenty-five guests last Wednesday George Bernstein, ace of the "Y"the conversation ,began talking VEry long demanded his resignation, and if received from all portions of the otherwise, it may be too late to rescue evening for Miss Rose Rosenblatt of pitching staff was again-on the hurling quietly riot of what she was going "to world, and the library is growing -them. the Jews of the country through their Winnepeg, Canada, who is the guest mound and held the opposite players do in the future but what she had rapidly. of Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Rosenblatt. Gn at bay, for he gave them only, three done only last week, when her mother official representatives, will enter the Sunday evening, Mr. and Mrs. M. Ro-scattered hits during the entire game, was absent from the city. Her descrip- arena in an open fight against him, he TO PUBLISH COMPLETE WORKS BOOM FOE KENT JEWS IN DANGEE OP ANNIHILAsenblatt entertained thirty guests in- and struck ^ u t eleven men. Rosen- tions of how she ran the house, her is of the opinion that there will be Eooin, accessible to sleeping porches, IN S O VOLUMES. TION formally at their home for Miss berg on the mound for the B'nai Ami attempts at marketing and taking no other alternative for him but. to located in Dundee, for rent to nice Riga. (J. T. A.) Reports from Rosenblatt and for Mr. and Mrs.allowed the Y men but seven hits and care of the younger children were goive up his office. Jewish young man. References reSoviet Russia contain the information New York. (J. C. B.) According Joseph Kramer of St. Louis, who are struck out ten men. worthy of a write-up. One of the There Are Two Factions to an announcement made last week, that, accompanying the famine, in the quired. Telephone Walnut 2557. the guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. Seiner. numerous incidents she related was The two lone tallies of the game a group of prominent and influential According' to the information we Yesterday Mrs. D. Sherman enterthat she had taken a large basket and came in the third inning when Brown Jews in the United States has organhave received • there are two factions tained Mrs. Rosenblatt and her guest smashed out a two-bagger into right gone to the markets downtown and JOY SUTPHEN, PRES. LOYAL B. COHN, SEC'Y.-TREAS. there bargained with the vegetable among the Palestine Jews: one ized to celebrate Reuben Brainin's acat luncheon at the Athletic Club. field. , Somberg the next man up re- and fruit hucksters, the butcher and claiming that the resignation of tivity as a Hebrew author and critic ceived a free pass to the initial bag, by publishing his works in SO volMr. and Mrs. Saul Levy have as thus putting two Y men on the bases. other food vendors and had come Samuel must by all means be avoided, umes. Brainin has completed 40 their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Rosenberg struck out Mendel son, the home with a basket of food that had because the world might interpret it years of work in the field of Hebrew Kaletsky and small daughter, of next Y batter. Kooper the next man cost at least $1.50 less than she could as the collapse of the attempt to real- letters, being one of the pioneers in Brandeis Theater Building V Detroit. Mrs. Louis Kulakofsky en- up," picked' out one of Rosenberg's of- have gotten it for uptown. Her pride ize the Zionist dream, and the Arabs the early Renaissance movement of would certainly celebrate it as a at having saved so much money was ? /.-S" tertained eight guests a t luncheon at ferings and smashed it for a double, the Hebrew language as it occurred in ,' 'Vf: the Athletic Club Tuesday for Mrs. thus knocking in the two runs. Sev- only equalled by the pleasure she had signal victory; the other faction con- Russia during the period of Smolenstends that if the Jews will not put up *' ^.g, Kaletsky and on Wednesday evening eral times the Y men were on the in knowing the family was getting the best food at bargain prices. This was a fight against the situation that has kin. The first volume of 'the series, DO YOU KNOW—that the cost of bill-board advertisMr. and Mrs. Levy entertained eigh- bases but were unable to score. been created by the Immigration comprising some of his early essays ing is very, very, cheap, compared teen guests at their home for Mr. and At no time during the game did only one of many things that the restrictions as well as the proposed in literary criticism, is already in the to any other form of advertising? Mrs. Kaletsky. press and will appear shortly. any of the B'nai Ami players reach listening mother realized this ywing | PParliaineilt ^ nn bbee no a r l i a i n e i l t jjthere there ^ n o possibil p o s s i b i l. third base, and only two of them suc- girl did for the comfort at home DO YOU KNOW—that bill-board advertising is the home. The The ity f o r t h e f u r t h e r J e w i s h "developMr, Brainin,-fcnown in America as Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rubinstein and ceeded n getting to second base. girl's summer has been passing very ment in Palestine. They emphasize the dean of Hebrew writers, has pubpusher and emphasizer of your jj\V*.Arthur Levy left Sunday to motor to quickly. It has been full of unselfish Following is the lineup: newspaper ads? the fact that the initiative for the es- lished works of importance in Hebrew g&CJhicago. Mr. and Mrs. Rubinstein devotion to her family, and she hardly tablishment of a general parliament and Yiddish uninterruptedly through AB It H T. M. H. A. DO YOU KNOW -that by its bigness and combinajoin Mr -and Mrs. Harry Wilins- Somberg, lb 3 1 1 realizes why she had been so happy. comes, not from the English Govern- a period of 40 years and is now, 2b — tion of color, a bill-board just 4 0 0 at Minneapolis from "where they Hendelson, Would it not be a good idea for 0 C ment, but from Sir Herbert Samuel despite his advanced age, active in 1 naturally catches the eye? drive to various points in Canada. Kooper, 4 0 Bernstein, P mothers who read these few lines to himself. Jewish affairs and a frequent con0 _4 Swartz, U? . 1 follow the suggestion made by this 4 0 aRsnick. SS . . _ tributor to publications. He is at DO YOU KNOW- -that when one sees a name often 4 0 0 "':' Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fellman enter- Slobodisky, young girl and allow their daughters present editor of the Hebrew monthly, 3 0 1 enough, he won't forget it? Put Weitz, CP titained at a dinner party last Wednes- Bnnvn, HP -3 1 0 to take the reins of government in HEBREW FOR PALESTINE "Ha-toren." yours on bill-boards, where the day for their nephew, Mr. Maurice 2 0 their homes and make of their sumOFFICIALS Totals -3° 2 7 Brainin was a partictilarly close entire public will see it. of St. Louis, who is spending H B'nai Aral mer a profitable as well as a happy "AB R friend of Dr. Theodore Herzl and was )~U. several weeks -with them. Mr. andPeTelman, 3b time? Try it! '1.. London. (J. C. B.) Under-Secre- associated with him for many years. 'Out Door Advertising Builds Big Business" 6 -.4 . 5Mrs. J. Feilman, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Trutsch, C tary Wood, of the British Colonial He has made a most careful study -.4 1 _3 0 •c * Ferer, and Mr. and Mrs. S. Fellman oltsenberg. P AMERICAN JEWISH RELIEF Office, yesterday ..declared in the House of the life of the great Zionist leader _3 0 Shlaifer, LF *•*' entertained at small dinner parties. SI. 0 of Commons that Arabic, English and and has gathered immense masses of Alprin, CF CAMPAIGN NOTES. 0 Wednesday evening Mr. , and Mrs. Yousem, 2b 0 Miami, Florida, is preparing for its Hebrew were the official languages in documents. The first of three vol-.3 Alprin. lb _ Karl Sessel entertained at a dinner H. 0 3 Stalmaster, KF fall campaign now. Mr. H. I. Homa, Palestine, but that Hebrew had no umes on the life of Herzl by Brainin party followed by a dancing party at _2S 0 3 2 who is chairman of the publicity com- preference and that persons seeking appeared two j-ears ago, while the , Totals the Athletic Club Roof by Mr. and mittee, has already commenced gath- ofEce with the Palestine administra- two completing volumes will appear Score by innlnfrs: K H. Mrs. H. M. Ferer. Thursday evening T . il. H. A. 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 3 : 2 7-.1 ering data and arranging' plans to be tion were not required to be able to as part of the new series undertaken Ami „— 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 3 2 Mr. Herman Rosenblatt entertained B'naiSummary: , utilized when the drive commences in read and write it. The announcement by the Brainin Celebration CommitOmaha's Leather Grnis and Trunk Store ten guests for Mr. Guller. Saturday Two base hits—Kooper and Brown. Hits the fall. was made in answer to a question by tee. i off Bernstein, 3; off Rosenberg, T. Struck evening Miss Gertrude Tatle will have out by Bernstein eleven, by Rosenberg Distributors anil Service Station, for tfee Famous Major Steele, M. P., as to why the a foursome at dinner at the Fante- ten. Bases on balls ofl! Bernstein 3, oS ancient language of the Bible was at T 2. Stolen bases—Sombeifg, West Virginia will not be found MACHEN ISTS' STRIKE ENDS neHa Hotel, and Sunday Miss Mollie Kosenberff Kooper, Bernstein (2),' Swartz. Slobodisty this time given the preference. lagging in the 1921 fund?raising for arid Perelinan. ' • ' . •„ Peoria, I1L—Machinists have securGrossman and Miss Rose Fellman will Following his answer to the ques- ed a satisfactory relief of our suffering brethren in adjustment of their eirfcertain twenty guests at a dancing tion, Under-Secretary Wood stated party at the home of the latter. Miss Madeline Cohn leaves today Europe. Mr. "Herbert O. Baer has that 2571 officials were employed with strike in commercial shops. to lead the drive this year for Chicago. • agreed again and will be aided by the effi- the Palestine administration of whom Mrs. H. Hirschmann and children, cient committee members of former 1338 were Christians, 719, Moslems, Omaha's, Hermine and Jerome, who have been Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Fleischman and years. and 514, Jews. Newest and Finest Equiped Miss Ella"Fleischman entertained at visiting in Fullerton, Nebraska, will Bath-House. return-nest week. Little Miss Hirsch- the Athletic Club on Friday for Mr. ' Mr. Charles Silberman and Mr. L. Baths, Massage Hot Packs, Elecmann has been engaged by the Fuller- and Mrs. Sessue Hayakawa, Japanese Oransky of Des Moines, Iowa, called tric Treatment, Inhalatoritiaaton' "Chautauqua to give a number of actors, who spent several days in the at national headquarters last week to songs raid darices at their annual city. Miss -Fleischman was entertain- confer with the National Director re1. ed at the Hayawaka home while in opening, August 6thl . CHIROPODIST AND BEAUTY garding the fall campaign. Mr. CONCANNON BROS., Props. California.. Oransky is the treasurer for Des li#§jv • SHOP. 1839- ^^. 4p^ "*' ^| 1401 Farnam St., Basement f§?-'7 Estiblisliea Miss Alice Rubinson of Des Moines Moines, Iowa, while Mr. Silvennan Entrance. IZih sad Hsrsey. Docslaj SS33. is the house guest of Mrs. J. H. Kula- Mrs.B. G. Saltzman, who underwent is one of the active members of "the Telephone: Tyler 5731 a slight operation last week, is now executive committee. Both assured kofsky. O5IAHA, NEB. convalescing at her home. Mr. JBosenfelt of their desire to take The Knights of Zion will give a an active part in the fourteen million series of dances to be given the last Mr. and Mrs. A. Weiss and daugh- dollar campaign. Monday in each month at the Y. M ter left Sunday for a motor trip BUY SAFE " ^ S . H. A, club rooms. The first dance through Iowa and Missouri. Chiefly through the efforts of Mr. The hest Icnotm and most popular Trunk today. You will fiu<4 was given last Monday when many more exclusive features for your convenience than you J. Leboreky of Watertown, N. Y., W1EN YOU BUY JEWELRY Mrs. Fred Rosenstock and small imagine, moderately priced at— over §1500 was recently collected, daughter, Jane, leave today to spend FROM OS, YOU "BUY SAFE" from subscribers to the last Jewish Our guarantee and our word is Mr. and Mrs. Morton Degan had as several weeks with Mrs. Rosenstock's Relief appeal. as good as a bond. their guests over the week-end Mrs. mother, Mrs. Charles Mock, at Mil"We have satisfied hundreds of Degan'S; parents, Mr. and Mrs. M.waukee. I Mr. I. Kahanowitz of Greensberg, your friends. TAX INCLUDED : :• Buxbaum of Chicago, and Mr. and Pa., has advised the natiosal omce Messrs. Harry Alpirn and Leo and Mrs. George Fernbacker of Los .Anthat his recent collections will reach BAE3KG ,00. Harry Braviroff leave tomorrow for approximately geles, California. §10,000.* a motor trip to Lake Okoboji and the 1514 Dodge Street. 1803 Farnam Street • Here 15 Year* Mrs.- Charles Kirschbraun and Miss Minnesota Lakes. —-Phone: Douglas 5619 Mr. Louis M. Cole, Chairman for Verna Kirschbraun returned from the Southern District of California, PQGROMISTS CARRY Minneapolis yesterday, where they while in New York recently stated WORK INTO POLAND. spent the week. > that Los Angeles could be counted on Warsaw, July 21. (J. T. Agency.) to subscribe at least §200,000 to the Mrs. Jacob Rosenblatt left Tuesday The condition of the Jews in Poland, fourteen million dollar fund. for California, where she will remain especially of the homeless refugees Stclner Electric Sleatuntil the first of September. CUopper from Soviet Russia and White Russia, Jerusalem. (J. C. Bureau.) The -and Coffee 51111. grows worse from day^to day, 4ue.to "Ha-Aretz" prints a letter from the Used Scales of All Mrs. Isadore Sommer was called to the uninterrupted influx '• into -the well-known Jewish historian, Simon Mates for Sale. New York on account of the illnes of country of Ukrainian pogromist Dubnow, in which he states that imFRANK PEE her brother. bands who cross the-Polish border mediately upon the conclusion of the j City Representative last volume of his History of the; without permission. Oskilko, the welloxu So. tOlTl St. Phone DOoclas S332 Mr. and Mrs. Sam Goldstein will known Ukrainian Hetman, is at pres- Jews, he intends carrying out his lifeleave the first of the month to make ent in Rovno where serious attacks long desire by settling in Palestine. their future home in Missouri Valley, upon Jews have taken place within the last few days, some of them reIowa. sulting in killings. Representatives of A daughter was born to Dr. and the Jewish Kehillah, who appeared Mrs. H. M. Levine of Defiance," Iowa. to the Governor of Rovno for the deMrs. Levine was formerly Miss Lottie portation of Oskilko, were not given • .. . Horn of this city and is at the Nicho- a satisfactory reply.^ In White Russia,, proclamations las Senn hospital. • •..'.. have been discovered, issued ..by the Defense of Vaterland and Now operated by W. Perlmutter and J. Bomber, Mr. and Mrs. H. Z. Rosenfeld and "Ukrainian Freedom" Committee, of which Genchildren will leave Thursday to motor eral Savinkov is the spiritual who have had much experience to Estes Park, where they will remain urging the counter-revolutionaryleader, forcalong these lines for several weeks. es to make .pogroms on Jews. . The proclamation ends with, the -words, The bakery was formerly the Biiaue Bakery, Mrs. H. Grbdinsky and Miss Rose "Beat the Jews and save Russia.'1 Our inexpensive location enables us to 742 West Broadway." , Grodinsky left Tuesday to spend sev- Large masses of Jewish refugees are give you better values for "less money. eral weeks at White Bear Lake. They wending their way-through Ukraine 36-in. Muskrsvc Coat, best style S64n. Hudson Seal Coatf 14-in. will also spend some time with Miss towards the Polish border. The ami cpality. Martin collar and cuffs. Helen "Grodinsky at St. Paul. fusion and congestion in the Russian Wonderful Mink Capes at Reasonable, S6-in. French Seal f.onties towns grows worse due t o the hew Prices. Coat . Mr. Gus Rosenstodk, who has been recent Polish decree prohibiting Ukspending the past three. months in rainian refugees from entering the REMODELING OF ALL KINDS Fresh breads, rolls,* cakes and pies, twice daily. Europe, returned to Omaha Tuesday. country. The request of the local We sell wholesale and retail. Ukrainian committee that refugees Mr. and Mrs1. Carl Furth had as from Ukraine be granted asylum in 742 West Broadway, Council Bluffs, Iowa. Phone Harney 2763. 2818 Leavenwortli Street. their "guest over the week-end Mrs." Poland was refused by the Minister -Telephone: Red 57( of the Interior, who held out the Furth's sister, Mrs. Anna Stepp of - Kansas City who, is enroute to Cali- hope, however, that the border might be opened within a gfeerfc fc«&-<v fortiir„,-••' ~:. '

Jewish Oppositisit fo Sigh-Commissioner Samuel

Celebrate Reuben.Brainin's Activity as Hebrew Atitte




drobe Trunks





Jayton Money Weight and Detroit Automatic Scales and Meat-Slicers

Introducing New Jewish Bakery

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Now Is the time to buy for later months









\ ,

PAGE,4—THE JEWISH PRESS THTJBSDAT, Councillor and Mrs. J. W. Rosen-! —•".vs Si: jthal of London, England, who have>| been spending a month at Hotel Fort Des Moines, •while visiting Sent by -oar Conncfl;?Bluffa - News friends and relatives, left Sunday for, bureau, , . New York City and later will go to Atlantic City and Long Branch before Mrr. and'Mrs.'-Maurice, Baron' anMr. and Mrs.,P.Eitth-and daugh- sailing .August 23. They were ac- nounce the engagement and- approachters, Marion and-Buelilla,- have .ar- companied by their niece, Miss Esther ing marriage of their daughter Isabel rived from Ukrainiay Russia, to be to Mr. Edward E. Davis, of this city. with their son and brother, Leo Fitch dayman, daughter of Mrs. Rae d a y - The wedding will take place August •of Council Bluffs, la. Through tfce man of 1251 West Tenth street, who 16th at the home of the. bride's paefforts of Leo Fitch, the Fitch f&inily will make her future home with them rents. left their war-striken country last in \London. Cocember. A pretty home dancing party was tape" delayed them. The elder Mr. Fitch expressed joy given Saturday evening, when Messrs. at being able to live in a land where Lawrence and Ephraim Baron- enterhe knew he would have no fear «f betained for their cousin, Miss Ruth ing killed. He told of the many atroc- The marriage of Miss Helen Aren- Baron of Chicago. Eight couples were ities and crimes that are being-com- son, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert present. • mitted. He said the Poles pillaged Arenson, to Mr. Harry Mittleman of towns and assaulted young girls of Omaha took place at the home of the An interseting party was given last bride's parents, Tuesday, July 19. Tuesday at Grabbe's Park, when Mrs. the town. . ' . . Eabbi M. Mandelbaum and Rabbi S. H. Schoenwald entertained for Miss Word has been received by Mrs. Gordon read the marriage lines. Mrs. Gertrude Meyers,' a bride of . next Karl Brandeis. that ..her father and Wavid E. Cohen of Portland, Oregon, mopth. The. afternoon was devoted to brother died in Ukrainia, Russia. Mrs. \v£s matron-of-honor for her sister, whist and bunco; after, which the Brandeis had not heard of her family and Mr. Saul B. Arenson best man. thirty guests found places at a-long Miss Beulah Mittleman of Omaha, table, decorated in' pink and white the for seven years. Becoming worried she inserted ah article in one of the Miss Elsie Poska and Ruth Nefsky brides chosen colors.. The bride was Jewish papers. The letter which she were the bridemaids and Messrs. Ben- the recipient of many beautiful gifts. received informing her of the death, jamin Shapiro, Samuel Goldstein, A. I J. Nefsky and Hyman Bricker were was from a reader of the papers. Mrs. Ellis Levitt of Des Moines visthe ushers. Mrs. Edward I. Nathan ited for several days with her parents, The fourth and the fifth classes of of Vigo, Spain, and Miss Lillian Cin- Mr. and ifrs. M. Seff. the City Talmud Torah will meet in berg played the wedding marches. Mr. and Mrs. Mittleman will be at the second round of the baseball Miss Melba Rader of St. Louis, Mo., tournament, Sunday at the Mynster home in Lincoln. is a guest in the home of her sister, street ball diamond. The fourth, class Mrs.' Newsbaum, and Mr,' Newsbaum. had previously defeated the fifth class The Lincoln Chapter of the Ivre Mrs. Newsbaum entertained Tuesday Club held a picnic at Crete, Nebraska, by the score of 19 to 6 . " ' on Sunday, July 24, 1921. 17 couples afternoon at bridge for her sister. Miss Esther Leavitt of Des Moines, made the.trip in their automobiles Mr. and Mrs. E. Grueskin, Miss la., who had been visiting for the past where a very enjoyable time was had Esther Goodsite and Mr. Joe Levin I week, with Miss Gertrude Cherniack, by all. After taking a plunge in the cool motored to Omaha to spend the weekleft Monday: for Sioux. City., waters of the swimming pool all drove end with Mr. and Mrs. J. Arkin. Mr. Dave Freiden left Thursday for out to Horkey's Park for a basket A meeting was held Monday evenSioux City where he will spend sev- lunch which was served by the club, eral weeks with his sister, Mrs. H..' After the lunch the President Ben ing at the Hebrew • Institute for the Heeger. ' " 1 Shapiro called on the following mem- purpose of making plans for a picnic to be given on August 21st, by the • '• -ibers for remarks: members of the Talmah Torah. Plans Mr. S. .Edelstein. of Philadelphia,; Abe Polick; Hymen Bricker; Eli will be made to arrange for a building Pa., wift> arrive Sunday as the guest' Evnen; Harry Snader. fund for the new Talmud Torah to be of his ^ cousins, Mr. and Mrs. K. j The rest of the-evening was spent erected soon. Brandeis. I in dancing.


Sioux City lews


Mrs. J. Katelman and daughter; The Ivre Club met and elected the Toby, will arrive today from a five following officers for the next six •weeks" vacation at Excelsior Springs, months: Harry Snader, President; Mo. Dave Davidson, Vice President; Mrs. A. GiKnsky and children re- Nathan Mozer, Secretary. • turned Monday evening from a two Jake Chesen, Treasurer; week's vacation at Webster City, la.,} Ralph Dvorsky, Sgt. at Arms. where they had been visiting with; Mrs. B. Briri. . COLUMBUS NEWS A picnic was held at Shady Lake Air, J. Krafrae and son, Lawrence, Sunday when those present were Mr. «eft Sunday -to? New York City. They and Mrs. W. Weinstein and children, ii!l be goiw about six weeks. Misses Rose, Lena and Jennie Bordy, Anna Kavich, Louis Bordy and Sam Mr. and tere. I. Gjlinsky left Tues- Weinstein. Out of town guests were -viy on a meter trip to Fort Dodge, Mr. and Mrs. N. Bordy of Clarks, Mr. la. They ws*e accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. B. Mokofsky of Silver Creek, *nd Mrs. B(»* Glazier and Mr. Abe Mrs. Ben Abrahamson and Philip Jader. Abrahamson of Omaha, Harry and Arthur Sumcklen of Grand Island and W. Perlmuiter and J. Bomber have Ted Fishman of Milwaukee. • «aerchased fbtf Braue Bakery., at 742 Miss Eva Bordy returned Monday West B r o a d l y . Mr. Perlmutter and from a two weeks visit in Omaha. She Mr. Bomber have had much ex- was accompanied by Miss Leona Perperience alottg these lines. According lis, who will visit here for several \o Mr. PeitKutter, they will have weeks. frresh bread yarfce daily. Mrs. Sam Kavich and son, Aleck, returned Sunday from a two weeks visit with. Mr. and Mrs. Simon of Macy, Nebraska. Mrs. Esther Kavich will return to OLEBS'XSIN-ROSENBERG. itr. and M?$- J. Oberstein announce her home in Omaha Sunday after a th-* , engagement of their daughter, month's visit with her son, Sam KaIrene DeVori-, to Mr. Jerome A. vich. Miss Sarah Hurwitz leaves Friday Scsenberg oi Masgn. City, la., the redding to h* an interesting event of for Omaha where she.will spend a fall.. Mis* Otsrstein is a graduate of month with Mr. and Mrs. A. Hurwitz. ijorth High athool, class of 1918. She Is an accomplished musician, having ARAB DELEGATION EXPECTED studied »oics and piano at Drake NEXT WEEK troiversicy xurder Orlo A. Eastman. London. J. T. A.) The Arab deleMr. Rosenberg is engaged in busi- gation from Palestine is expected to ness at SJasea City. During the war arrive in London on Monday or Tuesha servexi "wish the radio service. day of next week.

AMERICAN DISTRIBUTE RELIEF IN DWINSK Riga. (I. C. Bureau.) The American delegates of the Dwinsk Landsmannschaft have visited Dwinsk and the surrounding towns, where they granted over two million Latvian rubles to v^ious communal institutions and to some private persons. They report the condition of the Jews in the district very distressing and demanding immediate and unceasing aid from America. The delegates used part of the American funds for the establishment of a library in Dwinsk. JEWS NOT INVITED TO CONFERENCE Warsaw. (J. T. A.) A report from Lodz states that the Governor of the district called a conference of representatives of 100,000 textile Weavers now on strike at Lodz.; The Jews, who constitute a large majority of the strikers, were not invited to send representatives. •

"Hew York and the •Red Jew" An Editorial in The News-Leader Richmond, Va;, June 25, 1921 Against the fiction and the prejudice of the Dearborn Independent Rollin Lyride Hartt set forth in this week's New York Independent some facts regarding the American Jews that every fair minded man ought to read. If the Jews would be "formidable" anywhere, affirms Mr. Hartt, it would be in New York City. There are IJOOfiOQ Jews in New York— nearly half the total Jewish population of the United States, five times as many as in any other cii|j in the world,-and more Jews than «^er were gathered in a single municipality in the entire history of the world. Are the Jews using their great numbers to control the politics of New York? Mr. Hartt answers "Irish Boston has its Irish mayors, Jewish New York has had no.Jewish mayors, and just now the ..president! of its Board of Alderman is a Mr. La Guardia. A member of that board voted against granting the freedom of the city to Professor Einstein, Jewish savant, and Dr. Weizmann, successor to Dr. Hertzl as leader of world-wide Zionism Police authorities in New York fearlessly enraged every Jew by forbidding' the sale of Passover wina. And even when Jews find themselves in a position to become formidable they decline to. Of the great New York dailies, two are Jewish. See if in either the Worlds or the Times you can trace the machination of a 'formidable sect.' Nor are the Jews of New York financially as powerful as is alleged. "Here and there some Strauss or Schiff or Baruch amasses riches on a grand scale, though seldom on the grandest. . . . Thanks to their native generosity, impressive buildings house" their hospitals and their charitable institutions. Two of their synagogs are elaborate and costly. In reality, though, affirms Mr. Hartt, the bulk of New York Jews "have with incredible suffering barely attained the sweatshop level of existence and shudder lest they drop from that. Formidable? About as formidable financially as, they are politically. On the side of service and acomplishment Mr. Lynd reminds rightthinking Americans, "Jews helped to finance Columbus. Five Jews sailed with him on his first voyage. His mother was Jewish—or so the ghetto declares—nor has the ghetto forgotten that a Jew advanced 5600,000 to General George Washington. During the recent war, as you will be informed at the Jewish war records headquarters in Union square, more than 200,000 American Jews put on khaki. Three thousand five hundred died in France. American Jews brought home 130 distinguished service crosses. Two won the medaille militaire, three received congressional medals of honor, 174 the croix de guerre. What the Jew then did he is ready to repeat,"

Des Moines News

For Economical



28, 1981. If there were no consideration of In the debate on this question it Parliament since 1870, died here justice involved—if anti-Semitism developed that the Jews did not con- yesterday. were not immemoral and unworthy of sider the country ripe for the Parliaany- civilized people-^-simple common mentary institution of civilized lands, sense would prompt the warmest en- but were in favor of giving the Harry E LapMns. FreB.Treai couragement of and fullest co-opera- Christian, Moslem and Jewish sections 3W Pepper; Vice-Presldent. tion with American Jews. Fundamen- of the population such measures of V G. Ore. Secretary. tally they are on the side of law and local autonomy as would gradually Omaha Fixture &' order. Their racial genius is con- raise them to a level where they Supply Co. structive. Of all elements in our might, with profit, participate toCOMPLETE STOEE AND society, they furnish the least number gether in a national legislative asOFFICE OUTFITTERS of criminals and, it is believed, of! sembly. We occupy mental defectives. To dishearten them ever T0,000 Bonare leet Southwest Corner is to weaken the Union. ElereBth ana Dougln* 8tiwrt», Mr. Pulitzer, the publisher of The ' HENRY SOLOMON; M. P., DIES Phone: Douclns 2724 i OMAHA. NEB. World, is the son of a Christian moth- London. (J. C. B.) Mr. Henry er and of a father who, though born Solomon, a member of the British I of Jewish parents, abandoned Judaism long before the present Mr. Pulitzer was born. The publisher of The World can hardly be classed as a Jew.


REVUTSKY RELEASED Jerusalem. (J. T. Agency.) Abraham Revutsky, a leader of the "Mopsi"" (Left Pbale Zionist Party) and former Minister of Jewish Affairs in Ukraine,, has been released after a short confinement in prison. He was arrested for having written a pamphlet on Sir Herbert Samuel's June 3rd address, in which he attacked the High Commissioner's policy. It is learned that three other "Mopsi" have been released from prison but were at the same time instructed to leave country unless they wished to be forcibly deported.

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Waad Ha-Leumi Protests Against Parliament For Palestine Jerusalem. (J. T. Agency.) The Waad Ha-Leumi (Jewish National Council) of Palestine, which met here yesterday, adopted a resolution which opposed the immediate convention of a Representative Assembly for Palestine, and states that if High-Commissioner Herbert Samuel will organize such an assembly the Jewish population in the country will refuse to participate

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